

发布时间:2024-07-07 05:03:46









你这个选题很好 快速成形, 英文是Rapid Prototyping, 是当代先进制造技术的一种 快速成形技术是计算机辅助设计及制造技术、逆向工程技术、分层制造技术(SFF)、材料去除成形(MPR)材料增加成形(MAP)技术以及它们的集成 通俗一点说, 快速成形就是利用在三维造型软件中已经设计的数字三维模型, 通过快速成型设备(快速成形机), 制造实体的三维模型的技术 快速成形技术有以下特点:(1) 制造原型所用的材料不限,各种金属和非金属材料均可使用(2) 原型的复制性、互换性高(3) 制造工艺与制造原型的几何形状无关,在加工复杂曲面时更显优越(4) 加工周期短,成本低,成本与产品复杂程度无关,一般与传统加工模型的工艺相比, 快速成形在制造费用上可以降低80%,加工周期可以节约70%以上(5) 高度技术集成,可实现了设计制造一体化曾经和目前仍然为主流的快速成形技术有以下几种:1、立体光刻技术 (SL/SLA)SLA的工作原理是以液态光敏树脂 (例如一种特殊的环氧树脂)为造型材料,采用紫外激光器为能源:一种是氦一福激光器 (波长 325nm,功率15~50MW),另一种是氨离子激光器(波长351~365nm,功率 100~500MW ),激光束光斑大小为05~3mm。由CAD设计出三维模型后将模型进行水平切片,分成为成千上万个薄层,生成分层工艺信息,按计算机所确定的轨迹,控制激光束的扫描轨迹,使被扫描区域内的液态光敏树脂固化,形成一层薄固体截面后,升降机构带动工作台下降一层高度,其上复盖另一层液态光敏树脂,接着进行第二层激光扫描固化,新固化的一层牢固地粘在前一层上,就这样逐层叠加直到完成整个模型的制作。一般每个薄层的厚度07~4mm,模型从树脂中取出后,进行最终硬化处理加以打光、电镀、喷漆或着色等即可。发展趋势:稳步发展 SL/SLA技术的缺点在于材料成本和设备维护成本十分高昂。因为紫外激光器的使用寿命只能维持在1年左右, 同时作为成形材料的光敏树脂也需要每年更换, 仅此两项便需要每年50万人民币以上的维护成本 此外, SL/SLA快速成形设备结构复杂, 零件众多, 日常的维护保养也十分不易 但是, 由于SL/SLA技术的成形精度非常高, 可以制造十分细小的模型或表面特征, 这一项优势似的SL/SLA技术仍然具有十分广阔的应用前景 薄材叠层成形技术 (LOM)薄材叠层成形技术是通过对原料纸进行激光切割与粘合的方式来形成零件的。其工艺是先将单面涂有热熔胶的纸通过加热辊加压粘结在一起,此时位于其上方的激光器按照分层CAD模型所获得的数据,将一层纸切割成所制零件的内外轮廓,然后新的一层纸再叠加在上面,通过热压装置,将下面已经切割的层粘合在一起,激光再次进行切割。切割时工作台连续下降,切割掉的纸片仍留在原处,起支撑和固化作用,纸片的一般厚度为07~1mm。该方法特点是成形速率高,成本低廉。发展趋势:已经淘汰 LOM技术是快速成形技术发展过程中曾今为了寻找成本相对低廉, 精度相对合理的解决方案的一种尝试性探索 客观而言, LOM设备的成形精度适中, 可以制造一些具有表面纹路的模型, 同时, 成形速度也相对较快 但是, 由于LOM技术的材料利用率很低(10%-20%), 使得实际的材料成本并不便宜 此外, LOM设备的稳定性和安全性也存在严重隐患, 在实际运行过程中, 纸质、木质和PVC材料在激光照射极易着火, 引起事故 因此, 目前LOM技术在全世界范围内已经几乎停止使用 选区激光粉末烧结技术 (SLS)选择性激光烧结 (SLS)的成形方法是。在层面制造与逐层堆积的过程中,用激光束有选择地将可熔化粘结的金属粉末或非金属粉末 (如石蜡、塑料、树脂沙、尼龙等)一层层地扫描加热,使其达到烧结温度并烧结成形;当一层烧结完后,工作台降下一层的高度,铺下一层的粉末,再进行第二层的扫描,新烧结的一层牢固地粘结在前一层上,如此重复,最后烧结出与CAD模型对应的三维实体。选择性激光烧结 (SLS)突出的优点在于它是以粉末作为成形材料,所使用的成形材料十分广泛,从理论上来说,任何被激光加热后能够在粉粒间形成原子间连接的粉末材料都可以作为SLS的成形材料。 发展趋势:停滞不前 4、熔融沉积成形技术 (MEM) MEM的基本原理是:加热喷头在计算机的控制下,根据截面轮廓信息作X--Y平面运动和高度Z方向的运动,丝材 (如塑料丝、石腊质丝等)由供丝机构送至喷头,在喷头中加热、熔化,然后选择性地涂覆在工作台上,快速冷却后形成一层截面轮廓,层层叠加最终成为快速原型。用此法可以制作精密铸造用蜡模、铸造用母模等。 发展趋势:快速发展 MEM是在相对近期发展处的快速成形技术, 其有点在于安全性高, 设备稳定性高, 成形精度高而运行成本低 因为含有特殊配方的ABS工程塑料本身的物理和化学性质, 使得MEM技术制作的模型具有很好的强度和韧度, 可以经受锻造、钻孔、打磨等高强度的测试 加之ABS丝材成本相对低廉, 设备设计简洁, 维护方便等优势, 使得MEM技术目前后来居上, 成本工人的应用最广泛的快速成形技术

