

发布时间:2024-07-06 13:00:21


关于动物的英语作文(通用19篇)      在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是小编帮大家整理的关于动物的英语作文,欢迎大家分享。 动物的英语作文 篇1      I have a dog, it is lovely, it is called M Every time I go home from school, Mimi always cruising around me, I will go to the kitchen to get a piece of meat to it, it lay on the floor to My legs and then jump to bark "Wang "called, so I picked up Mimi, it is the opportunity to lick my hand, making me like Mimi, like 我有一条小狗,它很可爱,它叫Mimi。每当我放学回家时,Mimi总是围着我绕圈,我便去厨房拿一片肉给它,它就趴在地板上吃。然后跳到我腿上汪汪汪地叫,于是我抱起Mimi,它就乘机舔我的手,逗得我哈哈大笑。      我喜欢Mimi,喜欢小狗。 动物的英语作文 篇2      My eyes followed the crawling insects, made a fantastic follow this time is a little, it is considered that the humble little I found it is on the roof of my I stared at it, it is in a few big between the block - this is a few flower POTS, stop and take a walk from time to time, as if already to find food, and like around the tentacles ask partner to find Several times, all of a sudden it stopped at a It is found a piece of it to go out with his companions tentacles, and soon the Follow it to move the bread, they lift up and down, as if not One ant ran out and soon it was with a lot of ants, they unite together to put the bread up to the front of a small But not like bread is too big to carry into the hole so Im worried about them! But they sent men guarded the bread and the rest of the people went in the hole, then they seem to please the queen, then they called a lot of ants are They were together, seem to be talking about something, then the queen to eat bread, wait to feed the queen, the rest of the ants cheerful a clean sweep of the rest of the can really know the unity and cooperation, compared with the unity of the ants, we humans do not have them so much!      我目光追随着爬行的小虫,作了一次奇异的游历。      这次我追随的是一只小小的,人们认为不起眼的小蚂蚁。我是在我家的楼顶发现它的。我的目不转睛地看着它,它在几个很大的柱子中间打转――这是几个花盆,不时停一停又走一走,好像已经寻找到食物了,又好像在转转触角问同伴找到食物没。几经周旋,突然它在一处角落停了下来。原来是发现了一块面包。      它走出去跟同伴们转转触角,很快这些同伴们。就跟着它去搬面包了,他们抬起来又放下去,好像人手不够。其中一只蚂蚁跑出去,不久它又带着很多蚂蚁过来,它们团结一致齐心协力地把面包抬到了一个小洞的`前。但好像面包太大抬不进洞里这下我可替它们着急啦!谁知它们派了几个人看守着面包,剩下的人就进去了洞里去,随后它们好像请出来了蚁后,后来他们把很多蚂蚁都叫过来了。它们围在一起,好像在讨论着什么,然后蚁后去吃面包,等到蚁后吃饱了,剩下的蚂蚁们兴高采烈的把剩下的面包一扫而净。      蚂蚁们可真是懂得团结合作,跟蚂蚁们的团结相比,我们人类可就没它们这么厉害啦! 动物的英语作文 篇3      Dogs belong to the a dog follows its nose,its actually being led by thee key glimpse of the enemy saves them barking up the wrong bark can be a fierce threat,but its also how canines make their long distance tells a dog more than all the other senses put its nose are around two hundred million smell sensitive cells,forty times more than in them the dogs brain can pick up signals from one molecule of scent in a gives the dog:a completely different picture of the world,based on what it smells,rather than what it are irrelevant to a their scent is food is a serious to us is an empty plate,is covered with the smell of chicken to a hungry 狗属于犬科劝物      当狗用鼻子嗅着前行时,实际上有三种感觉在起作用:视觉,瞥一眼就知道敌人在哪儿;听觉,犬吠有一种凶猛的威慑力,这也是犬科动物闽相互嗅寻的方式;嗅觉,能给狗提供的信息比其他感觉总和还多      狗的鼻孔大约有2亿左右的嗅觉细胞――比人多40倍通过这些细胞,它的大脑能从100万个气体分子中筛选出1个根据所闻而不是所见的东西,展现给狗的是一个完全不同的画面      花对狗来讲无足轻重,所以花香对狗无关紧要可食物是件大事,对我们来说是一个空盘子,可对一只饥肠辘辘的狗来说却散发着鸡肉的香味 动物的英语作文 篇4      One day, my mother bought two little rabbits for Im very that on, the two little rabbits became my good They have two little ears, red eyes, with white and fat Theyre they play with each other One day, I couldnt find I asked my mother: ”Where are they? ” My mother told me that She didn’t At last, I found them in the They were very I was angry, but when I looked at their lovely faces, I was happy love my little rabbits, and they love They are my good friends 有一天,我妈妈给我买了两只小兔子。我很开心。      从此,两只小兔子成了我的好朋友。它们有两只小耳朵,红眼睛,又白又胖的身体。它们很不可思议。      每天,他们互相愉快玩耍。有一天,我找不到他们。我问我妈妈:“它们在哪儿?” 我妈妈告诉我她并不知道。最后,我发现它们在草地上。它们很脏。我很生气,但是当我看着它们可爱的面孔,我又开心起来。      我爱我的小兔子,它们爱我。它们永远是我的好朋友。 