

发布时间:2024-07-02 10:18:25


毕业论文∕答辩: die Abschlussarbeit/die Abschlussvortrag毕业创作∕展览: der künstliche Werk fuer Abschluss

“论文答辩”"Thesis defense"“论文答辩”"Thesis defense"

Oral defense

问题一:通过论文答辩用英语怎么说 通过论文答辩 Through the thesis reply 通过论文答辩 Through the thesis reply 问题二:“如顺利通过论文答辩”用英文怎么说? 如顺利通过论文答辩 If the oral defense goes *** ooth, If I can pass the oral defense successfully, 问题三:“论文答辩”,“答辩论文”英语怎么说? the oral defense for a thes贰s the defensed thesis 问题四:博士学位答辩或论文答辩英语怎么说? plea to Doctor's degree 或者 oral defense of Doctor's degree oral defense of thesis 问题五:国内毕业答辩的“答辩”,英文怎么表达 动词用 defend,名词用 defence。 问题六:“论文答辩”英语怎么说? 5分 oral defense 或者说thesis defense 问题七:毕业答辩,用英语怎么翻译?谢谢 Graduation defence oral defence of Ph绩 口语的话常说viva


老大,一楼拼错了好不Thesis Defense我下月也要答辩了,good luck!

“论文答辩”"Thesis defense"“论文答辩”"Thesis defense"

论文答辩英文:(thesis) oral defense 论文英文:thesis; dissertation; treatise; paper discourse ;答辩英文:make open reply; reply (to a charge, query or an argument); reply in support of one's own idea or opinion; answer rejoin ;

Thesis Defense


plea to Doctor's degree 或者 oral defense of Doctor's degree oral defense of thesis

问题一:通过论文答辩用英语怎么说 通过论文答辩 Through the thesis reply 通过论文答辩 Through the thesis reply 问题二:“如顺利通过论文答辩”用英文怎么说? 如顺利通过论文答辩 If the oral defense goes *** ooth, If I can pass the oral defense successfully, 问题三:“论文答辩”,“答辩论文”英语怎么说? the oral defense for a thes贰s the defensed thesis 问题四:博士学位答辩或论文答辩英语怎么说? plea to Doctor's degree 或者 oral defense of Doctor's degree oral defense of thesis 问题五:国内毕业答辩的“答辩”,英文怎么表达 动词用 defend,名词用 defence。 问题六:“论文答辩”英语怎么说? 5分 oral defense 或者说thesis defense 问题七:毕业答辩,用英语怎么翻译?谢谢 Graduation defence oral defence of Ph绩 口语的话常说viva



老大,一楼拼错了好不Thesis Defense我下月也要答辩了,good luck!

thesis questioning?

,Really hope I can smoothly reply through a bachelor's degree thesis and so and thoroughly father returned to behind Shanghai me to go first to visit you, he concerns you very much of cartoon, specially think that they can hurry a publication, I also hope that I can help up the favour., You made reference to Los Angeles me to thought of Hollywood, too good, whole world type male pretty girl the place ah of the concentration, ha ha, when I have to also take a walk, ha ha

Oral defense


1、A merry heart goes all the e.


4、An apple a day keeps the doctor a is like a good cake, better broken than kept.


8、A life es fair ter than none.


29、A good medicine tastes bitter.


30、A little help is .


33、A friend is a second self.


34、A candle lights others and consumes itself.


35、All ter than riches.


38、A bad workman always blames his tools.


39、A snow year, a good year.


40、An evil lesson is soon learned.


41、A lazy youth, a lousy age.


42、A work ill done must be twice done.


43、After supper walk a mile.


44、An empty bag cannot stand upright.


45、A tree is known by its fruit.


46、All things are difficult before they are easy.


47、A good medicine tastes bitter.


49、All men can't be first.


50、A thousand mile trip begins with one step.


51、A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.


52、Actions speak louder than words.


53、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


54、A man is known by his friends.


55、A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


56、A good conscience is a soft pillow.


57、All are not friends that speak us fair.




1、Diligence is the mother of success.


2、God helps those who help themselves.


3、Gold will not buy anything.


4、No man can do two things at once.


5、Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.


6、Wealth is nothing without health.


7、Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today.


8、Two heads are better than one.


9、Actions speak louder than words.


10、A friend in need is a friend indeed.


11、All things are difficult before they are easy.


12、An idle youth, a needy age. / A young idler, an old beggar.


13、Well begun is half done.


14、Health is happiness.


15、He laughs best who laughs last.


16、Failure is the mother of success.


17、Where there is a will, there is a way.


18、practice makes perfect.


19、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


20、Health is above wealth.


21、Kill two birds with one stone.


22、All beginnings are hard.


23、The early bird catches the worm.


24、Easier said than done.


25、Think twice before you do、/Look before you leap.