先进制造技术课程论文 1先进制造技术的特点  1.1先进制造技术是一个发展的概念  事物的先进性具有明显的相对性.先进制造技术是相对于传统制造技术而言的。某种现阶段先进的技术若干年后可能会显得落后,甚至被淘汰。尤其随着计算机科学和电子科学的发展及渗入融合到现代制造系统中,反映现代科学理论的系统论、信息论、控制论和智能理论与控制技术有机融合为一体,导致先进制造技术具有明显的时效性。因此,先进制造技术体系只有不断补充新技术、淘汰落后技术,才能永远保持其先进性。这里有详细的介绍  1.2多学科集成的特性  先进制造技术并不是指某一项具体技术,而是机械、材料、电子、信息、自动化、管理、环保等多门学科的理论和技术相互渗透。共同发展而形成的技术综合体。先进制造技术在性质上跨越自然科学、环境科学社会科学。特另是经济学和管理科学;同时又与技术科学和众多门类的工程技术相联系,是多种学科的集成。先进制造技术特别强调人、技术、管理三者的有机结合。





China's manufacturing industry is the economic development of pillar industries, the state has put an extremely important strategic In recent years, with global economic integration to speed up the process, the rapid development of high technology and extensive application of China's manufacturing enterprises are faced with unprecedented competitive In order to survive fierce competition, profit and sustainable development, it is necessary to introduce advanced management concepts to the management changes to The implementation of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP) is the transformation of enterprise management, improve the competitiveness of an effective At the same time, production and business environment changes to the traditional cost management has also brought new challenges, in some ways it revealed no obvious The current ERP system integration is still lagging behind the cost of traditional management models, to improve the ERP system management costs have been To deal with the problem, this paper ERP operations and cost management theory as a guide for ERP environments based costing management The main research work are as follows: First of all, that the existing ERP in the limitations of traditional cost management, analysis of the superiority of the operating cost management, the proposed operating cost management and ERP integration idea, and the feasibility of integrating the two, as well as the advantages of an analysis of the Put forward the integration of the two is activity-based costing management module as a function of the ERP system to operate with relative independence in order to make it, but must be combined with other sub-system Then, to build ERP environments based costing management In analyzing the operating cost management functions on the basis of the operating costs of building a management system architecture and function modules, taking a operational cost management in ERP systems and other sub-systems integration Finally, in building a system based on operating cost management on the core functions - the operating cost and operating cost control in the ERP environment for the realization of the study and make the realization of the idea, supported by case studies to be

