

发布时间:2024-07-11 15:25:22


写作思路:主要写出这场疫情,大家是怎样齐心协力的。正文:In the face of the sudden outbreak of pneumonia in New Coronavirus, there was no smoke 面对突如其来的新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,一场没有硝烟的战斗打响了!In the Spring Festival, the most important traditional festival in China, people are reluctant to reunite, abandon their wives and mothers, abandon their children and leave At the risk of their lives, more than 50 medical teams and more than 6000 medical workers rush to Wuhan疫情无情人有情,隔离病毒隔离不了爱,在中国传统最重要的节日一一春节,人们顾不得团圆,抛妻别母,弃子离家,冒着生命危险,五十多支医疗队,六千多名医护工作者纷纷驰援武汉……One by one to the superior's "please war letter", one by one with the family's comfort letter, one by one to save the dying and heal the wounded hot On New Year's Eve, "angels in white" are walking in the opposite direction, which makes countless people 一张张给上级的“请战书”、一条条与亲人的宽慰信、一颗颗救死扶伤滚烫的心。除夕之夜,“白衣天使”们逆向而行的身影让无数人泪目。Time is A lot of medical staff only pay attention to a meal a day, and they don't have time to drink a mouthful of water in the Some of them hardly took off their white coats in nearly a month of fighting, and some even gave their precious 时间就是生命。很多医务人员一天只顾得上吃一顿饭,一个上午都来不及喝一口水,有人在投入战斗的近1个月时间里,几乎没有脱下过白大褂,有人甚至献出了宝贵的生命。

电脑病毒的编年史谁打开了潘多拉的魔盒显然,在巴贝奇的差分机上不存在任何病毒,早期基于电子管的电子计算机,比如说埃利亚特,也不可能有电脑病毒存在。但是Univac 1108,一个很古老的公司,一种很古老的机器,以及IBM360/370机器上,已经有一些可以看成是病毒的程序存在,比如“流浪的野兽” (Pervading Animal) 和 “圣诞树”(Christmas tree),因此,可以认为最早的病毒出现在七十年代初甚至六十年代末,虽然那时候没有任何人称这些程序为病毒。一般意义上的病毒(可以运行在IBM PC机及其兼容机上)一般认为是在1986年左右出现的。从那以后的十五年时间里,出现了大概6万余种病毒,病毒的数量不断增大,和病毒制作的技术也逐步提高,从某种意义上,病毒是所有软件中最先利用操作系统底层功能,以及最先采用了复杂的加密和反跟踪技术的软件之一,病毒技术发展的历史,就是软件技术发展的历史。下面我们将尽可能详细的描述病毒发展历史上的重要事件,以及这些事件的背景。萌芽时期,磁芯大战五十年代末六十年代初,在著名的美国电话电报公司(AT&T)下设的贝尔实验室里,三个年轻的程序员:道格拉斯、维索斯基和罗伯特•莫里斯,在工作之余编制了一个叫“磁芯大战” (core war)的游戏。“磁芯大战”基本的玩法就是想办法通过复制自身来摆脱对方的控制并取得最终的胜利,这可谓病毒的第一个雏形。虽然由于这种自我复制是在一个特定的受控环境下进行的,所以不能认为是真正意义上的病毒,但是这些软件的基本行为和后来的电脑病毒已经非常类似了。六十年代晚期到七十年代早期:这个时候是大型电脑的时代,就是那种占据了几个房间的大家伙。在大型电脑时代,由于开发人员的错误或者是出于恶作剧的目的,一些程序员制作了被称为“兔子”的程序,他们在系统中分裂出替身,占用系统资源,影响正常的工作,但是这些“兔子”很少在系统之间相互拷贝。这个时期,在一种型号的大型电脑—Univax 1108系统上,首次出现了和现代病毒本质上是一样的东西,一个叫做“流浪的野兽”(Pervading Animal)的程序可以将自己附着到其它程序的最后!……………………详情请看参考资料,太多了(字数已经超过了规定,发不上来),非常好的一篇文章,是至今为止,我看到的最全面的一篇关于电脑病毒的文章

