

发布时间:2024-07-06 09:59:56


这个市网络传播的论文吧 博克现象分析 这个有很多学习新闻的人写过 你要想写好这里面的 其中一个就要好好审题 把意思弄明白 然后要写的新颖还要题目不要太大 要有一定的研究价值 参考网络上的资料和书籍的在加上你自己的思考



1、  VR新闻发展趋势探析

2、  场域视角下精英文化的传播策略 ———央视《朗读者》大众化路径探析

3、  弹幕视频网站中受众互动模式研究

4、 网络舆论助力下的新闻反转事件 — 以受众心理为视域分析“ 女子救女童被狗咬捐事件”

5、  论新闻报道中的人物标签化现象

6、  动画符号对新媒体的影响: 基于“冷热媒介”理论的思考









毕业论文选题的第一步要确定自己的研究方向,研究方向一定要贴合社会发展趋势,同时还要具有一定的学术研究价值。以下毕业论文题目,适用于广播电视编导、新闻学、传播学等专业。 VR新闻发展趋势探析;场域视角下精英文化的传播策略 ———央视《朗读者》大众化路径探析弹幕视频网站中受众互动模式研究、网络舆论助力下的新闻反转事件 等等吧,我朋友就是学新闻的,她是写了一个当下新闻的热点。



新闻专业毕业论文参考题目1、 谈谈互联网媒体时代的新闻的时效性2、 如何从根本上保证新闻真实3、 试论新闻敏感与新闻工作责任感的关系4、 漫谈记者修养的现实意义5、 采访对象访前心理分析6、 深入采访中如何抓特点7、 浅谈新闻导语写作8、 重视新闻背景的交待9、 消息中的现场描写10、典型报导--舆论的风向标11、短新闻是信息时代的主角12、穆青人物通讯特色研究13、论报纸的组合报道14、新闻标题特色研究 15、现场短新闻的现场感16、关于"弱势群体"报道的多元思考17、报纸品牌个性塑造18、短评的特点和写作19、浅说中国广播事业的发展及影响20、国际广播和国际电视对当今全球的影响21、著名女记者节目主持人法拉奇成功奥秘探析22、编辑思想与报纸版面23、编辑的自身建设和修养24、谈谈稿件修改的基本功25、版面的语言与受众心理26、地方企业报的发展趋势27、论突发性新闻照片的社会价值28、摄影记者的业务素质29、新闻照片的社会功能30、四个媒介的广告特性比较研究31、广播电视受众的视听心理分析32、电视记者的创作思维 36、论后网络时代新闻舆论引导的偏差37、广播电视报的生存现状与发展趋势 38、论人文关怀在我国当代经济新闻报道中的体现 39、新时期新闻文体改革研究 40、中国纪录片创作观念的变迁探析 41、对报纸深度报道先锋意识的美学思考42、博客:传统的颠覆还是传统的延续?--从传播学意义上看博客与传统媒体的关系 43、网络言论的传播与管理44、论新闻专业大学生的知识结构45、论新闻专业大学生的能力培养46、因特网与现代传媒格局47、论因特网的传播特点48、新闻摄影的社会功能之我见49、互联网对现代汉语实用性的冲击50、互联网媒体时代的网络语言的特点初探51、互联网对传统的人际交往模式的负面影响52、互联网对传统的人际交往模式的正面影响


这个市网络传播的论文吧 博克现象分析 这个有很多学习新闻的人写过 你要想写好这里面的 其中一个就要好好审题 把意思弄明白 然后要写的新颖还要题目不要太大 要有一定的研究价值 参考网络上的资料和书籍的在加上你自己的思考



























全面性(Completeness) :主要包括信息来源的全面性与内容的全面性;信息来源的全面性:是否覆盖平台等,每类通道是否覆盖主流的网站,能否覆盖绝大部分网站或者频道,能否采集主流的网站,现有系统的主要问题在于信息庞杂缺流于片面; 及时性(Instantaneity) :新舆盾认为,采集高效性要求信息从发布到舆情监测系统收录时间越短越好。

