

发布时间:2024-07-06 15:23:36


Society into the information network era, the requirements of the vehicle no longer be satisfied with a means of transport, but also want to live and work car is an extension of the scope, in the car like in their own office and home work and At the same time, the growing automotive electronics and also the rapid development of automotive technology was considered in the development process of a revolution of automotive electronics is a measure of the degree is seen as an important level of Hyundai Motor With computer technology, communication technology, the rapid development of integrated circuit technology in order to figure represented Fieldbus field instrument, equipment, a large number of applications, red tape has been the scene of a single simple connection of fieldbus networks in place of, the quality of signal transmission also greatly improved, cars have begun to enter the Internet A In the last decade, the users of motor vehicles for the comfort, safety and environmental requirements such as performance In order to meet these ever-increasing demand for computer-controlled vehicle electrical and electronic equipment increased dramatically, making vehicles (especially cars) the design of the layout of electrical circuits has become increasingly In addition, a variety of automotive electrical and electronic connector of the ensuing surge in the number of motor vehicles traveling on the course because of the failure point connector automotive electrical and electronic equipment on the issue of failure to perform its functions more and more To address these problems, many new models (especially the high-end models) the beginning of the development of the wider use of computer network In this paper, computer network technology in the automotive application of the basic principles of network technology on the inside and outside the vehicle, the introduction of the internal network, introduced the characteristics of automotive and automotive standards for the internal network, focuses on the control of the main local area network CAN characteristics and their Vehicle performance in accordance with the role of the impact of division of motor vehicle electronic products can be summarized as two types: one is the automotive electronic control devices, including the engine, chassis and body electronic One is car-car electronic devices, including motor vehicle information systems, navigation systems, car audio and video entertainment systems, automotive communications systems, Internet

Cars have been one of the most important means of transportation and brought about great changes to humen At past humen usually journeyed or transported the goods with the help of animals like Compared with such animals,cars can make humen feel more comfortable and speedy and even make it possible to carry large amount of people and goods at the same What's more,the invention of cars provides a lot of

With the economic growth and accelerating pace of urban modernization, the rapid increase in the number of motor vehicles and private cars as means of transport in modern society, is at an alarming rate into the households, to people's lives brought great convenience, can be subsequent exhaust noise pollution, traffic congestion, parking difficulties and a series of environmental and social problems gave rise to more According to Dalian City Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detachment Transport Agency to provide statistical data outside: the end of 2007 showed significant volume of new vehicles "" According to incomplete statistics, about 70% of new vehicles as private cars, of which, except for some transportation, tourism and other large cars, 60% are family In 2002 the city's vehicle fleet, 353,268, 50,000 more than a year after five years of steady 2007, holdings of at least 635,000, 8 times in That is, five years almost doubled the total number of motor vehicles in D And the figure in 2008 to refresh The first half of 2008 alone, Dalian half urban road car on the new There are so many cars a day on the road, in the end of our lives will be affected, how should we respond? To solve this problem, the author has visited the Dalian Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau and motor vehicle exhaust management and other related departments to listen to the opinions and suggestions of experts, strive to find solutions to this social

With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by The popularization of private car has many advantages。 First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann't live without 随着现代科技的发展,私人汽车对普通人来说已不再是奢侈品,越来越多的人们自己驾车上班而不是选择乘坐公共汽车。私人汽车的普及有许多好处。 首先,这很方便省时。你可以自己开着车前往工作地点,不必等侯拥挤的公交车,而且担心会迟到。第二,这也有利于优化交通结构,帮助减轻交通压力。第三,私家车的流行有助于汽车产业及其他相关产业的发展。我相信不久的将来私家车会成为最重要的交通工具,我们日常生活都会离不开他。


Cars have been one of the most important means of transportation and brought about great changes to humen At past humen usually journeyed or transported the goods with the help of animals like Compared with such animals,cars can make humen feel more comfortable and speedy and even make it possible to carry large amount of people and goods at the same What's more,the invention of cars provides a lot of

