

发布时间:2024-07-07 03:15:00


写作思路:明确作文主题,首先从自然灾害和人类对环境的破坏入手,简述环境污染的危害,最后提出建议,对作文进行总结和升华。作文如下:Man and nature are interactive  Looking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and  At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sown and Man respected nature and was one part of It seems that people today are masters of natureg Nature is torn into  While we are disrupting  the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seekingits revenge Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human  We have taken too much from nature, and given back too Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember the deep interdependent relationship between people and nature, then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or Sure, people can live in harmony with nature, with commitment, hard work and new 译文如下:人与自然是相互作用的力量。纵观历史长河,我们可以发现,人与自然之间曾经存在着和谐。在那个时候,大自然是一块可以耕种、播种和收获的纯田。人尊重自然,是自然的一部分。看来今天的人都是大自然的主人,自然被撕成了碎片。当我们在破坏自然世界的秩序时,我们是最终的受害者,因为大自然在寻找它的报复森林消失,河流干涸,土壤污染和气候恶化惩罚了贪婪的人类。我们从大自然中获取了太多,又回馈了太多。展望未来,当我们获得推理,当我们记住人与自然之间的深刻相互依存关系时,那么自然将成为我们的朋友,而不是我们的奴隶或仆人。当然,人们可以与自然和谐相处,有责任心,努力工作和新技术。扩展资料:人与自然是生命共同体,人类必须尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然。坚持节约优先、保护优先、自然恢复为主的方针,形成节约资源和保护环境的空间格局、产业结构、生产方式、生活方式,还自然以宁静、和谐、美丽。参考资料来源:光明日报——坚持人与自然和谐共生


关于“人与自然的关系”的英语作文可以从多个方面进行阐述,大多均从保护环境、爱护自然的角度出发,下面以其为主题的例文以及翻译。原文:We often say that the earth is our homeland and human society comes from Therefore,I think our society is a part of People should live harmoniously with All the materials we need to live with come from nature, but we should also repay the nature,rather than blindly For example, we should plant more trees and take actions to protect the In addition, we have to control Due to excessive population growth, human beings require much more natural resources than before, which lead to excessive pressure on In order to long-term development, the population growth must be We all come from nature which is our homeland, so we must try best to protect 译文:我们常常说地球是我们的家园,人类社会也是从自然界分解出来的。因此,我认为我们的社会是自然界的一部分,人们应该与自然和谐共处。我们所需的所有生活材料都来自于自然,但是我们也要回馈自然,而不是一味地索取。例如,我们应该多种树,要采取有效措施保护好环境。此外,人口数量也应得到控制。由于人口过多,人类需要的生存材料也大大增加,导致了自然界所承受的压力过大。为了更长远地发展,人口的增长速度必须要得到控制。我们都来自自然,把自然界也成为我们的家园,所以我们必须要尽最大的努力去保护它。扩展资料:关于自然的话题有非常多的名言名句,下面是一些在写作上可以用到的句子。1、To be good care of every tree and bush, bird and mammal, be in harmony with  爱护一草一木,一鸟一兽,与大自然和谐相处。2、Live and let live, be nature in Killing of wildlife is destroying the human 给生命以生机,还自然以自在。滥杀动物,自毁生机。 3、One earth, let's care and  地球只有一个,让我们关爱与分享。4、I slept and found that life is beauty, I waked and found the life was 我睡去后感到生命之美丽,我醒来时感到生命之责任。

回答 Man and nature are interactive Looking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sown and Man respected nature and was one part of It seems that people today are masters of natureg Nature is torn into While we are disrupting the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seekingits revenge Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human We have taken too much from nature, and given back too Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember the deep interdependent relationship between people and nature,then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or Sure, people can live in harmony with nature, with commitment, hard work and new 亲亲,希望可以帮到你,祝您生活愉快,天天向上,好运天天有


人与自然的关系(The relation between human and nature) As we know, the nature is the most important to People depend on nature to live and human need fresh air, water, vegetable, which all come form The industry need fuel, raw material, which also root form What’s more, human also belong to the nature, he is high animal existing in As a consequence, if we destroy the nature, in some extent, we will diminish However, human beings haven’t paid more attention to this They upset the ecological balance and destroy the environment For example, smoke stacker have disgorged poisonous gases into the atmosphere; factories have dumped waste into rivers and streams; forests have been felled out; citizens haven dumped rubbish everywhere; groundwater have been drawn out As the scientists predict, it become dangerous to us if we continue to do And in some day, human being will destroy the whole earth and can’t to live any In a summary,we human must be in harmony with nature

Human and the Environment Last weekend, I wanted to swim in the river that I usually wen in the When I went there, I was The river is no longer like It was full of It seemed that the rubbish is from the villagers In order to put the rubbish nearer, they put all of them into the Not only the water is not clean any more, the river also smelt I real Why human and the environment couldn’t live harmonious? Long time ago, they could get along with each Why not now? People have to stop their behavior to harm the Otherwise, it would cause destruction to both

