

发布时间:2024-07-04 07:42:40







衡量一个赛程优劣,除各队每两场比赛间相隔场次数上限d这个指标外,各队在整个赛程中总间隔场次数e的差异程度E也是一个重要的指标。可设E=Emax-Emin,E越大说明各队总体休整间隔数的差异大。见表2、表3,分别是n=8,n=9的满足d=[(n-3)/2]的赛程,n=8的此赛程E=19-17=2;n=9的赛程E=28-21=7。这里n=8的赛程中差异度较小,表现出各队总体休整时间较为均匀,因而此赛程就指标而言,也较为公平的,n=9的赛程中差异度较大,因而此赛程仍有不公平性。此外,除了每两场比赛间相隔场次数外,各队比赛之前的休息时间,即首轮比赛的出场次序,对比赛的成绩仍有一定的影响,(如在首轮中靠后面比赛可减少旅途劳累,可先观察各队情况等等)。如表2中,4队、5队首轮最后比赛,表3中,9队首轮最后比赛。实际中此因素无法解决,常采取抽签的方法来决定首轮的出场次序。关于赛程的优劣,除考虑公平性外,还有效率性问题,即考虑如何合理紧凑地安排赛程,使赛程的从时间较短。6.模型评价 本模型的结果成功地给出了同一场地单循环赛各队每两场比赛中间相隔场次数上限的计算公式,有一定的理论意义与实际意义。关于同一场地单循环赛赛程编派法,至今实际中都采用“循环规则”,(见上文n为偶数编派法),通过我们的研究发现此规则虽然简易、对于n为偶数的赛程,符合d=[(n-3)/2],从而有公平性,对于n为奇数,编派的赛程d<[(n-3)/2],有失公平性。表4是用实际方法对n=7编制的赛程(首轮1队轮空,1队不动)。其弊端是此赛程d=1,而按公式d=[(n-3)/2]=2。说明各队每两场比赛中间极不均等,如有间隔6场,有间隔1场,具体到一个队(如5队比赛与休整时间极不均等)。从比赛与休整的节奏,第一队最有利,第五队最不利,另外从各队总间隔场次数看,也有较大差异,说明实际赛程编制法有待改进。而本模型算法提出的“生成规则”(见上文n为奇数编派法)既简便又公平。 东区15支 西区15支常规赛:一支球队要跟同区的每一支球队各打4场比赛(两场主场、两场客场)和不同区的每支球队各打两场比赛(一场主场、一场客场)。这样下来每一支球队在常规赛都要打八十二场比赛。顺便把算法写出来:一个区的比赛总场数:15× 14×(4+2)-30=1230(场) 一个区的球队总数为15个 每只球队一个赛季的比赛场数就为:1230/15=82(场) 常规赛打完,每个赛区战绩排在前八名的进入季后赛。赛区的第一名对第八名、第二名对第七名、第三名对第六名、第四名对第五名。季后赛是打淘汰制比赛,每轮比赛是七场四胜制 最终决出赛区第一名。两个赛区的第一名争夺总冠军

