

发布时间:2024-07-05 23:22:28


帮助残疾人的要求:物质帮助:大部分残疾人家庭情况不太好,生活都十分困难,特别是重度残疾人,有条件的可以给他们捐献点物品和钱。精神帮助:部分残疾人的心理存在偏差,如果有能力的话,帮助引导一下,能够让他们振作起来也是一种帮助。技能帮助:帮助他们学会一门手艺,从而解决他们的就业。作文:在我们每个人的心中,都曾经有过类似关爱别人这样的经历。例如给希望小学捐款、捐书啦,在公交车上给老人、孕妇、小朋友、残疾人让座啦,同学或者朋友住院了,常常去看望他们啦,这都是包含着爱心的行为。而这种爱心,在每个人的心里都有。而我,就是在这颗爱心的促使下,到一所敬老院去看望老人。 在上个学期,我们和十几个好朋友拟定了一个“到敬老院看望老人”的计划,时间定在星期天。到了盼望已久的星期天,我们带着已经准备好送给老人的水果、点心以及准备送给老人的礼物,就带着满怀的热忱出发了。 当我们到达敬老院时,已经是两点半了,为了不打搅老人们的休息时间,我们只好顶着烈日,在敬老院门口等了半个多小时,也就是三点多,老人们睡醒了,我们才轻手轻脚地从大门进去了。 当我们跨进敬老院的大厅时,老爷爷、老奶奶们已经在大厅里等候着我们了。他们早知道我们今天要来看望他们,所以早早地就兴高采烈地在大厅里等着我们的光临。当我们看见这些老爷爷、老奶奶时,有的比较健康,可是有的却还有疾病、有残疾,我一看到这个情景,心里就一阵酸。我们纷纷把准备好的水果、点心和礼物拿出来,送到每个爷爷、奶奶手里。看到他们拿到礼物乐呵呵的样子,我们也非常开心。 接下来就到表演节目的时间了,我们每个人轮流表演了小品、相声、唱歌、朗诵等节目,敬老院里的爷爷奶奶们看了我们的节目,乐开了怀。他们不但一边看一边笑,而且几个平时不爱说话的老爷爷也开始来劲了,他们拿着麦克风,唱起了有浓郁民族气息的家乡歌、地方歌,虽然我们听不懂,但还是可以看出他们很高兴,很快乐。 我们还分了组和每个老人谈心,我和曾威分一组,和一个八十八岁的老奶奶谈心。从和她的谈话中,我们了解到,她的儿子现在在外地,没有时间来陪她,又不放心她,只好把这位老奶奶放到敬老院里来。而且我们还了解到,这位老奶奶和曾威竟然是同乡、同村的老乡!知道这是来自家乡的朋友,老奶奶更是热泪盈眶。我看到她那感动的表情,自己也有点感动了。 我们逐个探望完躺在病房里的老人,已经快到五点了,我们也该回家了。虽然有点疲劳,但听到敬老院里的阿姨们说老人们已经很久没有这么高兴过了,是我们使老爷爷、老奶奶们这么高兴的。我们再怎么疲劳、怎么辛苦,也觉得是应该的。 在这次爱心行动中,我深深地体会到关爱的力量是那么的伟大,它既可以使老人们感到快乐,同时也可以让自己感到快乐。他能给老人家带出一份关爱,使他们感到有人关心他们,更重要的是能让他们感到温暖,舒适和爱心。

您好: How to take care of the disabled people?Disabled people are normal people,except that they can not see as much as we can,or they can not walk as fast as we Since they can not see as much,or they can not walk as fast,they need our We can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them,for instance,Each student finds some one to help,in the neighborhood or the You can help them to cross the You can help pushing their wheel l Set up kind of Collect some Use this money to help them,to buy them daily necessities,to help their children finish As they are disabled,it is more difficult for them to earn as much as normal people That’s why they usually need help in physical As they are disabled,they feel They think they are not as good as normal They easily become lonely,sad,They easily lose hope of They need help more in spiritual They need people to chat They need people to encourage them to continue their They need people to get rid of prejudices over Now,I would suggest,do whatever we can to help We can donate our pocket We can walk up to help the disabled to cross the We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them,by calling them,by emailing them,by whatever However,don’t always think we are better than the As normal people,we always make normal We take it for granted that we can see things while the blind can If you know the story about Helen Keller,you will understand why you are The blind can not see with their bare eyes,but they can see better with their They can see better with their So,help the disabled while you treat them like normal And they are normal people!如何照顾残疾人?残疾人是正常人,但他们看不尽我们所能,或者他们走不尽我们所能的快速。因为他们不认为太多,或者他们不能走得快,他们需要我们的帮助。我们可以马上做一长串的方式,我们可以帮助他们,比如,每个学生都发现有人帮助,在街道或社区。你可以帮助他们过马路。你可以帮助推着轮椅。l建立一种组织。收集一些钱。用这些钱去帮助他们,给他们买生活必需品,帮助他们的孩子完成学业。他们都是残疾人,这是他们赚取了正常的人要困难得多。这就是为什么他们通常需要帮助在物理的东西。他们都是残疾人,他们感到孤独。他们认为他们没有像正常人一样好。他们很容易变得孤独,悲伤,hey很容易失去希望的生活。他们需要更多的精神上的东西。他们需要别人聊天。他们需要人鼓励他们继续他们的生活。他们需要人在他们摆脱偏见。现在,我建议,尽我们所能来帮助他们。我们可以把我们的零花钱。我们可以去帮助残疾人过马路。我们可以做朋友,残疾人的来访,通过电话,通过电子邮件发,不管用什么方法。但是,不要总是认为我们比残疾人。作为普通人,我们总是使正常的错误。我们想当然地认为我们能看到的东西,而不能盲目。如果你知道关于海伦凯勒的故事,你就会明白为什么你是错的。看不见他们的赤裸的的眼睛,但他们可以看到自己的耳朵更好。他们可以看更好地与他们的手。因此,帮助残疾人当你像对待普通人。他们是正常的人!



