

发布时间:2024-07-08 03:28:12


。氮化硅半导体的导电性控制 41。发现在赣江和实现电学传导 p-n 963交界处的蓝色LED 许多团体企图制造p型赣但 没有成功。成功的控制的水晶 干质量,我们可以开始工作在电学兴奋剂。 使用LT-AlN缓冲层,剩余的分布 干也大幅缩短如上所述。 但尽管在Zn-doping不懈努力,它不是 可能产生(干。1987年,我们发现 Zn-related发光强度大大增加,当 高质量的LT-AlN Zn-doped干了缓冲 用电子束辐照很cathodoluminescence期间 (CL)测量(21)。我们认为做那件事 这种现象(名叫兄效果)(21)可能是紧密相联 有关Zn-acceptors激活,因此与ptype 办理。但晶体(没有显示 办理。同时,在1988年,我们发现毫克的可能 是一个较浅,因为它比锌及其 是大于锌(22)。在1989年,我们成功了 Mg-doping使用高质量的Cp2Mg或MCP2Mg干 作为一个Mg-dopant保持较高的结晶 采用优质LT-AlN缓冲层技术[m].北京:23]。 然后诱导下镓样品 电子束的一样Zn-doped样品。 我们发现大大增加了蓝色光的Mgdoped 干样品(1750效果)以及样品 在低电阻率(24)。963[m].北京:立刻, 实现了世界上第一个干p-n结蓝色/紫外线 以鼓励电流-电压特性在1989年(24),如图所示 在图5。我们取得AlGaN(1991年(25)和p型 在1995年GaInN[26]以相同的方式。1992年,ptype 干也是Mgdoped产生的热退火 与LT-GaN 963缓冲层生长 中村李玮。[27]。后来,p型干了 (28)所获得的紫外线照射或电磁波我英语没那么精湛,所以有的用了翻译器啊,错了的话也不要骂我啦~~~~~委屈的

4。氮化硅半导体的导电性控制 41。发现在赣江和实现电学传导 p-n 963交界处的蓝色LED 许多团体企图制造p型赣但 没有成功。成功的控制的水晶 干质量,我们可以开始工作在电学兴奋剂。 使用LT-AlN缓冲层,剩余的分布 干也大幅缩短如上所述。 但尽管在Zn-doping不懈努力,它不是 可能产生(干。1987年,我们发现 Zn-related发光强度大大增加,当 高质量的LT-AlN Zn-doped干了缓冲 用电子束辐照很cathodoluminescence期间 (CL)测量(21)。我们认为做那件事 这种现象(名叫兄效果)(21)可能是紧密相联 有关Zn-acceptors激活,因此与ptype 办理。但晶体(没有显示 办理。同时,在1988年,我们发现毫克的可能 是一个较浅,因为它比锌及其 是大于锌(22)。在1989年,我们成功了 Mg-doping使用高质量的Cp2Mg或MCP2Mg干 作为一个Mg-dopant保持较高的结晶 采用优质LT-AlN缓冲层技术[m].北京:23]。 然后诱导下镓样品 电子束的一样Zn-doped样品。 我们发现大大增加了蓝色光的Mgdoped 干样品(1750效果)以及样品 在低电阻率(24)。963[m].北京:立刻, 实现了世界上第一个干p-n结蓝色/紫外线 以鼓励电流-电压特性在1989年(24),如图所示 在图5。我们取得AlGaN(1991年(25)和p型 在1995年GaInN[26]以相同的方式。1992年,ptype 干也是Mgdoped产生的热退火 与LT-GaN 963缓冲层生长 中村李玮。[27]。后来,p型干了 (28)所获得的紫外线照射或电磁波 第二十九条、第三十条][在高温下400操练。 实现电学是必要的氮化物、活化毫克 通过释放氢气的杂质,32(31)。但是,我们应该做的 先大幅降低残余的捐赠者之前解决 问题相关的氢钝化的杂质。

翻译: Power semiconductor devices and power electronics World's first semiconductor rectifier and the transistor is, when no power semiconductor or microelectronics semiconductor division. In 1958, China began the first research topic Thyristor (originally known as PNPN device). In similar time, the study of integrated circuits began gradually. From semiconductor devices to the two direction. The former became the basis for power electronics, while the latter led to the development and micro-electronics and information electronics. According to the system, power system devices are classified to the machinery, integrated circuits, electronic systems are included. As the semiconductor leader in the electronic systems, coupled with the semiconductor integrated circuits is the main body, which after a long-term evolution of integrated circuits in a number of occasions, has become almost synonymous with semiconductor devices only. At the end of the sixties and early seventies, the country has set off a "SCR" hot. The boom continued a long time, great