

发布时间:2024-07-07 16:31:01


Sun past temple

The Palace Museum

the Imperial Palace Shenyang



2004年共接待来自148个国家和地区的境外旅游者3万人次,增长4%。实现旅游外汇收入43亿美元,增长1%。故宫沈阳故宫是除北京故宫外,中华人民共和国现存的第二大完整的宫殿建筑群,具有很高的历史和艺术价值。沈阳故宫始建于1625年,建成于1636年,是清太祖和清太宗皇太极的皇宫。全部建筑90多所、300余间,占地6万平方米。以崇政殿为核心、大清门——清宁宫为中轴线,可将故宫分为东、中、西三路。北陵北陵公园(昭陵),是大清第二代开国君主皇太极与孝端文皇后的陵墓,是清代皇陵和现代园林完美结合的游览胜地,面积332万平方米。北陵建于1643年,内有隆恩殿、宝城、宝顶、月牙城、大明楼、大碑楼、方城、隆恩门、大红门、石牌坊等建筑,规模宏大,建筑雄伟。北陵公园以其古老历史、神秘皇陵和园林景观,成为镶嵌在沈城大地上的璀璨明珠。东陵东陵(福陵)是清太祖及其皇后叶赫纳喇氏的陵基,占地500余公顷。东陵始建于1629年,1651年基本建成,后经顺治、康熙、乾隆多次修建,形成了完整的陵基建筑群。陵内有庄严的正红门,有生动的石狮、石虎、石马等,有著名的108蹬台阶,有方城、隆恩殿、东西配殿、大明楼、宝顶等建筑。东陵的建筑严谨,雕刻精细,体现了中国古代建筑艺术的优秀传统和独特风格。新乐遗址新乐遗址是距今7200多年前原始社会新石器时代早期的一处母系氏族公社聚居村落遗址,出土文物有石器、陶器、煤精制品、古房址等。其中出土的“木雕鸟”是沈阳地区出土年代最久的珍贵文物,也是世界上唯一保存最久远的木雕工艺品。南关天主教堂南关天主教堂始建于1878年,坐北朝南,为欧洲哥特式建筑,两个钟塔高45米,堂内由24根石柱支撑,结构别致,一次可容纳1000余人做礼拜棋盘山国际风景旅游开发区棋盘山国际风景旅游开发区位于沈阳东北部,景区山峦起伏、溪谷迂回、水域辽阔、林木葱郁、泉水叮咚、鸟语花香,是一处集秀美自然景色和历史人文景观于一体的风景名胜区。景区以春天的绿、夏天的景、秋天的枫、冬天的雪著称。除秀美的自然风光,景区还有高句丽山城遗址、南天门、仙人洞、妈妈石、点将台、向阳寺、鸟林等闻名遐迩的人文景观。棋盘山冰雪大世界更是沈城冬季旅游中的一个热点。沈阳国际棋牌竞技中心因举办多次国际棋类赛事而闻名于世。还有沈阳森林野生动物园、休闲体育广场、大洋山森林公园等已成为人们娱乐休闲、回归自然的理想场所。古陨石沈阳古陨石分布在沈阳东南部168平方公里范围内,其中最大的一块位于东陵区李相镇滑石台山,长160米,宽54米,高42米,重约200万吨,是世界上最大的古陨石。它形成于45亿年前,19亿年前陨落,堪称天赐瑰宝,举世无双。怪坡怪坡位于新城子区帽山西麓,面对旷野,背依群山,是一条西高东低的斜坡,坡长百余米,宽20余米,在此坡上会产生奇妙现象,即各种车辆到此下坡不开(蹬)不走,而上坡不开(蹬)会自然向坡上滑行,堪称“华夏一绝”在怪坡,还有响山、嗡顶、沈阳虎园、卧龙禅寺等旅游景点。森林野生动物园沈阳森林野生动物园为国家级森林野生动物园,坐落于沈阳棋盘山国家旅游风景区内,占地240万平方米。动物园园林景观由日本东京濑户内造园株式会社会风景堂设计。园区由野生放养车行观赏区、笼养步行观赏区和湖滨游乐场组成。其中,野生放养车行观赏区占地区150万平方米,由虎山、熊坳、狼谷、狮岭、亚洲动物草原、非洲动物草原、水禽湖等七个区组成,展出来自亚洲、非洲的珍奇动物近百种3000余只。张氏帅府“张氏帅府”又称“大帅府”、“少帅府”,是奉系军阀首领张作霖及其长子,著名爱国将领张学良的官邸和私宅。Received in 2004 from 148 countries and regions, 273,000 overseas tourists million, an increase of 4 The realization of the tourism foreign exchange earnings 143,000,000 US dollars, an increase of 1 Forbidden City In addition to the Shenyang Imperial Palace is the Imperial Palace in Beijing, the People's Republic of existing second-largest palace complex complete with high historical and artistic Shenyang Imperial Palace was built in 1625, was built in 1636, the Qing Dynasty and the Qing Huang King's P All construction by more than 90, 300, covers an area of 60,000 square Chongzheng to Temple as the core, the Qing Dynasty doors - Ning-ching axis Palace, the Palace will be divided into eastern, central and western three- Beiling Beiling Park (Zhao Ling), is the second generation of the founding of the Qing monarchy and Huang Xiao Duan text of the Queen's tomb, and the imperial tombs of the Qing Dynasty is the perfect combination of modern garden tour of the resort, covering an area of 3,320,000 square Beiling built in 1643, with Long-en Temple, Po City, ding, Crescent City, the Ming House, Bei Lou, the city side, the Long-en door dahongmen, such as stone arch construction, large-scale, the majestic Beiling Park with its ancient history, landscape and imperial tombs of the mysterious, Chen Cheng became embedded in the land of the shining Dongling Dongling (Fu Ling) is the Qing Dynasty and its Cartagena La Ye Queen's Tomb of the base, covers an area of 500 Dongling was founded in 1629 and 1651 was basically completed, and after Junji, Kangxi and Qianlong built on many occasions, to form a complete tomb- Ling there is a solemn Red Gate, vivid stone lion, Dan Hu, Shima, and so on, there are 108 well-known stage leg, the city well, the Long-en Temple, East and West side hall in a palace, the Ming House, ding, and other Dongling strict construction, fine carving, reflecting the ancient Chinese architectural