

发布时间:2024-07-11 23:37:56


Health is the guarantee of one's Without a healthy body, one cannot do what he wants to, not tomention accomplishing his goals in One can keep fit in three First, he is to pay attention to Stay away from viruses, which meansone should wash hands, take baths frequently, eat and drink Stay away from bad life habits, such assmoking and overworking, which severely damage the body Secondly, one is to exercise Hemay go jogging, swimming, bicycling, playing basketball and so Exercises will improve one's ability toresist And last but not least, he should be optimistic, fearing no difficulties and obstacles, and alwaysbeing in high Only in good health as well as in high spirits can we greet the future, which is full of competition and challenges and strive to achieve our ambitions Health is more important than Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our On the contrary, poor health leads to How can we keep healthy Here is some Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, and we have to keep a balanced So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat/which is rich in sugar and Secondly, we'd better exercise every day to make our bodies Besides, we have to avoid too much work Finally, we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and In conclusion, if we stick to the advice given above, we will lead a healthy lifeToday, more and more people are in poor If we want to keep healthy we should healthy First, we should have a balanced Though we may not like eating vegetables, but the vegetables have a lot of They are very good for our Second, we'd better eat regular We need to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner every Because regular meals throughout the day can give us enough energy to carry out our daily Third, we should get away from fast food, for it may cause a lot of

As the saying goes: /"Hunger breeds /" Today/'s society, many of the hotel where they stand, rush from a variety of cuisine, in Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong dishes outside of Italy, French, Japanese cuisine, Korean food and so We all know that health is to do anything for money, health is closely connected with the Today, we take a look at the food on the table Food is divided into many kinds of vegetables and fruit, beans, meat, cereals, dairy categories, such as Combination of these categories into a food pyramid, all affect our Therefore, in order to achieve a reasonable meals with more vegetables, fruits, less meat, fat Cereals-based food, may be an appropriate increase in beans, dairy products category, and we have to remember that eating only eight full meals, not being choosy food anorexia, can not be overeating, eating clean food is most In food, contain a people/'s health play an important role in the elements - Vitamins are divided into A, B, C, D Different vitamins have different Vitamin A is usually in red, black, more food, such as carrots, black beans and so Its main function is to protect the eyes, can be used to protect their eyesight, the treatment of night blindness and other evidence of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables often, it is conducive to the treatment of scurvy, skin The discovery also has a story: a ship adrift at sea for several days, many sailors have had scurvy, one of a very serious disease, abandoned on a desert This after a number of sailors to eat lemons, did not expect that scurvy The news of a spread of Lemon after scientists found a large quantity of vitamin C, used to treat disease Vitamin B, D and there are many functions, not in this Of course, we should pay attention: do not mix in some food to eat, in order to avoid Such as shrimp and vitamin C at the same time can not eat, crabs can not eat persimmons with 健康饮食谱十字诀 根据中国营养学会的建议及美国健康食品指南,结合国情可以将合理膳食归纳为两句话、十个字:即一二三四五,红黄绿白黑。 “一”指每日饮一袋牛奶(或酸奶),内含250毫克钙,可以有效改善我国膳食钙摄入量普遍偏低的状态。 “二”指每日摄入碳水化合物250至350克,相当于主食6至8两。 “三”指每日进食三份高蛋白食物,每份指:瘦肉1两;或鸡蛋1个;或豆腐2两;或鸡鸭2两;或鱼虾2两。 “四”指四句话:有粗有细(粗细粮搭配);不甜不咸(以广东型膳食每日摄盐6至7克最佳、上海型8至9克次之。);三四五顿(指少吃多餐),七八分饱。 “五”指每日500克蔬菜及水果。 “红”指每日可饮少量红葡萄酒50至100毫升,以助增加高密度脂肪蛋白及活血化瘀,预防动脉粥样硬化。 “黄”指黄色蔬菜,如胡萝卜、红薯、南瓜、西红柿等,其中含丰富的胡萝卜素,对儿童及成人均有提高免疫力的功能。 “绿”指绿茶及深绿色蔬菜。绿茶有明确的抗肿瘤、抗感染作用。 “白”指燕麦粉或燕麦片。可降低血胆固醇、甘油三酯,对糖尿病更有显著疗效。 “黑”指黑木耳,能降低血黏度与血胆固醇,有助于预防血栓形成。

