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(第一篇)这篇简单介绍了TCP/IP协议。 可供参考。What is TCP/IP? TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or an extranet). When you are set up with direct access to the Internet, your computer is provided with a copy of the TCP/IP program just as every other computer that you may send messages to or get information from also has a copy of TCP/ is a two-layer program. The higher layer, Transmission Control Protocol, manages the assembling of a message or file into smaller packets that are transmitted over the Internet and received by a TCP layer that reassembles the packets into the original message. The lower layer, Internet Protocol, handles the address part of each packet so that it gets to the right destination. Each gateway computer on the network checks this address to see where to forward the message. Even though some packets from the same message are routed differently than others, they'll be reassembled at the uses the client/server model of communication in which a computer user (a client) requests and is provided a service (such as sending a Web page) by another computer (a server) in the network. TCP/IP communication is primarily point-to-point, meaning each communication is from one point (or host computer) in the network to another point or host computer. TCP/IP and the higher-level applications that use it are collectively said to be "stateless" because each client request is considered a new request unrelated to any previous one (unlike ordinary phone conversations that require a dedicated connection for the call duration). Being stateless frees network paths so that everyone can use them continuously. (Note that the TCP layer itself is not stateless as far as any one message is concerned. Its connection remains in place until all packets in a message have been received.)Many Internet users are familiar with the even higher layer application protocols that use TCP/IP to get to the Internet. These include the World Wide Web's Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Telnet (Telnet) which lets you logon to remote computers, and the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). These and other protocols are often packaged together with TCP/IP as a "suite."Personal computer users with an analog phone modem connection to the Internet usually get to the Internet through the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) or the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). These protocols encapsulate the IP packets so that they can be sent over the dial-up phone connection to an access provider's related to TCP/IP include the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which is used instead of TCP for special purposes. Other protocols are used by network host computers for exchanging router information. These include the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP), the Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), and the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). (第二篇)这篇介绍了TCP/IP的发展。Development of TCP/IPThe original research was performed in the late 1960s and early 1970s by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), which is the research arm of the US Department of Defense (DOD). The DOD wanted to build a network to connect a number of military sites. The key requirements for the network were as follows: * It must continue to function during nuclear war (development took place during the 'cold war'). The 7/8th rule required that the network should continue to function even when 7/8th of the network was not operational * It must be completely decentralized with no key central installation that could be destroyed and bring down the whole network * It must be fully