

发布时间:2024-07-07 18:18:29


【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: 】自考本科毕业论文答辩申请有什么条件?(1)申请条件:考生完成所有考试科目,便可申请论文答辩,如考生在自考所有课程尚未全部考完通过的时候是不可以申请毕业论文的。本科专业中所有课程均已通过(含实践性课程),有转考课程和免考课程均已申请通过。(2)随带合格证、大专及以上毕业证书、准考证,到考籍所在地区、县(市)自考办(正常上班时间)申请,考生填写毕业论文答辩申请表,自考办审核后盖章。(3)根据报考简章中实践环节各专业论文答辩的报名时间,随带准考证、合格证、身份证、专业毕业证、论文答辩申请表到主考院校申请。自考本科毕业论文答辩的时间论文答辩一年有两次申请时间,分时是上半年的6月份,下半年的12月份;如果6月份报名,9月份答辩,那么11月份;如果是12月份报名,3月份考试,5月份出成绩。自考毕业论文答辩下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2018年10月自考02382管理信息系统真题试卷 格式:PDF大小: 2020年08月自考00233税法真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:

根据我搜集的一些网站来看,建议看看这个,要做毕业论文以及毕业设计的,推荐一个网站 ,里面的毕业设计什么的全是优秀的,因为精挑细选的,网上很少有,都是相当不错的毕业论文和毕业设计,对毕业论文的写作有很大的参考价值,希望对你有所帮助。 别的相关范文很多的,推荐一些比较好的范文写作网站,希望对你有帮助,这些精选的范文网站,里面有大量的范文,也有各种文章写作方法,注意事项,应该有适合你的,自己动手找一下,可不要照搬啊,参考一下,用自己的语言写出来那才是自己的。 如果你不是校园网的话,请在下面的网站找: 毕业论文网: 分类很细 栏目很多 毕业论文: 毕业设计: 开题报告: 实习论文: 写作指导:



在 英语学习 的过程,写作能力是锻炼英语水平能力的一个方式,那么你知道该如何去进行 英语写作 呢?下面是我给大家整理的 英语 作文 精简 范文 五篇_英语作文万能模板,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

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★ 英语考试作文

★ 初中英语作文大全

★ 英语作文写作方法

★ 关于学习的英语作文精选5篇

★ 关于学习的英语作文6篇

★ 80字英语作文带翻译5篇


Dear Chris

I'm Li Hua, the monitor of Class One Grade Eleven.

I ' m very excited about your coming to our school next term as an exchange student.

Firstly, I'd like to tell you about the weather in my city, which is often windy and cold in winter. So you should bring your warm clothes. Secondly, would you mind eating noodles? Because people here mainly live on wheat flour. However, don't worry about it. You will have no difficulty in finding western food. Thirdly, I want to introduce our class to you. The teachers in our school are not only experienced and knowledgeable, but also patient and understanding. Everyone in my class is active. I hope you will soon become a member of our Class.

l'm looking forward to your coming.


Li Hua


Good afternoon, my dear friends.

My name is Li Hua. Today I am very glad to have the chance to run for the vice president of the English Club. I feel qualified to take the job. Not only have I gained a lot of experience from my job as monitor but I am also good at organizing activities.

Looking in the future, I will try my best to assist the president and serve my fellow students if I am lucky enough to be the vice president. For one thing, I will organize some campus activities, like "English Evening", a platform where students can show their English. For another, I will organize more activities to enhance the interschool communication.

I sincerely hope YO u will give me a chance.

Thank you.


Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt of Qianmen Street. Here is something about it. Qianen Street is a famous street of over 600 years old. Along this 800-metre street, there are more than 300 shops.

As the street is in the center of Beijing, just to the south of Tian'anmen Square, it's very convenient to get there by bus. You may take buses NO. 11, 69 or 59!Subway Line 2 has a stop there too. Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street, but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops, but also to the theaters and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way of life. I'm sure you'll like it.


Li Hua


Dear Andy,

I am glad to learn that you are coming to China and will stay at my home. My parents and I are very pleased to have you with us. Now let me tell you what we have arranged for you.

I know the school will organize a lot of things for you to do in the morning, but in the afternoon show you around and take you to some places of interest. We'll mostly stay at home in the evening watching TV, playing games, and meeting people.

I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time and enjoy each other's company. l'm looking forward very much to meeting you soon.


