

发布时间:2024-07-02 20:48:47





















当代文学是一个非常广泛的概念,包括各种类型的文学作品,如小说、诗歌、散文、剧本等。以下是一些在当代文学领域中非常著名的作品:1. 《追风筝的人》(The Kite Runner) - 卡勒德·胡赛尼(Khaled Hosseini)著2. 《百年孤独》(One Hundred Years of Solitude) - 加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯(Gabriel García Márquez)著3. 《人类群星闪耀时》(The Human Stain) - 菲利普·罗斯(Philip Roth)著4. 《霍乱时期的爱情》(Love in the Time of Cholera) - 加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯(Gabriel García Márquez)著5. 《白夜行》(白夜行) - 东野圭吾(Higashino Keigo)著6. 《房思琪的初恋乐园》(The Stolen Bicycle) - 王家卫(Wang Jiawei)著7. 《白鹿原》(White Deer Plain) - 陈忠实(Chen Zhongshi)著8. 《嫌疑人X的献身》(The Devotion of Suspect X) - 东野圭吾(Higashino Keigo)著9. 《挪威的森林》(Norwegian Wood) - 村上春树(Murakami Haruki)著10. 《小王子》(The Little Prince) - 圣修伯里(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)著这只是当代文学领域中的一小部分作品,还有很多其他值得一提的作品和作者。




追风筝的人英文读后感I have seen the novel's name --the Kite Runner many times from the Internet,when it comes to "the novels moved you most".With curiosity,I downloaded reading the novel,from the beginning to the end,I felt a heavy stone of sorrow on my heart. It is a story about friendship,about fault and atonement,about the good and evil of human natual. The narrator of the story,Amir ,is born in a rich is his servant as well as close both lose mother from birth and grow up like brothers. From Hassan ,I see the most kind and beautiful never means to hurt protects Amir bravely and has a broad mind to endure what Amir do to the promise to run the kite,he hands the last cut kite to Amir though he has insulted by the bully,Assef. for lifetime,he cherishes the friendship,even he dies of protecting Amir's house."For you,a thousand times over"he does as he says… If Hassan can be described as an angel, then Amir is just a he is a boy,he is badly want father's love and will be jealous,he will fear and be he sees Hassan insulted by Assef,he is so scared that he only hides and sees what happened but keeps it as a order to escape the guilt,he makes another fault, making Hassan leave by framing Hassan .Years past, he is still haunted by betraying his childhood friend. I was shocked when the big secret reveals: Hassan is Amir's half brother,the son of his father and a sevant's wife! Amir's father lives a torturing life,he is torn into two can't give Hassan the love in the name of a father,which is unfair to explains why he seems care little about Amir … Knowing the truth,Amir has a painful struggle at the first,and finally chooses the right way,a way of rescues Hassan's orphan ,Sorhab,from Assef's that time,he faces up to Assef's fists,being a man not gone though a lot of difficulties,he finally brings Sorhab to Sorhab is emotional damaged by make efforts to revive the little the end of the story,Sorhab shows a lopside smile,which delights Amir run kite for Hassan's son,and says what Hassan once said,"for you, a thousand times over".The snow will be melt,and the spring is coming…The ending is not clearly told,but full of hope. I like the author' written 's paragraghs of internal monologues,warm memorys , sad plots,horrible war scenes…the words,sentences always catch me tightly,make me think,make me cry…Now if someone ask me what novels impressed me most,The Kite Runner will be an answer. It is the first time I have seen a novel in is hard for me to insist on reading as there are so many words I have to look it really benefit me in some way.该文章《追风筝的人英文读后感,追风筝的人英语读后感,追风筝的人读后感【英文】》来源于出国留学网,网址:

