

发布时间:2024-07-05 16:04:25


CYOU In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like You are unique in the entire history and future of the Wow! Stop and think about You're better than one in a million, or a billion, or a You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity! You're amazing! You're awesome! And by the way, TAG, you're As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be even more Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of But you don't become "beautiful" just by virtue of the aging Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of That is the Art of L You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of Paint a M God gives every bird its food, but he doesn't throw it into its Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, it's truly up to 试想一下……你!一个空前绝后的你,不论是以往还是将来都不会有一个跟你一模一样的人。你在历史上和宇宙中都是独一无二的。哇!想想吧,你是万里挑一、亿里挑一、兆里挑一的。 在无穷无尽的宇宙中,你是举世无双的!!! 你是了不起的!你是卓越的!没错,就是你。你已经是了不起的,是卓越的,你还可以更卓越更了不起。美丽的年轻人是大自然的奇想,而美丽的老人却是艺术的杰作。但你不会因为年龄的渐长就自然而然地变得“美丽”。 真正的美丽源于生命里的学习、成长和热爱。这就是生命的艺术。你可以只听天由命, 慢慢地学,有时候或许会很痛苦。又或许你可以选择加速自己的成长,故意地挥霍生活及其提供的一切。你就是手握今日之刷描绘自己未来的艺术家。画出一幅杰作吧! 上帝给了鸟儿食物,但他没有将食物扔到它们的巢里。不管你想要去哪里,不管你想要做什么,真正做决定的还是你自己。 本文来自: 恒星英语学习网(H) 详细出处参考:-10-01/html



在十四行诗中,诗人抒发了爱情给人带来的欢乐,欣喜,痴狂和忧伤,无助与悲痛,表达了诗人对爱情忠贞不渝,海枯石烂誓死不变的信念,歌颂心灵美与外在美的统一,爱情可以给出身卑微的人的带来幸福,自信和勇气,给意志消沉,郁郁不闷的人带来希望和快乐的。即使是爱情悲剧,诗人也把自己的血化为红宝石,将自己的泪凝成亮珍珠,闪烁着崇高的、美的光彩。  莎士比亚处于英国文艺复兴时期,贯穿于莎士比亚作品中的人文主义思想,其基本出发点是资产阶级“人性论”。“个人奋斗”、“恋爱至上”、“及时行乐”、“人生无常”等消极观念也流露于字里行间。但除去这些消极的观念,诗人对爱情和美的向往是值得我们思考的。  在莎士比亚的爱情诗中,作了很多关于爱人的美的描述,也用了一些“意象”的手法。他把他所爱的人比作太阳,比作夏天等自然界中的美好事物,但作者认为它们都有自己的缺点,都不能跟他完美无缺的爱人相比,这一切对于形容她的美和表达他对她的爱都显得微不足道。  我怎么能够把你比作夏天?  你不独比他可爱也比他温婉;  狂风把五月宠爱的嫩蕊作践,  夏天出赁的期限又未免太短;  他那炳耀的金颜又常遭掩蔽;  天上的眼睛有时照得太酷烈,  给机缘或无常的天道所摧折,  没有芳艳不终于凋残或销毁。  在英国的夏天,温暖而不炎热,是最宜人,美丽的季节,诗人把他的情人比作夏天这个美丽的季节,还认为不够,因为夏天仍有它的缺点,远不如他的情人美丽,温柔,可爱。在夏天有时狂风会作践可爱的嫩蕊,它残酷无情,远没有他的爱人可爱,温婉。有时炎炎烈日当空时酷热难忍;乌云又常会遮蔽太阳,而且夏天的时间太短。夏天虽美但仍有如此多的缺点。而他的情人比夏天更温柔多情,夏天很快会过去,但她的美丽永存。  但你的长夏将  永远不凋落,  也不会损失你这皎洁的红芳;  或死神夸口你在他影里漂泊,  当你在不朽的诗里与时同长。  只要一天有人类,或人有眼睛,  这诗将长在,并且赐给你生命。  人生无常,命运不济,厄运或许会随时降临。人的生命是多么的脆弱,所以死神夸口说,人的生死命运都随时操纵在他手里,即使是那样,你也不用害怕,只要我把你的美丽写进了不朽的诗篇,你就可以随同我的作品流传人间与“时间”共存不灭,永不凋落,你的青春与美丽将会随着诗篇永传人世,被人们所赏识。青春和美丽都是短暂的,诗人想用这种方式留住对情人的爱和情人的美,表现了他对爱和美的追求、向往和珍惜。《你的长夏永不凋落》是首富有哲理性的抒情诗。通篇以夏天为喻,说明美借诗而永存的道理。诗人认为自然界的夏天尽管美好,仍有许多缺陷,难于长久。“没有芳艳不终于凋残或销毁”,那么,人的美好的青春自然也将逝去。但他坚信:人类是不朽的,人类所创造的文学是不朽的,因而美好的事物(包括诗人情人的美,可以借助于文学而永远流传下去。它是当时资产阶级人文主义思想的一种表现,即充分肯定人的价值,赞扬人的尊严,高贵,歌颂人的巨大创造力和对美的追求。  诗以言志,诗人可以借助诗来表达爱情,含蓄而真挚,爱情就像严寒中的一把火,干渴时的一滴甘露,能带给身处困境或自暴自弃的人以信心和光明。例如下面一首《你的甜爱就是珍宝》。  我一旦失去了幸福,又遭人白眼,



Lu Xun is my favourite He is one of the most famous writers in C He wrote a lot of literary He was thin and not He always wore a long old coat in that At first, he wanted to be a doctor and save people’s So he learned medicine, but later he found the Chinese were in sensitive when they faced the oppression of their So he began to write articles to wake the people Lu Xun wrote some famous novels, he attacked the social mores in that time, and in his works, many persons were known very well, such as “Ah Q”“Kong Yi ji” I like Lu Xun because I also want to be a great writer like I like reading and writing, and I often write some articles in my free Though I don’t have good literary talent or a large vocabulary, I spend lots of time reading and writing to improve my writing Lu Xun is my hero, I will learn more from I believe I can be a great writer like him in the future也是我偶然看到的,看是否还适合你