The discussion in this paper began by tracing the origins of the definition of marketing, schools of marketing and the market orientation construct, research on a market orientation was the characterized into one of three groups: (1) research revisiting scale properties; (2)research applying original scales to different contexts; and (3) research examining the antecedents and consequences of following a market orientation. The discussion them moved on to provide reasons why existing market orientation scales are deficient in explaining the behavior of firms operating in today’s environment. A conclusion of this paper is to encourage researchers to revisit what it means to be market oriented using the 2004 AMA definition of marketing and the emerging stakeholder school of marketing thought to develop scales accordingly. One advantage of developing a new scale or scales is that we will be better placed to understand the antecedents and consequences of market driven and driving market firms operating in macro environment where the importance of stakeholders has become paramount. Stakes Rising In Cyber Manhunt CBS/AP) If he were still around, Wild West outlaw Jesse James might feel like small fry by comparison. The creators of the LovSan/Blaster worm and the SoBig virus have large bounties out for their arrest - rewards to be posted Wednesday at an unusual joint news conference being held in Washington by the FBI, the Secret Service, Interpol and Microsoft Corporation. CBS News has confirmed that Microsoft will be providing the reward money for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of the still unidentified creators of the LovSan/Blaster worm and the SoBig virus: reportedly $250,000 in each case. There was an arrest last August in a related case - Jeffrey Parson, 18, of Hopkins, Minn. - but he is not accused of being the original creator of Blaster, which is also known as LovSan and MSBlast. Parson, whose trial is scheduled to begin Nov. 17 in Seattle, has pleaded not guilty to crippling over 7,000 computers by modifying Blaster and then unleashing it into cyberspace. If convicted, Parson could be sentenced to as much as ten years in prison, plus fines. In September, federal authorities in Seattle revealed they had made a second arrest - of an individual whose name is being withheld because the suspect is a juvenile. The crime is the same as Parson: making a variant of Blaster, called "RPCSDBOT," and then distributing it along with its harmful effects. Various versions of the Blaster worm snarled computer networks around the world beginning last August, affecting over a million computers. Just as computer users were recovering from Blaster, they got hit only days later by the equally hated SoBig virus, which clogged e-mail in-boxes with a ferocity that caused trouble for both networks and individuals. The rewards being posted by Microsoft represent a new tactic by the software giant, which was specifically targeted by the creator of Blaster. The computer worm exploited a security flaw in Microsoft Windows - which was subsequently repaired, with a patch available for download, although many computer users and networks got zapped regardless when they failed to download the patch. The worm came with two messages: "I just want to say LOVE YOU SAN" and "Billy Gates, why do you make this possible? Stop making money and fix your software!" Even before 2003's many worms and viruses were unleashed on millions worldwide - Microsoft had begun a new campaign to improve computer security, to protect its flagship product, Windows, and convince consumers that it is safe. "New security risks have emerged on a scale that few in our industry fully anticipated," said Gates, Microsoft chairman, in a January e-mail launching the company's campaign, pointing to estimates that hackers and other electronic attacks caused $455 million in damage to various companies in the year 2001. At that time, Gates pointed to passwords as the weak link, and said Microsoft will increase its support for their replacement by smart cards, which employ other methods including random numbers to identify authorized users. This year's harvest of cyber crime has not gone unnoticed in Washington. Amit Yoran, a vice president from the anti-virus company Symantec, was chosen in mid-September to be the cyber security chief at the Department of Homeland Security. His mission is strengthening computer networks and convincing Americans to improve their defenses against hackers, disgruntled employees, commercial rivals and foreign governments. At the same time, the Department announced plans to establish a new Computer Emergency Response Center for Cyber Security. The Center, working with experts at Carnegie Mello University, is charged with protecting against, and responding to, cyber attacks. It's hoped that by the end of the year, the Center will be able to reduce response time to cyber attacks to just 30 minutes.


