

发布时间:2024-07-07 09:00:16


summary"with computer network technology matures, computer networking applications has become an inevitable trend in the development of the Network technology to speed the development direction, broadband network has become an inevitable The computer network communication technology from the 1960s, has been greatly since birth, especially the development since 1990s have developed As is known to all, the computer network communication technology is to unexpected speed rapid development, network communication technology, the Internet also permeates gradually to people living and working in every The information superhighway has direct extends to the people, the desktop, alwin in its future study TuoFuLe transfer of power masterpiece, "said: in ancient times, the strength of a country's military strength, main farmar 200 years ago, humans into industrial society, the industrial productivity, and Jordan farmar into since the 1970s, a country with knowledge of the network access storage capacity has become an important measure of its overall The Clinton 11993 government announced in September, the national information highway NLL (1994), National1Information1Intrasture - global information highway After this, the world also has its own information highway planning, Each system in our country, and various business unit interior also raised one Internet construction Along with the computer network technology matures, computer networking applications has become an inevitable trend in the development of the Our government has recently proposed 12,000 years in the construction of the electronic government, the government plans to cross-century some office affairs in the Internet, improving people's government work, understand the supervision, People can inquire on the net himself about the state policies, laws and regulations, enhance the consciousness of the masses participating Although the traditional 10MBPS Ethernet satisfy the demand of users at many network to a certain extent, to solve the network information resources sharing and However, with the rapid increase of the CPU performance, workstations, user application software functions of information, network transmission of complexity and information, plus the sharp rise in the rapid development of multimedia technology in network applications, 10MBPS transmission bandwidth, already can't satisfy the development of computer technology, network transmission requirements to high-speed broadband network technology has become an inevitable trend in the development of The computer network in every field application, computer network communication