Li Hua


Reading Interests of Senior Middle School Students

Recently, a survey has been on to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students.

ln this survey, one thousand senior middle school students from ten schools in Hubei Province were interviewd. They were asked which they liked reading most among the four categories of English articles: news, stories, popular science articles and articles about learning methods.

The survey shows that more than half of the students like to read news most. Twenty-six percent of the students say that English stories are their favorite. Only seven percent of the students are most interested in reading articles about learning methods. However, the number of the students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of those who prefer reading articles about learning methods.

英语作文精简范文五篇相关 文章 :

★ 五篇精简英语作文范文

★ 小升初简洁英文自我介绍范文五篇

★ 英语学习个人总结范文5篇

★ 精简的英文自我评价范文

★ 英语教学工作总结范文5篇

★ 精简英文自我介绍范文

★ 简洁大方的自我介绍英文

★ 英文辞职信范文简单版5篇

★ 小学英文自我介绍范文精简

★ 初中生英语教育工作总结范文五篇精选



"We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite..."

I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.

We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

I want the future to be better than the past. I don’t want it contaminated by the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will spend the remainder of our lives.

The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. The future is before us and dynamic. Everything we do will affect it. Each day brings with it new frontiers, in our homes and in our business, if we only recognize them. We are just at the beginning of the progress in every field of human endeavor.


No living creature can laugh except man. Trees may bleed when they are wounded, and beasts in the field will cry in pain and hunger, yet only I have the gift of laughter and it is mine to use whenever I choose. Henceforth I will cultivate the habit of laughter. I will smile and my digestion will improve; I will chuckle and my burdens will be lightened; I will laugh and my life will be lengthened for this is the great secret of long life and now it is mine.

I will paint this day with laughter; I will frame this night in song. Never will I labor to be happy; rather will I remain too busy to be sad. I will enjoy today's happiness today. It is not grain to be stored in a box. It is not wine to be saved in a jar. It cannot be saved for the morrow. It must be sown and reaped on the same day and this I will do, henceforth.

And with my laughter all things will be reduced to their proper size. I will laugh at my failures and they will vanish in clouds of new dreams; I will laugh at my successes and they will shrink to their true value. I will laugh at evil and it will die untasted; I will laugh at goodness and it will thrive and abound. Each day will be triumphant only when my smiles bring forth smiles from others and this l do in selfishness, for those on whom l flown are those who purchase not my goods.


The only problem unconsciously assumed by all Chinese philosophers to be of any importance is: How shall we enjoy life, and who can best enjoy life? No perfectionism, no straining after the unattainable, no postulating of he unknowable; but taking poor, modal human nature as it is, how shall we organize our life so that we can woke peacefully, endure nobly and live happily?

Who are we? That is first question. It is a question almost impossible to answer. But we all agree with the busy self occupied in our daily activities is not quite the real self. We are quite sure we have lost something in the mere pursuit of living. When we watch a person running about looking for something in a field, the wise man can set a puzzle for all the spectator to solve: what has that person lost? Some one thinks is a watch; another thinks it is a diamond brooch; and others will essay other guesses. After all the guesses have failed, the wise man who really doesn't know what the person is seeking after, tells the company:" I'll tell you. He has lost some breath." And no one can deny that he is right. So we often forget our true self in the pursuit of living, like a bird forgetting its own danger in pursuit of a mantis which again forgets its own danger in pursuit of another.


I have a best friend, we know each other when we are five years old, now we talk about everything. But sometimes we will have the argument, none of us want to give in first.

We make a deal that the next day we will meet in a place every time, so we become good again. I cherish our friendship so much.




I am a shy girl, when there is activity in my class, I will run away from it and try to be nobody. But in my heart, I want to be noticed and show my talent. My friend encourages me to take part in the activity, she helps me to finish the task.

At last, I become more and more confident and get along with others. I am so thankful to her for finding my confidence.




Today, when I walk pass a special shop, there sells all kinds of funny things. I love them all. Then I see a thing that my father must like. But I don’t have enough money at hand, I have to make choice.

I finally decide to buy things for my father, because I think it’s value is more important. My father has bought so many things for me, now I want to do it for him.




I like reading books so much, especially the novel books. When I start to go to school, my mother buys me the classic novel Harry Porter. I am so crazy about the movie, so I read the books very quickly.

I gain so much knowledge and broaden my vision. I enjoy the novel world, because I can see other person’s story and then learn from it.