动物的英语作文 篇5      A little monkey picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it the pumpkin is too monkey cant take it he sees a panda riding a bike towards He watches the "l have a good I can roll the It likes a "      So he rolls the pumpkin to his When his mother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised and says, "How can you carry it home?" The little monkey answers proudly, "l cant lift it, but l can roll " His mother smiles and says, " What a clever boy!"      一只小猴子拿着一个南瓜想带回家,但是南瓜太大,猴子不能把它搬回家。      突然,它看到一只熊猫骑车向它走来,他看着自行车 “我有一个好主意,我可以滚动南瓜,就像一个轮子。”      于是,他推着南瓜回家了。当他的母亲看到大南瓜,她很惊讶地说:“你怎么把它搬回家的?”小猴子得意地回答,“我不能抬起它,但可以推动它。”他的母亲笑着说,“真是个聪明的孩子!” 动物的英语作文 篇6      I like dogs, because they are man’s good They can do many helpful things to us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and so Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people’s So they‘re treated as our family I hope someday dogs will be in great harmony with 我喜欢狗,因为它们是人类的好朋友。他们可以为我们做很多有用的事情,如,保护房子,问候客人,帮助警方等等。一些受过训练的狗甚至可以引导盲人、拯救人们的性命。所以他们都被当做是我们的家庭成员。我希望有一天狗能与人类和谐共处。 动物的英语作文 篇7      Do you know what kind of animal I like most? It’s Monkey is a kind of lovely Many people like monkeys very Generally, monkey has small body covered with Some kinds of monkeys have two big eyes and ears and a long I can see them on TV or the Every time I go to the zoo, I will go to see Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between They are so lively and When they are happy, they will act for It’s very 你知道我最喜欢的动物是什么吗?是猴子。这是一种非常可爱的动物,很多人都非常喜欢它们。一般来说,童子的身子比较小,身上长满了毛。其中的一些种类有两只大眼睛、大耳朵和一条长尾巴。我可以在电视上或动物园里看见它们。每次我去动物园,我都会去看猴子。它们常常待在树上,在树木之间跳来跳去,非常活泼,讨人喜欢。它们高兴的时候,还会特别表演给游客看,非常好玩。 动物的英语作文 篇8      What animal do you like best ?Is it elephant ?Or tiger ?But my favorite animal is monkey 。 Because they have the yellow skin,a big mouth ,a small nose,and two big eyes 。They climb trees quickly ,and they can pick bananas or apples 。I think they are very lovely and interesting!      So I hope you to like them ,too 。      译文:你最喜欢什么动物?它是大象?或者老虎?但是我最喜欢猴子。因为它们有着黄色的皮毛,一张大嘴,一个小鼻子和两只大耳朵。它们爬树是迅速的,它们还可以摘香蕉或苹果。我认为它们非常可爱、有趣。      所以,我希望你们也喜欢它们。 动物的英语作文 篇9      The giraffe is the tallest moden land can be over metres its neek alone may be metres yet the giraffe has only seven bone in is neck than in a tall bone in a giraffes neck is very long, wehille the bones in human neck are the makes the A female iraffe gives birth to one baby at a baby, called a calf,is about metres tall at birth by the age of eight it is full giraffe eats mostly is has a long neck, it can reach the leves high up on the 动物的英语作文 篇10      With the rapid development of science and technology, the environment of people's life is getting worse and worse, and the lovely animals are becoming more and more The main reason for this reason is not only the development of science and technology, but the desire of human are also a big family, they form a food chain, each of which is the VIP on the food are now killing sharks only in order to get the only two fins of the The sharks who have been finned will not die immediately, but die in pain because of the excessive loss of When people enjoy the high price of shark's fin on the table, aren't there any repentance? The shark also knows that it He is also a living elephant escaped the arrival of death, used for the production of ivory, dentures, fans, In modern times to make ornaments or utensils, such as ivory, billiards, dice, piano keys, mahjong, buttons But because of the rapid decline in the number of elephants now, environmental scholars are beginning to advocate not to do the ivory business bear was also on the table as the old customers, what we can see, the bear on the average, there is an animal extinct every 4 hours in the Look at you to protect the animals and start from Remember: there is no killing without buying and 随着科技的飞速发达,人们生活的环境越来越差了,可爱的动物们也变得越来越稀少。而导致这种原因的主要原因不只是科技的发达,而是人类的占有欲。      动物也是一个大家族,他们形成一种食物链,每一种动物都是这个食物链上的vip。      人们现在大肆地杀害鲨鱼,只为了取鲨鱼那仅有的两个鳍。被取鳍的鲨鱼不会立即死去,而是因为失血过多而痛苦地死去。当人们在餐桌上津津有味的品味着高价钱买的鱼翅时,难道没有一丝的悔过吗?鲨鱼也知道疼啊,他也是一条活生生的生命啊。      大象逃不过死神的到来,用来制作牙雕、假牙、扇子、骰子等。近代用来做装饰品或用具,如牙雕、台球、骰子、钢琴键、麻将、扣子等。但是由于现在的大象数量急速减少,环境学者们开始提倡不要再做象牙生意。      狗熊也被当做餐桌上的老客户,什么熊掌,熊胆都能在餐桌上看到。