Although automobiles have improved our modern life in some way for its speed, convenience, and capacity of carrying things, we have had to pay the price for it。 Now, as more and more automobiles have been putting into use, the problems that the automobile has caused are seemed to be more and more serious accordingly。 These problems, in my mind, like the accidents, the air pollution, the damage of the ozone layers should be given more attention than anytime before。

With the entry of informative network times is comimg, people are not simply satisfied with Atuo as the means of walking replacement, but to expect it can be closely related life to work, just as we work in the office or at home while we take the Meanwhile, Auto electronic rapid developing is regarded as the revolution of Auto technology E-vehicle developing level is one of the key points to measure modern auto Followed the rapid development of comupter, telecommunication and integrated circuit technology, the typified digital field bus of field instrument and other related instruments widely used, and the complicated live link are replaced by simple live network link, the quality of signal transmission becomes much better than before, so that Auto gradually enters internet In reccent decade, customers have higher quality on comfort, security, eco-friendliness of A To meet these increasing demands, many electronic equipment controlled by computer is sharpely increasing in Auto, as a result of line connection becomes more difficult in Auto, especially in Besides, the quantity of electronic line point shows Inevitably it’ll has some troubles or blocks in So that many new model or high-level model auto is using network technology in the process of research to solve these This essay talks about how network is used in inner and outer auto, refering to the characteristic and standard of inner network used in A While the key point is to emphasise on the main features and using of controlling local area According to driving performance, auto electronic products could be classified as followings: one is Auto electronic control devices, including engine, chassis and body electronic The other is car electronic devices, including motor vehicle information systems, navigation systems, car audio and video entertainment systems, automotive communications systems, internet equipment

Society into the information network era, the requirements of the vehicle no longer be satisfied with a means of transport, but also want to live and work car is an extension of the scope, in the car like in their own office and home work and At the same time, the growing automotive electronics and also the rapid development of automotive technology was considered in the development process of a revolution of automotive electronics is a measure of the degree is seen as an important level of Hyundai Motor With computer technology, communication technology, the rapid development of integrated circuit technology in order to figure represented Fieldbus field instrument, equipment, a large number of applications, red tape has been the scene of a single simple connection of fieldbus networks in place of, the quality of signal transmission also greatly improved, cars have begun to enter the Internet A In the last decade, the users of motor vehicles for the comfort, safety and environmental requirements such as performance In order to meet these ever-increasing demand for computer-controlled vehicle electrical and electronic equipment increased dramatically, making vehicles (especially cars) the design of the layout of electrical circuits has become increasingly In addition, a variety of automotive electrical and electronic connector of the ensuing surge in the number of motor vehicles traveling on the course because of the failure point connector automotive electrical and electronic equipment on the issue of failure to perform its functions more and more To address these problems, many new models (especially the high-end models) the beginning of the development of the wider use of computer network In this paper, computer network technology in the automotive application of the basic principles of network technology on the inside and outside the vehicle, the introduction of the internal network, introduced the characteristics of automotive and automotive standards for the internal network, focuses on the control of the main local area network CAN characteristics and their Vehicle performance in accordance with the role of the impact of division of motor vehicle electronic products can be summarized as two types: one is the automotive electronic control devices, including the engine, chassis and body electronic One is car-car electronic devices, including motor vehicle information systems, navigation systems, car audio and video entertainment systems, automotive communications systems, Internet



Cars have been one of the most important means of transportation and brought about great changes to humen At past humen usually journeyed or transported the goods with the help of animals like Compared with such animals,cars can make humen feel more comfortable and speedy and even make it possible to carry large amount of people and goods at the same What's more,the invention of cars provides a lot of