Katherine Ann Porter's The Jilting of Granny Weatherall “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall,” a short story by Katherine Anne Porter, describes the last thoughts, feelings, and memories of an elderly As Granny Weatherall’s life literally “flashes” before her eyes, the importance of the title of the story becomes Granny Weatherall has been in some way deceived or disappointed in every love relationship of her Her past lover George, husband John, daughter Cornelia, and God each did an injustice to Granny W Granny faces her last moments of life with a mixture of strength, bitterness, and Granny gained her strength from the people that she felt jilted George stood Granny up at the altar and it is never stated that she heard from him The pain forced Granny to be In "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall," there are two The first is self- The second theme is the acceptance of her Both deal with the way people perceive their deaths and mortality in Granny Weatherall's behavior is Porter's tool for making these themes visible to the The theme of self-pity is obvious and thoroughly explored early As a young lady, Granny Weatherall was left at the altar on her wedding As a result, the pathetic woman feels sorry for herself for the rest of her She becomes a bitter old woman who is suspicious of everyone around This point is shown early in the story when the do Granny Weatherall, the main character in Katherine Anne Porter's The Jilting of Granny Weatherall, is an 80-year-old elderly woman who is at the doorstep of There is a sense of disillusionment with Granny that leads readers to develop their own interpretation of her relationship with Cornelia, her daughter As the narrator, Granny unknowingly would paint the picture of Cornelia as nuisance and In fact, the reader can rationalize that it is just Cornelia's concern for an ailing mother that creates the situation of her seemingly being there all the Granny is having mental flashbacks as death approaches like "a fog rose over the valley" (1296) Granny recalls events throughout her life, from being left at the altar on her wedding day, to losing a child, to coming to grips with her own death as the story reaches a All of these recollections and the realization of her death bring together the great ironies of the story, ironies which cause not one but two jiltings for G As you read the story, the first irony becomes apparent on her deathbed, the memory of a love lost which has been suppressed for 60 years It is magnified in such a way showing that though she had tried to forget G The setting for "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" is the bedroom where Granny Weatherall is dying, though most of the action occurs in Granny's Told as a stream-of-consciousness monologue, "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" is the story of the last day in the eighty-year-old woman's In her final hours with her surviving children around her bed, Granny Weatherall reconsiders her life and ponders her impending Almost against her will, her thoughts return to an incident that occurred more than sixty years earlier: She was left standing alone