Persons with disabilities in the present society is vulnerable, though it still has a lot of great success with For example in 2005 Spring Festival Gala on the disabled performers of the "Thousand-hand Bodhisattva" is very exciting, though they are disabled, but their share of enthusiasm for life, for art's share of the pursuit of deeply touched Therefore, people with disabilities can not be inferior, and others do not take you as a VIP to treat people with disabilities, then you are Now the national team has also been the education of persons with disabilities, in many places have school for the disabled, and even a Therefore, as people with disabilities should seize the opportunity to learn, to fight not the same as the sky!我自己写的: 残疾人在现在这个社会已经是弱势群体了,不过还是有很多取得了很大成功的残疾人比如05年春节联欢晚会上残疾人演员表演的《千手观音》就非常精彩,她们虽然是残疾人,但是他们对于生活的那份热忱,对于艺术的那份追求深深地打动了我所以残疾人是不可以自卑的,要人别人不拿你当残疾人对待,那你就是成功了现在国家队残疾人的教育也有了,在很多地方都有残疾人学校,甚至是大学所以作为残疾人更应该把握住机会去学习,去奋斗不一样的天空!

For the disabled, we have to respect them more, not because of their disability and laughing at them, in their daily lives, we have to help all persons with disabilities, for people with dark hearts, we have to help them out from the dark to guide them Live well



如果是找人代写代答,网络上有许多笔手或写手是需要付费的,复制的和原创的价格是不一样的,原创的是需要支付稿酬的,看来你是想空手套白狼吗?如果是请别人帮助的话,应该有句礼貌的语言,这么旁若无人般的对着电脑大要(英语)作文合适吗? 再说了大家都素不相识的,这里又不是你个人的秘书处,你有什么权利和资格要求这里的网友们为你如何如何的呢?别人凭什么要按照你的要求为你写作,你又凭什么这样无偿的占有别人的劳动果实并连一句礼貌的语言都没有呢?

How to take care of the disabled people? Disabled people are normal people, except that they can not see as much as we can, or they can not walk as fast as we Since they can not see as much, or they can not walk as fast, they need our We can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them, for instance, Each student finds some one to help, in the neighborhood or the You can help them to cross the You can help pushing their wheel l Set up kind of Collect some Use this money to help them, to buy them daily necessities, to help their children finish As they are disabled, it is more difficult for them to earn as much as normal people That’s why they usually need help in physical As they are disabled, they feel They think they are not as good as normal They easily become lonely, sad, They easily lose hope of They need help more in spiritual They need people to chat They need people to encourage them to continue their They need people to get rid of prejudices over Now, I would suggest, do whatever we can to help We can donate our pocket We can walk up to help the disabled to cross the We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them, by calling them, by emailing them, by whatever However, don’t always think we are better than the As normal people, we always make normal We take it for granted that we can see things while the blind can If you know the story about Helen Keller, you will understand why you are The blind can not see with their bare eyes, but they can see better with their They can see better with their So, help the disabled while you treat them like normal And they are normal people!

林秀贞,1946年出生,河北省衡水市枣强县王常乡南臣赞村农民。三十年如一日,农妇林秀贞克服了各种困难,像女儿一样赡养了6位孤寡老人。她给智障老人喂饭;给大小便失禁的老人换洗尿布;为去世的老人送终……被她赡养悉心照料的孤寡老人,度过了幸福的晚年,享年都超过了80岁。 林秀贞在当地带头创办个体企业,她先后向8位残疾人传授了玻璃钢和橡胶生产技术,并在自己的企业为他们安排就业岗位,还帮助他们解决了许多生活中的实际困难。她先后出资4万多元帮助乡村中小学改善办学条件。还资助本村和邻村14名贫困家庭子女步入大中专院校。 推荐语:用30载爱心让一村之中老有所终,幼有所长,鳏寡孤独废疾者皆有所养。富人做这等事是慈善,穷人做这等事是圣贤,官员做这等事是本分,农民做这等事是伟人。这位农妇让九州动容。 颁奖词:善良在村庄流淌,她用30年的热心,去温暖世道。



