

发布时间:2024-07-08 15:06:01


Clutch three-dimensional simulation and measurement of design With the rapid development of mechanical engineering industry, various types of mechanical requirements for the clutch has gradually increased, a higher load, more stable clutch transmission has gradually become a The graduation project mainly uses the idea of reverse engineering to mechanical-related courses based on knowledge acquisition, the use of three-dimensional scanner and other testing tools and instruments to go beyond existing measurement clutch This article focuses on the use of three-dimensional scanner machine Imageware measured wedge design analysis and fitting, fitting results based on three-dimensional modeling using SolidWorks software and production of two-dimensional design, built on SolidWorks software for dynamic three-dimensional model Simulation and analysis, and ultimately by their three-dimensional model and design drawings, and dynamic simulation of the process of overrunning clutch and

基于UG的模块化机械设计方法研究摘 要]本文采用模块化设计思想和UG二次开发技术,解决了用UG软件进行机械设计时,许多常用件需要多次重新设计的问题。常用件模块以菜单的方式结合在UG软件中,这具有良好的可扩充性和可移植性。[关键词]模块化设计 机械设计 UG二次开发Unigraphics(简称UG)是美国EDS公司推出的CAD/CAM/CAE一体化软件。它的内容涉及到平面工程制图、三维造型、装配、制造加工、逆向工程、工业造型设计、注塑模具设计、钣金设计、机构运动分析、数控模拟、渲染和动化仿真、工业标准交互传输、有限元分析等十几个模块。近年来UG发展迅速,已广泛应用于多个领域,更是进行机械设计的常用软件。虽然UG功能非常强大,但在进行机械产品设计的时候经常会遇到一些标准件以外的常用件,若每次对它们均从头开始设计,则要做大量的重复性工作。为了提高劳动生产率,降低设计成本,将已经广泛应用于电子、计算机、建筑等领域的模块化设计思想引用到机械设计中,形成基于UG的模块化机械设计。1模块化机械设计1模块及模块化的概念模块是一组具有同一功能和结合要素(指联接部位的形状、尺寸、连接件间的配合或啮合等),但性能、规格或结构不同却能互换的单元。模块化则是指在对产品进行市场预测、功能分析的基础上划分并设计出一系列通用的功能模块,然后根据用户的要求,对模块进行选择和组合,以构成不同功能或功能相同但性能不同、规格不同的产品。2模块化机械设计相关性模块化设计所依赖的是模块的组合,即结合面,又称为接口。为了保证不同功能模块的组合和相同功能模块的互换,模块应具有可组合性和可互换性两个特征。这两个特征主要体现在接口上,必须提高模块标准化、通用化、规格化的程度。对于模块化机械设计,可见其关键是怎样划分模块,这里主要通过综合考虑零部件在功能、几何、物理上存在的相关性来划分模块。(1)功能相关性零部件之间的功能相关性是指在模块划分时,将那些为实现同一功能的零部件聚在一起构成模块,这有助于提高模块的功能独立性。(2)几何相关性零部件之间的几何相关性是指零部件之间的空间、几何关系上的物理联接、紧固、尺寸、垂直度、平等度和同轴度等几何关系。(3)物理相关性零部件之间的物理相关性是指零部件之间存在着能量流、信息流或物料流的传递物理关系。