

发布时间:2024-07-06 01:13:16


I love science, in tracing ; life, liberty, seek happy … … but my favorite, tracing art that is used to reflect the realities of more than reality social art has always been my dream, and its unique charm and flavor, and a keen competition, fascinated since time immemorial, it has been the it contains music, dance, sculpture,, Folk literature, drama, film, i love art, i want to search for art, music, especially beethoven as a musician of the melody, graceful, rich in i often listen to music a composition once before, he will come to the bored, listen to music, and in time, just listen to music, no matter how, the more fidgety, have become the music unique charm isIs so, it could bring inspiration and happy, carefree … …Tracing art, like i has to dance, a great the primary school when i joined the dance studio teaches, is more like to the dance steps of the soft, graceful, the unique lineOf beauty and stances that give people a very good Tracing art, tracing beauty is a good art ; is the art, including books, paintings and drawings, nature and sketches, i'm pretty good at drawing, it is because i've learned that the basic skills, know-how and drawing but i don't like drawing ; i'd like a comic many people here know, cartoons are simple and exaggerated matters of with irony and but unluckily, i like it, nor is this I love for arts, magic, from the art of art and

你好,下文供你参考!艺术教育是生命早期发展的主要动力,是全面提升个体素质与能力的重要路径。每个儿童都拥有一颗艺术的心。儿童就是天生的艺术家。每个儿童都天生拥有着游戏的精神和艺术的心灵。古今中外许多杰出的科学家,往往也是颇具艺术修养的人士。比如爱因斯坦对音乐、文学的迷恋,早已成为脍炙人口的佳话,竺可桢、苏步青、李四光、高士其、李政道等也都具备深厚的艺术修养。难怪美国艺术学博士贝蒂·艾德华呼吁:“人人都应像艺术家一样思考!”Art education is the main driving force for the early development of life and an important way to comprehensively improve the quality and ability of Every child has an artistic Children are born Every child is born with the spirit of play and the spirit of Many outstanding scientists at all times and in all over the world are also people with great artistic For example, Einstein's infatuation with music and literature has become a popular Zhu Kezhen, Su Buqing, Li Siguang, Gao Shiqi, Li Zhengdao, also have profound artistic No wonder Betty Edwards, an American Art doctor, called for "everyone to think like an artist!"

Art has long been a highly revered discipline in our Art exists in every aspect of our lives, whether in architecture, cuisine, or even Art perverses our daily lives because it panders to our perception and our reaction to Our ancient history proves that art has led us to our modern world, progress, and Leanardo DaVinci and Michaelangelo are just few of the many testaments to this immutable One of the pleasure in majoring in art is that I can learn to discern the beauties of life, Art major teaches me how to appreciate the everyday beauties of our world, and the discernment of the ordinary miracles abundant in our life is just one of the ways of deepening our emotions and values for the E The other pleasure in majoring art is that I can create art, in simpler terms, create The ability to do so will greatly satisfy my personal thirst for contribution towards life and will also help others see what they could not


京剧的Beijing Opera, say again "PiHuang", from "XiPi" and "TLC identification method for erhuang are two basic accent its component music material and sing some small places tunes (such as LiuZi cavity, ChuiQiang etc) and kunqu It formed in Beijing, time is in 1840 around, prevailed in the 1930s and 1940s, with "Chinese," Now it is still have of the impact of national large It up comprehensive, performing mature, imposing manner macro beauty, is representative of the modern Chinese Peking Opera is China's "tranditional", more than 200 years of In addition, "Beijing Opera" is a network with "terror term, meaning"