语句不通呀呀,第一个应该是随着人类生活水平的提高As human improvement of living standards, the rapid development of vehicle production, auto, as a major land transport, cars have become the hallmark of modern civilized society, but, in the car vigorously promote human development of the productive forces at the same time, its emissions Exhaust is also caused by natural and human and serious harm, in all countries of the world and has developed restrictions on vehicle emission limit values, which the EU is the development of European standards in a majority of countries and the implementation of the reference standard, the world the automobile exhaust States in the governance issues become very Automobile exhaust emissions of pollutants containing 150-200 different compounds, the main harmful ingredients: no combustion or CH incomplete combustion, NOx, CO, CO2, SO2, H2S and the amount of aldehyde, phenol, peroxide , organic acid and lead, phosphorus formed by gasoline lead, phosphorus One of the biggest hazards people have carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, lead compounds and particulate The proliferation of harmful gases into the air caused air The automobile exhaust through the current method of treatment found to meet the standards of the EU III light vehicle can be considered a key technology: 3-way catalytic converter, engine improvements, a better catalytic converter activity layer, heated catalyst, catalytic converters The installation location near the engine, secondary air injection, with the exhaust cooling devices to the circulatory system, optimized combustion chamber swirl formation, but China is the most extensive application of three-way catalytic So now the vehicle development will also be accompanied by a rise in the level of technology, automobile exhaust emission pollution will increase as technology and the level of decline, which is why the human living environment which is very important, the protection of environmental significance Key words: automobile exhaust reference standards, automobile exhaust emissions, auto exhaust pollutants, 3-way catalytic converter

Although automobiles have improved our modern life in some way for its speed, convenience, and capacity of carrying things, we have had to pay the price for it。 Now, as more and more automobiles have been putting into use, the problems that the automobile has caused are seemed to be more and more serious accordingly。 These problems, in my mind, like the accidents, the air pollution, the damage of the ozone layers should be given more attention than anytime before。


