

发布时间:2024-07-03 05:16:30


一、互联网思维的认识 (一)用户思维:用户主宰了市场中的供求关系,更看重使用产品过程中的服务体验,服务体验比产品本身更重要,甚至产品只是服务的载体,用户强调参与感,乐意保持多频互动,在互动中聚集用户,形成用户社群。(二)极致思维:在富余产品时代,用户的需求不再仅仅再是 “价廉物美”,愿意为企业的“优质服务”买单,期望体验超出预期的极致产品或服务。(三)大数据思维:一是全体数据的运用,而不再是随机采样;二是非结构性的数据的处理,不再执着于数据的精确性;三是建立基于相关关系分析法的预测,只用研究相关关系,而不一定明白搞懂逻辑关系。(四)生态思维:经济发展的最高境界是建立共生、共同进化的商业生态系统。包含基于横向关联关系形成的产业集群和基于纵向关联关系形成的产业链,通过生态系统种群之间的竞争、合作,实现动态平衡,分享利益。互联网思维本身就是利用平台,聚合双边或多边市场规模,打造有关利益方共赢的商业生态圈。(五)跨界思维:互联网思维是跨界思维,是互联网技术、互联网思维形态与其他传统行业进行的跨界融合,继而影响甚至颠覆传统行业的商业变革,让传统行业重新焕发生机。二、互联网思维与保险融合的理论背景(一)数据资产理论。互联网行业与保险业务有着天然的耦合性,即均以数据为业务核心。保险的立业之本就是数据,通过数据进行预测,实现盈利,借用数据进行风险管理。互联网催生的大规模数据产生、积累、分析处理能力,让保险行业为客户提供更加精准、更符合期望的服务,互联网思维的应用越广泛,“互联网+”的经济形态就越发达,互联网保险的业务基础就越好,业务空间也就越大[1]。(二)长尾市场理论。互联网技术具有边际成本递减甚至趋于零的特征,使得关注正态分布曲线“尾部”的成本大大降低,“长尾理论”指出只要产品的存储和流通的渠道足够大,需求不旺或销量不佳的产品所共同占据的市场份额可以和那些少数热销产品所占据的市场份额相匹敌甚至更大,借用互联网技术大幅降低“长尾市场”的关注成本,以互联网思维满足用户碎片化、个性化需求,形成长尾效益就极具可能。(三)交易费用理论。互联网时代,互联网思维、技术减少信息不对称,有效降低交易费用、提高交易效率,效率的提升又反作用于专业分工,以提升专业化程度降低交易费用,新的专业组织、组织形式将涌现。互联网思维在保险中的运用,符合保险机构和保险消费者对保险服务的效率追求,能有效促使大型企业走上扁平化、专业化, “去中心化”道路。三、互联网思维与保险理赔的融合(一)从客户思维到用户思维的转变首先优先用户量,形成平台流量,可尝试用免费形式吸引用户量,后期利用用户规模效应去盈利。其次重视互动,重视用户的参与感,始终保持多频互动,增加平台流量,流量就是用户数量与交互频数。再次追求服务体验,与用户的互动才能形成用户体验,产品只是服务的载体,良好的服务体验才是增强用户粘性的最好粘合剂。极致服务创造来源于一线员工,只要是直接和用户发生接触的员工就是 “一线员工”,而不是以科层制组织中所处的层级来做判断,同时做好EAP(Employee Assistance Program)员工帮助计划,提升工作幸福感,输出更暖心的服务。(二)以大数据思维推动全流程数字化理赔各行各业的数据化、电子化浪潮,让数据资源越来越多,加之互联网具有的减少信息不对称功能,低价、高效获取数据成为可能,因此创新“互联网+保险理赔”,利用互联网、物联网技术获取数据、解构数据、重构数据,推动全流程数字化理赔,完成跨部门间的数据连接,在线数据资料调取和分析,实现与各种相关性机构甚至是社会经济各方面无缝连接,实时连接,让保险成为整个社会风险管理中心枢纽。(三)以提供解决方案为主的保险理赔保险消费者出险后最迫切的不一定是赔款,而是保险机构提供的资源与服务。例如,驾驶车辆撞人出险后,用户最需要的为伤者提供最好的医院、医生方案,车辆的维修地点、方案、修复后检测等等一系列麻烦问题的解决方案,用户希望保险机构能帮助处理麻烦,减少被保险人的时间、精力消耗,用户也愿意为此额外支付费用。推动以提供解决方案为主的理赔模式需要整合资源,通过业务合作或者直接提供服务等形式,不断向外延伸,为构建基于保险理赔的商业生态圈打下基础。(四)构建互联网保险理赔商业生态圈经济发展的最高境界,不是做产品,也不是搞标准,而是打造平台,构建商业生态圈。我国保险行业的发展仍然处于初级阶段,以车险为例,汽车保险经营仍局限于传统模式,创新能力低、效率低、业务管控能力低、盈利模式低级,经营上更多基于价值转移的思维方式,经营过程中的价值创造能力低;汽车保险的服务水平仍较低;汽车保险与汽车产业链互动严重不足的现象。汽车保险游离于商业生态之外,也就很难找到新的盈利增长点,而互联网思维与保险理赔的融合,可以为保险机构带来新的盈利点。参考文献[1]王和.保险的逻辑[M].中国金融出版社,2015.[2]喻晓马,程宇宁,喻卫东.互联网生态重构商业规则[M].中国人民大学出版社.2016.[3]

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网络保险 Internet Insurance Network insuranceNet Insurance保险学 Insurance , in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium. An insurer is a company selling the insurance. The insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount, called the premium, to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and of insuranceA large number of homogeneous exposure units. The vast majority of insurance policies are provided for individual members of very large classes. Automobile insurance, for example, covered about 175 million automobiles in the United States in 2004.[2] The existence of a large number of homogeneous exposure units allows insurers to benefit from the so-called “law of large numbers,” which in effect states that as the number of exposure units increases, the actual results are increasingly likely to become close to expected results. There are exceptions to this criterion. Lloyd's of London is famous for insuring the life or health of actors, actresses and sports figures. Satellite Launch insurance covers events that are infrequent. Large commercial property policies may insure exceptional properties for which there are no ‘homogeneous’ exposure units. Despite failing on this criterion, many exposures like these are generally considered to be insurable. Definite Loss. The event that gives rise to the loss that is subject to insurance should, at least in principle, take place at a known time, in a known place, and from a known cause. The classic example is death of an insured on a life insurance policy. Fire, automobile accidents, and worker injuries may all easily meet this criterion. Other types of losses may only be definite in theory. Occupational disease, for instance, may involve prolonged exposure to injurious conditions where no specific time, place or cause is identifiable. Ideally, the time, place and cause of a loss should be clear enough that a reasonable person, with sufficient information, could objectively verify all three elements. Accidental Loss. The event that constitutes the trigger of a claim should be fortuitous, or at least outside the control of the beneficiary of the insurance. The loss should be ‘pure,’ in the sense that it results from an event for which there is only the opportunity for cost. Events that contain speculative elements, such as ordinary business risks, are generally not considered insurable. Large Loss. The size of the loss must be meaningful from the perspective of the insured. Insurance premiums need to cover both the expected cost of losses, plus the cost of issuing and administering the policy, adjusting losses, and supplying the capital needed to reasonably assure that the insurer will be able to pay claims. For small losses these latter costs may be several times the size of the expected cost of losses. There is little point in paying such costs unless the protection offered has real value to a buyer. Affordable Premium. If the likelihood of an insured event is so high, or the cost of the event so large, that the resulting premium is large relative to the amount of protection offered, it is not likely that anyone will buy insurance, even if on offer. Further, as the accounting profession formally recognizes in financial accounting standards, the premium cannot be so large that there is not a reasonable chance of a significant loss to the insurer. If there is no such chance of loss, the transaction may have the form of insurance, but not the substance. (See the . Financial Accounting Standards Board standard number 113) Calculable Loss. There are two elements that must be at least estimable, if not formally calculable: the probability of loss, and the attendant cost. Probability of loss is generally an empirical exercise, while cost has more to do with the ability of a reasonable person in possession of a copy of the insurance policy and a proof of loss associated with a claim presented under that policy to make a reasonably definite and objective evaluation of the amount of the loss recoverable as a result of the claim. Limited risk of catastrophically large losses. The essential risk is often aggregation. If the same event can cause losses to numerous policyholders of the same insurer, the ability of that insurer to issue policies becomes constrained, not by factors surrounding the individual characteristics of a given policyholder, but by the factors surrounding the sum of all policyholders so exposed. Typically, insurers prefer to limit their exposure to a loss from a single event to some small portion of their capital base, on the order of 5 percent. Where the loss can be aggregated, or an individual policy could produce exceptionally large claims, the capital constraint will restrict an insurers appetite for additional policyholders. The classic example is earthquake insurance, where the ability of an underwriter to issue a new policy depends on the number and size of the policies that it has already underwritten. Wind insurance in hurricane zones, particularly along coast lines, is another example of this phenomenon. In extreme cases, the aggregation can affect the entire industry, since the combined capital of insurers and reinsurers can be small compared to the needs of potential policyholders in areas exposed to aggregation risk. In commercial fire insurance it is possible to find single properties whose total exposed value is well in excess of any individual insurer’s capital constraint. Such properties are generally shared among several insurers, or are insured by a single insurer who syndicates the risk into the reinsurance market. [edit] IndemnificationMain article: IndemnityThe technical definition of "indemnity" means to make whole again. There are two types of insurance contracts; 1) an "indemnity" policy and 2) a "pay on behalf" or "on behalf of"[3] policy. The difference is significant on paper, but rarely material in "indemnity" policy will never pay claims until the insured has paid out of pocket to some third party; . a visitor to your home slips on a floor that you left wet and sues you for $10,000 and wins. Under an "indemnity" policy the homeowner would have to come up with the $10,000 to pay for the visitors fall and then would be "indemnified" by the insurance carrier for the out of pocket costs (the $10,000)[4].Under the same situation, a "pay on behalf" policy, the insurance carrier would pay the claim and the insured (the homeowner) would not be out of pocket for anything. Most modern liability