26、Do as the Romans do.


27、A good beginning is half done.


28、Knowledge is power.


29、Facts speak plainer than words.


30、Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.


31、A thousand mile trip begins with one step.


32、Unity is strength.


33、Time and tide wait for no man.


34、Do nothing by halves.


35、Business before pleasure.


36、Nothing is too difficult in the world if you set your mind into it.


37、Dont judge by appearance.


38、Time flies.


39、Time is money.


40、Nothing seek, nothing find.


41、A life without a friend is a life without a sun.


42、A life without a friend is a life without a sun.


43、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


44、Every advantage has its disadvantage.


45、Every advantage has its disadvantage.


46、All roads lead to Rome.


47、Do it now.


48、As one door closes, another door opens.


49、Honesty is the best policy.



魔鬼高兴,也发善心。 The devil is good ething for nothing.


不要谋之过早。 Dont jump the gun.


不劳动者不得食。 He that ails.


东西是新的好,朋友是老的亲。 Everything is good .


千里之行,始于足下。 A journey of a thousand miles begins y.


说是一回事,做是另一回事。 Saying is one thing, doing is another.


工作出工匠。 placency.


人不贵妻,自我丢脸。 He that dishonors his ter wear out than rust out.


活到老,学到老。 Never too old to learn.


伤风时宜吃,发热时宜饿。 Feed a cold and starve a fever.


勇敢的人都是信守诺言的人。 Every brave man is a man of his word.


停止须生锈。 Stop rust.


趁风扬帆。 Sail before the wind.


求学的三个基本原则是∶多观察、多吃苦、多钻研。 The three foundations of learning: seeing much, suffering much, and studying much.


生活得好的等于生活了两次。 He lives twice who lives well.


玫瑰花没有不长刺的。 There is no rose without a thorn.


白日不做亏心事,夜半不怕鬼敲门。 A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.


危险本身就是对付危险的最好办法。 Danger itself is the best remedy for danger.


权高树敌多。 Great pos.


善言是世上的音乐。 Kind here to there.


欲擒龙王,就得下海。 If you an can keep is her age.


好马常要好靴刺。 A good horse often needs a good spur.


虎父生犬子。 Like father, like son.


记得青年时所做的愚笨事的人是幸福的。 Happy is he are none the better.


药补不如食补。 Food is better than medicine.


行胜于言。 Actions speak louder than .


不尝黄连苦,怎知蜂蜜甜。 e easy.


真理不些要色彩,美丽不需涂饰。 Truth needs no colour; beauty, no pencil.


自由不是放纵。 Liberty is not licence.


天下的狗都要咬人。 All dogs bite.


人人都讲话,无人去听它。 other countries are the most beautiful.


爱是人生最大的乐趣。 Love is the greatest pleasure in life.


反败为胜。 Turn the tables.


熟得快,烂得快。 Soon ripe, soon rotten.


舍本逐末。 Cut the chase.


不可以貌取人。 Dont judge a book by its cover.


心情愉快,办事痛快。 A merry heart makes a merry ter than two oaths.


同室不操戈。 No man is worth your tears, and the one who is, wont make you cry.



How to Deal with Ellipsis in English-Chinese Translation

I. Purpose and Significance

With the development of globalization, the world’s political, economic and cultural communications are becoming increasingly frequent. Therefore, the role of translation cannot be ignored. However, the differences between English and Chinese cultures that are reflected in the two languages pose considerable difficulty.

It is acknowledged that when doing translation one can not translate word for word, or sentence by sentence. Therefore, we must use some translation strategies such as amplification, ellipsis, conversion and so on. Ellipsis as one of the basic translation methods plays an essential role in English-Chinese rendition. Translators apply it in order to make their versions more coherent and understandable.

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, ellipsis means leaving out a word or words from a sentence deliberately, when the meaning can be understood without them. Ellipsis in translation does not mean cutting some content from the original articles. What could be omitted are words that are useless in translated works or else they will make the versions redundant or disobey the manner of expression in another language.

Some words and phrases are useless in Chinese but necessary in English. Articles in English are the most significant phenomenon from this aspect. They are very important in English, but we can hardly see any reflection of this part in Chinese. Ellipsis is designed on the basis of faithfulness to the original text, making it more fluent, smooth, concise, thus conforming to idiomatic Chinese. The paper will explore ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from five aspects, which are ellipses of pronouns, conjunctions, articles, prepositions, modifications, so as to achieve smoother and clearer communications among China and English-speaking countries.