at the altar when her fiancé George jilted A portrait of an eighty-year-old woman on her deathbed,' 'The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" is an exploration of the human mind as it struggles to come to terms with loss and Porter offers no clear resolution to these fundamental issues, but instead interweaves themes of betrayal, religion, death, and memory in a moving and poetic character The titles of both the story and the anthology {Flowering Judas} in which it first appeared suggest the idea of betrayal, a central theme underlying many of Porter's Judas was the disciple who betrayed Christ with a At the heart of "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" are Granny's memories of her betrayal by George, One of the most striking stylistic aspects of 'The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" is its unusual narrative Though the story is written in the third person, its narrative point of view is extremely close to that of the central character, Granny W The story is told through stream-of- Granny's thoughts are presented in a spontaneous fashion, as if readers had access to Jilting means you have been kept from something that was meant to be Most often used in terms that one is jilted at the alter (or their prospective spouse doesn't show up to get married) Granny Weatherall is jilted at the alter then again when she doesn't see a sign from God when she is dying-kind of like she was waiting for God to come get her and he doesn't-so is jilted On her death bed, surrounded by her children, doctor and priest, a memory of 60 years ago, the day she was jilted by her husband-to-be, could no longer be repressed by Granny Weatherall- "the thought of him was a smoky cloud from hell that moved and crept in her head " Voices and visions, imagined and real, mingle and merge throughout the story as this hardy woman, one who has weathered so much, lives out her final Ironically, Granny Weatherall is jilted for a second time when the final sign she's been waiting for from Jesus never "For the second time there was no Again no bridegroom and the priest in the house She stretched herself with a deep breath and blew out the "

苏东坡的文学背景和他的赋SU TUNG-PO’S LITERARY BACKGROUND AND HIS PROSE-POETRY by Qian Zhongshu (Primarily written as a foreword to “Su Tung-Po’s Prose-poems” translated into English With Notes and Commentaries by C D Le Gros Clark, this is published here by kind permission of M Le Gros C Those who are interested in textual criticism may consult M Wu Shih-ch’ang’s review in Chinese which appeared in The Crescent Monthly, V IV, N –E)Of the Sung dynasty, it may be said, as Hazlitt said of himself, that it is nothing if not The Chinese people dropped something of their usual wise passiveness during the Sung dynasty, and “pondered, searched, probed, vexed, and criticized” This intellectual activity, however, is not to be compared with that of the Pre-Chin period, the heyday of Chinese The men of the Sung dynasty were inquisitive rather than speculative, filled more with a sense of curiosity than with a sense of Hence, there is no sweep, no daring, no roominess or margin in their A prosaic and stuffy thing theirs is, on the This critical spirit revealed itself in many directions, particularly in the full flourish of literary