In the government should not manage the problem of network public opinion, there are two basic opposing views. Some people think that the Internet should not be managed, the content itself is difficult to control who publish information, who receive information, the implementation of the specific object is very vague, can not be managed; from the network development, management is in a booming stage, control is to limit the normal development of the network, some basic content classification, filtering and so on. For many reasons, some people will be the government of the network public opinion management as "manufacturing network world of the village fool", the network is the lack of basic understanding of technical characteristics. But as a government, for the protection of children's network security, stop terrorist activities, control of racial hatred, restrictions on commercial unfair competition and so on a variety of reasons, on control and management of the network public opinion regarded as their bounden responsibility and obligation. The most popular way of the government is: have modified the existing regulations to include the management of network public opinion, or simply introduce new network most dramatic color rich, United States in 1996 issued new "telecommunication law" communication Decency Act (CDA). The bill requires Internet information provider to ensure that pornography is not received by the children, and offenders sentenced to 25 million -- $50 million in fines and 2 years in prison. The result was the "Civil Liberties Union American," an unconstitutional prosecution. Court although to porn not protected by the constitution, punishment is defend against the crime punishment and other reasons, but in the end the court still on constitutional finalized the new regulation of the network failure. Two years later, the United States and the introduction of the Online Protection Act Child (COPA), and also suffered the same fate with the government should intervene in the network public opinion, the problem in the theoretical circle has been due to the different conditions of the country, but in practice, but in practice, the government did not give up on the network public opinion management, different just in the management, or more direct management, or more indirect management.双语对照


近年来,网络舆论此起彼伏,有的始一而终,而有的却遭遇“啪啪打脸”,事件的戏剧性转折和网友的“乐队花车式”的观摩给现如今这一后真相时代敲响了警钟,人们往往忽略事件的真相,更多的是诉诸非理性感情,最后得知事实真相并不是原先所“设想”的那样,也只是仰天长叹一声“怎么是这样的啊”,待另一起舆论进入人们的视野,又会跳上全民狂欢的“花车”。这一现象暴露出网络时代在为人们构筑“信息高速公路”的时候,也存在着许多不可避免的瑕疵,造成这种现象的原因主要有以下几点: (1)把关人责任缺失和群体极化 1947年卢因在《群体生活的渠道》中提出“把关人”理论。把关人理论认为只有符合把关人价值标准的信息内容才能进入传播渠道。但如果把关人将这道阀门放大到未经查证的舆论可以进入的地步,甚至可以说缺失了把关这一渠道,那后果也不堪设想。 在这个信息高速传播的时代,把关人也会为了迎合受众猎奇心理忽视新闻的真实,甚至在把关人所属群体中发表非理性言论,让受众的情绪达到高潮。而受众又以“follow”的姿态关注着把关人,久而久之就会形成把关人为核心的圈群关系,人们在群体意识牢固的信息茧房里抱团取暖,集群意识又极易滋生群体极化,自然就会放肆地发表非理性言论。非理性言论不关注事实本身,自然容易造成舆论反转。 (2)网民心理的复杂性 在这个人人都是麦克风的时代,网民拥有了自身的话语权,也极力想参与舆论的讨论过程。 新闻信息内容如果触动到受众的敏感神经,那么就会在短期形成一个强有力传播力量的舆论阵营。受众心理又很容易被一些想借此做文章的人利用,他们会利用受众的同情心理大肆传播引起受众共鸣的文字。而人又是一种趋向性动物,害怕群体孤独,寻求群体归属是本性,久而久之,越来越多的人加入到这一阵营中来,群体影响力也越来越大,最终导致舆论反转的几率也大大增大。 (3)自媒体时代的特性 自媒体时代信息量广泛、信息源充足,人人也可以做记者,总会有一些人在默默关注着真相,而不像那些奋战在前线的网络喷子,他们会关注事情的各个方面,将查证过的事实一一列举出来,这也得益于自媒体时代信息发布门槛的降低。 当然一个真相一经发布,经由快速的自媒体传播特性马上就会有大波人知晓,在短时间内可以覆盖到网络上的各个角落,千钧一发之际舆论反转。 舆论反转造成的社会影响也不容小觑,这既反映了新闻失实的本质,又对媒体、事件相关主体、受众造成不同程度的影响。(1)媒体公信力下降 新闻媒体放任失实的言论在网络上传播,既没有及时阻止,又没有及时发布真实的言论,这是新闻专业主义的缺失,是新闻自由的滥用。受众一旦认定媒体是发布虚假信息的源头,就对这个媒体不再信任,媒体长年累月累积的口碑和公信力毁于一旦。 (2)给事件相关主体的生活带来困扰 人肉搜索和网络暴力对当事人会造成不同程度的伤害,从舆论一经发酵到舆论反转这一过程,新闻当事人一直是被网民扒光了衣服暴露在人们视野中,这样既影响到了当事人,也会波及到家人朋友。 尤其是新闻过错方遭受的舆论压力更是难以想象,有的甚至会导致精神崩溃。 (3)网民同情疲劳 一有什么事情就是动之以情,网民再柔软的心都会被一则则反转新闻打磨的坚如磐石。受众一旦形成同情疲劳,对于人世间的冷暖也持冷眼旁观的态度,在北京八达岭老虎咬人事件中,人性的冷漠狠狠地抽了受害者及其家人一巴掌。