鱼会说话吗? Fish can talk?您相信鱼会说话吗?这是一个耐人寻味的事,我想知道鱼是否会说话? You believe that fish can talk? This is a afford much food for thought things, I want to know whether fish can talk?我家买了两条小金鱼,一条是全黑的,黑的叫乐乐,因为它很快乐。一条红白相间的名字叫欣欣,因为它懂得欣赏,很好玩吧!他俩生活在鱼缸里,这个鱼缸可“非比寻常”。里面有山、花、树、贝壳、彩色石头……。很美吧!让我们一起来观察它! My family bought two small goldfish, is a black, black is happy, because it is very A red and white name is happy, because it understands the appreciation, very fun! They lived in the fish tank, the tank can be an "extraordinary" There are mountains, flowers, trees, stone, shell color Very beautiful! Let us work together to observe it!9月23日凌晨五点左右,我正要去喂食,我看见这么一个现象,我把鱼食撒到鱼缸里,乐乐吃了一点就不吃了。 In September 23rd about five , I'm going to the Fed, I see such a phenomenon, I put the fish in the Sprinkle, eat a little do not 9月23 日傍晚5 点15分,我看见鱼缸里的贝壳反过来了,小欣欣看见了,好像以为它——这个小贝壳要死了,连忙游过去,用它的头去抵,抵了近三、四分钟,它就不抵了,它游到乐乐旁边,用自己的尾巴扫了扫乐乐,然后互相碰了一下头,乐乐和欣欣一起游过去,把那块贝壳一起弄回原样了,这一点证明了“团结力量大”。 On the evening of September 23rd at five fifteen, I see fish in the shell in turn, small Shin Shin saw, seems to think it -- the little shell die, he swims past, with its head to the arrival, at nearly three or four minutes, it is not touched, it swam to the happy side, with their tails sweep sweep Lele, then to touch his head, Lele and Showtime swim past, put the shells together to get back to the original, which proves that" unity is strength"通过两次的观察,让我知道了人类有人类的表达方式和交流语言,动物也有自己王国的表达方式和交流,这也告诉了我们,如果你不团结,那么你将一无所有,朋友之间的友谊真伟大。同时,我们也要多观察,多发现,但是不能因为你在动物身上作试验,就伤害小动物,因为动物是人类的朋友。Through two times of observation, let me know people have human expression and communication language, animals also have their own kingdom expression and communication, it also tell us, if you do not unite, you will have nothing, the friendship between friends is really At the same time, we also observed to be much more, because you found, but not in animals as a test, will hurt small animals, because animals are friends of human


Earth humans and many animals are sons and daughters of mother The earth is like riding a spaceship into outer space, humans and many animals live together in the ecological But we human beings Zhanzhao own tall, smart, any destruction of the living environment of animals, so they are unable to " Cherish the earth, protect animals" became a hot The protection of animals, is we all have to do, a lot of people free to hunt animals, although people are said to protect animals, but there are still many stubborn people listen to, continue to hunt animals, humans and animals to watch, soup, made with animal skins coats But have you ever thought of, if you are an animal, but was hunting, how would you like that, would you, would you like to be hunted? You are not willing to, some people said:" I'm not " But have you ever thought of going to think animals do? Now humans killing a large number of animals, the animals will be reconciled? Never, never, They don't want to die in the hands of They are willing to be your hunting? No, they are not willing to one thousand, ten thousand to one hundred million, do not want to 地球上的人类和许多动物都是地球母亲的儿女。地球好似一驾遨游太空的宇宙飞船,人类与许多动物共处在这个生态环境中。可我们人类占着自己高大、聪明,任意破坏动物们的居住环境,让它们无从生存。于是“珍惜地球,爱护动物”一时成了最热门的话题。 保护动物,是我们人人都要做到的,许多人任意去猎杀动物,虽然现在的人都说要保护动物,但是还有很多顽固的人不听,继续猎杀动物,人类拿动物来观赏、卖钱,用兽皮做大衣……但你们有没有想过,如果你是一只动物,却遭到了人类的猎杀,你会怎么想,你愿意吗,你愿意被猎杀吗?你绝对不愿意,有些人说:“我又不是动物。”但你们有没有想过动物们会怎么想吗?现在人类大量捕杀动物,动物会甘心吗?不,不会,永远不会。它们不愿意死在人类手里。它们愿意被你们猎杀吗?不,它们有一千个不愿意,一万个不愿意,一亿个不愿意……