回答 Man and nature are interactive Looking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sown and Man respected nature and was one part of It seems that people today are masters of natureg Nature is torn into While we are disrupting the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seekingits revenge Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human We have taken too much from nature, and given back too Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember the deep interdependent relationship between people and nature,then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or Sure, people can live in harmony with nature, with commitment, hard work and new 亲亲,希望可以帮到你,祝您生活愉快,天天向上,好运天天有

A Composition of Protect Our Environment----Taking good care of our environment is very Wherever you live,You can do something around your it's our duty to keep our environment clean and You might ask yourself,"have I picked some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?" ---If everyone makes a contribution to protectingthe environment,the world will become much more beautifulAs is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big , which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect First of all, it’s quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of People will surely take it for granted to have the duty to prevent any killing of wild So a national publicity campaign should be launched, thus giving animals a good living In addition, the government should pass some laws to forbid any hunting of rare We don't expect anything harmful to wild life to happier If everyone is involved in the protection of wild life, we're sure mankind will get along with animals rather than 还有另外一篇:Now we have to talk about people and birds live in harmony! In nature, birds to humans has brought boundless joy, in a sad time, I heard the birds in the tree branches on the use Wanzhuan clear voice singing the song, sad to suddenly forgotten behind us and it was beautiful Intoxicated by the Some people hear the beautiful Niaosheng, who could not help but also sang songs, such unpleasant feelings, the only truly appreciate the talent will understand, then perhaps you will feel that they are the world's most enjoyable P Bird is very smart, very friendly, will be fresh pests, will catch voles, can also bring happiness, this point alone, we will have to live in harmony and birds? » Right, because the animals live in harmony and everyone should have the moral In the eyes of others, and animals live in harmony is good, but I think the harmonious coexistence between man and bird have good pros, the benefits of bird protection is the ecological environment, is bad in the winter, some birds will bring human pathogen, the winter Arrival of the birds migrate to the north of the southern warmth to the winter, such as the Northwest Liberia to the advent of winter in each of Haiou have to "Four Seasons spring" in Kunming over the winter, many people like to watch a lake only The lovely white balance Haiou, but the rationale for people to know, Haiou lovely, but it physically with the bacteria, coupled with natural cold, people can easily stand in a cold However, mankind's friends birds they do not want to bring human pathogens, they also want to live in harmony and Generally speaking, the bird is mankind's friends, the birds can not be separated from the balance of nature, harmony between man and bird, is the protection of the ecological


写作思路:明确作文主题,首先从自然灾害和人类对环境的破坏入手,简述环境污染的危害,最后提出建议,对作文进行总结和升华。作文如下:Man and nature are interactive  Looking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and  At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sown and Man respected nature and was one part of It seems that people today are masters of natureg Nature is torn into  While we are disrupting  the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seekingits revenge Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human  We have taken too much from nature, and given back too Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember the deep interdependent relationship between people and nature, then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or Sure, people can live in harmony with nature, with commitment, hard work and new 译文如下:人与自然是相互作用的力量。纵观历史长河,我们可以发现,人与自然之间曾经存在着和谐。在那个时候,大自然是一块可以耕种、播种和收获的纯田。人尊重自然,是自然的一部分。看来今天的人都是大自然的主人,自然被撕成了碎片。当我们在破坏自然世界的秩序时,我们是最终的受害者,因为大自然在寻找它的报复森林消失,河流干涸,土壤污染和气候恶化惩罚了贪婪的人类。我们从大自然中获取了太多,又回馈了太多。展望未来,当我们获得推理,当我们记住人与自然之间的深刻相互依存关系时,那么自然将成为我们的朋友,而不是我们的奴隶或仆人。当然,人们可以与自然和谐相处,有责任心,努力工作和新技术。扩展资料:人与自然是生命共同体,人类必须尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然。坚持节约优先、保护优先、自然恢复为主的方针,形成节约资源和保护环境的空间格局、产业结构、生产方式、生活方式,还自然以宁静、和谐、美丽。参考资料来源:光明日报——坚持人与自然和谐共生

人与自然的关系(The relation between human and nature) As we know, the nature is the most important to People depend on nature to live and human need fresh air, water, vegetable, which all come form The industry need fuel, raw material, which also root form What’s more, human also belong to the nature, he is high animal existing in As a consequence, if we destroy the nature, in some extent, we will diminish However, human beings haven’t paid more attention to this They upset the ecological balance and destroy the environment For example, smoke stacker have disgorged poisonous gases into the atmosphere; factories have dumped waste into rivers and streams; forests have been felled out; citizens haven dumped rubbish everywhere; groundwater have been drawn out As the scientists predict, it become dangerous to us if we continue to do And in some day, human being will destroy the whole earth and can’t to live any In a summary,we human must be in harmony with nature