1、Beijing Opera translation: a great taskIn recent years, more and more foreign dramas and operas are being performed in Chinese However, it seems that chances for foreign audience to enjoy Chinese traditional operas are relatively fewer, resulting in an unbalanced exchange between China and the other foreign countries in the Beijing Opera, the very repress introduced to more audience of Chinese traditional operas, worth being of the entire M Elizabeth Wichmann-Walczak's version of Mei Lanfang's representative Beijing Opera work The Phoenix Returns to Its Nest sets a good 2、A brief introduction to Beijing OperaBeijing Opera (or Peking Opera) has existed for over 200 It is widely regarded as the highest expression of Chinese It is known as one of the three main theatrical systems in the Artistically, Beijing Opera is perhaps the most refined form of opera in the It has deeply influenced the hearts of the Chinese Although it is called Beijing Opera, its origins are not in Beijing but in the Chinese provinces of Anhui and H After absorbing the operatic tunes of regional operas such as Han Opera, Hui Opera, and Kunqu Opera, it became a genre of national significance and popularity during the 1790' The charm of Beijing Opera lies in the comprehensive form of stage It is an organic combination of script literature, the performing techniques of "singing, reciting, dance-acting and acrobatics", music, painted-face make-ups and costumes, and so 3、Beijing Opera translationThe early attempts to bring Chinese drama to the West mainly consisted in translation of traditional Chinese opera lyrics, which served as literature for the purpose of reading rather than These include Xi Xiang Ii and a great number of other Yuan dynasty In 1741, Zhao Shi Gu Er, or as Edward Cave rendered it, Chau Shi Ku Eul: The Little Orphan of the Family of Chau, was translated into E Three English versions' of this play were published in London, translated respectively by Edward Cave, William Hatchett and John W Among the modern classics in Chinese modern drama translated into English were Cao Yu's Thundestorm by Wang Tso-Bang and AC Barnes and Wildness by James L Since the late 1970s, many new Chinese plays have been collected in anthologies of translations of contemporary Chinese 4、In this period, Peking opera became the most popular and economically developed form of urban stage entertainment in China and its actors, playwrights, and patrons were central figures in the popular imagination and cultural politics of the As a diverse group these actors and their allies worked within the context of a rapidly changing urban and national culture to overcome social and political discrimination and elevate their art to the level of internationally recognized cultural In the process, Peking opera was in many ways on the leading edge of modern transformations and experimentations in creating new meanings for popular theater, new dynamics of urban sociability, and new representations of gender, while at the same time serving as a symbol for a traditional culture that many sensed was receding under the pressures of

I love science, in tracing ; life, liberty, seek happy … … but my favorite, tracing art that is used to reflect the realities of more than reality social art has always been my dream, and its unique charm and flavor, and a keen competition, fascinated since time immemorial, it has been the it contains music, dance, sculpture,, Folk literature, drama, film, i love art, i want to search for art, music, especially beethoven as a musician of the melody, graceful, rich in i often listen to music a composition once before, he will come to the bored, listen to music, and in time, just listen to music, no matter how, the more fidgety, have become the music unique charm isIs so, it could bring inspiration and happy, carefree … …Tracing art, like i has to dance, a great the primary school when i joined the dance studio teaches, is more like to the dance steps of the soft, graceful, the unique lineOf beauty and stances that give people a very good Tracing art, tracing beauty is a good art ; is the art, including books, paintings and drawings, nature and sketches, i'm pretty good at drawing, it is because i've learned that the basic skills, know-how and drawing but i don't like drawing ; i'd like a comic many people here know, cartoons are simple and exaggerated matters of with irony and but unluckily, i like it, nor is this I love for arts, magic, from the art of art and

Again you'd better write the article by But I would like to give you some 1) My standpoint is it depends on children's 2) If kids are interested and talented in art, we should send them to the art classes to help develop their 3) If they are not, we'd better not do Because if we force the childrens to attend these types of training classes, it will have a negative impact on Not just will these kids dislike being in this classes, but aslo they will react against It will be In conclusion, we should first know kids' interests and talents, and then we help cultivate and develop their interests and talents, by using moderate and positive It is good to get kids trained in art classes if they are interested, but to the contrary, it is harmful too if they are not interested but you force them to attend these calsses


The art of thinking about paintingAbstract: the creation of works of art is a kind of complicated mental activities and production activities in the painter, is the real life of the mind Beauty is truth, and it is a high degree of unity of all art must Each artist should be in the works to show his unique beauty feeling and the Real beauty and ugliness reality is the source of art Usually regarded as content, just to show their true art form, but usually only the form, constitute a piece of art of real Art works by means of the image and techniques and convey feelings of aesthetic ideal Keywords: art creation,Art Beauty,Beauty,Ugly,Content