Computer VirusA computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the The original may modify the copies or the copies may modify themselves, as occurs in a metamorphic A virus can only spread from one computer to another when its host is taken to the uninfected computer, for instance by a user sending it over a network or carrying it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, or USB Additionally, viruses can spread to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another Viruses are sometimes confused with computer worms and Trojan A worm, however, can spread itself to other computers without needing to be transferred as part of a A Trojan horse is a file that appears harmless until In contrast to viruses, Trojan horses do not insert their code into other computer Many personal computers are now connected to the Internet and to local-area networks, facilitating their Today's viruses may also take advantage of network services such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, and file sharing systems to spread, blurring the line between viruses and Furthermore, some sources use an alternative terminology in which a virus is any form of self-replicating The term comes from the term virus in A computer virus reproduces by making (possibly modified) copies of itself in the computer's memory, storage, or over a This is similar to the way a biological virus Some viruses are programmed to damage the computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard Others are not designed to do any damage, but simply replicate themselves and perhaps make their presence known by presenting text, video, or audio Even these benign viruses can create problems for the computer They typically take up computer memory used by legitimate As a result, they often cause erratic behavior and can result in system In addition, many viruses are bug-ridden, and these bugs may lead to system crashes and data There are many viruses operating in the general Internet today, and new ones are discovered every



灰鸽子 病毒Gray is a well-known dove back Compared to the older ice, black, gray pigeon can be said to be the back door of the home are a combination of different The rich and powerful functionality and flexibility of operation, well hidden so that others are to be outshone by the back Client simple and convenient to operate so that the entry of just a beginner can act as When used in legal cases, the gray pigeon is a good remote control However, if some of it to do illegal things, gray pigeons have become very powerful hacking This is like powder, on various occasions, brought Gray dove to the complete presentation may be only a gray pigeon author to make it clear that we are here only for a Gray Pigeon client and server are based on the preparation of D Hackers use of the client to configure a server Can be configured to include information on the type of line (for example, wait for the connection or take the initiative to connect), take the initiative to connect using the public network IP (domain name), a password to connect, the use of the port, the start of the name, the name of the service, the process of hidden ways, the use of the Shell, agents, icons and so Server for the client to connect a variety of ways, making the environment in a variety of network users may be poisoning, including local area network users (Internet through a proxy), the public network and ADSL users to dial-up As the gray dove to intercept the API call, in the normal mode file server and its services are registered to hide, that is to say, even if you set up a "show all hidden files" do not see In addition, the gray-end services doves of the file name can be customized, hand-All this has brought about the detection of certain
However, through careful observation, we found that the detection of gray pigeons still have to follow the From the above analysis we can see that principle to run, regardless of the custom server-side file name is what will normally be installed in the operating system directory in order to generate a "_dll" at the end of the Through this, we can more accurately detect the hand-gray-end services
Due to the normal mode will hide their gray pigeons, so detection of gray pigeons must operate in a safe Into the safe mode is: Start the computer in the Windows system into the start screen, press the F8 key (or in your computer holding down the Ctrl key), in the event of the start-up options menu, select "Safe Mode" Or "Safe M"
1, dove gray as a result of the document itself has hidden attributes, so set Windows to show all Open "My Computer" menu, select "Tools" - "" Folder Options ", click" view "to remove" hide protected operating system files "before the Duigou, and the" hidden files and folders " Select the item "Show hidden files and folders," then click "OK"
2, open the Windows "search files", enter the file name "_dll", the search location to choose the Windows installation directory (for 98/xp default C: / windows, 2k/NT for the C: / Winnt)
3, after a search, we have Windows directory (does not contain a subdirectory), the discovery of a document Game_H
4, according to the analysis of the principle of gray pigeons, we know that if it is gray pigeons Game_HDLL documents, the operating system is installed in the directory will be Gxe and Gdll Open the Windows directory, there are really two documents at the same time there is a record for keyboard operation GameKdll
After a few steps which we operate on the basic of these documents can be gray-end services doves of