technology, while the but for thirty years, but with human civilization has never existed before the power and speed in this world of rapid popularization, development, It is human civilization and any a kind of totem, machine, intercourse and survival of different rules is enormous, she seems to be working with echoes in the "information" fiber that create the future of the dominant force in The computer network will be broken, and age, economic region of cultural consumption ability, make the future society into a harmonious and unified show circle, human society will eventually into equal share of democracy, open Along with the computer network communication technology, the computer network, the development of social life in the fields of application, get more information becomes an indispensable part of the 摘要】随着计算机网络技术的日趋成熟,计算机的网络化应用已成为计算机发展的必然趋势。网络技术向高速,宽带方向发展已成为网络发展的必然趋势。 计算机网络通讯技术从20世纪60年代诞生至今,得到了极大的发展,尤其是进入20世纪90年代以来得到了飞速的发展。众所周知,计算机网络通讯技术正在以人们意想不到的速度迅速发展着,网络通讯技术日新月异,Internet也逐渐渗透到人们生活和工作的每一个角落。信息高速公路已经直接延伸到了人们的桌面上,阿尔文·托夫勒在其未来学名著《权力的转移》中说:在古代,衡量一个国家国力的主要砝码是军事实力,200年前,人类进入工业社会以后,这一砝码变为工业生产力,而从本世纪70年代开始,一个国家拥有的存储与访问知识的网络能力已开始成为衡量其综合国力的重要指标。美国克林顿政府11993年9月公布了国家信息高速公路计划。(NLL-National1Information1Intrasture),1994年提出全球信息高速公路计划。在此之后,世界各国也先后推出了自己的信息高速公路计划;在我国各系统,各企事业单位内部也掀起了一股Internet建设的热潮。随着计算机网络技术的日趋成熟,计算机的网络化应用已成为计算机发展的必然趋势。我国政府最近又提出了在12000年建设网上电子政府的跨世纪计划,政府的一些办公事务在网上进行,提高人民群众对政府工作的监督,了解;群众可以在网上查询自己关心的国家的政策,法律法规,增强人民群众参政议政的意识。虽然传统的10MBPS以太网满足了当时许多用户的网络需求,一定程度上解决了网络资源信息和外围的共享问题。但是,随着CPU性能的迅速提高,工作站数量的增加,用户应用软件功能的不断增强,网络传输信息的日益复杂化和信息量的急剧提高,再加上迅速发展起来的多媒体技术在网络上的应用,10MBPS的传输带宽,已远远不能满足日益发展的计算机技术对网络的传输要求,网络技术向高速,宽带方向发展已成为网络发展的必然趋势。计算机网络在社会各个领域中的应用,计算机网络通讯技术虽然从诞生至今不过三十几年的时间,却以人类文明史上从未存在过的力量和速度在这世界得到迅速的普及,发展;它与人类文明史上的任何一种图腾,机器,交往方式甚至生存规则都有着巨大的不同——她似乎正用激荡在光纤中的“信息比特”预示出创造未来社会进步的主导力量。计算机网络将彻底打破地域,年龄,经济能力等对文化消费的禁锢,使未来社会展现成一个和谐统一的文化圈,人类社会将最终进入平等开放,共享民主的时代。随着计算机网络通讯技术的日益发展,计算机网络在社会生活中的各个领域得到越来越多的应用,成为信息经济时代不可缺少的一部分。

你可以写3G标准或消费电子产业的发展趋势 我也是电子信息系的 还有什么问题可以问我

电子废弃物 手机辐射等 没人研究的领域才比较容易出成果

Based on the communication network Direct3D visual simulation engine design and implementationtheVisual Simulation (Visual Simulation) is used to realize 3 d space information visualization technology, it has a realistic Simulation effect and convenient operation method, can well satisfy the new plane avionics system design This paper designs and realizes an Direct3D based on the communication network visual simulation First, in this paper the characteristics of the visual simulation and the programming essentials Direct3D brief analysis of selection, and expounds the main reason for the Direct3D Secondly, put forward the visual simulation