

发布时间:2024-07-12 11:52:42


Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the 人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类只有一个地球,地球上的山山水水、动物。植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等于消灭人类。因此,环境要与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。

在人教版初中英语第11单元Lesson 42 The Great Green Wall这篇课文是讲森林作用的in this place we hold together!In reality we are far apart,we never get lost in our Like rainbows crossing the sky,our forest is filled with joyful Let's enjoy every moment we can,'cause no one knows when the party will Heartfully wish our forest evergreen,through the good the bad our soul stays 美丽的森林--- 雪玲 译你已领略到林子的美丽,那么会否真心来此相守?把你所有的爱心来分享,在这地方我们共同聚首!现实中我们虽然相隔万里,但彼此心里从没迷失对方。就象彩虹划过天,我们林里笑声荡漾。让我们尽情享受每一刻吧,没人能料知何时是缘份的尽头。衷心希望我们的林子长青绿,历经苦乐我们的心灵永远纯洁无羞

Nature has given us life, created We should start from the little things, to protect the The forest is the many small animal We need to preserve the Some people will ask what are the benefits of protection forest, let me tell you, the forest can block the flood, blocking the sandstorm · · · · · · We need to preserve the forest!


Protection forest Forest and mankind, mankind intimate partners, is an important part of the global ecological If there is no forest land, most biological extinction, the vast majority of water will flow into the ocean; the oxygen in the atmosphere will reduce, carbon dioxide will increase; the temperature can significantly increased, flood and drought disasters occur Forest, but also can improve the air quality, reduce soil loss, water conservation, reduce the harm of sand blown by wind, reduce noise pollution, beautify the environment and so The forest is precious natural resources, is the human to pillar foundation, and was known as the "lungs of the earth" Why the forest to maintain the ecological balance has an important role? First of all, the nature of all need oxygen to sustain life, and forest is a natural oxygen machine, if the forest and other green plants, is destroyed, the biological survival loses In addition, the forest can regulate the temperature, stop acid rain, dust, noise is attenuated, reducing wind, reduce natural Destruction of forest resources to environmental impact is very serious, loss of ecological Caused by high temperature, air quality is bad, also caused the extinction of wild animals Forest fire is the most dangerous enemy is forest, forestry is the most terrible It will give the forest with devastating Forest fire not only burned forest patches, injury in animals, but also reduce the forest regeneration ability -- a fire, the forest may take decades or even centuries to It can cause the poverty of the soil and water conservation function of forest destruction, even lead to ecological Although now the world science in developing rapidly, however, the human in the uniform of forest fires, but still has not been made a great Forest fire, refers to losing control people, free spreading in woodland, forest, the forest ecosystem and the human bring certain harm and loss of forest fire Forest fire is a sudden, devastating natural disasters, handling more The present situation of the forest, a lot of people do not Please see" -- many tractors, bulldozers rumbled, difficult to count the trees down to the The animals were scared away, plots of land were bulldozed flatIt is human behavior? Love forest! Action bar! Deforestation deforestation forest is human folly, then do not do the harm We must protect the existing forest resources! Beware of forest fires happening again!

Forest is very important for human Now in some places of our country,a number of people have been cutting down the trees in the forests because they need wood and more It’s very important for us to protect the forests and the I think the best way to protect them is plant more In our life,we should use less papers and We can sent email to instead of the greeting In my opinion,we should realize the importance of We should try our best to protect our living environment,keep the mountains green,water clear,sky