criticism and the rise of the tao-hsüeh (道学), that mélange adultere of metaphysics, psychology, ethics and Literary criticism in China is an unduly belated Apart from a handful of obiter dicta scattered here and there, Liu Hsieh’s Literary Mind (刘勰文心雕龙) and Lo Chi’s A Prose-poem on Literature (陆机文赋) are the critical writings that count up to the Sung There is Chung Yung’s Classification of Poets (钟嵘诗品) of But Chung Yung is a literary genealogist rather than a critic, and his method of simply dividing poets into sheep and goats and dispensing praise or dispraise where he thought due, is the reverse of critical, let alone his fanciful attempts to trace literary parentages(1) Ssu-Kung Tu’s Characterisations of Poetry (司空图诗品) is a different matter(2) Ssu-Kung Tu seeks to convey purely with imagery the impressions registered by a sensitive mind of twenty four different kinds of poetry: “pure, ornate, grotesque,” His is perhaps the earliest piece of “impressionistic” or “creative criticism” ever written if any language, so quietly ecstatic and so autonomous and self-sufficient, as it were, in its being but it fails on that very account to become sober and proper It is not until the Sung dynasty that criticism begins to be practiced in Numerous “causeries on poetry” (诗话)are written and principles of literature are canvassed by way of commentaries on individual Henceforth, causeries on poetry become established as the vehicle for Chinese One must note in passing that there do not appear professional critics with the rise of In those good old days of China, criticism is always the prerogative of artists The division of labour between critics and artists in the West is something that the old Chinese literati would scoff The criticism of Sung dynasty, like all Chinese criticismsbefore the “New Literature Movement” with the possible exception of Hsieh’s Literary Mind, is apt to fasten upon particulars and be given too much to the study of best words in best But it is symptomatic of the critical spirit, and there is an end of The Chinese common reader often regards the men of the Sung dynasty as Their high seriousness and intellectual and moral squeamishness are at once irritating and amusing to the ordinary easy-going Chinese There is something paralyzing and devitalizing in their wire-drawn casuistry which induces hostile critics to attribute the collapse of the Sung dynasty to its There is also a disingenuousness in their attempts at what may be called for want of a better name, philosophical masquerade: to dress up Taoism of Buddhism as orthodox C One need but look into Sketches in a Villa(阅微草堂笔记)and Causeries on Poetry in a Garden(随园诗话) to see what a good laugh these two coxcombs of letters, Chi Yuen (纪昀) and Yuan Mei (袁枚) have had at the expense of the Sung philosophers and critics Nevertheless ofe is compelled to admit that the Sung philosophers are unequalled in the study of mental Never has human nature been subject to a more rigorous scrutiny before or since in the history of Chinese For what strikes one most in the tao-hsüeh is the emphasis on self- This constant preying upon itself of the mind is quite in the spirit of the The Sung philosophers are morbidly introspective, always feeling their moral pulses and floundering in their own streams of To them, their