

发布时间:2024-07-12 00:19:01


中美疫情对比的英语作文发布得比较少,题主自行对比吧,可以借鉴以下中国的疫情英语作文:当我们在享受舒适的春节假期时,他们却放弃与亲人的团聚,毅然返回岗位;当我们恐避之而不及时,他们却义无反顾选择逆行,紧急驰援武汉;当我们为日益増长的病例忧心时,他们却迎难而上与病魔抗争,给我们以信心他们有一个共同的名宇一白衣天使。When we are enjoying the comfortable Spring Festival holiday, they give up the reunion with their relatives and resolutely return to their posts; when we are afraid of avoiding it and not in time, they are determined to go retrograde and rush to Wuhan; when we are worried about the growing number of cases, they fight against the disease and give us They have a common name, an angel in 从17年前抗击非典,到今天抗击新冠肺炎,他们把救治患者当成自己的天职,要么主动请战,要么主动加班,要么紧急驰援……一个个无惧无畏的身影,完美地诠释看心怀天下、悲天悯人的大爱情怀。华中科技大学同济医院的一位医护人员在志愿申请书上写道:“不计报酬,无论生死!”84岁高龄的钟南山院士义无反顾地赶往武汉防疫最前线,他在髙铁餐车上休息的照片,被认为是2020年开年以来最令人感动的画面。面对疫情,他们比任何人都清楚自己的处境,但是他们选择了"不退"。还有其他许多在口罩、防护服、护目镜下忘我工作上的医护工作者,虽然我们不知道他们是谁,但我知道他们为了谁。此刻,他们就是一个个战士,一个个英雄。Fighting against novel coronavirus pneumonia 17 years ago and fighting the new crown pneumonia today, they treat their patients as their bounden duty, or take the initiative to fight, or take the initiative to work overtime or rush to rush to Each fearless figure perfectly interprets the great love feelings of seeing the world and being compassionate to A medical staff member of Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of science and technology wrote in the voluntary application: "regardless of pay, regardless of life or death!" academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, rushed to the forefront of epidemic prevention in Wuhan without The picture of him resting on the high-speed railway dining car is considered to be the most touching picture since the start of the year In the face of the epidemic, they know their situation better than anyone else, but they choose to "not retreat" There are many other medical workers who work selflessly under masks, protective clothing and Although we dont know who they are, I know who they are At this moment, they are soldiers and 同样,面对这场全民战役,还需要我们每个人的共同努力。不用悲观抱怨,不要轻信谣言,不需慌乱急躁。我们要做的就是保护好自己,蓄积后劲,为明天的奔跑做好准备。Similarly, in the face of this national campaign, we need to work Dont complain pessimistically, dont believe rumors, dont What we have to do is to protect ourselves, build up the momentum and prepare for tomorrows "冬天来了。春天还会远吗?"无论经历怎样的酷塞,春天终会如期到来。让我们向这些最美的逆行者们学习,让我们人人做一个“英雄”,众志成城,形成强大的合力,一起打赢这场没有硝烟的战争。"Winter is Can spring be far behind? "No matter how cool it is, spring will come as Lets learn from the most beautiful rebels, lets all become a "hero", unite as one, form a strong joint force, and win the war without —来自于网络

Novel coronavirus infection is coming quietly at the beginning of the year, just as people are ready to celebrate the Spring F A battle against the virus has also At the time of outbreak and prevention and control, there are always some unknown heroes who build a solid "protective wall" for us in a "retrograde" They are fighting an epidemic war without smoke of gunpowder, which is a never-ending and inevitable resistance They are the most beautiful rebels of this 希望能够帮到您,望采纳!

我写这篇文章的目的是和你分享最近新冠疫情给我们的生活带来的影响。The purpose of my writing is to share with you the recent impact of COVID-19 on our 在疫情下,街道上人变得很少的原因是大家都避免外出。The reason why there are fewer people on the streets under the epidemic is that everyone avoids going 我们现在出门需要戴口罩以及保持社交距离,而且及时接种了疫苗平时会勤洗手,就餐时使用公共筷子。Now we need to wear masks and keep social distance when we go out, and we are vaccinated in We usually wash our hands frequently and use public chopsticks when 这些措施虽然麻烦,但是却保护了我们,我认为这同时也是一个改变坏习俗的好机会,通过这些措施我相信有一天我们可以结束疫情,拥抱自然。Although these measures are troublesome, they protect I think it is also a good opportunity to change bad Through these measures, I believe that one day we can end the epidemic and embrace