你好,希望采纳,谢谢!How to have a healthy dietHaving healthy diet is good for our healthy It can make your body strong and But how to have a healthy diet?In my opinion,first of all, we should have the diet at the right Chaotic mealtimes will affect our body's normal digestion and It's bad for your Second,having a healthy diet means eating healty food,such as all sorts of grain, green vegetable and Different food has different nutrition which our body Finally,we should not eat too much or too little for every Over-eat or dieting is very harmful for our stomach and All above are my thoughts about having a healthy If we can do as them,our body will become much better and healthier另一个:Chinese diet is considered to be one of the most healthy diet in the world because it contains less sugar and fat, keeping us away from However, with the wide spread of Mc Donald’s and KFC fast food restaurants in China, many young Chinese found more and more junk food are coming into their Those deep fried chips and burgers served in the western fast food restaurants are rich in sugar and fat, which has a great negative effect on our In order to maintain our health status, we should do more Meanwhile, keeping a balanced diet is a must with more fruit and vegetables, less butter and



中国居民膳食指南的理解  前言:俗话说:“民以食为天”,可见日常生活中的饮食对我们身体健康影响至关重要,而生活中的我们往往忙碌于工作、学习,而对于正确的膳食指南了解甚少,往往不了解食物的营养,不注重食物的搭配吃用,造成食物的营养流失,吃得不健康,甚至吃出病。因此我们每个人都应该对平常的膳食多加关心,多作充分的了解,让我们可以吃得健康,活得快乐。  首先食物要多样、谷类为主。人类的食物是多种多样的,各种食物所含的营养成分不完全相同。平衡膳食,必须由多种食物组成,才能满足人体各种营养素的需要,达到合理营养、促进健康的目的。因而要提倡人们广泛食用多种食物。谷类食物是中国传统膳食的主体。随着经济发展,生活改善,人们倾向于食用更多的动物性食物。根据1992年全国营养调查的结果,在一些比较富裕的家庭中动物性食物的消费量已超过了谷类的消费量。这种“西方化”或“富裕型”的膳食提供的能量和脂肪过高,而膳食纤维过低,对一些慢性病的预防不利。提出谷物为主是为了提醒人们保持我国膳食的良好的传统,防止发达国家膳食的弊端。另外,要注意粗细搭配,经常吃一些粗粮、杂粮等。稻米、小麦不要碾磨太精,否则,谷粒表层所含的维生素、矿物质等营养素和膳食纤维大部流失到糠麸之中。  除此以外每天该吃奶类、豆类或其制品。奶类除含有丰富的优质蛋白质和维生素外,含钙量较高,且利用率也很高,是天然钙质的极好来源。我国居民膳食提供的钙普遍偏低,平均只达到推荐供给量的一半左右。我国婴幼儿佝偻病的患者也较多,这和膳食钙不足可能有一定的联系。大量的研究表明,给儿童、青少年补钙可以提高其骨密度,从而延缓其发生骨质疏松的年龄;给老年人补钙也可能减缓其骨质丢失的速度。