在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?以下是我为大家整理的美丽的森林作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 美丽的森林作文 篇1 有人喜欢人山人海的商场,有人喜欢玩乐无极限的游乐园,有人喜欢宁静的公园。相比之下,我更喜欢鸟语花香的森林。 一走进森林,就能看见一排排高大的大树像一位位士兵挺直腰杆笔直地站在你面前。突然,一阵芬芳扑鼻的香气向你扑来,低头一看就知道是这些五颜六色、形态各异的花的浓浓香气;嫩绿的小草在风中左右摇晃着,像一位位正在跳舞的舞蹈演员在欢迎五洲四海的游客的到来,突然,一阵柔和的风轻轻吹来,她轻轻地摇晃着身子,发出“沙——沙——沙”的声音,风姐姐正在演奏乐曲呢!这不禁让我想起唐朝诗人王维《鹿柴》中“空山不见人,但闻人语响。” 穿过密密层层的枝叶,千万缕像利剑一样的阳光穿过树梢,照射在池塘旁边的草坪上。池塘里快乐的小鱼小虾安然自得地游来游去,鲤鱼颜色不一,有红色的、有黄色的、还有白色的,它们在水里追逐着,玩得不亦乐乎。游客把食物扔到水里,鱼儿们“哗”地冲过去张开又大又圆的嘴巴抢着吃,样子可爱极了。 池塘旁边有一条铺着鹅卵石的小路,有的游客光着脚丫在那里走路,听说是在按摩脚板对促进血液循环有很好的帮助。在小路的旁边有一排排黄色的长椅,有的游客在那里休息,有的游客在那里谈天说地,有的在那里下象棋,还有的在那里吃喝玩乐,真有趣啊! 这么美的森林,难道不让人们赞叹吗? 美丽的森林作文 篇2 今天,我在森林里发现,有各种各样的东西,蓝蓝的天空一碧如洗,白云形状各异,自由自在地飘在天空中。 远山看着有的像骏马、骆驼等。在山上看山下的树像士兵一样,守护着森林。森林里长着高大挺拔的大树,树下是绿油油的草地,草丛中开着五颜六色的鲜花,花儿有的像宝石,有的像雪花,旁边的小河清澈见底,引来了很多小鸟跟小猴子,小鸟边飞边叫,小猴子蹦蹦跳跳,小鱼们也来了,它们在欢快的玩耍,它们玩的好开心呀! 这里的风景真美! 美丽的森林 森林真美丽,里面充满了各式各样的小动物,也有很多不同的植物。 森林里鸟语花香,小动物在森林里穿梭,快乐的玩耍;鸟儿在树上飞来飞去,找寻食物,让他们的宝宝不会饿肚子。小花个个争奇斗艳,小草随着风摇曳,大树们为小动物们遮阳,让小动物不再那么热。 在森林也有许多的声音,有小鸟在树上高声的唱歌,蝉儿也在树上,配合着小鸟歌唱,风吹动小草,发出“沙沙沙”的声音,好像风在和小草讲悄悄话。 在不同的季节里,森林也会发生许多的转变。春天,大地换上新装,花朵忙着打扮自己,小动物也从冬眠中醒来,开始寻找食物吃。夏天,炎炎的太阳照耀,小动物 都在大树下,大树为他们遮阳。秋天,树上的叶子,为自己染上红色,小动物都拼命找食物过冬。冬天,所有植物都枯萎了,小动物在家里度过冬天,森林有些寂寥。 走进森林,可以感受大自然的声音和美景,还可以感受小动物那旺盛的生命力呢! 美丽的森林 大地苏醒了,森林又迎来了一个美丽的早晨。 小露珠迎着微风在一朵朵,一丛丛的花瓣上,嫩叶间滚动着,跳跃着。喝饱露珠的嫩叶唱着沙沙的歌儿。你看,小白兔,小鹿们都出来寻找食物啦!它们在草丛中捉迷藏,赛跑,玩得可高兴啦,空中的鸟儿叽叽喳喳地唱着歌,清清的小溪静静地躺在大地的怀抱里,如同一条透明的南稠子,一群群鱼儿在水中自由自在地游着,只有那一棵棵大树像士兵一样站在那一动不动,守护和这片土地。它们你挨着我,我挨着你,站在小溪边,山坡上,立在悬崖边,微风一吹,远远望去,像绿色的波涛一个接着一个,闭上眼睛静静听来,分不出是海浪的声音还是森林发出的声音,当太阳从东边慢慢露出了笑脸的时候,整个森林像披上了金黄金黄的棉被,漂亮极了。 美丽的森林作文 篇3 跟随着春姑娘的脚步,我来到了美丽的大森林。 湛蓝的天空飘着朵朵白云。这些白云变化多端,一会儿像一阵阵波浪,转眼间又变成了正在奔跑的骏马,没过多久又变成了正在吃草的黄牛……它们真像神奇的魔术师,让人捉摸不透!层层叠叠的山峦,连绵起伏,真像一条沉睡的巨龙。山脚下,排排苍翠挺拔的松树真像一个个训练有素的士兵保卫着大森林。 听,“哗啦啦,哗啦啦——”原来是小河在欢快地唱歌呢!瞧,清澈见底的小河淙淙作响。河里的小鱼正在快活地游着,有的在水里转圈圈,有的竟然玩起了捉迷藏的游戏。看哪,这条鱼儿好像发现了敌人似的,迅速钻到水里不见了。小河边是一片茂密的树林。小树林里一片宁静。一阵风吹过,树叶发出了“沙沙,沙沙”的'响声,好像是一首赞美春天的歌。忽然,空中传来了几声清脆的鸣叫,原来是一群不知名的鸟儿在欢唱。只见它们拍着翅膀在空中飞来飞去,不一会儿,就慢慢停落到一株枝叶葱郁的大树上。原来它们找到了新的家园。树下,嫩绿的小草从肥沃的泥土中抽出小脑袋,好奇地张望着世界。小野花们竞相开放,好像在互相比美。它们发出阵阵清香,把许多蝴蝶、蜜蜂都吸引过来了。 啊,森林真美呀!它就像一个童话世界,让人流连忘返! 美丽的森林作文 篇4 天空碧蓝碧蓝的,像一个巨大的蓝宝石,雪白的云朵有时像一朵美丽的小花,有时像一群可爱的小白兔,真美丽呀! 连绵起伏的青山。像一个巨人。大树撑开一把把大伞,草地上一朵朵小花,有白的、黄的、粉的、黄的,一颗颗小草伸伸懒腰,看着新世界。草地上,小白兔有的在开心地玩耍,有的在吃草,还有的玩捉迷藏。 小河里,小鱼在嬉戏、打闹。 森林里真热闹呀,我也好想去看看这美丽的森林。 美丽的森林作文 篇5 森林多么辽阔,像绿色的海洋。 春天,树木长出新的枝条和嫩绿的叶子。你听,鸟儿唱起森林的歌,住在森林里的树木都听得津津有味,不时还为他们鼓掌呢!小溪旁,一只小鹿低下头对着水面欣赏自己美丽的身影。 夏天,树木长得非常茂密,树叶间射进一道道太阳的金光,知了在树上开开心心地歌唱。草丛里野花开放,蜜蜂和蝴蝶在上面唱歌、跳舞。树下的野菇也不甘示弱,张开五颜六色小伞,与花儿比美!