software, the total design project of the simulation software program and the software module partition the working process of the analysis of the various modules, explore the main functions and the relations among And then, based on the communication network of Direct3D visual simulation is the key technology of engine are analyzed and the study, introduces solutions discrete event simulation, Direct3D resource management and animation optimization and the mouse control technology, the key technology of the Finally, this essay discusses the Direct3D based on the communication network visual simulation software realization method, and in a more complex switched communication network as an example, the visual simulation, and the performance of the program was tested



集成电路芯片封装技术浅谈 自从美国Intel公司1971年设计制造出4位微处a理器芯片以来,在20多年时间内,CPU从Intel4004、80286、80386、80486发展到Pentium和PentiumⅡ,数位从4位、8位、16位、32位发展到64位;主频从几兆到今天的400MHz以上,接近GHz;CPU芯片里集成的晶体管数由2000个跃升到500万个以上;半导体制造技术的规模由SSI、MSI、LSI、VLSI达到 ULSI。封装的输入/输出(I/O)引脚从几十根,逐渐增加到几百根,下世纪初可能达2千根。这一切真是一个翻天覆地的变化。 对于CPU,读者已经很熟悉了,286、386、486、Pentium、Pentium Ⅱ、Celeron、K6、K6-2 ……相信您可以如数家珍似地列出一长串。但谈到CPU和其他大规模集成电路的封装,知道的人未必很多。所谓封装是指安装半导体集成电路芯片用的外壳,它不仅起着安放、固定、密封、保护芯片和增强电热性能的作用,而且还是沟通芯片内部世界与外部电路的桥梁--芯片上的接点用导线连接到封装外壳的引脚上,这些引脚又通过印制板上的导线与其他器件建立连接。因此,封装对CPU和其他LSI集成电路都起着重要的作用。新一代CPU的出现常常伴随着新的封装形式的使用。 芯片的封装技术已经历了好几代的变迁,从DIP、QFP、PGA、BGA到CSP再到MCM,技术指标一代比一代先进,包括芯片面积与封装面积之比越来越接近于1,适用频率越来越高,耐温性能越来越好,引脚数增多,引脚间距减小,重量减小,可靠性提高,使用更加方便等等。 下面将对具体的封装形式作详细说明。 一、DIP封装  70年代流行的是双列直插封装,简称DIP(Dual In-line Package)。DIP封装结构具有以下特点: 适合PCB的穿孔安装; 比TO型封装(图1)易于对PCB布线; 操作方便。  DIP封装结构形式有:多层陶瓷双列直插式DIP,单层陶瓷双列直插式DIP,引线框架式DIP(含玻璃陶瓷封接式,塑料包封结构式,陶瓷低熔玻璃封装式),如图2所示。  衡量一个芯片封装技术先进与否的重要指标是芯片面积与封装面积之比,这个比值越接近1越好。以采用40根I/O引脚塑料包封双列直插式封装(PDIP)的CPU为例,其芯片面积/封装面积=3×3/24×50=1:86,离1相差很远。不难看出,这种封装尺寸远比芯片大,说明封装效率很低,占去了很多有效安装面积。  Intel公司这期间的CPU如8086、80286都采用PDIP封装。 二、芯片载体封装  80年代出现了芯片载体封装,其中有陶瓷无引线芯片载体LCCC(Leadless Ceramic Chip Carrier)、塑料有引线芯片载体PLCC(Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier)、小尺寸封装SOP(Small Outline Package)、塑料四边引出扁平封装PQFP(Plastic Quad Flat Package),封装结构形式如图3、图4和图5所示。  以5mm焊区中心距,208根I/O引脚的QFP封装的CPU为例,外形尺寸28×28mm,芯片尺寸10×10mm,则芯片面积/封装面积=10×10/28×28=1:8,由此可见QFP比DIP的封装尺寸大大减小。QFP的特点是: 适合用SMT表面安装技术在PCB上安装布线; 封装外形尺寸小,寄生参数减小,适合高频应用; 操作方便; 可靠性高。  在这期间,Intel公司的CPU,如Intel 80386就采用塑料四边引出扁平封装PQFP。 三、BGA封装  90年代随着集成技术的进步、设备的改进和深亚微米技术的使用,LSI、VLSI、ULSI相继出现,硅单芯片集成度不断提高,对集成电路封装要求更加严格,I/O引脚数急剧增加,功耗也随之增大。为满足发展的需要,在原有封装品种基础上,又增添了新的品种--球栅阵列封装,简称BGA(Ball Grid Array Package)。如图6所示。  BGA一出现便成为CPU、南北桥等VLSI芯片的高密度、高性能、多功能及高I/O引脚封装的最佳选择。