insurance is written on the basis of "pay on behalf" language[5].An entity seeking to transfer risk (an individual, corporation, or association of any type, etc.) becomes the 'insured' party once risk is assumed by an 'insurer', the insuring party, by means of a contract, called an insurance 'policy'. Generally, an insurance contract includes, at a minimum, the following elements: the parties (the insurer, the insured, the beneficiaries), the premium, the period of coverage, the particular loss event covered, the amount of coverage (., the amount to be paid to the insured or beneficiary in the event of a loss), and exclusions (events not covered). An insured is thus said to be "indemnified" against the loss events covered in the insured parties experience a loss for a specified peril, the coverage entitles the policyholder to make a 'claim' against the insurer for the covered amount of loss as specified by the policy. The fee paid by the insured to the insurer for assuming the risk is called the 'premium'. Insurance premiums from many insureds are used to fund accounts reserved for later payment of claims—in theory for a relatively few claimants—and for overhead costs. So long as an insurer maintains adequate funds set aside for anticipated losses (., reserves), the remaining margin is an insurer's profit.[edit] Insurer’s business modelProfit = earned premium + investment income - incurred loss - underwriting make money in two ways: (1) through underwriting, the process by which insurers select the risks to insure and decide how much in premiums to charge for accepting those risks and (2) by investing the premiums they collect from most difficult aspect of the insurance business is the underwriting of policies. Using a wide assortment of data, insurers predict the likelihood that a claim will be made against their policies and price products accordingly. To this end, insurers use actuarial science to quantify the risks they are willing to assume and the premium they will charge to assume them. Data is analyzed to fairly accurately project the rate of future claims based on a given risk. Actuarial science uses statistics and probability to analyze the risks associated with the range of perils covered, and these scientific principles are used to determine an insurer's overall exposure. Upon termination of a given policy, the amount of premium collected and the investment gains thereon minus the amount paid out in claims is the insurer's underwriting profit on that policy. Of course, from the insurer's perspective, some policies are winners (., the insurer pays out less in claims and expenses than it receives in premiums and investment income) and some are losers (., the insurer pays out more in claims and expenses than it receives in premiums and investment income).An insurer's underwriting performance is measured in its combined ratio. The loss ratio (incurred losses and loss-adjustment expenses divided by net earned premium) is added to the expense ratio (underwriting expenses divided by net premium written) to determine the company's combined ratio. The combined ratio is a reflection of the company's overall underwriting profitability. A combined ratio of less than 100 percent indicates underwriting profitability, while anything over 100 indicates an underwriting companies also earn investment profits on “float”. “Float” or available reserve is the amount of money, at hand at any given moment, that an insurer has collected in insurance premiums but has not been paid out in claims. Insurers start investing insurance premiums as soon as they are collected and continue to earn interest on them until claims are paid the United States, the underwriting loss of property and casualty insurance companies was $ billion in the five years ending 2003. But overall profit for the same period was $ billion, as the result of float. Some insurance industry insiders, most notably Hank Greenberg, do not believe that it is forever possible to sustain a profit from float without an underwriting profit as well, but this opinion is not universally held. Naturally, the “float” method is difficult to carry out in an economically depressed period. Bear markets do cause insurers to shift away from investments and to toughen up their underwriting standards. So a poor economy