秋天,树叶变红、变黄。秋风吹来,落叶在林间翩翩起舞。很多树上结出了甜甜蜜蜜的野果,把小松鼠、小猴子也吸引来了。夜晚,蟋蟀奏出美妙的音乐,大家都在静静地欣赏着! 冬天,雪花在空中飞舞,为树木换上了新衣,在阳光下发出耀眼夺目的银光。小松鼠们在树枝上蹦来跳去地做游戏。 森林是美丽的,像一座多变的大花园。 美丽的森林作文 篇6 茂密的森林里,小溪静静地流淌着,水中的鱼儿三个一群五个一伙地游着,突然,它们好像发现了敌人似的,迅速地钻进水里不见了……远处,雄伟的大山耸立在蓝天白云之间。 天空一碧如洗,像是刚用清水洗过的蓝宝石一样,远处,几只老鹰在自由的翱翔。小鸟“叽叽喳喳”的叫着,仿佛在诉说一天的见闻。太阳公公躲在云彩姑娘身后露出了红红的半边脸。 岸边开满了鲜花,有红的、黄的、紫的、蓝的、粉的,色彩斑斓,漂亮极了!有几朵花的叶子如同小女孩的裙子,又像一把把大伞,给昆虫们带来了凉爽。花的旁边有几只优雅的蝴蝶翩翩起舞。绿草如茵的草地上有几只小松鼠在比赛,它们在比谁是大胃王,只见它们一个比一个吃得快,一个比一个吃得多,最后小肚子都撑得圆圆的。一阵微风吹过,树叶“哗哗”的响着,像是在给小松鼠们鼓掌加油呢! 森林真美呀!森林就像一幅美丽的、多变的图画。 美丽的森林作文 篇7 春天来了,森林里又恢复了以往的生机。 一望无际的天空上飘着几朵白云,远处的山连绵起伏,雄伟极了。山脚下的大树茂密、葱翠。近看,清澈见底的小河正在唱那哗啦啦的歌儿,河里的小鱼也高兴地甩着尾巴游来游去,似乎在为小河伴舞。岸边的小草绿油油的,不过,旁边的小花更为艳丽。这各种各样的颜色交织成了一幅美丽的油画。 这时,从树上蹿出两只小松鼠,它们俩你追我跑,也不知道在干什么。仔细一看,前面跑的那只小爪子里,紧握住一个栗子,啊,原来它们在抢栗子吃哪!呵呵!它们可真贪吃! 美丽的森林作文 篇8 我去过人声鼎沸的泰山,看过那高耸入云的山川。但我最喜欢的还是“丰富多彩”的。上午我刚走进森林里,太阳公公就迫不及待地给我披上了一层金纱。小鸟在高大的树上唱着美妙的歌声,好像在欢迎我们呢!风儿弟弟温柔地抚摸着正在觅食的一些小鸟,另一些鸟儿像在比赛飞行技能似的穿梭在枝叶间,欢快地鸣叫着。 再往前走,看见了清澈见底的小水塘,鱼儿们沐浴在阳光里,自由自在地嬉戏、觅食。前面是什么?一只活泼可爱的小松鼠在枝叶间跳跃着。 转眼之间就到了中午,松鼠们都回家了。我站在高高的山上放声歌唱,整个森林都回响着我的歌声。我躺在柔软的草地上,一边听着知了的歌声,一边想:“这充满生机的森林,让人身心舒畅!”黄昏时分,大雁驮着斜阳归巢了。那是什么?原来是一丛美丽的花朵。走着走着,一股清香扑鼻而来,原来前面有一处果园。那里有酸甜可口的苹果,还有冰凉冰凉的雪梨。 到了晚上,每个小水塘都抱着一个月亮。我听着猫头鹰的歌声,便安然入睡了! 美丽的森林作文 篇9 这里,天空蓝蓝的,白云飘荡在空中。小鸟在枝头上唱着歌,花朵在比试着谁更美,这就是美丽的森林。 春天到了,大树长得郁郁葱葱,金黄的阳光穿过层层树叶,洒在碧绿的草地上。我吮吸着花草的芳香,欣着赏美丽的风景。我们来到森林里野餐,草地的露珠就像一颗颗宝石,在阳光下闪烁着光芒,动物们也正开心地在林中玩着游戏呢! 夏天来了,森林就是一把绿色的大伞。树上的叶子更加绿了,清风在林中吹过,我耳边听见了“哗哗”的声音,花朵的花瓣舒展开来,更多的花也绽开了笑脸。 秋天是丰收的季节,树叶变黄了,掉落下时,仿佛一只只蝴蝶在翩翩起舞。果树是橙色的,上面结了许多果实。我在采摘野果时,摘下一个苹果。这个苹果摸着的感觉很光滑,皮红艳艳的。我尝了一口,甜甜的味道在嘴里流淌着,果肉清甜爽口,特别好吃! 冬天来了!到处都是白茫茫的一片,只剩下松柏站在雪中。要是你的脚踩在雪中,就像踩在鸭绒垫上,可舒服了。你还可以在里面堆雪人、打雪仗呢! 森林的四季真美啊!它就像一幅美丽的、会变的图画,时刻在展示着它的美。 美丽的森林作文 篇10 山上是一片美丽的森林,从远处看去,茂密的一大片绿色,让人觉得非常愉悦。 森林长着许多高大的树,像参天的云杉啦,常青的松柏啦,还有很多叫不出名字的树。它们像士兵一样稳稳站在大地上,默默无闻的地保护森林。 在地上铺了一层绒绒的草,像极了舒服的毯子,还是绣了花的毯子呢! 森林有可爱的动物,松鼠就喜欢在树枝间蹦来蹦去,兔子藏在洞里,鸟儿婉转的歌声为森林增添了活力。 啊,这真是一片美丽的森林呢! 美丽的森林作文 篇11 春天来了,春天来了!森林里到处一片春的气息。树木郁郁葱葱。岸边的草地上盛开着五颜六色的花儿,红的,粉的,白的……争奇斗艳,竞相开放。一条清澈的小河从林间穿过,不时唱出欢快的歌曲。 这里是小动物们的游乐园。你瞧,花儿的香味引来了成群结队的小蝴蝶,他们在花丛中跳起了快乐的芭蕾舞,有的小蝴蝶还很淘气,一会儿给红花挠挠痒痒,一会儿给黄花一个轻轻的吻,弄得花儿都害羞地低下了头。 一群小虾在水中自由自在地游来游去,它们摆动着长长的胡须,挥舞着大钳子,好像在说:“我厉害的很,别惹我。”不远处的小鱼们在做游戏,有的在捉迷藏,有的在比赛吹泡泡,还有的在转圈圈,玩得不亦乐乎。小乌龟呀,真是一个胆小鬼!你看看它,走路东瞧瞧,西看看,只要有一点小动静,就以为遇到了敌人,赶紧把头、脚、尾巴缩进壳里,一动不动。 小动物们生活在这片美丽的森林,快乐极了。 美丽的森林作文 篇12 走进茂盛的森林,脑子里只剩下了一个字:绿。 水是绿的。无边的绿树围绕着一条清澈见底的小溪瞬间把森林染成了绿色,这绿色成了森林中的点睛之笔,让森林更加美丽。这绿色,让小溪和森林融为一体,让森林变得更加绿色一片,没有任何瑕疵。 山是绿的,峰峦起伏的雄山变得翠绿一片。从山顶向下看,树和山的颜色难以言状,绿的耀眼、绿的生辉!一阵阵清凉的风吹来,所有的大树随风舞动,他们像是一群专业的舞者,整整齐齐的,姿势完全一致,虽然当时只有我一个观众,但他们并不嫌弃,尽全力的为我演出。 看到此景,此物你心动了吗?



