

发布时间:2024-07-06 16:37:26


Common saying says: After clear a kind of green tea picked before Pure Brightness, kind melon nods a This not, I and grandma arrive kind of corn goes after The first pace is weed on The grandma gave my hoe to made me dry Say to work, I take hoe, be in /" battlefield /" on distinguish oneself, broke Worked a little while, I am tired urgent, and besides a small, but grandma however besides the half, except the place that pass a grass is done not Then, I consult doohickey to the Have a chain of careless root forcibly so , pull did not move, in turn over the root that draft up, flange of edge of edge dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed coils, be just like a carpet like, hank is a big, it is a good idea really! I also was learning the appearance of the grandma to coil, the kongfu of a cup of tea, a big /" prairie /" by me two Next this digging pit The grandma dug a hole trimly with hoe first, my criterion is dug with hook by, the edge digs an edge to spread a seed, at the beginning I do not know to put a few seeds, put casually 6, 8 grandmas saw, cry at once: /" wrong wrong, it is to put /" alas, do not have method, be obliged to be dug afresh, who calls me not to know kind of The setting sun falls on the west, we finished all jobs eventually, I two resemble a grey monkey like, you hope to look at me, I hope to look at But also harden oneself my volition, I feel quite X

Corn is one of the world's major crops in agricultural production, plays an important Its wide use, high output, cultivation management convenient, planting area has been increasing year by Meanwhile corn is the most suitable for bulk grain varieties of raw materials, processing as a large space, industrial chain long, have repeatedly processing value-added potential, is known as: "soft gold" Heilongjiang corn cultivated area is big, rich soil, very suitable for maize Corn planted in expanding the rural employment, increasing the income of peasants, driving planting and related industrial development, prosper rural economy etc, have played a pretty Therefore, whether the stable development of maize yield, relates to the agricultural development, rural construction and the increase in farmers' income, which relates the national economy sustained, stable The paper in heilongjiang 1986 ~ 2009 influence maize yield a series of data changes by classical time series analysis, econometric methods, and construct a statistical feature reasonable corn production Use E0 software on corn yield measurement model data is analyzed, regression examine and From heilongjiang small tractor kit tools, corn sowing area, n, p, k, summarized, such as the dosage of Angle analysis on the main factors of maize yield, technical features and stimulation mechanism and puts forward in the future development of corn production problems need to be solved and Through the analysis of the model found: small tractor kit tools, corn sowing area, nitrogen and phosphorus, potash last issue and corn yield greater influence on corn

其A farmer grew award-winning Each year he entered his corn in the state fair where it won a blue One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his "How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?" the reporter "Why sir," said the farmer, "didn't you know? The wind picks up pollen1 from the ripening corn and swirls2 it from field to If my neighbors grow inferior corn crosspollination3 will steadily degrade4 the quality of my If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good " He is very much aware of the connectedness of His corn cannot improve unless his neighbor's corn also   So it is with our Those who choose to live in peace must help their neighbors to live in Those who choose to live well must help others to live well, for the value of life is measured by the lives it And those who choose to be happy must help others to find happiness, for the welfare5 of each is bound up with the welfare of   The lesson for each of us is this: if we are to grow good corn, we must help our neighbors grow good 如果你认可我的回答,请点击右上角选择满意答案,点击采纳,如果你有其他问题,请先采纳在点击我的头像在提问^_^







Common saying says: After clear a kind of green tea picked before Pure Brightness, kind melon nods a This not, I and grandma arrive kind of corn goes after The first pace is weed on The grandma gave my hoe to made me dry Say to work, I take hoe, be in /" battlefield /" on distinguish oneself, broke Worked a little while, I am tired urgent, and besides a small, but grandma however besides the half, except the place that pass a grass is done not Then, I consult doohickey to the Have a chain of careless root forcibly so , pull did not move, in turn over the root that draft up, flange of edge of edge dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed coils, be just like a carpet like, hank is a big, it is a good idea really! I also was learning the appearance of the grandma to coil, the kongfu of a cup of tea, a big /" prairie /" by me two Next this digging pit The grandma dug a hole trimly with hoe first, my criterion is dug with hook by, the edge digs an edge to spread a seed, at the beginning I do not know to put a few seeds, put casually 6, 8 grandmas saw, cry at once: /" wrong wrong, it is to put /" alas, do not have method, be obliged to be dug afresh, who calls me not to know kind of The setting sun falls on the west, we finished all jobs eventually, I two resemble a grey monkey like, you hope to look at me, I hope to look at But also harden oneself my volition, I feel quite X

