

发布时间:2024-07-06 13:09:20


作文给我自己去写 首先,我们应该放更多的精力在环境污染上,这是我们开始保护文化遗产的第一步其次,我们应该坚定保护文化遗产的意识来教育公众怎么保护第三,我们应该为保护文化遗产做一些有用的事口胡式翻译= =+不过应该不会差太多&你们高一的单词竟然就这么复杂这让我这个大学生情何以堪啊

Too few people to pay attention to China's Urban cultural heritage is the witness of the historical development of the city is the city an important basis for historical Sustainable development an important aspect is to protect the historical and cultural We can adopt the following methods of protection, the entire society to let people know the significance of cultural heritage protection, the enhancement of people's And then some sites do not open to the public, to a fine of spoilers, the last teacher education allows students to awareness of the importance of the protection of cultural 太少的人去关注中国的文化了。城市文化遗产是城市历史发展的见证,是城市历史研究的重要依据。可持续发展的一个重要方面是保护历史文化遗产。我们可以通过以下方法保护,首先要让全社会人民都知道文化遗产保护的意义,提高人们的保护意识。然后有些遗址不对外开放,对破坏者进行罚款,最后可以让老师教育学生要意识保护文化遗址的重要性。看看是不是这个

写作思路及要点:审清题目,确定中心,选择材料。First of all, we should pay attention to environmental 首先,我们应该重视环境污染问题。This is our first step in protecting cultural 这是我们保护文物的第一步。Secondly, we should enhance the awareness of protecting cultural relics and publicize to the public how to protect cultural 其次,我们应该增强保护文物的意识,向公众宣传如何保护文物。Third, we should do something useful to protect cultural 第三,我们应该为保护文物做些有益的事情。

写作思路及要点:以保护文化遗产为题,围绕这一主题展开描写,接着表达自己的想法以及观点。正文:Too few people to pay attention to Chinas  Urban cultural heritage is the witness of the historical development of the city is the city an important basis for historical  Sustainable development an important aspect is to protect the historical and cultural  太少的人去关注中国的文化了。城市文化遗产是城市历史发展的见证,是城市历史研究的重要依据。可持续发展的一个重要方面是保护历史文化遗产。We can adopt the following methods of protection, the entire society to let people know the significance of cultural heritage protection, the enhancement of peoples  我们可以通过以下方法保护,首先要让全社会人民都知道文化遗产保护的意义,提高人们的保护意识。And then some sites do not open to the public, to a fine of spoilers, the last teacher education allows students to awareness of the importance of the protection of cultural 然后有些遗址不对外开放,对破坏者进行罚款,最后可以让老师教育学生要意识保护文化遗址的重要性。


保护非物质文化遗产很重要   非物质文化遗产指的是……   为保护非物质文化遗产我们应该……   【精彩范文】  Protecting the Intangible Cultural Heritages  Like tangible cultural heritages such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, intangible cultural heritages like Peking Opera and Confucius-commemorating rituals are equally We should make our utmost efforts to preserve intangible heritages because, without their physical form of existence, they are in greater risk of   According to UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003), all forms of social customs and habits, folklore, performing arts, rituals, oral traditions, festivals, traditional crafts and various knowledge and practices about nature and universe can be classified as intangible cultural As a country consisting of a great diversity of ethnic groups and with time-honored history and civilization, China abounds in intangible cultural Cultural heritages connect modern people with the historical past, allowing them to acquire a cultural and historical Without cultural heritages, we would be rendered absolutely rootless and we would find it hard to cope with challenges at present and in the   However, the modernization process poses mounting threats to intangible Many people have a blind faith in the latest electronic It is also pathetic to see elderly people in possession of such legacies pass away without transmitting them to the younger Faced with those challenges, we should both preserve and renovate our ancestral heritages so that we can help contribute to the cultural diversity of the world and return to our spiritual homeland in this age of impersonal science and   【参考译文】  保护非物质文化遗产   如同长城、故宫之类的物质文化遗产一样,像京剧和祭孔仪式这类非物质文化遗产,也同样至关重要。我们应不遗余力地去保护非物质遗产,因为它们在不具备物质存在的条件下,失传的可能性更加岌岌可危。   按照联合国教科文组织2003年通过的《保护非物质文化遗产公约》的界定,各种社会习俗、民俗、表演艺术、仪式、口头传统、节庆、传统手工艺、以及有关自然界与宇宙的知识与实践,全都可被纳入到非物质文化遗产的范畴。作为一个由众多族群构成的国家,并拥有悠久的历史与文明,中国有着极为丰富的非物质文化遗产。文化遗产将现代人与遥远的历史连接起来,使人们拥有某种文化和历史的认同感。如果没有文化遗产,我们的“根”便荡然无存。我们也无法去应对当下及未来的挑战。   然则,现代化进程正在对非物质文化遗产构成日甚一日的威胁。许多人盲目崇拜最新的电子产品。另外,看着掌握非物质遗产的老者不断逝去,而无法将其留传给年轻的一代,实在令人痛心。面对这些挑战,我们对祖辈的遗产既要继承,又要创新,这样,我们才能促进世界的文化多样性,并在一个缺少人情味的科学与技术的时代,重返我们的精神家园。   【值得熟记的句式与短语】    tangible cultural heritages物质文化遗产    Confucius-commemorating rituals祭孔仪式    make utmost efforts to不遗余力地去做……    preserve intangible heritages保护非物质遗产    be in great risk of extinction灭亡的可能性很大    Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage《保护非物质文化遗产公约》    oral traditions口头传统    traditional crafts传统手工艺    a great diversity of ethnic groups众多族群    time-honored history and civilization悠久的历史与文明    cultural and historical identity文化和历史的认同感    cope with challenges at present and in the future应对当下及未来的挑战    a blind faith盲目崇拜    ancestral heritages祖辈的遗产    cultural diversity文化多样性    spiritual homeland精神家园    age of impersonal science and technology缺少人情味的科学与技术的时代