A Composition of Protect Our Environment----Taking good care of our environment is very Wherever you live,You can do something around your it's our duty to keep our environment clean and You might ask yourself,"have I picked some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?" ---If everyone makes a contribution to protectingthe environment,the world will become much more beautifulAs is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big , which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect First of all, it’s quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of People will surely take it for granted to have the duty to prevent any killing of wild So a national publicity campaign should be launched, thus giving animals a good living In addition, the government should pass some laws to forbid any hunting of rare We don't expect anything harmful to wild life to happier If everyone is involved in the protection of wild life, we're sure mankind will get along with animals rather than 还有另外一篇:Now we have to talk about people and birds live in harmony! In nature, birds to humans has brought boundless joy, in a sad time, I heard the birds in the tree branches on the use Wanzhuan clear voice singing the song, sad to suddenly forgotten behind us and it was beautiful Intoxicated by the Some people hear the beautiful Niaosheng, who could not help but also sang songs, such unpleasant feelings, the only truly appreciate the talent will understand, then perhaps you will feel that they are the world's most enjoyable P Bird is very smart, very friendly, will be fresh pests, will catch voles, can also bring happiness, this point alone, we will have to live in harmony and birds? » Right, because the animals live in harmony and everyone should have the moral In the eyes of others, and animals live in harmony is good, but I think the harmonious coexistence between man and bird have good pros, the benefits of bird protection is the ecological environment, is bad in the winter, some birds will bring human pathogen, the winter Arrival of the birds migrate to the north of the southern warmth to the winter, such as the Northwest Liberia to the advent of winter in each of Haiou have to "Four Seasons spring" in Kunming over the winter, many people like to watch a lake only The lovely white balance Haiou, but the rationale for people to know, Haiou lovely, but it physically with the bacteria, coupled with natural cold, people can easily stand in a cold However, mankind's friends birds they do not want to bring human pathogens, they also want to live in harmony and Generally speaking, the bird is mankind's friends, the birds can not be separated from the balance of nature, harmony between man and bird, is the protection of the ecological

关于“人与自然的关系”的英语作文可以从多个方面进行阐述,大多均从保护环境、爱护自然的角度出发,下面以其为主题的例文以及翻译。原文:We often say that the earth is our homeland and human society comes from Therefore,I think our society is a part of People should live harmoniously with All the materials we need to live with come from nature, but we should also repay the nature,rather than blindly For example, we should plant more trees and take actions to protect the In addition, we have to control Due to excessive population growth, human beings require much more natural resources than before, which lead to excessive pressure on In order to long-term development, the population growth must be We all come from nature which is our homeland, so we must try best to protect 译文:我们常常说地球是我们的家园,人类社会也是从自然界分解出来的。因此,我认为我们的社会是自然界的一部分,人们应该与自然和谐共处。我们所需的所有生活材料都来自于自然,但是我们也要回馈自然,而不是一味地索取。例如,我们应该多种树,要采取有效措施保护好环境。此外,人口数量也应得到控制。由于人口过多,人类需要的生存材料也大大增加,导致了自然界所承受的压力过大。为了更长远地发展,人口的增长速度必须要得到控制。我们都来自自然,把自然界也成为我们的家园,所以我们必须要尽最大的努力去保护它。扩展资料:关于自然的话题有非常多的名言名句,下面是一些在写作上可以用到的句子。1、To be good care of every tree and bush, bird and mammal, be in harmony with  爱护一草一木,一鸟一兽,与大自然和谐相处。2、Live and let live, be nature in Killing of wildlife is destroying the human 给生命以生机,还自然以自在。滥杀动物,自毁生机。 3、One earth, let's care and  地球只有一个,让我们关爱与分享。4、I slept and found that life is beauty, I waked and found the life was 我睡去后感到生命之美丽,我醒来时感到生命之责任。


写作思路:明确作文主题,首先从自然灾害和人类对环境的破坏入手,简述环境污染的危害,最后提出建议,对作文进行总结和升华。作文如下:Man and nature are interactive  Looking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and  At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sown and Man respected nature and was one part of It seems that people today are masters of natureg Nature is torn into  While we are disrupting  the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seekingits revenge Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human  We have taken too much from nature, and given back too Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember the deep interdependent relationship between people and nature, then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or Sure, people can live in harmony with nature, with commitment, hard work and new 译文如下:人与自然是相互作用的力量。纵观历史长河,我们可以发现,人与自然之间曾经存在着和谐。在那个时候,大自然是一块可以耕种、播种和收获的纯田。人尊重自然,是自然的一部分。看来今天的人都是大自然的主人,自然被撕成了碎片。当我们在破坏自然世界的秩序时,我们是最终的受害者,因为大自然在寻找它的报复森林消失,河流干涸,土壤污染和气候恶化惩罚了贪婪的人类。我们从大自然中获取了太多,又回馈了太多。展望未来,当我们获得推理,当我们记住人与自然之间的深刻相互依存关系时,那么自然将成为我们的朋友,而不是我们的奴隶或仆人。当然,人们可以与自然和谐相处,有责任心,努力工作和新技术。扩展资料:人与自然是生命共同体,人类必须尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然。坚持节约优先、保护优先、自然恢复为主的方针,形成节约资源和保护环境的空间格局、产业结构、生产方式、生活方式,还自然以宁静、和谐、美丽。参考资料来源:光明日报——坚持人与自然和谐共生


