

发布时间:2024-07-11 11:26:45



故宫的建筑特色  故宫,又称紫禁城,是明清两朝的宫殿,为我国现存最大最完整的古建筑群。它规模浩大,占地约72万多平方米,共有宫殿9000多间,都是木结构、黄琉璃瓦顶、青白石底座,饰以金碧辉煌的彩画。建筑总面积达15万平方米。周围还环绕10多米高的宫墙和宽52米、长3800米的护城河。  故宫是沿着一条南北向中轴线排列,并向两旁展开,南北取直,左右对称。这条中轴线不仅贯穿在紫禁城内,而且南达永定门,北到鼓楼、钟楼,贯穿了整个城市,气魄宏伟,规划严整,极为壮观。宫城辟有四门,南面有午门,是故宫正门,北有神武门(玄武门),东为东华门,西为西华门。城墙四角耸立着4座角楼,造型别致,玲珑剔透。  故宫的建筑充分体现了“天子至尊”的封建宗法礼制,严格按“左祖右社”“前朝后寝”的古制布局,分为外朝与内廷两部分。  故宫大体可分为南北两部分,南为工作区,即前朝,也称外朝;北为生活区,即后寝,也称内廷。外朝以黄极殿(清代称太和殿,又称金銮殿)、中级殿(清代称中和殿)、建极殿(清代称保和殿)三大殿为中心,东西以文华殿、武英殿为两翼。三大殿均建在8米多高的汉白玉台基上,四周廊庑环绕,气势磅礴。多采用重檐庑殿顶这种屋顶结构,殿内沥粉贴金,重施五彩,显得金碧辉煌,雄伟壮丽,是皇帝办理朝政大事、举行重大庆典的地方。其中太和殿是宫城中等级最高、最为堂皇的建筑,皇帝登基、大婚、册封、命将、出征等盛大仪式或庆典都在这里举行。  内廷以乾清宫(皇帝卧室)、交泰殿、坤宁宫为中心,东西两翼有东六宫、西六宫(皇妃宫室),这就是人们常说的皇帝的“三宫六院”,是皇帝平日处理日常政务及皇室居住、礼佛、读书和游玩的地方。还有御花园、钦安殿、养性斋等建筑,形成一个布局完美的整体。御花园既有帝苑的雍华气魄,又有民间古典园林的幽雅意境。  紫禁城的宫殿建筑中大量使用了雕刻、贴金、镂金、漆画、景泰蓝、玉石及螺钿镶嵌、硬木贴络、绸缎装裱等封建社会所能采用的一切工艺美术手段,将高超的建筑技术与艺术融合融为一体,体现了我国古代宫殿建筑的最高成就。  紫禁城是中国现存最完整的古代宫殿建筑群,在世界建筑史上别具一格,也是中国古典风格建筑的典范和规模最大的皇室。  故宫文化内涵  中国历代帝王的宫殿是各个历史时期建筑艺术和建筑技术成就的集中体现,每一朝代的帝王宫殿都是当时最伟大最壮丽的建筑。通过宏伟的建筑表现至高无上皇权一直是古代宫殿建筑的首要指导思想。  紫禁城宫殿继承了传统的宫殿建筑思想,根据《周礼》和古代“礼制”中规定的法则进行规划,通过空间的整体布局和装饰材料等诸多手段,完美地表达出了宫殿建筑中所蕴涵的君权神授、天子至尊的核心思想。布局完整、规模宏大、气势雄壮的紫禁城,可以说是中国古代宫殿建筑的一个完整典型。  (1) 象天立宫,君权神授的设计思想:故宫在明、清两朝是被称作紫禁城,在它的这个名字中体现了古老的象天立宫的思想。  皇帝既尊为天子,如此也就产生了“象天立宫”、君权神授的设计思想。这是秦汉以来,中国宫殿建筑基本布局所表达的一种象征意义。随着“礼”的日趋完备,使得中国宫殿建筑的制度日臻完善,它的特征也更为鲜明,至明、清时期而集其大成。明清宫殿建筑,以居中为尊,左右为次;面南为尊,面北为次;殿身间数规定为三、五檐庑殿、七、九,以九间加围廊,为最高等级;屋顶的第依次为重檐庑殿、重檐歇山、重檐攒尖、单檐庑殿、单檐歇山、单檐攒尖、悬山、硬山;台基以三曾须弥座最为隆重。并且将建筑的类型认为大式和小式,而以带有斗拱的复杂做法作为主体建筑——所谓“殿式”建筑的重要标志。  显然,“礼制”尊卑为宫殿建筑规定了必须遵守的法则。“象天立宫”所表达的思想与尊卑等级的秩序,均是为了达到“壮君威”这一目的。可以说古代礼治制度和“君权神授”思想的结合,正是中国宫殿建筑设计思想的核心  故宫的宫殿建筑在空间与实体上无不表现着帝王的至尊和高大,宏大的宫殿建筑群以一条中轴线南北展开,均衡而对称。以太和殿为中心和重心,深、高、宽都集中于此,纵深的传统模式加重了建筑物庄严肃穆的色彩,宽阔的空间变化赋予建筑物宏大的气势,而高大的台基和殿宇则直接表现了帝王的至尊。深、高、宽的手法使整组宫殿群产生了扑面而来的威慑力,给人以久久难忘的震撼。宫殿内巧妙运用光线的明暗对比,烘托出帝王的神圣地位,殿堂内光线昏暗,于殿外的明亮形成强烈对比,神秘气氛油然而生。“天高其为而下其施,藏其形而见其光”,帝王借此而深藏,神秘与朦胧更增添了至尊之气。龙是皇权的象征,皇宫内完全是龙的世界,龙无处不在,天子的威仪也无处不在。据统计,仅太和殿一处,就有龙12654条,若是把整个皇宫内的龙教起来,那就是天文数字了,龙体现了宫殿建筑的等级规范。皇宫内的屋顶用黄琉璃瓦,三大殿台基高达8米以上,甚至大门门钉的著名也是最多的,这些都是皇宫最高级别地位的体现,是帝王“九五”之尊的表现。明清故宫是封建宗法礼制的象征,代表着帝王的权威,成为我国古代一处既有实用性,又有极强象征意义的建筑群。作为世界上最大的皇宫,故宫是最优异、最独特、最辉煌的建筑物,她那充满魅力的古典风格和东方情调,使她成为中国古老文明的绝好象征。  (2)阴阳五行的文化根底:阴阳五行是阴阳学说和五行学说的和称,都是中国古代哲学的重要范畴,并且对古代社会生活的各个方面均产生了广泛而深远的影响。阴阳最初的含义是指日光的向背,后引申为自然界中两种对立和相互消长的势力,先秦的思想家认为阴阳的对立和消长是宇宙万物的基本规律,《易经》中说:“一阴一阳之谓道”。阴和阳既是对立的,又是统一的,二者相互制约,相互依存,任何一方都不能脱离另外一方而单独存在,阴和阳的互根互用始终是处于不断的运动变化中,在一定条件下还可以相互转化。五行,最初称五材,是指木、火、土、金、水五种物质,后引申为一切事物都是由五行的运动变化生成的,各种事物都具有五行的属性,五行之间相互联系,相生相克。  阴阳五行学说在紫禁城宫殿的设计思想中得到了充分的体现。紫禁城宫殿整体上分为外朝和内廷两部分:外朝为阳,在布局上由三朝五门,多用奇数;内廷为阴,在布局上由两宫六寝多用偶数。两宫为乾清宫和坤宁宫(交泰殿为之后建),六寝为东西六宫。社稷坛中更是明确体现了五行的思想。  外朝中路的三大殿坐落在土字形的汉白玉台基上,土为阴阳五行之一,汉董仲舒《春秋繁露·五行相生》中手:“中央土者,君宫也”。唐孔颍达疏中说:“土为五行之生,尊之故称大……“根据阴阳五行,在金、木、水、火、土中,土居于中央,把三台建成土字形,表示这里是天下的中央,同时,土也代表了江山社稷,表明希望江山永固,社稷安康。  “南三所”为皇子读书的地方,由于幼年属于五行中的“木”,生化过程属于“生”,南三所的方位又是在东南方,故都施以绿色琉璃瓦屋面。绿色为春天树木萌芽之色,象征旺盛的生命力,表现出皇帝对他的后代所寄予的希望,所以太后的宫室如慈宁宫、寿安宫、寿康宫都分布在西路。