art of fine traditional and unique The new music site The new music site is now more than 7200 years ago, primitive society of the early Neolithic a matriarchal commune inhabited village sites, archaeological finds there are stone implements, pottery, Meijing products, such as the site of the ancient Which unearthed the "wooden bird" in Shenyang unearthed during the longest of the precious cultural relics, but also the world's only save of the oldest wooden Nanguan Cathedral Nanguan Cathedral was built in 1878, sitting south, the European Gothic architecture, the two bell tower 45 meters high, from the halls supported by 24 pillars, the structure of the novel, one which can accommodate more than 1,000 people worship Qipanshan international tourist zone International Qipanshan tourist development zone is located in the northeastern Shenyang, mountainous area, winding valley, the waters of the vast, verdant forests, spring BUZZ, Jade, is a set of beautiful natural scenery and cultural history as one of the scenic The green area in the spring, the summer doldrums and the fall of the maple, said the winter In addition to beautiful scenery, there are scenic spots in the mountain city of Koguryo relics, Nan Tianmen, the Fairy Cave, the mother rock, will be Taiwan, Xiangyang Temple, Lin, and other birds in the world famous World ice Qipanshan Chen Cheng is a winter tourist hot Shenyang Qipai international competition organized by the Center as a result of many famous international chess There Shenyang Forest Safari Park, Leisure Sports Plaza, Ocean Hill Forest Park, and so it has become a leisure and entertainment, the ideal place to return to Ancient meteorite Shenyang ancient meteorite found in 168 square kilometers southeast of Shenyang, the largest of which is located in a Dongling District of Lee Sang-Talc Taishan Township, 160 meters long, 54 meters wide, 42 meters high and weighing about 2,000,000 tons, is the world's largest The ancient It was formed 45 million years ago, 19 million years before the fall, can be called a heaven-sent treasure, unique in the Guaipo Guaipo at Metro-cap area Shanxi Lu, in the face of the wilderness, according to the back mountains, the West is a high-low-east slope, Bai Yumi slope length, 20 meters wide, will have a slope in this wonderful phenomenon, that is, a variety of Vehicles are not open to this downhill (leg) does not go uphill and do not open (leg) would be natural to glide slope, known as the "one China must" Guaipo, there are sound Hill, the top Ong, Shen Yang Hu Park , Wolong Temple, and other tourist Forest Safari Park Shenyang Forest Safari Park as a state-level forest wildlife park, located in Shenyang Qipanshan tourist spots in the country, covers an area of 2,400,000 square Zoo landscape from Tokyo, Japan Setouchi Gardening C, L will be designed Hall Park by the taxi company stock to watch wild areas, walking cage to watch the playground area and composition of the The wild-range viewing area taxi companies accounted for 1,500,000 square meters area by the Hushan, Bear Pass, Wolf Valley, Shiling, the Asian steppe animals, the animals of the African grasslands, lakes, and other water birds in seven areas, on display from Asia, Zhenqidongwu Africa, nearly 100 species of only 3, Zhang Shuai Fu "Zhang Shuai Fu", also known as "Da Shuaifu" and "House Young Marshal" Zhang Zuolin and its chief warlord Feng Ji, the eldest son, a famous patriotic general Zhang Xueliang's residence and the private