关于“人与自然的关系”的英语作文可以从多个方面进行阐述,大多均从保护环境、爱护自然的角度出发,下面以其为主题的例文以及翻译。原文:We often say that the earth is our homeland and human society comes from Therefore,I think our society is a part of People should live harmoniously with All the materials we need to live with come from nature, but we should also repay the nature,rather than blindly For example, we should plant more trees and take actions to protect the In addition, we have to control Due to excessive population growth, human beings require much more natural resources than before, which lead to excessive pressure on In order to long-term development, the population growth must be We all come from nature which is our homeland, so we must try best to protect 译文:我们常常说地球是我们的家园,人类社会也是从自然界分解出来的。因此,我认为我们的社会是自然界的一部分,人们应该与自然和谐共处。我们所需的所有生活材料都来自于自然,但是我们也要回馈自然,而不是一味地索取。例如,我们应该多种树,要采取有效措施保护好环境。此外,人口数量也应得到控制。由于人口过多,人类需要的生存材料也大大增加,导致了自然界所承受的压力过大。为了更长远地发展,人口的增长速度必须要得到控制。我们都来自自然,把自然界也成为我们的家园,所以我们必须要尽最大的努力去保护它。扩展资料:关于自然的话题有非常多的名言名句,下面是一些在写作上可以用到的句子。1、To be good care of every tree and bush, bird and mammal, be in harmony with  爱护一草一木,一鸟一兽,与大自然和谐相处。2、Live and let live, be nature in Killing of wildlife is destroying the human 给生命以生机,还自然以自在。滥杀动物,自毁生机。 3、One earth, let's care and  地球只有一个,让我们关爱与分享。4、I slept and found that life is beauty, I waked and found the life was 我睡去后感到生命之美丽,我醒来时感到生命之责任。

环境人类活的被, 是出色的和独特的。 用宇宙的超级生活情况只有一个地球。 我们应该要珍爱自然而且保护它的。 相反地,然而,我们一直不断地破坏它,甚至达到一个可怕的程度。 现在让我们见到我们有的铛。数以千计树已经每一年被减低, 已经引起土壤腐蚀。 氟氯碳化物的数十万计吨已经在已经导致在包括美国的那一区域的杆南方部上面的臭氧层漏洞的最后十年内被留在较高的天空。 包含氮和硫磺的燃料的百万吨已经每一年被消耗,这在世界各处已经最后造成酸的雨。同样地,生态学已经也被影响。而且种的相当多数字是熄灭的当数年经过,过去是通常的许多人正在变成越来越少, 甚至稀有。 西藏羚羊, 举例来说, 是一个好例子。因为西藏的羚羊在能被做成被许多村民过度地杀了羚羊的一些非法的经销商驱使的一个宝贵的岬的他们的身体上有毛皮的一部份和为财富的大太阳可怕的。因为这, 西藏的羚羊的数字已经锐利地跌落从超过一百万对小于十万。 而且更多是什么,数字现在已经减少一年二万青藏 高地, 是他们的故乡, 他们的坟墓现在。这是自然如何已经遭受我们已经对它做的。 然而, 自然而且遭受任何的更多。 她发脾气和可以不再可能地忍受人类。她给予了人类粗糙的处罚, 她认为他们该得到。 酸的雨在一年世界各处已经引起超过一千亿元的比较少量。 而且因为 desertisation ,土壤正在变成越来越不育。 许多飞机的土壤现在是直到对于成长的植物。 空气是比较不新鲜,而且许多人甚至得到许多陌生人疾病。那些是对人类的污染的自然的所有的处罚。 另一方面,人类很多也遭受。因此它带领到一严重的疑问--为什么能不我们活的和睦地以自然?我们为什么不设定人类和自然之间的平衡?我们为什么不对自然给予较多的注意而且试着保留它?因此,我们采取立即的措施做某事之前,我们应该知道事实: " 征服自然 " 将会无法是我们的目标,改为,我们应该带如我们的亲密朋友的自然。