文渊阁作为紫禁城内的书库,专用于收藏乾隆是编撰的《四库全数总目考证》及《古今图书集成》。书库最忌火,所以文渊阁用黑色琉璃瓦绿剪边屋面。黑色在五行中属“水”,用黑色琉璃瓦含有以水压火之意。屋脊用绿 紫 白色琉璃浮雕波特 游龙,阁前凿长方形水池,池上架有臼石拱桥,围以白石栏杆,栏板雕有海水及各种水族图案,以示厌火之意。  (3)错落有致 韵律天成的空间布局:紫禁城三大殿以南正前方有五座门:皇城大清门为第一门,从此开始向北,经皇城的正门天安门,再北穿过端门和紫禁城的正门午门到太和门。这是五个连续的空间广场,全长约1700米,为紫禁城宫殿前区的前引部分。利用各种不同形制的门,区划出不同的格局,形成高低错落的变化,构成大小、横竖、宽窄不等有收有放的空间,并采取“欲扬先抑”的方式,从而组成既有规律又富于变化的建筑系列,由宫前区大清门开始,逐步深入到紫禁城内,使其具有高度的艺术感染力。  紫禁城内宫殿的总体布局再继承前代的基础上又有进一步发展。它分为中路 内东路 内西路 外东路 外西路等五个大的区域。这里不仅有皇帝和后妃使用的宫殿,还有太后、太妃及皇子们的生活区,使宫殿的布局更加集中和紧凑。这样庞大的宫殿群再历代皇宫中也是罕见的。其中以中轴线为主体布置着前三殿和后三殿等一些主要建筑,成为贯穿紫禁城的主线。外朝以前三殿为主要殿堂,其中又以举行朝会大典的太和殿为中心,象征着帝王权力、地位的至高无上,因而它占据宫城中最尊贵的位置。前三殿轴线的两旁,按文东武西之制,东侧是文华殿一区,西侧是武英殿一区。这两区建筑组合都是一正两厢前后殿的庭院。从外朝建筑布局的体制看,它们是两座东西偏殿,两组建筑东西对称,遥相呼应,再前三殿的两翼形成左辅右弼的格局。外朝占据紫禁城的大部分空间,为了突出外朝宫殿的主导地位,它的布局、 规模、 体量、 形式、 装饰、 材料、 结构、 工程做法都具有最高等级。前三殿一区宫殿最为壮观,局势开阔,布局舒朗,建筑端庄,气势凝重,从而体现了封建王朝至高无上的地位和权威。内廷宫殿布局的中心后三宫,是中轴线的后半部分主要建筑。东西两侧各有六宫,是妃嫔们居住的两组建筑群。东西六宫外侧则采取左右对称排列成轴线方式,各自形成太上皇居住的宁寿宫区和太后太妃们生活的慈宁宫 寿安宫区,自成体系组成了内廷的次要轴线,平行于前三殿和后三殿的紫禁城的南北主轴线。东西六宫之北有乾东五所和乾西五所,再明代是皇帝的幼年子女生活区。这些小区也有各自的轴线。内廷宫殿是帝、 后、 妃、 皇子的生活起居之地,因此在建筑布局上采取密集的组合方式以便实用。主殿与配殿多廊庑连贯,庭院鳞次栉比,布置严密深邃。  紫禁城内各院落的布局也都经过了精心的设计。城中的宫殿的基本形式大都为“一正两厢”的样式,也就是北京传统的四合院布局方式。各院落的设计在严格掌握这个原则的基础上又根据不同院落的实际功能的不同而加以灵活运用,因而形成了多种多样的风格。  故宫无论就其对称性、 空间布局、 色彩搭配和完备的设施等诸多方面,多显示属极高的建筑成就。尤其是其中通过建筑的政治寓意和文化品味来体现君权神授,更是表现的淋漓尽致。而坤宁宫的特殊气氛则昭示着明、 清两代王朝理念与习俗的变迁。




This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden C It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China Beijing Forbidden City is the head of the world's top five The Forbidden City was built begin in 1406 and it took 14 years to built The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Z North to south is 961 meters, and 753 meters from east to And the area of about 725,000 square The Imperial Palace has 8704 In 1987 the Forbidden City was recognized a world cultural [这是故宫博物院,也被称为紫禁城。它是北京现在最大、保存最完好的宫殿。北京故宫是世界五大宫殿之首。紫禁城建于1906年,历时14年建造完成。第一个明朝统治者朱棣便住在这里。故宫南北长961米,东西宽753米,建地面积725,000平方米。宫殿共有8704个房间。在1987年紫禁城成为世界文化遗产。

The Palace Museum is located on city center in PChina is existing biggest, most integrity of thou building It is been one of five greatest temples in the world by the The Palace Museum start to set up in AD1406, the Palace Museum have the size courtyard more than 90s and the house contain 980 and add up to he Palace Museum surroundings surround 12 meters in height, long the Palace Museum wall of 3400 meters, form is one rectangular city defense, there is 52 meter wide moat outside the wall surround, formation a fortress of severe The Palace Museum has 4 doors, center door Wu door, east door Donghua door, west door Xihua door, north door Shengwu 故宫位于北京市中心。中国现存最大、最完整的古建筑群。被誉为世界五大宫之一。故宫始建于公元1406,故宫有大小院落90多座,房屋有980座,共计8704间。宫城周围环绕着高12米,长3400米的宫墙,形式为一长方形城池,墙外有52米宽的护城河环绕,形成一个森严壁垒的城堡。故宫有4个门,正门名午门,东门名东华门,西门名西华门,北门名神武门。

