

发布时间:2024-07-02 18:08:47



B/ Performance planning and review for professional staff[Print-friendly version]Contact Officer Manager, Policy Planning and Workplace Relations, HR Approval Date 27/04/2006 Approval Authority Vice-Chancellor Date of Next Review 01/12/ Introduction Application Equity Objectives Roles and responsibilities Performance planning and review cycle Probationary Staff Employee Review of Supervisor Outcomes of PPr process and subsequent action Documentation Training Resolving disagreements Modification History IntroductionThe effectiveness of QUT in achieving its goals depends on the knowledge, skills, attitudes and performance of all of its staff and their proper recognition. QUT has a firm commitment to the implementation of an effective Performance Planning and Review (PPr) process, linked to the achievement of individual, work area and organisational goals. The PPr process for professional staff described below is a participative process which provides a framework for identifying, reviewing, developing, recognising and rewarding work performance. The success of this process depends on a strong commitment to its implementation by managers, supervisors and their staff. Supervisors and managers at all levels are accountable for ensuring that one of the performance indicators for their staff is the successful completion and management of the PPr process. ApplicationAll professional staff classified at HEW Levels 1 to 10 inclusive and employed on an on-going basis or for a fixed term of twelve months or more must participate in the PPr process. This includes staff serving a period of probation and part-time staff. Staff occupying a temporary position of less than twelve months duration or a casual position may participate in the PPr process or an abbreviated version of the PPr process, to be determined by the staff member and supervisor. In this case, participation may be initiated by either the staff member or the supervisor. EquityAll aspects of the PPr process will be consistent with QUT's equity policies. Training in the PPr process will address issues pertaining to culture, belief systems, gender, non-English speaking backgrounds, disabilities, family responsibilities and commitments as a carer, so as to assist participants to consider work performance in its entire context. The supervisor's own PPr process will include a review of the achievement of their equity responsibilities. ObjectivesThe PPr process is primarily concerned with contributing to the achievement of individual, work area and organisational excellence through facilitating: clear performance and development objectives that align with the objectives of the organisational area and the University; enhanced communication between the participants; enhanced involvement of staff in decisions relating to their performance and development objectives; identification of areas of development, as they relate to immediate and evolving job requirements and career plans; recognition of achievements and identification of appropriate rewards; opportunity to develop future career plans; early identification of obstacles to the achievement of performance objectives and measures to overcome these obstacles; and the provision of information to assist administrative processes (eg. incremental progression, confirmation of appointment, identification of developmental needs across the University, and reclassification). Performance planning and review is not a process for managing unsatisfactory performance. If performance is unsatisfactory or there are concerns in relation to ill-health or misconduct, these concerns should be addressed under the appropriate processes contained in the QUT Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (Professional Staff) . Roles and responsibilities(a) Staff Member The PPr process is a participative process in which the staff member and supervisor share responsibility for the development of reasonable and meaningful PPr plans. This requires that the staff member actively participate in: determining performance and development objectives and the criteria used for monitoring the achievement of these objectives; and assessing the achievement of performance objectives and development objectives. (b) Supervisor In addition to being responsible for initiating and maintaining the PPr process, the supervisor is required to: determine, together with the staff member, performance and development objectives and the criteria used for monitoring the achievement of these objectives; assess, together with the staff member, the achievement of performance objectives and development objectives; provide the necessary coaching and support; facilitate staff development and career development opportunities in accordance with the PPr plan, and make the relevant decisions/recommendations arising from the review of the objectives contained in the PPr plan, including appropriate reward and recognition. Every staff member will only be directly supervised by one supervisor, and that supervisor will be identified to the staff member. A supervisor will normally either be classified at HEW Level 6 or above or will be an academic staff member. QUT is aware, however, that some staff classified below HEW Level 6 coordinate and/or oversee the activities of other staff. In such circumstances, this staff member in consultation with their line supervisor will determine who undertakes the actual PPr review of staff. It should be noted, however, that where the process for managing unsatisfactory performance is invoked, or allegations of misconduct or serious misconduct are made, those processes would normally be co-ordinated by a supervisor classified at HEW Level 6 or above. (c) Head of the organisational area The responsibilities of the head of the organisational area with respect to the PPr process include: ensuring that the objectives determined by the staff member and supervisor are consistent with those of the organisational area; ensuring all parties are satisfied that the needs of the staff member and the organisational area have been addressed through the PPr process; approving recommendations arising from the PPr process; ensuring opportunities exist for the staff member and organisational areas to meet or exceed expectations; facilitating the early resolution of disputes or conflict arising from the process; and overseeing the supervisor's responsibilities with respect to the PPr process. (d) Human Resources Department The responsibilities of the Human Resources Department with respect to the PPr process include: providing support and advice to supervisors and staff; providing training in the PPr process for supervisors and staff members; actioning the relevant administrative outcomes arising from the PPr process (ie. incremental progression, probation and reclassification); providing advice on the training and development actions identified in the plan; facilitating the resolution of conflict or disputes arising from the PPr process; and monitoring the overall effectiveness of the process.

