

发布时间:2024-09-08 21:27:16



许多人把地球想象为一个蔚蓝色的星球,其实,全球淡水资源不仅短缺而且地区分布极不平衡。按地区分布,巴西、俄罗斯、加拿大、中国、美国、等9个国家的淡水资源占了世界淡水资源的60%。约占世界人口总数40%的80个国家和地区约15亿人口淡水不足,其中26个国家约3亿人极度缺水。随着科学事业的逐渐发展,厂房高楼的逐渐增多,水短缺问题越来越严重。随着人类的破坏,原来的那个蔚蓝色的“水晶球”已经不再明澈,不再蔚蓝了,即将干枯。如果还不珍惜,最后一滴水将与血液 Many people think the earth for a big blue planet, in fact, global freshwater resources shortage and not only in the uneven According to the regional distribution, Brazil, Russia, Canada, China, the United States, and nine countries of freshwater resources for 60% of the world's fresh Accounts for about 40% of the world's population of 80 countries and region about 5 billion population fresh water shortage, of which 26 countries of about 300 million people was Along with the science of career development gradually, the factory workshop in a building increases gradually, the water shortage problem more and more With the destruction of the human, the original big blue "crystal ball" is no longer clear che, no longer blue, is about to If still do not cherish, the last drop of water will and blood


Water is very important to the human But now many rivers and lakes are And what shall we do ? We can do like this: First we must prevent the factory from pouring waste water into the river Second we should stop people from throwing litter into the Many kinds of litter may pollute the Finally we can tell the visitors how important the water After doing these things,I think water will become cleaner sooner or 水是对人类非常重要但是现在许多河流和湖泊受到污染。而我们该怎么办?我们可以这样做:首先,我们必须防止工厂将污水倒入河流。其次,我们应该阻止人们把垃圾扔进河流各种垃圾会污染环境。最后,我们可以告诉参观者,水是多么重要。做了这些事情后,我认为水将迟早变得更清洁。

MyclassmatesandIWButmeanwhileI  Onourway,LWWTWIamworried  MIhopepeoplepaymoreattentiontothisproblem,T  AtlastIwouldliketosay,T

As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the   With fresh water, the world will be

To prevent water source from Take shower with your boyfriend to save (haha)Don't litter rubbish into Switch off the running water!


Water Water is very important for living Without water there can be no life on All animals and plants need Man also needs Water is found Even in the driest part of the world there is some water in the As we all have found out, water may be a solid, or a liquid or a When it isa solid, it may be as hard as brick, When itis a liquid, you can pour it out of a When it is a gas, you cannot see or feel Although about 70 percent of the earth's surface is covered with water,there are many places in the world still running out of So we should make good use of water on


许多人把地球想象为一个蔚蓝色的星球,其实,全球淡水资源不仅短缺而且地区分布极不平衡。按地区分布,巴西、俄罗斯、加拿大、中国、美国、等9个国家的淡水资源占了世界淡水资源的60%。约占世界人口总数40%的80个国家和地区约15亿人口淡水不足,其中26个国家约3亿人极度缺水。随着科学事业的逐渐发展,厂房高楼的逐渐增多,水短缺问题越来越严重。随着人类的破坏,原来的那个蔚蓝色的“水晶球”已经不再明澈,不再蔚蓝了,即将干枯。如果还不珍惜,最后一滴水将与血液 Many people think the earth for a big blue planet, in fact, global freshwater resources shortage and not only in the uneven According to the regional distribution, Brazil, Russia, Canada, China, the United States, and nine countries of freshwater resources for 60% of the world's fresh Accounts for about 40% of the world's population of 80 countries and region about 5 billion population fresh water shortage, of which 26 countries of about 300 million people was Along with the science of career development gradually, the factory workshop in a building increases gradually, the water shortage problem more and more With the destruction of the human, the original big blue "crystal ball" is no longer clear che, no longer blue, is about to If still do not cherish, the last drop of water will and blood