My mother is the greatest person in the world. She takes care of the family and does all the housework. I never want to make her angry. But sometimes I will do something let her down and when I see her upset face, I feel painful.

So I am very strict to myself, I want to be an excellent girl and let her be proud of me. So, I can see her smile often.



1、Today was Sunday and I was very happy!In the morning,I stayed at home to do my homework and watch the afternoon,I went to a park with my best were many flowers,and some birds were singing played games and talked about our last,we went home for ,I had a great time!


2、Most kids like like cats,and boys like ,my favorite animal is the horses are strong,not like the tame cats or puppy look wild and hard to get ,they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know remember the way home.

They are also faithful to their even understand what you are trying to tell ’ve heard many stories about how a horse saved his master’s ;s also the reason why I love never betray you.


3、Look,I have a nice and have a small and is a big bed,a small desk,a shelf and a bed is near the is a shelf near the closet too.

Many good books are in the like the books very ,yes,There is a big board on the often write and draw pictures on the ,My bedroom is too like it very you like my bedroom?Can you tell me about your beroom,please?


4、My best friend ’s a very funny example,he keeps his watch one hour ahead of the real says it’s because he doesn’t want to be also very honest and doesn’t need to cheat to get ahead.

In school he always gets the highest scores,but he never seems to says he studies only when nobody is likes my friend very much.


5、My classmate who called is a beautiful girl,she has long long hair and big always has a little often play like her very much.



阅读是外语学习中最基本也是最重要的技能之一。所以对于高中阶段学生来说阅读水平的提高是他们英语学习过程中的重要任务。我精心收集了较简单的英语短文,供大家欣赏学习! 较简单的英语短文篇1 吸菸有害Smoking is bad for your healthy It is said that there are about half of people in China are *** young boys and girls have the habit of *** oking, though they are middle school students. As we all know, *** oking does great harm to human beings. More and more people have e to realize how serious this problem is. But they are never bored with it. Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that *** oking can refresh themselves. Smoking causes many illnesses. A lot of people always cough because of *** oking. The most serious illness caused by *** oking is lung cancer. Meanwhile *** oking is a waste of money. Besides, careless *** okers may cause dangerous fires. In order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of *** oking. Please stop *** oking at once. 据说,中国有一半人在吸菸。许多男孩和女孩都有吸菸的习惯,尽管他们还是中学生。 众所周知,吸菸对人身体是有害的。越来越多的人们认识到这个问题的严重性,但他们仍然乐此不疲。一些人认为抽菸是一种时髦,一些人认为抽菸很有趣,还有一些人认为吸菸可以提神。 吸菸能导致很多疾病。由于吸菸,一些人一直在咳嗽。肺癌是吸菸导致的最严重的疾病。同时,吸菸很浪费金钱。除此而外,粗心的菸民还可能引起火灾。 为了保证人们的身体健康,我们应当改掉吸菸的坏习惯。请立即停止吸菸吧。 较简单的英语短文篇2 失学Out of School Now more and more children in the countryside are out of school. One of the reasons is that their parents haven't much money to afford their school. They have to stay at home to earn money to support their families. What a pity! And another reason is that many parents think it is useless for girls to study and they would not like them to go to school. On the other hand, some children are not interested in their lessons and would not like to go to school. I think all the children, including girls, should have the right to receive education. We have the duty to lend them a hand when they are in trouble. All the people should pay attention to the education of children who will play a very important part in the future of our country. 现在,越来越多的农村孩子失学了。一个原因是因为他们的父母没有很多的钱供他们上学,他们不得不在家里赚钱养家。太可怜了。另外叶个原因就是很多家长都认为读书对女孩子没用,所以不让她们读书。另一方面,一些孩子对功课不感兴趣,不愿上学。 我认为所有的孩子都有权利接受教育。我们有义务在他们困难时伸出手来帮助他们。人们应当重视孩子的教育问题,因为他们对国家的未来将起到非常重要的作用。 较简单的英语短文篇3 Net Bar网咖 With the development of the Intemet, the net bar plays an important role in people's life. More and more people, especially students, like to go to net bars. They are absorbed in playing video games, making bad friends and having a chat with "Meimei" on the net in the bar. Some students often go on playing late into the night in the net bar. As a result, not only does it do harm to their health but also produces a bad effect on their studies. Now a lot of net bars have been shut down in Beijing. But some students go by bus to the net bars at suburbs to play. Fortunately, more and more parents and schools have realized it. Recently, more than six thousand students ensured that they would be far away from net bars in Jinzhou city, Liaoning Province. It is quite necessary for the students to get rid of the bad habit. 随着因特网的发展,网咖在人们生活中扮演了重要的角色。越来越多的人,特别是学生,愿意到网咖去,他们沉迷于在网咖玩电子游戏、结交坏朋友以及和荚眉聊天。一些学生常常在网咖玩到深夜,这些会导致学生的健康和学习问题。现在北京市已关闭了一些网咖,但是,一些学生乘车到郊区的网咖去玩。 庆幸的是,越来越多的家长和学校已经意识到这点。最近,辽宁省锦州市六千多名学生保证远离网咖。学生摆脱掉这种坏习惯是非常必要的。