瑞特一天天拜拜 吃饭改变 刚吃饭hcg和构成符合该规划 过后恢复恢复非常

"The kite runner" tells the story of 12 year old between Afghan rich Amir master and servant of Hassan the son of his father's story of friendship, the author does not have a very beautiful style of writing, she is just using the light soft fine text outline of family and friendship, betrayal and redemption, but in a shock to me when the servant of Hassan. -- Amir the best partner, by other rich master besieged by violence in the corner, Amir - Hassan's most trusted friend, huddled in the corner, watching, until the tears still do not come forward to help Hassan, I heard the sound of a broken heart. The pointer may be fate did not stop。Amir as cowardly and extreme fear ashamed, unable to face Hassan. At last he even planted, so that he never left the house. Later Amir learned that Hassan is actually his half brother, remorse and pain twisted. When the middle-aged Amir accidentally learned that Hassan's message, he headed home to Afghanistan, regardless of danger, started the salvation. But time is dangerous, because it can make everything change. Finally returned to his hometown of Amir, witnessed the changes in home, the war continued, The people are destitute.. Also see the childhood oldButler, see the deserted house, also was informed, the news of Hassan's death. Hassan died, Amir redemption did not stop Hassan's only son, Sohrab fell into enemy hands Amir's childhood, childhood cowardice and guilt around the middle-aged Amir.....A redemption begins again. At the end of the story, Amir saved Sohrab, could this Sohrab was due to emotional pain to completely lose feeling, only speaking of the kite -- that Hassan and Amir childhood favorite plaything, will unconsciously smile...... In the book of the emotion is not only the family, not just a friendship, as long as it is able to sink the heart to read people, will be the Zhizhirenxin feelings touched, also he had mood from refraction, for example, hurt others pleasure and hesitation; crisis of the helpless relatives face; danger of lost love at first; then the restless; lost loved ones when the sad and lonely; should bear responsibility when the selfish prevarication, and impulse often surge of remorse, inferiority and redemption.....望采纳.


"The Kite Runner" is the American writer Khaled Hu Hussey, Afghanistan's first novel. Amir, the hero of the book, was born in a wealthy family. Although his mother died at the time of his birth, his father doted on him very much. Amir also has a faithful servant, and his playmate, Hassan, whose story revolves around Amir and Hassan, about the betrayal and redemption of humanity.

After reading this novel, my heart can not calm down for a long time. First of all, the protagonist Aril's cowardice makes me angry. He saw that his servant was raped, but he did not step forward. In this scene, my heart was cold. Hassan was not only his servant, but also his playmate. Not only did he not step forward when Hassan was raped, but because he could no longer face Hassan, he asked his father to di *** iss Hassan and Hassan. Because of the unreasonable demands by the father refused, he stole his birthday gift to Hassan to set him up, Hassan also know her to frame him, but he did not explain, but admit stealing. Hassan suffered physical harm, he not only did not fort Hassan, but also let Hassan lost his job, it is worse.

Later, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Amir's father took Amir fled to Pakistan, home to Lasingham management, then Amir went to the United States and a girl in a family, at this time Lasingham call Amir, want him to return to Pakistan, because Hassan and his wife Amir in the care of the house, by the intruder shot. And their son and therefore into the sun orphanage, but Amir still did not want to go back, Lasingham had no choice but to speed Amir, Hassan is his father's illegitimate child, Amir went back home. The Seoul Alai, servant of Hassan identity is not worth to cherish him, sympathy? Do not say first in Hassan when he was young, dedicated, Hassan sacked after Hassan a still not return to help him take care of the house, in that Hassan was shot, he was still pletely indifferent. But he changed his attitude only after he knew that Hassan was his half brother.

When I knew that Hassan was Amir's half brother and sister, I was more sympathetic to the sad reminders of this life. It is the same father, his brother is a glamorous young master, while they can not see the light of illegitimate child, although ironically even when his brother's servant, the brother in his hurt did not help but also recalled Amir to one disaster after another, after Hassan did, I the anger has apparently reached the peak.