influence, and therefore still believe that the domestic power of semiconductors is the main SCR. The late seventies, the development of a thyristor family. And called the name of a standardized "thyristor." As the technology to regulate the power switch, so the wear and tear on a small device, so as the energy trump card. Its application is to cover all fields. China was first mooted in 1979, the establishment of Power Electronics Society, IEEE slightly earlier than the establishment of the United States Institute of Power Electronics (Power Electronics Society). Power Electronics Society of China was founded, as a result of the importance of professional development is very rapid. However, because the focal point was the relationship, it does not like the United States become an independent professional institutes, and was subsequently set up part of the China Electrotechnical Society. The translation and definition of Power Electronics for Power Electronics (the original idea was also known as the Power Electronics), and the popularity of power electronics played a role. Mechanical, electrical, electronic and other departments are very concerned about its development. Related to the power semiconductor devices has also been known as the power electronic devices. However, this name is very difficult to find abroad, but the corresponding terms. "Electricity" in reference to electronic access to universal, but also left a number of sequels. People mistakenly believe that only high-power direction is the "power" of the main electronic devices, and the difficulty of the rapid development of the MOSFET as a "power electronics" of the other main. From that point, I would like to use power semiconductor devices as the subject of this article, and power electronic devices can be used to express a broader sense to include other non-semiconductor, including a variety of power electronic devices. The development of power semiconductor devices in three stages The development of power semiconductor devices can be divided into three stages. The first stage is 60 to the seventies, when the various types of thyristors and power transistors Darlington significant development, or what might be called the era of bipolar. Its clients are mainly for industrial applications, including power systems, such as locomotive traction. The second stage is 80 to the nineties, due to the rise of the power MOSFET to power electronics into a new area. Modern 4C booming industry: the Communication, Computer, Consumer, Car (communication, computer, consumer electronics, automobiles) to provide a new vitality. Before and after the twenty-first century, the development