用故事表达吧, 题目的话可以写奥数书上的 写出你的思路 以下为参考 (1) 写什么 写小论文的关键,首先就是选题,大家的选题要从自己最熟悉的、最想写的内容入手。 论文按内容分类,大概有以下几种: ①勤于实践,学以致用,对实际问题建立数学模型,再利用模型对问题进行分析、预测; 如:探究大桥的热胀冷缩度 ②对生活中普遍存在而又扰人心烦的小事,提出了巧妙的数学方法来解决它; 如: 一台饮水机创造的意想不到的实惠 ③对数学问题本身进行研究,探索规律,得出了解决问题的一般方法 如: 分式“家族”中的亲缘探究 如: 纸飞机里的数学 ④对自己数学学习的某个章节、或某个内容的体会与反思 如: “没有条件”的推理 如: 小议“黄金分割” 如: 奇妙的正五角星 (2) 怎样写 ① 课题要小而集中,要有针对性; ② 见解要真实、独特,有感而发,富有新意; ③ 要用自己的语言表述自己要表达的 数学小论文两篇 篮球场上的数学 一个星期天的早晨,我和我的朋友一起去打篮球。 过了一会儿,我们俩打累了,就到观众席上去休息。突然间,我想到了一个问题,我就禁不住说出来:“小明一分钟投8个球,小红一分钟投6个球,他们一起投了8分钟之后,小红提高命中率一分钟投8个球,小明由于体力不支减少投球只数一分钟投6个球,问多少分钟后小红和小明投进的只数相同?” 大概是我朋友太累的缘故,这么简单的问题他都答不上来,他想了一会儿没做出来,过了好长时间他还是没想出来。时间一分一秒的过去了,他实在想不出来,只得不好意思地说:“没了草稿本,我做不出来。”我知道,就算他有草稿也未必做得出来。 我自豪地说:“原来小明一分比小红多投进2个,一共投了8分钟,也就是8×2=16(个),后来小红反过来每分比小明多投4个,那么16个球要多投几分钟呢?16÷4=4(分),要4分钟才能追上。”他说:“你真厉害!”“我是天才嘛!”我开玩笑说。我俩都笑了。 通过这件事,我发现生活中的数学是无处不在,生活中、学习中、还有工作中到处都有。从此,我就更加喜欢数学了。 容易忽略的答案 大千世界,无奇不有,在我们数学王国里也有许多有趣的事情。比如,在我现在的第九册的练习册中,有一题思考题是这样说的:“一辆客车从东城开向西城,每小时行45千米,行了小时后停下,这时刚好离东西两城的中点18千米,东西两城相距多少千米?王星与小英在解上面这道题时,计算的方法与结果都不一样。王星算出的千米数比小英算出的千米数少,但是许老师却说两人的结果都对。这是为什么呢?你想出来了没有?你也列式算一下他们两人的计算结果。”其实,这道题我们可以很快速地做出一种方法,就是:45×=(千米),=(千米),×2=261(千米),但仔细推敲看一下,就觉得不对劲。其实,在这里我们忽略了一个非常重要的条件,就是“这时刚好离东西城的中点18千米”这个条件中所说的“离”字,没说是还没到中点,还是超过了中点。如果是没到中点离中点18千米的话,列式就是前面的那一种,如果是超过中点18千米的话,列式应该就是45×=(千米),=(千米),×2=189(千米)。所以正确答案应该是:45×=(千米),=(千米),×2=261(千米)和45×=(千米),=(千米),×2=189(千米)。两个答案,也就是说王星的答案加上小英的答案才是全面的。 在日常学习中,往往有许多数学题目的答案是多个的,容易在练习或考试中被忽略,这就需要我们认真审题,唤醒生活经验,仔细推敲,全面正确理解题意。否则就容易忽略了另外的答案,犯以偏概全的错误。 希望能帮到你 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~


这个我到能写 不过 怎么也得1个星期最少 而且你这个是数学建模论文 我对你们专业的数学不了解 而且 为了100分写个论文也不合适啊···· 而且你想用数学来论述NBA的话 我建议你从NBA联盟正式成立开始写 写球队数量 和当时时代的生活水平 并且当时球员的薪金 在从第一个所谓的巨星开始写 写他对联盟的经济的推动和球迷有没有对NBA的热情有所上升 然后 写NBA开始低迷 直到有NBA全明星赛 开始 这个赛况对NBA的影响 然后 把凯尔特人8连贯 和指环王11枚戒指你用你的数学开始论述 然后是黑白双煞时代 就是魔术师和大鸟的时代 再然后乔丹时代 到乔丹去奥运会 然后是湖人3冠王 艾佛森在那时的影响力 对经济的推动 和对NBA的发展 开展了NBA并不是大个子的时代 再然后就是姚明进入NBA nba彻底走进中国 你把姚明进NBA后NBA对中国篮球的影响等等都论述一边把 我感觉我说的有点像经济论文了 你就这么写把 反正有数学论证····我只能写这么多了 还有什么不会的去网络查吧···写这么多很累的···