Dear teacher, my dear students:;;;; you No doubt you have seen the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland and That surging river, rolling in the Yellow River stretches of mountains, all part of our great The magnificent mountains of the motherland, the motherland of the river Hideitsu, the motherland extremely broad We are all Chinese, all descendants of the D Our happiness comes from the motherland, and only the rich and powerful countries in order to make our lives happy flowers forever G Chinese history tells us that no country, no home, the state is not strong, will be We are most pro is that parents, favorite of Chinese when the cruel oppression of invaders, when our beautiful mountains and rivers, each one face of the Chinese people with conscience tears, the hearts of shedding blood, in order to mind the sanctity of the motherland, they are groping in the dark, in the humiliation of the Wen Yiduo outraged, Hengmeilengdui assassin's pistol, Ji Hongchang hanging that read, "I am a Chinese" slogan wooden plaque, walking in a blue-eyed, blond hair among the Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng generals in order to save the nation from peril, resolutely launched the Xi'an Incident It is this hundreds of thousands of newborn baby, only propped up the backbone of our nation, hope of the motherland; It was they who, in his "Today", with filled with the blood, composed worthy of the times, "National Anthem", it makes our national anthem resounded in today's Republic of China in so magnificent, so magnificent song, shame and, unfortunately, has become the past, the Chinese ushered in a new Reform and opening up 20 years, the majority of working people's hard work, whether military, science and technology, politics, sports, and we have made considerable progress in the just concluded Athens Olympic Games, the athletes by virtue of their own "Decade of grinding Sword ", making China the first time among the sports power list, the five-star red flag fly high again and again over the stadium in Athens, forceful passionate anthem of the People's Republic of China has given countless sons and daughters of an upsurge of emotion, Veteran Wang Yifu gold excitement after seeing the tears to see Liu Xiang, crossed the finish circling hands above their heads bolted figure, I am reminded of the scene as a child watching the Olympics and that is a summer evening, my mother and I sat in front of the TV watching the Olympic Games The opening ceremony saw the track on the different colors of the national flag, Mom asked me: "Small-chan;, you are most like the "; six Vicia my thought, saying, "five-star red " "Why?" "because it is the color of the most bright yellow five-pointed star above look " my mother did not speak a long time to look at me, shook his head, "No, child, because you are Chinese!" " you are Chinese! "very simple five words, way to make the number of sons and