

发布时间:2024-07-06 22:39:36



How to keep fit ? We all know that the health of our important,but fo you know how to keep fit ? Want to keep fit,we‘ll have plenty of sleep,eat the fruit and vegetable and drink of water every day,these are good for Want to keep fit,we mustn’t go to work without Want to keep fit,we must goto bed early and get up Want to keep fit,we must have healthy 翻译: 如何保持健康? 我们都知道健康对我们的重要,但是你知道如何保持健康吗? 想保持健康,我们需要有充足的睡眠,吃需要的水果和蔬菜,每天喝大量的水,这些对健康都是有益的。 想保持健康,我们不能不吃早餐去工作。想保持健康,我们必须早睡早起。 想保持健康,我们一定要有健康的习惯。

The greatest wealth, than health and family ties, no substance can be in exchange for health, money is only paper on health not as good as before! Time flies, time and heartless, there is no such a fair thing, but the only time an exception, the time for everyone is the same fair, the discount will not be rich and Forget the past, all have long people have changed the! Maybe God had destined me to be wandering outside, non-stop to make a living wandering, blowing in the sea and the traffic, sometimes feel that they are so tiny, the only consolation is to think of parents to encourage a student to live up to her parents while looking forward to However, there are too many parents do from the fragmentation of the Now we finally understand that all parents are right, and repentance did not cherish the original In fact, school is the only shortcut you can follow her around, and now everything is a form of punishment of the Happy events of the past has long gone, childhood memories is the kind of far Childhood groves outside the village where the river is a paradise for a child, and a few playmates, like birds, like the tree in the woods tireless shuttle bush, simple landscape is full of the most poetic! The kind of carefree and happier for it is in the Forbidden City, Summer Palace can not get back to! Unfortunately, the small home garden already live there, and the only remaining is still hidden in the depths of memory, and occasionally find out about Memory not as good as each other, had the greatest wish is to walk and loved onesOffice in the Landscape permanently gone, think of people still there, just pursuing their own course, even the courage to contact has disappeared! If you go back to heavy, all everything repeated, would you care never to forever, love is in love to say goodbye after the Simply repeat the left's own busy life just a day, contentment Changle is the largest harvested! Life is a dream gone lost things, no longer able to retrieve the remaining wealth is miss, and often walk in the lifetime of the space in their own thoughts!Gone with the Wind drift ah ah the life of the people that Cherishing life, love for others, healthy happy life!

写作思路:首先描写保持健康的重要性,然后详细描写保持健康的方法,最后再描写生活中的健康细节。范文:As we know, keeping healthy is important to But what should we do to keep healthy? First,we should get up 众所周知,保持健康对我们很重要。但是我们应该怎样保持健康呢?首先,我们应该早起。we should eat healthy food, drink a lot of water and do more exercise 我们应该吃健康的食物,多喝水,多运动。Food can give us Doing exercise can make us Second,we should change clothes often, wash hands often, keep the air fresh and clean and do house cleaning often to stop germs from getting into our 食物能给我们能量。做运动能使我们强壮。第二,我们应该经常换衣服,经常洗手,保持空气新鲜和清洁,经常打扫房间,以防止细菌进入我们的身体。You shouldn’t keep long At last, we should go to see a doctor at once if we don’t feel 你不应该留长指甲。最后,如果我们感觉不舒服,我们应该马上去看医生。


Nowadays, more and more people are in poor If we want to keep healthy we should go on a healthy First, we should have a balanced Though we may not like eating vegetables, the vegetables have a lot of They are very good for our Second, we'd better eat regular We need to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner every Because regular meals throughout the day can give us enough energy to carry out our daily Third, we should get away from fast food, for it may cause a lot of Here is my advice about how to keep On one hand, we should keep takingexercise every We can walk to school instead of taking a Also, we canspend one hour playing ball One the other hand, our health depends on our eating and living We shouldeat neither too much sugar nor junk food in restaurant like KFC What’s more,we should from good habits, such as having regular meals every day and drinkingenough Last but not least, we must remember, early to bed, early to rise, the key tokeeping healthy, wealthy and 翻译:如今,越来越多的人健康状况不佳。如果我们想保持健康,我们应该去上一个健康的饮食习惯。首先,我们应该有一个的平衡Though我们可能不喜欢吃蔬菜,蔬菜的营养有很多。他们对我们的健康是非常好的。其次,我们最好定时定量进餐。我们需要每天吃早餐,午餐和晚餐。由于经常的餐点可以给我们足够的能量来开展我们的日常活动。第三,我们应该远离快餐,因为它可能会导致很多疾病。第二个:这里是我的意见,关于如何保持健康。一方面,我们应该继续服用每天坚持锻炼。我们可以走路去上学,而不是一辆公交车。另外,我们可以花一个小时玩球的游戏。 一位另一方面,我们的健康取决于我们的饮食和生活习惯。我们应该都不可吃太多的糖,也没有垃圾食品,像肯德基餐厅。更重要的是,我们应该从良好的生活习惯,如每天三餐定时和饮用水足够的水。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们必须记住,早睡,早起的关键tokeeping,健康,富有和聪明。