generally means high insurance premiums. This tendency to swing between profitable and unprofitable periods over time is commonly known as the "underwriting" or insurance cycle. [6]Property and casualty insurers currently make the most money from their auto insurance line of business. Generally better statistics are available on auto losses and underwriting on this line of business has benefited greatly from advances in computing. Additionally, property losses in the US, due to natural catastrophes, have exacerbated this , claims and loss handling is the materialized utility of insurance. In managing the claims-handling function, insurers seek to balance the elements of customer satisfaction, administrative handling expenses, and claims overpayment leakages. As part of this balancing act, fraudulent insurance practices are a major business risk that must be managed and of insuranceAny risk that can be quantified can potentially be insured. Specific kinds of risk that may give rise to claims are known as "perils". An insurance policy will set out in detail which perils are covered by the policy and which are not. Below are (non-exhaustive) lists of the many different types of insurance that exist. A single policy may cover risks in one or more of the categories set forth below. For example, auto insurance would typically cover both property risk (covering the risk of theft or damage to the car) and liability risk (covering legal claims from causing an accident). A homeowner's insurance policy in the . typically includes property insurance covering damage to the home and the owner's belongings, liability insurance covering certain legal claims against the owner, and even a small amount of health insurance for medical expenses of guests who are injured on the owner's insurance can be any kind of insurance that protects businesses against risks. Some principal subtypes of business insurance are (a) the various kinds of professional liability insurance, also called professional indemnity insurance, which are discussed below under that name; and (b) the business owners policy (BOP), which bundles into one policy many of the kinds of coverage that a business owner needs, in a way analogous to how homeowners insurance bundles the coverages that a homeowner needs.[7]HealthHealth insurance policies will often cover the cost of private medical treatments if the National Health Service in the United Kingdom (NHS) or other publicly-funded health programs do not pay for them. It will often result in quicker health care where better facilities are available. Dental insurance, like medical insurance, is coverage for individuals to protect them against dental costs. In the ., dental insurance is often part of an employer's benefits package, along with health insurance. Most countries rely on public funding to ensure that all citizens have universal access to health care.[edit] DisabilityDisability insurance policies provide financial support in the event the policyholder is unable to work because of disabling illness or injury. It provides monthly support to help pay such obligations as mortgages and credit cards. Total permanent disability insurance insurance provides benefits when a person is permanently disabled and can no longer work in their profession, often taken as an adjunct to life insurance. Disability overhead insurance allows business owners to cover the overhead expenses of their business while they are unable to work. Workers' compensation insurance replaces all or part of a worker's wages lost and accompanying medical expense incurred because of a job-related injury. CasualtyCasualty insurance insures against accidents, not necessarily tied to any specific insurance is a form of casualty insurance that covers the policyholder against losses arising from the criminal acts of third parties. For example, a company can obtain crime insurance to cover losses arising from theft or embezzlement. Political risk insurance is a form of casualty insurance that can be taken out by businesses with operations in countries in which there is a risk that revolution or other political conditions will result in a loss. [edit] Life insuranceMain article: Life insuranceLife insurance provides a monetary benefit to a decedent's family or other designated beneficiary, and may