

发布时间:2024-07-07 06:53:28



Based on single-chip simulation intelligent delivery device system physics and Electronic Information Engineering College of Electronic Information Engineering Specialty Instructor 08: Xie Chunmao pick to : the subjects come from the2011 country Nobunaga day cup microcontroller design and development of simulation examination The intelligent transport system is the simulation of transport equipment in the transmission device, the main chip AT89S52as the main control chip, the four digital tube display circuit displays" goods" weight, analog to digital conversion circuit for8 bit analog-to-digital conversion, EEPROM storage circuits for storing cargo weight data, the buzzer for the overweight alarm, key control circuit control system start, reset, search, flip and transmission direction, can realize the weight of goods inspection, changing device transfer direction, overweight and overweight alarm record Keywords: intelligent AT89S52; simulation; transmission system The






电子信息工程百科内容来自于: 电子信息工程 电子信息工程是一门应用计算机等现代化技术进行电子信息控制和信息处理的学科,主要研究信息的获取与处理,电子设备与信息系统的设计、开发、应用和集成。现在,电子信息工程已经涵盖了社会的诸多方面,像电话交换局里怎么处理各种电话信号,手机是怎样传递我们的声音甚至图像的,周围的网络怎样传递数据,甚至信息化时代军队的信息传递中如何保密等都要涉及电子信息工程的应用技术。通过一些基础知识的学习认识这些东西,并能够应用更先进的技术进行新产品的研究和电子信息工程专业是集现代电子技术、信息技术、通信技术于一体的专业。 词条目录 专业背景 课程介绍 企业需求 未来展望 相关词条 [显示全部] 专业背景 课程介绍 企业需求 未来展望 相关词条 参考资料 [显示部分] 词条目录 专业背景 回目录 电子技术产品 该专业是前沿学科,现代社会的各个领域及人们日常生活等都与电子信息技术有着紧密的联系。全国各地从事电子技术产品的生产、开发、销售和应用的企事业单位很多,随着改革步伐的加快,这样的企事业单位会越来越多。为促进市场经济的发展,培养一大批具有大专层次学历,能综合运用所学知识和技能,适应现代电子技术发展的要求,从事企事业单位与本专业相关的产品及设备的生产、安装调试、运行维护、销售及售后服务、新产品技术开发等应用型技术人才和管理人才是社会发展和经济建设的客观需要,市场对该类人才的需求越来越大。为此电子信息工程专业的人才有着广泛的就业前景。 随着社会信息化的深入,各行业大都需要电子信息工程专业人才,而且薪金很高。学生毕业后可以从事电子设备和信息系统的设计、应用开发以及技术管理等。比如,做电子工程师,设计开发一些电子、通信器件;做软件工程师,设计开发与硬件相关的各种软件;做项目主管,策划一些大的系统,这对经验、知识要求很高;还可以继续进修成为教师,从事科研工作等。 课程介绍 回目录 c语言 ①c语言 c语言是国内外广泛使用的计算机语言,是计算机应用人员应掌握的一种程序设计工具。c语言功能丰富,表达能力强,使用灵活方便,应用面广,目标程序效率高,可移至性好,既具有高级语言的有点,有具有低级语言的许多特点。因此,c语言特别适合于编写系统软件。 c语言诞生后,许多原来用汇编语言编写的软件,现在可以用c语言编写了。初学是切忌过早的滥用c的某些容易引起错误的细节,如不适当的使用++和--的副作用。学习程序设计,一定要雪活用活,不要死学不会用,要举一反三,在以后的需要时能很快的掌握一种新语言。 ②高等数学 高等数学是理、工科院校一门重要的基础学科。作为一一门科学,高等数学有其固有的特点,这就是高度的抽象性、严密的逻辑性和广泛的应用性。抽象性是数学最基本、最显著的特点--有了高度抽象和统一,我们才能深人地揭示其本质规律,才能使之得到更广泛的应用。严密的逻辑性是指在数学理论的归纳和整理中,无论是概念和表述,还是判断和推理,都要运用逻辑的规则,遵循思维的规律。所以说,数学也是一种思想方法,学习数学的过程就是思维训练的过程。人类社会的进步,与数学这门科学的广泛应用是分不开的。尤其是到了现代,电子计算机的出现和普及使得数学的应用领域更加拓宽,现代数学正成为科技发展的强大动力,同时也广泛和深人地渗透到了社会科学领域。因此,学好高等数学对我们来说相当重要。然而,很多学生对怎样才能学好这门课程感到困惑。要想学好高等数学,至少要做到以下四点: ③信号与系统 信号与系统是通信和电子信息类专业的核心基础课,其中的概念和分析方法广泛应用于通信、自动控制、信号与信息处理、电路与系统等领域。本课程针对网络课程的特点,采用了图、文、声、像、动画等多媒体技术