mind verily “ a kingdom is” They analyse and pulverize human But for that moral bias which Nietzsche thinks to be also the bane of German philosophy, their vivisection of human soul would have contributed a good deal to what Santayna calls literary The poetry of the sung dynasty is also a case in It is a critical commonplace that the Sung poetry furnishes a striking contract to the T’ang Chinese poetry, hitherto ethereal and delicate, seems in the Sung dynasty to take on flesh and becomes a solid, full-blooded It is more weighted with the burden of Of course, it still looks light and slight enough by the side of Western But the lightness of the Sung poetry is that of an aeroplane describing graceful curves, and no longer that of a moth fluttering in the mellow In the Sung poetry one finds very little of that suggestiveness, that charm of a beautiful thing imperfectly beheld, which foreigners think characteristic of Chinese poetry in Instead, one meets with a great deal of naked thinking and outright It may be called “sentimental” in contradistinction to the T’ang poetry which is on the whole “naïve”, to adopt Schiller’s useful The Sung poets, however, make up for their loss in lisping naivete and lyric glow by a finesse in feeling and In their descriptive poetry, they have the knack of taking the thing to be described sur le vif: witness Lo Yu (陆游) and Yang Wan-li (杨万里) They have also a better perception of the nuances of emotion than the T’ang poets, as can be seen particularly in their Ts’u (词), a species of song for which the Sung dynasty is justly famous(3) Small wonder that they are deliberate artists, considering the fact that they all have been critics in the off hours of their The most annoying thing about them is perhaps their erudition and allusiveness which makes the enjoyment of them to a large extent the luxury of the initiated even among the C (3000字)还有一篇在玩偶之家的身份抗争(6000字)和一篇马丁路德金的《我有一个梦》文体分析(10000字)如果需要就麻烦您告诉我您的邮箱,再给您发过去。


伴随着鲁迅先生的作品,一同凝望逝去的历史,解读上个世纪中国最忧患的灵魂,同时在成长中,不断剖析自我个体的生命存在,这已是我们见证深刻的必修课,而且势必仍将持续下去,成为我们灵魂深处不可磨灭的永恒。有人说:鲁迅是一个难以表述的存在,走进他的内心深处,是相当困难的,鲁迅思想的深刻性和复杂性,使得后人在接近的时候,常常会陷入表述的尴尬。但对于我们而言,从学者抑或评论家的角度去品味、体会,实在是被置入另一种无地的尴尬中,我只能记下那些在我的成长中慢慢风化却又自信弥坚的感想,来告慰先生的伟大,以及见证一些…… 田园牧歌中的现实主义者 《从百草园到三味书屋》是最早时读到的先生的作品,幽默、诙谐、妙趣横生,那菜畦、石井栏、皂荚树、桑葚、黄蜂、叫天子以及人形的何首乌,还有长妈妈讲的有关赤练蛇、美女蛇的故事,都曾引起儿时最远最深的遐想,田园牧歌式的生活恰似那时的心境。文章天成,如同园中的草木,枝叶繁茂,尽皆奇花异草,随手摘取。这种以孩童的眼光来观察事物,使之形成一种张力,令人目不暇接。《故乡》里的闰土是经常盼望突然来临的远客,带着故乡的趣事,捕鸟、拾贝壳、守西瓜地,以及如歌吟般的“一轮金黄的圆月”所照亮的美丽的世界。还有《社戏》,那么一群天真烂漫的孩子,兀自划了船去看戏,“两岸的豆麦和河底的水草散发出来的清香”、淡黑的起伏的连山、依稀见望的山庄,和咿咿呀呀地旦角的哼唱,归来时偷煮豆的欢晌,都成为我们回忆中的美景。 鲁迅以他特有的细腻的笔触为许多年后中国的孩子勾勒了一幅幅美轮美奂的童年图景,却以自我的孤独实践、审识了所谓的原乡情调,这种怀旧中隐藏的对现实的思考是更为深刻的历史使命感与生命剖析,这是我很久以后再读先生作品的体会,继而颠覆了置于一个时期和年龄的思想。 《从百草园到三味书屋》选自鲁迅的散文集《朝花夕拾》,是之中少有的童话般的文字,也使之成为儿童教育中的经典读物。百草园中的草木鸟兽、三味书屋里的摇头晃脑,都以一种幽默的笔调来调节给人的目不暇接的紧张感,这些都在文末“这东西早已没有了罢”的感慨中结束,给人一种回忆的阶段性与模糊感,带着无法挽回的忧伤继续行走,在回望与现实中,反而更突显了生命存在悲哀,这种悲哀正是鲁迅思想中有关“中间物”的体现,他是一个“感得全人间世,而同时领会天国之极乐和地狱之大苦恼”的博大的诗人,不承认历史发展,社会形态,他拒绝了永恒,否定了历史社会生命的“凝固”与“不朽”,制造了空前的现实感与孤立姿态,这种“中间”的论调使对于百草园、三味书屋的回忆与现实产生一种巨大的隔膜,把人置于虚无的境界,推向绝望的极致。 《呐喊》小说之一《故乡》将虚构作者与现实结合,令人不得不怀疑作者与小说人物的统一性,浓郁、强烈的抒情性,使这首“还乡诗”塑造了童话般的抒情世界。在所谓的“离去——归来——再离去”的建构模式中,田园牧歌的情感也在闰土的一声”老爷”中彻底破灭,“我”的再次离去与闰土的离去是相互见证与背离的。鲁迅是真正透彻了解农民的心灵的作家,这种隐含在文字中的对农民个体生命意识的描写正是于悄无声息中洞穿,而这又是于平静中对现实的毁灭性的认识,在人们被乡村美丽深深打动的同时,不得不直视现实