其特点有: I/O引脚数虽然增多,但引脚间距远大于QFP,从而提高了组装成品率; 虽然它的功耗增加,但BGA能用可控塌陷芯片法焊接,简称C4焊接,从而可以改善它的电热性能: 厚度比QFP减少1/2以上,重量减轻3/4以上; 寄生参数减小,信号传输延迟小,使用频率大大提高; 组装可用共面焊接,可靠性高; BGA封装仍与QFP、PGA一样,占用基板面积过大;  Intel公司对这种集成度很高(单芯片里达300万只以上晶体管),功耗很大的CPU芯片,如Pentium、Pentium Pro、Pentium Ⅱ采用陶瓷针栅阵列封装CPGA和陶瓷球栅阵列封装CBGA,并在外壳上安装微型排风扇散热,从而达到电路的稳定可靠工作。 四、面向未来的新的封装技术  BGA封装比QFP先进,更比PGA好,但它的芯片面积/封装面积的比值仍很低。 Tessera公司在BGA基础上做了改进,研制出另一种称为μBGA的封装技术,按5mm焊区中心距,芯片面积/封装面积的比为1:4,比BGA前进了一大步。  1994年9月日本三菱电气研究出一种芯片面积/封装面积=1:1的封装结构,其封装外形尺寸只比裸芯片大一点点。也就是说,单个IC芯片有多大,封装尺寸就有多大,从而诞生了一种新的封装形式,命名为芯片尺寸封装,简称CSP(Chip Size Package或Chip Scale Package)。CSP封装具有以下特点: 满足了LSI芯片引出脚不断增加的需要; 解决了IC裸芯片不能进行交流参数测试和老化筛选的问题; 封装面积缩小到BGA的1/4至1/10,延迟时间缩小到极短。  曾有人想,当单芯片一时还达不到多种芯片的集成度时,能否将高集成度、高性能、高可靠的CSP芯片(用LSI或IC)和专用集成电路芯片(ASIC)在高密度多层互联基板上用表面安装技术(SMT)组装成为多种多样电子组件、子系统或系统。由这种想法产生出多芯片组件MCM(Multi Chip Model)。它将对现代化的计算机、自动化、通讯业等领域产生重大影响。MCM的特点有: 封装延迟时间缩小,易于实现组件高速化; 缩小整机/组件封装尺寸和重量,一般体积减小1/4,重量减轻1/3; 可靠性大大提高。  随着LSI设计技术和工艺的进步及深亚微米技术和微细化缩小芯片尺寸等技术的使用,人们产生了将多个LSI芯片组装在一个精密多层布线的外壳内形成MCM产品的想法。进一步又产生另一种想法:把多种芯片的电路集成在一个大圆片上,从而又导致了封装由单个小芯片级转向硅圆片级(wafer level)封装的变革,由此引出系统级芯片SOC(System On Chip)和电脑级芯片PCOC(PC On Chip)。 随着CPU和其他ULSI电路的进步,集成电路的封装形式也将有相应的发展,而封装形式的进步又将反过来促成芯片技术向前发展。


我 们, 这,给的,好的, 吧,


电子信息科学与技术专业本科毕业设计(论文)选题指南一、电子信息科学与技术专业的学科领域电子信息科学与技术专业属于电子信息科学类专业。电子信息科学类专业还包括:微电子学(071202);光信息科学与技术(071203)。二、电子信息科学与技术专业的主要研究方向和培养目标1、电子信息科学与技术专业的主要研究方向(1) 电路与系统(2) 计算机应用2、电子信息科学与技术专业的培养目标本专业培养具备电子信息科学与技术、计算机科学与技术的基本理论和基本知识,受到严格的科学实验训练和科学研究初步训练,能在电子信息科学与技术、计算机科学与技术及相关领域和行政部门从事科学研究、教学、科技开发、产品设计、生产技术或管理工作的电子信息科学与技术高级专门人才。本专业学生主要学习电子信息科学与技术的基本理论和技术,受到科学实验与科学思维的训练,具有本学科及跨学科的应用研究与技术开发的基本能力。毕业生应具备以下几方面的知识、能力和素质:(1) 掌握数学,物理等方面的基本理论和基本知识,;(2) 掌握电子信息科学与技术,计算机科学与技术等方面的基本理论,基本知识和基本技能与方法; (3) 了解相近专业的一般原理和知识;(4) 熟悉国家电子信息产业政策及国内外有关知识产权的法律法规;(5) 了解电子信息科学与技术的理论前沿,应用前景和最新发展动态,以及电子信息产业发展状况;(6) 掌握现代电路设计自动化技术。(7) 掌握资料查询,文献检索及运用现代信息技术获取相关信息的基本方法;具有一定的技术设计,归纳、整理、分析实验结果,撰写论文,参与学术交流的能力;(8) 具备善于运用已有知识来学习挖掘新知识,能够将所学知识运用到实践活动中去和运用科学知识分析解决实际问题的能力;(9) 具有独立观察,分析问题,敢于标新立异,勇于置疑,具备开展科学创新活动的基本能力;(10) 善于自我设计、自我推销,协调和处理人际关系,能够及时掌握人才市场需求的信息,具有自主择业的能力。三、毕业设计(论文)选题原则本专业毕业论文(设计)题目的选择要遵循以下原则:1、要结合所学专业毕业论文主要用来衡量学生对所学知识的掌握程度,所以论文题目不能脱离所学的专业知识。有些学生工作与所学专业没有关系,而本人对所从事的工作有一定的探索或研究,毕业论文就写了这方面的内容。这只能算是工作总结,但不能算是一篇毕业论文。工科学生学习的专业往往和他们从事的工作有教紧密的关系,他们有教丰富的实验经验和感性认识,经过几年的系统学习,可以学到相应的理论知识,使他们对自己的工作有一种新的认识,他们可以利用所学知识对原来的工作方式、工作程序、工作工具进行改进,以提高工作效率。2、内容要新工科论文除了具有理论性之外,更重要的是它的实践性和实际操作性。工科各学科发展非常之快,往往教科书刚进入课堂,内容就已经落后了。待学生毕业时,所学知识可能几近淘汰,所以学生选题要注意所用知识不能陈旧,要能跟上学科的发展。3、题目要大小适当,难易适度论文题目不宜过大,否则必然涉及的范围大广。学生处涉科研,普遍存在着知识面窄、理论功底不足的问题,再加上学生主要以业余学习为主,题目太大,势必讲得不深不透,乃至丢三落四,难以驾驭。因此,选题必须具体适中。题目选择要难易适度。过难,自己不能胜任,最后可能半途而废,无法完成论文;太容易,则论文层次太低,不能很好地反映几年来的学习成绩和科研水平,同时自己也得不到锻炼。选题最好能合乎个性兴趣爱好,如果自己对论题兴趣很高,就会有自发的热情和积极性,文章就容易写出新意来。四、毕业设计(论文)选题选题是决定毕业设计(论文)训练成败与质量好坏的关健之一。1、电子信息科学与技术专业本科从选题的内容上可以分为理论型毕业设计(论文)和应用型毕业设计(论文)两大类。2、从本科毕业设计(论文)课题的来源,也可以分为科研开发型和自确定型毕业设计(论文)两大类。3、从电子信息科学与技术专业本科毕业设计(论文)所涉及的研究领域来看,又可以将其划分为如下一些领域: (1) 集成电路的测试与故障诊断(2) 集成电路的设计与分析(3) ARM的设计与应用(4) 信号与信息处理(5) 单片机应用系统开发(6) 仪器、仪表的设计开发与改进(7) 视频、音频信号处理技术(8) 可编程器件、EDA技术(9) 新型电源的开发与应用(10) 各种电子电路的设计(11) 微机接口电路的设计(12) 电子电路的软件仿真技术(13) 太赫兹电子技术(14) 测试控制系统的设计与仿真(15) 数据采集系统设计(16) 虚拟仪器