1、Today was Sunday and I was very happy!In the morning,I stayed at home to do my homework and watch the afternoon,I went to a park with my best were many flowers,and some birds were singing played games and talked about our last,we went home for ,I had a great time!


2、Most kids like like cats,and boys like ,my favorite animal is the horses are strong,not like the tame cats or puppy look wild and hard to get ,they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know remember the way home.

They are also faithful to their even understand what you are trying to tell ’ve heard many stories about how a horse saved his master’s ;s also the reason why I love never betray you.


3、Look,I have a nice and have a small and is a big bed,a small desk,a shelf and a bed is near the is a shelf near the closet too.

Many good books are in the like the books very ,yes,There is a big board on the often write and draw pictures on the ,My bedroom is too like it very you like my bedroom?Can you tell me about your beroom,please?


4、My best friend ’s a very funny example,he keeps his watch one hour ahead of the real says it’s because he doesn’t want to be also very honest and doesn’t need to cheat to get ahead.

In school he always gets the highest scores,but he never seems to says he studies only when nobody is likes my friend very much.


5、My classmate who called is a beautiful girl,she has long long hair and big always has a little often play like her very much.


英语现在已经发展成为一个在世界范围内使用最广泛的语言。下面是我带来的一篇简单的英语 文章 ,欢迎阅读!


为生活而奋斗Strive for Life


Knowing that life truly is short and can only be lived once is probably the best line of thinkingfor inspiration. All humans live on a large planet, filled with exciting new experiences,adventures, knowledge, and a wealth of resources to help one with gaining wisdom andknowledge. To realize this and to allow life to take place in this is to responsibly live life. Are allhumans bound for foreign lands, foreign thought, or foreign experiences? No. Should allhumans hope to experience foreign lands, foreign thought, and foreign experiences?

Without question. Having a responsible, reasonable, and mature grasp, mentally, of all that isout there to enhance one’s experience in life, is one of the greatest blessings one can bestowupon himself. For knowing that the tools one has through birth need to be used and practicedwith; sharpened and prepared for more difficult and challenging use, does one truly andactively approach living life from a strong foundation.

Why should anyone try to live life in a constant motion towards becoming greater, becomingstronger, and becoming wiser and more educated? Why not? For facing life with arms crossed,brow furrowed, and expectation as a rule is, without question, a waste. Living life is all aboutstriving forward. So why not do what one can, utilizing one’s God-given tools, to become thegreatest individual one can be? Live. Accept. Face. Strive. Truly live.







They say the best things in life are free。


A Reddit user asked people from around the world what life's most simple pleasures were, oneof which was getting in your own bed after a long journey。


Unsurprisingly, many pleasures that came out top on the list were ones that resulted in a senseof physical relief after solving annoyances or irritations。


These included extracting a popcorn kernel lodged in the teeth, back and head scratches, andalso the satisfying first sip of a drink when thirsty。


Reddit users also agreed that freshly baked bread was another simple pleasure in life that madethem happy。


A shower with good water pressure was another comfortable life pleasure that Reddit userspraised。




asleep while it's raining outside


or head scratches


shower with good water pressure


in your own bed after a long journey


baked bread


first sip of a drink when you're thirsty


goosebumps from a song


someone to laugh that you admire or look up to


a task and finishing it


up for work, only to realise it's Saturday



How to Answer the Interview Question, 'Tell Me About Yourself'

如何回答 面试 问题“简单介绍一下自己”

It's often the first thing hiring managers ask candidates in job interviews, and the firstopportunity to really screw things up. Unsurprisingly, most of us have a really hard timesummarizing our careers, skills, and interests in the conversational equivalent of a tweet. Buthaving a job search "elevator pitch" is a really important part of acing the interview.