How to take care of the disabled people?Disabled people are normal people,except that they can not see as much as we can,or they can not walk as fast as we Since they can not see as much,or they can not walk as fast,they need our We can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them,for instance,Each student finds some one to help,in the neighborhood or the You can help them to cross the You can help pushing their wheel l Set up kind of Collect some Use this money to help them,to buy them daily necessities,to help their children finish As they are disabled,it is more difficult for them to earn as much as normal people That’s why they usually need help in physical

您好: How to take care of the disabled people?Disabled people are normal people,except that they can not see as much as we can,or they can not walk as fast as we Since they can not see as much,or they can not walk as fast,they need our We can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them,for instance,Each student finds some one to help,in the neighborhood or the You can help them to cross the You can help pushing their wheel l Set up kind of Collect some Use this money to help them,to buy them daily necessities,to help their children finish As they are disabled,it is more difficult for them to earn as much as normal people That’s why they usually need help in physical As they are disabled,they feel They think they are not as good as normal They easily become lonely,sad,They easily lose hope of They need help more in spiritual They need people to chat They need people to encourage them to continue their They need people to get rid of prejudices over Now,I would suggest,do whatever we can to help We can donate our pocket We can walk up to help the disabled to cross the We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them,by calling them,by emailing them,by whatever However,don’t always think we are better than the As normal people,we always make normal We take it for granted that we can see things while the blind can If you know the story about Helen Keller,you will understand why you are The blind can not see with their bare eyes,but they can see better with their They can see better with their So,help the disabled while you treat them like normal And they are normal people!如何照顾残疾人?残疾人是正常人,但他们看不尽我们所能,或者他们走不尽我们所能的快速。因为他们不认为太多,或者他们不能走得快,他们需要我们的帮助。我们可以马上做一长串的方式,我们可以帮助他们,比如,每个学生都发现有人帮助,在街道或社区。你可以帮助他们过马路。你可以帮助推着轮椅。l建立一种组织。收集一些钱。用这些钱去帮助他们,给他们买生活必需品,帮助他们的孩子完成学业。他们都是残疾人,这是他们赚取了正常的人要困难得多。这就是为什么他们通常需要帮助在物理的东西。他们都是残疾人,他们感到孤独。他们认为他们没有像正常人一样好。他们很容易变得孤独,悲伤,hey很容易失去希望的生活。他们需要更多的精神上的东西。他们需要别人聊天。他们需要人鼓励他们继续他们的生活。他们需要人在他们摆脱偏见。现在,我建议,尽我们所能来帮助他们。我们可以把我们的零花钱。我们可以去帮助残疾人过马路。我们可以做朋友,残疾人的来访,通过电话,通过电子邮件发,不管用什么方法。但是,不要总是认为我们比残疾人。作为普通人,我们总是使正常的错误。我们想当然地认为我们能看到的东西,而不能盲目。如果你知道关于海伦凯勒的故事,你就会明白为什么你是错的。看不见他们的赤裸的的眼睛,但他们可以看到自己的耳朵更好。他们可以看更好地与他们的手。因此,帮助残疾人当你像对待普通人。他们是正常的人!

For the disabled, we have to respect them more, not because of their disability and laughing at them, in their daily lives, we have to help all persons with disabilities, for people with dark hearts, we have to help them out from the dark to guide them Live well


Persons with disabilities in the present society is vulnerable, though it still has a lot of great success with For example in 2005 Spring Festival Gala on the disabled performers of the "Thousand-hand Bodhisattva" is very exciting, though they are disabled, but their share of enthusiasm for life, for art's share of the pursuit of deeply touched Therefore, people with disabilities can not be inferior, and others do not take you as a VIP to treat people with disabilities, then you are Now the national team has also been the education of persons with disabilities, in many places have school for the disabled, and even a Therefore, as people with disabilities should seize the opportunity to learn, to fight not the same as the sky!我自己写的: 残疾人在现在这个社会已经是弱势群体了,不过还是有很多取得了很大成功的残疾人比如05年春节联欢晚会上残疾人演员表演的《千手观音》就非常精彩,她们虽然是残疾人,但是他们对于生活的那份热忱,对于艺术的那份追求深深地打动了我所以残疾人是不可以自卑的,要人别人不拿你当残疾人对待,那你就是成功了现在国家队残疾人的教育也有了,在很多地方都有残疾人学校,甚至是大学所以作为残疾人更应该把握住机会去学习,去奋斗不一样的天空!

The day started out She overslept and was late for Everything that happened at the office contributed to her nervous By the time she reached the bus stop for her homeward trip, her stomach was one big As usual, the bus was late – and She had to stand in the As the lurching vehicle pulled her in all directions, her gloom Then she heard a voice from up front boom, "Beautiful day, isn‘t it?" Because of the crowd, she could not see the man, but she heard him as he continued to comment on the spring scenery, calling attention to each approaching This That This That Soon all the passengers were gazing out the The man‘s enthusiasm was so contagious she found herself smiling for the first time that They reached her Maneuvering toward the door, she got a look at their "guide": an older gentleman with a beard, wearing dark glasses and carrying a thin, white

For the disabled, we have to respect them more, not because of their disability and laughing at them, in their daily lives, we have to help all persons with disabilities, for people with dark hearts, we have to help them out from the dark to guide them Live well