THE DOG The dog is one of the most popular pets in the It ordinarily remains loyal to a considerate master, and because of this the dog has been called man's best Class distinctions between people have no part in a dog's It can be a faithful companion to either rich or Dogs have been domesticated for most of human history and have thus endeared themselves to many over the Stories have been told about brave dogs that served admirably in war or that risked their lives to save persons in When Pompeii--the Roman community destroyed by Mount Vesuvius in AD 79--was finally excavated, searchers found evidence of a dog lying across a child, apparently trying to protect the Perhaps few of the millions of dogs in the world may be so heroic, but they are still a source of genuine delight to their A dog fits easily into family It thrives on praise and When a master tells a dog that it is good, the animal happily wags its But when a master scolds a dog, it skulks away with a sheepish look and with its tail tucked between its People in the city as well as those in other areas can enjoy a Medium-size or small dogs are best suited for the confines of the Large dogs need considerable exercise over a large Dogs are not always well thought of, In recent years dogs in the city have been in the center of Some people have criticized dog owners for allowing their pets to soil sidewalks and lawns, although in some cities laws oblige owners to walk their dogs along street In turn, dog owners have argued that the animals serve as protection against vandals and burglars and thus protect their detractors as well as their When a person decides to own a dog, he should be prepared to care for it For a dog to stay healthy it must be correctly fed and adequately groomed, and its medical needs must be For a dog to be well-mannered it must be properly It should never be ill-treated or Otherwise, it will bite in its own The wild ancestors of all dogs were Wolves and other wild relatives of the dog still hunt in packs for their Dogs have retained the urge to be with the This is why they do not like to be left alone for Some breeds of dogs still retain the hunting Dogs exist in a wide range of sizes, colors, and Some, such as the Doberman pinscher and the German shepherd, serve as alert and aggressive Others, such as the beagle and the cocker spaniel, are playful family pets, even though they were bred for Still others, such as the collie and the Welsh corgi, can herd farm or range Each of the dogs just mentioned is a A mongrel dog, however--one with many breeds in its background--can just as easily fit into family Dogs have been with humans since prehistoric Over the years they have performed various They have pulled sleds over snowy They have delivered messages, herded sheep and cattle, and even rescued persons trapped in the Dogs have served as a source of food, The ancient Romans are said to have prized certain kinds of dog The Aztecs of ancient Mexico raised tiny dogs, thought to be the forebears of the chihuahua, to feed the large carnivores in the private zoos of the Aztec In the past dogs have even been worshiped as Recently, they have been used in drug research, medical experimentation, and space Soviet scientists launched dogs into space to test the ability of mammals to survive the rigors of space travel before people were sent Dogs are trained as guard dogs in peacetime by the United States Army and other military Because of their keen sense of smell, dogs are used by police at times to track down escaped Law enforcement agencies also rely on the dog's acute sense of smell to uncover illegal And specially trained dogs serve as the "eyes" of the blind, guiding the steps of their sightless masters around obstacles and