招聘经理在求职面试中常常问的第一个问题就是“请简单介绍一下自己”,而且这实际上也是求职者将事情搞砸的第一次机会。不足为奇的是,实际上,大多数求职者都是很不容易才 总结 好面试中自己职业、技能和兴趣的介绍,就像一条微博似的。但是求职中的“电梯演讲”也是通过面试的重要因素。

"People screw it up all the time," says career coach Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio, in aninterview with Forbes. "They think they should walk you through their entire résumé."

职业顾问Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio在福布斯的采访中提到“人们总是把事情搞砸。求职者总是认为面试者应当浏览简历上面的所有信息。”

Thanasoulis-Cerrachio and the other career experts Susan Adams spoke with agreed that theshort, snappy pitch is important, and said that the whole spiel shouldn't take more than thetime it takes to ride an elevator -- 30 seconds or less, in other words.

Thanasoulis-Cerrachio与另一位职业专家Susan Adams很赞同的一点就是:简介明快的演讲很重要。而且整个演讲花费的时间不能超过乘坐一层电梯所需的时间——也就是30秒之内。

What else should you keep in mind?


1. Focus on what they need.


When you're trying to sell yourself to a prospective employer, it's tempting to concentrate onwhat you think your greatest strengths are. In fact, you're probably better off if you figure outhow to tailor your description of your experience to what the employer actually needs. They'renot going to hire you just because you're impressive; they'll hire you because you solve aproblem or fulfill a desperately needed function.

当你试图将自己推荐给未来的雇主的时候,集中思考自己最大的优势是很富有吸引力的。实际上,如果你能够揣测用人单位的实际需求,并按照需求来修改工作 经验 介绍,那么你的机会可能会更大。他们不会因为你给人印象深刻而雇用你;他们雇用你是因为你能够解决问题或者能够履行急需的工作职责。

2. Edit yourself.


Be prepared to go through many iterations of your pitch before you hit on the right one. Thinkof the old Mark Twain quote, "I didn't have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote you along one instead." Brevity takes time and ruthlessness.

在你想出合适的 演讲稿 之前,你要做好不断修改稿子的准备。想一想老马克.吐温的一句 名言 “我没时间写出简洁的信,所以只好写一封长信给你。”简洁不但耗时长,而且没人情味。

3. Rehearse.


Practice on your own in front of a mirror, or better yet, with a friend, until you can deliver yourpitch confidently and without a hitch. Ideally, it should sound organic and natural -- as if youjust happened to think it up on the spot, or as if it's always been a personal credo.


Tell Us What You Think


Do you have an elevator pitch for interviews?


I started training my dog everyday when Icame home from school. It began to calm down more everyday! I taught the dog how to sit,run,walk and be quiet when I tell it week later ,the dog did not make any parents were very happy and so was I. 我每天放学回家以后,就开始训练小狗。我叫他怎样坐,怎样跑,怎样走路,并旦训练它能听懂我的命令,而小狗也变得越来越温顺了,越来越听话了。一周以后,小狗再也不闯祸了,不调皮了。爸爸妈妈看了都非常高兴,而我则更高兴。






1、 题目:即标题,它的主要作用是概括整个论文的中心内容。因此,题目要确切、鲜明、精练。

2、 目录:反映论文的纲要。目录应列出通篇论文各组成部分的大小标题,分别层次,逐项标注页码,包括参考文献、附录、图版、索引等附属部分的页次,以便读者查找。

3、 摘要:摘要是论文的高度概括,是论文不可缺少的组成部分。要求用中、英文分别书写,一篇中文不少于400字。结尾要注明3—5个关键词。

4、 前言:前言相当于论文的开头,它是三段式论文的第一段(后二段是正文和结论)。 前言与摘要写法不完全相同,摘要要高度概括、简略,前言可以稍加具体一些,文字以1000字左右为宜。前言一般应包括以下几个内容:










用理论推导的手段和方法达到研究目的的,这方面内容要精心组织,必须概念准确,判断推理符合客观 事物的发展规律,要做到言之有序,言之有理,以论点为中枢,组织成完整而严谨的内容整体。