因此,应大力发展奶类的生产和消费。豆类是我国的传统食品,含有丰富的优质蛋白质、不饱和脂肪酸、钙及维生素B1、维生素B2、烟酸等。为提高农村人口蛋白质摄入量及防止城市中过多消费肉类带来的不利影响,应大力提倡豆类,特别是大豆及其制品的生产和消费。  还要多吃蔬菜、水果和薯类。蔬菜与水果含有丰富的维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维。蔬菜的种类繁多,包括植物的叶、茎、花苔、茄果、鲜豆、食用蕈藻等,不同品种所含营养成分不尽相同,甚至悬殊很大。红、黄、绿等深色蔬菜中维生素含量超过浅色蔬菜和一般水果,他们是胡萝卜素、维生素B2、维生素C和叶酸、矿物质(钙、磷、钾、镁、铁)、膳食纤维和天然抗氧化物的主要或重要来源。薯类含有丰富的淀粉、膳食纤维以及多种维生素和矿物质。我国居民近十年来吃薯类较少,应当鼓励多吃些薯类。有丰富蔬菜、水果和薯类的膳食,对保护心血管健康、增强抗病能力、减少儿童发生干眼病的危险及预防某些癌症等有着十分重要的作用。  经常吃适量的鱼、禽、蛋、瘦肉,少吃肥肉和荤油。鱼、禽、蛋、瘦肉等动物性食物是优质蛋白质、脂溶性维生素和矿物质的良好来源。动物性蛋白质的氨基酸组成更适合人体需要,且赖氨酸含量较高,有利于补充植物性蛋白质中赖氨酸的不足。肉类中的铁易被身体吸收利用,鱼类特别是海产鱼所含不饱和脂肪酸有降低血脂和防止血栓形成的作用。动物肝脏含维生素A极为丰富,还富含维生素B12、叶酸等。但有些脏器如脑、肾等所含胆固醇相当高,对预防心血管系统疾病不利。我国相当一部分城市和绝大多数农村居民平均摄入动物性食物的量还不够,应适当增加摄入量。但部分大城市居民食用动物性食物过多,吃谷类和蔬菜不足,对健康不利。肥肉和荤油为高能量和高脂肪食物,摄入过多往往会引起肥胖,并是某些慢性病的危险因素,应当少吃。目前猪肉仍为我国人民的主要肉食,猪肉脂肪含量高,应发展瘦肉型猪。鸡、鱼、兔、牛肉等动物性食物含蛋白质较高,脂肪较低,产生的能量远低于猪肉,应大力提倡吃这些食物,适当减少猪肉的消费比例。  食量与体力活动要平衡,保持适宜体重。进食量与体力活动是控制体重的两个主要因素。食物提供人体能量,体力活动消耗能量。如果进食量过大而活动量不足,多余的能量就会在体内以脂肪的形式积存即增加体重,久之便发胖;相反,若食量不足,劳动或运动量过大,可由于能量不足引起消瘦,造成劳动能力下降。所以人们需要保持食量与能量消耗之间的平衡。对于脑力劳动者和活动量较少的人应加强锻炼,开展适宜的运动,如快走、慢跑、游泳等。对消瘦的儿童应增加食量和油脂的摄入,以维持正常生长发育和适宜体重。体重过高或过低都是不健康的表现,可造成抵抗力下降,易患某些疾病,如老年人的慢性病或儿童的传染病等。经常运动会增强心血管和呼吸系统的功能,保持良好的生理状态、提高工作效率、调节食欲、强壮骨骼、预防骨质疏松。一日三餐的能量摄入分配要合理。一般早、中、晚餐的能量分别占总能量的30%、40%、30%为宜。  吃清淡少盐的膳食。吃清淡少盐的膳食有利于健康,即不要吃太油腻太咸的食物,不要吃过多的动物性食物和油炸、烟熏食物。目前,城市居民的油脂摄入量越来越高,这样不利于健康。我国居民食盐摄入量过多,平均值是世界卫生组织建议值的2倍以上。流行病学调查表明,钠的摄入量与高血压的发病呈正相关,因而食盐不宜过多。世界卫生组织建议每人每天食盐用量不超过6克为宜。膳食钠的来源除食盐外还包括酱油、咸菜、味精等高钠食品及含钠的加工食品等。应从幼年就养成吃少盐膳食的习惯。  饮酒应限量。在节假日、喜庆和交际场合,人们往往饮酒。高度酒含能量高,不含其他营养素。无节制地饮酒,会使食欲下降,食物摄入减少,以致发生多种营养素缺乏,严重时还会造成酒精性肝硬化。过量饮酒会增加患高血压、中风等危险,并可导致事故及暴力的增加,对个人健康和社会安定都是有害的。应严禁酗酒,若饮酒可少量饮用低度酒,青少年不应饮酒。  吃清洁卫生、不变质的食物,在选购食物时应当选择外观好,没有污染、杂质,没有变色、变味,并符合卫生标准的食物,严格把住病从口入关。进餐要注意卫生条件,包括进餐环境、餐具和供餐者的健康卫生状况。集体用餐要提倡分餐制,减少疾病传染的机会。  结语:因此我们要养成良好膳食习惯,形成良好的膳食观念,在日常生活中注重膳食,在饮食中获得营养并且吃得健康,热爱生命的朋友们,让我们为拥有长久健康的体质而努力吧!  参考文献:1、《中国居民膳食指南》2、1997年的《中国居民平衡膳食宝塔》3、薛建平主编《食物营养与健康》,中国科学技术大学出版社2004年2月出版152页4、贾冬英姚开主编《饮食营养与食疗》四川大学出版社2004年4月第一版139页