鱼会说话吗? Fish can talk?您相信鱼会说话吗?这是一个耐人寻味的事,我想知道鱼是否会说话? You believe that fish can talk? This is a afford much food for thought things, I want to know whether fish can talk?我家买了两条小金鱼,一条是全黑的,黑的叫乐乐,因为它很快乐。一条红白相间的名字叫欣欣,因为它懂得欣赏,很好玩吧!他俩生活在鱼缸里,这个鱼缸可“非比寻常”。里面有山、花、树、贝壳、彩色石头……。很美吧!让我们一起来观察它! My family bought two small goldfish, is a black, black is happy, because it is very A red and white name is happy, because it understands the appreciation, very fun! They lived in the fish tank, the tank can be an "extraordinary" There are mountains, flowers, trees, stone, shell color Very beautiful! Let us work together to observe it!9月23日凌晨五点左右,我正要去喂食,我看见这么一个现象,我把鱼食撒到鱼缸里,乐乐吃了一点就不吃了。 In September 23rd about five , I'm going to the Fed, I see such a phenomenon, I put the fish in the Sprinkle, eat a little do not 9月23 日傍晚5 点15分,我看见鱼缸里的贝壳反过来了,小欣欣看见了,好像以为它——这个小贝壳要死了,连忙游过去,用它的头去抵,抵了近三、四分钟,它就不抵了,它游到乐乐旁边,用自己的尾巴扫了扫乐乐,然后互相碰了一下头,乐乐和欣欣一起游过去,把那块贝壳一起弄回原样了,这一点证明了“团结力量大”。 On the evening of September 23rd at five fifteen, I see fish in the shell in turn, small Shin Shin saw, seems to think it -- the little shell die, he swims past, with its head to the arrival, at nearly three or four minutes, it is not touched, it swam to the happy side, with their tails sweep sweep Lele, then to touch his head, Lele and Showtime swim past, put the shells together to get back to the original, which proves that" unity is strength"通过两次的观察,让我知道了人类有人类的表达方式和交流语言,动物也有自己王国的表达方式和交流,这也告诉了我们,如果你不团结,那么你将一无所有,朋友之间的友谊真伟大。同时,我们也要多观察,多发现,但是不能因为你在动物身上作试验,就伤害小动物,因为动物是人类的朋友。Through two times of observation, let me know people have human expression and communication language, animals also have their own kingdom expression and communication, it also tell us, if you do not unite, you will have nothing, the friendship between friends is really At the same time, we also observed to be much more, because you found, but not in animals as a test, will hurt small animals, because animals are friends of human



你们肯定去过许许多多动物园,在动物园里,你们会看到动物不是被关在笼子里,就是被围在有栅栏的圈里,游览参观的人只能在外面看。今天我要去的动物园可不一样,我们要去的动物园,就是上海的野生动物园,这里的动物不论是食肉的野兽,还是温顺的食草动物,都是散养着的。有兴趣的小朋友就随我去参观吧! 清晨,我们乘着旅游巴士,经过了漫长的一个多小时,上海野生动物园终于到了,导游帮我们买好了门票,就直接进入了野生动物园的车行区。打开一扇铁门,就看见广阔的草地上成群的羚牛在悠闲地散步,黑白条纹的斑马皮色如画,摇着尾巴吃草,给我的感觉是那么的平静。突然,迎面跑来一只长颈鹿,哇!真高,有大巴士的两倍那么高,四蹄飞奔,身躯扭动,长长的脖子挺得笔直,就这样跟我们擦肩而过,引得大家哈哈大笑。 走出了草食动物区,我们来到了猎豹区,进入两扇铁门后,映入眼帘的是一片树林,树林中,出现了四只猎豹,身上的毛闪着耀眼的光芒,像铜币一样的斑点均匀地分布在身上。不一会儿我们又来到了熊区,只见几个大黑熊趴在汽车上,好像在说“给我点吃的吧”!我们把食物扔给它,熊才满足地离开。接着,我们有来到凶猛的老虎区,只见一只只老虎在悠闲地走动着,一点也不凶,看不出是兽中之王。随着旅游车前进我们来到了狮虎混放区,里面有可爱的小老虎、小狮子,极其罕见的是一只小老虎和小狮子趴在地上,肩并肩地在休息,很友好地相互舔着毛,这时我才知道狮子和老虎也可以做朋友呀! 最后 我们来到了海狮表演区,在我们焦急等待的时候,第一位海狮小姐终于出场了,只见它慢悠悠地滑上台,来到了训兽师身旁,紧接着又有一个海狮小姐出场了,它俩在训兽师指点下向在座的旅客鞠躬、行礼,惹得大家捧腹大笑。训兽师又将球扔到水面上,海狮立刻将球用它的嘴顶出水面,机灵地上岸了,然后向大家鞠躬、挥手后离开了。在大家的热烈鼓掌之后,我们的课外实践活动也结束了。在返校的车上,我不断回忆着那些可爱的动物,他们是那样的活泼可爱,真希望我能再来上海野生动物园。地球上的人类和许多动物都是地球母亲的儿女。地球好似一驾遨游太空的宇宙飞船,人类与许多动物共处在这个生态环境中。可我们人类占着自己高大、聪明,任意破坏动物们的居住环境,让它们无从生存。于是“珍惜地球,爱护动物”一时成了最热门的话题。 保护动物,是我们人人都要做到的,许多人任意去猎杀动物,虽然现在的人都说要保护动物,但是还有很多顽固的人不听,继续猎杀动物,人类拿动物来观赏、卖钱,用兽皮做大衣……但你们有没有想过,如果你是一只动物,却遭到了人类的猎杀,你会怎么想,你愿意吗,你愿意被猎杀吗?你绝对不愿意,有些人说:“我又不是动物。”但你们有没有想过动物们会怎么想吗?现在人类大量捕杀动物,动物会甘心吗?不,不会,永远不会。它们不愿意死在人类手里。它们愿意被你们猎杀吗?不,它们有一千个不愿意,一万个不愿意,一亿个不愿意…… 有些人虽然知道怎样去爱护动物,可是他们只会假惺惺地去教育别人,而自己却照样破坏环境,照样兴致勃勃品尝野味。 就拿印度洋毛里求斯群岛上生活的渡渡鸟来说,由于它身上的肉鲜美无比,所以遭到当时人类的大量捕食,在十七世纪就已告灭绝。但是如果当时人们有动物保护意识的话,就不会造成渡渡鸟的灭绝。 还有鲸,鲸不是让你们随意捕杀的,鲸是被杀掉一头就死一头的,不像小鱼小虾那样多,如果我们把鲸杀掉了,那我们的子孙后代,他们不是看不到鲸这种动物吗? 现在,有些动物已经灭绝了,鳄鱼虽然凶猛,但人类更凶猛。就是因为有些动物身上的器官具有突出的经济价值,由此成为被人类掠夺利用的对象,成为动物灭绝的主要因素。鳄鱼长着锐利的牙齿,和硕大的食物胃口,我们都说鳄鱼可怕,但鳄鱼更怕人类,在人类的眼中,鳄鱼皮可以制成行李箱,手提包,钱包,鞋等物品,所以鳄鱼,现在已经成为快要灭绝的动物了。 《金色的脚印》,这篇文章讲了正太郎家捉来了一只小狐狸,两只老狐狸想尽办法就救出小狐狸,正太郎很同情小狐狸,他偷偷地给老狐狸投送食物,于是,他们之间建立了亲密,信任的关系,后来两只老狐狸救了正太郎,最后,小狐狸回归了大自然,两只老狐狸是多么高兴!这篇文章赞美了人与动物之间互相信任,互相帮助,和谐相处的美好关系,也展现了动物之间的浓浓亲情。我们就要向正太郎学习,他帮助动物,动物也救了他,这样不是很好么?为什么人们还是要捕杀动物呢? 在此,我呼吁人们,不要再破坏自然界中的花草树木,不要再乱杀一禽一兽,不要再杀害我们的朋友,要保护好自然界中的一个个生灵。消灭动物,就是在消灭人类自己。如果有一天世界上的动物全都消失了,那人类还能生存吗?要保护动物,珍惜这自然界里的每一个生灵吧。 朋友们,动物是大自然留给人类的无价之宝,它是我们人类的朋友。它们的生衍死灭与我们人类的生活是密切相关的。动物的大量毁灭对人类将产生严重的不良后果,造成生态严重不平衡,从而使人类的生存环境遭到破坏。让我们从现在做起,从我做起,保护动物,使世界变得更美好吧!保护动物,就是保护人类自己! 