3模块化机械设计的优点模块化机械设计在技术上和经济上都具有明显的优点,经理论分析和实践证明,其优越性主要体现在下述几方面:(1)可使现在机械工业得到振兴,并向高科技产业发展;(2)减轻机械产品设计、制造及装配专业技术人员的劳动强度;(3)模块化机械产品质量高、成本低,并且妥善解决了多品种小批量加工所带来的制造方面的问题;(4)有利于企业根据市场变化,采用先进技术改造产品、开发新产品;(5)缩短机械产品的设计、制造和供货期限,以赢得用户;(6)模块化机械产品互换性强,便于维修。2模块化机械设计在UG中的实现1总体构思在用UG进行机械设计时,为了将常用件模块化,首先要把常用件的三维模型表达出来。对于系列产品,可按照成组技术的原理进行分类,一组相似的常用件建立一个三维模型,即所谓的三维模型样板。根据UG参数化设计思想,一个三维模型样板可认为是一组尺寸不同、结构相似的系列化零部件的基本模型。把众多的三维模型样板按类分开,每一类放在一个集合里,这样每类都形成了一个三维模型样板的模块库。为了使模块库与UG的集成环境有机地结合在一起,把每个模块库都以图标的方式放在用户菜单上,以方便调用。为了实现这一总体构思,综合运用了UG/Open MenuScript、UG/Open Ulstyler、UG/OpenAPI、Visual C++等UG二次开发技术,其程序流程图如图2模块库菜单设计为了与UG菜单交互界面风格保持一致,模块库采用了分级式下拉菜单,下拉菜单通过UG/Open MenuScript模块开发实现。即利用MenuScript提供的UG菜单脚本语言,编写成扩展名为“”的文本文件,将其放在用户目录下的/startup目录内,通过设定UG的环境变量,UG在启动时会自动加载用户菜单文件。为了方便用户调用时快速检索到所要的常用件三维模型样板,将下拉菜单的最大深度设计为3级,且每一条下拉菜单最多不超过15个按钮。末级菜单上每一个按钮对应一个常用件三维模型样板名称,点击末级菜单按钮即调出创建相应产品的三维模型样板对话框。3三维模型样板对话框设计利用UG/Open Ulstyle制作UG风格的对话框,按照模型样板的参数生成包含数据输入框、文本框、按钮、图片等控件的对话框。在对话框上部显示零配件图片,在对话框左上角显示对话框标题,在UG系统窗口左下角显示操作提示信息,这样可以使用户很方便地设计或选用常用件三维模型,三维模型样板对话框设计完成后,生成扩展名为“dlg”文件。所有对话框都有6种基本同调函数,分别是Apply按钮的回调函数,Back按钮的回调函数、Cancel按钮的回调函数、OK按钮的回调函数、对话框构造函数和对话框析构函数。其中对话框构造函数在UG构建对话框完成之后、用户应用程序执行之前调用,将常用件三维模型的常用规格及技术要求显示到信息窗口,供用户创建产品时作参考。对话框析构函数在UG用户对话框关闭时调用,程序编写时利用它进行关闭、清除信息窗口以及释放申请的内存空间等操作。4应用程序动态链接库(*dll)创建UG/Open API应用程序是用C/C++语言编写的,它除了能够在UG的环境下对UG进行功能调用外,还能在程序中实现软件的文件管理、流程控制、数据传输、窗口调用、数值计算等C/C++语言支持的全部功能,使用非常灵活。UG/Open API应用程序牵涉到UG提供的头文件(*h)、库文件(*dll)及以C/C++语言编程环境,需要对Visual C++编译环境进行设置,下面给出了Visual C++0编译环境设置方法及动态链接库的创建过程:(1)建立一个空的动态链接库工程。(2)配置程序头文件(*h)、库文件(*dll)的目录路径。其中头文件包括UG头文件,Visual C++0库文件。(3)将对话框生成的C语言源文件模板文件*添加到Project中。(4)编制应用程序。进入对话框回调函数内部进行程序编制,定义变量及UG对象,运用C/C++语言和UG/Open API函数进行参数化建模设计。(5)生成动态链接库(*dll)文件。UG启动时会自动加载动态链接库文件,供用户菜单调用。3结束语随着装备制造业的飞速发展,产品种类急剧增多且结构日趋复杂,只有产品设计周期不断缩短,才能够满足企业激烈竞争的需要。用UG软件进行模块化机械设计符合机械产品快速设计的理念,符合装备制造业的发展需要,是机械设计的发展方向之一,具有较高的实用价值和经济价值。参考文献[1]袁峰UG机械设计工程范例教程[M]北京机械工业出版社2006[2]王志张进生于丰业王鹏任秀华基于模块化的机械产品快速设计[J]机械设计2004,21,8[3]滕晓艳张家泰产品模块化设计方法的研究[J]应用科技2006,33,2[4]董正卫田立中付宜利UG/Open API编程基础[M]北京清华大学出版社,2002 你自己用有道翻译吧!