汽车与人类的关系 在1705年,纽可门首次发明了不依靠人和动物来作功而是靠机械来作功的实用化蒸汽机。这种蒸汽机用于驱动机械,便产生了划时代的第一次工业革命。随着蒸汽驱动的机械即汽车的诞生,人类社会中便拉开了永无休止的汽车发展的序幕。 1769年,法国人NJ居纽(Cugnot)制造了世界上第一辆蒸汽驱动三轮汽车。到1804的年,脱威迪克(Trouithick)又设计并制造了一辆蒸汽汽车,这辆汽车还拉着十吨重的货物在铁路上行驶了7公里。 进入20世纪以后,汽车不再仅是欧洲人的天下了,特别是亨利福特(HeneryFord)在1908年10月开始出售著名的“T”型车时,这种车产量增长惊人,短短19年,就生气1500辆。此间的1913年福特汽车公司还首次推出了流水装配线的大量作业方式,使汽车成本大跌,汽车价格低廉,不再仅仅是贵族和有钱人的豪华奢侈品了,它开始逐渐成为大众化的商品。也是此时开始,美国汽车便成为世界宠儿,福特公司也因此成为名副其实的汽车王国。 汽车从出现到现在短短一百多年间,已经成为世界上最大的制造业,创造出巨大的社会财富,并且深刻地影响着人类社会的发展,更是发展成为一种独特的文化。深究其对人类社会的影响,是如此深刻且持续。汽车最初的出现在作为运输工具,这一属性一直未变。当社会在不断进步,人们渴望拉近人与人的距离,生产上的需要等一系列动力促使汽车成为这个时代的产物。通过不断的发明改进,汽车终于面世。这一庞大的机器怪物,伴着隆隆的呼啸声,拉开了工业革命的序幕,并且使这个社会插上翅膀,伴随着它转动的轮子,一直开向未来。 汽车替代了代步、马车等传统交通手段,最大的特点就是高速。它使两地的距离在时空上缩短了,促进了更多的交流。越来越多的信息得到传递,促进了社会的生产,更高的拉动了整个社会的上升。这种新式交通方式促进了商贸的来住,并产生了一系列的相关服务。 汽车的出现,不仅代表着一种新事物的出现,它引导着一种全新的经济模式,一个新兴产生的诞生。汽车最初是拉开了钢铁和煤炭的需求,制造汽车需要大量的钢铁,冶金产业得到空前的发展,并且直接地影响了煤炭采集。矿业面临巨大的市场,这一强大动力使人类不断开发矿产,从煤炭到石油,再到天燃气等,点燃了整个人类社会文明的曙光。围绕着汽车产生了一系列的新生产业,橡胶、玻璃、塑料等等产,这些供给对化工、能源、制造等行业的结构进行了一系列的深化。汽车业是一个关联度非常大的产业,汽车产业自身发展的同时,还可以带支150多个上下游产业的发展。涉及到金融、旅游、服务、运输等行业,提供了无数工作岗位。这个群体遍及制造、销售、营运等行业。在日本,这个人口比例约为1/9,而且欧美国家,这个比例就更高了。由汽车形成了一个巨大的产业圈,遍及社会各个层面,这条产业链在一百年间创造的财富比过去一千年累积的财富还多。它使人类进步的步伐越来越大,并且节奏越来越来快。 汽车最初出现,速度并不快,但是它是用外部动力代替了人力。如何提高速度及能源利用率成为提高汽车技术的头号问题。科学家致力于这个问题的钻研,汽车的速度越来越高了,已经可以达到四百多公里每小时,零到一百公里的加速也缩短到三点多秒。由此产生了动力学等学科。汽车能源一直是个备受关注的问题,尤其是能源紧缺并且污染严重的今天,能源已经起着决定汽车兴衰的关键。由传统的石油到新型的燃气,再到生物燃料,人类一直在不断尝试。新能源汽车的提出,更是在汽车业引起一阵狂潮。新能源汽车是指采用非常规的车用燃料作为动力来源(或使用常规的车用燃料,但采用新型车载动力装置),综合车辆的动力控制和驱动方面的先进技术,形成的技术原理先进、具有新技术、新结构的汽车。新能源汽车包括有:混合动力汽车(HEV)、纯电动汽车(BEV)、燃料电池汽车(FCEV)、氢发动机汽车以及燃气汽车、醇醚汽车等等。传统汽车产业在21世纪面临最大的选择就是能源的选择。能源紧缺,并且环境污染越来越严重,一系列严峻的问题迫使人类不断寻找新的出路,汽车这种机器怪物的未来,就决定在能源上面。备受关注的我国《汽车与新能源汽车产业发展规划》(2011 年~2020年)草案已经出炉。从目前透露出的《规划》细则看,中央财将投入上千亿元,支持节能与新能源汽车核心技术的研发和推广,从发展规划、消费补贴、税收策、科研投入、府采购、标准制定等方面,中国已经构建了一整套支持新能源汽车加快发展的策体系。在21世纪,人类共同寻找汽车的就出路,相信在不久的将来,新能源洗车将成为主流。 汽车引导着一种文化,这种文化就是汽车文化。