

发布时间:2024-07-12 08:45:36


This article inspection in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on the impact of China's tourism Beijing, China win the 2008 Summer Olympic Games host city on China's influence will be comprehensive and It will attract the world's long held strong concern to greatly enhance China, and Beijing has greatly bring Chinese people's confidence in the Chinese economy, China's 21st century economy on the high-speed development of a tremendous role in According to Beijing, China 2008 Beijing Olympic Games as a city, the Olympic Games in Beijing, China will greatly Study of the Olympic Games held in the affected countries Research in the comprehensive use in the book, the collection of information online literature, and the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games held in the Comparative Study of K The full text is divided into three parts; The first part of the introductory A major study on the background and significance of research related to the status quo and a brief The second part of a detailed study on the design of the basic ideas, literature review, data collection The third part of a detailed analysis on the collection of information on The fourth part of some of the First of all summed up the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on the impact of China's tourism industry, which leads to the "Olympics" concept of Finally, a number of

就是 — , 不过单词不是随意分家的,每个单词有分隔的规矩

The Graduation Project Manual describes the packaging of Ding Yi face cream to cover the whole process of mold The first is the physical measurement of face cream covered package size, use of the current mainstream CAD software Pro / E three-dimensional modeling of products, re-use Pro / E Mold Design module of the product sub-module Plastic parts and then by analyzing the quality and appearance of the appearance of the structural characteristics of the die structure The use of the mold gate feed points, the use of column-oriented direct introduction, putting the completion of release, and molds to choose the The structure of such a design work to ensure that reliable operation Finally, the structure of the mold injection machine with a matching check, and a set of AutoCAD drawing die assembly drawings and parts

Since 1990s after 80 after entering China develops photographer develops slowly, earth-shaking changes happening in this group, accept this internationalization new things, kids who grew up in their own methods of traditional Chinese photography in the change If older artist with beautiful discipline in photography real world, that they are the beauty with self-consciousness in changing the camera real This paper is mainly by culture as a starting point, through verification, China photography development, after 80 existing external causes photography Cenozoic after the Cenozoic, 80 existing intrinsic reason, the new trend of contemporary photography demonstrated cultural




可以不需要 但是有了就是锦上添花




毕业论文摘要翻译,用什么翻译软件都不是很推荐,因为翻译软件虽然翻译速度快,方便,但是使用翻译软件也有缺点,就是有时候将句子结构进行调换或增减词语的,换个结构翻译出来的句子就不一样,增加或减个词语,翻译出来的句子也会不同的,有时甚至会相差很大。大学论文是高校本科应届毕业生的一项独立总结性的作业。毕业论文作为高校的一个教学环节,同时也是对学生学业绩效考核和评定的重要方式。其目的在于让学生能够总结自己在校期间的学习成果,培养自身的综合创造能力和解决发杂问题的技能,建议找人工翻译比较靠谱。如果你有论文摘要翻译需求可以选择毕业在线网 人工摘要翻译入口


译文:abstract英['æbstrækt]释义:纯理论的;抽象的;抽象派的摘要;抽象;抽象的概念;抽象派艺术作品摘要;提取;抽象化;退出;转移;使心不在焉[复数:abstracts;第三人称单数:abstracts;现在分词:abstracting;过去式:abstracted;过去分词:abstracted;比较级:more abstract;最高级:most abstract]短语:abstract algebra[数]抽象代数;近世代数;[数]抽象代数学;代数结构扩展资料:词语辨析:summary,abstract,digest,outline,resume这些名词均含“摘要、概要、概括”之意。1、summary普通用词,指将书籍或文章等的内容,用寥寥数语作简明扼要的说明。2、abstract指论文、书籍等正文前的内容摘要,尤指学术论文或法律文件的研究提要。3、digest侧重对原文融汇贯通,重新谋篇布局,以简明扼要的语言,简短篇幅成文,展现原作精华。4、outline指配以释议文字的提纲。5、resume源于洁语,与summary极相近,通常可互换使用。



[Summary] Chinese vocabulary of contemporary scholars have made unremitting level of exploration and excellence in research, while significant achievements, but in terms of research has been limited to the vocabulary level of the Limit the scope of the study vocabulary , severely limits our understanding of the Chinese vocabulary in today's diverse, humane society, we can not have been limited to the vocabulary level of division of the Department should simply focus on, promote research and theory building of Chinese words to make the development of a on multi-dimensional perspective and highlights the interaction between man and the theme of living space, to establish multi-objective understanding of human nature and the prominent presence of the highest goal, to develop more ideas and highlight the "cognitive - to explain - Culture - Philosophy "the basic idea, a new attempt of the Chinese vocabulary study Key words :Chinese vocabulary; vocabulary study; structure of thinking






[abstract] Period of the new century in Chinese cinema, led by Zhang Yimou ready him as leader of Chinese film industry, put the commercialization of film production into the traditional cultures of our Zhang Yimou film to make our country a calm lake surface of the waves Movies, mimic each other at all when Chinese cinema has His movie by the movie "My Father and Mother" as the sector is divided into early and late, our analysis of its film characteristics of visual culture from the early shift of the overall quality of the scenes of aesthetic This change has brought both positive and negative effects and cause us to ponder the future development of How to culture and cinema effective combination of commercial movies are worthy of our exploration of the question, the Chinese movie to which direction the future development of great [Key words] Zhang Yimou movie vision of cultural symbols of the overall aesthetic quality of

As Guizhou province's tourism industry develops rapidly, and the whole Guanling county's tourism industry's develpment is gaining great momentum, Guanling Fossil National Geopark plays a more and more essential role in the whole Guanling's How to reach a reasonable exploration of the geopark,and establish its unique tourism value, is closely related to Guanling's tourism The article, through analyzing the geopark's resource characteristics,development advantages and restraining factors,put forward relative strategies regarding geoparks' tourism development, with an aim for rational exploration, optimized figuration and long-term 备注:ain great momentum 呈现非常好的发展势头Guanling Fossil National Geopark关岭化石群国家地质公园play a role in扮演角色asonable exploration/rational exploration合理开发is closely related to 关系到put forward提出with an aim for 旨在相信我这是非常地道的英语翻译了!希望加分!