1.电子与通信工程  无线网络  光通信  多媒体通信2.网络  软件技术在通信工程  微波工程  信息通信工程3.人工智能  生物信息学  软件工程  信号处理4.嵌入式系统  编码  音频/语音信号处理  图像/视频处理和编码5.医学成像和图像分析  应用电子生物医学电子  工业电子和自动化  机器人6.电子设备在通信  电子工程  神经网络的应用  工业自动化与控制7.设备建模与仿真  VLSI设计与测试  微加工、微传感器和MEMS 光电子和光子技术8.工艺技术  纳米技术  信息技术  通信和车辆技术9.电力系统和电子  控制系统  生物医学工程  生物医学成像  10.图像处理和可视化  生物医学信号处理和分析  医疗数据存储和压缩技术  生物医学建模11.生物信息学  计算机和信息科学嵌入系统  信息工程和应用  电气工程与应用  12.控制工程和应用  通信技术与应用  服务科学  工程和应用13.生物信息学和应用  能源和交通方面的智能方法Ø 出版社:SPIE(The International Society for Optics and Photonics)光学学会Ø 检索核心:EI SCIØ 发表方法:在线投稿或EASYCHAIRØ 缩写:ICEIE2017Ø 周期:投稿后在2-3周内会有审稿结果,在会议结束后3-6个月完成论文的出版和检索Ø 合作单位:山东大学(威海)Ø 时间:2017年09月16-17日Ø 发表流程u 投稿→审稿→审核结果通过→录用通知→论文注册→注册成功→参加会议→会议完成→论文出版→论文检索→完成参考内容来源:《ICEIE2017电子与信息工程》

我晕 5姐怎么还学习了?? 家庭智能化系统, 报警主机使用说明 , 微机灯光控制系统, IC卡片介绍 ADSL 路由功能的配置




应用电子技术题目很多的啊,比如机械电子、plc、控制技术等。当时也是不会,后来学长给的文方网,结合我目前的工作,帮写的《基于PLC的磨线机和剥线机控制系统的设计与实现》,非常专业的说嵌入式软PLC技术的研究与实现PLC先进控制策略研究与应用基于PLC的气动机械手控制系统设计可编程控制器(PLC)运行系统设计与实现基于PLC的磨线机和剥线机控制系统的设计与实现PLC控制电机变频调速试验系统的设计与实现基于LabVIEW与PLC的船舶电站监控系统的研究嵌入式PLC的设计与研究基于PLC的工业控制系统的设计与实现基于PLC及变频调速器的多电机控制研究基于PLC的高速全自动包装机控制系统的应用研究PLC与上位计算机通讯监控系统的研究与应用西门子PLC与监控计算机通信问题的研究PLC编程语言解释方法研究与系统实现数控系统软PLC的研究与开发软PLC技术研究与开发基于PLC的模拟控制系统的研究与应用设计监控计算机与PLC数据通信的研究与应用PC/PLC机电控制系统研究基于PLC的智能温室监控系统基于PLC和串行通信的船舶电站监控系统的设计与实现PLC和触摸屏组合控制系统的应用锅炉控制及PLC应用基于PLC模糊控制的桥式起重机变频调速系统的研究嵌入式软PLC开发系统的设计基于组态软件的PLC实验教学系统PLC编程语言开发平台的设计三菱Q PLC应用技术研究基于PLC的低成本机械式立体停车库控制系统研究基于PLC与组态软件的船舶锅炉监控系统



A Low-Cost and Low-Power CMOS Receiver Front-End for MB-OFDM Ultra-Wideband Systems要该文全文,更换别的论文,或要中英文对照都可以找我Mahim Ranjan, Member, IEEE, and Lawrence E Larson, Fellow, IEEE0Abstract—This paper presents an RF receiver front-end for MB-OFDM-based ultra-wideband (UWB) The receiver occupies only 35 in a 18 CMOS process and consists of a low-noise amplifier, downconverter and a bandpass There are no on-chip inductors and the receiver requires no off-chip matching The measured receiver gain is 21 dB, noise figure is less than 6 dB, input IIP3 is 6 dBm, and the receiver consumes 5 mA from a 3 V The receivercovers all the MB-OFDM bands from 1 to 8 GHIndex Terms—CMOS, distortion, OFDM, receiver, ultra wideband, UWBI INTRODUCTIONULTRA-WIDEBAND (UWB)multi-band orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) systems have been proposed as an emerging solution to wireless communicationapplications requiring high data rates (up