redundant and able to continue communication between A and B even though intermediate sites and links might stop functioning during the conversation * The architecture must be flexible as the envisaged range of applications for the network was wide (anything from file transfer to time-sensitive data such as voice)ARPA hired a firm called BBN to design the network. The prototype was a research network called ARPANET (first operational in 1972). This connected four university sites using a system described as a packet switching to this development, any two computers wanting to communicate had to open a direct channel (known as a circuit) and information was then sent. If this circuit were broken, the computers would stop communicating immediately, which the DOD specifically wanted to computer could forward information to another by using packet-switching, so it superseded circuit-switched networks. To ensure information reached the correct destination, each packet was addressed with a source and destination and the packet was then transferred using any available pathway to the destination was divided into small chunks or packets (originally 1008 bits). Sending large chunks of information has always presented problems, often because the full message fails to reach its destination at the first attempt, and the whole message then has to be resent. The facilities within the new protocol to divide large messages into numerous small packets meant that a single packet could be resent if it was lost or damaged during transmission, rather than the whole new network was decentralized with no one computer controlling its operation where the packet switching protocol controlled most of the network is a very robust protocol and can automatically recover from any communication link failures. It re-routes data packets if transmission lines are damaged or if a computer fails to respond, utilizing any available network path. The figure below shows an example of an Internet system. A packet being sent from Network A to Network F may be sent via Network D (the quickest route). If this route becomes unavailable, the packet is routed using an alternate route (for example, A B C E F).Once ARPANET was proven, the DOD built MILNET (Military Installation in US) and MINET (Military Installation in Europe). To encourage the wide adoption of TCP/IP, BBN and the University of California at Berkeley were funded by the US Government to implement the protocol in the Berkeley version of Unix. UNIX was given freely to US universities and colleges, allowing them to network their computers. Researchers at Berkeley developed a program interface to the network protocol called sockets and wrote many applications using this the early 1980s, the National Science Foundation (NSF) used Berkeley TCP/IP to create the Computer Science Network (CSNET) to link US universities. They saw the benefit of sharing information between universities and ARPANET provided the infrastructure. Meanwhile, in 1974 a successor to ARPANET was developed named NSFNET. This was based on a backbone of six supercomputers into which many regional networks were allowed to first stage in the commercial development of the Internet occurred in 1990 when a group of telecommunications and computer companies formed a non-profit making organization called Advanced Networks and Services (ANS). This organization took over NSFNET and allowed commercial organizations to connect to the system. The commercial Internet grew from these networks.上述两篇都可供参考。 一、TCP/IP协议簇简介TCP/IP(传输控制协议/网间协议)是一种网络通信协议,它规范了网络上的所有通信设备,尤其是一个主机与另一个主机之间的数据往来格式以及传送方式。TCP/IP是 INTERNET的基础协议,也是一种电脑数据打包和寻址的标准方法。在数据传送中,可以形象地理解为有两个信封,TCP和IP就像是信封,要传递的信息被划分成若干段,每一段塞入一个TCP信封,并在该信封面上记录有分段号的信息,再将TCP信封塞入IP大信封,发送上网。