

发布时间:2024-07-06 12:14:50


Why do we study English? Why we study English? many people say that wo just have our chinese now i think wo bccome to join the WTO ,and we will meet many foreigners so I have four reason: First of all, English has become the national language,as there are many people speak English in the Secondly,English appears in our life as introductions of products ,web ,bbc and so The thind reason is that China join in the WTO, develop import and export trade need E Finally,English is If you are good at English, you will have more opportunity than any other people to win word 。 i hope this will be helped to you,can you give the mark

Why We Learn English-我们为何要学英文Learning English is much more than a fad; it is really a must! Let's take a look around us: the latest information around the world is written in or translated into E To keep up with the ever-changing world, we must be equipped with a good command of E From a more practical point of view, armed English is one of the most important required subjects for the university and high school entrance To do well on the exam, we must, again, study hard to score high in the Frankly, my English is not But I have been doing my best to improve my English in order to pass the college entrance examination In my case, I force myself to memorize at least a few new words every day because a large vocabulary is essential in learning English Second, I review some grammar rules every week, which helps me make fewer mistakes in writing E Third, I read short articles and then write an English composition every other I hope to get high marks in both reading and Now my English is improving day by day, and I hope I can do well in the English test for the coming college 学英文不仅只是一个流行而已,而是一件必须要做的事。就让我们看看生活周遭的事物吧:世界上最新的信息是用英文写的,或是被译为英文。为了要跟上这日新又新的世界潮流,我们必须要具备好的英文能力。用一个更实际的观点来说,英文是大学课程中最重要的必修科目,也是高中联考中最重要的。为了能使考试成绩出色,我们要再次强调,要用功读英文才能得高分。 老实说,我的英文并不好。但是我一直在努力用功,使我的英文进步些,以使通过大学联考。就我而言,我每天强迫自己至少背几个单字,因为要学好英文,必须具备足够的字汇能力。其次,我每周阅读一些文法规则,让我在英文写作方面错误减少。第三,每隔二天,我就读些短文且写一篇英文作文。我希望在阅读及写作方面能得到高分。如今,我的英文每天都在进步,且我希望在未来的大学联考中英文考试能考得好。

Why we should learn E First of all, America, England, Austrilia are English Speaking countries, as those countries are develped counties, they have many advance technology and useful While, they are very powerful many things we need to learn in order to develope our country effectively, but the obstacle is the language, if we can't communicate with them because we don't understand English, how can we learn their technology, moreover, now globlization is implemented, and we need more elites to do bussiness with foreign people, as English is the universal language, we can talk most people in the world in E Secondly, it's easy to learn English as foreign language than any other language and that is a big reason for English as an universal English, obviously, is not very hard to study for it only has 26 different letters, and all the words in English are just mix them up in different order, if we can just calm down and try to remember those terms, it's not a really big As for those people who say English is hard to study, I want to ask those do you really make enough efforts to learn? Last, after we have flute English, it's not a big problem to travel all around the world, do not need to worry about the language in most counties, and we are able to learn their culture through E

why we learn English,English is useful for us,learn EEnglish we can to translate E nglish book,newspaperand magaziies,we can go abroad,communicate with foregines, After graduated from college ,we can to be a English teacher,to share English interestings,to join in English club,








Why we should learn E First of all, America, England, Austrilia are English Speaking countries, as those countries are develped counties, they have many advance technology and useful While, they are very powerful many things we need to learn in order to develope our country effectively, but the obstacle is the language, if we can't communicate with them because we don't understand English, how can we learn their technology, moreover, now globlization is implemented, and we need more elites to do bussiness with foreign people, as English is the universal language, we can talk most people in the world in E Secondly, it's easy to learn English as foreign language than any other language and that is a big reason for English as an universal English, obviously, is not very hard to study for it only has 26 different letters, and all the words in English are just mix them up in different order, if we can just calm down and try to remember those terms, it's not a really big As for those people who say English is hard to study, I want to ask those do you really make enough efforts to learn? Last, after we have flute English, it's not a big problem to travel all around the world, do not need to worry about the language in most counties, and we are able to learn their culture through E