亲,你要的是如下这种嘛?如有疑问,请追问,如满意,还望采纳。 盛运华, 赵宏中. 绩效管理作用及绩效考核体系研究[J]. 武汉理工大学学报, 2002, 2: 92-94. 李红卫, 徐时红. 绩效考核的方法及关键绩效指标的确定[J]. 经济师, 2002, 5: 152-153. 刘帮成, 唐宁玉. 对团队绩效考核体系的战略性思考[J]. 上海管理科学, 2003, 3: 59-60. 赵曙明, 吴慈生. 中国企业集团人力资源管理现状调查研究 (二)——人力资源培训与开发, 绩效考核体系分析[J]. 中国人力资源开发, 2003 (3): 48-50. 周渠诺, 何坪, 殷丽霞, 等. 重庆市基本药物和绩效考核制度的实施现况调查[J]. 中国全科医学, 2012, 15(10): 1090-1092. 黄荔红, 宋斌, 黄春霞, 等. 运用信息化平台构建护理绩效考核体系[J]. 护理管理杂志, 2012, 12(2): 150-151.

directoryShall I pickABSTRACT IIDirectory IIICONTENTS VIIntroduction to the first chapter research enriched performance management fieldGiven the college teachers optimize performance assessment provides reference for university teachers' performance management mode 2130 review 3Foreign related research status quo domestic research situationThe main research contents and methods of main research contents research methodsChapter 8 of performance management theory overviewThe concept of performance management and process8 performance performance performance appraisal and performance managementPerformance management process and management method and method for ammeters 360 degrees 360Feedbacks (11) administration (MBO) 11 goalsThe key performance index method ( kpis) BSC (BSC) 12The third chapter of our university teachers, analyzed the current situation and problems of performance managementOur college teachers performance management situationFor teachers' evaluation and classification of index system to establish authorizationsThe annual examination and appraisal end combining 15Our college teachers performance evaluation index system problems existed in 15The lack of a solid theoretical basis goal orientation is not clearIncomplete assessment systemOur university teachers' performance of the existing problems in the management of 16Performance assessment, and no attention performance managementLack of teachers' participation, appraisal both inequality 17The fourth chapter of university teachers' performance management system of system for process, ideas and system for system constructing thought system construction college teachers performance plan, 282 the job performance performance planning university teachers' performance evaluation indicator systemThe principle of this index system constructionThe performance evaluation index determined assessment indexes weights allocation 41Performance evaluation implementing college teachersThe performance evaluation period determined performance evaluation methods of college teachers' performance feedback and application of performance feedback 51The application of 52 performanceThe fifth chapter of university teachers' performance management system of assessment and enlightenmentThe original teacher evaluation system and comparison of performance management systemFrom the simple to the performance evaluation transformation of managementFrom passive to active assessment in from teaching and scientific research to emphasize both service and transformation of virtuePerformance evaluation index system and evaluation of performance management systemThe basic situation of questionnaire analysis and statisticsSurvey results have extensive representative construct performance management system in the process of enlightenmentTeachers should fully believe should attach importance to the outside of the performance evaluation of other should emphasize continued, communication should constantly adjust of performance management systemConclusion 5859 referencesThe degree of academic papers published during 60Original statement 61To thank 62 好了 你看看把!


绩效考核的论文参考文献有哪些绩效考核能够有效提升员工的积极性,所以大部分的企业都会实行绩效考核制度。下面为您精心推荐了绩效考核的管理论文参考文献,希望对您有所帮助。绩效考核的论文参考文献:化工企业绩效考核管理模式探讨 [1]田伟.绩效考核、晋升激励与中国经济社会非均衡发展[J].统计与决策,2012,(01).[2]张毅斌中小企业绩效考核在人力资源管理中的问题与对策研究[J].现代工业经济和信息化,2011,(10).[3]孔玉生,童珍.绩效考核指标与组织目标一致性研究[J].财会通讯,2011,(11).[4]夏恩君,霍海涛,孙兰.浅析绩效考核在企业人力资源管理中的应用[J].北京理工大学学报(社会科学版),2006,(05).[5]房艳君,贺亮.如何使360度绩效考核制度更有效[J].商业经济,2006,(10).绩效考核的论文参考文献:财务人员绩效考核分析 [1]周晓玲.基于绩效管理视角的财务人员绩效考核分析[J].财经界(学术版),2015(13):294.