II. Literature Review

Long before, some people began to learn other countries’ languages to understand others cultures. In China, Xuanzang was the first translator who not only translated the Sanskrit sutras into Chinese, but introduced the first Chinese writings to foreign countries, making foreigners understand China’s ancient culture. Meanwhile, he was the first to translate Lao Tse's works into Sanskrit. Indian scholars had a high opinion of Xuanzang, "In China, there is no such great translator, and also in the human cultural history, we can only say that Xuanzang is the first great translator."(Ye Lang, 2008) We can say that it was Xuanzang who motivated people to know the different parts of the world, their cultures and the peoples who live there. Then, some big countries such as America, China, and so on became a melting pot.(Gu Zhengkun, 2000) People have imperceptibly spent thousands of years in knowing each other.

With China’s entry into WTO and its open-up policy, cross-cultural exchanges are increasingly frequent between this country and others. A lot of foreign tourists come to visit China. While traveling, these foreigners are not satisfied with the translations of the scenic spots. Sometimes, they even feel confused. A lot of problems exist in the translation, such as misuse of words, poor expression of meaning and so on. All of these poor translations do harm to our country’s international image, and cause a lot of inconveniences for the foreign visitors. (Ma Zuyi, 2000). I am fond of tourism and being a free tourist like the others who are good at enjoying their wonderful lives. The love of tourism makes me feel the need to improve the translation. But every time when I have a trip, many unsuitable translations of the names of those scenic spots will embarrass me. Tourism is part of intercultural communication, so proper translation of the scenic spots become more and more important to our country.

Communication plays a significant role in the globalized society. In order to know each other better, people from all over the world have tried a verity of ways. Of course, translation is one of them. All translators have done their best to make the translated works more consistent with the needs of people.(Gu Jinming, 1997) From my perspective, they really have done a great job. And I want to retrospect the cause of their development. After a thorough evaluation, I choose a branch of translation—ellipsis in translation from English to Chinese, then I did the following jobs.

I put all my researches and other stuffs together, and then I found that it is a common case in English and Chinese which draws much academic interest. In 1976, Halliday and Hsan classified ellipsis into nominal, verbal and clausal ellipsis. This classification exerts great influence in academic circle. Thereafter, ellipsis in Chinese and English has been studied according to this theory, which is based on different layers of structure. This kind of study underlines differentiations and similarities of ellipsis in Chinese and English.

Another famous theory to explain ellipsis is Economy Principle. Economy Principle was put forward by Chomsky (1991,1993, and 1995) in his Generate Crammer. It maintains that language and linguistic study follow Economy Principle, which means using the least effort to express the most information. This principle just coincides with ellipsis in function.

In this thesis, I think that brevity is the most obvious and common function of ellipsis, especially in daily language. And in both English and Chinese, people advocate brevity. Shakespeare once remarked, “brevity is the soul of wit”, and in Chinese there are numerous idioms like “yan jian yi gai” (meaning compendious). However, apart from the function of brevity, ellipsis embodies other functions which are also pretty common in the two languages but less noticed.(Hua Xianfa,2002)These functions distribute in both English and Chinese unevenly and represent great colorfulness of language. Exploring other functions of ellipsis and searching for functional recreation in translation will be of much benefit to both English to Chinese and Chinese to English translation.

I found that when Chinese authors try to analyse ellipsis in English to Chinese translation, they always initially put articles in the list. They consider that it is a common phenomenon that Chinese always leave out personal articles. While it is obviously different in English that almost every sentence has a subject, we can see articles fluently. That is because when we translate from English to Chinese, personal articles can be omitted, even though sometimes it may appear once, it can also be omitted if necessary. Furthermore, if the objects can be seen obviously, personal articles should also be omitted. However, it never happens in English. From this point, it is not only allowable but also necessary when we translate personal articles which are objects in sentences into Chinese.

In my point of view, the development of society has in some way has deliberately promoted the way of people’s thinking, translation system has become more and more perfect, people from all over the world have enjoyed the convenience. However, we can not neglect that there are still some problems in this field in China, and we have less influential Chinese translators in the world. Therefore, we still have a long way to go in translation.

III. Feasibility Analysis

This academic paper is a feasible project and the reasons are as follows:

have great interests in the way of English-Chinese translation.

have already studied translation methods and have been familiar with the functions and applications of ellipsis .

have collected enough references both Chinese and Western on ellipsis in

translation and do a scrupulous study of the relationship between them.

have a carefully planned schedule and have worked out a detailed outline of this thesis.

have acquainted myself with the correct format, a clear and complete structure required by the academic paper, and my adequate English competence will enable me to write in fluent and precise English.

instructor is a qualified translator who is familiar with the subject I havechosen.

IV. Problems of the research and solutions

1. Problems

Despite the references I have collected and read, a thorough study of ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from the point of freely using still needs far more. What’s more, owing to the limited ways of getting references in Xinjiang, I will have to make full use of my present resources. Also, this is the first time I have ever written such a serious academic paper. I am therefore a learner and lack the needed training and experience.

