

发布时间:2024-07-08 13:47:07


Abstract: The network has brought people convenient efficiency and unprecedented convenient, but also in the defining, network privacy, in 2010 the leakage of wikipedia decryption event is raging, visible network is increasingly typical for personal and social information security brought hidden So the network environment safety problems for the personal information society has the significant practical this Article mainly USES the comprehensive analysis, comparison and questionnaire survey research methods, the research in network environment of the personal information security problems in network times, first under the current situation of information security problem analysis, and then find out now to the safety of personal information, stressed that the research the significance of the personal information Second, that of the network environment for understanding, as well as to the current situation of the network environment and analyzes the Again, narrative network environment and personal information security the connection in the network environment, personal information security problem how to produce, and generated after Finally, through the production of questionnaire methods to different class society personage research from the result of the investigation, to consider the analysis to the conclusion that individual under the network environment, for personal information security put forward with personal point of view and counter Finally put forward from strengthen the legal system and to the supervision of the network ethic of S Key word: network environment; Personal information; Survey analysis; Network supervision


不要什么格式,前面写Abstract:然后是摘要的内容。后面要列出文中主要的关键词,关键词是Key Words:如Research;Fiber(光纤);用分号分开Abstract:This article describes ……。或The research on……is presented。Key words:……;……;





Electric cars as clean transport, adapted to the requirements of the development of social needs and national green GDP growth, in line with resource conservation and environmental protection a basic national policy, the moment Shouguang is the rapid development of social, cultural and natural environments have become increasingly demanding, the development of electric vehicles adapted to the development needs of Shouguang C Electric vehicle charging stations are an important supporting infrastructure necessary for the development of electric cars, electric car charging stations for scientific and rational layout planning electric vehicle charging orderly control, would eliminate or reduce their access to the grid for large-scale power systems For now, Shouguang taxi daily run about 200 km, Shouguang taxi company does not offer basic fixed parking, and the battery life on a single charge after the electric vehicle rental is still difficult to meet the operational needs of this high If you can change the operating mode of service rental vehicles, reducing Kongshi distance and waiting for customers in the parking process can be done at any time, "fill power", which requires the electric vehicle charging station for scientific and rational layout planning, making electric rental Shouguang transportation vehicle to effectively change the face and let people travel more convenient, comfortable and This paper presents a target for this electric vehicle charging station planning, to explore the electric vehicle charging station planning standards, planning principles, spatial distribution and land use control and other aspects, to provide a reference for future Shouguang carry out relevant planning and construction

不要什么格式,前面写Abstract:然后是摘要的内容。后面要列出文中主要的关键词,关键词是Key Words:如Research;Fiber(光纤);用分号分开Abstract:This article describes ……。或The research on……is presented。Key words:……;……;


关键词:Title of Thesis:Name of Institute: Pages:Graduation Time:(MM/YY)Degree Conferred:Student Name: Advisor Name:Abstract:Key words:

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AbstractHospital information system (HospitalInformation System), also known as the"hospital management information system", refers to the use of computer software and hardware technology, network communication technology and other modern means, the integrated management of the hospital and its affiliated departments of stream of people, logistics, financial flow, produced in variousstages of medical data acquisition, storage, processing, extraction, transmission,summary, generate a variety of information processing, information systems to provide comprehensive, automated management and all kinds of services for the overall operation of the Hospital information system (HIS) has become a symbol of the modern management of the This paper expounds thedevelopment process of hospital information system of outpatient registration system database management Analysis of the various functional design of the relation database management system has various functions realization,design description methods and algorithms, and concrete implementationrequired related technologies used in Hospital information management system to prepare the implementation of theoutpatient doctor patient information, information, management of drug information, at the same time, also realized the information of patient treatment,patient registration and some other commonly used function After several tests, the system can be in the normal operation of the windowsoperating system to install the SQL Server2005, is a practical, reliable andconvenient operation of the hospital information management system, realize the basic functions of information management system for hospital outpatient, has achieved the anticipated Keywords: information management system for hospital outpatient department;management information system; database connection望采纳 ,最好加分赏赐,哈哈。