specifically provide for income to an insured person's family, burial, funeral and other final expenses. Life insurance policies often allow the option of having the proceeds paid to the beneficiary either in a lump sum cash payment or an provide a stream of payments and are generally classified as insurance because they are issued by insurance companies and regulated as insurance and require the same kinds of actuarial and investment management expertise that life insurance requires. Annuities and pensions that pay a benefit for life are sometimes regarded as insurance against the possibility that a retiree will outlive his or her financial resources. In that sense, they are the complement of life insurance and, from an underwriting perspective, are the mirror image of life life insurance contracts accumulate cash values, which may be taken by the insured if the policy is surrendered or which may be borrowed against. Some policies, such as annuities and endowment policies, are financial instruments to accumulate or liquidate wealth when it is many countries, such as the . and the UK, the tax law provides that the interest on this cash value is not taxable under certain circumstances. This leads to widespread use of life insurance as a tax-efficient method of saving as well as protection in the event of early ., the tax on interest income on life insurance policies and annuities is generally deferred. However, in some cases the benefit derived from tax deferral may be offset by a low return. This depends upon the insuring company, the type of policy and other variables (mortality, market return, etc.). Moreover, other income tax saving vehicles (., IRAs, 401(k) plans, Roth IRAs) may be better alternatives for value accumulation. A combination of low-cost term life insurance and a higher-return tax-efficient retirement account may achieve better investment insurance provides protection against risks to property, such as fire, theft or weather damage. This includes specialized forms of insurance such as fire insurance, flood insurance, earthquake insurance, home insurance, inland marine insurance or boiler insurance.字数超限了。。。

Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of potential financial loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a potential loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium and duty of care. there are a few principles of insurance, which are considered as the uncertain losses, the predictable rate and distribution of losses,the sinificant of loss and the loss must be catastrophic. A property or liability insurance policy is a "personal contract," a "conditional contract," a "unilateral contract," a "contract of adhesion," a "contract of indemnity," and a contract which requires that the person insured have an insurable interest at the time of the insured-against contingency. Further: An Insurance Contract is one of Uberrima fides. This is a Latin phrase meaning "utmost good faith" (or translated literally, "most abundant faith"). It is the name of a legal doctrine which governs insurance contracts. This means that all parties to an insurance contract must deal in good faith, making a full declaration of all material facts in the insurance proposal. This contrasts with the legal doctrine of caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). An entity seeking to transfer risk (an individual, corporation, or association of any type) becomes the 'insured' party once risk is assumed by an 'insurer', the insuring party, by means of a contract, defined as an insurance 'policy'. This legal contract sets out terms and conditions specifying the amount of coverage (compensation) to be rendered to the insured, by the insurer upon assumption of risk, in the event of a loss, and all the specific perils covered against (indemnified), for the term of the contract. When insured parties experience a loss for a specified peril, the coverage entitles the policyholder to make a 'claim' against the insurer for the amount of loss as specified by the policy contract. The fee paid by the insured to the insurer for assuming the risk is called the 'premium'. Insurance premiums from many clients are used to fund accounts set aside for later payment of claims—in theory for a relatively few claimants—and for overhead costs. So long