大自然是人类和各种动植物的生存环境,对各种生物的生长有重大的意义,尤其在人类社会高速发展的今天,处理好人与大自然的关系尤为重要。在过去的几十年里,人类过分看重经济的发展,已对大自然造成了极大地破坏,大自然正面临资源枯竭、环境破坏、全球气候变暖的严重问题,这给各种生物的生存构成了极大地威胁。因此,为了使人类子孙后代能够继续延续下去,必须与大自然和谐相处,一早一个好的生存环境。 人与自然的关系是人类生存与发展的基本关系。人类社会的发展是在人类认识、利用、改造和适应自然的过程中不断演进的,随着人类社会的不断向前发展,人与自然的关系处在不停的演变中。这种关系大概经历了三个阶段:第一阶段是人与自然和谐相处的“天人合一”阶段,即原始的农耕文明阶段,人与大自然是相对亲近的,人类从属于自然;第二阶段是人类征服和改造自然的“天人相分并对立”阶段,即近代工业文明阶段,人与自然的关系是一种“主奴关系”。这一阶段以人类大规模地征服、改造和利用自然为特征,人与自然的关系日渐走向疏离;第三阶段是人与自然重新走向和谐的新“天人合一”阶段,人类与自然是一个有机统一的整体。这一阶段呈现出人对自然关系的新认识和某种程度的复归。人类从洪荒时代走到了文明的世纪,人类的智慧创造了经济的奇迹,但无知与贪婪却留下了可怕的后果。环境污染、生态恶化、地球发出了痛苦的呻吟„„ 在我们经历了禽流感、非典、海啸、地震等天灾之后,实现人与自然和谐发展成为全世界的共识。如果说“禽流感”、“非典”等是自然对人类微观方式的警告,那么“海啸”、“地震”、“沙尘暴”等则是自然对人类宏观方式的警告,这些天灾都可能毁灭人类。人类的科技发现、发明与发展,可能会降低天灾带来的危害,但不能根本消除这种灾害。人们渐渐从噩梦中觉醒:人与自然和谐共处,是社会可持续发展的唯一出路。