Overrunning clutch of 3d measurement simulation and structure design With the rapid development of mechanical engineering industry, various types of machinery for overrunning clutch requirement also enhanced gradually, higher load, the more stable transmission has gradually become the development trend of overrunning The graduation design mainly USES the reverse engineering thinking, and mechanical or related courses are acquisition of knowledge as the basis, using three-dimensional copy several machine test tools and means for the existing overrunning clutch measuring This paper introduces the use of 3d copy number Imageware measured wedge of machine design analysis and fitting, according to the fitting results using SolidWorks software for 3d modeling and make 2d drawings of SolidWorks software is built, the 3d model for dynamic simulation and analysis, finally get its 3d model and design drawings, and the dynamic simulation of overrunning clutch process and !


Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板 Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 Screw driver起子 Electric screw driver电动起子 Pneumatic screw driver气动起子 worktable 工作桌 OOBA开箱检查 Out of Box Auditfit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 fuse machine热熔机 repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 inch镑、英寸 EMI gasket导电条 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 work cell工作间 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备 uncoiler and straightener整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 hydraulic machine油压机 lathe车床 |刨床planer |'plein miller铣床 grinder磨床 driller钻床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section supervisor副课长 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 assistant manager助理 to move, to carry, to handle搬运 be put in storage入库 pack packing包装 to apply oil擦油 to file burr 锉毛刺 final inspection终检 to connect material接料 to reverse material 翻料 wet station沾湿台 Tiana天那水 cleaning cloth抹布 to load material上料 to unload material卸料 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |'skræpid|报废 scrape 刮;削 deficient purchase来料不良 manufacture procedure制程 deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良 n|氧化oxidation |' ksi'dei scratch刮伤 dents压痕 defective upsiding down抽芽不良 defective to staking铆合不良 embedded lump镶块 feeding is not in place送料不到位 stamping-missing漏冲 production capacity生产力 education and training教育与训练 proposal improvement提案改善 spare parts=buffer备件 forklift叉车 trailer=long vehicle拖板车 compound die合模 die locker锁模器 pressure plate=plate pinch压板 bolt螺栓 name of a department部门名称 administration/general affairs dept总务部 automatic screwdriver电动启子 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 screwdriver holder起子插座 pedal踩踏板 stopper阻挡器 flow board流水板 hydraulic handjack油压板车 forklift叉车 pallet栈板 glove(s)手套 glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套 thumb大拇指 forefinger食指 midfinger中指 ring finger无名指 little finger小指 band-aid创可贴 iudustrial alcohol工业酒精 alcohol container沾湿台 head of screwdriver起子头 sweeper扫把 mop拖把 vaccum cleaner吸尘器 rag 抹布 garbage container灰箕 garbage can垃圾箱 garbage bag垃圾袋 chain链条 jack升降机 production line流水线 chain链条槽 magnetizer加磁器 lamp holder灯架 to mop the floor拖地 to clean the floor扫地 to clean a table擦桌子 air pipe 气管 packaging tool打包机 packaging打包 missing part漏件 wrong part错件 excessive defects过多的缺陷 critical defect极严重缺陷 major defect主要缺陷 minor defect次要缺陷 not up to standard不合规格 dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良 slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头 slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手 speckle斑点 mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉 rust生锈 deformation变形 burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边 poor staking铆合不良 excesssive gap间隙过大 grease/oil stains油污 inclusion杂质 painting peel off脏污 shrinking/shrinkage缩水 mixed color杂色 scratch划伤 poor processing 制程不良 poor incoming part事件不良 fold of packaging belt打包带折皱 painting make-up补漆 discoloration羿色 water spots水渍 polishing/surface processing表面处理 exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露 lack of painting烤漆不到位 safety安全 quality品质 delivery deadline交货期 cost成本 engineering工程 die repair模修 enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划 QC品管 die worker模工 production, to produce生产 equipment设备 to start a press开机 stop/switch off a press关机 classification整理 regulation整顿 cleanness清扫 conservation清洁 culture教养 qualified products, up-to-grade products良品 defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品 waste废料 board看板 feeder送料机 sliding rack滑料架 defective product box不良品箱 die change 换模 to fix a die装模 to take apart a die拆模 to repair a die修模 packing material包材 basket蝴蝶竺 plastic basket胶筐 isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板 carton box纸箱 to pull and stretch拉深 to put material in place, to cut material, to input落料 to impose lines压线 to compress, compressing压缩 character die字模 to feed, feeding送料 transportation运输 (be)qualfied, up to grade合格 not up to grade, not qualified不合格 material change, stock change材料变更 feature change 特性变更 evaluation评估 prepare for, make preparations for 准备 parameters参数 rotating speed, revolution转速 manufacture management制造管理 abnormal handling异常处理 production unit生产单位 lots of production生产批量 steel plate钢板 roll material卷料 manufacture procedure制程 operation procedure作业流程 to revise, modify修订 to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over切换 engineering, project difficulty 工程瓶颈 stage die工程模 automation自动化 to stake, staking, reviting铆合 add lubricating oil加润滑油 shut die架模 shut height of a die架模高度 analog-mode device类模器 die lifter举模器 argon welding氩焊 vocabulary for stamping模具专业英语[分享]模具述语 一、入水:gate 进入位: gate location 水口形式:gate type 大水口:edge gate 细水口: pin-point gate 水口大小:gate size 转水口: switching runner/gate 唧嘴口径: sprue diameter 二、流道: runner 热流道: hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate 圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance 热嘴: hot sprue 热流道板:hot manifold 发热管:cartridge heater 探针: thermocouples 插头: connector plug 插座: connector socket 密封/封料: seal 三、运水:water line 喉塞:line lpug 喉管:tube 塑胶管:plastic tube 快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker 四、模具零件: mold components 三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold 边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边L:guide pin 顶针板:ejector retainner plate 托板: support plate 螺丝: screw 管钉:dowel pin 开模槽:ply bar scot 内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock 顶针: ejector pin 司筒:ejector sleeve 司筒针:ejector pin 推板:stripper plate 缩呵:movable core,return core core puller 扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter 模胚(架): mold base 上内模:cavity insert 下内模:core insert 行位(滑块): slide 镶件:insert 压座/斜鸡:wedge 耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate 压条:plate 撑头: support pillar 唧嘴: sprue bushing 挡板:stop plate 定位圈:locating ring 锁扣:latch 扣鸡:parting lock set 推杆:push bar 栓打螺丝:SHSB 顶板:eracuretun 活动臂:lever arm 分流锥:spure sperader 水口司:bush 垃圾钉:stop pin 隔片:buffle 弹弓柱:spring rod 弹弓:die spring 中托司:ejector guide bush 中托边:ejector guide pin 镶针:pin 销子:dowel pin 波子弹弓:ball catch 喉塞: pipe plug 锁模块:lock plate 斜顶:angle from pin 斜顶杆:angle ejector rod 尼龙拉勾:parting locks 活动臂:lever arm 复位键、提前回杆:early return bar 气阀:valves 斜导边:angle pin 术语:terms 承压平面平衡:parting surface support balance 模排气:parting line venting 回针碰料位:return pin and cavity interference 模总高超出啤机规格:mold base shut hight 顶针碰运水:water line interferes withejector pin 料位出上/下模:part from cavith (core) side 模胚原身出料位:cavity direct cut on A-plate,core direct cut on B- 不准用镶件: Do not use (core/cavity) insert 用铍铜做镶件: use beryllium copper insert 初步(正式)模图设计:preliinary (final) mold design 反呵:reverse core 弹弓压缩量:spring compressed length 稳定性好:good stability,stable 强度不够:insufficient rigidity 均匀冷却:even cooling 扣模:sticking 热膨胀:thero expansion 公差:tolorance 铜公(电极):copper electrod