6、 结论:结论包括对整个研究工作进行归纳和综合而得出的总结;所得结果与已有结果的比较:联系实际结果,指出它的学术意义或应用价值和在实际中推广应用的可能性;在本课题研究中尚存在的问题,对进一步开展研究的见解与建议。结论集中反映作者的研究成果,表达作者对所研究课题的见解和主张,是全文的思想精髓的体现,一般写得概括、篇幅较短。撰写时应注意下列事项:结论要简单、确切。在措辞上应严谨,易于领会。


7、 致谢:对于毕业设计(论文)的指导教师,对毕业设计(论文)提过有益的建议或给予过帮助的同学、同事与集体,都应在论文的结尾部分书面致谢,其言辞应恳切、实事求是。





解决某一工程具体问题的题目属毕业设计, 毕业设计的内容包括完成设计说明书和图纸两部分。毕业设计说明书是对毕业设计进行解释与说明的书面材料,在写法上应注意与论文的区别点是:












⑥.表格各项目一般要有名称、代号和量纲单位。表内数据的数字后不再附注单位,如果有要说明的细节,可用脚注列在表的下面,脚注序号用(1)、 (2)……”标于相关词的右上方。







①. 引用经典著作中的名句或科学科技文献的公理、定义要按作者姓名、书名(或篇名),集名、卷数。版本(出版社名、出版年份)、页码的先后顺序注明。同时要注意内容的正确


凡是排在同一页上接在一起的几个引文,如果引自同一本书,而页码不同,第一个引文按规定格式作注,以下可依次简写:“同上书,第xx页”。如页码也一样,则写“同上”即可。 ’









①.居中打印“ABSTRACT”,再下空两行打印英文摘要内容(字体Times New Roman。


③.摘要内容后下空一行打印“KEY WORDS”,其后为关键词用小写字母,每一关键词之间用逗号隔开,最后一个关键词后不打标点符号。












第一 封面

第二 任务书

第三 目录

第四 中文摘要

第五 外文摘要

第六 论文






第七 毕业设计小结

第八 附录

第九 封底


毕业论文格式规范只要学生选择在英国学习,他们就不能不写一篇英国毕业论文。如果同学们想写一篇的英语毕业论文,如果分数不太低,就必须注意写作时的论文格式问题。接下来我就为那些在英国留学需要撰写毕业论文的同学们仔细介绍应该注意撰写时候的论文格式是什么样子的。首先就是对字体的要求,如果字体是统一的,不管目录和正文的字体大小格式都很少会错。但是对于标题的字体来说,很容易出错。所以,同学们需要了解的是,一般的字体要求是使用Times NewRoman,主标题是5号,副标题是小四号,但是还是需要具体的看学校安排,有的学校可能会有一点点的误差,但是总结来说就是字体要符合要求。(同学们问在用Times NewRoman输入的时候自动变为宋体了怎么办?这和字体没太大关系,应该是你选择了全角输入的原因,将其改成半角输入就可以了。)然后就是正文的格式,通常来源于行距,标题与句子之间的格式,句子与句子之间的格式,句子之间的格式。对于标题与句子之间的每个标题都需要居中,下一段空两行;而每章的标题为左对齐,粗体,每节标题倾斜,首字母缩进四个英文字符,序列号要是,写着写着就晕了,但是这些规定又是必须要遵守的。最后就是引用的标注,方法是:在论文中出现的作者必须与文章后面的参考文献形成一对一的关系;中文参考文献的作者应该以英文的形式展现,对于标点符号,同志们必须区分,在英国的毕业论文通常用半角。(最常用的三种格式:芝加哥格式,APA格式,MLA格式,看你的学校用的是那种格式。)


媒体名称 华章 刊号 22-1282/I 类别 期刊 主管单位 省社科院 主办单位 <<华章>>杂志社 是正规期刊,普通省级期刊。图书馆方面的核心期刊:1.中国图书馆学报2.大学图书馆学报3.情报学报4.图书情报工作5.图书馆论坛6.图书馆7.图书馆建设8.图书馆杂志9.图书情报知识10.情报理论与实践11.情报科学12.现代图书情报技术13.情报杂志14.情报资料工作15.图书馆理论与实践16.图书馆工作与研究17.图书馆学研究(分为:《图书馆学研究.理论版》和《图书馆学研究.应用版》)18.图书与情报19.国家图书馆学刊

《华章》 是什么刊物?为什么说不正规?它有违法内容?或证件不全?