The desire for good health is In our competitive society it is important to maintain good On the one hand,people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and On the other hand,a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become There are many ways to keep First,those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their Second,enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and Finally,regular physical exercises benefit one's health a So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of As for me,I like playing tennis in the 良好的健康是一种普遍的渴望在我们这个充满竞争的社会,这是很重要的,保持身体健康一方面,一个健康的人可以工作满怀信心地和他们的进展,在工作依次归因于他们的健康和幸福另一方面,一个生病的人通常是不感兴趣,因此在他周围的一切,他失去了许多的机会,最终获得成功有很多方法去保持它首先,那些总是不停的时候,从早到晚都应该找时间来放松,因为太多的压力会影响他们的健康第二,应该留足够的时间睡觉,因为那将帮助人们成为休息和清新最后,有规律的体育锻炼的健康大有好处所以一个人应该永远记住一定量的运动并不是浪费时间至于我,我喜欢打网球的早晨

As the saying goes "Health is Wealth", we all know how important one's health Here are the necessary rules to stay healthy:Eat Add a lot of fruits and vegetables in your Say no to junk food as they do not help but only make you gain Avoid eating fatty meats like pork, ham, sausages and Quit S Smoking As we all know, smoking can cause various health problems like lung infection, cancer, kidney infection Though it is difficult to quit smoking, you are sure to make it with the help of others and your own Reduce S A sound mind gives a healthy Try and do something you like and not think about anything Pamper your body and your H Take bath regularly and wear clean Clean body makes you Last but not least, remember that early to bed and early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy and

Healthy eating habits are very important for our We should build healthy eating We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for We also should eat less meat And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the It is very bad for our Breakfast is the most important meal for 健康的饮食习惯对我们的健康很重要。我们应该建立健康的饮食习惯。我们应该每天吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,它们能给我们提供丰富的必要维生素。我们每天还应该少吃肉,最好每天早晚喝一杯水。此外,我们应该注意饮食平衡,这能保证我们必要的营养。垃圾食品是我们健康的致命杀手,所以我们应该远离它们。据说大部分的学生早上几乎什么都不吃,这对我们的健康是有害的。早餐是人们最重要的一餐。


As the saying goes: /"Hunger breeds /" Today/'s society, many of the hotel where they stand, rush from a variety of cuisine, in Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong dishes outside of Italy, French, Japanese cuisine, Korean food and so We all know that health is to do anything for money, health is closely connected with the Today, we take a look at the food on the table Food is divided into many kinds of vegetables and fruit, beans, meat, cereals, dairy categories, such as Combination of these categories into a food pyramid, all affect our Therefore, in order to achieve a reasonable meals with more vegetables, fruits, less meat, fat Cereals-based food, may be an appropriate increase in beans, dairy products category, and we have to remember that eating only eight full meals, not being choosy food anorexia, can not be overeating, eating clean food is most In food, contain a people/'s health play an important role in the elements - Vitamins are divided into A, B, C, D Different vitamins have different Vitamin A is usually in red, black, more food, such as carrots, black beans and so Its main function is to protect the eyes, can be used to protect their eyesight, the treatment of night blindness and other evidence of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables often, it is conducive to the treatment of scurvy, skin The discovery also has a story: a ship adrift at sea for several days, many sailors have had scurvy, one of a very serious disease, abandoned on a desert This after a number of sailors to eat lemons, did not expect that scurvy The news of a spread of Lemon after scientists found a large quantity of vitamin C, used to treat disease Vitamin B, D and there are many functions, not in this Of course, we should pay attention: do not mix in some food to eat, in order to avoid Such as shrimp and vitamin C at the same time can not eat, crabs can not eat persimmons with 健康饮食谱十字诀 根据中国营养学会的建议及美国健康食品指南,结合国情可以将合理膳食归纳为两句话、十个字:即一二三四五,红黄绿白黑。 “一”指每日饮一袋牛奶(或酸奶),内含250毫克钙,可以有效改善我国膳食钙摄入量普遍偏低的状态。 “二”指每日摄入碳水化合物250至350克,相当于主食6至8两。 “三”指每日进食三份高蛋白食物,每份指:瘦肉1两;或鸡蛋1个;或豆腐2两;或鸡鸭2两;或鱼虾2两。 “四”指四句话:有粗有细(粗细粮搭配);不甜不咸(以广东型膳食每日摄盐6至7克最佳、上海型8至9克次之。);三四五顿(指少吃多餐),七八分饱。 “五”指每日500克蔬菜及水果。 “红”指每日可饮少量红葡萄酒50至100毫升,以助增加高密度脂肪蛋白及活血化瘀,预防动脉粥样硬化。 “黄”指黄色蔬菜,如胡萝卜、红薯、南瓜、西红柿等,其中含丰富的胡萝卜素,对儿童及成人均有提高免疫力的功能。 “绿”指绿茶及深绿色蔬菜。绿茶有明确的抗肿瘤、抗感染作用。 “白”指燕麦粉或燕麦片。可降低血胆固醇、甘油三酯,对糖尿病更有显著疗效。 “黑”指黑木耳,能降低血黏度与血胆固醇,有助于预防血栓形成。