The Palace Museum

故宫旧称紫禁城。是明清两代皇宫,中国现存最大最完整的古建筑群。1988年被联合国教科文组织列为“世界文化遗产”。 故宫占地72万平方米,屋宇9999间半,建筑面积5万平方米。为一长方形城池,四角矗立、风格绮丽的角楼,墙外有宽52米的护城河环绕,形成一个森严壁垒的城堡。建筑气势雄伟、豪华壮丽,是中国古代建筑艺术的精华。 Formerly known as the Forbidden City Palace M Is the imperial palace in Ming and Qing dynasties, China's largest and most complete existing ancient architectural In 1988 by UNESCO as "World Cultural H"Forbidden City covers an area of 720,000 square meters, building half of 9999, construction area of 155,000 square For a rectangular fortresses, corner stands, style Qili the turret, a wall 52 meters wide and surrounded by a moat, forming a tight barrier of the Building momentum majestic, magnificent luxury, is the essence of ancient Chinese architectural art

Palace Museum


Sun past temple

The Palace Museum


The Imperial Palace of ShenyangFirst built in 1625 for Nurhachi, and inherited by his son Abahai Huang Taiji), the Former Imperial Palace of Shenyang is one of two royal complexes extant in China The splendid and distinctly ethnic architectural style of the palace, which includes Dazheng (Grand Politics) Hall, the Ten Princes' Pavilion, Chongzhen (Golden Chimes), Phoenix Chamber, and Qingning (Pure Tranquility) Pavilion, are still in perfect


I am pleased to serve as your guide This is the palace museum; also know as the Forbidden C It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in It took 14years to build the Forbidden C The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Z For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng ( Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan (North Star) The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his In folklore, the term “an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu P Here, purple is associated with auspicious The word jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also Red represents happiness, good fortune and Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese

Sun past temple

Palace Museum

Shenyang Imperial Palace 绝对准确!


Sun past temple

The Palace Museum


我觉得如果认识一个国外的朋友的话 对于提高英语很有帮助,英语是要交流的