基于UG的模块化机械设计方法研究摘 要]本文采用模块化设计思想和UG二次开发技术,解决了用UG软件进行机械设计时,许多常用件需要多次重新设计的问题。常用件模块以菜单的方式结合在UG软件中,这具有良好的可扩充性和可移植性。[关键词]模块化设计 机械设计 UG二次开发Unigraphics(简称UG)是美国EDS公司推出的CAD/CAM/CAE一体化软件。它的内容涉及到平面工程制图、三维造型、装配、制造加工、逆向工程、工业造型设计、注塑模具设计、钣金设计、机构运动分析、数控模拟、渲染和动化仿真、工业标准交互传输、有限元分析等十几个模块。近年来UG发展迅速,已广泛应用于多个领域,更是进行机械设计的常用软件。虽然UG功能非常强大,但在进行机械产品设计的时候经常会遇到一些标准件以外的常用件,若每次对它们均从头开始设计,则要做大量的重复性工作。为了提高劳动生产率,降低设计成本,将已经广泛应用于电子、计算机、建筑等领域的模块化设计思想引用到机械设计中,形成基于UG的模块化机械设计。1模块化机械设计1模块及模块化的概念模块是一组具有同一功能和结合要素(指联接部位的形状、尺寸、连接件间的配合或啮合等),但性能、规格或结构不同却能互换的单元。模块化则是指在对产品进行市场预测、功能分析的基础上划分并设计出一系列通用的功能模块,然后根据用户的要求,对模块进行选择和组合,以构成不同功能或功能相同但性能不同、规格不同的产品。2模块化机械设计相关性模块化设计所依赖的是模块的组合,即结合面,又称为接口。为了保证不同功能模块的组合和相同功能模块的互换,模块应具有可组合性和可互换性两个特征。这两个特征主要体现在接口上,必须提高模块标准化、通用化、规格化的程度。对于模块化机械设计,可见其关键是怎样划分模块,这里主要通过综合考虑零部件在功能、几何、物理上存在的相关性来划分模块。(1)功能相关性零部件之间的功能相关性是指在模块划分时,将那些为实现同一功能的零部件聚在一起构成模块,这有助于提高模块的功能独立性。(2)几何相关性零部件之间的几何相关性是指零部件之间的空间、几何关系上的物理联接、紧固、尺寸、垂直度、平等度和同轴度等几何关系。(3)物理相关性零部件之间的物理相关性是指零部件之间存在着能量流、信息流或物料流的传递物理关系。3模块化机械设计的优点模块化机械设计在技术上和经济上都具有明显的优点,经理论分析和实践证明,其优越性主要体现在下述几方面:(1)可使现在机械工业得到振兴,并向高科技产业发展;(2)减轻机械产品设计、制造及装配专业技术人员的劳动强度;(3)模块化机械产品质量高、成本低,并且妥善解决了多品种小批量加工所带来的制造方面的问题;(4)有利于企业根据市场变化,采用先进技术改造产品、开发新产品;(5)缩短机械产品的设计、制造和供货期限,以赢得用户;(6)模块化机械产品互换性强,便于维修。2模块化机械设计在UG中的实现1总体构思在用UG进行机械设计时,为了将常用件模块化,首先要把常用件的三维模型表达出来。对于系列产品,可按照成组技术的原理进行分类,一组相似的常用件建立一个三维模型,即所谓的三维模型样板。根据UG参数化设计思想,一个三维模型样板可认为是一组尺寸不同、结构相似的系列化零部件的基本模型。把众多的三维模型样板按类分开,每一类放在一个集合里,这样每类都形成了一个三维模型样板的模块库。为了使模块库与UG的集成环境有机地结合在一起,把每个模块库都以图标的方式放在用户菜单上,以方便调用。为了实现这一总体构思,综合运用了UG/Open MenuScript、UG/Open Ulstyler、UG/OpenAPI、Visual C++等UG二次开发技术,其程序流程图如图2模块库菜单设计为了与UG菜单交互界面风格保持一致,模块库采用了分级式下拉菜单,下拉菜单通过UG/Open MenuScript模块开发实现。即利用MenuScript提供的UG菜单脚本语言,编写成扩展名为“”的文本文件,将其放在用户目录下的/startup目录内,通过设定UG的环境变量,UG在启动时会自动加载用户菜单文件。为了方便用户调用时快速检索到所要的常用件三维模型样板,将下拉菜单的最大深度设计为3级,且每一条下拉菜单最多不超过15个按钮。末级菜单上每一个按钮对应一个常用件三维模型样板名称,点击末级菜单按钮即调出创建相应产品的三维模型样板对话框。3三维模型样板对话框设计利用UG/Open Ulstyle制作UG风格的对话框,按照模型样板的参数生成包含数据输入框、文本框、按钮、图片等控件的对话框。在对话框上部显示零配件图片,在对话框左上角显示对话框标题,在UG系统窗口左下角显示操作提示信息,这样可以使用户很方便地设计或选用常用件三维模型,三维模型样板对话框设计完成后,生成扩展名为“dlg”文件。所有对话框都有6种基本同调函数,分别是Apply按钮的回调函数,Back按钮的回调函数、Cancel按钮的回调函数、OK按钮的回调函数、对话框构造函数和对话框析构函数。其中对话框构造函数在UG构建对话框完成之后、用户应用程序执行之前调用,将常用件三维模型的常用规格及技术要求显示到信息窗口,供用户创建产品时作参考。对话框析构函数在UG用户对话框关闭时调用,程序编写时利用它进行关闭、清除信息窗口以及释放申请的内存空间等操作。4应用程序动态链接库(*dll)创建UG/Open API应用程序是用C/C++语言编写的,它除了能够在UG的环境下对UG进行功能调用外,还能在程序中实现软件的文件管理、流程控制、数据传输、窗口调用、数值计算等C/C++语言支持的全部功能,使用非常灵活。UG/Open API应用程序牵涉到UG提供的头文件(*h)、库文件(*dll)及以C/C++语言编程环境,需要对Visual C++编译环境进行设置,下面给出了Visual C++0编译环境设置方法及动态链接库的创建过程:(1)建立一个空的动态链接库工程。(2)配置程序头文件(*h)、库文件(*dll)的目录路径。其中头文件包括UG头文件,Visual C++0库文件。(3)将对话框生成的C语言源文件模板文件*添加到Project中。(4)编制应用程序。进入对话框回调函数内部进行程序编制,定义变量及UG对象,运用C/C++语言和UG/Open API函数进行参数化建模设计。(5)生成动态链接库(*dll)文件。UG启动时会自动加载动态链接库文件,供用户菜单调用。3结束语随着装备制造业的飞速发展,产品种类急剧增多且结构日趋复杂,只有产品设计周期不断缩短,才能够满足企业激烈竞争的需要。用UG软件进行模块化机械设计符合机械产品快速设计的理念,符合装备制造业的发展需要,是机械设计的发展方向之一,具有较高的实用价值和经济价值。参考文献[1]袁峰UG机械设计工程范例教程[M]北京机械工业出版社2006[2]王志张进生于丰业王鹏任秀华基于模块化的机械产品快速设计[J]机械设计2004,21,8[3]滕晓艳张家泰产品模块化设计方法的研究[J]应用科技2006,33,2[4]董正卫田立中付宜利UG/Open API编程基础[M]北京清华大学出版社,2002 你自己用有道翻译吧!