人与自然作文(通用59篇)      在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是小编为大家收集的人与自然作文(通用59篇),欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 人与自然作文 篇1      我们与大自然有着十分密切的关系。大自然向我们提供了一切生活所需要的物质。我们应该感激大自然,保护大自然。      这天,天气十分晴朗。风和日丽,妈妈决定带我去野外郊游,领略大自然的风采,娇姿。“哇”这儿的空气十分新鲜,一大片绿油油的草地上开满了各色各样美丽娇艳的花儿。一棵棵大树挺立在草地的四周,像一位位战士保护这片“神圣”的土地。“咦,那边有人,他在干什么?”我奇怪地说,“妈妈,我过去看看。”我急冲冲地跑了过去,啊,他在砍树。      树为我们付出那么多,书用来执照纸张都是给我们用的。他那么做,太不应该了,就等于在浪费资源。“叔叔,您砍树是不应该的,您可以别再砍吗?”可能是我真挚的眼神与语言打动了他,他回家了。原来纸张是不容易找出来的。“嗯,那我以后一定要珍惜每一点一滴!”我坚决地说。我一定会做一个“环保天使”的。      我似乎做了一件十分伟大的事情,我十分开心。我要保护好树木,保护和珍惜大自然上的一草一木。我立刻跑了回去,兴致勃勃都对妈妈说:“妈妈,我今天学到了很多东西。”妈妈很疑惑的表情出现到了妈妈的脸蛋上。我开心得笑了。太阳悄悄的走回家了,我们也该回家了。      原来,大自然为我们服务是那么危险的,有些人类还不明白呢!我们要与大自然和平共处。 人与自然作文 篇2      人和自然是和谐统一的整体,大自然是人类的朋友。千百年来,它养育了人类,让人类生生不息,不断发展。人类是如此依赖大自然。人类拥有自然,但决不等于人类可以违背自然的意志,否则人类将遭受自然惩罚,只有遵循自然规律,人类才能绵延无尽,不然,会被一种更先进,更文明的生物所取代。      人类只不过是大自然中的一部分,动物也如此。可一些人却残害他的“兄弟”,不断把自己抬出自然圈,并自以为是自然的主宰者。其实,你想错了,大自然制造了多少生物,而人类,连一个简单的微生物都造不出来,只能坐在一旁看着罢了,然后反复研究,得到结论。      一些人类大量的残害自己的“兄弟”,使生态不平衡,不断受到大自然的惩罚。并把大自然“母亲”看作仇人,责备他的“母亲”,使得“母亲”如此狼狈。这样下去人类碧将遭受自然惩罚。      若人类的破坏更加严重时,人类可能就会像恐龙一样突然蒸发于世界。取而代之的是更文明,更具有智慧生物。那时,他们眼里的人类就如我们眼里的蚂蚁。      因此,我们应该好好保护大自然,制止那些非人类的做法,那就是保护我们自己。让我们更好的生活,享受大自然给予我们的乐趣,并让兄弟姐妹更好的生活,享受母亲给予的乐趣。      我们都是大自然的产物,动物也是,植物还是。不能因为权、财而毁了我们生活的地方,毁了我们自己。      我们是大自然的一部分,并不卓越于其他生物。      要保护人类,就要保护其他兄弟姐妹,更要保护大自然。 人与自然作文 篇3      一次游山玩水,使我对水和石的和谐共处有了颇深的感触。      那瀑布奔流直下,一泻千里,冲积到潭里,渲出一弥水雾。      我顺瀑布下的小溪前行,看着那霸道的流水冲击着石头。不禁想到,总有一天水里的石头会被流水完全侵蚀,可它们却始终坚守在这里。我不禁诗兴大发,这是一种多么悲壮的美!也不免有些心疼,只希望石头能逃到岸上。      望着水愣神的当儿,我发现水中的石有的覆着幽幽的水草,有的里边躲着滴溜的小鱼。那石头多么俊俏!聪明的我也倏地明白了,水塑造了水中的石,而石又使水更有魅力。若没有水,石头该多么单调;若没有石,水中世界该多么乏味!这就像水造就了山的青,而山又成就了水的绿。水和石是不可分割的整体,浑然天成。      水和石的和谐共处,塑造了一方唯美的境界,营造了一方生机勃勃的水生态世界,酿造了一方水土,一方人。      很自然地,我想到了人与自然的共处问题。人是贪婪的,过分地向自然索取,过度地对自然开发,导致大自然这个和蔼的老人发怒,他以各种自然灾害报复着人类,于是,台风、海啸、“厄尔尼诺”接踵而来。      人和自然从远古就和平共处。自然哺育了人类,人类更应保护自然。所以,让我们共同努力吧!保护生态环境,维护生态平衡,像水和石一样,共生共存,和谐相处! 人与自然作文 篇4      当我面对人们污染环境的现实,十分生气,可自己也无力挽救,只好看着这些事发生。      正当我看书时,我突然来到了一个地方,在这里,隔着竹林听见清脆的水声。于是,我穿过一片竹林,看见一个小水潭以整块石头为底,石底向上弯曲露出水面。看潭中,可以清楚的看到底,小鱼儿像在空中游动。我看见这小石潭,无比快乐。心想:如果世界都变成这样该多好啊!      突然,周围的景象全没了,原来我在看《小石潭记》时太入迷了。      现在的野生动物也越来越少了,主要是人么大量的猎杀它们。我真想让人与动物更和谐。      当我看《鲁山山行》时,突然间我像进了仙境一般。这里树木繁茂,鸟儿欢叫,还有许多动物,只听一个人在吟诵“霜落熊升树,林空鹿饮溪。”      当我走过去,发下他就是梅尧臣,于是我告诉他现代的人和动物,他生气的指责人们说:“你们现代人太可恶了,动物们那么可爱,你没竟然残害他们。”突然他向我打来,我马上就惊醒了。啊!