

发布时间:2024-07-12 09:13:01


This article focus on agriculture and plant physiology is carried out on the basis of science, first of all, talking about plant physiology over the past few decades for the enormous contribution made by agriculture, followed by a talk at the beginning of China's agricultural situation in plant physiology, as well as the scope of the study, said the final plant Physiology research and the development of

Using the plant soilless cultivation method, about two leaves a corn seedling to experience deficiency The missing element for K After three weeks of training to take out and maize physiological and biochemical indexes measuring, experimental results show that the deficiency of the corn seedling cultivation, the growth of the training of the obvious difference YuQuanSu corn seedling, and the deficiency symptoms performance in different Deficiency the raise, plant growth rate drop, rootshoot ratio changed, for plant growth and has great influence on


植物生理学(plant physiology)是研究植物生命活动规律的学科。其主要任务是研究和阐明植物在各种环境条件下进行生命活动的规律和机理,并将这些研究成果应用于生产实际,为农业生产服务。与农业的关系:对矿质营养的研究,奠定了化肥生产基础,提供了无土栽培新方法,并对合理施肥、提高作物产量做出了贡献;对光合作用的研究为农业生产上间作套种、多熟栽培、合理密植、矮秆化和高光效育种等提供了理论依据;对植物激素的研究,推动了生长调节剂和除草剂的人工合成及应用,使作物生长发育进入了化学调控时代;春化作用和光周期现象的发现及研究,对栽培、引种、育种有中药指导作用;组织培养技术的发展,实现了“细胞全能性”预言,为发展花药育种、原生质体培养、细胞杂交融合、基因导入等育种新方法提供了基础,为快速繁殖、脱除病毒和植物性药物的工业化生产提供了可靠途径。

Using the plant soilless cultivation method, about two leaves a corn seedling to experience deficiency The missing element for K After three weeks of training to take out and maize physiological and biochemical indexes measuring, experimental results show that the deficiency of the corn seedling cultivation, the growth of the training of the obvious difference YuQuanSu corn seedling, and the deficiency symptoms performance in different Deficiency the raise, plant growth rate drop, rootshoot ratio changed, for plant growth and has great influence on

第一章 植物的水分代谢 总结 没有水.便没有生命。水分在植物生命活动中起着极大的作用。一般植物组织的含水量大约占鲜重的3/4。 细胞吸水有2种方式:吸涨吸水和渗透性吸水,后者是主要方式。植物细胞是一个渗透系统,它的吸水决定于水势: 水势=渗透势+压力势+衬质势 细胞与细胞(或溶液)之间的水分移动方向,决定于两者的水势,水分从水势高处流向水势低处。 水分在细胞膜上的移动途径有2种:一种是以单个水分子通过膜脂双分子层的间隙进入细胞;另一种是水集流通过水孔蛋白形成的水通道进人细胞。 植物的主要吸水器官是根部。根部吸水动力有根压和蒸腾拉力2种。根压与根系生理活动有关,蒸腾拉力与叶片蒸腾有关,所以影响根系活动和蒸腾速率的内外条件,都影响根系吸水。 植物不仅吸水,而且不断失水,这是一个问题的两个不同方面。植物的水分代谢就是在这样既矛盾又统


植物生理学(plant physiology)是研究植物生命活动规律的学科。其主要任务是研究和阐明植物在各种环境条件下进行生命活动的规律和机理,并将这些研究成果应用于生产实际,为农业生产服务。与农业的关系:对矿质营养的研究,奠定了化肥生产基础,提供了无土栽培新方法,并对合理施肥、提高作物产量做出了贡献;对光合作用的研究为农业生产上间作套种、多熟栽培、合理密植、矮秆化和高光效育种等提供了理论依据;对植物激素的研究,推动了生长调节剂和除草剂的人工合成及应用,使作物生长发育进入了化学调控时代;春化作用和光周期现象的发现及研究,对栽培、引种、育种有中药指导作用;组织培养技术的发展,实现了“细胞全能性”预言,为发展花药育种、原生质体培养、细胞杂交融合、基因导入等育种新方法提供了基础,为快速繁殖、脱除病毒和植物性药物的工业化生产提供了可靠途径。

离子通道的研究进展 全球变暖与植物光合作用、二氧化碳的关系 植物气孔开关的机理二氧化碳施肥的应用无土栽培的发展与应用




Using the plant soilless cultivation method, about two leaves a corn seedling to experience deficiency The missing element for K After three weeks of training to take out and maize physiological and biochemical indexes measuring, experimental results show that the deficiency of the corn seedling cultivation, the growth of the training of the obvious difference YuQuanSu corn seedling, and the deficiency symptoms performance in different Deficiency the raise, plant growth rate drop, rootshoot ratio changed, for plant growth and has great influence on

This article focus on agriculture and plant physiology is carried out on the basis of science, first of all, talking about plant physiology over the past few decades for the enormous contribution made by agriculture, followed by a talk at the beginning of China's agricultural situation in plant physiology, as well as the scope of the study, said the final plant Physiology research and the development of




Using the plant soilless cultivation method, about two leaves a corn seedling to experience deficiency The missing element for K After three weeks of training to take out and maize physiological and biochemical indexes measuring, experimental results show that the deficiency of the corn seedling cultivation, the growth of the training of the obvious difference YuQuanSu corn seedling, and the deficiency symptoms performance in different Deficiency the raise, plant growth rate drop, rootshoot ratio changed, for plant growth and has great influence on