as an insurer maintains adequate funds set aside for anticipated losses, the remaining margin becomes their profit. Insurers make money in two ways. Through underwriting, the process through which insurers select what risks to insure and decide how much premium to charge for accepting those risks and by investing the premiums they have collected from insureds Some people consider insurance a type of wager (particularly as associated with moral hazard) that executes over the policy period. The insurance company bets that you or your property will not suffer a loss while you put money on the opposite outcome. The difference in the fees paid to the insurance company versus the amount for which they can be held liable if an accident happens is roughly analogous to the odds one might expect when betting on a racehorse (for example, 10 to 1). For this reason, a number of religious groups, including the Amish and some Muslim groups, avoid insurance and instead depend on support provided by their communities when disasters strike. This can be thought of as "social insurance," as the risk of any given person is assumed collectively by the community who will all bear the cost of rebuilding. In closed, supportive communities where others can be trusted to step in to rebuild lost property, this arrangement can work. Any risk that can be quantified probably has a type of insurance to protect it. Among the different types of insurance are: Automobile insurance, also known as auto insurance, car insurance and in the UK as motor insurance, is probably the most common form of insurance and may cover both legal liability claims against the driver and loss of or damage to the vehicle itself. Over most of the United States purchasing an auto insurance policy is required to legally operate a motor vehicle on public roads. Recommendations for which policy limits should be used are specified in a number of books. In some jurisdictions, bodily injury compensation for automobile accident victims has been changed to No Fault systems, which reduce or eliminate the ability to sue for compensation but provide automatic eligibility for benefits. Boiler insurance (also known as Boiler and Machinery insurance or Equipment Breakdown Insurance) Casualty insurance insures against accidents, not necessarily tied to any specific property. Credit insurance pays some or all of a loan back when certain things happen to the borrower such as unemployment, disability, or death. Financial loss insurance protects individuals and companies against various financial risks. For example, a business might purchase cover to protect it from loss of sales if a fire in a factory prevented it from carrying out its business for a time. Insurance might also cover failure of a creditor to pay money it owes to the insured. Fidelity bonds and surety bonds are included in this category. Health insurance covers medical bills incurred because of sickness or accidents. Liability insurance covers legal claims against the insured. For example, a homeowner's insurance policy provides the insured with protection in the event of a claim brought by someone who slips and falls on the property, and brings a lawsuit for her injuries. Similarly, a doctor may purchase liability insurance to cover any legal claims against him if his negligence (carelessness) in treating a patient caused the patient injury and/or monetary harm. The protection offered by a liability insurance policy is two-fold: a legal defense in the event of a lawsuit commenced against the policyholder, plus indemnification (payment on behalf of the insured) with respect to a settlement or court verdict. Life insurance provides a cash benefit to a decedent's family or other designated beneficiary, and may specifically provide for burial, funeral and other final expenses. Annuities provide a stream of payments and are generally classified as insurance because they are issued by insurance companies and regulated as insurance. Annuities and pensions that pay a benefit for life are sometimes regarded as insurance against the possibility that a retiree will outlive his or her financial resources. In that sense, they are the complement of life insurance. Total permanent disability insurance insurance provides benefits when a person is permanently disabled and can