

发布时间:2024-07-03 00:03:38


volleyball Volleyball is an Olympic sport in which two teams separated by a high net use their hands, arms, or (rarely) other parts of their bodies to hit a ball back and forth over the Each team is allowed three hits to get the ball over the net to the other A point is scored if the ball hits the ground in the opponents' court, if the opponents commit a fault, or if they fail to return the ball Is this OK? ^^





volleyball Volleyball is an Olympic sport in which two teams separated by a high net use their hands, arms, or (rarely) other parts of their bodies to hit a ball back and forth over the Each team is allowed three hits to get the ball over the net to the other A point is scored if the ball hits the ground in the opponents' court, if the opponents commit a fault, or if they fail to return the ball Is this OK? ^^


“生命在于运动”,生命之美在于它时时刻刻都处于运动之中,而体育,恰好集中了这种美。它将力量与技巧,速度与优美同时体现到了极至,赋予人无限的启示与动力。人们会有性别差异、年龄差异、职业差异、经历差异、兴趣差异、观点差异,或者政见差异。但对待体育明星,人们会破除地界、国界的局限,宽容大度地为他们的胜利欢呼,从他们的精彩表演中得到满足。运动场上的竞争是激烈无情的,但无论胜利者还是失败者,他们所追求的目标都是全世界的团结、进步、和平和友谊。据统计,通过各种手段观看1992年巴塞罗纳奥运会开幕式的人多达35亿,占全世界总人口的68%!体育的魅力是无穷的,是任何其他力量所无法代替的。大力发展体育运动,不仅能够增强人民体质、提高人民的健康水平,而且能够培养人们健康合理的生活方式,创造文明和谐的社会环境,对于全面建设小康社会、实现中原崛起、构建和谐中原具有重要意义。体育事业的蓬勃发展和体育健儿取得的优异成绩,将极大地鼓舞民心,增强民族认同感。20世纪60年代的中国乒乓球队、80年代的中国女排、90年代的“马家军”,都曾在不同时期对我们国家的各个方面,发生过极大的鼓舞作用。全世界的炎黄子孙都从中品尝了世界民族之林中平等一员的自豪感,昂首挺胸,吐气扬眉,精神焕发。其中又以排球的“战果”最为辉煌,加上它简单易学,深受大家的喜爱,目前正在全国范围推广。排球运动是由两支人数相等的球队,在被球网隔离开的两个均等场区内,根据规则,以身体任何部位将球从网上击入对方场区,而不使其在本方场区内落地的、集体的、攻防对抗的体育项目。大学生通过排球基本理论知识和基本技术的学习,要了解排球运动的文化,懂得排球运动的特点与锻炼价值,掌握简单的技术原理,逐步提高基本技术的动作质量和综合运用所学各项基本技术的能力。能够参加排球比赛,并在比赛中运用最基本的排球战术,了解最基本的排球竞赛规则,懂得如何欣赏排球比赛。在运用排球技战术的比赛时,锻炼身体,培养学生的判断能力、分析能力、应变能力,以及团结协作、顽强拼搏的集体主义精神。排球运动的特点,是要求运动员对场上各种变化情况具有精细的感受能力,如运动员在场上完成许多复杂的运动时,动作要十分准确,而这在很大程度上要靠人体运动分析器对肌肉感觉作精确分析才能做到。而且排球运动对于身心健康也有着密切的关系,它的意义主要有以下几点一、 增进健康、强健体魄。 排球运动具有竞技与娱乐并存的特点,不同年龄、不同性别、不同技术水平的人都能参与,或活动,或比赛。经常参加排球运动,不仅能改善人体中枢神经系统和内脏器官的功能状况,同时又能提高人的力量、速度、弹跳、灵敏、耐力等专项身体素质和运动能力。总之,经常参加排球运动会使人们在兴奋与愉快中增进健康,强健体魄。 二、培养与锻炼良好的心理素质 经常参加排球运动的训练或比赛,会学到很多控制自己情绪和调节自身心理的手段和方法,如连续失误时,如何使自己尽快冷静下来而且不灰心;比分落后时的沉着和不气馁;关键比分时进攻不手软的自信心等,都是对自己形成良好心理品质的培养和锻炼。 三、培养勤奋、助人、拼搏的优秀品质 排球比赛中,有球不能落地而且击球至多3次必须过网的特有规定,使参加排球比赛的人总要随时准备弥补同伴因判断错误而无法接,或因其他原因没接到位的球,为了发挥本方的进攻力量而不惜奔跑扑救,给下一次击球人创造方便条件。因此经常参加排球运动,可以培养人的优良体育道德作风和团结协作的集体主义精神。四、培养人的信息意识、提高配合及应变能力 排球运动在某种意义上是一项依靠判断的运动,尤其在现代的排球比赛中,准确的判断已成为制胜因素之一。判断的基础是眼观六路、耳听八方,通过观察对方和同伴的动作、击球的声音、场上的布局等,预测将要发生的情况而迅速做出决策。排球比赛也是一项靠集体配合取胜的球类竞赛,个人特长的发挥往往是在同伴发挥特长的前提下取得的。因此,运动员在场上要相互协调,并不断观察同伴的意图,才能默契地与之合作。可以看出,体育运动的意义非常重大。而其中又以排球在我国历史较久,而且不同年龄、不同性别、不同技术水平的人都能参与其中,因此排球运动较其他体育运动更易于在我国普及

