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VB to create long time timer object  Pick to: in this paper, the Timer control in VB program used to create a long time Timer object, and the compiled into ActiveX DLL components, using the code reusability, in other   Keywords: Vb timer object  VB system provides the intrinsic Timer control, by giving the Timer Interval attribute to set the Timer control of different values, can control the time Interval Timer runs, but this attribute is a double byte an integer value, only is set to 65535, namely, only about one minute 65535 milliseconds, a little more time in a long time, when needed, this control is In this paper, a Timer control with long time to create the Timer object, and compiled into ActiveX DLL components, calling for other applications, can achieve maximum utilization of code The following are the ultra-long timer, programmable design process of the object reference for   1 programming  Start a new VB, engineering project, ActiveX DLL named NewTimer Class1, module name LongTimer Add a form in engineering, in the form Form1 joined a Timer Timer control T Open LongTimer module, especially robust food Ge sash � naaman Mao? Br > Option Explicit  Public Event Tick () 'declaration events  Nz As Integer programing  Programing Integer As cs  M_Form As Form1 programing  M_Timer WithEvents programing Timer 'declare objects such As variable  'return Enable attribute values  Succeedas Enabled (� Public Boolean As)  M_Timer = E Enabled  Succeedas End  'setting Enable attribute values  Public ByVal (vNewValue succeedas Enabled < Boolean ankylosing spondylitis (As),  M_Timer E VNewValue =  Succeedas End  'Interval attribute value returns  Public Interval (� succeedas) As mutually  Interval = m_T Interval  Succeedas End  'Interval attribute value set  Public ByVal Interval (< succeedas vNewValue As mutually)  Cs = 0  Nz = vNewValue / 65536 + 1  M_Timer I VNewValue = / nz  Succeedas End  "Class initialization events  Sub programing CLASS_Initialize ()  Set m_Form = New Form1  M_Form Load  Set m_Timer = m_F Timer1  Sub End  "Such termination  Sub programing CLASS_Terminate ()  M_Form Unload  Set m_Timer = which  Sub End  "Tick produce  Sub programing m_Timer_Timer ()  Cs = cs + 1  If cs > = nz Then  RaiseEvent Tick  Cs = 0  End If  Sub End  Form1 form only for the carrier, not Timer1 timer for   2 test NewT DLL  To test, the DLL ActiveX parts with standard EXE, can be divided into operation or the single In the written code after all, users are suggested to use the shortcut Ctrl + compiler implementation, F5 NewTimer program that checks grammatical Also can build a test engineering and NewTimer links for testing, NewTimer module provided by each attribute and events, add the test code to test their properties and Press F8, into one single step, look for NewTimer module statement   3 NewTimer DLL  Complete test, eliminate all wrong, from "file (F) menu, select" generation NewT DLL (K) "the order, the compiler NewTimer generation, DLLS Compile successfully NewT After the DLL will automatically register Windows registry,  4 NewTimer DLL  Quote ActiveX DLL components references to other objects, from "engineering (P) menu, select" references (N), "open window, from references cited NewTimer selected object If it is the first time in NewTimer cited references, click on "tour form (B)" command button that will add to NewT DLL can quote the list box can be    Call NewT DLL  In an application to join the program code, and NewTimer DLL calls:  Explicit Option  LongTimer1 As LongTimer WithEvents Dim  Sub programing LongTimer1_Tick ()  Locate 14, 20: Print "time to add processing procedure, "  Sub End  Sub programing Command1_Click ()  LongTimer1 Interval = "two minutes  LongTimer1 E = True  Sub End  Sub programing Form_Load ()  Set LongTimer1 = New LongTimer  Sub End  References  [2] the B0 Visual studio in Chinese Tsinghua university press, 1997  [3] Basic5 Visual Petroutsos Evangelos from approaches to Beijing: electronic industry press, 1997  VB中创建超长时间计时器对象  摘 要:本文介绍在VB程序中用Timer控件创建一个超长时间的计时器对象,将其编译成ActiveX DLL部件,利用代码的可重用性,在其它应用程序中调用。  关键词:Vb 计时器 对象  VB系统中提供了固有计时器Timer控件,通过给计时器控件的Interval属性设置不同的数值,就可以控制计时器运行的时间间隔,但该属性是一个双字节的整型变量,最大值只能设置为65535,即只有65535毫秒,约一分钟多一点,在需要长时间计时时,该控件就无能为力了。本文给出用Timer控件创建一个超长时间的计时器对象,并将其编译成ActiveX DLL部件,供其它应用程序调用,可实现最大限度地利用代码的可重用性。下面给出这个超长计时器对象的编程设计过程,供读者参考选用。  1.编写程序  启动VB,新建一个ActiveX DLL工程,将工程命名为NewTimer,将类模块名Class1改名为LongTimer。在工程中添加一个窗体Form1,在窗体上加入一个Timer计时器控件Timer1。打开LongTimer类模块,尤肴缦鲁绦虼�耄?br> Option Explicit  Public Event Tick() '声明事件  Private nz As Integer  Private cs As Integer  Private m_Form As Form1  Private WithEvents m_Timer As Timer '声明对象类变量  '返回Enable属性值  Public Property Get Enabled() As Boolean  Enabled = m_TEnabled  End Property  '设置Enable属性值  Public Property Let Enabled(ByVal vNewValue As Boolean)  m_TEnabled = vNewValue  End Property  '返回Interval属性值  Public Property Get Interval() As Long  Interval = m_TInterval  End Property  '设置Interval属性值  Public Property Let Interval(ByVal vNewValue As Long)  cs = 0  nz = vNewValue / 65536 + 1  m_TInterval = vNewValue / nz  End Property  '类初始化事件  Private Sub CLASS_Initialize()  Set m_Form = New Form1  Load m_Form  Set m_Timer = m_FTimer1  End Sub  '类终止事件  Private Sub CLASS_Terminate()  Unload m_Form  Set m_Timer = Nothing  End Sub  '产生Tick事件  Private Sub m_Timer_Timer()  cs = cs + 1  If cs >= nz Then  RaiseEvent Tick  cs = 0  End If  End Sub  窗体Form1只用来作计时器Timer1的载体,不用于显示。  2.测试NewTDLL  对ActiveX DLL部件进行测试,与标准的EXE程序一样,可分为单步运行或全运行。在写完所有程序代码后,建议用户先用Ctrl+F5进行全编译执行,发现检查NewTimer程序的语法错误。也可建立一个测试工程与NewTimer链接进行测试,针对由NewTimer类模块提供的每个属性和事件,添加测试代码来测试它们的属性和方法。按F8,进入单步运行状态,逐个语句察看对NewTimer类模块的调用情况。  3.编译NewTDLL  完成测试,排除所有错误后,从“文件(F)”菜单中选择“生成NewTdll(K)”命令,编译生成NewTdll文件。编译成功后NewTdll文件将自动注册到Windows注册表中,  4.引用NewTDLL  引用ActiveX DLL部件同引用其他对象一样,从“工程(P)”菜单中选择“引用(N)”命令,打开引用窗口,从引用列表中选中NewTimer对象。如果是第一次引用NewTimer,则在引用窗体上单击“游览(B)”命令按钮,将NewTDLL文件添加到可引用列表框中方可使用。  5.调用NewTDLL  在应用程序中加入下述程序代码,实现参NewTdll的调用:  Option Explicit  Dim WithEvents LongTimer1 As LongTimer  Private Sub LongTimer1_Tick()  Print "时间到,此处添加处理程序"  End Sub  Private Sub Command1_Click()  LongTInterval = 12000 ‘两分钟  LongTEnabled = True  End Sub  Private Sub Form_Load()  Set LongTimer1 = New LongTimer  End Sub  参考文献  [2]东箭工作室Visual B0中文版程序设计清华大学出版社,1997  [3]Evangelos P Visual Basic5从入门到精通北京:电子工业出版社,1997