保护动物就是保护人类 自从地球上有了人类以后,我们在不断地发展进化的同时也在不断的伤害着那些可爱的动物们他们没有过错,他们只是根据自然界的法则和平的生活着可是自从有了人类的存在,他们的家园变的越来越小有些动物甚至已经灭绝了 在灭绝的动物里,袋狼算是最惨的了。在很久以前袋狼生活在广阔的大草原上,它们过的很快活,无忧无虑。自从人类的到来改变了它们的生活。由于人类的大量圈地,饲养牲畜使得绿草变地越来越少,许多食草动物迁徙到别的草原上。这样以草食性动物为食的袋狼就没有了食物。它们便去偷人类饲养的动物。农场主便痛恨起了袋狼,见一个杀一个,就这样最后一只野生袋狼也被杀死了。当人们意识到袋狼就要灭绝时,才开始保护公园里的最后一只袋狼,这只袋狼才过了最后48天的好日子。而48天后,袋狼永远的从地球上消失了,永远的! 当然不是所有灭绝的动物都是人类杀死,有的是不适应环境的变化而灭绝的但是某些动物的灭绝,人类有着不可推卸的责任。人类自古以来就一直残忍地对待着那些动物们,人类剥夺了它们生活的权利 现在人们似乎还没有意识到一种动物的灭绝的危害。为了赚钱人什么都愿意做,他们把动物的皮毛卖到商场,把动物的肉卖到餐馆。但是我们不能把一切责任都推卸到商贩的头上,消费者也有责任,如果没有消费者的需求那么商贩也不会铤而走险。人类还在吃着野生动物。比如:蛇。如果蛇灭绝了,老鼠会大肆繁殖,到那时候我们该怎么办…… 因此每一种生物都有它存在的意义,它们都在以自然的法则生存。如果生物链的一头断了,那么另一种动物就会大肆繁殖,甚至威胁到人类,大家记住保护动物。保护动物就是保护人类自己! 共三篇 自己选一篇吧~

从20世纪70年代中期开始,就有人尝试用各种办法向动物体内转移外源基因。如将牛奶成分中特有的基因转移到白鼠体内,这些外来基因在白鼠体内重组后,白鼠分泌的乳汁便含有牛奶成分。这种通过人工方法获得外来基因的白鼠,称为转基因鼠。 转基因动物技术的核心,是把遗传的功能单位——基因转移到动物体内,使它成为动物体内的一部分。被转移的基因可以来自同种或异种动物,也可以来自植物或微生物。这样一来,就打破了物种之间的界线,也可以说动物能与植物、微生物杂交了。不过目前的杂交是低水平的,只限于主管一两个性状的一两个基因。随着科学技术的发展,一次可以转移的遗传信息将越来越多,那时就可以实现真正意义上的动植物之间的杂交。从科学上讲,这将是一个大突破。 目前,世界上已报道了多种生产转基因动物的方法,但真正成熟并可以稳定生产转基因动物的方法只有两种,即显微注射DNA的方法和精子介导的基因转移法。 显微注射DNA的方法是对单细胞的胚胎进行基因操作,涉及复杂的操作步骤。首先是要准确掌握母畜的性周期,在此基础上加以人工调节,使母畜在预先确定的时间排卵,保证获得大量的刚刚受精的单细胞胚胎。第二步是用手术或非手术的方法收集单细胞胚胎,经短暂的离心处理后,放在显微镜下用口径1 μm玻璃微管向细胞核注射500~600拷贝基因。然后把经过DNA注射的胚胎移植到另外一头处于相同性周期的母畜的体内。经过这样处理后,在后代中就会出现1%~3%的转基因动物。效率虽然不高,但结果相当稳定。全世界已在各种动物身上进行了上万次的试验,都能生产出转基因动物。 精子介导的基因转移是把精子作适当处理后,使其具有携带外源基因的能力。然后,用携带有外源基因的精子给发情母畜授精。在母畜所生的后代中,就有一定比例的动物是整合了外源基因的转基因动物。同显微注射方法相比,精子介导的基因转移有两个优点:首先是它的成本很低,只有显微注射法成本的1/10。其次,由于它不涉及对动物进行手术处理,因此,可以用生产牛群或羊群进行试验,以保证每次试验都能够获得成功。 生产转基因动物的研究自20世纪90年代以来日趋活跃,转基因动物技术的实用意义是:①生产出性状优良的家畜家禽,如长得快的,繁殖力高的,能抗病的等;②利用动物体作为反应器,生产珍贵的蛋白质,如一些只能从人体内提取的蛋白质;③利用动物作研究模型,比如,知道高血压症是由某种原因造成,可以生产一些高血压小鼠,让医生在小鼠身上试用各种疗法;④生产玩赏动物,如同猫一样大的小马,如同鼠一样大的兔子,以及各种不同毛色和花纹的观赏动物。 在转基因动物方面,我国也取得了许多可喜的成果,目前已获得了转基因鱼、兔、鸡等多种转基因动物。1998年2月中国科学家又获得了在所分泌的乳汁中含有蛋白凝血因子X的转基因山羊。


关于动物的英语作文锦集10篇      无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,以下是小编为大家收集的动物的英语作文10篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。动物的英语作文 篇1      My family has a lovely little white rabbit, which is as white as Mao Hexue, without a glimmer of It feels soft and slippery, like a soft The white rabbit looks like a big ball, two long ears gently posted on the back, its two eyes as bright as bright ruby, especially the three mouth that little and dainty, 动物的英语作文 篇2      In the animal world, I most like the cheetah's really It's flat and smooth, short Two eyes like two, There are two prominent muscle in on either side of the face, white, with small black spots, bead point of steel needle of a root There is a a black In addition to the belly is white, the remaining parts of the hair is Its streamline, the whole body presents for Its limbs is very rich, full of Cheetah's paw is straight, can firmly in the ground, change the running And it is the long tail, can have the effect of acceleration while on the running speed of cheetah is very surprising, speed is about 130 kilometers per hour, with fast on the highway running its endurance is poor, high speed running is limited to a few seconds, so has been hailed as a sprint hunting is also very When it found that the deer would be around to look at the first, and see what the If not, it is with lightning speed to recover to the Easily catch later, it will pull the prey to the grass, enjoy the If the prey in a tree, it jump into the tree to catch the prey, big eat a cheetah is really a lovable animals! But, now is trying to catch some criminals for their own interests cheetah, continue like this, will destroy the Please act to protect it 动物的英语作文 篇3      动物是人类的朋友,大部分的动物都很可爱。我最喜欢的是长颈鹿,它们很高而且又很多棕色斑点。它们的颈很长因此可以吃到大树上的叶子。长颈鹿温驯可爱,它们对人类很友善。当我去动物园的时候我总喜欢去看它们。它们动作缓慢。我不能把它当宠物因为它太大了,这有点遗憾。