Overrunning clutch of 3d measurement simulation and structure design With the rapid development of mechanical engineering industry, various types of machinery for overrunning clutch requirement also enhanced gradually, higher load, the more stable transmission has gradually become the development trend of overrunning The graduation design mainly USES the reverse engineering thinking, and mechanical or related courses are acquisition of knowledge as the basis, using three-dimensional copy several machine test tools and means for the existing overrunning clutch measuring This paper introduces the use of 3d copy number Imageware measured wedge of machine design analysis and fitting, according to the fitting results using SolidWorks software for 3d modeling and make 2d drawings of SolidWorks software is built, the 3d model for dynamic simulation and analysis, finally get its 3d model and design drawings, and the dynamic simulation of overrunning clutch process and !


基于UG的模块化机械设计方法研究摘 要]本文采用模块化设计思想和UG二次开发技术,解决了用UG软件进行机械设计时,许多常用件需要多次重新设计的问题。常用件模块以菜单的方式结合在UG软件中,这具有良好的可扩充性和可移植性。[关键词]模块化设计 机械设计 UG二次开发Unigraphics(简称UG)是美国EDS公司推出的CAD/CAM/CAE一体化软件。它的内容涉及到平面工程制图、三维造型、装配、制造加工、逆向工程、工业造型设计、注塑模具设计、钣金设计、机构运动分析、数控模拟、渲染和动化仿真、工业标准交互传输、有限元分析等十几个模块。近年来UG发展迅速,已广泛应用于多个领域,更是进行机械设计的常用软件。虽然UG功能非常强大,但在进行机械产品设计的时候经常会遇到一些标准件以外的常用件,若每次对它们均从头开始设计,则要做大量的重复性工作。为了提高劳动生产率,降低设计成本,将已经广泛应用于电子、计算机、建筑等领域的模块化设计思想引用到机械设计中,形成基于UG的模块化机械设计。1模块化机械设计1模块及模块化的概念模块是一组具有同一功能和结合要素(指联接部位的形状、尺寸、连接件间的配合或啮合等),但性能、规格或结构不同却能互换的单元。模块化则是指在对产品进行市场预测、功能分析的基础上划分并设计出一系列通用的功能模块,然后根据用户的要求,对模块进行选择和组合,以构成不同功能或功能相同但性能不同、规格不同的产品。2模块化机械设计相关性模块化设计所依赖的是模块的组合,即结合面,又称为接口。为了保证不同功能模块的组合和相同功能模块的互换,模块应具有可组合性和可互换性两个特征。这两个特征主要体现在接口上,必须提高模块标准化、通用化、规格化的程度。对于模块化机械设计,可见其关键是怎样划分模块,这里主要通过综合考虑零部件在功能、几何、物理上存在的相关性来划分模块。(1)功能相关性零部件之间的功能相关性是指在模块划分时,将那些为实现同一功能的零部件聚在一起构成模块,这有助于提高模块的功能独立性。(2)几何相关性零部件之间的几何相关性是指零部件之间的空间、几何关系上的物理联接、紧固、尺寸、垂直度、平等度和同轴度等几何关系。(3)物理相关性零部件之间的物理相关性是指零部件之间存在着能量流、信息流或物料流的传递物理关系。