no longer work in their profession, often taken as an adjunct to life insurance. Locked Funds Insurance is a little known hybrid insurance policy jointly issued by governments and banks. It is used to protect public funds from tamper by unauthorised parties. In special cases, a government may authorise its use in protecting semi-private funds which are liable to tamper. Terms of this type of insurance are usually very strict. As such it is only used in extreme cases where maximum security of funds is required. Marine Insurance covers the loss or damage of goods at sea. Marine insurance typically compensates the owner of merchandise for losses sustained from fire, shipwreck, etc., but excludes losses that can be recovered from the carrier. Nuclear incident insurance — damages resulting from an incident involving radioactivive materials is generally arranged at the national level. (For the United States, see Price-Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity Act.) Environmental Liability Insurance protects the insured from bodily injury, property damage and cleanup costs as a result of the dispersal, release or escape of a pollutant. Political risk insurance can be taken out by businesses with operations in countries in which there is a risk that revolution or other political conditions will result in a loss. Professional Indemnity Insurance is normally a mandatory requirement for professional practitioners such as Architects, Lawyers, Doctors and Accountants to provide insurance cover against potential negligence claims. Non licensed professionals may also purchase malpractice insurance, it is commonly called Errors and Omissions Insurance and covers a service provider for claims made against them that arise out of the performance of specified professional services. For instance, a web site designer can obtain E&O insurance to cover them for certain claims made by third parties that arise out of negligent performance of web site development services. Property insurance provides protection against risks to property, such as fire, theft or weather damage. This includes specialized forms of insurance such as fire insurance, flood insurance, earthquake insurance, home insurance, inland marine insurance or boiler insurance. Terrorism insurance Title insurance provides a guarantee that title to real property is vested in the purchaser and/or mortgagee, free and clear of liens or encumbrances. It is usually issued in conjunction with a search of the public records done at the time of a real estate transaction. Travel insurance is an insurance cover taken by those who travel abroad, which covers certain losses such as medical expenses, lost of personal belongings, travel delay, personal liabilities.. etc. Workers' compensation insurance replaces all or part of a worker's wages lost and accompanying medical expense incurred due to a job-related injury. A single policy may cover risks in one or more of the above categories. For example, car insurance would typically cover both property risk (covering the risk of theft or damage to the car) and liability risk (covering legal claims from say, causing an accident). A homeowner's insurance policy in the . typically includes property insurance covering damage to the home and the owner's belongings, liability insurance covering certain legal claims against the owner, and even a small amount of health insurance for medical expenses of guests who are injured on the owner's property. Potential sources of risk that may give rise to claims are known as "perils". Examples of perils might be fire, theft, earthquake, hurricane and many other potential risks. An insurance policy will set out in details which perils are covered by the policy and which are not. Insurance companies may be classified as Life insurance companies, who sell life insurance, annuities and pensions products. Non-life or general insurance companies, who sell other types of insurance. In most countries, life and non-life insurers are subject to different regulations, tax and accounting rules. The main reason for the distinction between the two types of company is that life business is very long term in nature — coverage for life assurance or a pension can cover risks over many decades. By contrast, non-life insurance cover usually covers a shorter period, such as one year.