daughters of the voice, precisely because there is such a Chinese heart, revolutionary martyrs shed their blood fighting courageously Olympic athletes and numerous brilliant at a time when only six years old I saw the five-star red flag fluttering in the wind will be blood boiling, ambitions ran Since the day began, in my mind, there such a belief: the motherland is the mother, the state emphasis on the small house she grew up with both hands to build back Country has a vast territory, with a glorious history, there is a wealth of treasures hill and dale, there are three beautiful scenery of Sichuan five Thinking of Mustang in the Mercedes-Benz, I use my heart depicts the mother country, her long hair is released into the atmosphere thousands of leisurely river flows consistent, and she is tough and Qiaoba continuous peaks of the spine, and her bright eyes is That Dongting's water, West Lake of the wave bar! Days of the motherland, "autumn wind blows, this is, change the world" the motherland, the "Falling blossoms Fanzuo waves, Castle Peak intentionally into the bridge," Looking to the country thousands of miles rivers and mountains, like poetry and painting are in The motherland is the pearl of the East, is soaring Asian dragon, is the rising sun on the distant Country in your heart, in my mind, in both our hearts

介绍中国故宫英语作文1This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden C It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China Beijing Forbidden City is the head of the world's top five The Forbidden City was built begin in 1406 and it took 14 years to built The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Z North to south is 961 meters, and 753 meters from east to And the area of about 725,000 square The Imperial Palace has 8704 In 1987 the Forbidden City was recognized a world cultural [这是故宫博物院,也被称为紫禁城。它是北京现在最大、保存最完好的宫殿。北京故宫是世界五大宫殿之首。紫禁城建于1906年,历时14年建造完成。第一个明朝统治者朱棣便住在这里。故宫南北长961米,东西宽753米,建地面积725,000平方米。宫殿共有8704个房间。在1987年紫禁城成为世界文化遗产。Forbidden City building Classified as "outside in" and "inner court" two 太和palace中和palace and保和palace are the center of the outside in, Where the emperor would hold meeting and exercise of 乾清palace、交泰palace、坤宁palace are center of Inner court Feudal emperors and princess lived 故宫的建筑分为“外朝”与“内廷”两大部分 外朝以太和殿、中和殿、保和殿三大殿为中心,是皇帝举行朝会和行使权力的地方。内廷以乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫后三宫为中心是封建帝王与后妃居住之所。The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are Red represents happiness, good fortune and Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their Dragon, lion and other animals are a symbol of good fortune and The pine trees and cypress saipris trees and the pavilions make people feel beautiful and 红色和黄色作为宫殿墙壁主色调是一种象征。红色代表快乐、好运气、和财富。黄色是中国人的起源地黄土高原大地的颜色。在唐朝黄色成为了代表帝王的颜色,仅有少数人可以穿它,并且也将黄色用于建筑。龙凤、狮子等动物象征这吉祥和威严。这些松树,柏树,还有小亭子给人以幽美恬静的感觉。