汽车已经从单一的交通工具过渡到多身份的象征,虽然交通工具是其永恒求变的属性。各个汽车生产商在其发展过程中创造了独树一帜的汽车文化,耳熟能详的有通用公司、丰田公司、奔驰公司等等,它们不仅代表着一个商标,更代表着各自独特的文化品牌。例如上海通用汽车有限公司,其宗旨:依靠一支训练有素、富有使命感和团队精神的员工队伍,贯彻精益管理原则,注重不断学习和积极创新,安全地为顾客提供世界级的高质量产品和服务,使上海通用汽车成为面向21世纪、国内领先、国际上有竞争力的汽车公司。超级跑车、房车、豪华轿车、越野车等等,成为了不同阶级的象征。每一个阶层不同的文化,造就了他们不同的选择,而每个阶层又为这些汽车融入了他们独特的文化,在人与车的交融中,形成了汽车文化。在美国,开着路虎悍马的可能是娇小的女子,她们与强悍粗犷的汽车显得格格不入,但是就是这种强烈的反差,显示出她们渴望力量,希望保护自己的愿望。作为汽车用户中最充满激情的群体,青年人更喜欢超级跑车,SCC超跑俱乐部就是这样一个文化集合地。“开跑车不是为了炫富,只是一种生活方式”这是他们的理念。这个群体宣扬着一种独特的汽车文化,而他们,也正是中国超级跑车文化的一个顶级代表。汽车从日常走上了运动的舞台。从第一辆汽车被生产出来到第一次汽车比赛的举行只不过十年的时间。起初,汽车比赛的目的只是汽车生产厂家为了检查车辆的性能,宣传使用汽车的安全性和可靠性,因此汽车生产厂家积极资助,推销其产品。世界上最早组织汽车比赛是在1887年4月20日,有法国《汽车》杂志社主办。不过参赛的只有1个人,名叫乔尔基-布顿,他驾驶四人座的蒸汽汽车从巴黎沿塞纳河畔跑到了努伊伊现在的汽车赛已完全成为一种职业活动,出现了空前繁荣的局面。在赛车场,那些五彩缤纷的赛车,随着一声令下,竟相出发,开足马力冲向前方。车手门你追我赶的争先表演,赛车如万马奔腾一泻千里而过的彩场面非常壮观,这对20~30万的现场观众和数以亿计的电视观众来说极丰富刺激。汽车运动的魅力可以表现为以下几个方面:有助于改善汽车的性能; 是强化的道路实验;动态车展最佳广告;促进汽车大众化。汽车赛是集人与车为一体的综合较量。与通常的体育运动相比,汽车运动不仅是车手个人技艺、意志和胆量的竞争,而且是汽车设计,产品质量的角逐。这种独具特色的双重性运动,更能体现人类精英与高新科技最完美的结合,体现人类对自然的征服能力。随着我国汽车产业的快速发展,人们对汽车的理解和认识也在逐步加深,作为汽车产业链的下游环节,汽车运动产业近年来开始在国内落地生根。“热衷于汽车运动的人越来越多,除了喜欢观看汽车赛事外,中国职业车手的队伍也在迅速壮大,他们已经开始出现在国际顶级汽车赛事中。随着F1、GT这样的世界顶级汽车赛事相继落户中国,中国国内的各项汽车赛事近年来也风起云涌,诸如全国汽车拉力锦标赛、全国汽车场地越野锦标赛、全国卡丁车锦标赛等一系列赛车运动,已经在中国汽车运动联合会的年度赛程上被排得满满当当。尽管国内的汽车运动正在如火如荼地开展,但应该清醒地看到,目前我国的汽车运动还处于起步阶段,新中国刚一成立就决定发展自己的汽车工业,1953年第一汽车制造厂破土动工,这是中国有史以来第一次建设自己的汽车厂,毛泽东主席为奠基仪式亲自题写了“第一汽车制造厂奠基纪念”。1956年我国生产的第一辆汽车下线,毛主席又亲自为其命名———解放。 1956年是中国汽车史上令人难忘的一年。5月,第一汽车制造厂试制成功东风牌轿车,送往北京向党的八大”献礼,这是中国自制的第一部轿车。而我国的赛车生产上仍然大大的落后欧美国家,有没有形成强有力的竞争力,企业生产技术落后,品牌不行。而且我国还是一个发展中国家,而赛车是一项“烧钱”运动勿需质疑,资金成为赛车运动发展的最大瓶颈。无论是F1这样的国际赛事,还是AGF、CCC等亚洲赛事,是否有足够的赞助商和赞助金额是一支车队生存壮大,赛事顺利进行,推广达到预期效果的关键所在。技术是保障一个没有自身核心技术的车队或者厂商,是无法在赛车世界里觅得一席之地;同样,一个在汽车行业没有自主研发能力的国家,也是无法成为真正意义上的赛车大国。从这个角度来看,中国赛车运动较发达国家相比,一开始就多少有些“先天不足”,不具明显优势的核心技术已经成为制约中国赛车运动发展的最大障碍,且这种软肋并不能单纯依靠市场推广和商业运作来弥补。赛车是一项刺激的运动,是一项团体的运动。一支好的赛车队伍需要有好的驾驶员站在前线比赛,更需要有优秀的修理团队的配合,还要有好的设计师等等。