保险 论文的题目是论文的要件之首,它不同于一般 文章 的题目,有特定的构成要素、结构模式。你是不是在因为保险论文的题目头疼?为此我给大家收集了一些关于保险专业的题目材料,欢迎大家阅读。 保险论文题目(一) 1. 基于物流经济的快递商品保险现状与对策分析 2. 大病保险能否终结因病致贫 3. 浅析职工工伤保险存在的问题与对策 4. 构建我国海外投资保险制度的思考 5. 农户育肥猪保险支付意愿研究 6. 中银保险车险理赔系统设计与实现 7. 死亡率下降对商业保险和社会保险的影响 8. 信诚“安诊无忧”住院费用补偿医疗险介绍 9. 保险保障基金的道德风险分析 10. 基因测试在重大疾病保险中应用的可行性分析 11. 我国科技保险发展问题探讨 12. 投保人失踪后谁可退保取决于该合同的继承权归属 13. 保险市场行为变异及原因探析 14. 美国失业保险:特点绩效与问题 15. “.”保险宣传咨询活动 16. 中国平安回归A股成功上市 17. 论海上旅客人身伤亡责任保障机制的构建 18. 论金融化趋势下再保险发展新模式的构建 19. 对寿险公司直接开办责任保险的质疑 20. 对我国“全民医保”制度建设的初步构想 保险论文题目(二) 1. 中外国家保险业效率比较研究 2. 我国保险网络营销 渠道 策略研究 3. 中国平安人寿理赔服务满意度提升方案 4. 保险人代位求偿权问题分析 5. 我国银行保险发展问题探析 6. 关于团险渠道业务发展困境的思考 7. 从政府机构的视角构建我国海洋与渔业灾害风险防范体系 8. 中国财产保险公司经营效率实证研究 9. 互联网保险的前景分析及模式预测 10. 我国淡水养殖保险发展制约因素及对策分析 11. 中国保险业成熟度的测量与实证 12. 人寿保险信托及其在我国推行的意义 13. 我国西部民族地区巨灾保险立法探析 14. 基层农机保险现状及对策建议 15. 大学生纳入城镇居民医疗保险存在的问题与对策 16. 《社会保险法》实施中的问题及对策研究 17. 我国老年护理保险的法律探析 18. 我国保险监管模式的现实思考 19. 浅析我国电子商务保险发展 20. 我国保险业中若干问题的统计分析 保险论文题目(三) 1. 农村养老保险政策的完善问题 2. 事业单位参加养老保险的政策建议 3. 养老保险政策的问题研究 4. 单位不愿意缴纳养老保险的原因分析 5. 养老保险缴纳过程中的规避行为(探讨故意不足额缴纳的行为) 6. 养老保险待遇给付的合理性 7. 养老保险金的缺口问题(基金紧张) 8. 参保人的养老保险观念问题研究 9. 养老保险与离退休人员的社会化管理 10. 养老保险对单位用人制度的影响 11. .做实个人帐户的必要性与合理性 12. 做实个人帐户对个人养老保险待遇的影响 13. 被单位做出自动 离职 处理人员参加养老保险的对策研究 14. 关于我国养老保险问题的探讨 15. 论养老保险的进一步改革 保险论文题目(四) 1. 车险创新销售模式 2. 我国保险营销现状及对策 3. 我国财险保险发展现状及影响因素分析 4. 农业互助保险制度的优势与创设构想 5. 保险市场消费行为心理因素分析 6. 基于 市场营销 P理论的保险营销策略 7. 大数据时代保险业的发展 8. 我国城市大学生医疗保险制度比较 9. 对我国养老保险制度公平性的思考 10. 电子商务环境下流通商品保险研究 12. 政府保险采购招投标存在的问题与难点分析 13. 谈谈紧急救援保险 14. 中外遏制保险犯罪立法之比较 15. 就农业保险谈点体会与看法 16. 我国区域保险发展研究 17. 普及保险知识的“草根”智慧 18. 如何选择最省钱的汇款方式 19. 生活中的最佳保健时间 20. 涉外追偿大有可为 猜你喜欢: 1. 保险风险管理论文题目 2. 金融保险论文题目 3. 关于保险论文范文 4. 保险毕业论文参考 5. 对目前保险市场的分析论文




保险 论文的题目是论文的要件之首,它不同于一般 文章 的题目,有特定的构成要素、结构模式。你是不是在因为保险论文的题目头疼?为此我给大家收集了一些关于保险专业的题目材料,欢迎大家阅读。 保险论文题目(一) 1. 基于物流经济的快递商品保险现状与对策分析 2. 大病保险能否终结因病致贫 3. 浅析职工工伤保险存在的问题与对策 4. 构建我国海外投资保险制度的思考 5. 农户育肥猪保险支付意愿研究 6. 中银保险车险理赔系统设计与实现 7. 死亡率下降对商业保险和社会保险的影响 8. 信诚“安诊无忧”住院费用补偿医疗险介绍 9. 保险保障基金的道德风险分析 10. 基因测试在重大疾病保险中应用的可行性分析 11. 我国科技保险发展问题探讨 12. 投保人失踪后谁可退保取决于该合同的继承权归属 13. 保险市场行为变异及原因探析 14. 美国失业保险:特点绩效与问题 15. “.”保险宣传咨询活动 16. 中国平安回归A股成功上市 17. 论海上旅客人身伤亡责任保障机制的构建 18. 论金融化趋势下再保险发展新模式的构建 19. 对寿险公司直接开办责任保险的质疑 20. 对我国“全民医保”制度建设的初步构想 保险论文题目(二) 1. 中外国家保险业效率比较研究 2. 我国保险网络营销 渠道 策略研究 3. 中国平安人寿理赔服务满意度提升方案 4. 保险人代位求偿权问题分析 5. 我国银行保险发展问题探析 6. 关于团险渠道业务发展困境的思考 7. 从政府机构的视角构建我国海洋与渔业灾害风险防范体系 8. 中国财产保险公司经营效率实证研究 9. 互联网保险的前景分析及模式预测 10. 我国淡水养殖保险发展制约因素及对策分析 11. 中国保险业成熟度的测量与实证 12. 人寿保险信托及其在我国推行的意义 13. 我国西部民族地区巨灾保险立法探析 14. 基层农机保险现状及对策建议 15. 大学生纳入城镇居民医疗保险存在的问题与对策 16. 《社会保险法》实施中的问题及对策研究 17. 我国老年护理保险的法律探析 18. 我国保险监管模式的现实思考 19. 浅析我国电子商务保险发展 20. 我国保险业中若干问题的统计分析 保险论文题目(三) 1. 农村养老保险政策的完善问题 2. 事业单位参加养老保险的政策建议 3. 养老保险政策的问题研究 4. 单位不愿意缴纳养老保险的原因分析 5. 养老保险缴纳过程中的规避行为(探讨故意不足额缴纳的行为) 6. 养老保险待遇给付的合理性 7. 养老保险金的缺口问题(基金紧张) 8. 参保人的养老保险观念问题研究 9. 养老保险与离退休人员的社会化管理 10. 养老保险对单位用人制度的影响 11. .做实个人帐户的必要性与合理性 12. 做实个人帐户对个人养老保险待遇的影响 13. 被单位做出自动 离职 处理人员参加养老保险的对策研究 14. 关于我国养老保险问题的探讨 15. 论养老保险的进一步改革 保险论文题目(四) 1. 车险创新销售模式 2. 我国保险营销现状及对策 3. 我国财险保险发展现状及影响因素分析 4. 农业互助保险制度的优势与创设构想 5. 保险市场消费行为心理因素分析 6. 基于 市场营销 P理论的保险营销策略 7. 大数据时代保险业的发展 8. 我国城市大学生医疗保险制度比较 9. 对我国养老保险制度公平性的思考 10. 电子商务环境下流通商品保险研究 12. 政府保险采购招投标存在的问题与难点分析 13. 谈谈紧急救援保险 14. 中外遏制保险犯罪立法之比较 15. 就农业保险谈点体会与看法 16. 我国区域保险发展研究 17. 普及保险知识的“草根”智慧 18. 如何选择最省钱的汇款方式 19. 生活中的最佳保健时间 20. 涉外追偿大有可为 猜你喜欢: 1. 保险风险管理论文题目 2. 金融保险论文题目 3. 关于保险论文范文 4. 保险毕业论文参考 5. 对目前保险市场的分析论文


1)论我国人身保险发展的市场前景 2)商业保险与社会保险的比较 3)商业保险在我国的发展趋势 4)中国加入WTO后保险业的发展前景 5)如何改善我国保险监管的不足、 6)论中外保险竞争与合作 7)交强险的运用与改革 8)论述我国创新型保险产品的发展现状及发展前景 9)年金保险在我国的发展前景 10)比较责任保险与一般财产保险 11)比较信用保险和保证保险的异同 12)农业保险在我国今后的发展趋势 13)我国保险代理人体制的改革 14)保险理赔应遵守的基本原则与特殊原则 15)分析影响保险公司偿付能力的主要因素 16)我国再保险业的发展趋势 17)重庆保险市场分析 18)保险企业提高经营效益的根本途径 19)分析几种典型的保险公司组织形式 20)理解偿付能力监管是保险监管的核心 21)保险业在混业经营中的意义 22)保险营销环境对保险营销策略的影响 23)理解保险经营资产具有负债性的意义 24)为什么保险人在经营中要遵守风险大量原则 25)论述人身保险的特殊性 26)农业保险经营中的主要问题 27)论保险人公估人在我国保险市场的作用 28)论《保险法》修改的要点 29)保险学大学生在中国保险市场的作为 30)保险的“助动器”与“稳定器”作用 31)论保险条款“通俗化”的必要 32)分析目前国家允许保险资金海外投资和保险外汇资金境外运用 33)分析我国保险经纪人市场的发展前景 34)分析我国保险业的人才需求状况 35)浅谈保险代理人 36)分析保险营销新渠道的拓展 37)保险市场与资本市场的互动 38)分析我国目前投资型保险 39)论我国保险资金的投资渠道 40)分析我国企业年金保险市场 41)论中国保险市场全面开放所带来的影响 42)浅谈保险合同的订立与生效 43)保险资金的有效管理运用 44)如何改善我国保险监管的不足 45)论我国保险营销策略与发展 46)浅谈保险客户服务中心管理 47)如何改善我国保险监管的不足 48)浅谈我国补充养老保险发展现状极其发展意义 49)论意外伤害保险的可保危险 50)如何发展我国农村医疗健康保险市场 51)我国财产保险发展趋势 52)论述财产保险的主要特征 53)订立财产保险合同应遵守的原则 54)简述我国财产保险市场的恶性竞争 55)再保险对财产保险公司的意义 56)家庭财产保险在中国的发展前景 57)分析目前机动车辆保险市场现状