No wonder Amir's father was so partial to Hassan at the beginning. You are his son, he took Amir to the foreign life had another son home to ignore, even being shot, how can he be so eccentric? It makes me not only think of the movie "Tangshan earthquake" fragment, when my sister and brother can only choose one of the o, my mother finally choose to rescue his brother, the sister, abandoned by her mother, that is what a cruel thing. And Hassan's life experience and experience, so that my mood can not calm down for a long time.

After reading the book, I have a lot of insights, the human nature has more insights. There is no perfect person in the world. But when we met we can help people, we should try to help them, but not to escape the darkness, so that they can feel our concern, so that they no longer have the dark effect.

Several years ago,from joyo,I bought the book "the kite runner" which ranked first on best sellers reading the book,I was totally moved and even cried for the sad year,I knew it has been adapted into a seeing the movie,I read again this book and gained some new views. The novel begins a story about two is born in a rich is his servant as well as close both lose mother from birth and grow up like is very loyal to Amiar,but Amiar sells years later,Amir has settled down in America for years and established a family,but Hassan died for protecting Amir's luxury house in Afghanistan and leave an gets to know a big secret and decides to atone for his crime that hound around him from childhood.



如果只是为了过的去,建议写目的论 如果是为了精,甚至为了评上优秀毕业论文,那么建议写个有特色的,比如从概念整合理论的角度分析。

有本书《路线图》the map , 你看看吧 翻译丛书,一系列的。 翻译理论的特别多 用语用,语义,功能等分析一下译文, 如:红楼梦译文中的文化方面



选文学类的最好 我们学校连续两年的优秀论文都是写的文学类 主要是资料比较好找 把一篇名家的著作 选一个角度进行分析就行了


论文提纲可分为简单提纲和详细提纲两种。简单提纲是高度概括的,只提示论文的要点,如何展开则不涉及。这种提纲虽然简单,但由于它是经过深思熟虑构成的,写作时能顺利进行。没有这种准备,边想边写很难顺利地写下去。 编写要点 编写毕业论文提纲有两种方法: 一、标题式写法。即用简要的文字写成标题,把这部分的内容概括出来。这种写法简明扼要,一目了然,但只有作者自己明白。毕业论文提纲一般不能采用这种方法编写。 二、句子式写法。即以一个能表达完整意思的句子形式把该部分内容概括出来。这种写法具体而明确,别人看了也能明了,但费时费力。毕业论文的提纲编写要交与指导教师阅读,所以,要求采用这种编写方法。 详细提纲举例 详细提纲,是把论文的主要论点和展开部分较为详细地列出来。如果在写作之前准备了详细提纲,那么,执笔时就能更顺利。下面仍以《关于培育和完善建筑劳动力市场的思考》为例,介绍详细提纲的写法: 上面所说的简单提纲和详细提纲都是论文的骨架和要点,选择哪一种,要根据作者的需要。如果考虑周到,调查详细,用简单提纲问题不是很大;但如果考虑粗疏,调查不周,则必须用详细提纲,否则,很难写出合格的毕业论文。总之,在动手撰写毕业论文之前拟好提纲,写起来就会方便得多。


论文选题一定要慎重,避免给自己挖坑!我可以推荐给你几部文学作品,《带七个尖角阁的房子》、《怦然心动》、《汤姆叔叔的小屋》、《荆棘鸟》、《无名的裘德》、《看不见的人》、《麦田里的守望者》、《等待野蛮人》、《贵妇人的画像》、《西西里的美丽传说》、《理智与情感》、《追风筝的人》、《黑暗的心》 等等很多。针对每部作品都可以帮你选题,当然,你可以自己选择文学作品,我们针对你的作品量身定制题目!有需要欢迎关注我工作室!

