

发布时间:2024-07-07 08:50:49


Analysis of current situation and development approach on domestic peasant Abstact:Follow the economic deeply developing in the modern world,corporation's competitions have been from past quality and price competition into corporation image and service Brand strategy in this competition play a crucial The fact show shortage which major peasant business don't understand brand strategy well,but fortunate,there are some companies strive for vast potential for future development via brand "Beijing Wangzhihe Food Co,Ltd is a good So this paper example for "Wangzhihe", sum up experiences through analysis of brand strategy ,and putforward the significant way to comsummate brand Keyword:brand strategy;Wangzhihe;peasant business;way 自己翻的 你看看吧


In the process of development, the small and medium-sized enterprises play important roles which can faciliate the growth of the overall In today's world, the small and medium-sized enterprises have been the leading forces of the advancement of technology and innovation as well as the major channels of lessening the stress of But due to the restrictions of financing channel , high cost of financing and unreasonable financing structure, small and medium-sized enterprises have meet many This paper analyzes the financing method of small and medium-sized enterprises, summarizes the financing difficulties of financing environment and reasons contributing to this situation, and then puts forward some solving countermeasures of financing difficulties of small and medium-sized 谁写的比较好看一下才知道哦



Analysis of current situation and development approach on domestic peasant Abstact:Follow the economic deeply developing in the modern world,corporation's competitions have been from past quality and price competition into corporation image and service Brand strategy in this competition play a crucial The fact show shortage which major peasant business don't understand brand strategy well,but fortunate,there are some companies strive for vast potential for future development via brand "Beijing Wangzhihe Food Co,Ltd is a good So this paper example for "Wangzhihe", sum up experiences through analysis of brand strategy ,and putforward the significant way to comsummate brand Keyword:brand strategy;Wangzhihe;peasant business;way 自己翻的 你看看吧


Analysis on the present situation and development approach of the chinese private enterprises's brand strategy---taking the Wangzhihe brand strategy for AbstractIn the world today,with the further development of the market economy,the quality and price competition among the enterprises are under-developed,instead,the enterprises' comprehensive qualities like the images and service level gradually become the competition spots,and the brand strategy is making a big difference in these Concluding from the reality,most of the chinese private enterprises are lack of the perception towards the brand strategy,however,the good news is that some enterprises find the vast potential for future development by putting the brand strategy into practice,and the Beijing Wangzhihe food Holdings Limited is a good By taking the Wangzhihe for example as well as analyzing its brand strategy,the paper sums up experience and lessons,besides,important ways of completing the brand strategy are put forward in the paper as Keywords:brand strategy,Wangzhihe,private enterprise,希望能帮上你!!



Analysis on the present situation and development approach of the chinese private enterprises's brand strategy---taking the Wangzhihe brand strategy for AbstractIn the world today,with the further development of the market economy,the quality and price competition among the enterprises are under-developed,instead,the enterprises' comprehensive qualities like the images and service level gradually become the competition spots,and the brand strategy is making a big difference in these Concluding from the reality,most of the chinese private enterprises are lack of the perception towards the brand strategy,however,the good news is that some enterprises find the vast potential for future development by putting the brand strategy into practice,and the Beijing Wangzhihe food Holdings Limited is a good By taking the Wangzhihe for example as well as analyzing its brand strategy,the paper sums up experience and lessons,besides,important ways of completing the brand strategy are put forward in the paper as Keywords:brand strategy,Wangzhihe,private enterprise,希望能帮上你!!

In the process of development, the small and medium-sized enterprises play important roles which can faciliate the growth of the overall In today's world, the small and medium-sized enterprises have been the leading forces of the advancement of technology and innovation as well as the major channels of lessening the stress of But due to the restrictions of financing channel , high cost of financing and unreasonable financing structure, small and medium-sized enterprises have meet many This paper analyzes the financing method of small and medium-sized enterprises, summarizes the financing difficulties of financing environment and reasons contributing to this situation, and then puts forward some solving countermeasures of financing difficulties of small and medium-sized 谁写的比较好看一下才知道哦



