

发布时间:2024-07-06 08:49:35


The design of digital signal processing practical course system platform[abstract] In order to achieve the aim of fulfillment parcticial course, designing the digital signal processing practical course system Based on the exploitation of the designing techology of ASNet and the B/S structure, choosing the Microsoft Visual Stidio 2010 and SQL Server 2005 to gain this Design results has been a contain user registration, time control, automatic sentenced to roll, and scores query, exam entry, modify test, user management, the web site administrator management Basic realized the purpose of digital signal processing parcticial course system platform, effectively reduced the burden of teachers, improved work efficiency, campared with traditional practicial mode and finally saved the human resource, fund and The system has the function of strong, friendly interface, flexible, such as expansion of characteristics, has wide application

Based on the communication network Direct3D visual simulation engine design and implementationtheVisual Simulation (Visual Simulation) is used to realize 3 d space information visualization technology, it has a realistic Simulation effect and convenient operation method, can well satisfy the new plane avionics system design This paper designs and realizes an Direct3D based on the communication network visual simulation First, in this paper the characteristics of the visual simulation and the programming essentials Direct3D brief analysis of selection, and expounds the main reason for the Direct3D Secondly, put forward the visual simulation software, the total design project of the simulation software program and the software module partition the working process of the analysis of the various modules, explore the main functions and the relations among And then, based on the communication network of Direct3D visual simulation is the key technology of engine are analyzed and the study, introduces solutions discrete event simulation, Direct3D resource management and animation optimization and the mouse control technology, the key technology of the Finally, this essay discusses the Direct3D based on the communication network visual simulation software realization method, and in a more complex switched communication network as an example, the visual simulation, and the performance of the program was tested


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