The sport originated in the United States,and is now just achieving the type of popularity in the UShat it has received on a global basis,where it ranks behind only soccer among participation Today there are more than 46 million Americans who play There are 800 million players worldwide who play Volleyball at least once a In 1895,William GMorgan,an instructor at the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke,M,decided to blend elements of basketball,baseball,tennis,and handball to create a game for his classes of businessmen which would demand less physical contact than basketball


关键词是从论文的题名、提要和 正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作计算机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。   主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题分析,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。(参见《 汉语主题词表》和《世界汉语主题词表》)。论文正文(1) 引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。  〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:  提出问题- 论点;   分析问题-论据和论证;  解决问题-论证方法与步骤;   结论。参考文献一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在研究和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。论文装订论文的有关部分全部抄清完了,经过检查,再没有什么问题,把它装成册,再加上封面。论文的封面要朴素大方,要写出论文的题目、学校、科系、指导教师姓名、作者姓名、完成年月日。论文的题目的作者姓名一定要写在表皮上,不要写里面的补页上。 论文著作权实行自愿登记,论文不论是否登记,作者或其他著作权人依法取得的著作权不受影响。我国实行作品自愿登记制度的在于维护作者或其他著作权人和作品使用者的合法权益,有助于解决因著作权归属造成的著作权纠纷,并为解决著作权纠纷提供初步证据。 (1)文后参考文献不编序号,仅在文末按其重要程度或参考的先后顺序排列。   (2)文后参考文献不注页码。  (3)文后参考文献的著录项目及次序与注释基本相同。   1) 著录参考文献可以反映论文作者的科学态度和论文具有真实、广泛的科学依据,也反映出该论文的起点和深度。  2) 著录参考文献能方便地把论文作者的成果与前人的成果区别开来。   3)著录参考文献能起索引作用。   4) 著录参考文献有利于节省论文篇幅。   5) 著录参考文献有助于科技情报人员进行情报研究和文摘计量学研究。a.报告[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地:出版者,出版年.b.期刊文章[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期).    何龄修.读顾城《南明史》[J].中国史研究,1998(3).c.论文献[序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名 [A].原文献主要责任者(任选).原文献题名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年.    瞿秋白.现代文明的问题与社会主义[A].罗荣渠.从西化到现代化[C].北京:北京大学出版社,1990.d.报纸文章