Reflections on the art of oil painting Abstract: creative art is a complex mental activities and production activities, is a realistic painter living in the minds of the product of The Sound of Music Arts beauty is a high degree of unity, it is all art must be consciously setting Every artist should be showing his work in the United States he was a unique experience and Ugly reality of the United States and the reality are a source of artistic Content is often seen as something only to the performance art form of its own real, and are usually things that only the form, it constitutes the real content of a work of Art techniques by means of image and convey the feelings of thinking of the author, as well as the carrier of the aesthetic Keywords: artistic creation, artistic beauty, the reality the United States, ugly reality, contents




Shaanxi Weibei Shuanma pile lion carving the symbol content and Morphology ABSTRACT Weihe River in Shaanxi Province as the focus Shuanma pile lion carving, carved stone lions originated from China, analyzes the Chinese stone lions carved each period and the spirit of the art features, from Shaanxi Weibei geographical, historical circumstances and analysis of the Weihe River in Shaanxi Shuanma pile causes Shuanma none of the characteristics of the first shape of lions, which contains the connotation of cultural That the Weihe River in Shaanxi Shuanma pile lions as a unique cultural symbols, continued transmission of the traditional Chinese spiritual blessing the town of evil culture, its exaggerated styling freedom, simple straightforward, with a strong geographical features, reflecting the unique Chinese folk lion carving spirit of the laws of beauty and Key words Weibei Shuanma pile lion carving patterns of cultural symbols