of power semiconductor devices have entered the third phase, that is, and integrated circuit combined with a growing stage, Figure 1 and Figure II made to the above description of a simple sum. Of course, first of all need to focus on that here is this: when the continuous development of power semiconductor devices, the previous stage has not been the dominant product from the stage of history. For example, SCR is still an important product. China has in recent years the introduction of ultra-high-power thyristor, thyristor-controlled technology, such as China's major power transmission project, providing a key device. Recently, in considering the introduction of IGCT technology. In this regard it should be said that has gradually moved towards the world. This is our country going on the many major infrastructure. Although the view from the United States, the production of high-power thyristors have been less and less on the economic development of the two countries are not identical. I draw in Figure 2 in power semiconductor devices in both directions in the development. The left side of the bipolar nature of the direction toward the integration of ultra-high-power and direction. The right direction is unipolar, it is more established and integrated circuits of the inseparable relationship between closely. 一般来说是这样的

First, semiconductor laser based on the theory Although some literature that the author created in their respective semiconductor lasers in the important role played by, but the fact is no one on semiconductor laser to the emergence of a complete theoretical basis, nor an early worker for the realization of the study and solve the semiconductor laser All the technology issues. Therefore, it can be that the semiconductor laser is the emergence and development of many co-workers on the crystallization of wisdom. As early as in September 1953, the . Feng. Newman (John Von Neumann) in his unpublished papers a manuscript in the first exposition in the semiconductor produced by stimulated emission of possibility that can be injected to the PN junction Are in the minority in mind to achieve stimulated emission; calculated according to the two brilliant transition zone between the radiation rate. Bading concluded Feng 'Newman on the basic theory of semiconductor laser after that. Through various means (for example, to inject a small number of PN junction carrier) disturbance belt electronic price band Hole and the balance of concentration, according to which non-minority-carrier in the compound and a photon. The rate of its radiation can be like amplifiers, with the same frequency of electromagnetic radiation. It should be