地球形成时基本上是各种石质物的混合物,如果积聚过程持续~年,则短寿命放射性元素的衰变和固体颗粒动能的影响都不大。初始地球的平均温度估计不超过1000℃,所以全部处于固态。形成后,由于长寿命放射性物质的衰变和引力位能的释放,内部慢慢增温,以致原始地球所含的铁元素转化成液态,某些铁的氧化物也将还原。  When the earth was formed basically is a mixture of various stone, if the accumulation process continues in ~, short life of radioactive elements decay and solid particle kinetic energy are The average temperature of the earth's initial estimate does not exceed 1000 degrees, so all in solid After the formation, due to the release of long-lived radioactive substances decay and gravitational potential energy, internal slowly warming, that the primitive earth contains iron is converted to liquid form, some iron oxides will also be   液态铁由于密度大而流向地心,形成地核(这个过程何时开始,现 在已否结束,意见颇有分歧)。由于重的物质向地心集中,释放的位能可使地球的温度升高约2000℃。这就促进了化学分异过程,由地幔中分出地壳。地壳岩石受到大气和水的风化和侵蚀,产生了沉积和沉积岩,后者受到地下排出的气体和溶液,以及温、压的作用发生了变质而形成了变质岩。  The liquid iron because of its high density and flow into the heart, to form the core (this process began when, now has not ended, have different opinions) Due to the heavy material to the concentration of released potential can make the earth's temperature is about 2000 DEG C This promotes the chemical differentiation process, separated by mantle Crustal rocks by weathering and erosion of air and water, the sedimentary and sedimentary rocks, the latter by the gas and solution discharged from the underground, the effect of temperature, pressure and metamorphism and the formation of metamorphic   这些岩石继续受到以上各种作用,可能经受过多次轮回的熔化和固结,先形成一个大陆的核心,以后增长成为大陆。原始地球不可能保持大气和海洋,它们都是次生的。海洋是地球内部增温和分异的结果,但大气形成的过程要更复杂。  These rocks continue to be above all, may be subjected to melting and consolidation of cycle times, to form the core of a continent, later to become the mainland The original earth may not keep the atmosphere and oceans, they are The oceans are the result of a moderate increase in the earth's interior, but the process of the formation of the atmosphere is more   原生的大气可能是还原性的。当绿色植物出现后,它们利用太阳辐射使水气(H2O)和CO2发生光合作用,产生了有机物和自由氧。当氧的产生多于消耗时,自由氧才慢慢积累起来,在漫长的地质年代中,便形成了主要由氮和氧所组成的大气。  The primordial atmosphere may be When green plants appear, they use the sun's radiation to make water vapor (H2O) and CO2 photosynthesis, resulting in the production of organic and free When oxygen is produced more than consumption, the free oxygen is slowly accumulated, in the long geological time, it formed the main nitrogen and oxygen in the

保护地球的英语作文  Protect the Earth   The earth, the only mother of human beings, is now facing a great threat-environmental  Therefore, it is important for all of us to protect the earth, for she is only home to all peoples living on    Throughout the world, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious as a result of various reasons First of all, the rapid economic and social development is producing a large amount of pollution in form of gas, waster and waste; Besides, People's poor awareness of environmental protection is also another important factor contributing to environmental  For example, a large number of people have developed the habit of using plastic bags and white lunch boxes which do great harm to  What’s worse, many people are cutting ting down increasing number of trees, causing soil  In addition, the management of the government also contributes to serious  Therefore, we must take measures to prevent the earth from being    Living on this beautiful planet, we must actively contribute to beautifying the  It's important to improve the /nenvironmental awareness of human  The factories should reduce the discharge of sewage and  People should learn to use clean energy such as Solar, Nuclear and Hydrogen  The government should make some laws to ban different harmful  Let’s change words into action!

Earth is our home, she was like a mother, for providing us with the resources and conditions of Our earth is the guest, we cannot turn from a guest into a host " "

Nowadays, the pollution of the Earth is more and more serious and becoming one of the most serious problems of the It is our duty to save our How can we prevent our earth from polluting? firstly, donnot threw garbages at the Because it will pollute the Secondly, donnot let the polluted water get into the Because it will kill We just have one Please save her!