绘画与设计关系的几点思考 内容摘要:文章通过分析绘画与设计的使命、特点、异同与发展等,客观、深刻、科学地阐述了两者的关系。 关 键 词:绘画 设计 使命 关系 画家与设计师有时会引发一些争议。有的认为,绘画与设计同属美术,只要有绘画功夫,搞设计是不成问题的;而另一种观点是:仅仅靠绘画的功底去从事设计是远远不够的。因此,有必要认真思考绘画与设计两者的使命,理清它们之间的种种关系,这对艺术设计教育与实践等具有建设性意义。 一、 绘画与设计的特点、使命、区分 绘画与设计虽然同属创造性活动,但具有各自的特点和使命。 具体说来,绘画具有被观赏的特征,反映的是思想意识、精神生活、情感宣泄和美感体现等,因此,绘画是非物质、非功利、非实用主义的。创新是绘画的生命,并且通过个性化体现来实现,古今中外每一位杰出的绘画大师都创作过极为个性化的作品,展现了自己的典型风格和特征。画家们(尤其是现代派画家),为了表现出作品的生命力,根据自己的愿望,在技能、材质与工具的应用上随心所欲,可以完全不考虑其作品被不被人理解、欣赏、接纳或认可。在这方面,凡·高是一位典型的大师,他创造了大量极作,但在当时未能被人们广泛接受。 而设计具有鲜明的实用价值,设计的产生、发展是与商业行为结伴而来的,是随着商品经济的激烈竞争而出现的。设计体现的是多层次的理性思考,是在设计理念和功能体现的前题下,通过科学技术、材料、工艺、机械加工等工业化的生产综合水平,生产出各类产品,最终满足全社会消费者生存所必不可少的物质需求与精神需求。因此,设计是物质性、功利性和实用性的,是不能完全凭感觉去完成的,而更需要接受和服从广大的消费者的消费需求、文化品位与生活习惯。例如,各类电器从设计到生产,再从市场到消费者的使用,整个过程体现了设计需要考虑各种因素如设计、策划、市场、消费、生产、成本、企业文化、品牌、设计思潮、设计风格和流行趋势等问题,寻找最佳的表达方法,把设计师的构想变成消费者能够接受和采纳的现实。 二、绘画与设计的异同 绘画与设计属于美术两大分支,它们之间有着相同之处,都是属于创造性活动,但也有本质的区别,二者之间的关系属于两个不同性质行业之间的关系,具体体现在以下几个方面。 首先,绘画与设计在工艺制作和实现方式上存在着区别。绘画虽然是一门艺术,但整个绘画作品的产生和制作过程是属于纯手工艺的,观者看到画面上的点、线、面、体和真实的肌理或质感,都是画家手工制作的,因此,绘画中手工操作的技术含量占重要比例。完成一幅绘画作品实际上是完成一种思维过程,即通过某种技法去实现某种意念,那么,怎样才能使这种思维的实现成为可能?在这里技术所包含的材料、技巧等起到了决定性的作用。例如,油画是通过以油为结合剂的油性颜料,用特定的技法,将构想画在布面或其他材料上;国画是用毛笔蘸上墨等水溶性颜料,以特有的笔法,将构想画在宣纸、帛以及其他材料上。但对设计产品来说,在实现方式上是通过脑力劳动的创造与大工业机器生产相结合来完成的,如今科技的进步和电脑的产生,给设计业带来了划时代的变化,设计作品的产生方式更加体现了机器的智能化、系列化,机器的重要性越来越明显。 其次,绘画与设计在商品经济中的地位是不同的。 对于绘画而言,是非商品化的(商业绘画除外),画家们强调的是自身的感受、意念、风格和精神内涵,如现代绘画更是创新观念独特,其个性表露和情感发泄更加强烈,使人惊讶不已,画家不会考虑其绘画能否让观者接受,更不去考虑绘画在商品经济中的地位。但设计是一项为他人服务的活动,具有物质性、功利性和实用性,并与商界有密切联系。如果说消费者和顾客是上帝的话,那么设计师就得屈服于他们的“上帝”,这是应该遵循的原则。设计者必须使他的产品具备使用价值与审美价值,去满足消费者的种种需求,赢得他们的信任与满意,最后通过市场竞争,使之实现畅销。因此,设计在商品经济中的地位是举足轻重的。 三、绘画与设计的联系 虽然绘画与设计之间存在着各种差异,但不能否认绘画与设计这两个同属于一根藤的瓜,有着千丝万缕的联系。如:早期绘画与设计的起源在艺术规律和基本特征上有着很大的相似性。又如,具备必要的绘画知识及审美能力,对于设计教学和设计实践尤为重要。在设计教学中,学生应具备必要的绘画知识,才能表达各类形态的造型,并能提高形象思维能力、抽象思维能力、抽象表现能力、对形态的审美能力等。这就意味着素描教学有很重要的地位,学生的绘画是从基础素描开始的,随后再通过设计素描、设计草图、设计效果图等课程的学习进行绘画的进一步训练。这些课程在培养学生从设计基础向设计专业过渡和衔接上起到关键性作用,是培养学生的设计意识及设计表达能力不可缺少的重要环节。在设计实践中,更是离不开绘画,如果一个从事设计的人不懂得绘画,那是寸步难行。这是因为:第一,在设计前期,也就是在想象和构思阶段,绘画(绘制草图)可以帮助捕捉灵感;第二,成熟的设计意念需要通过绘画得到具体表达,传达给他人。 绘画与设计也将随着时代的前进而发展。我国的绘画将继续在国际性的巨大风格差异中摸索和试验,探索新的道路,将绘画的时代性、民族性、当代性放在第一位,开创中国绘画的国际地位与影响,这对设计领域也是一个很好的促进;在设计教育方面,我国将实行素质教育,它是一种综合教育方式,涉及到社会、人文、科技,具有跨学科意义,使学生得到设计方向、设计商务、设计策划等多途径的教育,这对绘画观念的更新有着巨大影响。 结语 绘画与设计,就好比是“一根藤上的两个瓜”,是不可分割的。只有正确理解绘画与设计的起源与奥秘、特点与使命、异同与对比、整合与发展等,才能对两者的关系有客观的、深刻的、科学的认识,这对提高教学的质量、打造时代所需要的设计人才,弘扬中国元素与民族精神,摘掉中国设计师只会拷贝的帽子,具有建设性意义。