said to be laser (Liser) the earliest concept of this than Gordon (Corden) and the Andean soup (Towes) reported by the quantum of microwave amplifiers (Maser) to the concept as early as 2001. Ecsle Normale Superieure and Pierre Aigrain in 1956 had encouraged the . radio company [RCA] Pankove start manufacturing the semiconductor laser. June 1958 in Brussels of an international conference on the statement, first published in the semiconductor be coherent light of the views, but it was not until 1964 he published articles on the theory of semiconductor lasers and experimental work. Soviet Lebedev Physical Institute Basov (Basov), and so on the outstanding contribution of semiconductor lasers, he is the first time in 1958 published an article in the semiconductor raised in the realization of negative-state (that is, population inversion) on the theory . In 1961 they published the first carrier will be injected into the semiconductor PN junction to achieve the "injection laser" exposition and demonstration in the tunnel diodes as high as in Jane and the PN junction to achieve population inversion (which is Produced by stimulated emission of the necessary conditions for) the possibility, but also that active high-density areas around the most active carrier of the border areas on both sides of the refractive index of a difference, creating optical waveguide effect. After these theories to the emergence of semiconductor laser has played a positive role in promoting, Basuo Fu therefore be Nobel Prize. However, in 1963, published by the Basuo Fu, and so on semiconductor laser experiment with the theory of the article is more active semiconductor materials for Ge. And La Vieques (Lax) in 1959 made direct bandgap semiconductor (such as GaAs, InP, etc.) than the indirect bandgap semiconductor (such as Ge, Si, etc.) is more suited to produce stimulated emission of material. This important thesis for the accuracy of which appear later confirmed by the semiconductor laser. 1960 Bell Labs of Wembley (Boyle) and Thomson put forward in parallel with the semiconductor and as a cleavage-feedback resonator, the strengthening of the laser is essential. Laser optical resonator is an integral part. 1961 Bernard (Bernard) and Dulafuge (DM raffo "rg)-use fee. Derived the concept of energy meters in the semiconductor active than in the medium to achieve population inversion conditions on the condition that the following year The success of semiconductor laser research has played an important guiding role of theory. To sum up, in theory, that should be in the semiconductor laser direct bandgap semiconductor PN junction, with the injection-carrier method by Bernard Dulafuge a condition under the control of population inversion, from electronics and Hole compound generated by the laser radiation in the optical resonant cavity oscillation be enlarged and, finally have a coherent laser output.