Football in ChinaWhen I still was a small child,I have formed an unrealistic picture of my future life,I thought that I will become an excellent football player or become other sport I shall help China team fly out Asia and attend the world cup of FIFA to get illustrious achievement,so I shall owe my sky which like a sort of But with my growth,the other side of the picture appeared,furthermore it was quite the My life should be in an office instead of a football My former picture only is a dream which never come There is not an element of truth in the first picture,and it is unnecessary to have opportunity to find The China football is too disappointed to us!In recent years,I only wish the China football team stay at the top grade of Asia But it is The China football team just likes a badly damaged boat,but Korea,Iran and Japan like aircraft So China team has draggled out and The boat continually sinks and should have it Now they have fallen to be the third grade of Asia football scopes,and they so much as can not defeat Singapore The Australia team which nearly eliminated the powerful Italy team at the field of world cup has joined the Asia football scopes,but this does not prove to be The Chinese football officer will instigate the Australia team join the Europe football Certainly the instigated countries include Korea,Iran,Japan and Singapore Hence,the China football team would be genuinely sorry that they would not appreciate the wonderful celebration action of the above teams for score when they have a match each other in a same 中国足球当我还是一个孩子的时候,我已经形成了一种不切实际的想法我的未来的生活,我认为我能成为一名优秀的足球运动员,要么成为其他运动的球员我将帮助中国队飞出亚洲和参加世界杯的国际足联获得辉煌的成就,所以我就不欠我的天空喜欢一种天堂但是我的成长,这幅图画的另一面出现的时候,此外它却刚好相反我的生活应该待在办公室而不是足球场等我的原图片只是一个梦想,永远也不会变成现实目前还没有一个真理的成分在第一幅画中,这是不必要的,有机会去发现它中国足球是太失望与我们联络!近年来,我只希望中国足球队呆在上品的亚洲更长但这是不可能的中国足球队就像一条严重损坏的船上,但是朝鲜、伊朗和日本像航空母舰所以,中国团队,上了船不断水槽和应该把它修一下现在他们已经成为亚洲足球范围三年级,他们就不那么能不能打败新加坡的球队澳大利亚队的,几乎消除了强大的意大利球队中在属性的世界杯已经加入了亚洲足球范围,但这并不被证明是问题中国足球官员将冇澳大利亚队加入欧洲足球的范畴当然被教唆的国家包括朝鲜、伊朗、日本和新加坡了因此,中国足球队会真诚的歉意,使他们不欣赏美妙的庆祝动作上述球队的分数当他们有互相搭配在同一领域

I pass a person ,than pass an athor one ,pass pass pass ,OH, Ipass the goalkeeper ,I have faced the empty door ,shoot,wo X nima,the ball hit a plane!!!! 望采纳!

Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players, and is widely considered to be the most popular sport in the [1][2][3][4] It is a football variant played on a rectangular grass or artificial turf field, with a goal at each of the short The object of the game is to score by manoeuvring the ball into the opposing In general play, the goalkeepers are the only players allowed to use their hands or arms to propel the ball; the rest of the team usually use their feet to kick the ball into position, occasionally using their torso or head to intercept a ball in The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match If the score is tied at the end of the game, either a draw is declared or the game goes into extra time and/or a penalty shootout, depending on the format of the The modern game was codified in England following the formation of The Football Association, whose 1863 Laws of the Game created the foundations for the way the sport is played Football is governed internationally by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (International Federation of Association Football), commonly known by the acronym FIFA The most prestigious international football competition is the FIFA World Cup, held every four This event, the most widely viewed in the world, boasts an audience twice that of the Summer Olympic G

