

发布时间:2024-07-05 00:45:38



ent. It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of reactions. Let us suppose that you are preparing a meal and keeping an eye on the baby at the same time. The telephone rings and this marks the prelude to an unforeseen series of

catastrophes. an immediately behind the t all this confusion, for they greedily devoured dust is usually a forbidding place. But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop. There is alething e in, but that he could not be bothered to open it. Frank begged him to do so and the dealer reluctantly prised it open. The contents of the packing-case. As its composition and line reminded him of an Italian painting he kne behind one of the e from one of the chimneys, but as there were so many of them, the firemen could not be certain which one it was. They located the right chimney by tapping at the walls and listening for the man's cries. After chipping through a wall which was eighteen inches thick, they found that a man had been trapped in the chimney. As it was extremely narrow, the man was unable to move, but the firemen were eventually able to free him by cutting a huge hole in the wall. The sorry-looking, blackened figure that emerged, at once admitted that he had tried to break into the shop during the night but had got stuck in the chimney. He had been there for nearly ten hours. Justice had been done even before the man was handed over to the police.




Ah, beautiful paris. For centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the an outdoor concert nearby classical, jazz, opera or chansons, those French folk songs. parisians love their music. The starry sky is their auditorium. You can also hear concerts in the chateaux and cathedrals. In paris the Music never ends.

Don't miss the highlight of paris evening: eating out. parisians are proud of their cuisine. And rightly so; it's s up in front of you the Notre Dame Cathedral (Cathedral of Our Lady)。 Stand in the square in front of the cathedral. Here, you are standing in the center of France. All distances are measured from the front of Notre Dame. Every road in France leads to her front door. All French kings and leaders have journeyed here to commemorate important occasions and give thanks. Notre Dame is the heart ofparis and the heart of France.

Your visit in paris has only just begun. You've just started to discover the charm ofthis old city. May the rest of yourjoumey be unforgettable. pany,even panion that es home at night he cannot sit doy that the latter does, though it may be a more condensed form of it.



e to open if there were but one inhabitant to a square mile, as where I value of a man is not in his skin.




















2008年已经不知不绝到来了,当我看到那句“Welcome to beijing"英语时,不禁想到2008年的到来是否要做些什么呢?这次奥运会是在我们北京举行,我们要做好一个榜样,顿时我的脑子里浮现了三个词:“迎奥运,讲文明,树新风。”









If the past has taught us anything,it is that every cause brings effect -- every actionhas a thought,in my opinion,is the moral foundation of the universe; it applies equally in this e ething simple can completely reshape your 's just like the Butterfly Effect and you never knopetition the human heart.

Ah, hoence, interest in attainment, and regard for posterity.

We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing. We do not, most of us, choose to die; nor do we choose the time or conditions of our death. But within all this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drift. We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.