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China's manufacturing industry is the economic development of pillar industries, the state has put an extremely important strategic In recent years, with global economic integration to speed up the process, the rapid development of high technology and extensive application of China's manufacturing enterprises are faced with unprecedented competitive In order to survive fierce competition, profit and sustainable development, it is necessary to introduce advanced management concepts to the management changes to The implementation of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP) is the transformation of enterprise management, improve the competitiveness of an effective At the same time, production and business environment changes to the traditional cost management has also brought new challenges, in some ways it revealed no obvious The current ERP system integration is still lagging behind the cost of traditional management models, to improve the ERP system management costs have been To deal with the problem, this paper ERP operations and cost management theory as a guide for ERP environments based costing management The main research work are as follows: First of all, that the existing ERP in the limitations of traditional cost management, analysis of the superiority of the operating cost management, the proposed operating cost management and ERP integration idea, and the feasibility of integrating the two, as well as the advantages of an analysis of the Put forward the integration of the two is activity-based costing management module as a function of the ERP system to operate with relative independence in order to make it, but must be combined with other sub-system Then, to build ERP environments based costing management In analyzing the operating cost management functions on the basis of the operating costs of building a management system architecture and function modules, taking a operational cost management in ERP systems and other sub-systems integration Finally, in building a system based on operating cost management on the core functions - the operating cost and operating cost control in the ERP environment for the realization of the study and make the realization of the idea, supported by case studies to be

The mold is causes the material forming take the specific structuralstyle through the certain way as the product tool product, is theindustrial production base craft equipment, displays the highaccuracy, the high complex degree, high uniform, the high productionefficiency and the low consumption energy consumption material by itsproduction workpiece, more and more causes all levels of governmentsand the national economy various industries value, speciallydepartment and so on light industry, electron, machinery,communication, transportation, automobile, war industry, if does nothave the mold on to be very difficult to produce and the developmentproduct; If cannot promptly supply the mold, can affect the productionthe development; If mold precision low then the product quality isbad; If the mold life short production efficiency low, the cost The European and American industry developed country the moldanalogy is "an iron becomes the gold" "the magnetic force industry","the key to a problem", "the metal working 帝皇", "enters theaffluent society the driving force" Is called in our country the mold"mother of the industry", and "does not have by the peer benefitamplifier" At present just when our country economy rapid developmenttime, the plastic industry also obtains the unprecedented development,the plastic mold also more and more in is demonstrating it in theindustrial production foundation function, but on obtains the highspeed development while the plastic mold, because oneself iscongenitally deficient the reason, as well as overseas advancedtechnical and the high grade product competition, the plastic moldalso is facing the unprecedented Under such form, theChinese 塑模enterprise not only must speed up the industrial colony,display scale effect, but also must pay great attention to the moldindustry chain front end to research and develop, behind the talentedperson construction and the industrial chain examination as well asthe information service, reduces the technology, the management, thework clothes as soon as possible horizontal and the internationalstandard This is the plastic mold enterprise the importantquestion which must solve in the

Mold is a specific form of the structure of certain way so that materials for the products forming a tool products, industrial production is based on technology equipment, parts of its production by the performance of high precision and high complexity and high consistency, high efficiency and low production Energy supplies, growing levels of government and industry attention to the national economy, especially light industry, electronics, machinery, communications, transport, automotive, military and other departments, if not it will be difficult to mold the production and development of products if they can not The timely supply of mold, will affect the development of the production;If the mold is low precision products of poor quality; die if short life, low productivity and high Western industrialized countries will die likened to "the point Tiecheng," the "magnetic Industry," "golden key" and "metal processing Emperor" and "the momentum into the affluent " In our country to die as "the mother of industry," and "an unmatched efficiency "When the current period of rapid development of China's economy, the Plastics Industry has also been an unprecedented development, plastic mold is also increasingly showing its industrial production in the foundation, but on the plastic mold by high-speed development, because of its inherent weaknesses of reasons, As well as advanced foreign technology and the competitiveness of high-quality products, plastic mold is also faced with unprecedented In such form, the Chinese enterprises should not only speed up the modeling industry cluster, a scale, but also pay attention to mold the front of the industrial chain development, personnel development and industrial chain back-end testing and information services, as soon as possible to shorten technology, management, Equipment levels and the gap between international This is the plastic mold in the development of enterprises need to address the important