to 480 Mb/s) over short In one proposed version [1], the carrier, with a bandwidth of 528 MHz, can hop to one of 14 channels(2904+528n,n=123…14), divided into four groups of three channels and one group of two This representative time-frequency interleaving for a Group 1-only systemis depicted in F Design of a receiver for such a systempresents many challenges due to the wide bandwidth of the RF front- However, to assure the widest possible adoption, RF portions of these systems should consume little DC power and die area, and be implemented in a standard CMOS These last requirements argue against the use of on-chip inductors wherever Since theUWBfront-end intrinsically possesses a wide bandwidth, it is open to reception of undesired narrowband signals such as 11 a/b/g and the recently proposedWiMAX [2] systems, as shown in F Although OFDM systems are less susceptible to relatively narrowband jammers, nonlinearities in the receiver can result in jammer cross-modulation with wideband input signals, resulting in reduced signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and a degradation in system performance [3] In addition, received wideband signals (from other UWB transmitters) can intermodulate and the resulting products can land in a desired Since the system is inherently wideband, harmonic distortion of a single unwanted UWB transmitter can also produce in-band distortion products and reduce the SNR For the system to successfully operate in such a hostile environment, the linearity specifications of the receiver need to include these distortion F Representative time-frequency interleaving pattern of a Group 1MB-OFDM signal [1] F Representative spectrum at an MB-OFDM receiver This paper describes a UWB heterodyne receiver front-end that is designed to minimize the effects of wideband jammers from a variety of undesired sources [4] In addition, the receiver is designed to minimize silicon area, so on-chip inductors are not The receiver architecture is presented in Section II Specifications for the receiver are derived in Section III Detailed block design is presented in Sections IV–VI Layout and packaging of the chip is discussed in Section VII Measured results are presented in Section VIII, followed by a conclusion in Section IXII RECEIVER ARCHITECTUREWhen it comes to designing a low-power and low-cost receiver, the traditional choice is a direct conversion However, a direct conversion UWBreceiver, while attractive for power consumption and simplicity of its local oscillator (LO) scheme [5], [6], has a well-known problem of time-varying DC offset and sensitivity to narrowband A DC offset at the output of