古语有云:“万恶毒为首”。我们身为祖国的花朵有责任担起拒绝毒品的重任。毒品能麻醉人体的神经中枢系统,大量吸食会导致死亡。那么毒品对我们来说,既熟悉又陌生。熟悉的是经过多方面的宣传,我们对毒品有了一定程度的认识;陌生的是没有尝试过毒品的滋味。不错,正是因为这一种好奇心,不少人成为了如恶魔般的毒品的奴隶。作为祖国未来栋梁的我们,不但要远离毒品,而且拒绝它。As the saying goes: "the evil poison led" We are the flowers of the motherland are heavy responsibility bear to reject Anesthesia drugs to the central nervous system of the human body, a lot of smoking will lead to So drugs for us, both familiar and Familiar with is through the various aspects of publicity, we have a certain degree of understanding of the drug; strange is not tried Well, it is because of this kind of curiosity, many people become a devilish drug As the future pillars of our country, not only to stay away from drugs, but also rejected

The disease of AIDS is in order to infecting mankind's immunity blemish virus(brief name HIV) to cause behind a kind of to cause death sex infectious disease, its incubation period is 6 months to 8~ generally for 10 The whole world have 4,000 have another ten thousand the AIDS virus infection, every year new the infection number be up to 500 have another ten thousand, die 300 have another ten But so far, the mankind haven't yet find out a kind of method that cures this The AIDS clinic performance has four: Dyspnea Appear headache,the consciousness obstacle,stupid,have muscular spasms , cause serious The stomach and intestines water kind is a then, everyday 10-20 times The not clear reason have fever The prevention and cure of the AIDS: 1,make widely available the AIDS prevent and cure knowledge, making people understand the cause of disease of the AIDS and spreading path,the clinic 2,carry on the HIV virus examination to the one who provide blood, reduce the usage of the blood ware as far as possible in the meantime, the head chooses domestic blood ware while having to 3,don't use needle and inject possibilities, such as the machine and toothbrush and totally drive blood polluting 4,suffer from AIDS and infect the women of the AIDS virus and should avoid 5,strengthen the national territorial medical inspection, keep AIDS from stream


Ebola is a kind of rare and terrible virus which can cause humans and primates to be attacked by hemorrhagic It has a high mortality rate,between 50% to 90% Ebola virus is able to steady relatively at room Only remained above 60 ℃ over 30 minutes can we destroy its Further, it can be also killed completely with ultraviolet rays irradiating over 2 Its main cause of death was a stroke, myocardial infarction, hypovolemic shock or multiple organ

灰鸽子 病毒Gray is a well-known dove back Compared to the older ice, black, gray pigeon can be said to be the back door of the home are a combination of different The rich and powerful functionality and flexibility of operation, well hidden so that others are to be outshone by the back Client simple and convenient to operate so that the entry of just a beginner can act as When used in legal cases, the gray pigeon is a good remote control However, if some of it to do illegal things, gray pigeons have become very powerful hacking This is like powder, on various occasions, brought Gray dove to the complete presentation may be only a gray pigeon author to make it clear that we are here only for a Gray Pigeon client and server are based on the preparation of D Hackers use of the client to configure a server Can be configured to include information on the type of line (for example, wait for the connection or take the initiative to connect), take the initiative to connect using the public network IP (domain name), a password to connect, the use of the port, the start of the name, the name of the service, the process of hidden ways, the use of the Shell, agents, icons and so Server for the client to connect a variety of ways, making the environment in a variety of network users may be poisoning, including local area network users (Internet through a proxy), the public network and ADSL users to dial-up As the gray dove to intercept the API call, in the normal mode file server and its services are registered to hide, that is to say, even if you set up a "show all hidden files" do not see In addition, the gray-end services doves of the file name can be customized, hand-All this has brought about the detection of certain
However, through careful observation, we found that the detection of gray pigeons still have to follow the From the above analysis we can see that principle to run, regardless of the custom server-side file name is what will normally be installed in the operating system directory in order to generate a "_dll" at the end of the Through this, we can more accurately detect the hand-gray-end services
Due to the normal mode will hide their gray pigeons, so detection of gray pigeons must operate in a safe Into the safe mode is: Start the computer in the Windows system into the start screen, press the F8 key (or in your computer holding down the Ctrl key), in the event of the start-up options menu, select "Safe Mode" Or "Safe M"
1, dove gray as a result of the document itself has hidden attributes, so set Windows to show all Open "My Computer" menu, select "Tools" - "" Folder Options ", click" view "to remove" hide protected operating system files "before the Duigou, and the" hidden files and folders " Select the item "Show hidden files and folders," then click "OK"
2, open the Windows "search files", enter the file name "_dll", the search location to choose the Windows installation directory (for 98/xp default C: / windows, 2k/NT for the C: / Winnt)
3, after a search, we have Windows directory (does not contain a subdirectory), the discovery of a document Game_H
4, according to the analysis of the principle of gray pigeons, we know that if it is gray pigeons Game_HDLL documents, the operating system is installed in the directory will be Gxe and Gdll Open the Windows directory, there are really two documents at the same time there is a record for keyboard operation GameKdll
After a few steps which we operate on the basic of these documents can be gray-end services doves of