美文是新文学领域最亮丽的一方新土地,具有可意会难言说的韵味。本文是大学英语美文摘抄带翻译,希望对大家有帮助! 大学英语美文摘抄带翻译:生命就是小甜饼 One of my patients, a successful busines *** an, tells me that before his cancer he would bee depressed unless things went a certain way. Happiness was "having the cookie." If you had the cookie, things were good. 我有一位病人,他是一个成功的商人,告诉我,在他患癌症之前,凡事如果没有确定下来他就忧心忡忡。对他而言,幸福是“拥有小甜饼”。 If you didn't have the cookie, life wasn't worth a damn. Unfortunately, the cookie kept changing. 如果你拥有了小甜饼,一切都一帆风顺。如果你没有小甜饼,生活就一文不值。 Some of the time it was money, sometimes power, sometimes sex. At other times, it was the new car, the biggest contract, the most prestigious address. 不幸的是,小甜饼总是不断变换著,有时是金钱,有时是权力,有时是欲望。在其他时候,它是一辆新车、一份数额最大的合同、或者一个享有声望的通讯地址。 A year and a half after his diagnosis of prostate cancer he sits shaking his head ruefully. "It's like I stopped learning how to live after I was a kid. 在他被诊断出患有前列腺癌的一年半之后,他坐在那里,悲天悯人地摇著头,说:“长大以后,我好像就不知道怎样生活了。 When I give my son a cookie, he is happy. If I take the cookie away or it breaks, he is unhappy. 当我给我儿子一个小甜饼时,他心花怒放。如果我拿走甜饼或者是小甜饼碎了,他就闷闷不乐。 But he is two and a half and I am forty-three. It's taken me this long to understand that the cookie will never make me happy for long. 不同的是,他只有两岁半,而我已经 43 了。我花了这么长的时间才明白小甜饼并不能使我长久感到幸福。 The minute you have the cookie it starts to crumble or you start to worry about it crumbling or about someone trying to take it away from you. 从你拥有小甜饼的那一刻,它就开始破碎,或者你就开始担心它会破碎,抑或你开始担心别人拿走它。 You know, you have to give up a lot of things to take care of the cookie, to keep it from crumbling and be sure that no one takes it away from you. 为了守护你的小甜饼,为了防止它破碎或者确定别人不会从你手中夺走它,你不得不放弃许多东西。 You may not even get a chance to eat it because you are so busy just trying not to lose it. 你忙于不让自己失去它,甚至没有时间享受它。 Having the cookie is not what life is about." My patient laughs and says cancer has changed him. 拥有小甜饼并不是生活的全部内容。”我的病人笑着说癌症已经改变了他。 For the first time he is happy. No matter if his business is doing well or not, no matter if he wins or loses at golf. " 不论他的生意是否一帆风顺,不论他在打高尔夫球时是输是赢,他有生以来第一次感到幸福。 Two years ago, cancer asked me, 'Okay, what's important? What is really important?' Well, life is important. “两年前,癌症问我‘什么重要?什么才真正的重要?’对,生命重要。 Life. Life any way you can have it, life with the cookie, life without the cookie. Happiness does not have anything to do with the cookie; it has to do with being alive. Before, who made the time?" He pauses thoughtfully. "Damn, I guess life is the cookie." 生命。生命,无论如何你拥有生命。有小甜饼也罢,没有小甜饼也罢,幸福与小甜饼并非息息相关,而是与生命的存在有关。可是,时光一去不复返,谁又能让时光倒流呢?”他停顿了一下,若有所思,说:“该死,我觉得生命就是那块小甜饼”。 大学英语美文摘抄带翻译:人如孤岛 How wonderful are islands! Islands in space, like this one I have e to, ringed about by milesof water, linked by on bridges, no cables, no telephones. 岛屿是多么奇妙啊!它处在一望无际之中,四周海水围绕, 没有桥梁相通,没有电缆相连,更无电话可打。 An lsland from the world and the world's life. Islands is time, like this short vacation of mine. 我来的小岛就是 这样一个地方,它远离尘世,不见喧嚣。小岛是时间的孤岛,就 像我的这次短期假期。 The past and the future are cut off: only the present remains. 在这里,过去和未来都被隔断,只有现时 依然存在。 One lives like a child or a saint in the immediacy of here and now. 一个人,或是像个孩子:或是像个圣人,现在便实 实在在地在这里活着。 Every day, every act, is an island, washed by time and space, and has an island's pletion. 每一天、每一个动作其实都是一个小岛,经受着时间和空间的冲刷,像小岛一样完美。 People, too, bee like islands in such an atmosphere, self-contained, whole and serene;respecting other people's solitude, not intruding on their shores, standing back in reverncebefore the miracle of another individual. 人在这种环境下也变成了小岛,独立自主,完整安详,尊重他人的孤独,不践踏他 人的海岸半步,毕恭毕敬地在他人的奇迹面前靠后站。 "No man is an island," said John Donne. I feel we are all islands--in a mon sea. “没有人 会是小岛。”约翰?多恩说过。我却认为每个人都是公共海域的 小岛。 We are all, in the last *** ysis, alone. 归根结底,我们都是孤独的。 And this basic state of solitude is not something we have any choice about. 这种孤独的基本状态由不得 我们选择。 It is , as the poet Rilke says, "not something that one can take or leave". 奥地利诗人里尔克曾经说道:“由不得我们带走或是 放弃。” We are solitary. We may delude ourselves and act as though this were not so, yes, even tobegin by assuming it."Naturally," he goes on to say,"we will turn giddy." 虽然身心孤独,但是我们都欺自己,假装事实并非如 此。里尔克还说,“我们很自然就会弄得头晕目眩。” We seem so frightened today of being alone that we never let it happen. Even if family,friends, and movies should fail, there is still the radio or television to fill up the void. 今天的人们都非常害怕孤独,所以极力避免它。当与家人 和朋友相处或是看电影都无法消除孤独的时候,我们就用听广播 和看电视来填补空白。 Women, who used to plain of loneliness, need never be alone any more. 女人们曾经埋怨孤独,现在想孤独也办不 到。 We can do our housework with soap-opera heroes at our side. Even day-dreaming was morecreative than this; it demanded something of oneself and it fed the inner life. 她们可以一边做家务一边看肥皂剧。做白日梦都显得更有创 造力,它需要人们具有一些东西,而且能够丰富内心生活。 Now instead of planting our solitude with our dream bolssoms, we choke the space withcontinuous music, chatter and panionship to which we do not even listen. 我们 本该用白曰梦的似锦繁花来种下一片孤独,但却用连续不断的音 乐、喋喋不休、吵嚷的同伴来把孤独的空间堵死。 It is simply there to fill the vacuum. When the noise stops there is no inner music to take itsplace. We must relearn to be alone. 这其实仅仅是 _个填补空缺的问题,一旦暄闹消失,便不再有内心的音乐来填 补空缺。我们要重新学会孤独。 大学英语美文摘抄带翻译:一直走在阳光里 Years of storms had taken their toll on the old windmill. Its wheel, rusted and fallen, lay silent in the lush bluegrass. Its once animated silhouette was now a tall motionless steeple in the twilight sun. 多年的风雨毁坏了古老的风车。车轮已经锈了,倒了,静静地躺卧在茂盛的六月禾丛中。在落日的衬托下,曾经散发着生气的风车如今如耸立的尖塔般冰冷、生硬。 I hadn‘t walked across our old farm in fifteen years. Yet the sensations came flooding back. I could *** ell the freshness of new mown alfalfa. I could feel the ping of the ice cold summer rain, and the sun‘s sudden warmth on my wet shoulders when it reappeared after a brisk July thunderstorm. 我已经有十五年没有走过我们的农场了。然而,那些感觉又汹涌而至。我仿佛闻到了新割的苜蓿的清新气息,感觉到了冰冷夏雨敲打在身上,还有七月的雨后阳光照射在溼漉漉的身上骤然传来的暖意。 Rain or shine, I used to walk this path each day to see Greta. She always made me *** ile, even after Sis and I had just had a big squabble. I would help Greta with her chores. Then we would visit over a generous helping of her delicious homemade chocolate cookies and ice cream. Being confined to a wheel chair didn‘t stop Greta from being a fabulous cook. 无论雨天或晴天,我曾经天天沿着这条小径去探望葛丽塔。即使我刚和姐姐大吵了一场,她也总能使我舒怀微笑。我会帮葛丽塔做些家务。然后,我们会大快朵颐,品尝她亲手做的巧克力曲奇饼和冰淇淋。以轮椅代步并不妨碍她成为一名出色的厨师。 Greta gave me two of the greatest gifts I‘ve ever received. First, she taught me how to read. She also taught me that when I forgave Sis for our squabbles, it meant I wouldn‘t keep feeling like a victim. Instead, I would feel sunny. Mr. Dinking, the local banker, tried to foreclose on Greta‘s house and land after her hu *** and passed away. Thanks to Pa and Uncle Johan, Greta got to keep everything. Pa said that it was the least he could do for someone talented enough to teach me to read! 在葛丽塔的丈夫去世后,当地的银行家丁肯先生曾经要收取她抵押给了银行的房子。幸亏有爸爸和约翰叔叔的帮忙,葛丽塔才保住了一切。爸爸说,对一位聪明得能教会我认字的人,这只是他力所能及的一件小事! Soon folks were ing from miles around to buy Greta‘s homemade cakes, pies, breads, cookies, cider, and ice cream. Hank, the grocery store man, came each week to stock his shelves and bring Greta supplies. 很快,方圆数英里的人们都来买葛丽塔做的蛋糕、馅饼、面包、曲奇饼、苹果酒和冰淇淋。每周,杂货店老板汉克都会给她送来材料,并从她那里进货。 Greta even had me take a big apple pie to Mr. Dinking who became one of her best customers and friends. That‘s just how Greta was. She could turn anyone into a friend! 葛丽塔甚至让我给丁肯先生送去一个大苹果馅饼。他也成为了她的顾客和朋友。这就是葛丽塔。她可以把任何人都变成朋友! Greta always said, "Dear, keep walking in sunshine!" No matter how terrible my day started, I always felt sunny walking home from Greta‘s house-even beneath the winter starlight. 葛丽塔常说:“亲爱的,记得要走在阳光里!” 每天,不管一开始怎么糟糕,从葛丽塔的小屋走回家时,即使是披着冬夜的星光,我都会感觉心情舒畅。 I arrived at Greta‘s house today just after sunset. An ambulance had stopped a few feet from her door, it‘s red lights flashing. When I ran into the old house, Greta recognized me right away. 这天,太阳刚下山我就来到葛丽塔家了。她门前几尺外已然停著一辆救护车。车上的红灯闪烁不停。当我冲入那所旧房子时,葛丽塔立刻认出了我. She *** iled at me with her unforgettable twinkling blue eyes. She was almost out of breath when she reached out and softly touched my arm. Her last words to me were "Dear, keep walking in sunshine!" 她冲我微微一笑,令人难忘的那双蓝眼睛闪著光芒。当她伸手轻抚我的手臂时,她已经奄奄一息了。她最后对我说的话是:“亲爱的,记得要走在阳光里!” I‘m sure that Greta is walking in the brightest sunshine she‘s ever seen. And, I‘m sure that she heard every word I read at her memorial service. 我肯定葛丽塔此时正漫步在她所见过的最明媚的阳光里。我也肯定她听见了我在她的追悼仪式上所念的每一个字。 I chose a beautiful verse by Leo Buscaglia. It‘s one that Greta taught me to read many years ago… 我选了利奥·巴斯卡格里亚的一首优美的诗,正是那首葛丽塔多年前教我念的诗。 "Love can never grow old. Locks may lose their brown and gold. Cheeks may fade and hollow grow. But the hearts that love will know, never winter‘s frost and chill, summer‘s warmth is in them still." “爱能历久常新。华发或会失去原有的光彩。双颊或会日显消瘦黯淡。然而,有爱的心中,从无寒冬霜冰,只有夏之温热。”