On New Year's eve New Year's eve, good lively! People have roved work, stick the couplets hung again pictures, Chip miles PaLa's firecrackers like in a pot, stir sesame similar continues, Spluttered pa fireworks sound like Beijing tiananmen held a grand celebration like, through the streets, and through the tall buildings, the dark of night according as the Home on New Year's eve everywhere brimmed with a beaming The night came! Wait for collection of my sister and happily took out "kaleidoscope" I excitedly only took fireworks and lighter, ready to carry out my New Year's eve first plan - let off We put the first shot is "a squealing blunt day", with a loud noise, the sky as the day, good spectacular immediately! Followed by "day female spread flower", the so-called day female spread flower, just as its name implies, it must be very beautiful You see, indeed as expected, fairies in the sky to take a basket of flowers without pity to Isaac to Those flowers in the air flowing long, beautiful! Brake, the air became colorful My sister and I dancing with Then, we put the parachute, "" they", "baihua bold and unrestrained" My New Year's eve's second plan, no doubt, of course, is watching the Spring Festival Our family ring sit in front of the TV and enthusiastically waiting for the arrival of the Spring Festival Happy remaining, suddenly daddy's face became I think: dad, what is this? Let not how I want, dad when opened words magazine: "now days is heaven days!" Father suddenly flashed such a few words, I puzzled and hurriedly cross-examine "dad, what heaven day?" Dad at small TV spin down, say to us: "kids, you are not understanding of ah! We used these people can bitter!" "You see today reunion dinner table of dishes, well, how If this in the past, want to dare not to think about " Father lit a cigarette and took a bite, and to longly say: "I always listen to your grandpa said, he that age, Chinese New Year can have flesh to eat, and will be satisfied, and many people I remember you grandpa's such a thing: that year before the Spring Festival, your grandpa had picked up a bear old books to HouZhou to He sells books of money to buy a dao won't eat meat, come Want to eat meat, toward the hanging pork Months past, that hang meat is still good One day, your grandpa in a wooden ladder climb a look, leaving next leather - meat was all mice ate! So, people want to eat, but became a mouse meal, how a shame!" Say, father stood up, with the hand gestures, says to us, "you these kids now is simply fell into a honeypot, what not to eat ah, New Year, New Year out on table is' three floors'! Especially in recent years, the reform and open policy, the farmer onto the first, living standards increase, table vary Even the swan meat all can eat You should cherish the happy life today!" Yeah, now working people's living standard is indeed has much All this, all by the party's policy making, all by the party's leadership good! This year's New Year's eve, we stick couplet, hang posters, firework, watching TV, though it is a bit busy, but it is rich and colorful, make me in busy learned And the most cause me unforgettable memories ", or "listen to father's words were made in my past understand

京剧的Beijing Opera, say again "PiHuang", from "XiPi" and "TLC identification method for erhuang are two basic accent its component music material and sing some small places tunes (such as LiuZi cavity, ChuiQiang etc) and kunqu It formed in Beijing, time is in 1840 around, prevailed in the 1930s and 1940s, with "Chinese," Now it is still have of the impact of national large It up comprehensive, performing mature, imposing manner macro beauty, is representative of the modern Chinese Peking Opera is China's "tranditional", more than 200 years of In addition, "Beijing Opera" is a network with "terror term, meaning"