语法方向是比较麻烦的,因为很难选出新的立意。 当初我的论文写得是有关翻译方面的,面就比语法广。

"The Kite Runner" is the American writer Khaled Hu Hussey, Afghanistan's first novel. Amir, the hero of the book, was born in a wealthy family. Although his mother died at the time of his birth, his father doted on him very much. Amir also has a faithful servant, and his playmate, Hassan, whose story revolves around Amir and Hassan, about the betrayal and redemption of humanity.

After reading this novel, my heart can not calm down for a long time. First of all, the protagonist Aril's cowardice makes me angry. He saw that his servant was raped, but he did not step forward. In this scene, my heart was cold. Hassan was not only his servant, but also his playmate. Not only did he not step forward when Hassan was raped, but because he could no longer face Hassan, he asked his father to di *** iss Hassan and Hassan. Because of the unreasonable demands by the father refused, he stole his birthday gift to Hassan to set him up, Hassan also know her to frame him, but he did not explain, but admit stealing. Hassan suffered physical harm, he not only did not fort Hassan, but also let Hassan lost his job, it is worse.

Later, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Amir's father took Amir fled to Pakistan, home to Lasingham management, then Amir went to the United States and a girl in a family, at this time Lasingham call Amir, want him to return to Pakistan, because Hassan and his wife Amir in the care of the house, by the intruder shot. And their son and therefore into the sun orphanage, but Amir still did not want to go back, Lasingham had no choice but to speed Amir, Hassan is his father's illegitimate child, Amir went back home. The Seoul Alai, servant of Hassan identity is not worth to cherish him, sympathy? Do not say first in Hassan when he was young, dedicated, Hassan sacked after Hassan a still not return to help him take care of the house, in that Hassan was shot, he was still pletely indifferent. But he changed his attitude only after he knew that Hassan was his half brother.

When I knew that Hassan was Amir's half brother and sister, I was more sympathetic to the sad reminders of this life. It is the same father, his brother is a glamorous young master, while they can not see the light of illegitimate child, although ironically even when his brother's servant, the brother in his hurt did not help but also recalled Amir to one disaster after another, after Hassan did, I the anger has apparently reached the peak.

No wonder Amir's father was so partial to Hassan at the beginning. You are his son, he took Amir to the foreign life had another son home to ignore, even being shot, how can he be so eccentric? It makes me not only think of the movie "Tangshan earthquake" fragment, when my sister and brother can only choose one of the o, my mother finally choose to rescue his brother, the sister, abandoned by her mother, that is what a cruel thing. And Hassan's life experience and experience, so that my mood can not calm down for a long time.

After reading the book, I have a lot of insights, the human nature has more insights. There is no perfect person in the world. But when we met we can help people, we should try to help them, but not to escape the darkness, so that they can feel our concern, so that they no longer have the dark effect.