阅读或者学习一篇 散文 ,除了被作者深挚的情感感动之外,我们往往会被作者的语言感染,沉浸其中。下面是我给大家带来的500字 优美散文 摘抄精选3篇,供大家欣赏。 500字优美散文摘抄精选篇一:物有所值,学有所成 曾经听过我们班主任对一件事做了评论,我把他记录下来了: 非洲大草原上生活着奔跑速度极快的猎豹,他在追赶野兔时,如果在追了100米的情况下,他就会放弃掉这只野兔;但如果这是一只野鹿的话,他就会穷追不舍,直到他追到这只鹿而已,而且就算旁边有 其它 的鹿离它很近的,触手所及,它也不会去抓这只鹿,而只会抓那只他所追的鹿。为何? 个中原因是因为豹如果追了超过100米再抓到一只野兔的话,那么他所得到的能量还远远满足不了他所消耗的能量,但是如果抓到一只野鹿的话,它可以吃好几天,所以它就会穷追不舍。他不抓旁边的鹿是因为其它的鹿还没开始跑,没消耗能量,如果去抓旁边的鹿不仅不会抓不到,还会连原来的都抓不到。而继续抓目标鹿的话,就是在消耗相同能量的情况下抓到鹿。 从这么一件事中我们就可以体味到做一件事就要物有所值,其实学习也是一样的,许多同学觉得学的并不轻松。其实他们只要学学这些猎豹,就可以学到很多的知识。把对自己有用的东西,永不言弃的学下去,那么将会得到许多的东西,觉得这是值得的。而对于一些要话很多时间却得不到什么好效果的东西就早早的放弃,省下时间去学那些有用的东西,那么这将会是学有所成。 我相信大家会做到的! 500字优美散文摘抄精选篇二:开始 现实……让我不敢再相信一切。 开始了,却没有勇气选择结束,当初,太多太多的选择是不应该的,不应该去剥削一段没有结果的 故事 ,不该靠近一个不该信任的人。不要再这么对我了。 接触过我生命的所有朋友们,你们说过不会欺我,你们为什么不允行你们的承诺,曾经的一切,都在眼前离去,记忆由新的每一幕都在徘徊。 一个交代,执着?该吗?还是选择彼此忘记,为什么你们可以如此绝情,请顾虑我的感受号码?谁都不会是谁的玩具,轻而易举地抛弃一切,你们有顾虑他人的感受吗? 开始,总是一个希望的开端,重点,总是一个失望的别离,最后的最后,还该留恋吗?还是该责备自己没珍惜。 日新异月,世界的一切都变得如此复杂,不再上海,不再哭泣。旧的不去,新的不来,每场戏结束了,接下来的是更加残酷的考验,每个人都可以选择中途退出,只在意是否有勇气。 为什么不遵守当初的承诺,你承诺过,会在意我!不会抛弃我!不要向我解释一切,我已彻底看透你了,解释等于掩饰,掩饰就是欺的开始,为了我,你不值得再折磨自己;同样,我为了你,都不再值得。 放弃吧,手……放开,最好的选择,让我们各奔东西,一切从新开始……这般心痛非比寻常,这般心痛,难以容忍,思念是一种病,不能见是一种痛。 500字优美散文摘抄精选篇三:树叶我想对你说 深秋时节,我漫步街头,感受着秋的凉意。阵阵微风从耳畔吹过,不禁使我感到丝丝凉意,但又似乎那么惬意。恍惚间,一片似黄又似绿的树叶从我眼前飘然落下。突然,我觉得树叶是那么伟大。 树叶啊,我好想对你说:“我真想变成你!”你在我看来是那么伟大,那么顽强,那么美丽! 你真伟大!春天,你给大自然带来生气,给人们带来绿意。夏天,你用你那茁壮的身躯挡住阳光,为人们送来丝丝凉意。到了秋天,即使你已飘然落下,人们也会把你作成标本,或经过加工作成上好的肥料。树叶啊,正因为我也想像你一样伟大,想你一样时刻为他人着想,所以我才想变成你。 你是那样顽强!虽然你在秋天飘落了,在冬天凋零了。但冬去春来的时候,你又顽强的站了起来!每个枝头又重新有了你渺小而又顽强的身影。树叶啊,正因为我想像你一样顽强,所以我想变成你。 你又是那样美丽。春天,你那渺小的身影为大自然增添了一丝绿意。大树也因为有了你的点缀才变的挺拔向上。夏天,你那矫健的身姿随着风儿翩翩起舞,好像在跳一支欢乐的舞蹈。秋天,你那火红的身躯好像一团熊熊燃烧的烈火,慷慨激昂。难道着不美丽吗?