3模块化机械设计的优点模块化机械设计在技术上和经济上都具有明显的优点,经理论分析和实践证明,其优越性主要体现在下述几方面:(1)可使现在机械工业得到振兴,并向高科技产业发展;(2)减轻机械产品设计、制造及装配专业技术人员的劳动强度;(3)模块化机械产品质量高、成本低,并且妥善解决了多品种小批量加工所带来的制造方面的问题;(4)有利于企业根据市场变化,采用先进技术改造产品、开发新产品;(5)缩短机械产品的设计、制造和供货期限,以赢得用户;(6)模块化机械产品互换性强,便于维修。2模块化机械设计在UG中的实现1总体构思在用UG进行机械设计时,为了将常用件模块化,首先要把常用件的三维模型表达出来。对于系列产品,可按照成组技术的原理进行分类,一组相似的常用件建立一个三维模型,即所谓的三维模型样板。根据UG参数化设计思想,一个三维模型样板可认为是一组尺寸不同、结构相似的系列化零部件的基本模型。把众多的三维模型样板按类分开,每一类放在一个集合里,这样每类都形成了一个三维模型样板的模块库。为了使模块库与UG的集成环境有机地结合在一起,把每个模块库都以图标的方式放在用户菜单上,以方便调用。为了实现这一总体构思,综合运用了UG/Open MenuScript、UG/Open Ulstyler、UG/OpenAPI、Visual C++等UG二次开发技术,其程序流程图如图2模块库菜单设计为了与UG菜单交互界面风格保持一致,模块库采用了分级式下拉菜单,下拉菜单通过UG/Open MenuScript模块开发实现。即利用MenuScript提供的UG菜单脚本语言,编写成扩展名为“”的文本文件,将其放在用户目录下的/startup目录内,通过设定UG的环境变量,UG在启动时会自动加载用户菜单文件。为了方便用户调用时快速检索到所要的常用件三维模型样板,将下拉菜单的最大深度设计为3级,且每一条下拉菜单最多不超过15个按钮。末级菜单上每一个按钮对应一个常用件三维模型样板名称,点击末级菜单按钮即调出创建相应产品的三维模型样板对话框。3三维模型样板对话框设计利用UG/Open Ulstyle制作UG风格的对话框,按照模型样板的参数生成包含数据输入框、文本框、按钮、图片等控件的对话框。在对话框上部显示零配件图片,在对话框左上角显示对话框标题,在UG系统窗口左下角显示操作提示信息,这样可以使用户很方便地设计或选用常用件三维模型,三维模型样板对话框设计完成后,生成扩展名为“dlg”文件。所有对话框都有6种基本同调函数,分别是Apply按钮的回调函数,Back按钮的回调函数、Cancel按钮的回调函数、OK按钮的回调函数、对话框构造函数和对话框析构函数。其中对话框构造函数在UG构建对话框完成之后、用户应用程序执行之前调用,将常用件三维模型的常用规格及技术要求显示到信息窗口,供用户创建产品时作参考。对话框析构函数在UG用户对话框关闭时调用,程序编写时利用它进行关闭、清除信息窗口以及释放申请的内存空间等操作。4应用程序动态链接库(*dll)创建UG/Open API应用程序是用C/C++语言编写的,它除了能够在UG的环境下对UG进行功能调用外,还能在程序中实现软件的文件管理、流程控制、数据传输、窗口调用、数值计算等C/C++语言支持的全部功能,使用非常灵活。UG/Open API应用程序牵涉到UG提供的头文件(*h)、库文件(*dll)及以C/C++语言编程环境,需要对Visual C++编译环境进行设置,下面给出了Visual C++0编译环境设置方法及动态链接库的创建过程:(1)建立一个空的动态链接库工程。(2)配置程序头文件(*h)、库文件(*dll)的目录路径。其中头文件包括UG头文件,Visual C++0库文件。(3)将对话框生成的C语言源文件模板文件*添加到Project中。(4)编制应用程序。进入对话框回调函数内部进行程序编制,定义变量及UG对象,运用C/C++语言和UG/Open API函数进行参数化建模设计。(5)生成动态链接库(*dll)文件。UG启动时会自动加载动态链接库文件,供用户菜单调用。3结束语随着装备制造业的飞速发展,产品种类急剧增多且结构日趋复杂,只有产品设计周期不断缩短,才能够满足企业激烈竞争的需要。用UG软件进行模块化机械设计符合机械产品快速设计的理念,符合装备制造业的发展需要,是机械设计的发展方向之一,具有较高的实用价值和经济价值。参考文献[1]袁峰UG机械设计工程范例教程[M]北京机械工业出版社2006[2]王志张进生于丰业王鹏任秀华基于模块化的机械产品快速设计[J]机械设计2004,21,8[3]滕晓艳张家泰产品模块化设计方法的研究[J]应用科技2006,33,2[4]董正卫田立中付宜利UG/Open API编程基础[M]北京清华大学出版社,2002 你自己用有道翻译吧!