达·芬奇诞生在意大利芬奇镇附近的安基亚诺村,芬奇镇靠近佛罗伦萨。父亲是当地有名的公证人,家庭富有。达·芬奇是非婚生子,他的童年是在祖父的田庄里度过的孩提时代的达·芬奇聪明伶俐,勤奋好学,兴趣广泛。他歌唱得很好,很早就学会弹琵琶,他的即兴演唱,不论歌词还是曲调,都让人惊叹。他尤其喜爱绘画,常为邻里们作画,有“绘画神童”的美称。  当时,皮埃罗受一位农民的委托,要画一幅盾面画。他听说儿子会画画,想试试儿子的画艺,便将这任务交给了小芬奇。小芬奇凭借自己丰富的想象力,用了一个月的时间,画成了一个骇人的妖怪。这妖怪长着火球般的眼睛,张着血盆大口,鼻孔中喷出火焰和毒气,样子十分的恐怖。作品完成后,小芬奇请父亲来到他的房间。他把窗遮去一半,将画架竖在光线恰好落在妖怪身上的地方。皮埃罗刚走进房间时,一眼就看到了这个面目狰狞的怪物,吓得大叫起来。小芬奇则笑着对父亲说:“请您拿去吧,这就是它该产生的效果。”皮埃罗从此确信儿子有绘画天赋,便将小芬奇送往佛罗伦萨,师从著名的艺术家委罗基奥,开始系统地学习造型艺术。此时的达·芬奇只有14岁。  委罗基奥的画舫是当时佛罗伦萨著名的艺术中心,经常有意大利人文主义者在这里聚会,讨论学术问题。达·芬奇在这里结实了一大批知名的人文主义者、艺术家和科学家,开始接受人文主义的熏陶。 达·芬奇在20岁时已有很高的艺术造诣,他用画笔和雕刻刀去表现大自然和现实生活的真、善、美,热情歌颂人生的幸福和大自然的美妙。  达·芬奇并不满足他的这些才干,他要掌握人类思想的各个领域。他眼光独到,做事干练,具有艺术的灵魂。有一次,他在山里迷了路,走到了一个漆黑的山洞前。他在后来回忆这段经历时说:“我突然产生了两种情绪——害怕和渴望:对漆黑的洞穴感到害怕,又想看看其中是否会有什么怪异的东西。”他一生都被这两种情绪所羁束——对生活之不可知或无力探知的神秘感到害怕,而又想把这个神秘之不可知性加以揭露,加以研究,解释其含义,描绘其壮观。他很早就下定决心,要做一个研究者、一个教师、尤其是一个艺术家。  科学巨匠  在文艺复兴早期,人们盲目地接受传统观念,崇拜古代权威和古典著作。人们学习科学知识也只是学习象《圣经》一样的亚里士多德的理论,只相信文字记载。达·芬奇反对经院哲学家们把过去的教义和言论作为知识基础,他鼓励人们向大自然学习,到自然界中寻求知识和真理。他认为知识起源于实践,只有从实践出发,通过实践去探索科学的奥秘。他说“理论脱离实践是最大的不幸”,“实践应以好的理论为基础”。达·芬奇提出并掌握了这种先进的科学方法,采用这种科学方法去进行科学研究,在自然科学方面作出了巨大的贡献。他提出的这一方法,后来得到了伽利略的发展,并由英国哲学家弗兰西斯.培根从理论上加以总结,成为近代自然科学的最基本方法。 达·芬奇坚信科学,他对宗教感到厌恶,抨击天主教为“一个贩卖欺骗的店铺”。他说:“真理只有一个,他不是在宗教之中,而是在科学之中。”达·芬奇的实验工作方法为后来哥白尼、伽利略、开普勒、牛顿等人的发明创造开辟了道路。  ● 天文。达·芬奇对传统的“地球中心说”持否定的观点。他认为地球不是太阳系的中心,更不是宇宙的中心,而只是一颗绕太阳运转的行星,太阳本身是不运动的。达·芬奇还认为月亮自身并不发光,他只是反射太阳的光辉。他的这些观点的提出早于哥白尼“太阳中心说”。甚至在当时,达·芬奇就幻想利用太阳能了。  ● 物理。达·芬奇重新发现了液体压力的概念,提出了连通器原理。他指出:在连通器内,同一液体的液面高度是相同的,不同液体的液面高度不同,液体的高度与密度成反比。他发现了惯性原理,后来为伽利略的实验所证明。他认为一个抛射体最初是沿倾斜的直线上升,在引力和冲力的混合作用下作曲线位移,最后冲力耗尽,在引力的作用下作垂直下落运动。他的这一发现使亚里士多德的落体学说产生了动摇。他发展了杠杆原理,除推导出作用力与臂长关系外,还算出了速度与臂长的关系。他指出了“永动机”作为能源的不可能性。达·芬奇还预示了物质的原子原理,形象生动的描述了原子能的威力:“那东西将从地底下爆起,……使人在无声的气息中突然死去,城堡也遭到彻底毁坏,看起来在空中似乎有破坏力。”  ● 医学。达·芬奇在解剖学和生理学上也取得了巨大的成就,被认为是近代生理解剖学的始祖。他掌握了人体解剖知识,从解剖学入手,研究了生理学和医学。他最先采用蜡来表现人脑的内部结构,也是设想用玻璃和陶瓷制作心脏和眼睛的第一人。他发现了血液的功能,认为血液对人体起着新陈代谢的作用。他说血液不断的改造全身,把养料带到身体需要的各个部分,再把体内废物带走。达·芬奇研究过心脏,他发现心脏有四个腔,并画出了心脏瓣膜。他认为老年人的死因之一是动脉硬化,而产生动脉硬化的原因是缺乏运动。后来,英国的威廉.哈维证实和发展了达·芬奇的这些生理学成果。  ● 建筑。在建筑方面,达·芬奇表现出卓越的才华。他设计过桥梁、教堂、圆屋顶建筑和城市下水道。在城市街道设计中,他将车马道和人行道分开;设计城市建筑时,具体规定了房屋的高度和街道的宽度。米兰的护城河就是他设计和建造的。  ● 水利工程。达·芬奇对水利学的研究比意大利的学者克斯铁列早一个世纪。为了排除泥沙,他作了疏通亚诺河的施工计划。他设计并亲自主持修建了米兰至帕维亚的运河灌溉工程。由他经手建造的一些水库、水闸、拦水坝便利了农田灌溉,推动了农业生产的发展。有些水利设施至今仍在发挥作用。  ● 军事和机械。达·芬奇的研究和发明还涉及到军事和机械方面,他发明了飞行机械、直升飞机、降落伞、机关枪、手榴弹、坦克车、潜水艇、双层船壳战舰、起重机等等。  ● 地质学。达·芬奇根据高山上有海中动物化石的事实推断出地壳有过变动,指出地球上洪水的痕迹是海陆变迁的证明,这个思想与300年后赫顿在地质学方面的发现颇为近似。并且在麦哲伦环球航行之前,他就计算出地球的直径为7000余英里。  他还在数学领域和水利工程等方面作出了重大的贡献。 可以说,达·芬奇的研究涉及到自然科学的每一部门,他的思想和才能深入到人类知识的各个领域。他是世界上少有的全面发展的学者。但是,达·芬奇的大多数著作和手稿都没有发表,直到他逝世后多年才被世人所发现。科学史家丹皮尔这样评论达·芬奇,“如果他当初发表他的著作的话,科学本来一定会一下就跳到一百年以后的局面。”  ● 他是直升机之祖  这位文艺复兴时期的天才早在莱特兄弟之前就有可能开创人类飞行的历史。  “如果他当初发表了他的著作的话,科学一定会一下就跳到一百年以后的局面。猜测这种情况对人类的学术与社会的进步,当然是毫无用处的,但是我们可以万无一失地说,如果真有这种情况发生的话,人类的学术和社会的演变一定都会大不相同,”科学史家丹皮尔津津乐道的这位科学巨人正是达·芬奇。  事实上,达·芬奇时代的人们也与前人一样,有着飞行的梦想。在佛罗伦萨呆了一段时间后,达·芬奇又来到米兰。1483至1486年期间,达·芬奇绘制了一幅飞行器草图。  在达·芬奇的设想中,这是一种依靠飞行员自身提供动力来驱动的飞行器。这位天才称自己的设计为“扑翼飞机”,达·芬奇让自己的飞机同时具备了推动力和提升力。  让我们姑且根据达·芬奇画的草图来还原出这架飞机。飞机的外形由木头、帆布等当时的材料制成,在飞行器两侧是一双膜状的翅膀,结构和形状酷似蝙蝠或翼龙,这双翅膀展翼可以达到11米。飞行员背负着这个巨大的飞行器,通过不停地踩动一个动力滑轮来驱动,而这个推动力又通过手摇曲轴得到放大,同时向提升装置提供动力。  设计出这款飞机时,达·芬奇心中一直有个理念:只要力量足够就可以飞行。看来,这位文艺复兴时期的天才早在莱特兄弟之前就有可能开创人类飞行的历史。事实上,这个最早的飞行器的机械设计十分完美,但是,由于人自身所提供的动力和飞行器本身的自重相比不成比例,是无法实际应用的。事实上,达·芬奇称自己的发明也是提供一个直升动力,而不是真正能工作的飞机。直到今天,人们还将达·芬奇的设计视为直升机的先祖。  ● 他设计出初级机器人  更为奇妙的是,达·芬奇还设计了一套方法以做心脏修复手术。  