宁静的夏夜月朗风清,总是能给我一种清逸娴静的感觉。明净清澈如柔水般的月色倾洒,清光流泻,意蕴宁融。月色柔和而透明,轻盈而飘逸。 我喜欢借月色沉淀心情,如水月色,可饮。推开窗户,任月色静静流泻在肌肤上,轻盈飘逸的韵致,清新蕴涵的情调自然流淌在心际。月华如练,心情在月色中变的清朗而柔软,恍然间生命中的种种感动和美丽灵动浮若。 曾经,天真烂漫的我依偎在奶奶的怀里数星星,悠然欣赏着乡村清澈而恬静的月色。 曾经,在菁菁校园里和同学在清朗月色中促膝谈心,感悟似水年华的美丽与忧愁。 曾经,在如水月色中我与你一起泛舟太湖,在桨声灯影里,在月色和湖水交相辉映中欣赏人间美景。清漾的湖水,飘渺的琴声,让我在江南的温婉情怀里沉醉不知归处。 拂墙花影动,疑是玉人来.张生相约莺莺,待月西厢下,古琴传幽思,月下待佳人。一份古典的美丽。淡月染西窗,淡淡的思绪亦弥漫。 流年处,月色在古典的含蓄和现今的浪漫中演绎着唯美,带给人无限沉思和悠然陶醉。 清绝的月色吸引着我,于是披衣出门,踏着如水的月色,缓步走入花园,栀子花沐浴在月光下,寒凝带露,如一帘清远的幽梦。竹影随韵轻舞,如水月色轻轻穿过,回映着明月的清辉。万物都在月色中丰盈灵动起来。俗世的喧嚣与浮躁,犹豫与彷徨都消融在这如水月色中。顿然心悟,豁然开朗。 如水月色,可饮。似水流年,可悟。 静立于花园幽径,听取静默一片……




1、Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money,it lies in the joy of achievement,in the thrill of creative efforts,the joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent dark days,my friends,will be worth all they cost us,if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered on to,but tominister to ourselves,to our fellow men.


2、I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the truemeaning of its creed-we hold theses truths to be self-Oevident,that all men arecreated have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia,sons offormer slaves and sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at thetable of brotherhood.



1、A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.


2、If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some.