在接受端,一个TCP软件包收集信封,抽出数据,按发送前的顺序还原,并加以校验,若发现差错,TCP将会要求重发。因此,TCP/IP在INTERNET中几乎可以无差错地传送数据。在任何一个物理网络中,各站点都有一个机器可识别的地址,该地址叫做物理地址.物理地址有两个特点:(1)物理地址的长度,格式等是物理网络技术的一部分,物理网络不同,物理地址也不同.(2)同一类型不同网络上的站点可能拥有相同的物理地址.以上两点决定了,不能用物理网络进行网间网通讯.在网络术语中,协议中,协议是为了在两台计算机之间交换数据而预先规定的标准。TCP/IP并不是一个而是许多协议,这就是为什么你经常听到它代表一个协议集的原因,而TCP和IP只是其中两个基本协议而已。你装在计算机-的TCP/IP软件提供了一个包括TCP、IP以及TCP/IP协议集中其它协议的工具平台。特别是它包括一些高层次的应用程序和FTP(文件传输协议),它允许用户在命令行上进行网络文件传输。TCP/IP 是美国政府资助的高级研究计划署(ARPA)在二十世纪七十年代的一个研究成果,用来使全球的研究网络联在一起形成一个虚拟网络,也就是国际互联网。原始的Internet通过将已有的网络如ARPAnet转换到TCP/IP上来而形成,而这个Internet最终成为如今的国际互联网的骨干网。如今TCP/IP如此重要的原因,在于它允许独立的网格加入到Internet或组织在一起形成私有的内部网(Intranet)。构成内部网的每个网络通过一种-做路由器或IP路由器的设备在物理上联接在一起。路由器是一台用来从一个网络到另一个网络传输数据包的计算机。在一个使用TCP/IP的内部网中,信息通过使用一种独立的叫做IP包(IPpacket)或IP数据报(IP datagrams)的数据单元进--传输。TCP/IP软件使得每台联到网络上的计算机同其它计算机“看”起来一模一样,事实上它隐藏了路由器和基本的网络体系结构并使其各方面看起来都像一个大网。如同联入以太网时需要确认一个48位的以太网地址一样,联入一个内部网也需要确认一个32位的IP地址。我们将它用带点的十进制数表示,如。给定一个远程计算机的IP地址,在某个内部网或Internet上的本地计算机就可以像处在同一个物理网络中的两台计算机那样向远程计算机发送数据。TCP/IP 提供了一个方案用来解决属于同一个内部网而分属不同物理网的两台计算机之间怎样交换数据的问题。这个方案包括许多部分,而TCP/IP协议集的每个成员则用来解决问题的某一部分。如TCP/IP协议集中最基本的协议-IP协议用来在内部网中交换数据并且执行一项重要的功能:路由选择--选择数据报从A主机到B主机将要经过的路径以及利用合适的路由器完成不同网络之间的跨越(hop)。TCP 是一个更高层次的它允许运行在在不同主机上的应用程序相互交换数据流。TCP将数据流分成小段叫做TCP数据段(TCP segments),并利用IP协议进行传输。在大多数情况下,每个TCP数据段装在一个IP数据报中进行发送。但如需要的话,TCP将把数据段分成多个数据报,而IP数据报则与同一网络不同主机间传输位流和字节流的物理数据帧相容。由于IP并不能保证接收的数据报的顺序相一致,TCP会在收信端装配 TCP数据段并形成一个不间断的数据流。FTP和Telnet就是两个非常流行的依靠TCP的TCP/IP应用程序。另一个重要的TCP/IP协议集的成员是用户数据报协议(UDP),它同TCP相似但比TCP原始许多。TCP是一个可靠的协议,因为它有错误检查和握手确认来保证数据完整的到达目的地。UDP是一个“不可靠”的协议,因为它不能保证数据报的接收顺序同发送顺序相同,甚至不能保证它们是否全部到达。如果有可靠性要求,则应用程序避免使用它。同许多TCP/IP工具同时提供的SNMP(简单网络管理协议)就是一个使用UDP协议的应用例子。其它TCP/IP协议在TCP/IP网络中工作在幕后,但同样也发挥着重要作用。例如地址转换协议(ARP)将IP地址转换为物理网络地址如以太网地址。而与其对应的反向地址转换协议(RARP)做相反的工作,即将物理网络地址转换为IP地址。网际控制报文协议(ICMP)则是一个支持性协议,它利用IP完成IP数据报在传输时的控制信息和错误信息的传输。例如,如果一个路由器不能向前发送一个IP数据报,它就会利用ICMP来告诉发送者这里出现了问题。 这个不是原版翻译,不过相差不多。 -0-。你先要的是英文版啊~ 囧~ 要不你再发个帖,找人翻译下。


浅谈无线局域网及实际应用 摘要:人们生活在“移动”的世界中,越来越多的移动产品的出现,标志着人们对快捷数据访问的需求在不断增加。在这个“网络就是计算机”的时代,局域网已成为提高工作效率及生产率不可缺少的工具,伴随着有线网络的广泛应用,以快捷高效,组网灵活为优势的无线网络技术也在飞速发展。本文从介绍无线局域网的概念,通信系统,标准以及硬件等一些基本知识,并举一个无线局域网的组网实例,采用由浅入深的方法并尽可能采用图文并茂的方式,以便使读者对无线局域网从有初步的了解到加深认识。 关键词:技术特点,分类,标准,硬件 1 研究背景 研究课题的意义及目的 我们处在一个张扬个性和崇尚自由的时代,自由的感觉应该是无拘无束的,自由的网络也应该摆脱繁杂连线的羁绊,受到外界环境变化的最少限制。随着时代的转变,人们生活工作地点的移动也越来越频繁,因此移动电话、笔记本电脑、PDA等移动设备大行其道,人们对网络的依赖越来越强,局域网也越来越普及,然而有线网络常常受到地点的限制,布线、改线工程量大,线路容易损坏,网中的各节点不可移动,特别是当要把相离较远的节点联接起来时,敷设专用通信线路的布线施工难度大、费用高、耗时长,至于移动办公,在这种网络环境里几乎不可能,传统局域网络已经越来越不能满足人们对移动和网络的需求,于是无线局域网(WLAN)应运而生。虽然如今无线局域网还不能完全脱离有线网络,但近年来,WLAN产品逐渐走向成熟,正在以它的高速传输能力和灵活性发挥日益重要的作用。 研究课题的内容与分析 无线计算机通信的发展与计算机的应用形态密切相关,大致可分为三个阶段。即,大型机联网阶段,微型机联网阶段,移动计算网络阶段。其中前两个阶段无线计算机通信的共同特征是:采用无线媒体仅是为了克服地理障碍,或是为了免去布线的繁琐,使网络安装简单,使用方便,而网中节点的移动能力并不重要。然而随着90年代后功能强大的便携式计算机的普遍使用,人们需要在办公室以外的地方使其随身携带的便携机仍然能够保持接入其办公室的局域网,或能够访问其它公共网络。这样,支持移动能力的计算机网络或称移动计算网络越来越重要。 无线局域网(WLAN:Wireless Local Area Network)是计算机网络与无线通信技术相结合的产物,它可定义为:使用射频,微波或红外线,在一个有线地域范围内互连设备的通信系统。 无线局域网是计算机间的无线通信网络,因此我们有必要了解一下无线计算机通信的发展历史及其现状。无线通信的历史非常悠久,但民间无线计算机通信的历史却并不长,尤其是充分发挥无线通信的“可移动”特点的无线计算机通信则是近10年来才出现的事情,而所谓的“移动计算网络”更是最近几年才出现的概念。 无线局域网的优势 无线网络是否有能力取代有线网络,这决不取决于三两个漂亮的案例,更不会因为某某专家建议,其主要原因大致出于三方面:网络布局改造,扩展和维护成本。 无线局域网的相关技术 在一个典型的无线局域网环境中,有一些进行数据发送和接收的设备,称为接入点(Access Point,简称AP)。一个AP能够在几十至上百米的范围内连接多个无线用户。在同时具有有线和无线网络的情况下,AP可以通过标准的Ethernet电缆与传统的有线网络相联,作为无线网络和有线网络的连接点。无线局域网的终端用户可通过无线网卡等访问网络。 无线局域网的硬件设备包括接入点(AP,Access Point),LAN适配卡,网桥和路由器等。 评述一项技术优点的最好方法是讨论其潜在的使用价值。在国内,WLAN的技术和产品在实际应用领域还是比较新的,但是与有线网络相比,WLAN具有安装便捷、使用灵活、易于扩展、价格便宜、辐射小等优点,无线由于其不可替代的优点,将会迅速地应用于需要在移动中连网和在网间漫游的场合,如机场、酒店、展厅的网络接入、企业移动办公系统、金融服务和旅游服务等,并在不易布线的地方和远距离的数据处理节点提供强大的网络支持。 小结 由此可见,无线网络的出现是为了解决有线网络无法克服的困难。虽然无线网络有诸多优势,但与有线网络相比,无线局域网也有很多不足。无线网络速率较慢、价格较高,因而它主要面向有特定需求的用户。目前无线局域网还不能完全脱离有线网络,无线网络与有线网络是互补而不是竞争,是补充而不是替换。但也应该看到,近年来,随着适用于无线局域网产品的价格正逐渐下降,相应软件也逐渐成熟。此外,无线局域网已能够通过与广域网相结合的形式提供移动互联网的多媒体业务。随着开放办公的流行和手持设备的普及,人们对移动性访问和存储信息的需求愈来愈多,因而WLAN将会在办公、生产和家庭等领域不断获得更广泛应用,相信在未来,无线局域网将以它的高速传输能力和灵活性发挥更加重要的作用! 参考文献 [1] 易爱民,黄华栋.利用VPN技术远程访问局域网中MlCAPS服务器.广东气象.2004(1).34-35 [2] 肖怀志,薛四新,孙宇华.基于VPN的电子文件网络化归档安全解决方案..档案学研究.2004(2).44-48 [3] 余荣.浅谈无线局域网的安全性..铁路通信信号工程技术.2004(3).34-37 [4] 吴茂献,谢宝陵,袭昱.无线局域网的安全问题与对策..电脑知识与技术:认证考试.2004(05M).53-55 [5] 张公忠.现代网络技术教程 [M] .电子工业出版社,2000年1月 [6] 李晓东.IP QoS的实现.[N] .计算机世界日报,2000年7月3日 [7] 赵慧玲.及ITU-T SG13中国代表团..新一代IP网络标准的发展.[J].中国通信, 2001,(2) [8] 卢有杰、吴炜煜.C语言高级程序设计.北京:清华大学出版社,1991 [9] 王宝济. 网络建设实用指南[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,1999。