How to keep fit ? We all know that the health of our important,but fo you know how to keep fit ? Want to keep fit,we‘ll have plenty of sleep,eat the fruit and vegetable and drink of water every day,these are good for We should do more exercise Want to keep fit,we mustn’t go to work without Want to keep fit,we must goto bed early and get up I hope we have a good body Want to keep fit,we must have healthy 翻译: 如何保持健康? 我们都知道健康对我们的重要,但是你知道如何保持健康吗? 想保持健康,我们需要有充足的睡眠,吃需要的水果和蔬菜,每天喝大量的水,这些对健康都是有益的。我们也需要更多的锻炼。 想保持健康,我们不能不吃早餐去工作。想保持健康,我们必须早睡早起。我希望我们都有好身体。 想保持健康,我们一定要有健康的习惯。

Novel coronavirus infection is coming quietly at the beginning of the year, just as people are ready to celebrate the Spring F A battle against the virus has also At the time of outbreak and prevention and control, there are always some unknown heroes who build a solid "protective wall" for us in a "retrograde" They are fighting an epidemic war without smoke of gunpowder, which is a never-ending and inevitable resistance They are the most beautiful rebels of this 希望能够帮到您,望采纳!



我的理想---医生 ……如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸土地?如果你是一线阳光,你是否照亮了一分黑暗?如果你是一颗粮食,你是否哺育了有用的生命?如果你是一颗最小的螺丝钉,你是否永远坚守在你生活的岗位上?如果你要告诉我们什么思想,你是否在日夜宣扬那最美丽的理想?你既然活着,你是否为了未来的人类生活付出你的劳动,使世界一天天美丽?我想问你,为未来带来了什么…… —————摘自《雷锋日记》 亲爱的朋友,看过上述的一段《雷锋日记》,你会有什么感触呢?理想,顾名思义,就是幻想自己长大后能成为心目中认为伟大、高尚等职业的一种想象,简单的说自己认为长大后的目标,长大以后的职业、工作。朋友,你的理想是什么?是否是为人民服务的理想呢?是否是为社会的进步而努力奋斗的理想呢?你的理想可能是一名诲人不倦的人民教师;可能是一名保家卫国,站守在祖国边疆的解放军,还可能是一位维护社会治安而辛勤工作的人民警察,你要问我的理想是什么?我会坚决的告诉你:一名拥有白求恩精神、救死扶伤的医生。 白求恩大夫曾在战场上的手术台工作时,占长曾向他请求向后方转移,白求恩大夫却说:“手术台是医生的阵地,战士们没有离开他们的阵地,我怎么能离开自己的阵地呢?请你劝告别的医护人员转移,而我是绝对不能离开自己的阵地的!”是呀!白求恩大夫在硝烟弥漫、弹片纷飞的战场连续69个小时给伤病员做手术,连眼睛也没有稍稍休息一下,这是多么高尚的品格啊!有人说,医生是与病魔做斗争的最前线的战士;是在死亡线上为病人挣扎的白衣天使;是救死扶伤、时刻为病人解除痛苦的安琪儿。可见,医生是多么崇高、多么全心全意地为人民服务的职业。 在日常生活中,我国现在流行的非典型肺炎(SARS),更是对医护人员的严峻考验,戴着厚厚的口罩,穿着沉甸甸的隔离服,面对家人的不理解,冒着对被感染病毒的危险在隔离区里忙来忙去,医护人员的困难可想而知,值得庆幸的是,在我果,积极拥现出一大批研究医学的而未毕业的大学生,他们坚决要求到最艰难的地方……非典一线隔离区。我坚信,只有好的医生才会医治好一个健康的病人。在这场没有硝烟的战斗中,我国的医护人员在精神上已经取得了战斗的根本胜利。 我的理想是当一名拥有白求恩精神、救死扶伤的医生。为了我理想的实现而努力奋斗。扎扎实实地学好本领,用先进的科学技术为人类造福。