Protection forest Forest and mankind, mankind intimate partners, is an important part of the global ecological If there is no forest land, most biological extinction, the vast majority of water will flow into the ocean; the oxygen in the atmosphere will reduce, carbon dioxide will increase; the temperature can significantly increased, flood and drought disasters occur Forest, but also can improve the air quality, reduce soil loss, water conservation, reduce the harm of sand blown by wind, reduce noise pollution, beautify the environment and so The forest is precious natural resources, is the human to pillar foundation, and was known as the "lungs of the earth" Why the forest to maintain the ecological balance has an important role? First of all, the nature of all need oxygen to sustain life, and forest is a natural oxygen machine, if the forest and other green plants, is destroyed, the biological survival loses In addition, the forest can regulate the temperature, stop acid rain, dust, noise is attenuated, reducing wind, reduce natural Destruction of forest resources to environmental impact is very serious, loss of ecological Caused by high temperature, air quality is bad, also caused the extinction of wild animals Forest fire is the most dangerous enemy is forest, forestry is the most terrible It will give the forest with devastating Forest fire not only burned forest patches, injury in animals, but also reduce the forest regeneration ability -- a fire, the forest may take decades or even centuries to It can cause the poverty of the soil and water conservation function of forest destruction, even lead to ecological Although now the world science in developing rapidly, however, the human in the uniform of forest fires, but still has not been made a great Forest fire, refers to losing control people, free spreading in woodland, forest, the forest ecosystem and the human bring certain harm and loss of forest fire Forest fire is a sudden, devastating natural disasters, handling more The present situation of the forest, a lot of people do not Please see" -- many tractors, bulldozers rumbled, difficult to count the trees down to the The animals were scared away, plots of land were bulldozed flatIt is human behavior? Love forest! Action bar! Deforestation deforestation forest is human folly, then do not do the harm We must protect the existing forest resources! Beware of forest fires happening again!