浅谈无线局域网及实际应用 摘要:人们生活在“移动”的世界中,越来越多的移动产品的出现,标志着人们对快捷数据访问的需求在不断增加。在这个“网络就是计算机”的时代,局域网已成为提高工作效率及生产率不可缺少的工具,伴随着有线网络的广泛应用,以快捷高效,组网灵活为优势的无线网络技术也在飞速发展。本文从介绍无线局域网的概念,通信系统,标准以及硬件等一些基本知识,并举一个无线局域网的组网实例,采用由浅入深的方法并尽可能采用图文并茂的方式,以便使读者对无线局域网从有初步的了解到加深认识。 关键词:技术特点,分类,标准,硬件 1 研究背景 研究课题的意义及目的 我们处在一个张扬个性和崇尚自由的时代,自由的感觉应该是无拘无束的,自由的网络也应该摆脱繁杂连线的羁绊,受到外界环境变化的最少限制。随着时代的转变,人们生活工作地点的移动也越来越频繁,因此移动电话、笔记本电脑、PDA等移动设备大行其道,人们对网络的依赖越来越强,局域网也越来越普及,然而有线网络常常受到地点的限制,布线、改线工程量大,线路容易损坏,网中的各节点不可移动,特别是当要把相离较远的节点联接起来时,敷设专用通信线路的布线施工难度大、费用高、耗时长,至于移动办公,在这种网络环境里几乎不可能,传统局域网络已经越来越不能满足人们对移动和网络的需求,于是无线局域网(WLAN)应运而生。虽然如今无线局域网还不能完全脱离有线网络,但近年来,WLAN产品逐渐走向成熟,正在以它的高速传输能力和灵活性发挥日益重要的作用。 研究课题的内容与分析 无线计算机通信的发展与计算机的应用形态密切相关,大致可分为三个阶段。即,大型机联网阶段,微型机联网阶段,移动计算网络阶段。其中前两个阶段无线计算机通信的共同特征是:采用无线媒体仅是为了克服地理障碍,或是为了免去布线的繁琐,使网络安装简单,使用方便,而网中节点的移动能力并不重要。然而随着90年代后功能强大的便携式计算机的普遍使用,人们需要在办公室以外的地方使其随身携带的便携机仍然能够保持接入其办公室的局域网,或能够访问其它公共网络。这样,支持移动能力的计算机网络或称移动计算网络越来越重要。 无线局域网(WLAN:Wireless Local Area Network)是计算机网络与无线通信技术相结合的产物,它可定义为:使用射频,微波或红外线,在一个有线地域范围内互连设备的通信系统。 无线局域网是计算机间的无线通信网络,因此我们有必要了解一下无线计算机通信的发展历史及其现状。无线通信的历史非常悠久,但民间无线计算机通信的历史却并不长,尤其是充分发挥无线通信的“可移动”特点的无线计算机通信则是近10年来才出现的事情,而所谓的“移动计算网络”更是最近几年才出现的概念。 无线局域网的优势 无线网络是否有能力取代有线网络,这决不取决于三两个漂亮的案例,更不会因为某某专家建议,其主要原因大致出于三方面:网络布局改造,扩展和维护成本。 无线局域网的相关技术 在一个典型的无线局域网环境中,有一些进行数据发送和接收的设备,称为接入点(Access Point,简称AP)。一个AP能够在几十至上百米的范围内连接多个无线用户。在同时具有有线和无线网络的情况下,AP可以通过标准的Ethernet电缆与传统的有线网络相联,作为无线网络和有线网络的连接点。无线局域网的终端用户可通过无线网卡等访问网络。 无线局域网的硬件设备包括接入点(AP,Access Point),LAN适配卡,网桥和路由器等。 评述一项技术优点的最好方法是讨论其潜在的使用价值。在国内,WLAN的技术和产品在实际应用领域还是比较新的,但是与有线网络相比,WLAN具有安装便捷、使用灵活、易于扩展、价格便宜、辐射小等优点,无线由于其不可替代的优点,将会迅速地应用于需要在移动中连网和在网间漫游的场合,如机场、酒店、展厅的网络接入、企业移动办公系统、金融服务和旅游服务等,并在不易布线的地方和远距离的数据处理节点提供强大的网络支持。 小结 由此可见,无线网络的出现是为了解决有线网络无法克服的困难。虽然无线网络有诸多优势,但与有线网络相比,无线局域网也有很多不足。无线网络速率较慢、价格较高,因而它主要面向有特定需求的用户。目前无线局域网还不能完全脱离有线网络,无线网络与有线网络是互补而不是竞争,是补充而不是替换。但也应该看到,近年来,随着适用于无线局域网产品的价格正逐渐下降,相应软件也逐渐成熟。此外,无线局域网已能够通过与广域网相结合的形式提供移动互联网的多媒体业务。随着开放办公的流行和手持设备的普及,人们对移动性访问和存储信息的需求愈来愈多,因而WLAN将会在办公、生产和家庭等领域不断获得更广泛应用,相信在未来,无线局域网将以它的高速传输能力和灵活性发挥更加重要的作用! 参考文献 [1] 易爱民,黄华栋.利用VPN技术远程访问局域网中MlCAPS服务器.广东气象.2004(1).34-35 [2] 肖怀志,薛四新,孙宇华.基于VPN的电子文件网络化归档安全解决方案..档案学研究.2004(2).44-48 [3] 余荣.浅谈无线局域网的安全性..铁路通信信号工程技术.2004(3).34-37 [4] 吴茂献,谢宝陵,袭昱.无线局域网的安全问题与对策..电脑知识与技术:认证考试.2004(05M).53-55 [5] 张公忠.现代网络技术教程 [M] .电子工业出版社,2000年1月 [6] 李晓东.IP QoS的实现.[N] .计算机世界日报,2000年7月3日 [7] 赵慧玲.及ITU-T SG13中国代表团..新一代IP网络标准的发展.[J].中国通信, 2001,(2) [8] 卢有杰、吴炜煜.C语言高级程序设计.北京:清华大学出版社,1991 [9] 王宝济. 网络建设实用指南[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,1999。

[1] 胡存生等 《局域网—组网技术与维护管理》北京:电子工业出版社,[2] 谢希仁 《计算机网络》北京:电子工业出版社, 第五版 [3] 黄燕 《计算机网络教程》北京:人民邮电出版社 [4] 刘小伟 《电脑局域网全面上手》 北京:海洋出版社 [5] 黄传河等 《计算机网络应用设计》 武汉:武汉大学出版社 [6] 杜朝晖 《局域网与组网实训教程》 北京:北京邮电大学出版社


路由器首先是在OSI七层模型中的第三层工作。所谓路由就是指通过相互连接的网络把信息从源地点移动到目标地点的活动。一般来说,在路由过程中,信息至少会经过一个或多个中间节点。通常,人们会把路由和交换进行对比,这主要是因为在普通用户看来两者所实现的功能是完全一样的。其实,路由和交换之间的主要区别就是交换发生在OSI参考模型的第二层(数据链路层),而路由发生在第三层,即网络层。这一区别决定了路由和交换在移动信息的过程中需要使用不同的控制信息,所以两者实现各自功能的方式是不同的。 早在40多年前间就已经出现了对路由技术的讨论,但是直到80年代路由技术才逐渐进入商业化的应用。路由技术之所以在问世之初没有被广泛使用主要是因为80年代之前的网络结构都非常简单,路由技术没有用武之地。直到最近十几年,大规模的互联网络才逐渐流行起来,为路由技术的发展提供了良好的基础和平台。 路由器是互联网的主要节点设备。路由器通过路由决定数据的转发。转发策略称为路由选择(routing),这也是路由器名称的由来(router,转发者)。作为不同网络之间互相连接的枢纽,路由器系统构成了基于 TCP/IP 的国际互联网络 Internet 的主体脉络,也可以说,路由器构成了 Internet 的骨架。它的处理速度是网络通信的主要瓶颈之一,它的可靠性则直接影响着网络互连的质量。