教育与人生:叶圣陶教育论著选读 作者: 任苏民 出版社:上海教育出版社 出版日期:2004/7/1 作者从中精心选取了四十八篇论著编成本书。全书共六辑,依次为“教育总论”、“德育论”、“教学论”、 “教师论”、“语文教育论”、“教育诗”。与以往各种叶圣陶教育文集相比,本书试图体现出较强的代表性、系统性和导读性。代表性,是指本书所选论著,虽然篇数不多 陈宝泉教育论著选 作者: 蔡振生 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:1996/8/1 全国教育科学研究规划重点项目 人民教育出版社资助出版 历代教育论著选评(共2册修订版)(精)/中国教育大系 作者: 顾明远 出版社:湖北教育出版社 出版日期:2004/6/1 本书收有先秦至民国时期有影响的历代教育论著选评及有关的研究成果,内容含教育作用的论述、教育对象和目的的论述、教学内容的论述、教学原则的论述等,此定价为全两册价格,全套11卷定价2980元。 夸美纽斯教育论著选/外国教育名著丛书 作者: (捷克)夸美纽斯|译者:任宝祥 熊礼贵 鲍晓苏 杨守明 张华清等 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2005/6/9 =17世纪捷克著名的爱国者、教育改革家和教育理论家扬·阿姆斯·夸美纽斯(1592—1670),是我国教育界所熟知的人物。夸美纽斯的代表作《大教学论》在半个世纪以前即已由傅任敢先生译成中文出版,中华人民共和国成立后又多次再版。本书收集的著作是迄今为止国内还没有译成中文出版的夸美纽斯的主要教育论著。这批论著的翻译出版必将有助于对夸美纽斯的教育遗产进一步进行较全面、较系统的研究。
本书汇编了17世纪捷克著名教育家夸美纽斯的主要专著和论文,其中有历史上第一本学前教育学《母育学校》、第一本幼儿看图学话读本《世界图解》。收进本书中的《泛智学校导论》和《泛智学校》,提出了泛智学理论和学校管理思想,探讨了将有关一切事物的一切知识教给一切人的方法。《论天赋才能的培养》一文,是对文艺复兴和宗教改革时期新人才观的继承和发扬光大。本书能帮助读者系统了解夸美纽斯的教育思想。 斯宾塞教育论著选/外国教育名著丛书 作者: (英)斯宾塞 胡毅 王承绪 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2005/6/9 本书作者为英国著名哲学家、社会学家和教育改革家。本书除包括斯宾塞原版《教育论》中《什么知识最有价值?》《智育》《德育》《体育》等四篇论文之外,又增加了九篇论文,比较系统、全面地反映了斯宾塞的教育思想。 昆体良教育论著选/外国教育名著丛书(外国教育名著丛书) 作者: ((古罗马)昆体良著);任钟印选译 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2001/5/1 马库斯·法比尤斯·昆体良是公元一世纪罗马最有成就的教育家。在整个罗马时代的所有著作中,只有昆体良的12卷巨著《雄辩术原理》系统地论述了年轻一代的教育问题,其他著作中的教育言论都是零星的。昆体良是古代希腊、罗马教育思想和教育经验之集大成者,是夸美纽斯以前西方最杰出的教学法学者。文艺复兴时期,久已失传的昆体良的著作一旦被从积尘中重新发现,立即异彩夺目,使厌倦了经院主义的人文主义者为之倾倒。昆体良的许多教育见解和经验,直到今天仍然富有教益。
裴斯泰洛齐教育论著选/外国教育名著丛书(外国教育名著丛书) 作者: (Pestalozzi)裴斯泰洛齐 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2001/5/1 本书选译了瑞士著名教育家裴斯泰洛齐的教育代表作。这些作品反映了作者的重要教育思想,以及作者关于教育目的、要素教育、各科教学法等方面的一系列教育主张。