Corn is one of the world's major crops in agricultural production, plays an important Its wide use, high output, cultivation management convenient, planting area has been increasing year by Meanwhile corn is the most suitable for bulk grain varieties of raw materials, processing as a large space, industrial chain long, have repeatedly processing value-added potential, is known as: "soft gold" Heilongjiang corn cultivated area is big, rich soil, very suitable for maize Corn planted in expanding the rural employment, increasing the income of peasants, driving planting and related industrial development, prosper rural economy etc, have played a pretty Therefore, whether the stable development of maize yield, relates to the agricultural development, rural construction and the increase in farmers' income, which relates the national economy sustained, stable The paper in heilongjiang 1986 ~ 2009 influence maize yield a series of data changes by classical time series analysis, econometric methods, and construct a statistical feature reasonable corn production Use E0 software on corn yield measurement model data is analyzed, regression examine and From heilongjiang small tractor kit tools, corn sowing area, n, p, k, summarized, such as the dosage of Angle analysis on the main factors of maize yield, technical features and stimulation mechanism and puts forward in the future development of corn production problems need to be solved and Through the analysis of the model found: small tractor kit tools, corn sowing area, nitrogen and phosphorus, potash last issue and corn yield greater influence on corn

其A farmer grew award-winning Each year he entered his corn in the state fair where it won a blue One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his "How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?" the reporter "Why sir," said the farmer, "didn't you know? The wind picks up pollen1 from the ripening corn and swirls2 it from field to If my neighbors grow inferior corn crosspollination3 will steadily degrade4 the quality of my If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good " He is very much aware of the connectedness of His corn cannot improve unless his neighbor's corn also   So it is with our Those who choose to live in peace must help their neighbors to live in Those who choose to live well must help others to live well, for the value of life is measured by the lives it And those who choose to be happy must help others to find happiness, for the welfare5 of each is bound up with the welfare of   The lesson for each of us is this: if we are to grow good corn, we must help our neighbors grow good 如果你认可我的回答,请点击右上角选择满意答案,点击采纳,如果你有其他问题,请先采纳在点击我的头像在提问^_^

The corn of food production method research seriesAbstract: corn-based maize series the whole valley of food production method, using multilevel crushing technology of maize, the fine leather powder grinding and extrusion processing, remarkably raised the whole valley corn products of water-soluble dietary fiber content and improve the product's taste and Keywords: the whole valley of food, Corn, Extrusion