作文给我自己去写 首先,我们应该放更多的精力在环境污染上,这是我们开始保护文化遗产的第一步其次,我们应该坚定保护文化遗产的意识来教育公众怎么保护第三,我们应该为保护文化遗产做一些有用的事口胡式翻译= =+不过应该不会差太多&你们高一的单词竟然就这么复杂这让我这个大学生情何以堪啊

写作思路及要点:审清题目,确定中心,选择材料。First of all, we should pay attention to environmental 首先,我们应该重视环境污染问题。This is our first step in protecting cultural 这是我们保护文物的第一步。Secondly, we should enhance the awareness of protecting cultural relics and publicize to the public how to protect cultural 其次,我们应该增强保护文物的意识,向公众宣传如何保护文物。Third, we should do something useful to protect cultural 第三,我们应该为保护文物做些有益的事情。


作文给我自己去写 首先,我们应该放更多的精力在环境污染上,这是我们开始保护文化遗产的第一步其次,我们应该坚定保护文化遗产的意识来教育公众怎么保护第三,我们应该为保护文化遗产做一些有用的事口胡式翻译= =+不过应该不会差太多&你们高一的单词竟然就这么复杂这让我这个大学生情何以堪啊

Too few people to pay attention to China's Urban cultural heritage is the witness of the historical development of the city is the city an important basis for historical Sustainable development an important aspect is to protect the historical and cultural We can adopt the following methods of protection, the entire society to let people know the significance of cultural heritage protection, the enhancement of people's And then some sites do not open to the public, to a fine of spoilers, the last teacher education allows students to awareness of the importance of the protection of cultural 太少的人去关注中国的文化了。城市文化遗产是城市历史发展的见证,是城市历史研究的重要依据。可持续发展的一个重要方面是保护历史文化遗产。我们可以通过以下方法保护,首先要让全社会人民都知道文化遗产保护的意义,提高人们的保护意识。然后有些遗址不对外开放,对破坏者进行罚款,最后可以让老师教育学生要意识保护文化遗址的重要性。看看是不是这个

写作思路及要点:审清题目,确定中心,选择材料。First of all, we should pay attention to environmental 首先,我们应该重视环境污染问题。This is our first step in protecting cultural 这是我们保护文物的第一步。Secondly, we should enhance the awareness of protecting cultural relics and publicize to the public how to protect cultural 其次,我们应该增强保护文物的意识,向公众宣传如何保护文物。Third, we should do something useful to protect cultural 第三,我们应该为保护文物做些有益的事情。

写作思路及要点:以保护文化遗产为题,围绕这一主题展开描写,接着表达自己的想法以及观点。正文:Too few people to pay attention to Chinas  Urban cultural heritage is the witness of the historical development of the city is the city an important basis for historical  Sustainable development an important aspect is to protect the historical and cultural  太少的人去关注中国的文化了。城市文化遗产是城市历史发展的见证,是城市历史研究的重要依据。可持续发展的一个重要方面是保护历史文化遗产。We can adopt the following methods of protection, the entire society to let people know the significance of cultural heritage protection, the enhancement of peoples  我们可以通过以下方法保护,首先要让全社会人民都知道文化遗产保护的意义,提高人们的保护意识。And then some sites do not open to the public, to a fine of spoilers, the last teacher education allows students to awareness of the importance of the protection of cultural 然后有些遗址不对外开放,对破坏者进行罚款,最后可以让老师教育学生要意识保护文化遗址的重要性。