青少年正处在生长发育的关键时期,良好的生活习惯对身体和学习非常重要。请根据Bill is my good He has a healthy He always drinks

写作思路:主要写出你给的建议,如何保持身体健康。正文:Health is far more important than Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our On the contrary, poor health leads to 健康远比财富重要。良好的健康使我们能够享受我们的生活,实现我们在事业上的期望。相反,身体不好就一事无成。How can we keep healthy Here is some Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, and we have to keep a balanced So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat/which is rich in sugar and  我们怎样才能保持健康这里有一些建议。首先,对我们来说多吃水果和蔬菜是非常重要的,因为它们提供维生素,我们必须保持均衡的饮食。所以我们应该避免吃含糖和脂肪多的食物。Secondly, we'd better exercise every day to make our bodies Besides, we have to avoid too much work Finally, we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and 第二,我们最好每天锻炼使身体强壮。此外,我们必须避免太多的工作压力。最后,我们必须改掉那些损害我们健康的坏习惯,比如喝酒和抽烟。In conclusion, if we stick to the advice given above, we will lead a healthy 总之,如果我们坚持上述建议,我们将过上健康的生活。

The greatest wealth, than health and family ties, no substance can be in exchange for health, money is only paper on health not as good as before! Time flies, time and heartless, there is no such a fair thing, but the only time an exception, the time for everyone is the same fair, the discount will not be rich and Forget the past, all have long people have changed the! Maybe God had destined me to be wandering outside, non-stop to make a living wandering, blowing in the sea and the traffic, sometimes feel that they are so tiny, the only consolation is to think of parents to encourage a student to live up to her parents while looking forward to However, there are too many parents do from the fragmentation of the Now we finally understand that all parents are right, and repentance did not cherish the original In fact, school is the only shortcut you can follow her around, and now everything is a form of punishment of the Happy events of the past has long gone, childhood memories is the kind of far Childhood groves outside the village where the river is a paradise for a child, and a few playmates, like birds, like the tree in the woods tireless shuttle bush, simple landscape is full of the most poetic! The kind of carefree and happier for it is in the Forbidden City, Summer Palace can not get back to! Unfortunately, the small home garden already live there, and the only remaining is still hidden in the depths of memory, and occasionally find out about Memory not as good as each other, had the greatest wish is to walk and loved onesOffice in the Landscape permanently gone, think of people still there, just pursuing their own course, even the courage to contact has disappeared! If you go back to heavy, all everything repeated, would you care never to forever, love is in love to say goodbye after the Simply repeat the left's own busy life just a day, contentment Changle is the largest harvested! Life is a dream gone lost things, no longer able to retrieve the remaining wealth is miss, and often walk in the lifetime of the space in their own thoughts!Gone with the Wind drift ah ah the life of the people that Cherishing life, love for others, healthy happy life!