Based on single-chip simulation intelligent delivery device system physics and Electronic Information Engineering College of Electronic Information Engineering Specialty Instructor 08: Xie Chunmao pick to : the subjects come from the2011 country Nobunaga day cup microcontroller design and development of simulation examination The intelligent transport system is the simulation of transport equipment in the transmission device, the main chip AT89S52as the main control chip, the four digital tube display circuit displays" goods" weight, analog to digital conversion circuit for8 bit analog-to-digital conversion, EEPROM storage circuits for storing cargo weight data, the buzzer for the overweight alarm, key control circuit control system start, reset, search, flip and transmission direction, can realize the weight of goods inspection, changing device transfer direction, overweight and overweight alarm record Keywords: intelligent AT89S52; simulation; transmission system The


我能帮你 看看么 专业术语不少


The socket power is regularly turned off by the relay controlled by SCM in 24 hours, the socket power is powered on during the fixed period, and during other time period it is powered off, the electrical appliance is turned on and turned off At the same time, the socket has a function of overload protection, Utilizing the heat effect of themometal part, it can apperceives temperature and current to protect the the function such as regulary time, start, stop is set up through the The 220V AC is translated into 5V DC to drive SCM by transformer and rectifier module, the uninterrupted power supply of system is The relative information such as timing is displayed by liquid-crystal indicator, so that the function of energy-saving, environmental protection and provention of the accident is

1、专业major2、电子信息工程专业electronic and information engineering 例如:my major is electronic and information engineering3、The socket power is regularly turned off by the relay controlled by SCM in 24 hours, the socket power is powered on during the fixed period, and during other time period it is powered off, the electrical appliance is turned on and turned off At the same time, the socket has a function of overload protection, Utilizing the heat effect of themometal part, it can apperceives temperature and current to protect the the function such as regulary time, start, stop is set up through the The 220V AC is translated into 5V DC to drive SCM by transformer and rectifier module, the uninterrupted power supply of system is The relative information such as timing is displayed by liquid-crystal indicator, so that the function of energy-saving, environmental protection and provention of the accident is


Thesis 3000 English translation technology requirements of the word, my thesis topic is the first chapter of the MP3 technology and development process, that Big Brother Big Sister Xiaodi girl next Thank you, oh, I help the 3000 words translation Scientific English

你要外文翻译做什么。你的毕业设计是用外文做啊? 你是在国外留学嘛?




Thesis 3000 English translation technology requirements of the word, my thesis topic is the first chapter of the MP3 technology and development process, that Big Brother Big Sister Xiaodi girl next Thank you, oh, I help the 3000 words translation Scientific English

The MWC can operate with as few as p = 2N channels and with a sampling rate fs = 1/T > B on each channel,so that it approaches the minimal rate of 2NB Advanced configurations enable additional hardware savings bycollapsing the number of branches p by a factor of q at the expense of increasing the sampling rate of each channelby the same factor [109] The choice of periodic functions pi(t) is flexible: The highest Dirac frequency needsto exceed In principle, any periodic function with high-speed transitions within the period T can satisfythis One possible choice for pi(t) is a sign-alternating function, with M = 2L + 1 sign intervalswithin the period T [109, 161] Imperfect sign alternations are allowed as long as periodicity is maintained [9]This property is crucial since precise sign alternations at high speeds are extremely difficult to maintain, whereassimple hardware wirings ensure that pi(t) = pi(t + Tp) for every t 2 R The waveforms pi(t) need low mutualcorrelation in order to capture different mixtures of the Popular binary patterns, , the Gold or Kasamisequences, are especially suitable for the MWC [161] Another important practical design aspect is that the lowpassfilter h(t) does not have to be A nonflat frequency response can be compensated for in the digital domain,using the algorithm developed in [162]

你学校图书馆的英文数据裤里面肯定有,你找找看,本科的外文翻译 要求不高 基本没人看