站在车队幕后更是实力强大的公司企业,有着国家的支持。从一个赛车运动的发展甚至可以看出一个国家的经济,科学技术的发展状况等。这就是赛车的魅力与内涵。 汽车的速度越来赶快,使人们的步伐越来越快,但是,汽车在为人类带来方便的同时,也带来了隐患。每年因交通事故伤亡的人数越来越多,汽车安全问题成为一个至关重要的问题。实际上从汽车诞生那一刻开始,汽车安全技术就随着汽车技术的发展而发展,如今汽车安全技术早已经不仅仅是安全气囊安全带的简单应用,各种电子设备的介入使得汽车安全装置更加的智能化人性化。实际上对于汽车,每一个零部件都涉及到其安全性,其中不仅仅是那些我们熟知的电子设备,同时也包括汽车所采用的每一块钢板,每一个焊点甚至每个焊点的位置都影响着汽车安全。另外驾驶员的驾驶习惯、道路配套设施都是和安全紧密相关的。 而这些汽车安全性配置按照事故发生的前后基本可以分为主动安全和被动安全两大类,汽车的主动安全性是指事故将要发生时汽车防止事故发生的能力,而被动安全则是指事故发生时车辆保护成员和步行者,使损失降到最小的能力。 各个公司都致力提高自己产品的安全性,从安全带、安全气囊、儿童安全座椅到车轮防抱死制动系统(ABS)、牵引力控制系统(ASR)各种智能系统,汽车从结构上越来越智能化,设备自动化设备程度越来越高。抛开产品的安全性,汽车安全延伸到文化层次,遵守交通守则,良好的驾驶习惯,交通道德等等都影响着汽车安全的方方面面。人是主观体,在汽车具有安全保护设备的前提下,人的意味、素质都成为汽车安全的关键因素。普及汽车安全知识,提高文明交通意识,成为汽车时代社会刻不容缓的任务。 汽车的安全,更是涉及到自然的安全。越来越多的汽车,虽然满足了人类不断增长的需求,但是,汽车的数量激增,不断地与人类增土地,土地问题越来越严峻。汽车对环境的污染,也严重地影响着人类的安全。汽车对环境的影响: (1)汽车制造过程中的污染。汽车的塑料铸件中使用氟利昂作为发泡脱沫剂,氟利昂对臭氧层有破坏作用。另外,铅基涂料会造成铅污染;油漆溶剂的散逸也会造成污染等。 (2)汽车噪声。据统计,城市噪声中,交通运输噪声占75%,而汽车在交通噪声中占了85%。据调查,全国80%以上城市交通干道两侧的噪声超过72分贝;上海西藏路中百一店附近的噪声达2分贝,有人认为是世界上最喧闹的街道。 (3)汽车拥堵。由于汽车保有量剧增,交通堵塞已经成为世界各国大城市的顽疾。汽车拥堵降低整个社会的效率,而且加重了空气污染。汽车频繁启动、刹车和低速行车使尾气中氮氧化物、一氧化碳、碳氢化合物等污染物比正常行驶时多得多,大量拥堵的汽车废气集中排放,在距地面约5米处形成一个污染层,正在人的呼吸带附近,危害人体健康。 (4)公路、停车场和加油站的影响。公路建设使沿线的植被破坏、水土流失、占用农田耕地等。1998年,中国公路总长达128万千米,这些路网使4万平方千米土地丧失农业功能。中国现有耕地132万平方千米,仅占国土面积的5%。露天停车场除了占地外,还会改变城市的气流的方向和速率,加剧城市的热岛效应。 (5)汽车排放的尾气污染空气。以北京为例,大气污染物中,39%的一氧化碳、8%的碳氢化合物、2%的氮氧化物来自机动车的尾气。另外汽车需要消耗大量的石油,我国是人均石油资源缺乏的国家,汽车拥有量的快速增加造成了巨大的能源压力。2002年,我国年进口原油6500多万吨,已经占年消耗量的30%。由于有一部分汽车以液化气为燃料,所以液化气的消耗在过去5年中平均每年增长25%。 (6)汽车报废对环境的影响。在车辆拆卸、处理过程中会产生大量固体废弃物、废水、废油等。一方面占用大量土地,另一方面,废机油会随雨水漫流,污染周边环境。 如何解决这些问题,也是决定汽车行业命运的关键。 纵观历史,汽车促进人类社会的巨大进步,并引导着人类社会文明的前进。但是,在21世纪,人类生存环境受到严重的破坏,生存资源急剧下降。汽车的命运是兴是衰,却是备受制约。一方面,汽车必然存在于人类社会,另一方面,汽车必须告别传统的模式,新式汽车的出现是社会发展的要求。汽车与人类的关系,必将持续且相互影响。参考文献: 《汽车文化概论》陈燕,王昕彦 主编,人民交通出版社,2010-8-1 《汽车环境保护学》朱崇基,周有平,何文华 编著,浙江大学出版社,2011-1-1 《汽车工程手册2 环境与安全篇》日本自动车技术会 编,中国汽车工程学会组 译,北京理工大学出版社,2010-12-1 参考文献(百度文库)