The desire for good health is In our competitive society it is important to maintain good On the one hand,people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and On the other hand,a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become There are many ways to keep First,those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their Second,enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and Finally,regular physical exercises benefit one's health a So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of As for me,I like playing tennis in the 良好的健康是一种普遍的渴望在我们这个充满竞争的社会,这是很重要的,保持身体健康一方面,一个健康的人可以工作满怀信心地和他们的进展,在工作依次归因于他们的健康和幸福另一方面,一个生病的人通常是不感兴趣,因此在他周围的一切,他失去了许多的机会,最终获得成功有很多方法去保持它首先,那些总是不停的时候,从早到晚都应该找时间来放松,因为太多的压力会影响他们的健康第二,应该留足够的时间睡觉,因为那将帮助人们成为休息和清新最后,有规律的体育锻炼的健康大有好处所以一个人应该永远记住一定量的运动并不是浪费时间至于我,我喜欢打网球的早晨

Healthy eating habits are very important for our We should build healthy eating We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for We also should eat less meat And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the It is very bad for our Breakfast is the most important meal for 健康的饮食习惯对我们的健康很重要。我们应该建立健康的饮食习惯。我们应该每天吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,它们能给我们提供丰富的必要维生素。我们每天还应该少吃肉,最好每天早晚喝一杯水。此外,我们应该注意饮食平衡,这能保证我们必要的营养。垃圾食品是我们健康的致命杀手,所以我们应该远离它们。据说大部分的学生早上几乎什么都不吃,这对我们的健康是有害的。早餐是人们最重要的一餐。


Health is the guarantee of one's Without a healthy body, one cannot do what he wants to, not tomention accomplishing his goals in One can keep fit in three First, he is to pay attention to Stay away from viruses, which meansone should wash hands, take baths frequently, eat and drink Stay away from bad life habits, such assmoking and overworking, which severely damage the body Secondly, one is to exercise Hemay go jogging, swimming, bicycling, playing basketball and so Exercises will improve one's ability toresist And last but not least, he should be optimistic, fearing no difficulties and obstacles, and alwaysbeing in high Only in good health as well as in high spirits can we greet the future, which is full of competition and challenges and strive to achieve our ambitions Health is more important than Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our On the contrary, poor health leads to How can we keep healthy Here is some Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, and we have to keep a balanced So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat/which is rich in sugar and Secondly, we'd better exercise every day to make our bodies Besides, we have to avoid too much work Finally, we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and In conclusion, if we stick to the advice given above, we will lead a healthy lifeToday, more and more people are in poor If we want to keep healthy we should healthy First, we should have a balanced Though we may not like eating vegetables, but the vegetables have a lot of They are very good for our Second, we'd better eat regular We need to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner every Because regular meals throughout the day can give us enough energy to carry out our daily Third, we should get away from fast food, for it may cause a lot of