真希望人和动物的关系能像梅尧臣那样。      我想让人与动物更和谐,想让人与自然更和谐,想让人们的生活更好,大自然更美丽。 人与自然作文 篇5      回到家中,浏览着自己前往黟县所拍下的影像,思绪萦绕在我脑海      虽身为古徽州府人,但至今未能将自己的足迹遍布徽州大地;虽早已久仰宏村的大名,也却迟迟未踏上这片具有灿烂历史,引来无数宾朋的圣土。但却有幸,终于在四月份遂了这个心愿,一睹这个千年古村落的神秘容颜。      这个千年古村落宁静安祥地卧在古徽州的土地上,诉说着徽商的传奇,阐述着博大精深的徽文化。高高的马头墙,粉墙黛瓦,典型的徽派建筑,并无多在特别之处,与其它地方的徽建无多大不同,吸引我眼球并引起我遐想的便是村口的南湖,以及穿行于古建群幽深小巷中潺潺流水。这便是宏村古时的水利工程了。徜徉在这古村落的巷弄中,均可觅得小小溪般流水的身影。据了解,古时的人们都是在其中完成各项洗污的任务。而这条条潺流均会汇集于村口的南湖,而南湖也具有独具匠心的建造隔离板。它能将垃圾拦截在固定的区域,便于定期打捞。由此可见,古人便懂得可持续发展的道理了。      宏村人的这一创举不正是人与自然和谐共处的最好印证吗?人与自然浑然一体,你中有我,我中有你,古徽州人崇尚自然,追求“天人合一”的境界,人们依水而居,渴望与自然的亲近,但是,在亲密之间人们不忘与自然的和谐共处,潺潺的流水洗净各户的污浊,而他们也会定期地还绿水以原貌。二者有机地结合,就这样以“可持续发展”的理念共存,人们没有破坏生态的自然,而自然也没有限制人们的生活。这样的生活状态有谁不羡慕?而这,都缘于古人“物我一体”的理念。      可是,在返程途中,路经徽州区时,我依然闻到了那刺鼻的化工味,曾经碧绿的丰乐河也被污染,早已不见了当年“竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知”的美景,污浊,阴霾成了当代徽州人与自然共处的主旋律,若干年前的古人在若干年前便知晓与自然和谐共处之道,而身处若干年后的当代徽州人却放弃了祖先的传统美德,实属徽州之不幸,我们并非如祖先般坚持“可持续发展”,“天人合一”,而是以“我”为中心,总是处心积虑地思考如何征服自然,实属徽州之悲哀。      古徽州人用他们的智慧创造出的美德却葬送在当代徽州人的手中,不得不令人深思! 人与自然作文 篇6      人本能与自然和谐相处,可是在经济建设突飞猛进的今天,物质生活日益丰富。为了满足自己的需要,人们砍伐一片片的森林,生产出各种纸张。参天的大树在高科技的电锯中轰然倒下,绿色在眼前慢慢地消失。而最后,那些纸张却被随意丢弃,成为垃圾。它们在哭诉,哭诉自己的命运,也为人类感到悲哀。      人们生活在自然的怀抱中,只有人与自然和谐相处,生活才会美好,人们才会幸福。如果人们光想着自己,为了满足自己的利益不择手段,那么生活就不会圆满,当然,人们的幸福也就此告终。      我幸福地憧憬着:在蓝天白云下,鸟语花香,蜂蝶翩飞,鱼游潜水,人们在灿烂地微笑。      人总认为自己是大自然的主宰,本文却告诉我们,人是“自然的怀抱”中的孩子,任性地毁坏母亲的健康,到头来害苦的是自己。唯有懂得爱护,才能幸福生活。对我们所关注的对象,跳出圈子来看,也是一种行文之道。 人与自然作文 篇7      大自然中,有许多的动物,植物在生长,它们种类繁多,五颜六色。而大自然,也孕育了我们人类,让我们人类有一个美丽的生存环境。更重要的是,大自然让我们的地球充满了勃勃生机,让这个世界不枯燥,不单调。可是我们,作为大自然中的高等生物的人类,几千年来和大自然和睦相处,是大自然给了我们赖以生存的家园,我们应该感谢它,保护它。但是,近几年来,人们却一直在破坏大自然,改造大自然。例如:人们不用的垃圾随地抛撒;工厂排放的废气,汽车排出的。尾气都污染了空气;为了除虫人们还用飞机在树木里洒农药,污染了环境;更可恨的是,还有人砍伐森林,捕杀动物。这些破坏大自然的事,数不胜数,令人寒心。      为了免受大自然的惩罚,让我们与大自然和睦相处,合理地利用自然资源,一起来保护大自然吧! 人与自然作文 篇8      春姑娘来了,她是一位著名的画家。她给草地涂上充满生命力的绿色;给花儿染上了红色、黄色、粉红瞧!那片草地上有一个男孩和一群小动物一齐玩耍。它的名字叫杰克?斯帝文。      杰克和小动物玩起了捉迷藏的游戏。杰克一声令下,小动物便纷纷藏起来。杰克看到树后有一个影子,小小的,有两个长耳朵,必须是小白兔。就这样,杰克找到了所有的小动物,小动物们不情愿的认输了。它们玩地十分开心,没有一丝倦意。      不一会儿,杰克已是满头大汗。一只可爱的小鹿跑过来,用舌头帮杰克擦汗。杰克十分高兴,给了小鹿一些食物,小鹿吃了食物,又亲昵地舔了舔杰克。杰克轻轻地抚摸着小鹿柔顺的毛,洋溢出愉快的笑容。“小鹿,去和小动物们玩吧!”小鹿好像听懂了似的,向小动物们那跑去。      杰克躺在花丛中,仰望蓝天。天上的白云飘飘悠悠地向杰克问好。杰克沐浴着金色的阳光,心里有说不出的高兴。杰克想:如果每个人都热爱大自然,人与自然间的关系将协调。 人与自然作文 篇9      天地之间,存在着一些微小的色彩,经由点点滴滴的积累,逐渐变成了生机勃勃的世界。在万物之中,唯有一种生物的出现,改变了这一切,我们称它为人类。被赋予了这样一个名称的生物,带着比其它生物更加智慧的大脑,迅速占领了地球,成为无上霸主。      在一个奇妙的转折点,人类进化了,从而会使用并制造工具。历经千万年的“改造”,就出现了新一代的我们。