以to protect forests为题,写一篇英语作文如下:The forests are very important to humans and hey can make the air fresher cleaner and help to control the hey can also give us wood、food、medicine and so But now the well first,we mustn’t cut down trees we should plant more second,we shouldn’t use chopsticks for only hird,we shouldn’t waste 中文翻译:森林对人类和动物都很重要。它们可以使空气更清新,有助于控制天气。他们还可以给我们木材、食物、药品等等。但是现在首先,我们不能砍树。我们应该多种三棵。第二,我们不应该只用筷子一次。第三,我们不应该浪费纸。

China's forest was not much, plus because of The forests of our country are getting less and From the woods to the Recently, I know that the forest can improve the living environment, green can purify the air, reduce environmental Can also provide the work of raw materials and other forest In the disaster areas, flood overruns the reason is because some there is no culture of farmers felling of trees caused water and soil erosion, so that flood will be so fierce Desert, sand flying Originally, this situation is caused by now: the forest is cut The role of forests, some ignorant farmers also not understand it Forest can store water and We feel hot in the summer, and it's more stuffy in the That's because the forest was destroyed, so it's not Where there is a forest, it is like an air conditioner, the trees can block some sunlight, so it will not be too In winter, the trees of the shelter, the woods will not be too You said, the forest is not a cool "natural regulator"Forests have a very beneficial role in the country's interests!It plays a great role in camouflage and concealment on the national defense at the So, the forest is a big hero ""Do you see, the role of the forest is not a lot, a lot of it? So, the forest is really too 我国的森林本来就不多 , 再加上由于人们的乱砍滥伐 。 我们国家的森林是越来越少了。由森林变化为林子。最近,我知道了森林可以改善生活环境,绿化可以净化空气,减少环境污染。还可以提供工作原料和其它林副产品。在灾区里,洪水泛滥成灾的原因是因为一些没有文化的农民们乱砍树木造成水土大量流失,所以,洪水才会如此凶猛的。少漠中,黄沙漫飞舞着。原来,造成现在这样情景的是:森林被砍光了。人们对于森林的作用,有些愚昧的农民还不明白呢!森林可以蓄水保土。我们在夏天里觉得很热,到了森林里更闷了。那是因为森林被人为破坏了,所以才一点也不凉快。有森林的地方,就像一个空调器,树木可以挡住一些太阳光,这样就不会太热了。冬天,树木的遮挡,林子里面就不会太凉了。你说,森林是不是一个冬暖夏凉的“自然调节器”。森林还有一个很利于国家利益的作用哩!它在边境的国防上,起到了很大的伪装、隐蔽的作用。所以,森林也是一大“功臣”。你看,森林的作用是不是很多,很大呀?所以,森林实在是太重要了。