山川异域 ,风月同天。同理连枝,共盼春来。








山川异域 ,风月同天。同理连枝,共盼春来。


2020 is a new beginning, but just at the time of the Spring Festival, the Chinese people once again face the virus crisis: new coronavirus, only 17 years since the last SARS in I saw in the news that the new virus caused by Wuhan as the source of infection spread to the whole According to statistics and analysis, the people who left Wuhan from January 10 to 22 and went to all parts of the country respectively arrived in Zhoukou, Yueyang, Yichang, Hefei, Chongqing, Nanning, Guangzhou and other This is an acute infection of The cause of the disease is that people eatwild Chinese chrysanthemum head bat This is a serious As human beings, shouldn't we reflect on it? If the epidemic cannot be controlled, where will human beings go? If we take good care of ourselves, will it happen? As for how to protect yourself, first of all, although the virus has become a focus, don't listen to all kinds of rumors at will,scientifically prevent and control the sources of infection, cut off the transmission channels, and call on everyone to do a good job in personal protection, avoid going to crowded places, wear medical masks in public places, and pay attention to fast food Wash hands frequently and drink more Try not to eat out and go out If you have fever or cough, please see a doctor in I hope that the people of the whole country will join hands to fight against thiscrisis and stay at home and not run We can certainly survive this crisis from our It's very important that medical staff have given up the chance to celebrate the new year with their families and rushed to the front line of the epidemic We should believe them more! Come on Wuhan, come on angel in white, come on China, wish the beauty of the world be linked with

我写这篇文章的目的是和你分享最近新冠疫情给我们的生活带来的影响。The purpose of my writing is to share with you the recent impact of COVID-19 on our 在疫情下,街道上人变得很少的原因是大家都避免外出。The reason why there are fewer people on the streets under the epidemic is that everyone avoids going 我们现在出门需要戴口罩以及保持社交距离,而且及时接种了疫苗平时会勤洗手,就餐时使用公共筷子。Now we need to wear masks and keep social distance when we go out, and we are vaccinated in We usually wash our hands frequently and use public chopsticks when 这些措施虽然麻烦,但是却保护了我们,我认为这同时也是一个改变坏习俗的好机会,通过这些措施我相信有一天我们可以结束疫情,拥抱自然。Although these measures are troublesome, they protect I think it is also a good opportunity to change bad Through these measures, I believe that one day we can end the epidemic and embrace

疫情对我们生活的影响的英语作文:weall know, we had specialSpring Festival because usual,we used bigmeal family,visit relatives wecouldn’t do Everybody were busy fightingagainst our common Fortunately, epidemichad been controlled whywe can stay talkabout



作文思路:开篇点出抗疫是一场战争,接着描述最美逆行者的壮举;然后描述了作为普通群众也是做好防护,不给国家添乱;小区也是做好了各项防护措施;最后表达了对勇敢的白衣天使的敬意。在2020年的春节来临之际,一场不见硝烟,不闻炮响的战争打响了,不宣而战。With the coming of the Spring Festival in 2020, a war of no smoke and no guns has “新型冠状病毒”这个令人谈虎色变的字眼,跳跃到了我们眼前,这是生命与病毒的对抗。The wording of "New Coronavirus" has jumped to our This is the confrontation between life and 有这样一群人,他们是人群中的逆行者,他们向人们相反的地方坚定地走去,他们是最美的逆行者,他们的名字叫白衣天使。There is such a group of people, they are the rebels in the crowd, they walk firmly to the opposite place, they are the most beautiful rebels, their name is the angel in 我们在家也不例外。要出门的话必须戴好口罩,回来一定洗手,消毒。要多喝水,多运动,多吃蔬菜水果,保持身体健康,提高免疫力,不让病毒轻易入侵。We are no exception at If you want to go out, you must wear a When you come back, you must wash your hands and To drink more water, more exercise, eat more fruits and vegetables, keep healthy, improve immunity, do not let the virus easily 小区也采取了很多措施,封住其它出入口,只留一个,尽职尽责的'保安叔叔都会给每一个要进小区的人量体温,保洁阿姨也天天给电梯间消毒。A lot of measures have been taken to seal other entrances and exits, leaving only The conscientious "security uncle" will take the temperature of everyone who wants to enter the community, and the cleaning aunt will disinfect the elevator every 所有的这些,都是为了不给白衣天使们增加负担。All of this is to not add to the burden of the angels in 最美的逆行者,期待人间再也没有病痛与伤害,愿你们,英雄没有用武之地。The most beautiful anti walker, looking forward to no more pain and injury in the world, I hope you, heroes have no place to

疫情对我们生活的影响的英语作文:weall know, we had specialSpring Festival because usual,we used bigmeal family,visit relatives wecouldn’t do Everybody were busy fightingagainst our common Fortunately, epidemichad been controlled whywe can stay talkabout