All for love-Bryan Adams-(“献给04年3位世界足球先生候选人”的片尾MV背景音乐)p3 Boulevard of Broken Dreams-Green Day-(片尾曲)p3 Days of your belelif-Amorphis-(04年下半年片尾曲)p3 Do I Have to Cry for You-Nick carter-(片尾曲)p3 Don't Turn Off The Lights-Enrique Iglesias-(开篇曲)p3 Friends-Joe satriani-(电吉他开篇曲)p3 Holiday-GreenDay-(“12月22日足球之夜”片尾小罗MV背景音乐)p3 →楼主推荐 Let Me Be the One-Def Leppard-(“献给10位世界足球先生”的片尾MV背景音乐)p3 New Generation-Scorpions-(天下足球现在的片尾曲)p3 Papa Loves Mambo-Perry como-(“04岁末嘉年华”片尾花絮背景音乐)p3 Round-Up(万宝路)-Bruce Broughton:Themes From Silverado-(足球之夜片头曲)p3 Sixpack Full Of Happiness-Fury in the Slaughterhouse-(片尾曲)p3 This Train don't stop there any more-Elton john-(“03年终特辑”献给众星的片尾MV背景音乐&MV版)wmv This Train don't stop there any more-Elton john-(“03年终特辑”献给众星的片尾MV背景音乐)wma Too bad-Michael Jackson-(“1月9日天下足球巴西足球魂”片尾曲)p3 Unnamed-(“天下足球-下载2005”片头片尾曲)p3 Unnamed-(天下足球片头曲)p3 When_you_say_nothing_at_all-Ronan keating-(“献给受伤的克雷斯波”的片尾MV背景音乐)p3 Yellow-Coldplay-(片尾曲&郑军流星英文版)p3 You wanted more-A ha-(“杀手的天空”片尾曲)p3 attraction 十佳进球背景音乐 十佳扑救背景音乐(视频提取版) Unbreakable Westlife—天下足球Top10结束歌曲 Right here right now--Fatboy slim—五佳进球背景配乐(选自04年葡萄牙欧洲足锦赛官方唱片) Joe Satriani Friends1天下足球开篇曲的电吉他原曲 天下足球天下足球看球听歌及其他背景音乐内容目录: 天下足球-看球听歌-A number on my back-John Williamson-(我背后的号码)p3 天下足球-看球听歌-Beautiful day-U2-(选自2004欧洲杯官方音乐大碟)p3 天下足球-看球听歌-Don't Cry For Me Argentina-Madonna-(阿根廷别为我哭泣)p3 天下足球-看球听歌-Everything I do,I do it for you-Bryan Adams-(欧洲五大联赛开篇曲)p3 天下足球-看球听歌-Heal the world-Michael jackson-(世界上最好听的公益歌曲)p3 天下足球-看球听歌-Here i am-bryan adams-(02-03赛季欧洲五大联赛开篇曲)p3 天下足球-看球听歌-My Love-West life-(献给球星和他们妻子的歌曲)p3 天下足球-看球听歌-Nothing_To Lose-Micheal Learns To Rp3 天下足球-看球听歌-Quand je pence a tol-Annie Pratt-(当我想起你时)p3 天下足球-看球听歌-Short trip home-Joshua Bell & Edgar Meyer-(橙色记忆-荷兰小提琴曲)p3 天下足球-看球听歌-Sixpack Full Of Hp3 天下足球-看球听歌-Something About The Way You Look Tonight-Elton MP3 天下足球-看球听歌-That place in your heart-Ronan Hp3 天下足球-看球听歌-Walk on-Deep p3 天下足球-看球听歌-We are the world-(天下一家/多位歌星共同演绎)MP3 天下足球-看球听歌-When You Believe-Mariah Carey&Whitney Houston-(献给中国女足的歌)p3 天下足球-看球听歌-World of our own-Westlife-(献给02世界杯后的爱尔兰队)p3 天下足球-看球听歌-Zombie-The Cranberries-(小红莓合唱团的一首反战歌曲)p3 天下足球-看球听歌-爱的代价-李宗盛-(“别了,丰田杯”)p3 足球之夜-背景音乐-海阔天空-信乐团-(“回顾国足”MV背景音乐)p3 足球之夜-背景音乐-视线-陈吉浙-(“足球之夜七周年”献礼歌曲)p3 天下足球-背景音乐-Attraction-Masazumi Ozawa-(每周10佳进球背景音乐)p3 天下足球-背景音乐-Kowloon Hong Kong-潘迪华-(花絮背景音乐)p3 天下足球-背景音乐-Right_Here_Right_Now-Fatboy slim-(每周5佳进球背景音乐)p3 天下足球-背景音乐-Titans-Vangelis-(“皇马4:2巴萨”MV背景音乐/选自《亚历山大大帝》)wma 天下足球-背景音乐-Tubthumping-Chumbawamba-(花絮背景音乐)p3 天下足球-背景音乐-Unbreakable-Westlife-(top10结束歌曲)p3 