上个世纪初,在西欧流行一部卷幅浩瀚的长篇小说《芳托马斯》。32卷由两个作家合作完成,每月创作一卷。合作延续到1914年第一次世界大战爆发,后来,路易•菲伊雷德把小说改编成电影,放映后在欧洲引起轰动。    《芳托马斯》的主角是一个十恶不赦的坏蛋,叫芳托马斯。他入室盗窃,诱奸妇女,抢劫银行,无恶不作。警察全力追捕,街上贴满缉拿文告。但是芳托马斯狡诈异常。警察根本不是他的对手。他有高超的易容术,从不露出真容;他身手敏捷,能飞檐走壁;他精通缩骨术,能从极小的缝隙中飞身而过。他经常与警察玩猫捉老鼠的游戏。他化装成绅士出入于酒店、旅馆与赌场,时而与政要侃侃而谈,时而与贵妇逢场作戏。总之,这是一个半魔幻半真实的风流大盗。他有智取法律的力量,敢于向愚蠢的官僚机构挑战,具有超现实的魔力。    《受威胁的凶手》就是芳托马斯的崇拜者之一,超现实主义画家马格利特的作品。关于马格利特的介绍网上可查,不在此赘述。接着返回原画上,整张画面,二名手持简单工具的侦探,一具赤裸女尸,一名穿着讲究不明身份的人,三名围观者。最初看到这幅画时,脑中便充满各种诡异的问号:谁杀了那名女子?留声机旁边的男子到底是谁?那两名侦探为何手持如此简单的抓捕工具?三名围观者到底看到了什么?    找到了上面的背景,心中稍微宽松,若马格利特真的是在画芳托马斯的话,留声机旁边的男子就应该是那位风流大盗了。刚刚做完案的他正在准备易容逃跑,地上的旅行箱,凳子上的大衣和帽子是他的作案工具。门口的两名侦探正在等待时机,或许是在等候支援的同伴,面对名声大作的芳托马斯不敢轻举妄动,面部表情极其凝重。三名围观者目睹一切后,惊愕、忧郁尽显脸上,一切一触即发。而画家更是将看画人的视角至于这一切发生的最近处,整个场面令人紧张不已。    可是画家在这里开了个小小的玩笑,在已经发明了留声机的年代,两名侦探还手持木棒、绳网,意图逮捕芳托马斯如此这般的江洋大盗,画家拿我们顽固。愚蠢的官僚机构开了一把涮。    老师也讲到过,整幅画人物的面孔全是马格利特,听到时很是迷惑。为何要将自己画成所有人?是技术,用以构成魔幻感么?以哲学绘画著名的画家应该不止有这点想法吧?我这样猜度着。受害者是我,施暴者是我,围观者是我,执法者也是我。画家这么画到底是为什么?    画家画这幅画的时候,立体主义,野兽主义已经在欧洲普遍流行,达达主义,未来主义,超现实主义正在蓬勃发展。随着照相机的发明,画家的绘画对象,表现手法都发生了重大改变,艺术观念经受着暴风骤雨般的洗礼,画家本人也从一只烟斗开始,去探索相似和近似的概念,,把观念和形象分离开来,挑战了大众的常识,发人深省。用绘画把“是”与“不是”这个哲学问题表达出来。而以上各种主义发展到达达主义反传统,反艺术之后,不论是艺术,还是道德都需要一种颠覆,杜尚用他的作画颠覆了艺术形式,那马格利特这幅画就是对道德的一种颠覆。画家崇拜芳托马斯,崇拜他能玩弄政府机构于股掌,完全自由;在作画职业上,画家却扮演着那两名侦探式的人物,理性,专业;在现实生活中,画家扮演着别人生活的围观者,或许自己也是受害者。一个人身上有多种身份,不同以往,受害者是值得同情的,施暴者是必须谴责的,围观者是完全无辜的。道德不如以前一样代表着绝对的善恶,而是随着人性的胶合越来越暧昧不清。我们的自私,冷漠不再是无事者的无关紧要。因为一切都与自己有关。这也正是体现了现代艺术的本质,对观念的改变和诠释。改变和诠释建立在艺术家大量的思考上。马格利特受不了巴黎的艺术氛围回到了比利时,自己一个人思考,用画笔去诠释,虽然在美术史上不如其他一些大家那般早年得志,却也画出了自己的一副天地。他的画总以哲思出名,比例的夸大,主题的诡异,思想的深奥,挡住了大部分人的脚步,被印在钞票上的《天降》,我倒觉得远不如他《窗》系列那组画来的动人,画布遮挡住窗户,画上户外的景象,真实是什么?画家用这组画来拷问我们。与其说马格利特是魔幻现实主义画家,我到是偏向于把他归为现实派的思想,魔幻的表达手法。他和达利不同,达利执迷于如何表达潜意识,但是马格利特却表达着现实,用魔幻拷问着现实。对于常规,大多数人选择默认,而马格利特却用自己的画笔拷问着这些大家默认的东西。以哲人的身份画画,这就是我想说的马格利特。【参考书目】: 《马格利特:图像的哲学》 刘云卿 广西大学出版社 《现代主义绘画解读》 孙家祥 上海教育出版社 《剑桥艺术史-20世纪艺术》 罗斯玛丽•兰伯特(英) 译林出版社 《世界著名图像的秘密》 张延风 百花文艺出版社 《奢华的冒险-现代艺术的消解与重建》 张彬 北京大学出版社 《二十世纪视觉艺术》 爱德华•路希•史密斯(英)