汽车的发展不仅对社会经济产生了巨大作用,对人类的生活也带来了重要的影响7a64e58685e5aeb931333332636365。一、汽车对人类生活的有利作用汽车发展明显地改变了人们的生活方式,使人们的生活空间更加广阔,交流便利,生活半径增大,同时在一定程度上影响了人们的思维方式,比如可以提升人们的自尊心和信心等,使人们心情愉快,工作效率提高。汽车的拥有从某种意义来看,反映了人们的生活水平和社会地位。汽车给人类生活带来如下一些便利:1、汽车自由灵活,富有独立性。汽车让人们的出行时间、方式和质量发生改变,汽车能随时停留、任意选择目的地,人们的活动范围从点扩大到面,提高了生活品质,提高了人们的生活半径。2、汽车行驶的方便性是其他交通工具无法比拟的,汽车可以到达许多火车所不能到的地方,同时也是其他交通方式的有效补充和连接。汽车车窗敞亮,视野开阔,可观赏沿途风光。对于一些具体目标,汽车站一般比火车站离村镇、名胜古迹较近,更有利于旅游者沿途游览。 二、汽车对人类生活的不利影响汽车的产生对人类的影响是多元化的综合效应,在带给人类便利的同时也给人类的生活带来种种问题。这些问题集中表现在三个方面:污染、能源、交通。1、汽车产业高度消耗自然资源:制造汽车时需要消耗大量的自然资源,除了使用钢铁外,现代的汽车还需要使用能耗很高的铝材和难以回收的塑料;另外,汽车使用大量消耗石油,全世界一半以上的石油用于运输,而其中三分之一的燃油被用于驱动汽车和卡车的内燃机。2、汽车运行交通拥挤,交通事故频发:汽车引起的交通事故是当今世界上导致人类死伤数最多的原因之一,每年约有数百万人遭受车祸的伤害。同时大量的汽车造成交通拥挤,车辆的停放也日益压缩人们的生活空间。3、汽车的产生和使用污染环境。汽车排放的尾气对城市大气污染非常严重,使有些城市中的空气不适宜呼吸,以致儿童和老人有时会透不过气来。由尾气引发的光化学烟雾是世界上许多大城市共同面临的难题。另外,在城市市区造成一片噪音和污染,使人精神分散、危害健康。