各种物体对电流的通过有着不同的阻碍能力,这种不同的物体允许电流通过的能力叫做物体的导电性能。 通常把电阻系数小的(电阻系数的范围约在欧毫米/米)、导电性能好的物体叫做导体。例如:银、铜、铝是良导体; 含有杂质的水、人体、潮湿的树木、钢筋混凝土电杆、墙壁、大地等,也是导体,但不是良导体。 电阻系数很大的(电阻系数的范围约为10~10欧姆·毫米/米)、导电性能很差的物体叫做绝缘体。例如:陶瓷、云母、玻璃、橡胶、塑料、电木、纸、棉纱、树脂等物体,以及干燥的木材等都是绝缘体(也叫电介质)。 导电性能介于导体和绝缘体之间的物体叫做半导体。例如:硅、锗、硒、氧化铜等都是半导体。半导体在电子技术领域应用越来越广泛。文秘杂烩网






硅结晶型的硅是暗黑蓝色的,很脆,是典型的半导体。化学性质非常稳定。在常温下,除氟化氢以外,很难与其他物质发生反应。 硅的用途: ①高纯的单晶硅是重要的半导体材料。在单晶硅中掺入微量的第IIIA族元素,形成p型硅半导体;掺入微量的第VA族元素,形成n型和p型半导体结合在一起,就可做成太阳能电池,将辐射能转变为电能。在开发能源方面是一种很有前途的材料。 ②金属陶瓷、宇宙航行的重要材料。将陶瓷和金属混合烧结,制成金属陶瓷复合材料,它耐高温,富韧性,可以切割,既继承了金属和陶瓷的各自的优点,又弥补了两者的先天缺陷。 可应用于军事武器的制造第一架航天飞机“哥伦比亚号”能抵挡住高速穿行稠密大气时磨擦产生的高温,全靠它那三万一千块硅瓦拼砌成的外壳。 ③光导纤维通信,最新的现代通信手段。用纯二氧化硅拉制出高透明度的玻璃纤维,激光在玻璃纤维的通路里,无数次的全反射向前传输,代替了笨重的电缆。光纤通信容量高,一根头发丝那么细的玻璃纤维,可以同时传输256路电话,它还不受电、磁干扰,不怕窃听,具有高度的保密性。光纤通信将会使 21世纪人类的生活发生革命性巨变。 ④性能优异的硅有机化合物。例如有机硅塑料是极好的防水涂布材料。在地下铁道四壁喷涂有机硅,可以一劳永逸地解决渗水问题。在古文物、雕塑的外表,涂一层薄薄的有机硅塑料,可以防止青苔滋生,抵挡风吹雨淋和风化。天安门广场上的人民英雄纪念碑,便是经过有机硅塑料处理表面的,因此永远洁白、清新。 发现 1822年,瑞典化学家白则里用金属钾还原四氟化硅,得到了单质硅。 [编辑] 名称由来 源自英文silica,意为“硅石”。 [编辑] 分布 硅主要以化合物的形式,作为仅次于氧的最丰富的元素存在于地壳中,约占地表岩石的四分之一,广泛存在于硅酸盐和硅石中。 [编辑] 制备 工业上,通常是在电炉中由碳还原二氧化硅而制得。 化学反应方程式: SiO2 + 2C → Si + 2CO 这样制得的硅纯度为97~98%,叫做金属硅。再将它融化后重结晶,用酸除去杂质,得到纯度为的金属硅。如要将它做成半导体用硅,还要将其转化成易于提纯的液体或气体形式,再经蒸馏、分解过程得到多晶硅。如需得到高纯度的硅,则需要进行进一步的提纯处理。 [编辑] 同位素 已发现的硅的同位素共有12种,包括硅25至硅36,其中只有硅28,硅29,硅30是稳定的,其他同位素都带有放射性。 [编辑] 用途 硅是一种半导体材料,可用于制作半导体器件和集成电路。还可以合金的形式使用(如硅铁合金),用于汽车和机械配件。也与陶瓷材料一起用于金属陶瓷中。还可用于制造玻璃、混凝土、砖、耐火材料、硅氧烷、硅烷。 硅的特性 铝 - 硅 - 磷 碳 硅 锗 ? 元素周期表 总体特性 名称, 符号, 序号 硅、Si、14 系列 类金属 族, 周期, 元素分区 14族(IVA), 3, p 密度、硬度 2330 kg/m3、 颜色和外表 深灰色、带蓝色调 地壳含量 原子属性 原子量 原子量单位 原子半径(计算值) 110(111)pm 共价半径 111 pm 范德华半径 210 pm 价电子排布 [氖]3s23p2 电子在每能级的排布 2,8,4 氧化价(氧化物) 4(两性的) 晶体结构 面心立方 物理属性 物质状态 固态 熔点 1687 K(1414 °C) 沸点 3173 K(2900 °C) 摩尔体积 ×10-6m3/mol 汽化热 kJ/mol 熔化热 kJ/mol 蒸气压 帕(1683K) 声速 无数据 其他性质 电负性 (鲍林标度) 比热 700 J/(kg·K) 电导率 ×10-4 /(米欧姆) 热导率 148 W/(m·K) 第一电离能 kJ/mol 第二电离能 kJ/mol 第三电离能 kJ/mol 第四电离能 kJ/mol 第五电离能 16091 kJ/mol 第六电离能 19805 kJ/mol 第七电离能 23780 kJ/mol 第八电离能 29287 kJ/mol 第九电离能 33878 kJ/mol 第十电离能 38726 kJ/mol 最稳定的同位素 同位素 丰度 半衰期 衰变模式 衰变能量 MeV 衰变产物 28Si % 稳定 29Si % 稳定 30Si % 稳定 32Si 人造 276年 β衰变 32P 核磁公振特性 29Si 核自旋 1/2元素名称:硅元素原子量:元素类型:非金属发现人:贝采利乌斯 发现年代:1823年发现过程:1823年,瑞典的贝采利乌斯,用氟化硅或氟硅酸钾与钾共热,得到粉状硅。元素描述:由无定型和晶体两种同素异形体。具有明显的金属光泽,呈灰色,密度克/厘米3,熔点1410℃,沸点2355℃,具有金刚石的晶体结构,电离能电子伏特。加热下能同单质的卤素、氮、碳等非金属作用,也能同某些金属如Mg、Ca、Fe、Pt等作用。生成硅化物。不溶于一般无机酸中,可溶于碱溶液中,并有氢气放出,形成相应的碱金属硅酸盐溶液,于赤热温度下,与水蒸气能发生作用。硅在自然界分布很广,在地壳中的原子百分含量为。是组成岩石矿物的一个基本元素,以石英砂和硅酸盐出现。