因此,在园区网、地区网、乃至整个 Internet 研究领域中,路由器技术始终处于核心地位,其发展历程和方向,成为整个 Internet 研究的一个缩影。在当前我国网络基础建设和信息建设方兴未艾之际,探讨路由器在互连网络中的作用、地位及其发展方向,对于国内的网络技术研究、网络建设,以及明确网络市场上对于路由器和网络互连的各种似是而非的概念,都有重要的意义。原理 路由器(Router)是用于连接多个逻辑上分开的网络,所谓逻辑网络是代表一个单独的网络或者一个子网。当数据从一个子网传输到另一个子网时,可通过路由器来完成。因此,路由器具有判断网络地址和选择路径的功能,它能在多网络互联环境中,建立灵活的连接,可用完全不同的数据分组和介质访问方法连接各种子网,路由器只接受源 站或其他路由器的信息,属网络层的一种互联设备。它不关心各子网使用的硬件设备,但要求运行与网络层协议相一致的软件。路由器分本地路由器和远程路由器,本地路由器是用来连接网络传输介质的,如光纤、同轴电缆、双绞线;远程路由器是用来连接远程传输介质,并要求相应的设备,如电话线要配调制解调器,无线要通过无线接收机、发射机。路由器原理其工作原理如下: (1)工作站A将工作站B的地址连同数据信息以数据帧的形式发送给路由器1。 (2)路由器1收到工作站A的数据帧后,先从包头中取出地址,并根据路径表计算出发往工作站B的最佳路径:R1->R2->R5->B;并将数据帧发往路由器2。 (3)路由器2重复路由器1的工作,并将数据帧转发给路由器5。 (4)路由器5同样取出目的地址,发现就在该路由器所连接的网段上,于是将该数据帧直接交给工作站B。 (5)工作站B收到工作站A的数据帧,一次通信过程宣告结束。 事实上,路由器除了上述的路由选择这一主要功能外,还具有网络流量控制功能。有的路由器仅支持单一协议,但大部分路由器可以支持多种协议的传输,即多协议路由器。由于每一种协议都有自己的规则,要在一个路由器中完成多种协议的算法,势必会 降低路由器的性能。因此,我们以为,支持多协议的路由器性能相对较低。用户购买路由器时,需要根据自己的实际情况,选择自己需要的网络协议的路由器。 近年来出现了交换路由器产品,从本质上来说它不是什么新技术,而是为了提高通信能力,把交换机的原理组合到路由器中,使数据传输能力更快、更好。作用 路由器的一个作用是连通不同的网络,另一个作用是选择信息传送的线路。选择通畅快捷的近路,能大大提高通信速度,减轻网络系统通信负荷,节约网络系统资源,提高网络系统畅通率,从而让网络系统发挥出更大的效益来。 从过滤网络流量的角度来看,路由器的作用与交换机和网桥非常相似。但是与工作在网络物理层,从物理上划分网段的交换机不同,路由器使用专门的软件协议从逻辑上对整个网络进行划分。例如,一台支持IP协议的路由器可以把网络划分成多个子网段,只有指向特殊IP地址的网络流量才可以通过路由器。对于每一个接收到的数据包,路由器都会重新计算其校验值,并写入新的物理地址。因此,使用路由器转发和过滤数据的速度往往要比只查看数据包物理地址的交换机慢。但是,路由器对于那些结构复杂的网络,使用路由器可以提高网络的整体效率。路由器的另外一个明显优势就是可以自动过滤网络广播。从总体上说,在网络中添加路由器的整个安装过程要比即插即用的交换机复杂很多。 一般说来,异种网络互联与多个子网互联都应采用路由器来完成。 路由器的主要工作就是为经过路由器的每个数据帧寻找一条最佳传输路径,并将该数据有效地传送到目的站点。由此可见,选择最佳路径的策略即路由算法是路由器的关键所在。为了完成这项工作,在路由器中保存着各种传输路径的相关数据--路径表(Routing Table),供路由选择时使用。路径表中保存着子网的标志信息、网上路由器的个数和下一个路由器的名字等内容。路径表可以是由系统管理员固定设置好的,也可以由系统动态修改,可以由路由器自动调整,也可以由主机控制。 1.静态路径表 由系统管理员事先设置好固定的路径表称之为静态(static)路径表,一般是在系统安装时就根据网络的配置情况预先设定的,它不会随未来网络结构的改变而改变。 2.动态路径表 动态(Dynamic)路径表是路由器根据网络系统的运行情况而自动调整的路径表。路由器根据路由选择协议(Routing Protocol)提供的功能,自动学习和记忆网络运行情况,在需要时自动计算数据传输的最佳路径。




Optical fiber communication technology (fiber optical communications) from the crowd, has become one of the pillars of modern communication mainly in modern telecommunications, plays an important role. Optical fiber communication as an emerging technology in recent years, the development of fast, application range is communication history of rare, and it is also the important mark of new technology revolution and the information society, the main transmission of is the abbreviation of optical fiber. Optical fiber communication is a carrier of information, in light of the optical fiber transmission medium as a means of communication. From the theory of optical fiber communication, constitute the basic substance elements are the light source, optical fiber sensors. Besides the manufacturing process, optical fiber material composition and classification of the optical properties, application of optical fiber in the end-use, classification, often can be divided by optical fiber sensor and communication. Optical fiber transmission medium and divided into general and special two, and functional components are used to complete fiber amplifier, the plastic, the light frequency harmonics, modulation, the light and the optical fiber, the function such as oscillations in some functional components and the form. Optical fiber communication is mainly due to the rapid development, it has the following features:(1) the communication capacity, the transmission distance, An optical potential bandwidth 20THz can reach. Using this bandwidth, just seconds, can be human prodect all text data transfer. Now 400Gbit/s system has been put into commercial use. Optical fiber loss is extremely low, at light wavelengths muon m, quartz fiber loss can be below dB/km, it is currently any loss of transmission medium is low. Therefore, WuZhongJi transmission distance can reach dozens, hundreds of kilometers even.