3、If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend,experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.


4、Health is certainly more valuable than money,because it is by health that money is procured.


5、That man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest.


6、Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.

有时候一个 人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价最高。

7、Will work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success.


8、All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.


9、There is a great different between exposure ofthe mind and that of the body.


10、To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive,and the true success is to labor.


11、The greater a man is, the more distasteful is praise and flattery to him.


12、I might say that success is won by three things:first, effort second  more effort third still more effort.


13、Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed.


14、Only those who have the patience to do simple thingsperfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.


15、You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.




Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is the most important festival for Chinese people all over the world. It is also called the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year.

The exact date of the Spring Festival on the Western calendar changes from year to year. However, Chinese New Year takes place between January 1 and February 19.

On the Chinese calendar every year has an animal's name. These animals are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. A Chinese legend says that these twelve animals had a race. The first year was named after the rat, the winner. The other eleven years were named according to the order in which the animals arrived in the race. The clever rat jumped onto the ox's back, and then at the end jumped over the ox's head to arrive first!

The Chinese believe that a person born in a particular year has some of the characteristics of that animal.

lunar 月(亮)的 exact 确切的 calendar 日历 rat 鼠 ox 公 牛 rabbit 兔子

ram 公羊 rooster 公鸡 legend 传说 name after 按....命名

particular 特殊的 characteristic 特征

春 节

对于全世界的华人来说,中国的新年是最重要的节日。人们也称它为春节或农历新年。 公历春节的确切日期每年都在变化。但是春节一般都在 1 月 1 日 到 2 月 19 日 之间。 在农历中,每年都有一个生肖。这些生肖是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪。据传说,这十二个动物举行了一次赛跑,第一年就以获胜者鼠命名,其他十一年就根据动物们到达终点的顺序命名。聪明的鼠跳在牛背上,在最后时刻跳过牛的头顶第一个到达终点!


There was a young flower in the desert where all was dry and sad looking…… It was growing by itself…… enjoying every day…… and saying to the sun "When shall I be grown up?" And the sun would say "Be patient - Each time I touch you, you grow a little……" She was so pleased. Because she would have a chance to bring beauty to this corner of sand…… And this is all she wanted to do - bring a little bit of beauty to this world.

遍地干旱、满目悲凉的沙漠中有朵小花,她独自生长在那里,享受着每一天……她问太阳公公“我什么时候才能长大?”太阳公公总是说“要有耐心—— 我每次抚摸你,你都会长大一点……”小花好开心啊,因为她也有机会为沙漠的一隅增添美丽了……这是她毕生的心愿—— 为这个世界增添一丝美丽.

One day the hunter came by - and stepped on her. - She was going to die - and she felt so sad. Not because she was dying - but because she would not have a chance to bring a little bit of beauty to this corner of the desert.

一天,一位猎人经过——正好踩在她身上―― 她快要死了—— 她感到如此悲伤.并不是因为她即将死去,而是因为再没有机会为沙漠增添一丝美丽了.

The great spirit saw her, and was listening. - Indeed, he said…… She should be living…… And he reached down and touched her - and gave her life.

伟大的精神看到了她,并且听到了她的心里话.……事实上,他在说……她应该活着……他俯下身,抚摸着她—— 给了她生命.

And she grew up to be a beautiful flower…… and this corner of the desert became so beautiful because of her.


A Teenager's Joke: Guidelines for Doing Schoolwork

My school had a policy about homework. Students should not spend more than ninety minutes per night doing homework. This is how I use the time for my work.

Fifteen minutes looking for assignment; Eleven minutes calling a friend for the assignment; Twenty three minutes explaining why the teacher is mean and does not like teenagers; Eight minutes in the bathroom; Ten minutes getting a snack; Seven minutes checking the TV Guide;

Six minutes telling my parents that the teacher never explained the assignment;

Ten minutes sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Mom or Dad to do the assignment.

guideline 指导方针 policy 政策 per 每

assignment 作业 mean 低劣的 snack 小吃 TV guide 电视指南





花二十三分 钟抱怨 老师为什么总是那么讨厌,为什么不喜欢我们这些十几岁的孩子;





Today, it is worth celebrating this festival. On Christmas day, of course, we can not live without Santa Claus and Christmas presents. I think Christmas is a holiday for children. Today, children will "carnival". They will go out to travel, to play.

I like Christmas hat, it is red. Every Christmas will be present in it. There is also a stealth, of course, is happy. Only today happy, can be blessed.

Today, I want to receive a Christmas gift, of course, is a teddy bear and a Santa Claus, I like it very much. This desire, I realized. Mother bought me. She saw through my heart.

I also want to send each of children welfare orphanage a Santa, but it can only be achieved after I grow up.

This afternoon, we went to the supermarket. The door had the Santa Claus in candy, of course, is that people play. Go to the supermarket, there is a high Christmas tree, hung above the bells, a flash, etc. With card, of course, is a blessing to people.

Is worth celebrating this day, Christmas day is to cheer!







I like green, because I see green you can think of the endless prairie, here in the green grass was full of all kinds of flowers, beautiful! Standing on the grassland, looked up to see blue sky, there are tens of thousands of white clouds in the sky, like a lovely cotton candy, cows and sheep are grazing grassland, there are horses in the running on the grass.

Green represents health, make people for life is full of vitality and hope. Rose up in the morning, looking at the distant green, eyes will become more bright; Green grass will make cows and sheep have become more strong. The green grass and trees, flowers, can make the air more fresh; Dense forest to animals brought a beautiful and happy home; From a distance, a rolling tall green mountain, budao edge of the mountain is linked together with day, like a picture.