去国外的大学教授主页上找吧,一般他们都会公布自己写的论文。这上面都一些机械控制的论文,不知道是不是符合你的要求 上面那个连接随便点一个进去就是一篇论文。。。 这就是论文了 这是第二篇

远程故障诊断系统是通过GPRS无线技术将现场车载终端和远程技术诊断中心联系起来,实现即时反应、资源共享、远程监测以及远程诊断的一个系统,它既有传统故障诊断服务方式的优点,又克服了时间、地域的局限。工程机械各部件受所处的环境、温度、水蒸气、粉尘和振动的影响很大,液压系统作为工程机械的核心,结构比较复杂,若出现故障,将会直接影响其工作效率,甚至出现重大的事故。对液压系统进行远程故障实时的检测与诊断,能够缩短工程机械的停机时间,提高经济效益。本文以某重型机械公司HB48混凝土泵车主液压系统为研究对象,采用ATmega16单片机为主控制核心,BenQ M22A GPRS模块为传输单元,设计了一种远程数据采集终端;在分析了液压系统故障常见的故障模式及机理以及神经网络的工作原理的基础上,将BP算法、Hopfield优化的BP算法应用于泵车液压系统故障诊断。通过对基于BP、H-BP和PSO三种神经网络的液压系统故障诊断方法的研究与比较,文章提出了一种先采用粒子群算法优化Hopfield网络权值矩阵后的网络,对原始数据预处理,再进行BP算法诊断结果的故障诊断方法,即PSO-H-BP算法,并将该算法应用于液压系统的故障诊断,验证其有效性和精确性。实验表明:采用ATmega16与BenQ M22A组建的数据采集传输终端能够实现实时采集、快速通讯,具有很好的实用性;PSO-H-BP算法的BP、H-BP相比,具有较高的准确性和可靠性。



i believe i can win since we are at a young age, our teachers and parents told ue that we should have coinfidence, which we often taken

What is Hydraulic? A complete hydraulic system consists of five parts, namely, power components, the implementation of components, control components, no parts and hydraulic The role of dynamic components of the original motive fluid into mechanical energy to the pressure that the hydraulic system of pumps, it is to power the entire hydraulic The structure of the form of hydraulic pump gears are generally pump, vane pump and piston Implementation of components (such as hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic motors) which is the pressure of the liquid can be converted to mechanical energy to drive the load for a straight line reciprocating movement or rotational Control components (that is, the various hydraulic valves) in the hydraulic system to control and regulate the pressure of liquid, flow rate and According to the different control functions, hydraulic valves can be divided into the village of force control valve, flow control valves and directional control Pressure control valves are divided into benefits flow valve (safety valve), pressure relief valve, sequence valve, pressure relays, ; flow control valves including throttle, adjusting the valves, flow diversion valve sets, ; directional control valve includes a one-way valve , one-way fluid control valve, shuttle valve, valve and so Under the control of different ways, can be divided into the hydraulic valve control switch valve, control valve and set the value of the ratio control Auxiliary components, including fuel tanks, oil filters, tubing and pipe joints, seals, pressure gauge, oil level, such as oil Hydraulic oil in the hydraulic system is the work of the energy transfer medium, there are a variety of mineral oil, emulsion oil hydraulic molding Hop Hydraulic principle It consists of two cylinders of different sizes and composition of fluid in the fluid full of water or Water is called "hydraulic press"; the said oil-filled "hydraulic " Each of the two liquid a sliding piston, if the increase in the small piston on the pressure of a certain value, according to Pascal's law, small piston to the pressure of the pressure through the liquid passed to the large piston, piston top will go a long way to Based cross-sectional area of the small piston is S1, plus a small piston in the downward pressure on the F Thus, a small piston on the liquid pressure to P = F1/SI,Can be the same size in all directions to the transmission of "By the large piston is also equivalent to the inevitable pressure P If the large piston is the cross-sectional area S2, the pressure P on the piston in the upward pressure generated F2 = PxS2 Cross-sectional area is a small multiple of the piston cross-sectional From the type known to add in a small piston of a smaller force, the piston will be in great force, for which the hydraulic machine used to suppress plywood, oil, extract heavy objects, such as forging History of the development of hydraulic And air pressure drive hydraulic fluid as the transmission is made according to the 17th century, Pascal's principle of hydrostatic pressure to drive the development of an emerging technology, the United Kingdom in 1795 Joseph (Joseph Braman ,1749-1814), in London water as a medium to form hydraulic press used in industry, the birth of the world's first hydraulic Media work in 1905 will be replaced by oil-water and further World War I (1914-1918) after the extensive application of hydraulic transmission, especially after 1920, more rapid Hydraulic components in the late 19th century about the early 20th century, 20 years, only started to enter the formal phase of industrial 1925 Vickers (F Vikers) the invention of the pressure balanced vane pump, hydraulic components for the modern industrial or hydraulic transmission of the gradual establishment of the The early 20th century Constantine (G • Constantimsco) fluctuations of the energy carried out by passing theoretical and practical research; in 1910 on the hydraulic transmission (hydraulic coupling, hydraulic torque converter, ) contributions, so that these two areas of The Second World War (1941-1945) period, in the United States 30% of machine tool applications in the hydraulic It should be noted that the development of hydraulic transmission in Japan than Europe and the United States and other countries for nearly 20 years Before and after in 1955, the rapid development of Japan's hydraulic drive, set up in 1956, "Hydraulic I" Nearly 20 to 30 years, the development of Japan's fast hydraulic transmission, a world Hydraulic transmission There are many outstanding advantages, it is widely used, such as general Plastic processing industry, machinery, pressure machinery, machine tools, ; operating machinery engineering machinery, construction machinery, agricultural machinery, automobiles, ; iron and steel industry metallurgical machinery, lifting equipment, such as roller adjustment device; civil water projects with flood control the dam gates and devices, bed lifts installations, bridges and other manipulation of institutions; speed turbine power plant installations, nuclear power plants, ; ship deck crane (winch), the bow doors, bulkhead valves, such as the stern thruster ; special antenna technology giant with control devices, measurement buoys, movements such as rotating stage; military-industrial control devices used in artillery, ship anti-rolling devices, aircraft simulation, aircraft retractable landing gear and rudder control devices and other

