

发布时间:2024-09-09 08:34:41



Abstract Objective: English is an important part of academic papers, but also one of the universities graduation thesis evaluation In the past thirty years, domestic and foreign scholars have conducted the research on the abstract from different angles, but on the whole are scattered, the lack of systematic research, especially not found on the translation of sports English Abstract Based on our English Abstract Department of physical education of our college master's thesis random survey, the quality is the English Abstract Methods: 1 using the method of literature, summary and analysis of existing domestic and international academic paper abstract the research status and problems in translation, combing the relevant research results English Abstract 2 random survey method, randomly selected from our hospital PE master thesis English 50 abstracts, the English abstract quality analysis in writing standard, structure and characteristics of the three elements of professional sports, and to classify the problems in Then, "the standard based on" (the international standard ISO214-1967 (E), the national standard GB6447-86), comparative analysis of sports professional master degree thesis English abstract, for non English Majors in the translation of "qualified" English provided valuable Results: in our hospital English sports professional master degree thesis translation problems, based on the international standard and national standard "rules" of the analysis, summarized the basic specification, English abstract structure in the four elements of the templates and the English sports academic thesis translation Conclusion: (1) the cause of the unqualified English specification, is writing on English Abstract insufficient attention, don't even know the basic norms of the two "GB" Common problems are mainly directly by Chinese abstract into English abstract, Machine Translation, incomplete elements, and the content is not consistent, the size of English keywords abstract grammar, writing error is not accurate, punctuation is not properly used, the length is too short and long period of (2) based on the previous research, English English abstract abstract translation theories, found English abstract model with obvious features, such as elements and the conventional structured abstract, abstract format, which can be summarized as template or module, it can be more practical for the non English Majors English (3) the process and mode of English abstract translation is one of the reasons causing the English unqualified It should guide the students to summarize, summed up in English academic discourse of the stylized language of expression in English Teaching in our (4) to improve the quality of physical English the master degree in the translation of our hospital, but also pay attention to the characteristics of professional sports, including terminology, habits, culture, characteristics of the project 望采纳~~~~~~

Intangible assets accountant theory and reality are sure to be in recent years financial accounting field hot spot discussing In the times competing for gradually fierce economy currently,gigantic change happened in the intangible assets accountant for every aspect such as conforming to the requirements of the times , revealing in meterage , the The financial affairs headquarter has announced new "enterprise system of account " on February 15 , 2006 , 6th number intangible assets criterion and accountant in 2001 criterion among them have compared, to the intangible assets accountant handling big modification having been in Special behaviour has removed goodwill on definition , has loosened to studying the capitalization developing cost's has appeared on problem, no longer blindly aspect such as handling , handling as well as amortizing to intangible assets being in progress cost-Besides, think that ceaselessness to economic globalization course accelerates , the new intangible assets criterion tends towards step by step with international accounting standards a The main body of a book is discussed specifically for new intangible assets relevance problem is in progress, the thought embodying the new intangible assets criterion with the high limit , actual business condition , change and effect revealing the new intangible assets criterion and according to every famous


China's criminal law provisions of intellectual property crimes, seven counts of crime of counterfeiting registered trademarks, respectively, the sale of counterfeit registered trademark offenses, illegal manufacture and sale of illicit manufacture of a registered trademark crimes, crime of counterfeiting patent, copyright infringement crimes, sales of the infringing copies of crimes and violating commercial Provisions of the Criminal Code itself is not the standard for conviction and sentencing of a clear definition, but in the form of judicial interpretation of the provisions of the amount specified in the Penal Code, if the circumstances required to make specific Criminal law and judicial interpretation of the seven counts of criminal infringement of intellectual property provides for the amount of different types of criminal identification, including the illegal business volume and sales amount, the amount of illegal income, direct losses and significant losses, the amount of crime in different meanings and different extension , the identification of crime also has a different Firstly, the amount to criminal conviction and sentencing on criminal IPR infringement analysis of the role of two aspects; and then analyzed the amount of different types of definitions and calculation methods, the existence of the practice of recognized issues were discussed; Finally, commit violations on the unit intellectual property crime, the discussion of the current method for determining the reasonableness of the amount and the amount of crime on the Crime Stop