The Diet Zone: A Dangerous Place Diet Coke, diet Pepsi, diet pills, no-fat diet, vegetable diet… We are surrounded by the word “diet” everywhere we look and We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to We are paying for products that harm us psychologically and physically(身体上) Diet products significantly weaken us On one level, we are not allowing our brain to admit that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight, but in controlling the consumption of fatty, high-calorie, unhealthy Diet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale(秤) All we have to do is to swallow or recognize the word “diet” in food On another level, diet products have greater psychological Every time we have a zero-calorie drink, we are telling ourselves without our awareness that we don’t have to work to get Diet products make people believe that gain comes without pain, and that life can be without resistance and The danger of diet products lies not only in the psychological effects they have on us, but also in the physical harm that they Diet foods can indirectly harm our bodies because consuming them instead of healthy foods means we are preventing our bodies from having basic nutrients(营养成分) Diet foods and diet pills contain zero calorie only because the diet industry has created chemicals to produce these wonder Diet products may not be nutritional, and the chemical that go into diet products are potentially Now that we are aware of the effects that diet products have on us, it is time to seriously think about buying Losing weight lies in the power of minds, not in the power of Once we realize this, we will be much better able to resist diet products, and therefore prevent the psychological harm that comes from using 错了别找我

As the saying goes: /"Hunger breeds /" Today/'s society, many of the hotel where they stand, rush from a variety of cuisine, in Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong dishes outside of Italy, French, Japanese cuisine, Korean food and so We all know that health is to do anything for money, health is closely connected with the Today, we take a look at the food on the table Food is divided into many kinds of vegetables and fruit, beans, meat, cereals, dairy categories, such as Combination of these categories into a food pyramid, all affect our Therefore, in order to achieve a reasonable meals with more vegetables, fruits, less meat, fat Cereals-based food, may be an appropriate increase in beans, dairy products category, and we have to remember that eating only eight full meals, not being choosy food anorexia, can not be overeating, eating clean food is most In food, contain a people/'s health play an important role in the elements - Vitamins are divided into A, B, C, D Different vitamins have different Vitamin A is usually in red, black, more food, such as carrots, black beans and so Its main function is to protect the eyes, can be used to protect their eyesight, the treatment of night blindness and other evidence of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables often, it is conducive to the treatment of scurvy, skin The discovery also has a story: a ship adrift at sea for several days, many sailors have had scurvy, one of a very serious disease, abandoned on a desert This after a number of sailors to eat lemons, did not expect that scurvy The news of a spread of Lemon after scientists found a large quantity of vitamin C, used to treat disease Vitamin B, D and there are many functions, not in this Of course, we should pay attention: do not mix in some food to eat, in order to avoid Such as shrimp and vitamin C at the same time can not eat, crabs can not eat persimmons with 健康饮食谱十字诀 根据中国营养学会的建议及美国健康食品指南,结合国情可以将合理膳食归纳为两句话、十个字:即一二三四五,红黄绿白黑。 “一”指每日饮一袋牛奶(或酸奶),内含250毫克钙,可以有效改善我国膳食钙摄入量普遍偏低的状态。 “二”指每日摄入碳水化合物250至350克,相当于主食6至8两。 “三”指每日进食三份高蛋白食物,每份指:瘦肉1两;或鸡蛋1个;或豆腐2两;或鸡鸭2两;或鱼虾2两。 “四”指四句话:有粗有细(粗细粮搭配);不甜不咸(以广东型膳食每日摄盐6至7克最佳、上海型8至9克次之。);三四五顿(指少吃多餐),七八分饱。 “五”指每日500克蔬菜及水果。 “红”指每日可饮少量红葡萄酒50至100毫升,以助增加高密度脂肪蛋白及活血化瘀,预防动脉粥样硬化。 “黄”指黄色蔬菜,如胡萝卜、红薯、南瓜、西红柿等,其中含丰富的胡萝卜素,对儿童及成人均有提高免疫力的功能。 “绿”指绿茶及深绿色蔬菜。绿茶有明确的抗肿瘤、抗感染作用。 “白”指燕麦粉或燕麦片。可降低血胆固醇、甘油三酯,对糖尿病更有显著疗效。 “黑”指黑木耳,能降低血黏度与血胆固醇,有助于预防血栓形成。