Protection forest Forest and mankind, mankind intimate partners, is an important part of the global ecological If there is no forest land, most biological extinction, the vast majority of water will flow into the ocean; the oxygen in the atmosphere will reduce, carbon dioxide will increase; the temperature can significantly increased, flood and drought disasters occur Forest, but also can improve the air quality, reduce soil loss, water conservation, reduce the harm of sand blown by wind, reduce noise pollution, beautify the environment and so The forest is precious natural resources, is the human to pillar foundation, and was known as the "lungs of the earth" Why the forest to maintain the ecological balance has an important role? First of all, the nature of all need oxygen to sustain life, and forest is a natural oxygen machine, if the forest and other green plants, is destroyed, the biological survival loses In addition, the forest can regulate the temperature, stop acid rain, dust, noise is attenuated, reducing wind, reduce natural Destruction of forest resources to environmental impact is very serious, loss of ecological Caused by high temperature, air quality is bad, also caused the extinction of wild animals Forest fire is the most dangerous enemy is forest, forestry is the most terrible It will give the forest with devastating Forest fire not only burned forest patches, injury in animals, but also reduce the forest regeneration ability -- a fire, the forest may take decades or even centuries to It can cause the poverty of the soil and water conservation function of forest destruction, even lead to ecological Although now the world science in developing rapidly, however, the human in the uniform of forest fires, but still has not been made a great Forest fire, refers to losing control people, free spreading in woodland, forest, the forest ecosystem and the human bring certain harm and loss of forest fire Forest fire is a sudden, devastating natural disasters, handling more The present situation of the forest, a lot of people do not Please see" -- many tractors, bulldozers rumbled, difficult to count the trees down to the The animals were scared away, plots of land were bulldozed flatIt is human behavior? Love forest! Action bar! Deforestation deforestation forest is human folly, then do not do the harm We must protect the existing forest resources! Beware of forest fires happening again!

Trees Are Important to Use   Trees are very useful to They provide us with wood and other They give us shade and they help to prevent drought and   Unfortunately, in many parts of our country, people haven't realized the importance of They cut them down at They are usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after new As a result, the forests continue to   Where there are no trees the rain falls on the surface, causing floods, and carries away with the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless   The big floods of 1998, in parts of China, have already taught us a good So every one of us must love trees, protect forests, and keep on planting trees each year

保护森林 Protecting the Forests Now in some places of our country, a number of people have been cutting down the trees in the forests because they need wood and more The areas of forests are getting smaller and Some scientists say that there will be no vast forests in 20 or 30 It is really a terrible Where the forests disappear, dust storms will occur The weather will get hot and The whole earth will become a big A lot of plants and animals will Crops will not grow Life will be difficult for The human beings will be punished for their forest-destroying 如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