Along with the technological level unceasing enhancement and the rapid development of computer technology, computer three-dimensional modelling technology, especially the reverse engineering technology in the industry has been widely This design with popular central control panel of MPV dash control board) (dash as the research object, the central control panel shape modelling of reverse engineering and the methods to reverse engineering concept, methods systemic First, through the flexible joint arm measuring instrument scanning access the control panel surface dashboard central point cloud data, then use Imageware software to point cloud data processing, finally through NX0 application software UG based on surface reconstructing theory central control panel modelling dashboard, and finally achieve the surface reconstruction dash soft-wares of central control panel, produce its 3d model, and designed by 3d models suitable for the production of injection UG design method for the reconstruction of the NX0 mainly through stratified good point clouds, and through the line for line grid, sweeping and curve method such as surface, made of surface and surface and by again face the clip, made between the appearance of central control panel dash of block, finally, to block for block stitched into Then use edge roundingoff, etc, make the optimized entity body become more solid lines fluent, each component design beautiful short and concise, reflecting the products from detail the beautiful sex, convenient and And the traditional top-down design method, the reverse design method compared improves the work efficiency, shorten the new product development

With the continuous improvement of science and technology and the rapid development of computer technology, computer three-dimensional modeling technology of reverse engineering technology in industry in particular has been widely The design of the popular business car dashboard central control panel (control panel ) as the research object, research the dashboard central control panel contour in reverse engineering modeling method, and the concept of reverse engineering, method is First of all, through the flexible articulated arm measuring instrument scanning dashboard central control panel surface point cloud data, then using Imageware software to the point cloud data processing, finally through the UG NX0 application software based on surface reconstruction theory of dashboard central control panel moulding surface reconstruction, finally achieve the dashboard central control panel surface reconstruction, to produce the3D model, and through the3D model design for the production of injection UG NX0reconfiguration design method mainly through stratified good point cloud as lines, and through the line grid, sweep and the curve group and method of making curved surface, and through the surface and surface and surface trimming, a dashboard central control panel shape sheet body, finally, on the body piece sewed the Then use the edge chamfering and optimization of entity, the entity form becomes more beautiful and smooth lines, each component design concise, from the details of the product appearance, convenient and Compared with the traditional design methods are compared, the reverse design method to improve the working efficiency, shortens the development cycle of new products






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