Man and His EnvironmentThroughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the He has transformed woodlands and prairies into farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and However, man’s changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the The pollution of water is equally The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers Now environmental protection is more pressing than ever As we know, massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man’s Indifference to these problems will mean committing Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws passed to conserve Otherwise,man is certain to suffer from the serious consequences caused by this lack of care for his living surroundings。人类有史以来不断改变自然环境,以改善自己的生活方式。人类借助技术工具改变了地球的许多自然特征。他将林地和草原改造成为农田,使江河变成湖泊和水库,用于灌溉或用于水力发电。人类还通过给沼泽地排水、凿石劈山、修建公路和铁路等方式,改变了地球的面貌。然而,人类改变自然环境并不总是带来有益的结果。今天,空气和水的污染给地球的健康造成越来越严重的危害。每天机动车辆的排气管排出成千上万吨废气。工厂释放的烟雾污染了工业区和周围乡村的空气。水污染同样有害,海洋的整个生态平衡正在受到破坏,工业废水已使许多河流的生物死亡。现在,环境保护比以往任何时候都更为紧迫。我们知道,对环境的大规模破坏已经带来负面影响,甚至严重威胁到人类的生存。对这些问题漠不关心将意味着自我毁灭。因此,应采取有效措施并通过法律来保护环境。不然的话,人类势必遭受因其不关心生存环境而引起的严重后果之苦。还有一些参考句子随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人更加关注健康。With the devolopment of people's living standards, more and more people put stress on their 保持清洁的环境有助于人们的健康。但是很多人还没有认识到这一点。A clean environment is very helpful for people to keep healthy, which, however, haven't been realized by 诸如乱扔垃圾等不卫生现象还很常见。It is still very common to see some bad behaviours such as throwing rabbish 我想我们应当采取措施使人们意识到保持环境清洁的重要性。In my opinion, we should take steps/measures/action to make people aware of the importance of an clean


牛奶与健康   我伫立在窗前,望着窗外一片萧瑟的景象,一丝叹息自唇齿间溢出。电视里空洞的声音总环绕在我耳边,不曾消去。  “三聚氰胺目前已在许多全国各著名的品牌牛奶里被发现,三聚氰胺是一种化学物品,微毒,久而服用会对人体造成伤害……”   后面的话我没有听下去,不用听也知道,我们身体里的东西危害有多大,想当年,牛奶是非常健康的,可以给婴儿,孕妇,人类多么的信任我们……   牛奶中含有丰富的钙、维生素D等,包括人体生长发育所需的全部氨基酸,消化率可高达98%,是其他食物无法比拟的。  可……   这是人类自己造成的不是吗贪婪的人类,自私的人类,哼……人类真害怕这两个字会玷污我的嘴唇!不!不应该这么以偏概全,可恨的是那些生产商!我们牛奶的一世英明就被他们毁了,超市里,我们一袋袋的被撤下去,及时那些幸存的,也只是忍受着人们怀疑的眼光,这算什么   真怀念啊,以前每天这家的女主人都会在早上用一杯牛奶,用我去健康那个小男孩的身体,其实牛奶是健康的不是吗只是被那些人们的品性给玷污了,其实……我们……很想……   这时,女主人走了过来,脸上还带着明显的泪痕,我这才想起,一段时间没有看见那个小男孩了。  “都是你们!害我儿子得了肾结石!去吧!混蛋!”女主人骂骂咧咧的把我倒入了厕所。  我一怔,随即大笑起来。  “哈哈哈……”   其实……我很想……让你们健康……






How to keep fit ? We all know that the health of our important,but fo you know how to keep fit ? Want to keep fit,we‘ll have plenty of sleep,eat the fruit and vegetable and drink of water every day,these are good for Want to keep fit,we mustn’t go to work without Want to keep fit,we must goto bed early and get up Want to keep fit,we must have healthy 翻译: 如何保持健康? 我们都知道健康对我们的重要,但是你知道如何保持健康吗? 想保持健康,我们需要有充足的睡眠,吃需要的水果和蔬菜,每天喝大量的水,这些对健康都是有益的。 想保持健康,我们不能不吃早餐去工作。想保持健康,我们必须早睡早起。 想保持健康,我们一定要有健康的习惯。

青少年正处在生长发育的关键时期,良好的生活习惯对身体和学习非常重要。请根据Bill is my good He has a healthy He always drinks

Hi, JackThank you for your letter dated March 15th and I'm glad that you are doing pretty well in everyting except that you are too busy and you'd like me to say something about healthy Well, I think healthy and happy life starts with eating which should be healthy and happy First of all, try to get more pleasure from Stay away from junk Try the simple, easy, nice and healthy If possible, try some different styles of Love what you eat and make it simple, tasty and I'm sure you know that enough sleep is So make strict schedules to guarantee your sleep Lack of sleep may result in serious health So just relax and plan well and go to bed on Last but not the least, take sports into your Choose a sport or anything you like and stick to It's better to find some friends of the same interest so that you can go together and share your I now play badminton twice a week with my It is great We play in a big badminton You make new friends there too while you play To conclude, we all need to eat, sleep and play well to lead a healthy And I think we also need to learn to live a simple, easy and slow Hope what I've said can be some help to you and look forward to hearing from you David希望对你有帮助,记得及时采纳哦。