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用均衡原理来描述谷贱伤农现代经济学已经发展到了宏观、中观、微观多个层次,分析方式也已经由最初的定性分析过度到定量分析。初学《宏微观经济学》教程,密密麻麻的数学模型和推导让我这样的初学经济学的非专业人士望而却步。其实经济学来自生活,经济学的原理渗透了日常生活、生产的每个角落,经济学原理能够在生活中广泛地运用。人类的每一种行为都可以用经济学来解释,人们在日常生活中不知不觉地运用着经济学的法则。比如商品的价格问题,就和商品的需求价格弹性、企业生产成本、盈利问题紧密相关。 价格的变动会引起需求量的变动。但是,不同的商品,需求量对价格变动的反应是不同的。有的商品价格变动幅度大,而需求量变动幅度小;有的商品价格变动幅度小,而需求量变动幅度大。而“谷贱伤农是我国流传已久的一种说法,它描述的是这么一种经济现象:在丰收的年份,农民的收入却反而减少了。这种似乎难以理解的现象,可以用弹性原理加以解释。”弹性理论正是要说明价格的变动比率和需求量的变动比率之间的关系。需求价格弹性是指某商品的需求量(对企业来说是销售量)变动率与其价格变动率之比。它反映了商品需求量对其价格变动反应的灵敏程度。需求量变动率与价格变动率的比值就是需求价格弹性的弹性系数。即 需求价格弹性的弹性系数=需求量变动的比率÷价格变动的比率 即需求价格弹性的计算公式为:Ed=(△Q÷Q)╱(△P÷P) =[(Q2—Q1)╱Q1]÷[(P2—P1)╱P1] 它所表明的是:当价格上升百分之一时,需求量所减少的百分数,或者当价格下降百分之一时,需求量所增加的百分数。当│Ed │<1时,称需求是缺乏弹性的。此时,需求量变动的幅度小于价格变动的幅度;当│Ed │>1时,称需求是富有弹性的,此时,需求量变动的幅度大于价格变动的幅度。 某种商品的价格变动时,它的需求弹性的大小与价格变动所引起总收益的变动情况是密切相关的。这是因为总收益等于价格乘销售量,价格的变动引起了需求量的变动,从而就引起了销售量的变动。不同商品的需求弹性是不同的,所以价格变动引起的销售量的变动是不同的,总收益的变动也就不同。 如果某商品的需求是富有弹性的,则当该商品价格下降时,需求量增加的幅度大于价格下降的幅度,从而总收益会增加;当商品价格上升时,需求量减少的幅度大于价格上升的幅度,从而总收益会减少。例如:某种商品的价格每公斤2元,销售量为1000公斤,该种商品需求弹性系数为5。如果该商品降价至每公斤8元,总收益情况如何变化? 已知:P1=2 Q1=1000 Ed=5 P2=8,设需求量变动的百分比为X。 则由Ed=[(Q2—Q1)÷Q1]÷[(P2—P1)÷P1] 5=X×0÷(8—0) 得X=25,即价格下降后销售量增加25%,所以Q2=1000×(1+25)=1250公斤。 总收益情况:TR1=P1×Q1=2×1000=2000元 TR2=P2×Q2=8×1250=2250元 TR2—TR1=250元。 所以降价后商品的总收益增加了250元。这就是富有弹性的商品“薄利多销”的原因所在。 如果某商品的需求是缺乏弹性的,则情况相反。如香烟的需求曲线缺乏弹性,因为上了瘾的烟客不会在乎价格的高低,所以价格的高低对香烟需求量的影响较小。再如:中国有句古语叫“谷贱伤农”,意思是丰收了,由于粮价的下跌,农民的收入减少。其原因就在于粮食是生活必需品,需求价格弹性小。也就是说,人们不因为粮食便宜而多吃粮食,由于丰收了而造成粮价下跌,并不会使需求量同比例的增加,从而总收益减少,农民蒙受损失。不仅如此,粮食是生活必需品,需求收入弹性也小,也就是说,人们收入提高了并不因此而增加粮食的消费。在资本主义社会,经济危机时期出现把粮食和农产品毁掉的作法,究其原因也在于粮食这种产品的需求缺乏弹性,降价不会增加需求量的大幅度的增加,只会减少总收益,所以资本家把这些农产品毁掉反而会减少损失。 相信随着学习的深入,将会学习到更多类似这些在我们日常生活中不知不觉应用了的经济学规律,并且我们可以应用这些规律解析其中的深层原因