天下足球-背景音乐-Unnamed-(10佳扑救背景音乐&视频提取版)p3 天下足球-背景音乐-Unnamed-(“小罗视频特辑”背景音乐)p3 天下足球献给球星的歌内容目录(出自《天下足球-看球听歌》和《天下足球-绝对巨星》): Angel-Sarah Mclachlan-(巴蒂)p3 Another Day-Dream Theater-(维埃里)p3 Better Man-Robbie Williams-(巴乔)p3 Don't Go Away-Oasis-(巴拉科夫、舒梅切尔、萨莫拉诺等退役球星&MV版)wmv Don't Go Away-Oasis-(巴拉科夫、舒梅切尔、萨莫拉诺等退役球星)p3 Have I Told You Lately-Rod stewart-(因扎吉)p3 How_do_ya_feel_tonight-Bryan adams-(皮耶罗)p3 I will always return-Bryan adams-(马尔蒂尼&降级的西汉姆联)p3 I Will-Alison Krauss-(劳尔)p3 Je M'App elle-Helene rolles-(豪门周阿森纳专场送给亨利)p3 Long_long_way_to_go-Def Leppard-(巴斯滕)p3 Never Grow Old—The Cranberries-(巴乔)p3 Reasons to leave-Kate Purcell-(巴蒂)wma Running on faith-Eric Clapton-(巴蒂)p3 Stand by me-Oasis-(卡尼吉亚)p3 Thank you-Dido-(鲁伊科斯塔)p3 Thinking about you-Radiohead-(托蒂)p3 You Took My Heart Away-Michael learns to rock-(皮埃罗)p3 You'll Be In My Heart--Phil Collins-(内斯塔)p3 别走-许美静-(巴乔&MV版)vb 别走-许美静-(巴乔)p3 美丽心情-本多RURU-(巴乔)p3 明知道-许美静-(莫伦特斯)p3 特别的想念-赵传-(罗纳而多)p3 阳光总在风雨后-许美静-(劳尔&MV版)wmv 阳光总在风雨后-许美静-(劳尔)p3 足球体育其他相关音乐内容目录: CCTV-5-02世界杯音乐-Dying in the sun-The Cranberries-(“告别法、葡、阿、意”时响起的歌曲)p3 CCTV-5-02世界杯音乐-Hero-Enrique Iglesias-(“央视专题节目”经常响起的歌曲)p3 CCTV-5-02世界杯音乐-Melodramma-Andrea Bocelli Cieli di Toscana-(专题节目-“英格兰你的明天会更好”背景音乐)p3 CCTV-5-02世界杯音乐-Moment of Glory-Scorpions-(在“英阿大战”和“巴西夺冠”后响起的歌曲)p3→推荐 CCTV-5-02世界杯音乐-英雄泪-王杰-(“回顾世界杯专辑”的片尾曲)p3 CCTV-5音乐-超越梦想-汪正正(公益歌曲)p3 CCTV-5音乐-从头再来-众 星-(献给98世界杯&MV版) →推荐 CCTV-5音乐-从头再来-众 星-(献给98世界杯)p3 →推荐 CCTV-5音乐-飞的更高-汪峰(公益歌曲)p3 CCTV-5音乐-豪门盛宴-高旗-(葡萄牙欧洲杯专题节目“豪门盛宴”主题歌)p3 CCTV-5音乐-骄傲-黄绮珊-(雅典奥运会中国健儿夺金瞬间背景音乐)p3 →推荐 CCTV-5音乐-未来的未来-黄嘉明&蔡葵&满文军-(献给99女足世界杯后的中国女足)p3 Others-1985-Bowling for soup-(轻摇滚风格的NBA主题曲之一)wma Others-Defootball-E-umapartida(一支足球队)p3 Others-La Camisa Negra-Juanes-(“黑衬衫”-06世界杯抽签仪式演唱歌曲)p3 Others-Ole-ole-(球迷之歌Ⅰ)p3 Others-Ole-ole-(球迷之歌Ⅱ)p3 Others-S_Kick_p3 Others-S_Rise_p3 Others-Samba-(桑巴和足球)p3 Others-T_under_pressure-(球迷之歌Ⅲ)p3 Others-Unnamed-(“LOGO制作-罗纳尔多”特辑MV背景音乐Ⅰ-选自CS6官方大碟)p3 →推荐 Others-Unnamed-(“LOGO制作-罗纳尔多”特辑MV背景音乐Ⅱ)p3 Others-Unnamed-(“LOGO制作-罗纳尔多”特辑MV背景音乐Ⅲ)p3 Others-Unnamed-(“LOGO制作-罗纳尔多”特辑MV背景音乐Ⅳ)p3 Others-Unnamed-(“大罗VS小罗”MV背景音乐)p3 Others-We are the Champions-queen-(我们是冠军)p3 Others-刘德华-男儿志-(少林足球)p3 Others-刘德华-踢出个未来-(少林足球)p3 Others-世界杯歌曲-Hot Lp3 Others-世界杯歌曲-I Love Fp3 Others-世界杯歌曲-This p3 央视常用背景音乐-Fort walton-kansas(永闯夺命岛)-央视很多专题节目常用p3 央视常用背景音乐-Hummell Gets The Rockets(永闯夺命岛)-央视很多专题节目常用p3 央视常用背景音乐-Round-Up(万宝路)-Christopher Palmer,Arranger-Round Up:Anthology Of TV Western TMP3 央视常用背景音乐-Round-Up(万宝路)-Gioacchino Rossini:William Tell Op3 央视常用背景音乐-War(珍珠港)-央视很多大型节目常用p3 央视常用背景音乐-主题音乐MP3 央视常用背景音乐-渔舟唱晚-背景音乐p3