我建议你从三个方向讨论,分别是基层篮球(国、高中)的休闲运动习惯、大学篮球、社会(含NBA)篮球目的等三方面;以我所知道的美国基层篮球文化(国、高中)来说,它是民众从事休闲活动的主要一个项目运动,它和棒球、美式足球、冰上曲棍球等,可以说是美国特殊的主要四大运动之一。它们(四大类运动)由于可以培养青少年的团队合作与努力奋发向上精神等,也可以让青少年结识更多朋友,当然还包括锻炼强健体魄,所以,很多家长无不鼓励子弟多多从事运动;这和传统中国人所谓「士大夫」观念有很大的差异。以中国人来说,重文轻武以及书中自有黄金屋、书中自有颜如玉等,鼓励青少年多读书这是中美第一个极端差异。最好的例子你可以看看很多美国或欧洲许多篮球比赛,她们都以「寄居家庭」方式,让参加比赛的青少年学习与人相处,那是俱乐部、家庭的。大学篮球或社会(含NBA)篮球在美国来说,它是一种结合地方文化的传递,那种特殊的地域文化,这部分目前中国境内的CBA有些许雷同,但是,中国的大学篮球就和美国迥然不同了;很多时候,不论是中国或台湾,大学篮球只是「教育主管」机关不得不要办理的一项竞赛,它(指中国与台湾的大学篮球)有很多地方,其实是为了比赛而来比赛,它的宗旨也写的「冠冕堂皇」,只是,目前为止,可能是我才疏学浅,所以,我真的看不出有那些特殊的文化意义。以台湾的大学甲一级篮球赛来说,有很多球赛你根本看不到所谓「年轻人的拼劲」,我看到的是3/5以上喔;要看年轻人如美国大学篮球赛的热忱,你反而需要到大学二级或三级球赛里才看的到。可是,你会发现,在台湾的大学二级与三级球赛,除了比赛胜负之外,你可能看不到任何一丝文化气息;它(指台湾的大学篮球)基本上就是比赛,和美国的大学比赛,什么结合拉拉队、学校主场、校友会、地方特殊文化活动等等,完全是迥然不同。而,中国境内是否如此,我就不得而知了!I suggest that you were discussed from three directions, basic basketball (high school), the recreational exercise habits, university basketball, society (including the NBA basketball goal from three aspects, I know of American primary and high school basketball culture (for), it is mainly engaged in the activities of public recreational exercise, it is a project and baseball, football, hockey, etc, it is the main . special one four. They (four categories of movement) due to cultivate teenagers teamwork spirit and upwards to wait, also can let teenagers to make more friends here, of course, also including theexercise strong body, so many parents, many people engaged in sports is encouraged, The traditional Chinese scholars and the so-called "" there is a big difference. In Chinese, valuing literature while ignoring and in the book the gold room, in the book YanRuYu etc, encouraging adolescents reading this is the first extreme differences. The best example, you can see many American or European basketball game, they are in many ways to "family" stranger, participate in the competition of teenagers learn get along with people, that is, the family of the basketball or society (including the NBA basketball in the United States, it is a combination of local culture, the special region culture, and the part of the current Chinese territory, but some CBA, Chinese university basketball and American different, Many times, either China or Taiwan university basketball education competent "authority" shall not handle a competition, it is China and Taiwan university basketball) has many places, actually is to match the tenet to match, it is written, "just" impressive-looking, so far, I CaiShuXueJian, so, I really don't see those special cultural university in Taiwan, a level of basketball game, you can't see many of the so-called "young man," I see hussle playes is 3/5 above oh, Young people like to watch American university basketball, but you need to 2 or 3 university in the game to see. However, you will find that, in the second tier university in Taiwan, except the win-loss, you may see a culture breath; any It refers to the college basketball (Taiwan) is basically university in the United States, and, what with rooters' home, school, alumni, local special cultural activity, etc, and is completely different. And if so, China, and I will not!


The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o’clock on Friday night. Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium.

By seven-thirty the seats were almost filled. The school band was there; they wore yellow and black uniforms. They started to play at about a quarter to eight. Everybody stood up, and the people sang. The game was about to start. Two teams ran out to the floor. The referee blew his whistle, and the game started. A basketball game is divided into two halves, and each half is divided into two quarters.

There is a rest period between the halves. During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was tied. From then on, the game was very exciting. First one team made a basket, then the other. The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to win.

Since I was small, I like to play basketball, because I was effected by my father, he likes to watch basketball game so much, I will watch the basketball game with him. So when I went to school, I joined the basketball team in my class, we made up of a basketball team. Last week, we had our first match.

I was asked to play in the first time, I felt so nervous, I am so afraid that I could not cooperate with my team well. When the match started, I watched the basketball and moved as the ball flied, I forgot my job, I was asked to cover the team leader. I recognized my mistake, I changed my move, at last, I covered our captain successfully, our team won the game.

I learned so much from this match, team work comes first.

There was a basketball game in our school this afternoon. It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade 5. They are the best teams in our school. When the game started, both of them played actively. I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to another.

It was really a wonderful game. At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them warmly. They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second".

My extra-curricular life,is so rich and varied:reading,Internet,listen to music,playing basketball…… may be my favorite is playing basketball.

Winter vacation day,and several students came to school on the playground playing divided into two teams,each team starting five,with two bench.

Game started,our team of the basketball center Chenheng Sen fought over,I grabbed the basketball,immediately dribble a Hao as a result of the cover to me,I speed up the pace,like a wild horse,like the Tuojiang Zhidao Huanglong,immediately attracted a pincer attack from the siege of three leaping high,I tried to cover the Linweibuju,with the eyes of Yuguang glance around to see the small Wang Hao,then a pass behind,passed the ball a little space身处Wang Hao,after his catcher,jumped the sky and the ball went Into the basket.

Into a ball,everyone cheered,the extra cash on hand to did not expect a rival Zhuizhe,immediately issued Jiewai Qiu,when we do not prepare and prevent a fast break."Quick,quick-back!" I-back defense,then the immediately back to defense,opponents have rushed to the surprise Wang Hao from behind Tiaoqi opponent,to give him the at the late,then fast,I grabbed the basketball,like Pegasus meteor into the market this time our opponents formed a "three strikes and the" advantage,followed by a beautiful,"one or two" after a three-step layup Chenheng Sen,also caused a foul sounded on our cheers,we Xiangyong celebration,and opponents have Chuitousangqi…… ultimately,by virtue of our superb skill and team unity,cooperation,we made a score of 24:6 final victory.