基于WIN CE的ADSL线路参数研究ADSL line parameters research based on WIN CE CE (also known officially as Windows Embedded CE since version [2][3], and sometimes abbreviated WinCE) is a variation of Microsoft's Windows operating system for minimalistic computers and embedded systems. Windows CE is a distinctly different kernel, rather than a trimmed-down version of desktop Windows. It is not to be confused with Windows XP Embedded which is NT-based. It is supported on Intel x86 and compatibles, MIPS, ARM, and Hitachi SuperH CE is optimized for devices that have minimal storage—a Windows CE kernel may run in under a megabyte of memory. Devices are often configured without disk storage, and may be configured as a “closed” system that does not allow for end-user extension (for instance, it can be burned into ROM). Windows CE conforms to the definition of a real-time operating system, with a deterministic interrupt latency. It supports 256 priority levels and uses priority inheritance for dealing with priority inversion. The fundamental unit of execution is the thread. This helps to simplify the interface and improve execution has stated that the ‘CE’ is not an intentional initialism, but many people believe CE stands for ‘Consumer Electronics’ or ‘Compact Edition’; users often disparagingly called it “Wince”.[4] Microsoft says it implies a number of Windows CE design precepts, including “Compact, Connectable, Compatible, Companion, and Efficient.”[5] The first version, known during development under the codename “Pegasus”, featured a Windows-like GUI and a number of Microsoft's popular applications, all trimmed down for smaller storage, memory, and speed of the palmtops of the then, Windows CE has evolved into a component-based, embedded, real-time operating system. It is no longer targeted solely at hand-held computers. Many platforms have been based on the core Windows CE operating system, including Microsoft's AutoPC, Pocket PC 2000, Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE, Windows Mobile , Windows Mobile 6, Smartphone 2002, Smartphone 2003 and many industrial devices and embedded systems. Windows CE even powered select games for the Sega Dreamcast, was the operating system of the controversial Gizmondo handheld, and can partially run on modified Microsoft Xbox game distinctive feature of Windows CE compared to other Microsoft operating systems is that large parts of it are offered in source code form. First, source code was offered to several vendors, so they could adjust it to their hardware. Then products like Platform Builder (an integrated environment for Windows CE OS image creation and integration, or customized operating system designs based on CE) offered several components in source code form to the general public. However, a number of core components that do not need adaptation to specific hardware environments (other than the CPU family) are still distributed in binary form toolsVisual StudioLate versions of Microsoft Visual Studio support projects for Windows CE / Windows Mobile, producing executable programs and platform images either as an emulator or attached by cable to an actual mobile device. A mobile device is not necessary to develop a CE program. The .NET Compact Framework supports a subset of the .NET Framework with projects in C# and , but not Managed C++.Platform BuilderThis programming tool is used for building the platform (BSP + Kernel), device drivers (shared source or custom made) and also the application. This is a one step environment to get the system up and running. One can also use Platform Builder to export an SDK (standard development kit) for the target microprocessor (SuperH, x86, MIPS, ARM etc.) to be used with another associated tool set named Visual C++ (eVC)The Embedded Visual C++ tool is for development of embedded application for Windows CE based devices. This tool can be used standalone using the SDK exported from Platform Builder or using the Platform Builder using the Platform Manager connectivity to Windows Mobile, Pocket PC, and SmartPhoneOften Windows CE, Windows Mobile, and Pocket PC are used interchangeably. This practice is not entirely accurate. Windows CE is a modular/componentized operating system that serves as the foundation of several classes of devices. Some of these modules provide subsets of other components' features (. varying levels of windowing support; DCOM vs COM), others which are mutually exclusive (Bitmap or TrueType font support), and others which add additional features to another component. One can buy a kit (the Platform Builder) which contains all these components and the tools with which to develop a custom platform. Applications such as Excel Mobile/Pocket Excel are not part of this kit. The older Handheld PC version of Pocket Word and several other older applications are included as samples, Mobile is best described as a subset of platforms based on a Windows CE underpinning. Currently, Pocket PC (now called Windows Mobile Classic), SmartPhone (Windows Mobile Standard), and PocketPC Phone Edition (Windows Mobile Professional) are the three main platforms under the Windows Mobile umbrella. Each platform utilizes different components of Windows CE, as well as supplemental features and applications suited for their respective PC and Windows Mobile is a Microsoft-defined custom platform for general PDA use, and consists of a Microsoft-defined set of minimum profiles (Professional Edition, Premium Edition) of software and hardware that is supported. The rules for manufacturing a Pocket PC device are stricter than those for producing a custom Windows CE-based platform. The defining characteristics of the Pocket PC are the digitizer as the primary Human Interface Device and its extremely portable SmartPhone platform is a feature rich OS and interface for cellular phone handsets. SmartPhone offers productivity features to business users, such as email, as well as multimedia capabilities for consumers. The SmartPhone interface relies heavily on joystick navigation and PhonePad input. Devices running SmartPhone do not include a touchscreen interface. SmartPhone devices generally resemble other cellular handset form factors, whereas most Phone Edition devices use a PDA form factor with a larger Mobile 5 supports USB and new devices running this OS will also conform to the USB Mass Storage Class, meaning the storage on PPC can be accessed from any USB-equipped PC, without requiring any extra software, except requiring a compliant host. In other words, you can use it as a flash productsCompetitors to consumer CE based PDA platforms like Pocket PC – the main application of Windows CE – are Java, Symbian OS, Palm OS, iPhone OS and Linux based packages like Qtopia Embedded Linux environment from Trolltech, Convergent Linux Platform from a La Mobile, and Access Linux Platform from Orange and secondary usage of CE is in devices in need of graphical user interfaces, (point of sale terminals, media centers, web tablets, thin clients) as the main selling point CE is the look and feel being similar to desktop Windows. The competition is Windows XP, Linux and graphical packages for simpler embedded operating an RTOS, Windows CE is also theoretically a competitor to any realtime operating system in the embedded space, like VxWorks, ITRON or eCos. The dominating method, however, of mixing Windows look and feel with realtime on the same hardware, is to run double operating systems using some virtualization technology, like