走进基础教育的真实世界:安文铸教育论著精选 作者: 安文铸 出版社:社会科学文献出版社 出版日期:2005/9/1 本书是中国第一个教育管理学博士点创始人之一、北京师范大学教育管理?г翰┦可�际∏参闹�淌诖蟀肷�逃�芯砍晒�木�‖募�4颖笔Υ蟮牟┑嫉街榻��侵藁�〗逃�谝幌叩摹澳笔俊保�步淌谠诨�字�曜龀隽怂�裆�藁诘难≡瘛��呓��〗逃�恼媸凳澜?!从教育战略到教育决策,从教育管理到队伍建设,从教育国情到体制改革,从教育科研到思想方法,论证严密,深入浅出,显示了安教授厚实的学术功底和丰富的实践经验。 该书的突出特色是作者从教育理论和自身的经历出发,揭示了基础教育实践是教育理论研究永不枯竭的源泉,倡导理论工 西方现代教育论著选/高等学校文科教材 作者: 王承绪 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2006/9/1 本书收录了实用主义教育、新教育、要素主义教育、永恒主义教育、新托玛斯主义教育、存在主义教育,新行为主义教育等西方现代主要教育思想流派的代表作三十余篇以及作者的生平。 陆费逵教育论著选/中国近代教育论著丛书 作者: 吕达编 吕达 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2006/8/1 本书开始选编于1991年7月,收录陆费逵先生有关教育的文章近百篇,起自1905年,迄于1940年。内容涉及教育方针、教育功能、学制建设、教学改革、教材编写与出版、职业道德教育、人格修养方法、女子教育、国语教育、语言文字改革等各个方面。就文体分,有宣言、发刊词、社论、序言、论文、演讲、计划、游记等。另编陆费逵先生主要著作年表等作为附录。 西方古代教育论著选/高等学校文科教材(西方教育论著选系列,高等学校文科教材) 作者: 浙江大学教育系 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2001/9/1 本书所选的是西方古代和中世纪最著名的哲学家、教育家的具有代表性和影响较大的教育论著,选编人物从苏格拉底起至培根为止。 本书选译的教育论著,凡已有中文译本且译文确切易懂的,即选用,并注明译者和版本情况;凡无中译本或虽有中译本却文字艰涩难懂的,即重新选译。在每个哲学家、教育家的论著前面,由编选者对他们的生平和教育思想作了一些简单的介绍。 西方近代教育论著选(高等学校文科教材) 作者: 任钟印编 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2001/9/1 《西方近代教育论著选》选编范围从14世纪下半叶文艺复兴时代开始到19世纪末为止,共选编了这个时期内19位西方近代著名教育家的教育论著。他们的思想对近现代西方教育乃至世界教育产生了重要影响。为了便于读者学习和理解,编者还简单介绍了每位教育家的教育思想及所选论著的基本观点。
为了了解和研究西方近代的教育思想,编者选编了这本《西方近代教育论著选》,供师范院校师生和有关人员使用。 外国教育名著丛书 福泽谕吉教育论著选 作者: (日)福泽谕吉|译者:王桂|校注:陈榴 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2005/1/1 本书选译的是日本明治时期著名的教育家福泽谕吉的一些教育代表作,它批判了日本封建主义的教育思想和教育制度,热情地宣传了资本主义的教育思想和教育制度。 外国教育名著丛书 凯兴斯泰纳教育论著选 作者: (德)凯兴斯泰纳 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2003/6/2 凯兴斯泰纳(Georg Kerschensteiner,—)是19世纪德国著名教育理论家和教育改革家。他出生于慕尼黑一市民家庭。童年时,因家境贫寒,故读完小学之后便进入了师范预备科,1871年毕业,随即从事教育工作。这期间,因他求学心切,便又自学补足了三年中学课程,后考入工业大学,学习电机工程,继而转入慕尼黑大学学习数学。1877~1881年,他在慕尼黑大学和高等工业学校从事数学与物理学的研究,同年通过了数学实验考试并担任了中学教师。他先后在米兰克多文科中学、纽伦堡商业学校、史温福特文科中学和路德维希文科中学任教。1895~1909年,任慕尼黑国民学校监督。至此,凯兴斯泰纳已获著名教育家之称。199041906年,他致力于将慕尼黑继续教育学校改革为专业分科的职业学校,为国民学校毕业生得到进一步的技术训练提供了就业前的准备。同时,他还改革了国民学校劳作课的课程设置,进一步阐明了劳作学校的概念。他强调国民教育的重要性,并指出文化财富的获得与学生发展的各个阶段是紧密相关的。他多次著文论述国民教育的必要性和职业教育的价值。 马卡连柯教育文集(下)/外国教育名著丛书 作者: 马卡连柯 吴式颖 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2005/6/9 马卡连柯是20世纪苏联著名教育家。本书收集了除马卡连柯教育文艺作品之外的主要教育论文和报告,是作者经过长期教育实践和理论探索以后对一些重大的教育问题所做的理论概括。本书集中反映了作者的辩证的教育观和教育目的论,集体主义教育、劳动教育和家庭教育方面的理论和实践。 教学论与生活 作者: (苏)赞科夫 俞翔辉 杜殿坤 出版社:教育科学出版社 出版日期:2001/1/1 本书将要探讨的一系列问题在苏联教学论中直到现在还没有它的地位,或者只是以极其一般形式地被提到过。同时,书中将对教学原则、教学方法提出一些新的看法。特别注意的是教学与学生的发展的关系问题。