Green is the standard of health, green can beautify the environment, we should jointly building a green, green protection, protect the environment. Let the world become more beautiful.




Everyone has the responsibility of protecting the environment, the environment to our life have a close relationship, throw rubbish casually, spitting, throw waste batteries, these small things will pollute the environment.

Usually it is not hard to see on the way people throwing rubbish and spitting everywhere. They throw a garbage, face is the feeling of guilt, they don't know a group of waste paper, throwing a plastic packaging will pollute the environment; They don't know what cleaners are, how much effort to clean the ground, was one of their small garbage. They don't know what they unconsciously spit out phlegm can make a lot of people have a cold, and those people don't know, is the ground of sputum for their disease. Now everyone knows the forest area is greatly reduced, yeah! That is so disorderly cut down trees, people killed animals living environment. Without the protection of the forest will make dust storms ruined city, dust storms have left many people were killed. The usual thick forest became desolate desert.

Although there are a lot of people pollute the environment, but also have to protect the environment.

Since the people began to advocate environmental protection, green. Our schools are beginning to have a batch of volunteers, small to primary school, to university. The middle-aged and elderly people also have to attend. They protect the environment, advocate environmental protection shopping bags, don't use plastic bags, because he is hard to break down; Don't throw battery anywhere, please put them in the village of professional recycling station; Don't open car, please try to walk or by bus. Leading everyone doesn't want to cut down a tree, they take the lead in planting trees, make the air more pure and fresh, to build forest construction of animal house. The leadership don't spit, they clean the ground, let us live in a clean, comfortable environment. They believe that their homes will be more beautiful.

"Everyone needs to help protect the environment," from now on, from now on, let us act, environmental protection, environmental protection, make the city more beautiful tomorrow.