摘要 :在企业人力资源管理实践中,对营销人员的绩效考核尤为重要,直接关系到企业营销业绩的好坏和营销利润的大小。文章分析了企业营销人员绩效考核现状,找出其中存在的问题并进行原因分析,最后提出解决对策和相关合理建议。

关键词 :绩效考核;营销业绩;营销人员







































绩效考核的论文参考文献有哪些绩效考核能够有效提升员工的积极性,所以大部分的企业都会实行绩效考核制度。下面为您精心推荐了绩效考核的管理论文参考文献,希望对您有所帮助。绩效考核的论文参考文献:化工企业绩效考核管理模式探讨 [1]田伟.绩效考核、晋升激励与中国经济社会非均衡发展[J].统计与决策,2012,(01).[2]张毅斌中小企业绩效考核在人力资源管理中的问题与对策研究[J].现代工业经济和信息化,2011,(10).[3]孔玉生,童珍.绩效考核指标与组织目标一致性研究[J].财会通讯,2011,(11).[4]夏恩君,霍海涛,孙兰.浅析绩效考核在企业人力资源管理中的应用[J].北京理工大学学报(社会科学版),2006,(05).[5]房艳君,贺亮.如何使360度绩效考核制度更有效[J].商业经济,2006,(10).绩效考核的论文参考文献:财务人员绩效考核分析 [1]周晓玲.基于绩效管理视角的财务人员绩效考核分析[J].财经界(学术版),2015(13):294.

亲,你要的是如下这种嘛?如有疑问,请追问,如满意,还望采纳。 盛运华, 赵宏中. 绩效管理作用及绩效考核体系研究[J]. 武汉理工大学学报, 2002, 2: 92-94. 李红卫, 徐时红. 绩效考核的方法及关键绩效指标的确定[J]. 经济师, 2002, 5: 152-153. 刘帮成, 唐宁玉. 对团队绩效考核体系的战略性思考[J]. 上海管理科学, 2003, 3: 59-60. 赵曙明, 吴慈生. 中国企业集团人力资源管理现状调查研究 (二)——人力资源培训与开发, 绩效考核体系分析[J]. 中国人力资源开发, 2003 (3): 48-50. 周渠诺, 何坪, 殷丽霞, 等. 重庆市基本药物和绩效考核制度的实施现况调查[J]. 中国全科医学, 2012, 15(10): 1090-1092. 黄荔红, 宋斌, 黄春霞, 等. 运用信息化平台构建护理绩效考核体系[J]. 护理管理杂志, 2012, 12(2): 150-151.


绩效考核的论文参考文献有哪些绩效考核能够有效提升员工的积极性,所以大部分的企业都会实行绩效考核制度。下面为您精心推荐了绩效考核的管理论文参考文献,希望对您有所帮助。绩效考核的论文参考文献:化工企业绩效考核管理模式探讨 [1]田伟.绩效考核、晋升激励与中国经济社会非均衡发展[J].统计与决策,2012,(01).[2]张毅斌中小企业绩效考核在人力资源管理中的问题与对策研究[J].现代工业经济和信息化,2011,(10).[3]孔玉生,童珍.绩效考核指标与组织目标一致性研究[J].财会通讯,2011,(11).[4]夏恩君,霍海涛,孙兰.浅析绩效考核在企业人力资源管理中的应用[J].北京理工大学学报(社会科学版),2006,(05).[5]房艳君,贺亮.如何使360度绩效考核制度更有效[J].商业经济,2006,(10).绩效考核的论文参考文献:财务人员绩效考核分析 [1]周晓玲.基于绩效管理视角的财务人员绩效考核分析[J].财经界(学术版),2015(13):294.


摘要 :在企业人力资源管理实践中,对营销人员的绩效考核尤为重要,直接关系到企业营销业绩的好坏和营销利润的大小。文章分析了企业营销人员绩效考核现状,找出其中存在的问题并进行原因分析,最后提出解决对策和相关合理建议。

关键词 :绩效考核;营销业绩;营销人员









































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[25]胡星辉.企业环境绩效评价模型构建浅谈[J].财会通讯.2009 (10)

[26]刘建胜.循环经济视角下的企业环境绩效评价指标体系设计[J].商业会计.2011 (6)


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[32]]曹建新,詹长杰.我国环境绩效审计评价体系旳构建[J].审计研究.2009,8 (16)







[39]曹建新.詹长杰.我国环境绩效审计评价体系旳构建[J].审计研究.2009,8 (16)


2 铁路施工企业内部绩效考核指标研究 会计之友(下) 2007/01 中国期刊全文数据库3 社区民警绩效考核与评价研究 辽宁警专学报 2007/01 中国期刊全文数据库4 国外媒体的绩效考核与薪酬制度 青年记者 2007/01 中国期刊全文数据库5 绩效管理:走出绩效考核的困境 上海行政学院学报 2007/01 中国期刊全文数据库6 基于AHP的企业员工绩效考核指标权重确定与实现方法 北京工业职业技术学院学报 2007/01 中国期刊全文数据库7 建立健全我国政府环保绩效考核机制的路径分析 大连干部学刊 2007/01 中国期刊全文数据库8 销售人员薪酬与绩效考核的匹配 经营管理者 2007/02 中国期刊全文数据库9 绩效考核在邯郸洗选厂的应用 煤矿现代化 2007/01 中国期刊全文数据库10 如何让绩效考核更有效 人力资源 2007/04 中国期刊全文数据库要全文给我电子邮件,dbmoth#