健康是福  世界上最重要的不是花容月貌,更不是荣华富贵,而是我们时常忽略的“健康”!  不久前,我的同学就是因为挑食得了低血糖,上课时突然昏倒在地,闹得班里轰动一时。我们大家都应该记住,一日三餐一定要按时吃哦!  令我无比心痛的是,最疼爱的姑妈因为不重视身体健康,不注意营养均衡,过度操劳,经常奔波于风雨中,现在不幸生了重病,住在医院。昨天我去看望姑妈时,她依然十分和蔼可亲,不忘拿新鲜诱人的水果给我吃。我看着她那瘦小的身躯和苍白的面颊,一股怜意涌上心头。我思绪万千,回想起自己身上那一件件五颜六色的毛衣,都是以前姑妈亲自为我购买上等的绒线,挑选鲜艳的颜色,精心帮我编织的。她还为我买了各式各样、奇形怪状的发卡,一样样都令我爱不释手。姑妈还是我这个小馋猫心目中的美食家,每当我到她家去玩时,她总会做“山珍海味”给我吃,每次我都是腆着肚皮回家。我想着想着,不禁鼻子一酸,泪水夺眶而出。  听着医生讲解病情,我们都面面相觑,保持沉默。我一边在心里埋怨:为什么人世间会有这么多疾病?而且偏偏落在善良的姑妈身上;一边暗暗下定决心:将来我要做一名医生,潜心研究出治疗绝症的药方,让更多人受益,没有病痛,没有绝望,处处欢笑不断。  健康是福,平安就好。有了健康的身体,我们才能去追求花容月貌,去享受荣华宝贵,才有温馨和谐,才有幸福美满,才能向着完美进发!  我们要时刻牢记,健康是福。要多运动,不挑食,平时不要太劳累,尽量不要养宠物,保持快乐很重要。  姑妈,祝愿你早日康复!

健康之我见“书是人类宝贵的精神财富,是人类进步的阶梯”。毫无疑问,读书是我们小学生获得全面发展的第一课。为了同学们养成好读书、读好书的习惯,从我一入学开始,就参加学校组织各种形式的读书活动。这些活动引导我们共同读书,与书为伴,与经典为友,增长知识,从而享受读书与生活的快乐。同时,也培养了我们诚实守信的品质。读书对我的成长有着非常重要的影响。很多杰出的人物在孩提时就喜爱读书,以书为友,以书为乐。毛泽东爷爷能够成为伟人跟他喜欢读书是分不开的。他曾经说:“我一生最大的爱好就是读书。……饭可以一日不吃,觉可以一日不睡,书不可以一日不读。”高尔基爷爷也是一个很喜欢读书的人,他曾经说过:“我扑在书上,就像饥饿的人扑在面包上。”那么,对我们来说,应该读什么书呢?小学生读书除了课本以外,应该以中国文学名著为主。的确,读文学名著是非常必要的,但对我们的全面成长来说,仅仅读文学名著是不够的。为了让同学们汲取丰富的知识,我给同学们提供三点建议:第一,我们要博览群书。我们要开阔视野,要广泛的阅读。应该注意博览群书,文学名著、人物传记、科学作品、寓言童话、数学读物、生活读物等等,都应该读读。博览群书的人,才可能成长为学识渊博、思维敏捷的人。第二,我们要读最好的经典作品。读经典作品才算的上是最聪明的读书方式。最好的书是最优秀的头脑赐予我们的最好礼物。读这样的书就是从历代先贤那里源源不断地获取精神食粮和人生教益。现在,我在老师的引导下已熟背了《三字经》、《声律启蒙》、《弟子规》,在爸爸、妈妈的辅导下已经读完了《西游记》、《三国演义》、《水浒传》等,在这些书籍中我认识了许多智勇双全的人,他们激励我努力成为一个积极上进的小学生。第三,我们要养成经常读书的习惯。地冻三尺非一日之寒,要使我们的知识更加全面就要养成经常读书的习惯,只有日积月累,我们的能力才会有所提高。 当有一天读书成为我们生活方式时,我们就能更加深切地体会到读书让我们变得健康快乐。