它们是天空中闪烁的繁星,永世相传,它 们是镶在一起的明珠,引人注目。由古至 今。仍是如此美丽,由中至外,都是赫赫 有名。当它们存在的那一刻起,就注定受 人瞩目!当人们用手轻抚那明珠时,无意间,也许 就将它划伤。充满活力、朝气蓬勃的年轻 人,似新生的嫩芽儿,惹人喜爱;似雨后 春笋,拔地而起。好奇引领他们来到了那 里,或爱护这遗产,或随意践踏它们。当古老长城——这中华民族的骄傲,面临 危机时……年轻人纷纷献上自己的一点心 意;一块块散失的城砖被他们找回;一滴 滴汗水洒在保护世界遗产的公益劳动中; 一声声倡议,号召着人们都来爱护长 城……当人们为了一时的快意,而毁了千古的辉 煌奇迹,这“无价之宝”又该以多少金额来 代替呢?是的,这是多少钱都换不回的。 正因为它们是我们的骄傲,它们是我们的 自豪,它们是我们的“无价之宝”,才更应 该让它们永为流传。如果没有这些充满活 力和爱心的年轻人,这“无价之宝”又怎能 是无价之身呢?随着岁月的流逝,文化遗 产、古迹的美貌也在分分秒秒中消逝,人 们也同时在分分秒秒中使它们完好如初。为图一时的快意,是自私的;为使文物永 久存在,是伟大但又不引人注目的。“花 有重开日,宝无再造时”,物以稀为贵, 我们这些年轻人难道不应该珍惜这“无价 之宝”吗?当再次望着这完好如初的遗产 文物时,多多少少也有我们这些年轻人的 一点微薄之力吧。


文物是反映历代社会制度、社会生产、社会生活、文化艺术、科学技术等方面的重要的有代表性的实物,是历史和文明的承载物。 具有2500年历史的太原,有着丰富的文化遗产和文物史迹,古晋阳城、纯阳宫、文庙、督军府、宁化府、拱极门遗址等,每每说起这些遗产,太原人都津津乐道。 但是,我市的文物现状不容乐观,古关帝庙、城隍庙等很多文物年久失修、面貌破旧;有的被工厂、学校、民居占用,保护工作不落实,重点保护不突出;基本建设对地上和地下文物破坏严重;有的开山造田等对文物也有一定的危害;有部分古建筑与周围建筑环境不协调,对传统文化构成了损害,影响到城市的地方特色;文物保护与开发没有很好结合,有的文物被拆除,有的文物保护点孤立地存在,失去了其传统的风采和内涵。 失去这些历史遗存,2500年历史的古城也就难符其实了。消失的,无法挽回,树立和加强文物保护意识,做到建设和保护和谐发展,为历史、为后代保留一份宝贵的遗产,是我们每一个人的责任所在。


On Culture「谈文化」 The way of life that a group of people builds up over a long period of time becomes the people's Culture includes the people's values and beliefs as well as their technical Some aspects of culture are learned in a formal setting, such as a school, while other aspects are learned informally in the process of day-to-day A culture is always Changes in s culture often come about by borrowing form another culture and by To enrich the culture of our nation, we are constantly adapting new inventions and new ideas into our way of

作文给我自己去写 首先,我们应该放更多的精力在环境污染上,这是我们开始保护文化遗产的第一步其次,我们应该坚定保护文化遗产的意识来教育公众怎么保护第三,我们应该为保护文化遗产做一些有用的事口胡式翻译= =+不过应该不会差太多&你们高一的单词竟然就这么复杂这让我这个大学生情何以堪啊

I don't know

写作思路及要点:审清题目,确定中心,选择材料。First of all, we should pay attention to environmental 首先,我们应该重视环境污染问题。This is our first step in protecting cultural 这是我们保护文物的第一步。Secondly, we should enhance the awareness of protecting cultural relics and publicize to the public how to protect cultural 其次,我们应该增强保护文物的意识,向公众宣传如何保护文物。Third, we should do something useful to protect cultural 第三,我们应该为保护文物做些有益的事情。