剥玉米 今天,我和奶奶一起剥玉米。剥了一会儿,我拿来两个盆,奶奶笑着说:“放两个盆,要和我比赛?”我说:“是啊!”奶奶说:“你不怕输了吗?”我答道:“只有和你比比,才能知道我的速度怎么样呀!”奶奶同意了。 开始比赛了,我立马地剥了起来。这时爷爷过来了,他看到我们在比赛剥玉米,就低下身子,对着奶奶的耳朵压低声音,说:“让让孩子,让凯伦赢了比赛,这样她以后做事情就会对自己多一些信心!”奶奶听完后,剥玉米的速度就开始慢了下来,但是刚慢了一会,奶奶就自言自语地说:“这样比怎么能行,孩子大了,在外面竞争靠的是实力,没有人会让啊!”奶奶说着说着,剥玉米的速度又快了起来。为了尽快赶上奶奶剥玉米的速度,我一刻不停地剥啊剥,一不小心,手被玉米叶割到了,都流出血了。奶奶看了,心生怜爱,忍不住又慢了下了。我说:“奶奶,你不用管我,你就拿出你自己的水平,要是让着我的话,我赢了也不会觉得开心的。”奶奶听了这番话,就继续用她的速度剥玉米。 比赛时间到了,奶奶剥了满满一盆玉米,我只剥了一小盆玉米。我知道这次比赛我输了,可我一点也没有感到难受,因为我不但明白了做事要靠实力,更从剥玉米这件事中感受到了爷爷奶奶的那份爱。 剥玉米今天下午天气特晴朗,爷爷把那些晒了好几天的玉米都搬到了屋子里,大家都加入了“剥玉米”的行动中。爷爷右手拿着一个小钻子,左手一根干玉米,他用这个小钻子的尖头刺进玉米的根部,一左一右一左一右就刮掉了两排玉米,不一会儿,就把玉米变成了光秃秃的玉米棒了。这是最省力的方法。奶奶采用的是比较快的方法:奶奶先等爷爷用小钻子给玉米开了一条路,然后再把这有缝的玉米放在一条绑了一只鞋子的椅子腿上,接着开始按着玉米往鞋底搓啊搓啊,那玉米粒儿“哗哗”地就落了下来,只是这些玉米粒儿就像不怎么听话的小孩子,根本不愿意进大圆筐里,让我们满地捡。我和妹妹怕椅子和钻子不安全,就决定用手剥。妹妹学着奶奶的方法,找了一个玉米棒,来当奶奶的椅子腿,也搓了起来,可就是搓不下为几颗,谁叫她力气太小呢?我就用最老实的办法:用手剥。这虽然很慢,但是玉米粒不会掉到圆筐外面啊!很“实用”。终于,大家齐心协力把那一大堆的玉米剥完了。满满一个大圆筐,黄灿灿的像金子。虽然我的手指有点酸痛,但也算是帮了爷爷奶奶一点忙,我的心里还是蛮开心的呢!名师点评:文章描述的很真实,把那剥玉米粒的场面描述出来,做过这样活的人都能知道爷爷那钻子是什么样的了,你生动的表达我好像看到了爷爷和奶奶在我眼前剥玉米粒了。全文构思合理,层次分明,语言生动准确,表达的场面完整,很形象。“虽然我的手指有点酸痛,但也算是帮了爷爷奶奶一点忙,我的心里还是蛮开心的呢”。从这里我们也看到了一个懂事的好孩子的形象剥玉米所谓剥玉米,就是将完整的玉米棒分解为一个棒子和若干个玉米粒的过程。这不,我们家昨晚就看展了一场剥玉米大赛,我和爸爸一对,妈妈和奶奶一对,两队分别来剥一桶玉米棒,三十个上下,来比较谁剥的快。比赛开始了,我和爸爸先采用同一中剥法,先剥一排出个空隙,再将剩下排的玉米往空隙处按,这钟方法比一个一个剥省时省力许多。然而,刚刚剥了一个,老爸便换了方法,讲以剥好的空棒子抓好,向一个没有剥过的玉米棒处按去,说也奇怪,这方法又比我的快了许多。我连忙向他学习,可怎凭我如何弄,这玉米就比配合,不肯将玉米粒掉下了,仍紧紧的贴在棒子上。无奈之后,只好放弃了这个方法,用我原来的法子做。这比赛如火如荼的进行,我已经剥了十五,六个了,并将原先的动作做了简化,剥的速度越发快了,与此同时我还不忘“刺探军情”,去看看另一边——老妈和奶奶的进展,一数过后,喜上心来,我们领先他们呢,我便越发努力,连大拇指的痛楚都忘了去了。约40分钟后,我们便大功告成了,我们一数,共计有二十五个大的,八个小的,共计33个呢,然后将散在地上的玉米粒捡起,放入桶中,再向老妈说,我们剥完 了,你们还有几个啊?“我们还有两个,呢……不对,下面还藏着两个,我们还有4个呢!我们输了。”过 约4分钟,他们也完成了,我去数了数,共计有大小不一的玉米棒28个,还真是我们赢了!开心了一会儿,我发现我手指头有点痛,而老爸亦是如此,仔细一看,水泡都快磨了出来了。这胜利的代价可真不小喱!(仅供参考)