TRANGO Hypervisor from TRANGO Virtual Processors or Intime from TenAsys in the case of Windows, and OS Ware from VirtualLogix, Padded Cell from Green Hills Software, OKL4 from Open Kernel Labs, TRANGO Hypervisor from TRANGO Virtual Processors, RTS Hypervisor from Real-Time Systems or PikeOS from Sysgo, in case of the Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a form of DSL, a data communications technology that enables faster data transmission over copper telephone lines than a conventional voiceband modem can provide. It does this by utilizing frequencies that are not used by a voice telephone call. A splitter - or microfilter - allows a single telephone connection to be used for both ADSL service and voice calls at the same time. Because phone lines vary in quality and were not originally engineered with DSL in mind, it can generally only be used over short distances, typically less than 3mi ( km) [William Stallings' book].At the telephone exchange the line generally terminates at a DSLAM where another frequency splitter separates the voice band signal for the conventional phone network. Data carried by the ADSL is typically routed over the telephone company's data network and eventually reaches a conventional internet network. In the UK under British Telecom the data network in question is its ATM network which in turn sends it to its IP network IP distinguishing characteristic of ADSL over other forms of DSL is that the volume of data flow is greater in one direction than the other, . it is asymmetric. Providers usually market ADSL as a service for consumers to connect to the Internet in a relatively passive mode: able to use the higher speed direction for the "download" from the Internet but not needing to run servers that would require high speed in the other are both technical and marketing reasons why ADSL is in many places the most common type offered to home users. On the technical side, there is likely to be more crosstalk from other circuits at the DSLAM end (where the wires from many local loops are close to each other) than at the customer premises. Thus the upload signal is weakest at the noisiest part of the local loop, while the download signal is strongest at the noisiest part of the local loop. It therefore makes technical sense to have the DSLAM transmit at a higher bit rate than does the modem on the customer end. Since the typical home user in fact does prefer a higher download speed, the telephone companies chose to make a virtue out of necessity, hence ADSL. On the marketing side, limiting upload speeds limits the attractiveness of this service to business customers, often causing them to purchase higher cost Digital Signal 1 services instead. In this fashion, it segments the digital communications market between business and home usersHow ADSL worksOn the wireCurrently, most ADSL communication is full duplex. Full duplex ADSL communication is usually achieved on a wire pair by either frequency division duplex (FDD), echo canceling duplex (ECD), or time division duplexing (TDD). FDM uses two separate frequency bands, referred to as the upstream and downstream bands. The upstream band is used for communication from the end user to the telephone central office. The downstream band is used for communicating from the central office to the end user. With standard ADSL (annex A), the band from kHz to 138 kHz is used for upstream communication, while 138 kHz – 1104 kHz is used for downstream communication. Each of these is further divided into smaller frequency channels of kHz. During initial training, the ADSL modem tests which of the available channels have an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio. The distance from the telephone exchange, noise on the copper wire, or interference from AM radio stations may introduce errors on some frequencies. By keeping the channels small, a high error rate on one frequency thus need not render the line unusable: the channel will not be used, merely resulting in reduced throughput on an otherwise functional ADSL may support usage of higher frequencies as a proprietary extension to the standard. However, this requires matching vendor-supplied equipment on both ends of the line, and will likely result in crosstalk issues that affect other lines in the same is a direct relationship between the number of channels available and the throughput capacity of the ADSL connection. The exact data capacity per channel depends on the modulation method used.[edit] ModulationADSL initially existed in two flavours (similar to VDSL), namely CAP and DMT. CAP was the de facto standard for ADSL deployments up until 1996, deployed in 90 percent of ADSL installs at the time. However, DMT was chosen for the first ITU-T ADSL standards, and (also called and respectively). Therefore all modern installations of ADSL are based on the DMT modulation J and M shift the upstream/downstream frequency split up to 276 kHz (from 138 kHz used in the commonly deployed annex A) in order to boost upstream rates. Additionally, the "all-digital-loop" variants of ADSL2 and ADSL2+ (annexes I and J) support an extra 256 kbit/s of upstream if the bandwidth normally used for POTS voice calls is allocated for ADSL the ADSL access utilizes the MHz band, ADSL2+ utilizes the MHz downstream and upstream rates displayed are theoretical maxima. Note also that because Digital subscriber line access multiplexers and ADSL modems may have been implemented based on differing or incomplete standards some manufacturers may advertise different speeds. For example, Ericsson has several devices that support non-standard upstream speeds of up to 2 Mbit/s in ADSL2 and ADSL2+.[edit] Installation issuesDue to the way it uses the frequency spectrum, ADSL deployment presents some issues. It is necessary to install appropriate frequency filters at the customer's premises, to avoid interferences with the voice service, while at the same time taking care to keep a clean signal level for the ADSL the early days of DSL, installation required a technician to visit the premises. A splitter was installed near the demarcation point, from which a dedicated data line was installed. This way, the DSL signal is separated earlier and is not attenuated inside the customer premises. However, this procedure is costly, and also caused problems with customers complaining about having to wait for the technician to perform the installation. As a result, many DSL vendors started offering a self-install option, in which they ship equipment and instructions to the customer. Instead of separating the DSL signal at the demarcation point, the opposite is done: the DSL signal is "filtered off" at each phone outlet by use of a low pass filter, also known as microfilter. This method does not require any rewiring inside the customer side effect of the move to the self-install model is that the DSL signal can be degraded, especially if more than 5 voiceband devices are connected to the line. The DSL signal is now present on all telephone wiring in the building, causing attenuation and echo. A way to circumvent this is to go back to the original model, and install one filter upstream from all telephone jacks in the building, except for the jack to which the DSL modem will be connected. Since this requires wiring changes by the customer and may not work on some household telephone wiring, it is rarely done. It is usually much easier to install filters at each telephone jack that is in use.