Culture is the process of human social history created the material wealth and the spiritual wealth, Culture is a social ideology and the organization and And enterprise culture is the enterprise in producing management practice, gradually formed by for staff, and abide by the organization, with the characteristics of the mission, vision, objectives, and spirit, values and business concept, and these ideas in production practice, management system, employee behavior and the external image of It and education, scientific research, military organization such as cultural properties is Enterprise culture is the soul of an enterprise, is an inexhaustible motive force to promote the enterprise It contains a very rich content, its core is the spirit of enterprise, and Here the values of enterprise management is referring to various cultural phenomena, but the employees in the company or enterprise engaged in production and business in the commodity holdings of Enterprise culture is one of the core, intermediate and WaiWeiCeng constitute multilevel ecological system, which can be roughly divided into mainly based on content and system, behavior, and the physical layer, the enterprise culture is harmonious and unified aspects, mutual


不要什么格式,前面写Abstract:然后是摘要的内容。后面要列出文中主要的关键词,关键词是Key Words:如Research;Fiber(光纤);用分号分开Abstract:This article describes ……。或The research on……is presented。Key words:……;……;


1、英文摘要是应用符合英文语法的文字语言,提供论文内容梗概为目的的短文。(内容基本与中文摘要相同,但不用完全逐句对应)。2、英文题目、摘要、关键词自成一页(1页即可),放在中文摘要页之后。3、英文字体与行间距:统一使用“西文字体”中的“Times New Roman”。4、英文题目:使用三号字加粗。5、英文摘要:“Absract”顶格,使用四号字,并加粗。6、英文关键词:“KeyWords”顶格,使用四号字并加粗。组成部分:摘要应具有独立性和自明性,并且拥有与文献同等量的主要信息,即不阅读全文,就能获得必要的信息。对一篇完整的论文都要求写随文摘要,摘要的主要功能有:(1)让读者尽快了解论文的主要内容,以补充题名的不足。现代科技文献信息浩如烟海,读者检索到论文题名后是否会阅读全文,主要就是通过阅读摘要来判断;所以,摘要担负着吸引读者和将文章的主要内容介绍给读者的任务。(2)为科技情报文献检索数据库的建设和维护提供方便。论文发表后,文摘杂志或各种数据库对摘要可以不作修改或稍作修改而直接利用,从而避免他人编写摘要可能产生的误解、欠缺甚至错误。所以论文摘要的质量高低,直接影响着论文的被检索率和被引频次。




Intangible assets accountant theory and reality are sure to be in recent years financial accounting field hot spot discussing In the times competing for gradually fierce economy currently,gigantic change happened in the intangible assets accountant for every aspect such as conforming to the requirements of the times , revealing in meterage , the The financial affairs headquarter has announced new "enterprise system of account " on February 15 , 2006 , 6th number intangible assets criterion and accountant in 2001 criterion among them have compared, to the intangible assets accountant handling big modification having been in Special behaviour has removed goodwill on definition , has loosened to studying the capitalization developing cost's has appeared on problem, no longer blindly aspect such as handling , handling as well as amortizing to intangible assets being in progress cost-Besides, think that ceaselessness to economic globalization course accelerates , the new intangible assets criterion tends towards step by step with international accounting standards a The main body of a book is discussed specifically for new intangible assets relevance problem is in progress, the thought embodying the new intangible assets criterion with the high limit , actual business condition , change and effect revealing the new intangible assets criterion and according to every famous