达·芬奇曾自称自己没有受过书本教育,大自然才是他真正的老师。而认识自然,认识自己。这位文艺复兴时期的天才不遗余力地履行着。为了认识人类自身,达·芬奇亲自解剖了几十具尸体,对人体骨骼、肌肉、关节以及内脏器官进行了精确了解和绘制。  在多次解剖后,达·芬奇发现了血液对人体所起到的新陈代谢作用,血液把营养带到身体的各个部分,又把废物从各部分带走。在具体的解剖观察中,达·芬奇发现了心脏由4个腔组成并画出了心脏瓣膜图。  事实上,当年达·芬奇连人体循环系统工作机理的一点概念都没有。更为神奇的是,2005年,一名英国外科医生还利用达·芬奇设计的方法做心脏修复手术。不过,解剖学的研究在当时并没有给达·芬奇带来声誉,而是遭到了无数的诽谤。  不过,就是对人体的这种深入了解,达·芬奇在手稿中甚至绘制了西方文明世界的第一款人形机器人。  达·芬奇赋予了这个机器人以木头、皮革和金属的外壳。而如何让机器人动起来,才是让达·芬奇大伤脑筋的。在达·芬奇的构想中,他想到了用下部的齿轮作为驱动装置。由此通过两个机械杆的齿轮再与胸部的一个圆盘齿轮咬合,机器人的胳膊就可以挥舞,坐或者站立。更绝的是,再通过一个传动杆与头部相连,头部就可以转动甚至可以开合下颌。而一旦配备了自动鼓装置后,这个机器人甚至还可以发出声音。  原来,500多年前,就已经有了机器人的雏形。  ● 点燃现代汽车发明灵感之火的正是这辆“达·芬奇汽车”。  达·芬奇长达7000多页的手稿(现存约5000多页)至今仍在影响科学研究,他就是一位现代世界的预言家,而他的手稿页被称为一部15世纪科学技术的真正百科全书。  很早,达·芬奇就对当时的四轮马车不满。在他的科学世界中,早就有了汽车的影子。事实上,点燃现代汽车发明灵感之火的正是这辆“达·芬奇汽车”。  既然是汽车就要考虑动力问题,达·芬奇在汽车中部安装了两根弹簧以解决这个问题。人力转动车的后轮使得各个齿轮相互咬合,弹簧绷紧就产生了力,再通过杠杆作用将力传递到轮子上。  那么怎么控制车速呢?达·芬奇也想到了。他在车身上安装了一个圆盘装置,圆盘表面设置了很多方形的木块,和每个轮子连接的铁杆另一端与圆盘相接,这就是用于控制车速的装置。圆盘扇放置的木块数量越多,与铁杆之间的摩擦就会越大,阻力也越大,轮子的运转速度越慢,行驶的距离越长。  当然,达·芬奇也想到了刹车装置。位于齿轮之间有一个木块,拉动绳索将木块卡在齿轮之间,车就可以停止。不过,这辆汽车不能载人,因为仅靠弹簧的动力根本无法行驶很长的距离。  同时,达·芬奇还将弹簧巧妙地运用在了钟表设计上。后来大型钟表采用的原理,就是出自达·芬奇的设想。只是在这个设想中,弹簧的弹力被物体的重力所代替,物体向下的重力通过众多齿轮咬合作用被均匀传递,钟表便得以保持匀速运动。  此外,挖河机、潜水机、起重机、照相机、加热机、温度计……达·芬奇曾有过无数的发明设计。而这些发明足足可以让我们的世界科学文明进程提前100年。  ● 对机械世界痴迷不已  水下呼吸装置、拉动装置,发条传动装置、滚珠装置、反向螺旋、差动螺旋、纺织物扩张器……达·芬奇将他无数的奇思妙想呈现在世人面前。故事的开头不得不说起达·芬奇初到佛罗伦萨学画的经历。事实上,这段经历开启了艺术家达·芬奇的大门,也开启了科学家达·芬奇的大门。  1460年,达·芬奇随父亲来到佛罗伦萨,开始了他的学徒生涯,同时开始学画。学画的达·芬奇参与安装佛罗伦萨圣母玛丽亚大教堂穹顶灯塔上巨型铜球,由此接触并感受到了各式各样机械系统的神奇。  佛罗伦萨圣母玛丽亚大教堂是文艺复兴建筑的开端。达·芬奇在安装穹顶灯塔上巨型铜球时,亲眼目睹了三速提升机等机械装置的效率,深感其中的神奇。由此,布鲁内莱斯基的机械系统设计理念对达·芬奇产生了很大影响。当时一批“锡耶纳工程师”对达·芬奇的科学世界也产生了重要影响。  而锡耶纳的工程师们设计的一种外形像船的河道淤泥挖掘机,用来清除浅水狂口的沙砾和淤泥,还有一种能够提高装载量又加快行驶速度的桨叶船,这些锡耶纳工程师的发明,让达·芬奇对机械的魔力产生了巨大的兴趣。  从此,达·芬奇对机械世界痴迷不已。  艺术大师  说到艺术创作,在文艺复兴时期当数达·芬奇、米开朗基罗和拉斐尔的成就最高。他们的艺术成就达到了西方造型艺术继古希腊之后的第二次高峰,仅绘画而言,则达到了欧洲的第一次高峰。其中尤以达·芬奇最为突出,恩格斯称他是巨人中的巨人。在艺术创作方面,达·芬奇解决了造型艺术三个领域——建筑、雕刻、绘画中的重大课题:  1、解决了纪念性中央圆屋顶建筑物设计和理想城市的规划问题;  2、完成了15世纪以来雕刻家深感棘手的骑马纪念碑雕像的课题;  3、解决了当时绘画中两个重要领域——纪念性壁画和祭坛画的问题。  达·芬奇的艺术作品不仅象镜子似的反映事物,而且还以思考指导创作,从自然界中观察和选择美的部分加以表现。壁画《最后的晚餐》、祭坛画《岩间圣母》和肖像画《蒙娜丽莎》是他一生的三大杰作。这三幅作品是达·芬奇为世界艺术宝库留下的珍品中的珍品,是欧洲艺术的拱顶之石。  传说,在他年轻时,有一次帮老师在一副名为《约翰为基督洗礼》的画中画了一个小天使,结果其水平超过了老师画的所有其他人物。这位在当年已有些名气的老师羞愧难当,从此不再涉猎绘画,只搞雕塑了。  达芬奇最为世人所熟悉的就是他绝高的绘画艺术,其最著名的作品有:《蒙娜丽莎》《最后的晚餐》《岩间圣母》《圣安娜与圣母子》等。  《蒙娜丽莎》的绘制前后历时四年。据说模特是佛罗伦萨人,刚刚丧婴,为解除她的痛苦并露出自然的微笑,莱奥纳多便请人来为她奏乐。她的微笑是人们津津乐道的话题,有时似乎是很严肃有时又象很温柔;有时略含忧伤有时又显讥讽。蒙娜丽莎的右手更被称为“美术史上最美的一只手”。  《最后的晚餐》绘制在格拉齐教堂圣餐厅的墙壁上。达芬奇一改前人绘制“最后晚餐”围桌而座的布局,让所有人物座成一排面向外,而耶稣基督座在最中间。  文艺复兴精神的代表  达·芬奇比之文艺复兴时期中的任何一人,有更多的、领域更广的幻想。他思想深邃、博学多才。他怀着永无休止的探索精神去研究自然和人生的一切奥秘,他把艺术和科学、理智和情感、形体和精神熔于一炉,继承和发扬了前人的人文主义思想和现实主义表现手法,把艺术推进到一个前所未有的高度,为自然科学的发展作出了巨大贡献。 达·芬奇是当之无愧的“文艺复兴时代最完美的代表人物”。




I want to be a writer Your greatest ideal is when a writer, and I love writing, like loves his own country, hand as a pen, can write all the world the true, the good and the Write the world feeling and Inspiration instantaneous perfusion in the tip, the slowly flowing on the If I were a writer I will write a lot of a lot of articles, use of the author's words brought the food of spirit, with emotional awakening of the inner I can enjoy writing, writing, I think anything, a beautiful Chinese, like I heroic soul hailed in the Only in writing, I thought will be expanding, without any constraint, the wanton sense, Promoted to the junior middle school, after ?