In the actual distribution automation communication system, must build a low cost, high effective two-way communication system, with acceptable reliability and cost of information flow to provide very high performance. Also, because of distribution automation system functions to be accomplished by too many complex systems, a single communication system to meet the needs of all of the functions is unrealistic, and it is not economical. Therefore, power distribution automation system, to apply a variety of communication methods, according to a comprehensive economic and technical indicators and selecting the best combination of them. In the power system more commonly used multiple means of communication also point digital microwave radio data transmission, wireless spread spectrum, green cables, posts and telecommunications local network, carrier, Spread Spectrum, etc., for the selection network.

One, fibre-optical illumination characteristic Fibre-optical oneself can not give out light , fibre-optical can conduct up , is used for illumination but; Fibre-optical selected and used by fibre-optical illumination , different according to fibre-optical material quality , generally detachable be quartz fibre-optical , multiunit mark glass fibre-optical and plastic fibre-optical POF etc. Illumination field fibre-optical used by li, be plastic fibre-optical mostly. Compared with quartz fibre-optical , plastic fibre-optical is pliable and tough, may make the able various diameter and specification, the days afer tomorrow such as may carry out dyeing , dotting finished cost, be cheaper than quartz fibre-optical. Fibre-optical illumination has plastic as follows characteristic: 1) rectilinear propagation principle because of fibre-optical oneself characteristic property and brightness, fibre-optical can spread light to any place in terms of theory , have satisfied the multivariant sex that reality applies. 2) we can gain colour needed by us by optical filtering device up, to satisfy the need being unlike the lower camera setting of environment color. Only when visible light , the nothing are infrared prepare an ultraviolet ray. Illuminant occurrence spectrum has had visible light generally not only , has included infrared ray and the ultraviolet ray. A little peculiar occasion illuminates if the cultural relic composes in reply a historic building, infrared ray and ultraviolet ray preservation of cultural relics ageing, Bu Li Yu that can accelerate a cultural relic. Range being located in a visible spectrum in low-loss window since plastic is fibre-optical, infrared ray and the ultraviolet ray through rate are low, therefore by the fact that fibre-optical sends out the capital of light coming is the cold light there being no infrared ray and the ultraviolet ray.


随着互联网技术的不断发展,网络工程专业越来越受到国家和社会的关注,我们在写作网络工程 毕业 论文时,题目也是值得我们关注的。下面是我带来的关于网络工程毕业论文题目的内容,欢迎阅读参考!网络工程毕业论文题目(一) 1. 基于 Web的分布式 EMC数据库集成查询系统 2. 基于 Web的网络课程的设计 3. 基于工作流的业务系统开发 4. B1级安全数据库设计的设计与实现 5. 数据库加密及密钥管理 方法 研究 6. 企业应用集成(EAI)中数据集成技术的应用 7. 基于数据仓库连锁店决策支持系统模型的研究 8. VC开发基于 Office 组件应用程序 9. 从 XML到关系数据库映射技术研究 10. ORACLE9i 数据库系统性能优化研究与实践 11. MIS系统统用报表的设计与实现 12. 数字机顶盒系统的软件加密设计 13. 网上体育用品店的ASP实现 14. 基于ASP的毕业设计管理系统 15. 基于ASP的考务管理系统 16. 如何在网上营销好生意 17. 网上商店顾客消费心理的研究 18. 信息产品与网络营销 19. 网络营销中的 广告 策略研究 20. 网络营销中的价格策略研究 网络工程毕业论文题目(二) 1. 网络校园网络工程综合布线方案 2. ARP攻击与防护 措施 及解决方案 3. 路由器及其配置分析 4. 服务器的配置与为维护 5. 入侵检测技术研究 6. 复杂环境下网络嗅探技术的应用及防范措施 7. 网络病毒技术研究 8. 网络蠕虫传播模型的研究 9. 无尺度网络中邮件蠕虫的传播与控制 10. 网络路由协议研究 11. 可动态配置的移动网络协议设计研究 12. Ipv4/Ipv6 双协议栈以太网接入认证和移动技术 13. 虚拟路由器的体系结构及实现 14. 一种基于分布式并行过滤得前置式邮件过滤模型 15. XML应用于信息检索的研究 16. JMX框架下 SNMP适配器的实现与应用 17. MANET 路由协议性能分析 18. Internet用户 Ipv6 协议试验网设计与实现 19. 基于光纤通道的网络文件管理系统设计与实现 20. 网络拓扑结构的测量协议与技术 21. 办公业务对象在关系数据库中的存储 网络工程毕业论文题目(三) 1、基于协同过滤的个性化Web推荐 2、Web导航中用户认知特征及行为研究 3、Web服务器集群系统的自适应负载均衡调度策略研究 4、动态Web技术研究 5、语义Web服务的关键技术研究 6、面向语义Web服务的发现机制研究 7、Web服务组合研究与实现 8、构建REST风格的Web应用程序 9、企业架构下WebService技术的研究 10、Web回归桌面的研究与应用 11、Web服务选择的研究 12、Web服务的授权访问控制机制研究 13、基于WEB标准的网络课程设计与开发 14、基于Web的教师个人知识管理系统的设计与开发 15、基于Android平台的手机Web地图服务设计 16、基于Web的信息管理系统架构的研究 17、基于Web使用挖掘的网站优化策略研究 18、基于Web的自适应测试系统的研究 19、面向语义Web服务的发现机制研究 20、面向语义Web服务的分布式服务发现研究 猜你喜欢: 1. 最新版网络工程专业毕业论文题目 2. 网络工程论文题目 3. 网络工程专业毕业论文题目 4. 网络工程专业毕业论文精选范文 5. 网络工程论文选题 6. 关于网络工程毕业论文范文