虽说是引领全球,却还有更多神秘的高智慧生物。早期,人类开始尝试接触没有攻击性的动物,将其驯服,为人服务,现在的狗就是一个很好的例子。狗其实只是狼的亚种,演变之后,从狼变成了狗。一些狼离开了群体,遇到人类,被人类驯服,脱离了狼的野性,慢慢变为所谓的“狗”。      地球大气层几乎完全是氧气、氮气,它们和地球表面增温变热时所释放的红外线,都是十分透明的,也就是说都能穿透过去。但是,目前地球大气里还含有大量的二氧化碳,它对可见光是透明的,然而二氧化碳会极多地吸收红外线。这就意味着,当大气中有大量二氧化碳存在时,它就会阻止热量从地表散发出去,结果,热量便积累起来。      所以二氧化碳正像温室的玻璃一样,使地球产生了“温室效应”。相反,当大气中的二氧化碳含量降低时,地球就会慢慢地变冷。据科学家估计,如果目前大气中的二氧化碳浓度增加一倍,那么,这一点点“微小”的变化就足以使地球的总温度上升,从而会使地球上大量的冰川融解。反之,如果大气中二氧化碳含量减少一半,那么地球温度就会下降到足以使冰川面积扩大3倍。17世纪以来,人类盲目地砍伐森林,破坏环境,无休止地燃烧石油和煤,使地球大气中的二氧化碳含量不断地增加。继续以这样的速度增加下去,地球上的冰川将在几百年内全部融解为水体,所有沿海大城市都将会沉入海底。      令人无奈的事,总是降临在我们头上,那我们又能怎样呢? 人与自然作文 篇10      在我的老家有一条小河,有一次回老家爸爸带我到河边玩耍,爸爸对我说这条小河是他儿时的乐园:清澈、明亮的小河缓缓地向东流去,鸟儿那婉转、欢快的叫声直冲云霄深处,成群的牛羊在河边尽情地享受美味佳肴透过绿色的水波能够数得清河底的水草和碎石,水面的波纹在阳光的照耀下,显得波光粼粼,河里的鱼儿随处可见,它们自由自在地嬉戏着;两岸绿草丛生,美丽的荷叶、荷花随风摇曳;一群群水鸟在水面掠过,村妇在河里洗衣,孩子们在水里打水仗、捉鱼虾、嬉戏玩耍,夕阳洒照着岸边垂钓的渔翁这是多么美丽的一幅人与自然的和谐景象!      可是此刻,河里出现了很多的塑料袋、编织袋、杂草、白色泡沫盒、死家禽、家畜、烧过的玉米杆等杂物,有些工厂还直接把污水排入河里,使河水变成了棕褐色,还没走到河边就闻到一股难闻的臭味,一到夏天,成了苍蝇蚊子栖息的场所这又让我想起我们美丽的石漫滩水库,前几年因为人们在那里养鱼、养珍珠、在水库洗澡,随意乱扔垃圾导致水库受到污染,出现了绿藻,经过市委、市政府的努力,坚决治理绿藻,取缔了私营小船,禁止在水库洗澡、养鱼、钓鱼、乱扔垃圾等一系列措施,美丽的石漫滩才又恢复了原先的美。      小朋友,你明白吗?此刻的地球已经千疮百孔,这是谁干下的滔天罪行?是人类!贪婪的人类为了利益,竟愚蠢地破坏赖以生存的环境:一看到森林,就想到卖木材能赚钱;一看到河流,就想到发电;一看到草原,就想到牛羊肉和羊绒衫;一看到动物,就想到能不能吃,能不能卖,能不能入药于是土地沙漠化了,水土流失了,生态平衡被打破,许多珍稀动物都濒临灭绝。这一切的一切说明了什么?说明了当人类与自然和谐相处时,自然才是美丽的,美得像画,美得如诗;可当人类违背自然规律时,不与自然和谐相处时,自然是愤怒的,自然是有报复性的,她变得可怕,变得不可驾驭,人类将受到毁灭性的打击。人类要与自然和谐相处!      作为中学生,我们应当怎样做呢?我们应当从我做起,从每一件小事做起,从小学习环保知识,增强环保意识,树立环保品德,构成良好的环保行为习惯;节俭用水,节俭用电,珍惜我们有限的资源;积极参加植树造林活动,拒绝使用一次性物品,主动捡起果皮纸屑,减少垃圾污染;提倡垃圾分类装,集中堆放,防止再次污染;爱护野生动物,拒食野生动物,保护脆弱的生物链。所以,从此刻起,从自已做起,让我们携手一齐来维护人与自然的和谐相处,保卫我们美丽的家园! 人与自然作文 篇11      地球是我们赖以生存的家园,人类在这个地球上欢乐地生活了一代又一代。它为我们供给了丰富的生活资源。例如:我们每一天不可缺少的淡水、优美的自然环境和清新的空气,并且她还生活着我们人类共同的朋友――动物和植物。      可是,随着科学技术的不断发展,人们在享受自然的同时,却又无情地在不断破坏着这个给我们供给赖以生存的条件的自然环境。南极的黑洞、河流的污染以及电视上频频报道的洪涝灾害和某种生物的濒临绝种等等这一切都是我们破坏和谐自然所付出的沉重代价。      近年来,全球气候变暖,最高气温到达了40摄氏度左右。由于水资源的日渐匮乏,这不仅仅对农业生产造成了极大的危害,并且还威胁着人们的生活用水。而这些环境的变化,让我们原本和谐的自然环境,早已变得千疮百孔。      迄今为止,人类仍然没能停止对地球环境无情的破坏。任意的捕杀各种动物,肆意的破坏森林资源,让我们这一代人有时候只能借助于文献资料去认识某种已经绝迹了的生物。      此刻甚至连我们的母亲河“黄河”也无可避免的遭受到人类的严重破坏。而黄河经常爆发的洪水,让农民伯伯的房屋和田地都被冲跨。是谁做的呢?是人类,一切都是因为他们乱砍乱伐的行为造成的恶果。如果大家一开始都懂得尊重环境、爱护环境,那么就不会有今日这样的生存局面。      今日人们所谓的珍惜动物,大多都是受到了人类的残杀和自然环境的破坏,日益稀少后才被人类重视起来的。吃野生动物的现象在这个社会上越来越普遍。你可曾想过?有一天,你以前嘴里所吃小动物的就是今后被人们认为的国宝!你可曾想过?如果我们在吃一种弱小的野生动物的同时,再去拯救另外一种将要绝迹的野生动物,那样就能够做到真正的生态平衡吗?