元素来源:用镁还原二氧化硅可得无定形硅。用碳在电炉中还原二氧化硅可得晶体硅。电子工业中用的高纯硅则是用氢气还原三氯氢硅或四氯化硅而制得。元素用途:用于制造高硅铸铁、硅钢等合金,有机硅化合物和四氯化硅等,是一种重要的半导体材料,掺有微量杂质得硅单晶可用来制造大功率的晶体管,整流器和太阳能电池等。元素辅助资料:硅在地壳中的含量是除氧外最多的元素。如果说碳是组成一切有机生命的基础,那么硅对于地壳来说,占有同样的位置,因为地壳的主要部分都是由含硅的岩石层构成的。这些岩石几乎全部是由硅石和各种硅酸盐组成。长石、云母、黏土、橄榄石、角闪石等等都是硅酸盐类;水晶、玛瑙、碧石、蛋白石、石英、砂子以及燧石等等都是硅石。但是,硅与氧、碳不同,在自然界中没有单质状态存在。这就注定它的发现比碳和氧晚。拉瓦锡曾把硅土当成不可分割的物质——元素。1823年,贝齐里乌斯将氟硅酸钾(K2SiF6)与过量金属钾共热制得无定形硅。尽管之前也有不少科学家也制得过无定形硅,但直到贝齐里乌斯将制得的硅在氧气中燃烧,生成二氧化硅——硅土,硅才被确定为一种元素。硅被命名为silicium,元素符号是Si。【gui】 硅silicon;硅guī〈名〉一种四价的非金属元素,以化合物的形式,作为仅次于氧的最丰富的元素存在于地壳中,通常是在电炉中由碳还原二氧化硅而制得的,主要以合金的形式使用(如硅铁合金),也与陶瓷材料一起用于金属陶瓷中,或用作半导体材料(如在晶体管中)和光生电池的元件 [silicon]――元素符号Si一种非金属元素,是一种半导体材料,可用于制作半导体器件和集成电路。旧称“矽”。元素符号Si,旧称矽,原子序数14,相对原子质量,有无定形和晶体两种同素异形体。晶体硅为钢灰色,无定形硅为黑色,密度/cm3,熔点1420℃,沸点2355℃,晶体硅属于原子晶体,硬而有光泽,有半导体性质。硅的化学性质比较活泼,在高温下能与氧气等多种元素化合,不溶于水、硝酸和盐酸,溶于氢氟酸和碱液,用于造制合金如硅铁、硅钢等,单晶硅是一种重要的半导体材料,用于制造大功率晶体管、整流器、太阳能电池等。硅在自然界分布极广,地壳中约含%,主要以二氧化硅和硅酸盐的形式存在。硅,原子序数14,原子量,元素名来源于拉丁文,原意是“燧石”。1823年瑞典化学家贝采利乌斯首先分离和描述硅元素。硅约占地壳总重量的,仅次于氧。自然界中的硅都以含氧化合物的形式存在。常见的有石英、水晶、沙子等。 硅有晶态和无定形两种形式。晶态硅具有金刚石晶格,硬而脆,熔点1410°C,沸点2355°C,密度~克/厘米³,硬度为7。无定形硅是一种灰黑色粉末,实际是微晶体。晶态硅的电导率不及金属,且随温度升高而增加,具有明显的半导体性质。 硅在常温下不活泼,与空气、水和酸等没有明显作用;在加热下,能与卤素反应生成四卤化硅;650°C,时硅开始与氧完全反应;硅单质在高温下还能与碳、氮、硫等非金属单质反应;硅可间接生成一系列硅的氢化物;硅还能与钙、镁、铁等化合,生成金属硅化物。 超纯的单晶硅可作半导体材料。粗的单晶硅及其金属互化物组成的合金,常被用来增强铝、镁、铜等金属的强度。



这些都是检索系统,一个收录很多论文的数据库。 SCI主要偏重理论性研究。 SSCI是社会科学期刊数据库。 EI偏工程应用。 CSCD和核心期刊都是中国的数据库。 ISTP是会议论文数据库,以上都是期刊论文。




《电子学报》为中国电子学会主办的高级学术刊物, 刊登电子与信息科学及相邻领域的原始性(original)科研成果。为中国自然科学核 心期刊之一;科技部科技论文统计源期刊;中国科学引文数据库来源期刊。《Chinese Journal of Electronics》(以下简称《CJE》)系中国电子学会主办的英文学术期刊。《CJE》创刊于1992年(季刊),由《CJE》编辑部向中国大陆发行、香港科讯交流公司向海外发行。 《CJE》已被国际著名的检索系统CA、EI、SCI-Expanded、SA等收录。《半导体学报》是中国电子学会和中国科学院半导体研究所主办的学术刊物。《半导体学报》被世界四大检索系统(美国工程索引(EI),化学文摘(CA),英国科学文摘(SA),俄罗斯文摘杂志(РЖ))收录。《电子测量与仪器学报》被国家科委中国科学技术信息研究所《中国科技论文统计与分析》列为中国科技核心期刊;被中科院文献情报中心《中国科学引文数据库》列为技术类核心期刊;被《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》收录;被众多国内知名理工科大学、研究生院的学位评定委员会推荐为重点学术期刊;同时也是国家教委指定的286种核心期刊之一。《微波学报》创刊于1980年,由中国电子学会主办,南京电子技术研究所(信息产业部电子第14研究所)承办,是目前国内唯一微波学术性专业刊物。《电波科学学报》是中国科协主管、中国电子学会主办、中国电波传播研究所承办的国内外公开发行的刊物。也是我国电波科学领域唯一的专业性学术刊物。《信号处理》期刊是由中国科学技术协会主管,中国电子学会主办,信号处理专业委员会承办的学术性刊物,于1985年创刊。《数据采集与处理》是中国科协主管,由中国电子学会、微弱信号检测学会和南京航空航天大学联合主办,并向国内外公开发行的技术刊物。《电子元件与材料》创办于1982年3月,是中国电子学会、中国电子元件行业协会、宏明电子股份有限公司主办,电子科技大学微电子学和固体电子学院,中国电子学会元件分会和信产部电子陶瓷专业情报网协办的学术技术性科技刊物。《软件》杂志由中国科协主管,中国电子学会、天津电子学会主办期刊,《软件》杂志被《中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊》、《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库收录期刊》、《万方数据—数字化期刊群全文收录期刊》、《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)收录期刊》、美国《剑桥科学文摘》、波兰《哥白尼索引》收录期刊、美国《乌利希国际期刊指南》等国内外数据库收录。



《物理学报》是由中国物理学会主办的,创刊于1933年,原名“ChineseJournal of Physics”,创刊初期用英、