动物的英语作文 篇4      Recently, three owls appeared suddenly on our They made me think of my pet from When I was little, we had an owl at It was small, gray, and had two big We liked it very Every time I went home, it greeted me by making “goo-goo” always played with it and talked to It would blink its eyes just like it understood what we were It was like my best But when the weather became colder, we forgot to keep it warm, and it It made us sad for a long time, and it also taught me how important it is to take care of 动物的英语作文 篇5      The elephant is always white and it has a long The four legs are very large and they look like four big The two big ears are like two It always uses its long nose to eat and have a 动物的`英语作文 篇6      Protect animal 保护动物      In the past, there have been many endangered Now they are Does it matter? Has our environment been affected by their absence? Has the quality of our own life been changed? The answer to these questions is “Y”      It does matter if we destroy an endangered species habitat to develop more farmland, housing or industrial will effect all the other example, if certain trees are cut down, birds and bats will have no place to cannot roost, they cannot If there are no bats or brids, there will be no animal to eat certain insects that plague our around the world are being cut down to make room for We will never be able to see or study this fragile beings should be responsible for their own acts of The promulgation of laws to maintain ecological balance, to make more space and Conservation biology, Protect environment, protection of 在过去,有许多濒临灭绝的动物。现在他们绝种。这很重要吗?我们的环境是受他们的缺席的影响?我们生活的质量发生了变化?这些问题的答案是“是的”更要紧的是如果我们破坏濒危物种的栖息地,以开发更多的农田,住房和工业园区。它会影响所有其他生物。      例如,如果某些树木被砍伐,鸟类和蝙蝠将无处栖息。他们不能称雄,他们无法繁殖。如果没有了蝙蝠或鸟类,就没有动物吃困扰我们的庄稼的某些昆虫。世界各地的森林被砍伐让路给人。我们将永远无法看到或学习这脆弱的生态系统人类应该为自己对自然的行为负责。颁布相关法律维护生态平衡,给自然让出更大的空间等。保护生物,保护环境,保护自然。动物的英语作文 篇7      Should animals be trained to help humans?      nowadays,many people try to train animals to work for try to teach them to do many things such as guide dogs,police dogs ,circus animals and so on。a guide dog is trained to help the people with eye illness to live like other people。a police dog is trained to help the police 。and circus animals are trained ust for people to have fun。some people think it is ok,but some don‘t ,like me。      I don't think that animals should be trained to amuse human beings, because animals are our Is there anybody will train their friend to amuse themselves?Of course Animals also have minds,feeling just like human beings, so I hope that everyone would treat animals really their friend but not by should respect the animals and protect them ,i think。      其他人写的      of course ,i don't agree with the animals are human's should take care of them,but not hurt there is no animal ,the eco-system of the world will be damaged should adopt series of practial meansures to improve the current firstly,it is urgent to create nature certain rare wild animals that are going to be extinct should be collected, fed and reproduced known as keystone species, play a role in ecosystems that seems out of proportion to their number, such that even small changes in their abundance may have great impacts on the ecosystems in which they not the least,those who hunter them must be punished to the law in our country,in violation of the provisions of this Law, sells or      purchases wildlife under special state protection or the products thereof, and if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime of speculation or smuggling, he shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility according to the relevant provisions of the Criminal L all relevant depatments must strictly abide by the the joint efforts of the government and the whole community,i believe we can creat a world which humanity and animal get on well with each think animals should be trained to help are many people who are alone and lonly in the I think they will be very happy if there is a dog who can help them in their daily Many people who are