本书试图从上述实践室的研究以及其他的教学论研究中抽取一些材料,它们在某种程度上也许有助于答复我们现时代的苏联学样的发展前景所提出的问题。 舒新城教育论著选(上下)(精)/中国近代教育论著丛书 作者: 吕达 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2004/7/1 本书收录舒新城先生的教育论著80余篇,起自1916年,迄于1949年,内容涉及教育教学改革、学制建设、课程标准、教材编写、教学方法、教育心理、道德教育、中小学教育改革与实验、电化教育、近代中国教育史、收回教育主权等各个方面。就文体分,有论文、演讲、书信、提案、计划、序跋等,还有专著节录。另选1949年新中国成立后舒新城先生的若干文章作为附录,以便于读者了解其教育思想的发展与全貌。 陆费逵教育论著选(精)/中国近代教育论著丛书 作者: 吕达编 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2000/1/1 陆费逵是一个具有爱国思想和民主主义思想的人,他从宣传革命救国专向教育救国,热心于开发民智,当过教师、校长,主编过教育刊物,主持编辑、出版了大量教育论著和中小学教材,写有许多宣传教育救国和改革、简化汉字、提倡国语的文章,其思想产生了深远、广泛的影响。本书收录陆费逵先生有关教育的文章近百篇,起自1905年,迄于1940年。书中,他对发展教育事业慷慨陈辞,除了涉及教育功能、宗旨、方针、学制改革、教学改革和教科书编辑出版外,在国语教育、女子教育、修养方法、语言文字改革等方面也有许多精辟独到的论述,值得我们进一步总结和继承。 刘征文集 第一卷 语文教育论著 作者: 刘征 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2000/6/1 李廉方语文教育论著选 作者: 郭戈 编 出版社:语文出版社 出版日期:2006/1/1 本书收《国文科教授法》、《国民学校国文教授之新研究》、《国语文读本说明书》、《关于识字教学的几个问题》等文章。 舒新城教育论著选(上下)/中国近代教育论著丛书 作者: 吕达 刘立德 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2004/7/1 本书收录舒新城先生的教育论著80余篇,起自1916年,迄于1949年,内容涉及教育教学改革、学制建设、课程标准、教材编写、教学方法、教育心理、道德教育、中小学教育改革与实验、电化教育、近代中国教育史、收回教育主权等各个方面。就文体分,有论文、演讲、书信、提案、计划、序跋等,还有专著节录。另选1949年新中国成立后舒新城先生的若干文章作为附录,以便于读者了解其教育思想的发展与全貌。 舒新城教育论著选(上下)/中国近代教育论著丛书 作者: 吕达 刘立德 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2004/7/1 本书收录舒新城先生的教育论著80余篇,起自1916年,迄于1949年,内容涉及教育教学改革、学制建设、课程标准、教材编写、教学方法、教育心理、道德教育、中小学教育改革与实验、电化教育、近代中国教育史、收回教育主权等各个方面。就文体分,有论文、演讲、书信、提案、计划、序跋等,还有专著节录。另选1949年新中国成立后舒新城先生的若干文章作为附录,以便于读者了解其教育思想的发展与全貌。





诚如鲁枢元所说:“女性的真正解放,在于恢复女性长久以来被压抑、被扭曲的天性,发扬女性在人类历史进程中的独特优势。这表现为:大地崇拜的女性精神,护佑万物的女性伦理,充满感性与温情的女性思维。” 由此可见,阿富汗妇女一定能够通过不断努力,实现与男子地位平等,在阿富汗的重建中发挥重要作用。