Thesis For Graduation毕业论文Thesis For Academic Degree学位论文Thesis表示比较严肃的文章,是带有一定目的的,研究性的文章。学位论文,研究报告。

“毕业论文”用英文是dissertation dissertation[ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn] 专题论文,学位论文;学术演讲 毕业论文; 博士论文; 论文; 学位论文 例句:He was involved in writing his doctoral 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文 I have not yet footnoted my 我还没有给我的论文加上脚注 I'm working my notes up into a 我正在把我的笔记修改成论文

交了中期检查表说明写毕业论文的时间过了一大半了,而实际上我还没有写出个要交论文怎么办啊?得开始动手啦!呢?这个问题很值得思考啊! 中国的大学本科生教育不敢说是天下乌鸦一般黑,至少也是半斤八两!当然我不否认个别学校还是校风良好,尊师重教,学风蔚然,能培养出精英。但是问题是,绝大多数大学们给大学生的是什么呢? 转一段朋友的日志,虽然是搞笑的,真实的成分还是不少的!上学其实可短暂了, 就是“去上课了,老师没点名!” 就是“没去上课,老师点名了!” “第一节课去了不点名,第二节课走了老师点名了!” 上课这一天其实可短暂了, 上课这一天最痛苦的事儿是啥,你知道嘛?就是“下课了,觉还没睡完!” 上课这一天最最痛苦的事儿是啥,你知道嘛?就是“还没下课呢,觉睡完了” “最最最痛苦的是,上课时没觉,快下课了,来觉了” 其实这也不能完全怪学生,因为不少老师上课就是照着书一字一句的念!当然现在科技发展了,又多了一项----照着ppt念···所以抄笔记也可以节省了,直接用U盘拷贝就行了。估计大多数人的以下技能是在大学学会并熟练应用的的吧:上网,游戏,逃课,小抄,喝酒,恋爱,熬夜······考前是必定要抱佛脚的,为的是明天的考卷上能回忆的起来背过的内容,考完当然就可以忘记了。 读大学以前真的没想到数学,物理,计算机也是可以不加理解用背诵来学习,复习的。一个朋友复习时曾大发感慨;“这简直是眼睁睁背乱码啊!” 最后,上一门《#¥&*$的研究方法》就让你写毕业论文了。 百度百科有云:学术论文就是用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果的文章,简称之为论文。它既是探讨问题进行科学研究的一种手段,又是描述科研成果进行学术交流的一种工具。它包括学年论文、毕业论文、学位论文、科技论文、成果论文等,总称为学术论文。的确有部分学生参与了老师的一些科研,但是绝大多数大学本科生进行了什么科学研究?有什么科研成果?? 所谓论文不过就是天下文章一大抄。现在是信息时代,市场经济,有网络,有金钱,区区毕业论文怎么能难倒经历了4年大学锤炼的大学生们?有的老师也深谙此道,甚至拿自己的文章给学生,让其“修改加工”。这样的论文有什么意义呢? 当然我们还是要感谢这样的老师,因为他明白,大学生写论文正值考研,复试,考证,考公务员,或实习,找工作的黄金时期。这些关乎学生毕业以后的事情,比起毕业论文要重要多了!大学生毕业论文这种重形式轻内容,基本上既无研究也无创新的东西,为什么还要继续存在呢? 我认为,最好的方式是采取自愿,和英语四六级一样和毕业证脱离关系,但是对于做了论文的学生给予证书,并评定优劣。让真正有能力,有兴趣,能认真做论文的学生做,而不要强求所有人继续做无用功啦!这样既能提高论文质量,培养学生能力,也减少了无数没有意义的劳动。 唉,想归想,我不是教育部长,我是大四学生,我要写论文去了······




As we know, English is an internation English is the most widely used language in the It's spoken by more than four hundred million people as their first If we can learn English It is said that you can communicate everywhere if you know EWe can also build our country English is an important subject for the students, so we should try our best to learn English