Water is the source of life, life, human health without Few people can not eat, but you can't days without And now, global 20 million people are in severe water shortages!!!!!!!!!! Water crisis, has to humans was a wake-up call!China's water resocurces, but most of all, is the sea water of the sea is salty, is not directly drinkable, Plus most all freshwater distribution in cold north and south poles and permanent snow mountain, this place is freshwater And uneven distribution, east of north, south west of less than, the local When I was a child I want to tap water, water has been flowing nonstop not? Mom and dad always told me what was recently and drought译、水是生命之源,生命之本,人类的健康离不开水。人可以几天不进食,但不可以几天不喝水。而现在,全球有20亿人口正处于严重缺水状况!!水的危机,已经向人类敲响了警钟! 中国的水资源虽然比较丰富,但是大部分水都是海水,而海水是咸的,是不能直接饮用的;再加上大部分淡水都分布在寒冷的南、北两极和终年积雪的高山上,这样淡水资源就所剩无几了。而且分布不均,东多西少,南多北少,缺水的地方很多。 小时候我想,自来水龙头里的水不是一直流个不停吗?爸爸妈妈常常给我讲哪些地方最近又闹干旱了,不要说种庄稼,就是人喝的水都难以保证。我总觉得不可想象,水不是地球上最多的东西吗?大江、大河、大湖、大海不是有那么多吗?怎么会缺水呢! 后来,我慢慢长大,也慢慢弄明白:水是地球上所有生命的源泉。地球上的总水量为18万亿亿升。这个数量似乎能满足全球人口对水资源的需求,但实际情况并不令人乐观。现存水储备的99%是不宜人类利用的海水和极地冰,其余1%还大都在800米以下的地层,人们生存所依赖的河流湖泊的水仅占总量的 01%。世界上已有18个国家的人均可再生水资源拥有量不到1000立方米。据世界资源研究所的一项报告表明,世界上有34亿人口平均每年只能得到 50升水,这标志着人类正面临着淡水短缺的危机。 这一严峻形势并没有引起人们足够的重视,人们赖以生存的河流、湖泊正面临着越来越多污染的威胁。只有杜绝污染物进入河流湖泊,或者减少其数量,河流湖泊中原有的污染物才会随水流走、稀释,逐渐减少。因此,防治河流湖泊污染的最根本的方法就是控制污染源。我们知道,河流湖泊污染来源是工业废水和城乡生活污水。国家制定了一系列保护水资源的法律法规,对废水排放等各方面,都作了严格的限制和规定。 如果我们不珍惜水资源的话,将来地球上流下的最后一滴水是自己的眼泪


Do Something to Fight against PollutionPollution is becoming more and more Ik at the batteries all around We all know that used batteries are badfor We shouldn't throw them We should recycle Look at the plastic bags all around We all know plastic bags never When we do shopping, we can use paper bags to store goods instead of plastic As a matter of fact, we can do alot to prevent the Let's do something to bring pollution under

Water is the source of life, life, human health without Few people can not eat, but you can't days without And now, global 20 million people are in severe water shortages!!!!!!!!!! Water crisis, has to humans was a wake-up call!China's water resocurces, but most of all, is the sea water of the sea is salty, is not directly drinkable, Plus most all freshwater distribution in cold north and south poles and permanent snow mountain, this place is freshwater And uneven distribution, east of north, south west of less than, the local When I was a child I want to tap water, water has been flowing nonstop not? Mom and dad always told me what was recently and drought译、水是生命之源,生命之本,人类的健康离不开水。人可以几天不进食,但不可以几天不喝水。而现在,全球有20亿人口正处于严重缺水状况!!水的危机,已经向人类敲响了警钟! 中国的水资源虽然比较丰富,但是大部分水都是海水,而海水是咸的,是不能直接饮用的;再加上大部分淡水都分布在寒冷的南、北两极和终年积雪的高山上,这样淡水资源就所剩无几了。而且分布不均,东多西少,南多北少,缺水的地方很多。 小时候我想,自来水龙头里的水不是一直流个不停吗?爸爸妈妈常常给我讲哪些地方最近又闹干旱了,不要说种庄稼,就是人喝的水都难以保证。我总觉得不可想象,水不是地球上最多的东西吗?大江、大河、大湖、大海不是有那么多吗?怎么会缺水呢! 后来,我慢慢长大,也慢慢弄明白:水是地球上所有生命的源泉。地球上的总水量为18万亿亿升。这个数量似乎能满足全球人口对水资源的需求,但实际情况并不令人乐观。现存水储备的99%是不宜人类利用的海水和极地冰,其余1%还大都在800米以下的地层,人们生存所依赖的河流湖泊的水仅占总量的 01%。世界上已有18个国家的人均可再生水资源拥有量不到1000立方米。据世界资源研究所的一项报告表明,世界上有34亿人口平均每年只能得到 50升水,这标志着人类正面临着淡水短缺的危机。 这一严峻形势并没有引起人们足够的重视,人们赖以生存的河流、湖泊正面临着越来越多污染的威胁。只有杜绝污染物进入河流湖泊,或者减少其数量,河流湖泊中原有的污染物才会随水流走、稀释,逐渐减少。因此,防治河流湖泊污染的最根本的方法就是控制污染源。我们知道,河流湖泊污染来源是工业废水和城乡生活污水。国家制定了一系列保护水资源的法律法规,对废水排放等各方面,都作了严格的限制和规定。 如果我们不珍惜水资源的话,将来地球上流下的最后一滴水是自己的眼泪

水是生命之源。保护水资源十分重要。Water is the source of our It is very important to protect the water,The water resources protection is our common responsibility,你这是手机- -多了打不上

water is necessary for us!and water can help us become cleverer!so drinking much water is good for us!


To prevent water source from Take shower with your boyfriend to save (haha)Don't litter rubbish into Switch off the running water!

Now, the environment is becoming worse, every day in the morning fog haze, the ubiquitous white trash, let us togetherTo protect the environment!  现在,环境变得很糟糕,每天早上都是雾霾,随处可见的白色垃圾,让我们在一起保护环境吧!


SAVE water ! In my lifetime I saw many people waste our sources You like , the coal , steels and so on Today I want to show the water We all know that water is our indispensable source People can not survive without water But as I said I saw people did not close the water pump when they left And this is not the only ting I saw So , I suggest that we people should take great action to protect it For example , we plant trees and grass to keep the earth hold on We also reduce the water pollution from the factory ! that's all I wish that make our earth more water more hope