the receiver can degrade the SNR of the digitized baseband In addition, it can introduce second-order distortion in the baseband signal, which further degrades the SNR A Low-Cost and Low-Power CMOS Receiver Front-End for MB-OFDM Ultra-Wideband SystemsMahim Ranjan, Member, IEEE, and Lawrence E Larson, Fellow, IEEE0Abstract—This paper presents an RF receiver front-end for MB-OFDM-based ultra-wideband (UWB) The receiver occupies only 35 in a 18 CMOS process and consists of a low-noise amplifier, downconverter and a bandpass There are no on-chip inductors and the receiver requires no off-chip matching The measured receiver gain is 21 dB, noise figure is less than 6 dB, input IIP3 is 6 dBm, and the receiver consumes 5 mA from a 3 V The receivercovers all the MB-OFDM bands from 1 to 8 GHIndex Terms—CMOS, distortion, OFDM, receiver, ultra wideband, UWBI INTRODUCTIONULTRA-WIDEBAND (UWB)multi-band orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) systems have been proposed as an emerging solution to wireless communicationapplications requiring high data rates (up to 480 Mb/s) over short In one proposed version [1], the carrier, with a bandwidth of 528 MHz, can hop to one of 14 channels(2904+528n,n=123…14), divided into four groups of three channels and one group of two This representative time-frequency interleaving for a Group 1-only systemis depicted in F Design of a receiver for such a systempresents many challenges due to the wide bandwidth of the RF front- However, to assure the widest possible adoption, RF portions of these systems should consume little DC power and die area, and be implemented in a standard CMOS These last requirements argue against the use of on-chip inductors wherever Since theUWBfront-end intrinsically possesses a wide bandwidth, it is open to reception of undesired narrowband signals such as 11 a/b/g and the recently proposedWiMAX [2] systems, as shown in F Although OFDM systems are less susceptible to relatively narrowband jammers, nonlinearities in the receiver can result in jammer cross-modulation with wideband input signals, resulting in reduced signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and a degradation in system performance [3] In addition, received wideband signals (from other UWB transmitters) can intermodulate and the resulting products can land in a desired Since the system is inherently wideband, harmonic distortion of a single unwanted UWB transmitter can also produce in-band distortion products and reduce the SNR For the system to successfully operate in such a hostile environment, the linearity specifications of the receiver need to include these distortion