Ladies and gentlemen ,good _____ My name is _______I am amechanice I have son ,my son"s name is___


The 3D measurement that outstrips a cluth imitates really and structure designThe shape that changes with each passing day along with the mechanical engineering craft, various machineries also for outstrip the request of cluth to gradually raise, higher burden, more the hard drive has already gradually become the trend that outstrips a cluth This graduation designs thought of adopting the contrary engineering mainly, with machinery related course the knowledge of the acquisition for basis, make use of 3D copy to count machine test tool and way vs on hand of outstrip the progress measurement of cluth This text particularly introduced to make use of Imageware vs 3D copy to count machine of the measurement receives of wedge mass progress design analysis with draw up to match, according to drawing up to match make use of SolidWorks software to carry on 3D model and creation two dimensions design chart as a result, the 3D pattern progress dynamic state creating vs the SolidWorks software imitates true with analysis, finally receive its 3D pattern and design chart paper, and imitate true process and data towards outstripping a cluth dynamic

The theme of this design is the design, together with its CAD/CAM, of the process and tooling equipment for the rocker shaft bed This design task is from Chaoyang Diesel Engine C, L The purpose of this design is to complete the mold design work for the rocker shaft bed of 195 Diesel Engine, the design of the process flow and process cards for the development of the rocker shaft bed, and the design of some special fixtures for certain We used the Three-dimensional modeling software Pro / E to complete the mould design work, including the modeling work of the parts and blank parts using the part module of the software; the design work of the Investment Casting mold, including the parting surface, the injection systyem, the ejection mechanism, the convex and concave mold, mold base, Completed the mold assembly drawings with engineering drawings module of Pro / E and CAXA Made out the process plan for the part development, including the processing methods, the processing route, the determination of machining allowance, and then calculated the process parameters according to the process plan to produce the process We designed two sets of special milling fixture, one set of special drilling After analysing, selecting, and design, we finished its engineering drawing with CAXA The difficult points of the design are the moulds and We finally solved these problems via a large amount of research work and the teacher's assistance, and successfully accomplished this design Keywords: solid modeling; mold; fixture; technique 完全是自己翻译的,我是搞机械设计的,学习了。谢谢楼主提供的翻译练习机会。

Overrunning clutch of 3d measurement simulation and structure designWith the rapid development of mechanical engineering industry, various types of machinery for overrunning clutch requirement also enhanced gradually, higher load, the more stable transmission has gradually become the development trend of overrunning The graduation design mainly USES the reverse engineering thinking, and mechanical or related courses are acquisition of knowledge as the basis, using three-dimensional copy several machine test tools and means for the existing overrunning clutch measuring This paper introduces the use of 3d copy number Imageware measured wedge of machine design analysis and fitting, according to the fitting results using SolidWorks software for 3d modeling and make 2d drawings of SolidWorks software is built, the 3d model for dynamic simulation and analysis, finally get its 3d model and design drawings, and the dynamic simulation of overrunning clutch process and

分很少啊 抽时间翻译 请稍等
