

发布时间:2024-07-07 03:25:25


毕业论文,泛指专科毕业论文、本科毕业论文(学士学位毕业论文)、硕士研究生毕业论文(硕士学位论文)、博士研究生毕业论文(博士学位论文)等,即需要在学业完成前写作并提交的论文,是教学或科研活动的重要组成部分之一。其主要目的是培养学生综合运用所学知识和技能,理论联系实际,独立分析,解决实际问题的能力,使学生得到从事本专业工作和进行相关的基本训练。其主要目的是培养学生综合运用所学知识和技能,理论联系实际,独立分析,解决实际问题的能力,使学生得到从事本专业工作和进行相关的基本训练。毕业论文应反映出作者能够准确地掌握所学的专业基础知识,基本学会综合运用所学知识进行科学研究的方法,对所研究的题目有一定的心得体会,论文题目的范围不宜过宽,一般选择本学科某一重要问题的一个侧面。 毕业论文的基本教学要求是:1、培养学生综合运用、巩固与扩展所学的基础理论和专业知识,培养学生独立分析、解决实际问题能力、培养学生处理数据和信息的能力;2、培养学生正确的理论联系实际的工作作风,严肃认真的科学态度;3、培养学生进行社会调查研究;文献资料收集、阅读和整理、使用;提出论点、综合论证、总结写作等基本技能。毕业论文是毕业生总结性的独立作业,是学生运用在校学习的基本知识和基础理论,去分析、解决一两个实际问题的实践锻炼过程,也是学生在校学习期间学习成果的综合性总结,是整个教学活动中不可缺少的重要环节。撰写毕业论文对于培养学生初步的科学研究能力,提高其综合运用所学知识分析问题、解决问题能力有着重要意义。 毕业论文在进行编写的过程中,需要经过开题报告、论文编写、论文上交评定、论文答辩以及论文评分五个过程,其中开题报告是论文进行的最重要的一个过程,也是论文能否进行的一个重要指标。



现代包装设计要强调环境的保护、资源的再利用 ,突出人性化 ,以人为本。在现代商品的包装设计中 ,包装色彩的人性化在各个方面得到了体现 ,包装的可靠性和方便性在结构上得以实现 ,而人性化理念在包装材料上表现的更加突出。本文通过对人性化包装设计内涵、在产品包装中的体现以及实现人性化包装设计的途径的研究,指出产品包装设计中要赋予更多人性的、情感的、审美的内涵,体现出人性的关怀,建立一种人与产品、人与环境和谐统一的关系。The modern packaging design is supposed to emphasize the protection of the environment and the recycling of the resources while highlighting the humanity and caring for In the modern design of packaging goods, the humanity of packaging colors are reflected in every aspect, the reliability and convenience of packaging are reflected in the structure and the concept of humanity is better reflected in the packaging This paper, based on the research of the connotation of human-oriented packaging design, its reflection in the product packaging and the approach to human-oriented packaging design, points out that the design of the product packaging should be endowed with more human, emotional and aesthetic meanings, should reflect the concern of humanity and establish the harmonious relationship between people and products and between people and the


According to Lu Yu, writer of the book "Tea Classics" during the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea has enjoyed a history of more than 4000 Tea was used as offerings in the West Zhou, vegetables in the Spring and Autumn period, and medicine in the Warring Later in the West Han dynasty, it became a major During the 300 years between the Three Kingdoms period and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, especially in the latter era, Buddhism was extremely The Buddhists applied tea to relieve sleep in Za-zen, so tea trees spread along valleys and around Buddhist That is why people say tea and Buddhism accompanied each other during their development in CTill the Tang Dynasty, tea became popular with the common In the Ming Dynasty, tea trade began to play an important role in the government's economic plans and the "Tea and Horse Bureau" was set up to supervise the tea In the 6th century, a Buddhist monk brought tea to Japan and in the 16th century a Portuguese missionary introduced tea to E It was then that tea truly became an international Presently in China, the tea family not only consists of traditional tea, but also tea beverage, tea food, tea medicine and other tea Tea ClassficationAlthough there are hundreds of varieties of Chinese tea, they can mainly be classified into five The classifications are determined by the method of processing the The five types are green tea, black tea, brick tea, scented tea, and Oolong With its natural fragrance, the oldest tea is green tea, which is very popular among many It is baked immediately after Green tea can be divided into many kinds, depending on the way that it is The most famous among the various green teas are Longjing (Dragon Well) Tea around the West Lake in Hangzhou, Huangshan Maofeng Tea from M Huangshan, Yinzhen (Silver Needle) Tea from M Junshan and Yunwu (Cloud and Mist) Tea from M LBlack tea is favored mainly among Different from green tea, black tea is a kind of fermented After the fermentation, its color changes from green to The most famous black teas in China are "Qi Hong" (which originated in Anhui), "Dian Hong" (originated in Yunnan), and "Ying Hong" (originated in Guangdong)Oolong tea, which combines the freshness of green tea and the fragrance of black tea, has been becoming popular with more and more It is also popular for its medical benefits, including assisting the body building process and in Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan are the major producers of this kind of Oolong tea grows on Harvesting this type of tea is very difficult, which makes it the most Scented tea, popular in Northern China, is a mixture of green tea with flower petals of rose, jasmine, orchid and plum, which is combined through an elaborate Among this type of tea, jasmine is the most Brick, or compressed, tea, is usually pressed into brick shape, and is mainly produced in Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous R Brick tea is made from black or green tea and is pressed into blocks, which makes it easier to This kind of tea is popular with the ethnic minority people in border The most famous brick tea is "Pu'er Tea" made in Yunnan There are also other kinds of Among them, white tea is special and is not very familiar to most Just as its name suggests, this kind of tea is as white as It is mainly produced in Zhenhe and Fuding in Fujian Province, but popular in Southeast A Famous varieties include "Silver Needle" and "White Peony"