blind and deaf usually have a difficult If the dog can be trained to know some of the simple instructions,such as opening the door, carring the books ect, then those people won't suffer a lot from      the I once read many stories about the leading dog that help people in the foreign I just think it is necessary to train animals to help people, especially the I think the dogs are the kindest animals in the They can not only protect you but also give you much help if they are well some people think it will be cruel to train animals and we should respect the rights of I still believe animals should be trained to help And I also believe animals will be happy too if they can do as much as they can to help Animals Be Trained to Help Humans?      Depends on it      We live in a colorful Plants、animals grow up around We can’t live without Long long ago, someone found that we could train animals to help The first one is pig, people fed them for But the most useful animal should be which called people’s best friend, helps humans It can give you fun, plays with you, catch target or      protect Thanks to the dog, it has been a part of our I say that isn’t means animals should be trained to do      things just for It’s Animals have its freedom, the gift sent by We can’t regard the world as our People just can live harmoniously(和谐地) with Nobody can      change Who do the stupid things which destroy the balance will be destroyed us, use something to help humans is But, we should think carefully of the If we put all the animals in zoos, or trained them to make fun, it’s think, for some necessary reasons, like eating, we should trained some But not the Animals Be Trained to Help Humans?      Nowadays, animal housekeeper and animal guarder are not Animal training has begun almost in every country, but should animals be trained to help humans? In my opinion, the answer is Because we need

鱼会说话吗? Fish can talk?您相信鱼会说话吗?这是一个耐人寻味的事,我想知道鱼是否会说话? You believe that fish can talk? This is a afford much food for thought things, I want to know whether fish can talk?我家买了两条小金鱼,一条是全黑的,黑的叫乐乐,因为它很快乐。一条红白相间的名字叫欣欣,因为它懂得欣赏,很好玩吧!他俩生活在鱼缸里,这个鱼缸可“非比寻常”。里面有山、花、树、贝壳、彩色石头……。很美吧!让我们一起来观察它! My family bought two small goldfish, is a black, black is happy, because it is very A red and white name is happy, because it understands the appreciation, very fun! They lived in the fish tank, the tank can be an "extraordinary" There are mountains, flowers, trees, stone, shell color Very beautiful! Let us work together to observe it!9月23日凌晨五点左右,我正要去喂食,我看见这么一个现象,我把鱼食撒到鱼缸里,乐乐吃了一点就不吃了。 In September 23rd about five , I'm going to the Fed, I see such a phenomenon, I put the fish in the Sprinkle, eat a little do not 9月23 日傍晚5 点15分,我看见鱼缸里的贝壳反过来了,小欣欣看见了,好像以为它——这个小贝壳要死了,连忙游过去,用它的头去抵,抵了近三、四分钟,它就不抵了,它游到乐乐旁边,用自己的尾巴扫了扫乐乐,然后互相碰了一下头,乐乐和欣欣一起游过去,把那块贝壳一起弄回原样了,这一点证明了“团结力量大”。 On the evening of September 23rd at five fifteen, I see fish in the shell in turn, small Shin Shin saw, seems to think it -- the little shell die, he swims past, with its head to the arrival, at nearly three or four minutes, it is not touched, it swam to the happy side, with their tails sweep sweep Lele, then to touch his head, Lele and Showtime swim past, put the shells together to get back to the original, which proves that" unity is strength"通过两次的观察,让我知道了人类有人类的表达方式和交流语言,动物也有自己王国的表达方式和交流,这也告诉了我们,如果你不团结,那么你将一无所有,朋友之间的友谊真伟大。同时,我们也要多观察,多发现,但是不能因为你在动物身上作试验,就伤害小动物,因为动物是人类的朋友。Through two times of observation, let me know people have human expression and communication language, animals also have their own kingdom expression and communication, it also tell us, if you do not unite, you will have nothing, the friendship between friends is really At the same time, we also observed to be much more, because you found, but not in animals as a test, will hurt small animals, because animals are friends of human