For me,playing basketball can not only exercise,to temper their strong will,can understand the importance of cooperation led me to understand many principles.

Basketball of the campaign,she like an esoteric difficult the game,between the top matches,not just on the technical chess competition,but will and psychological said that often the outcome is not only the skills of higher-chao,but who will be any example:NBA first round of the playoffs last year,the League regular season champion Dallas has been ranked eighth victory over the Warriors,the Warriors success of the "black eight miracle." Is the so-called Jiaobingbi and Mavericks in the case of two Lianshu not on the will of the defeated his opponent,swallow the failure of the fruit also come as no is the pride of their victims.

I like playing basketball,playing basketball not only because of strong physically,but also people understand life from the truth,people gains a great de

Xiao Ming and Chen played a basketball game yesterday,I went to watch basketball Ming cast out,dribbling, also don't fiddle,throwing the ball out,did not result Ming won the basketball game,danced for joy,Chen was of us to comfort basketball game yesterday's exciting!、

Last Friday afternoon, there was a basketball match between Class One and Class Four. It was the final match of basketball games. Almost all students went to the playground to enjoy this match. The students of the two classes are the most excited.

They tried their best to cheer for their team. This match lasted for half an hour. It was very exciting. Both teams did very well. At last, Class Four won the games and the scores were47:39.

Yesterday, the weather was sunny, the sun was shining and the flowers were blooming in spring!

I came to school happily because there is a dribble match today. I went down to practice dribbling happily. In a moment, it was the second grade dribbling game. The first one is me. I was very nervous. "Bang". As soon as the gunshot rang, I quickly ran forward, dribbling while running. All the boys in the same group competed, only I was a girl. I thought, "I must run faster, and win glory for class ." Later, our class seemed to come second.

The sports meeting is over. All the students are very happy. The whole class is very happy and happy. In this way, I had a very exciting day!

There was a basketball game in our school this afternoon. It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade 5. They are the best teams in our school. When the game started, both of them played actively. I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to another. It was really a wonderful game. At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them warmly. They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second".

I am a sports fan,basketball,table tennis, sports I them,basketball is my best love,because it brings me joy.

When I put on a sports jacket,running in a basketball game,there is a feeling of freedom remain blue sky and white clouds,sunshine,fresh air makes me to all the trouble to soak in the head.

When I have a rhythm on the court slapped basketball,it issued a "bang,bang,bang " sound,that sound inspire people.

Whenever I get rid of each other's attack,firmly into the basket,there will be a joy and the ball " bang,bang " and shoes and ground milled " squeak,squeak " sound interleaved together,sounded like the symphony let me revel in it!

I love basketball,I love basketball,because it can make me happy and bring me joy!

My classmates and I often play together,this is more played basketball with classmates and happy,in our hands freely,because we played very now because the power is not enough,so the three points and almost,I am going to practice!

More exercise will have a good body!

The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o’clock on Friday night. Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium. By seven-thirty the seats were almost filled.

The school band was there; they wore yellow and black uniforms. They started to play at about a quarter to eight. Everybody stood up, and the people sang. The game was about to start.

Two teams ran out to the floor. The referee blew his whistle, and the game started. A basketball game is divided into two halves, and each half is divided into two quarters. There is a rest period between the halves.

During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was tied. From then on, the game was very exciting. First one team made a basket, then the other.

The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to win. The ball hit the rim of the basket and seemed to hang there for a moment, and then it fell through the basket. The whistle blew and the game was over. Home team won, 70 to 68.

here was a basketball game in our school this afternoon. It was between class 3 and class 6 of grade 2. They are the best teams in our school. When the game started, both of them played actively.

I could only see the ball pass quickly from one to another. It was really a wonderful game. At last class 6 won the first prize and class 3 congratulated them warmly. They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second".

Basketball---My Favorite I’m a tall and lively boy. I like playing basketball very much because it’s interesting. I like NBA, too. There are many famous stars in it. Such as Alan, Iveson, Tim, Donken, Jordan, Kobe, O’Neal and so on. Yao Ming is in the NBA, too. He’s Chinese. He plays basketball well. He’s a center forward. He’s our pride. All the ball stars can jump, shoot and pour in the basket. So each game of the NBA is wonderful. Sometimes the players can perform miracles, I think. This year’s champion is Spur Team. It’s one of the strongest contenders. I like NBA. I love basketball.









我是学体育的,也经常写论文,我认为论文的题目应该简洁明了:如 当代篮球中锋技术,不但简单,而且它既包含进攻也包含防守。至于论文内容里中锋的具体技术可以参考NBA比赛评论。我认为中锋应该既高大又灵活,既能内又能外。