Lu Xun is my favourite He is one of the most famous writers in C He wrote a lot of literary He was thin and not He always wore a long old coat in that At first, he wanted to be a doctor and save people’s So he learned medicine, but later he found the Chinese were in sensitive when they faced the oppression of their So he began to write articles to wake the people Lu Xun wrote some famous novels, he attacked the social mores in that time, and in his works, many persons were known very well, such as “Ah Q”“Kong Yi ji” I like Lu Xun because I also want to be a great writer like I like reading and writing, and I often write some articles in my free Though I don’t have good literary talent or a large vocabulary, I spend lots of time reading and writing to improve my writing Lu Xun is my hero, I will learn more from I believe I can be a great writer like him in the future也是我偶然看到的,看是否还适合你


My dream I think different people has different dream What about you?To be a doctor or a singer and some Oh I only want to be happy I am very sad because I didn't get high score in this exam I think it is too difficult for me But no one can understand me I didn"t smell after that exam I really want to be happy ,and I can study I believe my dream will come 我认为不同的人有不同的梦想 你呢 是想当一名医生还是歌手 还是什么别的 。哦 我只想要快乐 ,我十分沮丧因为我在这次考试并没有取得高分,我想他对我来说太难了。但是没有人理解我 ,自从那次考试我再也没有笑过,我真的想要快乐 ,我能努力学习 我相信我的梦想会实现

I want to be a writer Your greatest ideal is when a writer, and I love writing, like loves his own country, hand as a pen, can write all the world the true, the good and the Write the world feeling and Inspiration instantaneous perfusion in the tip, the slowly flowing on the If I were a writer I will write a lot of a lot of articles, use of the author's words brought the food of spirit, with emotional awakening of the inner I can enjoy writing, writing, I think anything, a beautiful Chinese, like I heroic soul hailed in the Only in writing, I thought will be expanding, without any constraint, the wanton sense, Promoted to the junior middle school, after ?

★★★★★★欧大弟999 百度一下★★★★★★快速增大阴茎 延长时间 治疗早泄 已经销售万套 不容错过哦!不是药物不必担心副作用---------------------------1900年爱迪生发明了铁镍蓄电池,是一种碱性蓄电池,电动势约为1.3~1.4伏,寿命长,但效率不高。hay

In 1968 she was 37 years old, that year, Canadian feminist movement are the peak, published her first collection of short stories" the happy Shadow Dance" ( Dance of the Happy Shades ), a dozen red, and won her first Canadian Governor General's literary At this time, she was the mother of three Many of her early works, is trickling in children 's snoring sound, or waiting for the oven batch In fact," the happy Shadow Dance" took 20 years to 50 years later, this woman really started to have your own life, she breaks out amazing But she writes all her 30 to 50 years old during the historical background of the In 1978, another of her stories" who do you think you are" give her up to a Governor General's award, in the last century eighty or ninety's, she once every 4 years to be out of a collection of short stories, begin to enjoy world-class Escape" ( RUNAWAY ) is Alice Monroe's 2004 novel, the book consists of 8 short stories, 3 of them are The book will be in the near future in October by the Beijing literature and Art Publishing House, the famous translator Li Wenjun translation, this is the book translation