你觉得你的英文水平怎么样?平时阅读一些英语 文章 ,对提高英语水平有帮助哦。下面就是我给大家整理的唯美的英语文章精选,希望大家喜欢。唯美的英语文章精选篇1:The last jar of jelly Our children grew up on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Even my husband and I sometimes sneak one in late at night with a glass of milk. I believe that the Earl of Sandwich himself would agree with me that the success of this universally loved concoction(混合,调合) lies not in the brand of peanut butter used, but rather in the jelly. The right jelly delights the palate(味觉,上颚), and homemade is the only choice. I wasn't the jelly maker in this family. My mother-in-law was. She didn't provide a wide range of flavors, either. It was either grape or blackberry. This limited choice was a welcome relief in the days of toddlers, siblings and puppies. When all around me other decisions and choices had to be made, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches was easy. And since we liked both flavors, we usually picked whatever jar was at the front of the pantry or refrigerator. The only contribution I made to the jelly making was to save baby food jars, which my mother-in-law would fill with the tasty gel, seal with wax and send back home with us. For the past 22 years of my married life, whenever I wanted to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for myself or my husband or one of the children, all I had to do was reach for one of those little jars of jelly. It was always there. Jelly making was just a way of life for my mother-in-law. She always did it, following the same rituals - from picking the fruit to setting the finished jelly on the homemade shelves in her little pantry off the kitchen. My father-in-law died several years ago and this past December, my mother-in-law also passed away. Among the things in the house to be divided by her children were the remaining canned goods in the pantry(餐具室). Each of her children chose from the many jars of tomato juice, green beans and jelly. When my husband brought his jars home, we carefully put them away in our pantry. The other day I reached in there to retrieve jelly for a quick sandwich, and there it was. Sitting all alone on the far side of the shelf was a small jar of grape jelly. The lid was somewhat rusty in places. Written on it with a black marker was "GR" for grape and the year the jelly had been made. As I picked up the jar, I suddenly realized something that I had failed to see earlier. I reopened the pantry door to be sure. Yes, this was it, this was the last jar of "Memommie jelly." We would always have store-bought jelly, but this was the last jar we would ever have from the patient, loving hands of my mother-in-law. Although she had been gone for nearly a year, so much of her had remained with us. We hardly ever opened a jar of jelly at the breakfast table without kidding about those thousands of little jars she had filled. Our children had never known a day without their grandmother's jelly. It seems like such a small thing, and most days it was something that was taken for granted. But today it seemed a great treasure. Holding that last jar in my hand, my heart traveled back to meeting my mother-in-law for the first time. I could see her crying on our wedding day, and later, kissing and loving our children as if she didn't have five other grandchildren. I could see her walking the fields of the farm, patiently waiting while others tended to the cows. I could see her walking in the woods or riding the hay wagon behind the tractor. I saw her face as it looked when we surprised her by meeting her at church. I saw her caring for a sick spouse and surrounded by loving children at the funeral. I put the jelly back on the shelf. No longer was it just a jar of jelly. It was the end of a family tradition. I guess I believed that as long as it was there, a part of my mother-in-law would always live on. We have many things that once belonged to my husband's parents. There are guns, tools, handmade sweaters and throws, and some furniture. We have hundreds of pictures and many more memories. These are the kinds of things that you expect to survive the years and to pass on to your children. But I'm just not ready to give up this last jelly jar, and all the memories its mere presence allows me to hold onto. The jar of jelly won't keep that long. It will either have to be eaten or thrown out...but not today. 唯美的英语文章精选篇2:Roses in December Coaches more times than not use their hearts instead of their heads to make tough decisions. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case when I realized we had a baseball conference game scheduled when our seniors would be in Washington, . for the annual senior field trip. We were a team dominated by seniors, and for the first time in many years, we were in the conference race for first place. I knew we couldn't win without our seniors, so I called the rival coach and asked to reschedule the game when everyone was available to play. "No way," he replied. The seniors were crushed and offered to skip the much-awaited traditional trip. I assured them they needed to go on the trip as part of their educational experience, though I really wanted to accept their offer and win and go on to the conference championship(锦标赛). But I did not, and on that fateful Tuesday, I wished they were there to play. I had nine underclass players eager and excited that they finally had a chance to play. The most excited player was a young mentally challenged boy we will call Billy. Billy was, I believe, overage(过老的), but because he loved sports so much, an understanding principal had given him permission to be on the football and baseball teams. Billy lived and breathed sports and now he would finally get his chance to play. I think his happiness captured the imagination of the eight other substitute players. Billy was very small in size, but he had a big heart and had earned the respect of his teammates with his effort and enthusiasm. He was a left-handed hitter and had good baseball skills. His favorite pastime, except for the time he practiced sports, was to sit with the men at a local rural store talking about sports. On this day, I began to feel that a loss might even be worth Billy's chance to play. Our opponents jumped off to a four-run lead early in the game, just as expected. Somehow we came back to within one run, and that was the situation when we went to bat in the bottom of the ninth. I was pleased with our team's effort and the constant grin(露齿笑) on Billy's face. If only we could win..., I thought, but that's asking too much. If we lose by one run, it will be a victory in itself. The weakest part of our lineup was scheduled to hit, and the opposing coach put his ace pitcher in to seal the victory. To our surprise, with two outs, a batter walked, and the tying run was on first base. Our next hitter was Billy. The crowd cheered as if this were the final inning of the conference championship, and Billy waved jubilantly. I knew he would be unable to hit this pitcher, but what a day it had been for all of us. Strike one. Strike two. A fastball. Billy hit it down the middle over the right fielder's head for a triple to tie the score. Billy was beside himself, and the crowd went wild. Ben, our next hitter, however, hadn't hit the ball even once in batting practice or intrasquad games. I knew there was absolutely no way for the impossible dream to continue. Besides, our opponents had the top of their lineup if we went into overtime. It was a crazy situation and one that needed reckless strategy. I called a time-out, and everyone seemed confused when I walked to third base and whispered something to Billy. As expected, Ben swung on the first two pitches, not coming close to either. When the catcher threw the ball back to the pitcher Billy broke from third base sprinting as hard as he could. The pitcher didn't see him break, and when he did he whirled around wildly and fired the ball home. Billy dove in head first, beat the throw, and scored the winning run. This was not the World Series, but don't tell that to anyone present that day. Tears were shed as Billy, the hero, was lifted on the shoulders of all eight team members. If you go through town today, forty-two years later, you'll likely see Billy at that same country store relating to an admiring group the story of the day he won the game that no one expected to win. Of all the spectacular events in my sports career, this memory is the highlight. It exemplified what sports can do for people, and Billy's great day proved that to everyone who saw the game. J. M. Barrie, the playwright, may have said it best when he wrote, "God gave us memories so that we might have roses in December." Billy gave all of us a rose garden. 唯美的英语文章精选篇3:Is happiness the secret of success? Some people think if you are happy, you are blind to reality. But when we research it, happiness actually raises every single business and educational outcome for the brain. How did we miss this? Why do we have these societal misconceptions(错误的想法) about happiness? Because we assumed you were average. When we study people, scientists are often interested in what the average is. If we study what is merely average, we will remain merely average. Many people think happiness is genetic. That's only half the story, because the average person does not fight their genes. When we stop studying the average and begin researching positive outliers -- people who are above average for a positive dimension like optimism or intelligence -- a wildly different picture emerges. Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success. Scientifically, happiness is a choice. It is a choice about where your single processor brain will devote its finite resources as you process the world. If you scan for the negative first, your brain literally has no resources left over to see the things you are grateful for or the meaning embedded in your work. But if you scan the world for the positive, you start to reap an amazing advantage. Now that there is research validity to these claims, the working world is starting to take notice. In January, I wrote the cover story for the Harvard Business Review magazine on "Happiness Leads to Profits." Based on my article called "Positive Intelligence" and my research in The Happiness Advantage, I outlined our researched conclusion: the single greatest advantage in the modern economy is a happy and engaged workforce. A decade of research in the business world proves that happiness raises nearly every business and educational outcome: raising sales by 37%, productivity by 31%, and accuracy on tasks by 19%, as well as a myriad of health and quality-of-life improvements. Given the unprecedented level of unhappiness at companies and the direct link between happiness and business outcomes, the question is NOT whether happiness should matter to companies. Given this research, it clearly should. The first question is: What can I do in my own life to reap the advantage of happiness? Training your brain to be positive at work is just like training your muscles at the gym. Sounds simple, right? Well, think about how easy it is to make yourself go to the gym. The key with any new resolution is to make it a habit. New research on neuroplasticity -- the ability of the brain to change even as an adult -- reveals that moderate actions can rewire the brain as you create "life habits." In The Happiness Advantage, I challenge readers to do one brief positive exercise every day for 21 days. Only through behavioral change can information become transformation. • Write down three new things you are grateful for each day; • Write for two minutes a day describing one positive experience you had over the past 24 hours; • Exercise for 10 minutes a day; • Meditate for two minutes, focusing on your breath going in and out; • Write one quick email first thing in the morning thanking or praising someone in your social support network (family member, friend, old teacher). But does it work? In the midst of the worst tax season in history I did a three-hour intervention at auditing and tax accounting firm KPMG, describing how to reap the happiness advantage by creating one of these positive habits. Four months later, there was a 24% improvement in job and life satisfaction. Not only is change possible, this is one of the first long-term ROI (return on investment) studies proving that happiness leads to long-term quantifiable(可以计量的) positive change. In a study I performed on 1,600 Harvard students in 2007, I found that there was a correlation between perceived social support and happiness. This is higher than the connection between smoking and cancer. So if in the modern world we give up our social networks to work away from friends and follow celebrities on Twitter, we are trading off with our happiness and health. Following up, I switched around the questions and asked how much social support employees provided (instead of received). The results were off the charts. Those high on provision of social support are 10 times more engaged at work and have a 40% higher likelihood of promotion over the next four years. In other words, giving at the office gets you more than receiving. The greatest cultural myth in modern society is that we cannot change. My research proves that you can not only become more positive, but if you prioritize happiness in the present, you can reap an extraordinary advantage. 以上就是我为你整理的唯美的英语文章精选,希望对你有帮助!