China is the home of tea, is the birthplace of the tea Tea production in China is a pillar Because China tea packaging rough, simple down the grade of the tea, influence To change old ideas, to the new look at tea packaging is tea sales in the competitive link is an important part of To design a accords with the international aesthetic requirements, and personality is distinct, highlight with Chinese characteristics, regional characters, the characteristics of the product packaging, should the ink tea with The Times, when combined with the modern design concept and the diversity of the trend, and the pursuit of a visual effect on at the same time, scientific, artistic, reasonable of Chinese calligraphy, painting, color, graphics, materials, modelling, and other aspects of the traditional culture elements into the tea, an accurate grasp of the unique design language, packing pay attention to practical and aesthetic, the unity of the from many, many angles transfer and reveals the profound connotation of national culture and embodies the Chinese traditional culture unique refined and noble rendering force, beautiful and deep historical cultural Traditional culture is a nation or country in the long process of historical development, with its unique mode of production and life gradually and become, the accumulation is the foundation of human development and Only national, is of the Only outstanding Chinese traditional culture elements of the background, and grant tea packaging design new times, can create a unique style, can have vitality, to increase the sales and the competitiveness of

  WIC Food Packages    Food Packaging Paper Oceanfront homes Luxury homes rentals  包装设计(packing design) 包装设计的构思,下面的是参考:)~~  Abstract:  The space is the indispensable form element of the modelling design,is also the important component of the commodity packing The thesis inquires into the spatial issues of modern packing design according to the analyse of traditional space consciousness origined from the Chinese culture,aimed to perfect peoples'spatial understanding on the packing design and to make the modern packing design be more rational and also be apt to approach the humanizing requires from the spatial   Innovation comes from new thing, new discovery, or the new look of old The importance and width of modern packing design is becoming increasingly Packing design, in modern people’s eyes, is a scientific marketing model of the modernized market economy, its concept and function are thought to be equal to such skills as market design and commerce popularization of Packing design is, actually, the only way to success for any Traditionally, the concept of packing design in business field refers to such packing means as its pattern, material, model, packing functions and printing   However, as technology and different media are highly developing, these traditional concepts of packing design have lagged far behind the market development of the commodity Today, any product that contains certain business value is no longer the one that goes far beyond the domain the traditional packing design can cover, for example, film and television media, network media, products of spiritual culture, notion of fashion, concept of consumption, life style and so   Moreover, such a variety of forms as concept, sense, tactile sensation, sense of listening, either tangible or intangible, visible or invisible, enter almost every corner of our All in all, the traditional packing concepts have lagged behind the development that this age Key words: traditional packing design and domain, the expansion and importance of modern packing design, the packing era of new concept and new   Have one to make and design convenient and advantage of factory to analogous to the ancient type of banner hoisted on a feather decked mast to offer to them,And prevent necessary writing fund input designed by oneself of the customer and managerial question at the same



China is the home of tea, is the birthplace of the tea Tea production in China is a pillar Because China tea packaging rough, simple down the grade of the tea, influence To change old ideas, to the new look at tea packaging is tea sales in the competitive link is an important part of To design a accords with the international aesthetic requirements, and personality is distinct, highlight with Chinese characteristics, regional characters, the characteristics of the product packaging, should the ink tea with The Times, when combined with the modern design concept and the diversity of the trend, and the pursuit of a visual effect on at the same time, scientific, artistic, reasonable of Chinese calligraphy, painting, color, graphics, materials, modelling, and other aspects of the traditional culture elements into the tea, an accurate grasp of the unique design language, packing pay attention to practical and aesthetic, the unity of the from many, many angles transfer and reveals the profound connotation of national culture and embodies the Chinese traditional culture unique refined and noble rendering force, beautiful and deep historical cultural Traditional culture is a nation or country in the long process of historical development, with its unique mode of production and life gradually and become, the accumulation is the foundation of human development and Only national, is of the Only outstanding Chinese traditional culture elements of the background, and grant tea packaging design new times, can create a unique style, can have vitality, to increase the sales and the competitiveness of


package(ing) design或者packing design

making-up layout