The Forbidden City had three large-scale The first time was in 1949 when New China has This maintenance fundamentally changed the old society, and show a magnificent The second time is in 1973, people has protected the palace The third time is since 2002, continued in 2020, the palace is re-repiring, and "Open areas" will increase from the current 30% to 70%紫禁城总共进行了三次大规模的维修。第一次是在1949年新中国成立的时候。这次维修从根本上改变了宫殿的旧社会形态,展现了宏伟壮观的规模。 第二次是在1973年,人们对它进行了更多专业的保护。第三次从2002年将一直持续到2020年。将使宫殿的开放区从30%增加到70%。There are four entrances into the The Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate (Gate of Military Prowess) to the north, the Donghua to the east, and the Xihua Gate to the 故宫有四个大门,南门为午门,北门为神武门,东门为东华门,西门为西华门。午门:the shape of the gate is the most high-level Wumen gate where the emperor ordered the expedition, and few people can walk through this 午门的形状是最高级别的形式。午门是皇帝下令出征的地方,仅有很少一部分人可以通过这个门。神武门:Shenwumen is a daily access Now this gate is the main 神武门是日常出入的门。现在是故宫的正门。Inside the 太和gate, there are太和palace、中和palace、and保和 These three palace are the maintain architecture of the palace Their height of different shapes, and different roof forms, these seem rich and 位于太和门内, 是太和殿、中和殿、保和殿,这是故宫的三大主要建筑,它们高矮造型不同,屋顶形式也不同,显得丰富多样。太和殿:This is the most And this temple area is the largest one of various in Forbidden C This temple is the place where the emperor held a major ceremony, like the emperor ascended the throne, birthdays, weddings, New Year's D太和殿是最富丽堂皇的建筑,建地面积是紫禁城中宫殿最大的。太和殿是皇帝举行重大典礼的地方,比如:皇帝即位、生日、婚礼、元旦等。中和殿:zhonghedian is located the back of the taihe Where the emperor to take a break before the ceremony and do a pre-exercise。中和殿在太和殿的后面,是皇帝去太和殿举行大典前稍事休息和演习礼仪的地方。保和殿:Baohe temple is a place where the annual New Year's Eve kings and emperors entertain the other kings and is also the place where examinations held and successful 保和殿是每年除夕皇帝赐宴的场所。保和殿也是科举考试举行殿试的地方。御花园:There are many pine trees and cypress trees, besides some other precious trees, some rockery, and The 万春 pavilion and 千秋pavilion are the preservation of the most beautiful and ancient-御花园里面栽种了很多松柏,和一些珍贵的树种,还有一些假山和小亭子。其中万春亭和千秋亭是目前保存的古亭中最为华丽的。乾清宫:Palace of Heavenly Purity in the Forbidden City in top T here is a throne in the middle of the There are "aboveboard" plaque, two sides of the this court are the places where emperor reading and The south of the court is a room that the son of emperor can reading and 乾清宫在在故宫内庭最前面,殿的正中有宝座,内有“正大光明”匾。乾清宫的两头是皇帝读书、就寝之地。厅的南面是皇子读书学习的地方。坤宁宫:kunning gong in the last surface of the Forbidden City in Kunning Gong is the Queen's chambers in the Ming D And then it turns to be a ritual 坤宁宫坤宁宫在故宫“内庭”最后面,坤宁宫是明朝皇后寝宫,清代改为祭神场所。交泰殿:This temple in the Palace of Heavenly Purity and between Kunning G The temple is the Queen's Birthday Celebration birthday 交泰殿在乾清宫和坤宁宫之间该殿是皇后生日举办寿庆活动的地方。东西六宫:There are 6 temples in the east and Ming and Qing imperial concubines used to 东西六宫是明清时期嫔妃居住的地方。