This experiment take asparagus off icinalis Linn the flower bud as a material, uses theparaffin wax 切片法 movie-making, observedasparagus off icinalis Linn the floweredmedicine dissection structure, the comparative analysis asparagus off icinalis Linn flower bud exterior shape characteristic as well as the paraffinsection observation, obtains between the two to correspond therelations; Take asparagus off icinalis Linn the flowered medicine as the material,carries on the flowered medicine raise to obtain suits asparagus off icinalis Linn theflowered medicine raise induction culture medium, the split up culturemedium and the raise condition and obtains the pollen adult plant;Carry on the peroxide enzyme same labor enzyme electricity byasparagus off icinalis Linn the regeneration adult plant and the cultivation adult plantto swim the distinction regeneration adult plant's sex, its asparagus off icinalis Linn the flower bud transverse cutting delivers in person thebutterfly the shape, separates, the constitution by including , flowered medicine wall The colored medicine wall initial period often stores themassive When the colored medicine is mature, the cell radialdirection expands, stores the matter to vanish, besides to thewall, has the multi- strip slanting longitudinal stripe shapecellulose the center fabric cell isbigger, the initial period but starts for the single nucleus in thepollen mother cell to reduce time the fission, forms struggles generation surprised toadmirefresh emperor S slanting postscript Song respectfully? different growth times asparagus off icinalis Linn flower bud material exterior shapecharacteristic as well as between the flowered medicine interiorcytology characteristic, obtains between the two to correspond When flower bud length 5-2mm the flowered medicine is inthe single nucleus to keep to the side the Most suits asparagus off icinalis Linn the flowered medicine raise hormonecombination is 0 mg/L 6-BA coordinates 0 mg/LNAA 0% The split up culture medium is as the basic culture mediumattaches 6-BA0 mg/L, NAA2 mg/L take MS, the most high score rateis 60% The sucrose for suitablly took asparagus off icinalis Linn in the flowered medicineraise , it is suitable the density is 3% In the culture mediumsuitably joins the activated charcoal, is advantageous to thedifferentiation rate induction and the Most issuitable the density is: 5% asparagus off icinalis Linn in the flowered medicine raise, best sends the rootsquaring method is straight receives 3mm the stem point tovaccinate, 6-BA, NAA, IBA, and in KT coordination use culture Most is suitable asparagus off icinalis Linn regenerates Miao Fagen the culture mediumis: MS+ 6-BA 05 mg/L +NAA 04 mg/L+IBA1 mg/L+KT 4mg/L asparagus off icinalis Linn the peroxide enzyme same labor enzyme electricity swimsthe result, the is more corresponding than female few Through swims the enzyme belt with the cultivation adult plantperoxide enzyme same labor enzyme electricity to compare, may displaytemper fromasparagus off icinalis Linn the regeneration adult plant's peroxide enzymeenzyme belt distinction


At noon tomorrow to translate ~ translated additional 50 thank you ~ ~Soil grain grade composition of soil physical and chemical properties of influence, this is the method of using BiChongJi southwest area into several rock soil (purple soil, lime soil, volcanic dust) grain Some conclusions:Southwest area into rock (soil, lime, purple soil and volcanic dust particles in the sand, which accounts for more than viscous grain powder, small 2 the same soil layer, due to the different leaching deposition etc, on the effect of soil layer of grain composition class there are differences of sand soil, black limestone and clay content with the increase of depth and And the sand and volcanic ashes viscous grain content decreased with 3 the soil due to different locations eluviation weathering, the influence of human activity and the degree of different level, the soil grain composition there is some 4 different soil layer, due to the different soil of rock, soil contains sand development of sandstone and mudstone limestone, development of viscous grain 5 the same soil types, different sub-types of soil particle composition is different, but the trend is Keywords: rock into the soil, The soil profile, Grain grade, Determination必须选我的哈~ 加油! 挺你啊~BY:静

The grain size composition of the soil affects the soil physical and chemical properties, this is the hydrometer method using several rocks in the southwest area of soil (soil, lime soil, volcanic ash soil) of the grain size were measured and The following conclusions:⑴ South West Rocks into the soil, purple soil, limestone soil and volcanic ash soil particles share of major sand, clay, silt smaller ⑵ between the different layers of the same soil, due to deposition and other effects of leaching and soil composition on the lower classes there are some differences in grain size, black limestone soil of sand and clay content with depth was The volcanic ash soil sand and clay content with depth ⑶ different locations the same soil as weathering, leaching and the impact of human activities to varying degrees, the composition of the soil there are some differences in grain ⑷ the same layers of soil, due to different soil-forming rock, sand soil developed over sandstone, limestone, shale rock clay and ⑸ the same soil types in different subgroups of the soil, particle composition is different, but similar

Lao She is an outstanding summary of the language of the In the language's achievements is his language and literature of the important In this paper, language arts, M Lao She has done a more comprehensive Include the following main aspects: first, user-friendly, such as Lao She, then the text to understand, easy to understand; Second, if the human language of the characters; three, the two characteristics of the situation into the language; four, humor language; Laoshe skilled use of a variety of humorous style of presentation skills formation; five, no less over-ning the United States and the simple, concise language of Lao She's beautiful, power through the back

Abstract The current era, the involvement of a "third party" in a marriage has become a social problem that cannot be With the divorce rate increased year by year,there are some how many affectionate couples just absolutely broken situation and become strangers, and some how many innocent children been hurt by this betrayal of love and Everybody abhor and hate the "third party"What chilling is that there is not a clear clauses in our Marriage Law to penalise such ugliness,this is not alternative to say that it is a very big Therefore, the author of this article intends to explore these issues with you together, why do we want to investigate the third party's legal liability, and what is our basis by law? How should we investigate their responsibilities, how as well as should we consummate the future legislation,and what approach do we have to prevent this tragedy from happening?