曾两次去重庆游玩,领略过山城迷人的风采和重庆人的豪爽性格,然而最使我难忘的是重庆的火锅。 重庆火锅以麻辣著称,素以大盆代锅,盆里是翻滚的红汤,汤面上漂浮着麻椒、花椒,以及一些我叫不出名来的作料。这样红红的锅底看上去就给人又麻又辣的感觉,常常使我们这些外来游客望而生畏。但是感受过几回重庆火锅之后,我慢慢地喜欢上了它,觉得它有许多好处。一是它比较卫生。在煮沸的汤里烫食物,达到了高温消毒,至今还未听说吃火锅后有食物中毒的。二是可以节约食品。吃火锅时丰俭随意,吃多少涮多少,不会浪费。三是可以减少程序,使饮食变得简单。如果在家里与亲友小聚,必定是忙里忙外,灶上灶下累得够呛,而重庆火锅将复杂的厨房运作变得简单化,只需将各种食品清洗干净,亲友们便可围坐一桌品尝佳肴了。在生活节奏日益加快的今天,火锅不失为一种方便、快捷的饮食享受。四是重庆火锅具有健身美容的功效。即便是在炎夏,吃火锅的人也不少。围着火锅,打着赤膊,流淌着大汗,吃得不亦乐乎的食客比比皆是,这已成为重庆一景。据说吃火锅出一身淋漓大汗,胜似桑拿浴,具有保健作用。重庆人都认为吃火锅比洗桑拿浴来得更经济实惠。重庆男子大都精干,女子大都苗条,这除了与重庆人每天上坡下坡的形体锻炼有关以外,吃火锅也是重要原因。 在重庆吃火锅还有许多讲究。现在的锅大都以大号不锈钢脸盆代替,中间分成两格,称做“鸳鸯火锅”,一格放红汤,一格放清汤,分别供食辣者与不食辣者享用。吃火锅离不开油碟,就是用小碟子装入麻油,调入蒜泥等作料,将烫好的各种菜肴放入油碟中蘸着吃,不仅可以增加口感,据说麻油还有清凉败火的功效。 重庆火锅的历史可以追溯到古代巴蜀时期,当地特殊的地理气候和自然条件,形成了独特的饮食习惯。重庆俗称雾都,气候潮湿,为了驱寒祛湿,纤夫、农夫等体力劳动者就地取材,在几块石头搭成的灶上,燃起火来,架起瓦罐,烧沸开水,将大把的辣椒、花椒等放入沸水中,将食物烫熟后食用,这就是火锅的雏形。几千年形成的饮食习惯,跟随着历史的发展潮流,逐渐演变成今天的重庆火锅。 在饮食文化日益发展的今天,重庆火锅更是生意兴隆,长盛不衰。具有源远流长的巴蜀文化底蕴的重庆火锅,遍布全国各地,甚至还走出了国界。可以毫不夸张地说,重庆人对火锅的痴迷程度位列全国前茅。随着重庆经济文化的发展,重庆火锅的影响力也会越来越大。面对“辣得死去活来,麻得翻江倒海”的重庆火锅,你敢品尝吗?我的家乡在重庆。到了重庆,不吃地道的重庆火锅可太遗憾了!重庆的火锅店星罗棋布,味道各具特色,随便走进一家,你都能大饱口福。 我也很喜欢吃火锅。瞧,那锅里鲜红的汤中漂着密密麻麻的花椒、辣椒……看着都令人生畏,可终究忍不住尝一口,夹上一块毛肚,放进锅里,大约几十秒钟,再从锅里夹起,毛肚已经沾满了油水,还滴着汤水,看起来仿佛还发着光,放到油碟里拌一拌,再吃一口,真是又香又脆,又麻又辣。