玉米的根为须根系,除胚根外,还从茎节上长出节根:从地下节根长出的称为地下节根,一般4~7层;从地上茎节长出的节根又称支持根、气生根,一般2~3层。株高1~5米,秆呈圆筒形。全株一般有叶15~22片,叶身宽而长,叶缘常呈波浪形。花为单性,雌雄同株。雄花生於植株的顶端,为圆锥花序;雌花生於植株中部的叶腋内,为肉穗花序。雄穗开花一般比雌花吐丝早3~5天。一年生,草本,禾本科植物。原产於中美洲,是印地安人培育的主要粮食作物,喜高温,17世纪时传入中国,  玉米属禾本科玉米属。全世界玉米播种面积仅次于小麦、水稻而居第三位。在我国玉米的播种面积很大,分布也很广,是我国北方和西南山区及其它旱谷地区人民的主要粮食之一。 山东省莱西市为玉米的重要产区之一开鲁县的玉米质量非常高  中国的玉米产量居世界第2位。玉米喜温,种子发芽的最适温度为25~30℃。拔节期日均18℃以上。从抽雄到开花日均26~27℃。  灌浆和成熟需保持在20~24℃;低于16℃或高于25℃,淀粉酶活动受影响,导致子粒灌浆不良。  玉米为短日照作物,日照时数在12小时内,成熟提早。长日照则开花延迟,甚至不能结穗。  玉米在砂壤、壤土、粘土上均可生长。  玉米适宜的土壤pH为5~8,以5~0最适。耐盐碱能力差,特别是氯离子对玉米为害大。玉米是谷实类饲料的主体,也是我国主要的能量饲料。玉米的适口性好,没有使用限制。其营养特性如下:  可利用能量高。玉米的代谢能为06MJ/kg,高者可达06MJ/kg,是谷实类饲料中最高的。这主要由于玉米中粗纤维很少,仅2%;而无氮浸出物高达72%,且消化率可达90%;另一方面,玉米的粗脂肪含量高,在5%至5%之间。 玉米为一年生禾本科植物,又名苞谷、棒子、六谷等。据研究测定,每100克玉米含热量196千卡,粗纤维2克,蛋白质8克,脂肪3克,碳水化合物2克,另含矿物质元素和维生素等。玉米中含有较多的粗纤维,比精米、精面高4-10倍。玉米中还含有大量镁,镁可加强肠壁蠕动,促进机体废物的排泄。玉米上述的成份与功能,对于减肥非常有利。玉米成熟时的花穗玉米须,有利尿作用,也对减肥有利。   玉米可煮汤代茶饮,也可粉碎后制作成玉米粉、玉米糕饼等。膨化后的玉米花体积很大,食后可消除肥胖人的饥饿感,但食后含热量很低,也是减肥的代用品之一。  亚油酸含量较高。玉米的亚油酸含量达到2%,是谷实类饲料中含量最高者。如果玉米在日粮中的配比达50%以上,仅玉米即可满足猪、鸡对亚油酸的需要量(1%)。  蛋白质含量偏低,且品质欠佳。玉米的蛋白质含量约为6%左右,且氨基酸不平衡,赖氨酸、色氨酸和蛋氨酸的含量不足。  矿物质 矿物质约80%存在于胚部,钙含量很少,约02%;磷约含25%,但其中约有63%的磷以植酸磷的形式存在,单胃动物的利用率很低。其它矿物元素的含量也较低。  维生素 脂溶性维生素中维生素E较多,约为20mg/kg,黄玉米中含有较多的胡萝卜素,维生素D和K几乎没有。水溶性维生素中含硫胺素较多,核黄素和烟酸的含量较少,且烟酸是以结合型存在。  叶黄素 黄玉米中所含叶黄素平均为22mg/kg,这是黄玉米的特点之一,它对蛋黄、胫、爪等部位着色有重要意义。  最近,德国营养保健协会的一项研究表明,在所有主食中,玉米的营养价值和保健作用是最高的。 可预防心脏病和癌症 在这项持续1年的研究中,专家们对玉米、稻米、小麦等多种主食,进行了营养价值和保健作用的各项指标对比。结果发现,玉米中的维生素含量非常高,为稻米、小麦的5-10倍。 同时,玉米中含有大量的营养保健物质也让专家们感到惊喜。除了含有碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、胡萝卜素外,玉米中还含有核黄素、维生素等营养物质。这些物质对预防心脏病、癌症等疾病有很大的好处。 研究还显示,特种玉米的营养价值要高于普通玉米。比如,甜玉米的蛋白质、植物油及维生素含量就比普通玉米高1-2倍;“生命元素”硒的含量则高8-10倍;其所含有的17种氨基酸中,有13种高于普通玉米。此外,鲜玉米的水分、活性物、维生素等各种营养成分也比老熟玉米高很多,因为在贮存过程中,玉米的营养物质含量会快速下降。 含有7种“抗衰剂” 负责这项研究的德国著名营养学家拉赫曼教授指出,在当今被证实的最有效的50多种营养保健物质中,玉米含有7种———钙、谷胱甘肽、维生素、镁、硒、维生素E和脂肪酸。 经测定,每100克玉米能提供近300毫克的钙,几乎与乳制品中所含的钙差不多。丰富的钙可起到降血压的功效。如果每天摄入1克钙,6周后血压能降低9%。此外,玉米中所含的胡萝卜素,被人体吸收后能转化为维生素A,它具有防癌作用;植物纤维素能加速致癌物质和其他毒物的排出;天然维生素E则有促进细胞分裂、延缓衰老、降低血清胆固醇、防止皮肤病变的功能,还能减轻动脉硬化和脑功能衰退。研究人员指出,玉米含有的黄体素、玉米黄质可以对抗眼睛老化。此外,多吃玉米还能抑制抗癌药物对人体的副作用,刺激大脑细胞,增强人的脑力和记忆力




