

发布时间:2024-07-08 10:36:59


浅谈多媒体教学管理存在的问题及对策 A brief discussion on the existing problems and solutions of multimedia teaching management 摘要:多媒体教学管理是高校深化教育教学改革的重要内容。本文从高校多媒体教学管理的现状出发,分析了多媒体教学管理存在的问题,提出了改革的路径与方法,并规划了将来的发展方向。Abstract: Multimedia teaching management is an integral part of deepening the educational teaching reform in institutions of higher Starting from the current situation of the multimedia teaching management in institutions of higher learning, this paper analyzes its existing problems, suggests the reform approaches and methods and marks out the direction of future development of the multimedia teaching

the production of school work with the new te4chonologies could be a significant stimulus to How should these new technologies be introduced into the schools?It isn't enough to call for computers,camcorders and edit suites in every classroom;unless they are properly integrated into the educational culture,they will stand Many people in our eara are drawn to the pessimistic view that the new media are destroying old skills and eroding critical It maybe true that past generations were more literate but-taking the pre-19thcentury meaning of the term-this was true of only a small section of the The word literacy is the 19th-century coinage to describe the divorce of reading and writing from a full knowledge of The education reforms of the 19th century produced reading and writing as skills separable from full participation in the cultural The new media now point not only to a futuristic cyber-economy,they also make our cultural past available to the whole It is doubtful whether our literary heritage has ever been available to or sought out by more than about 5per cent of the population;ithas certainly not been available to more than 10per But the new media joined to the old,through the public service tradition of British broadcasting,now makes our literary tradition abailable to 找勒点例子给你~

Yangshuo, a tourist city in Guangxi, is 65 kilometres away from G It has famous Western Street, Moon Mountain and Big Banyan which was about a thousand years There you can boat, enjoy the snacks and hire a bike to see local village The most interesting thing to do in Yangshuo is to visit Li River by In this way, you can enjoy the peaks along the river and their reflections in the clear You will have great fun there and want to go there



With the developement the society,the rubbish are getting more and It is harmful to the environment and So we must to take some measures to handle this serious According to the report,thounds of tons rubbish were made in a city,and do you know how many cities in China,it will bring us a lot of First,I think the goverement should build some factories to handle the rubbish,and we could divide the rubbish into different Because some of them could be Like iron and Secondly,as a We shoud not throw them It is very simple to put the rubbish into the I believe with the help of the goverement and all the people,our Earth Mother will become more and more Let us do it


My favourite My English teacher Healthy An unforgetable A plasent My My My Mobile My This is My good The Great Wall

初一英语作文题目及范文 My new students可以专门写你的同桌,他是男孩还是女孩,多大了,是哪的,胖瘦,黑白,你们相处的怎么样等等 My English teacher Happy new year可以写过年发生的事,还可以是新年愿望,还可以写去年的收获 日记形式,写今天家里大扫除,或是下雪啦。。




城市交通存在的问题及对策分析摘 要:研究城市交通的现状,分析城市交通存在的主要问题,采用城市交通管理中以人为本、规划先导、多元参与、公交优先的指导理念,提出完善城市路网建设、发展城市公共交通系统、深化交通管理体制、提高交通管理水平的改善措施。关键词:城市交通; 智能交通系统; 快速公交系统城市交通是城市活动的重要组成部分,犹如人体的动脉,维系着整个城市的正常运转。随着人口的增多、科技的进步和城市规模的扩大,交通方式由原来简单的车马舟船,演变为现在的火车、汽车、地铁、飞机等各种综合型的运输方式。交通作为现代城市的重要体现和标志,见证着每一个城市的历史与文明、发展与兴衰。城市交通不仅仅是一个市政工程问题或交通技术问题,而且是一个综合性的社会问题。一、我国城市交通的现状新中国成立后,我国的交通运输业有了日新月异的发展,到20世纪80年代初已经形成了初具规模的综合运输体系。改革开放以后,经济的快速增长为交通发展提供了物质保障;人口与就业岗位急剧增长,市区人口进一步集聚;与此同时,建设用地面积不断扩大,以北京市为例,近10年来,全市建设用地平均每年扩展50平方公里,市级开发区已批准用地达210平方公里。在这些背景条件下,我国城市交通得到了巨大的发展,集中表现在机动化的实施、交通设施的增加和交通需求的变化。(一)机动车的快速增长机动车一方面是城市交通发展的条件,另一方面也是城市交通发展现代化的最集中体现。随着经济的发展,汽车产业异军突起,生产数量以每年 7%的速度增长。目前,汽车已成为全国城市最主要的交通工具。公共汽车是目前我国城市交通最主要的载客工具。2004年末全国公共汽车运营数量为 2万辆,出租车数量为 4万辆。随着城市经济的发展、居民收入水平的提高以及中国加入世界贸易组织等因素的影响,我国的私人汽车拥有量增长迅速,年平均增长 6%。特别是在东部经济发达城市,私家车增长异常迅速。城市私人汽车拥有量的增长,一方面给居民生活出行等提供了极大便利;另一方面,私人交通的发展造成了交通堵塞等一系列交通问题。此外,城市轨道交通等新型交通工具也有了一定发展。(二)交通设施规模的不断扩充改革开放以来,城市交通基础设施特别是道路建设增长很快,道路容量的增长可以满足机动车保有量快速增长的需求,保障了城市经济活动的正常运行,支撑了城市社会经济的发展。根据国家统计局《中国统计年鉴2005》显示,城市道路长度由1990年的 5万公里,增加到2005年的 3万公里;城市道路面积由1990年的 9亿平方米,增加到2005年的 3亿平方米。(三)交通需求变化显著交通设施规模的扩张、交通管理水平的提高和交通环境的改善,反映了我国交通供给与投资的增加,此外,交通需求也表现出一定的发展变化。交通需求是一个国家或地区范围内一定时期必须发生的运输和运输周转,通常包括出行者的出行总量、出行次数、出行特征、出行方式等。北京从1986年第一次出行调查以来,全市日出行量年均递增4%, 2003年已达到2 100万人次(不含步行出行量),增长了87%,一次出行平均行程也由6公里增长到8公里,出行周转量增加了 49倍;市区机动车出行总量由42万车次/日发展到345万车次/日。未来交通出行需求增长的突出表现在出行距离的增长和机动车出行总量的大幅度上升。预计到2010年,平均一次出行距离达到10




My favourite city is BThat is because it is an old country but with advanced and modern technology,people and I love the environent there since roads are wide and is a very comfortable city to live Wherever you go public transportation is very convinient and cheap,making our days Also,since 2008 Olympics was once held there,memorable bird nest and Water Cube is very worth taking a look There is many different varieties of restraunt and tourist attractions,making Beijing a great place for No matter what age or gender,I belive Beijing is a good place for you as well!

How to protect the environment has become one of the biggest problems in the world It’s our duty to protect our environment No matter where we live , we should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy We can collect waste paper or other waste things for We should plant more trees and we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and We shouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places We mustn’t pick the flowers or step on the grass in If everyone tries his best to protect the environment , the world will become much more beautiful and our life will be better and better

There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours, causing great inconvenience and heavy economic losses every Limited road capacity and people’s weak awareness of traffic laws contribute largely to the It is essential that effective measures should be taken to solve the traffic In the first place, some of the major roads are supposed to be broadened to speed up the flow of In addition, the burden of traffic can be lightened by improving the public transportation system and encouraging people to try alternative forms of Moreover, drivers as well as pedestrians and cyclists should be made to obey the traffic Whoever breaks the traffic law must be severely Only by combining these solutions can traffic pressure be 希望对你有帮助。