这一尝,让你深深地爱上重庆火锅,爱上重庆这座火辣的城市。重庆火锅集麻、辣、鲜、香于一体,也许你被辣得张不开嘴,但是你会觉得辣得痛快,会有一种前所未有的快感,会感受到重庆人的豪放,感受到重庆人的爽快,感受到重庆人的“霸道”,感受到重庆人的热情,还想再尝一口,越吃越香,慢慢地就会对重庆火锅爱不释手。禁不住感慨:重庆火锅怎么会有这么大的魔力呢?重庆盛夏高温三、四十度,店里热得像烘房,而火锅生意依然红火,火锅仍然大行其道。人们还是围着那麻辣的火锅吃个不停,一个个汗流浃背,对火锅的渴望却丝毫没有减弱,有的甚至上衣一脱,赤膊上阵。望着那被烧开的红汤,冒着气泡的红汤,想必很多人难以理解,却又深深地感受到重庆火锅的魅力。是的,重庆火锅充满阳刚之气,那气势犹如大江东去,这更体现了重庆人的豪放呀! 火锅成了重庆人一年四季最爱吃的食物之一,你如果不相信就亲自来看看吧!我爱家乡的火锅,更爱我的家乡——重庆!还未走进火锅店,就是一阵扑鼻的辛辣香味了!走进店内,服务生立即端来一锅红亮亮的锅底,上面漂浮着几粒花椒,几粒茴香、八角,还有一大块黄油,三两截大葱。桌面上早已准备好麻油、色拉油以及调和油制成的油碟;酱油、醋、味精、蒜泥等调料也一应俱全。还没吃,胃就已经被俘虏了!菜已经上桌了。夹起一块乌黑油亮、长满小刺的毛肚按入锅中,挪向最沸腾的地方,不过一分钟,毛肚变小,卷曲,象小刺猥。这就熟透了!把它提起来,放入油碟中,拌一拌,降降温,再慢慢放进嘴里,那无以伦比的鲜美滋味就会涔透进你全身的每一个细胞之中。不光只有毛肚,更有粉嫩嫩的,一熟就极有弹力的鸭肠;黄灿灿、熟透了就入口既化的土豆;白中泛绿、出锅就成黄中泛绿的冬瓜;墨绿的、滑溜溜的苕皮;如皮纹纸一般,下锅就变长的豆皮;混合着香菜、姜粒和肉泥、熟了十分有韧性的香菜丸子;一向有“出淤泥而不染”之美名的莲藕;还有我最喜欢的、被人们誉为“水中人参”的泥鳅,入锅一会就耙,不太费时间。春天,人们来吃火锅,因为湿气重。只要一吃火锅,湿气立马消散,且精神抖擞;夏天,虽然天气炎热,但对于无辣不欢的重庆人来说,热,算什么?火锅,让人们辣得畅快淋漓,麻得舒舒服服,精神畅快无比;秋天,病毒最易繁殖,来上一顿麻辣鲜香的火锅,把身上的不舒服全都赶走,让人心胸大开;冬天,火锅最了解我们重庆人,寒冷之时,火辣辣的滋味正好满足我们想在冬天火热一把。火锅是重庆人的灵魂!火锅是重庆的名信片,也是人与人之间的“调和剂”。无论你是什么人,只要在火锅面前,都会被它的香味俘虏,任何矛盾和不快都迎刃而解。是啊,在这样的环境里,谁又会去追究呢?好了 楼主 小妹我的一生的荣誉靠你了