2. Solutions

(1) I shall make full use of my already acquired references which come from books, magazines and the Internet as well.

(2) I shall value my own original thoughts and mainly rely on detailed analysis that I have read from the books which have closely idea with my purpose.

(3) When I have difficulties in the writing process, I shall consult my instructor and seek for help.

V. Necessary conditions

1. Our university and school of foreign languages have provided the basic study and research conditions and facilities, including books and journals in the library and reading rooms.

2. The Internet is another source of information and on the campus we have easy access to the Internet.

3. I have been assigned an instructor to guide me through the whole process of planning and writing.

VI. Outline

I. Introduction

A. A Brief Introduction of Ellipsis in Translation

B. What Should We Pay Attention to When Dealing with Ellipsis

C. The Reason Why Ellipsis Is So Widely Used in Translation

1. Chinese Expressions Are Much Briefer Than That of English

2. English Grammar Is Wee-Knit and Complete in Sentence Structure

II. The Principles of Ellipsis

A. Omitted Words Must Be Useless And Unnecessary in the Translated Works

B. The Meaning of the Omitted Words Is Implied in the Test

C. Omitted Words Which Are Self-Evident

Ш. The Functions and Applications of Ellipsis

A. The Coherence of the Meaning of Expression

B. The Coincidence of the Manner of Expression

1. Ellipsis of Articles

a. Ellipsis of Definite Articles

b. Ellipsis of Indefinite Articles

2. Ellipsis of Prepositions

3. Ellipsis of Pronouns

a. Ellipsis of Personal and Impersonal Pronouns

b. Ellipsis of Indefinite Pronouns

c. Ellipsis of Relative Pronouns

4. Ellipsis of Conjunctions

a. Ellipsis of Coordinating Conjunctions

b. Ellipsis of Subordinate Conjunctions

5. Ellipsis of Rhetoric

a. Ellipsis of Repeated Words

b. Ellipsis of Synonyms











thesis statemen:this essay discourse the features and translation of english

idioms and proverbs. and from the society culture to find out the basic different between chinese.


ⅰ. introduction: for chinese students, english idioms and proverbs is a stumbling block. so the characteristics and translation of idioms and proverbs should be studied.

ⅱ. the characteristics of english idioms and proverbs

a. the characteristics of english idioms

1. simple but rich

2. harmonious phonology

3. vivid metaphor

b. the characteristics of english proverb

1. concise and clear

2. symmetrical sentence pattern

3. rich and varied rhetoric

ⅲ. the translation of english idioms and proverbs

a. the theories of translation

1. literal translation

2. free translation

3. mechanical application of the synonym chinese proverb

4. literal translation and free translation

b. the points of translation

1. the literal translation of proverbs prohibited

2. the translation of proverbs to keep the original text style

3. the translation of proverbs to notice the national characteristic

4. the translation of proverbs to notice the artistic characteristic

ⅳ. conclusion



年 月 日

一九二九莫伸手,三九四九冰上走朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里会插不会插,瞅你两只脚买种百斤,不如留种一斤七月秋,里里外外施到抽一季草,两季稻,草好稻好夏至后压,一担苗,一担薯会种种一丘,不会种种千丘花草田种白稻,丘丘有谷挑千处粪田,不如一处来粪秧立秋前早一天种,早一天收破粪缸,不用甩,壅田多餐饭种田不施肥,你它,它你荞不见霜不老,麦不吃风不黄要想多打粮,包谷绿豆种两样种种甘薯种种稻,产量年年高头麻见秧,二麻见糠,三麻见霜春插时,夏插刻,春争日,夏争时 谷雨前后,种瓜点豆立了秋,麦不收今冬麦盖三层被,来年枕着馒头睡麦子不怕草,就怕坷垃咬春雷响,万物长。春雨贵似油,多下农民愁。立春三场雨,遍地都米。春雨漫了垅,麦子豌豆丢了种。雨洒清明节,麦子豌豆满地结。麦怕清明连夜雨。夏雨稻命,春雨麦病。三月雨,贵似油;四月雨,好动锄。春天三场雨,秋后不缺米。清明前后一场雨,豌豆麦子中了举。有钱难买五月旱,六月连阴吃饱饭。春得一犁雨,秋收万担粮。六月下连阴,遍地出黄金。春雨满街流,收麦累死牛。黑夜下雨白天晴,打的粮食没处盛。一阵太阳一阵雨,栽下黄秧吃白米。伏里无雨,谷里无米;伏里雨多,谷里米多。三伏要把透雨下,丘丘谷子压弯桠。伏里一天一暴,坐在家里收稻。秋禾夜雨强似粪,一场夜雨一场肥。立了秋,那里下雨那里收。立秋下雨万物收,处暑下雨万物丢。处暑里的雨,谷仓里的米。处暑下雨烂谷箩。