1. 教育类新闻报道的问题与改进

2. 试论大学报的内容创新

3. 网络新闻报道研究

4. 大公报新闻报道研究

5. 通讯的报道创新——以《中国青年报》冰点栏目为例

6. 试论娱乐类“八卦新闻”

7. 《南方周末》的报道特色

8. 报网互动中的新闻报道创新

9. 地市报的改革出路研究

10. 论新闻媒体“正面报道”为主

11. 广告新媒介研究

12. 广告劝服与认知失谐理论

13. 新闻报道“三贴近”的基本路向研究

14. 改进和加强农村报道研究

15. “新闻民工”的成因和对策研究

16. 《环球时报》的报道特色研究

17. 浅析时政类新闻周刊的内容竞争策略

18. “政治家办报”的现代启示

19. 当前我国舆论引导中存在的问题与对策

20. 当前弱势群体传播的渠道分析

1. 古诗词意境与新闻美感

2. 古典文学修养与新闻语言

3. 灵丹一粒,点铁成金——古诗词经典语句在新闻标题中的改造性运用

4. 古代杂文的新闻性

5. 论社会新闻的“软”与“硬”

6. 穆青人物通讯特色研究

7. 穆青新闻主张研究

8. 穆青新闻实践

9. 试论散文笔法在新闻文体中的运用

10. 手机媒体的组织传播功能

11. 大学生手机使用情况调查

12. 手机短息与社会公共安全

13. 探究现代政治广告

14. 电视节目的构成要素分析

15. 试论都市报言论特色

16. 人民网BBS言论选题特征分析

17. 人民日报“论坛评论”特征分析

18. CBS新闻时事栏目《六十分钟》研究

19. 真实的力量——论调查性新闻的功能

1. 试论经济类报道的服务功能

2. 试论经济类报道的服务功能

3. 新闻文体创新与发展研究

4. 试论新闻中的数字运用

5. 突发性事件报道研究

6. 报纸专副刊报道研究

7. 解释性报道初深

8. 党报新闻标题研究

9. 晚报新闻标题研究

10. 晚报与都市报竞争的“双赢”之策

11. 我国转型时期的都市报研究

12. 郑州报业市场现状调查与思考

13. 新闻采访中的“拆墙”艺术

14. 新闻从业人员的伦理困境和理性思考

15. 新闻娱乐化成因刍议

16. 在经济全球化视野中发现新闻

17. 都市报民生新闻发展走向探析

18. 媒介融合趋势下的新闻写作变革

19. 试论新闻报道的故事化倾向

20. 党报新闻写作改革研究

21. 主流媒体的品牌建设探析