文艺复兴时期,欧洲产生了唯美主义的这种思想流派,这种思想流派随着时间的推移发生了演变,现在这种唯美主义的手法已经应用到各个领域。下面是我带来的唯美全英文 文章 ,欢迎阅读!


A Winter Walk冬日漫步

-by Henry David Thoreau亨利·大卫·梭罗


The wind has gently murmured through the binds,or puffed with feathery softness against the windows, and occasionally sighed like a summer zephyr lifting the leaves along, the livelong night. The meadow mouse has slept in his snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed. The watch-dog has lain quiet on the hearth, and the cattle have stood silent in their earth itself has slept, as it were its first, not its last sleep,save when some street-sign or wood-house door has faintly creaked upon its hinge, cheering forlorn nature at her midnight work, - the only sound awake twixt Venus and Mars, - advertising us of a remote inward warmth, a divine cheer and fellowship, where gods are met together, but where it is very bleak for men to stand. But while the earth has slumbered, all the air has been alive with feathery flakes descending, as if some northern Ceres reigned, showering her silvery grain over all the fields.


We sleep, and at length awake to the still reality of a winter morning. The snow lies warm as cotton or down upon the window-sill; the broadened sash and frosted panes admit a dim and private light, which enhances the snug cheer within. The stillness of the morning is impressive. The floor creaks under our feet as we move toward the window to look abroad through some clear space over the see the roofs stand under their snow burden. From the eaves and fences hang stalactites of snow, and in the yard stand stalagmites covering some concealed core. The trees and shrubs rear white arms to the sky on every side;and where were walls and fences, we see fantastic forms stretching in frolic gambols. across the dusky landscape, as if Nature had strewn her fresh designs over the fields by night

as models for man's art.



Life is like a Journey人生如旅程


Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to handle various situations.



Love plays a pivotal role in our life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could go haywire and also become cruel and ferocious. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who showed us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others feelings. Kids make a person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better.


Happiness and Sorrow快乐与悲伤

Materialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others' face gives a certain level of fulfillment. Peace of mind is the main link to happiness. No mind is happy without peace. We realize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things are temporary and pass away.


Failure and Success失败与成功

Failure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect. Here it becomes very important to keep our head on our shoulder. The only way to show our gratitude to God for bestowing success on us is by being humble, modest, courteous and respectful to the less fortunate ones.


Hope and Despair希望与绝望

Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day. Nothing remains the same, we have only one choice -keep moving on in life and be hopeful.


Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. So the only alternative is work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.



Breaking Habit打破习惯

-By Walter Pater沃尔特.佩特


To burn always with this hard, gem-like flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life. In a sense it might even be said that our failure is to form habits: for, after all, habit is relative to a stereotyped world, and meantime it is only the roughness of the dye that makes any two persons, things, situations, seem alike, While all melts under our feet, we may well grasp at any exquisite passion, or any contribution to knowledge that seems by a lifted horizon to set the spirit free for a moment, or any stirring of the senses, strange dyes, strange colors, and curious odors, or work of the artist's hands, or the face of one's friend.


Not to discriminate every moment some passionate attitude in those about us, and in the very brilliancy of their gifts some tragic dividing of forces on their ways, is, on this short day of frost and sun, to sleep before evening. With this sense of the splendor of our experience and of its awful brevity, gathering all we are into one desperate effort to see and touch. we shall hardly have time to make theories about the things we see and touch.

我们与周围的人们相处,在任何时刻,如果一点看不出某种受激情支配的姿态,从人们的光辉才华中竟然看不出某种力量分配方面的悲剧,那么,在我们这既有冰霜、又有阳光的短暂时日中,就意味着不待黄昏来临便昏昏睡去。感到了人生 经验 的五色缤纷及倏忽无常,我们拼出全部力气进行观察和接触,哪里还有时间去为自己观察和接触到的事物制订出一套一套的理论?

What we have to do is to be for ever curiously testing new opinions and courting new impressions, never in a facile acquiesce of orthodoxy Comet, or of Hegel, or of our own . Philosophical theories or ideas, as points of view, instruments of criticism, may help us to gather up what might otherwise pass unrecorded by us. "Philosophy is the microscope of thought".

