

发布时间:2024-07-02 20:00:03


Saving Our EarthIt is very important to deal with the rubbish in For one thing, rubbish may cause a lot of It may pollute the air, the water and the places we live For another, it may do harm to people's So in our city, rubbish is well dealt First, it is Then old newspapers and glass are The harmful wastes are buried and the waste water is cleaned before it goes into the The government has already made laws against pollution caused by But that's not We must all try best to prevent rubbish from polluting the environment so as save our city and our living place

Nowadays, the pollution of the Earth is more and more serious and becoming one of the most serious problems of the It is our duty to save our How can we prevent our earth from polluting? firstly, donnot threw garbages at the Because it will pollute the Secondly, donnot let the polluted water get into the Because it will kill We just have one Please save her!

The earth is our mother; the earth is our indispensable to human right; human earth is our cradle! After losing the earth, we will always save do not come Earth is our home, she was like a mother, for providing us with the resources and conditions of Our earth is the guest, we cannot turn from a guest into a host " "Free to exploitation of mineral resources; reckless abuse of chemicals; littering and causing serious environmental pollution; discharge of sewage, destruction of water resources and so The foolish man, don't forget, in the earth's true resource dried up when, we are doomed, because suitable for human living space only The earth is the common home of symbiotic creatures from the harmony of all

OceanMost marine pollution is from domestic sewage and municipal When the pesticides went into the marine ecosystem, they quickly become absorbed into marine food Once in the food webs, these pesticides can cause mutations, as well as diseases, which can be harmful to humans as well as the entire food City�6�1About 60 percent of cities are polluted in C The rubbishes are And the air pollution is also very Exhaust fumes, household garbage and industrial refuse all can make our city So, don’t spitting ,don’t litter, don’t graffiti on the wall!ForestThe forests are being destroyed Acid rain, big fire and saws always break the forests unfeelingly, so, they are in danger The number of forests are becoming less and Let’s plant trees and protect the forests together!RiverThere are many things in the river, like newspaper , oil, chemicals and heavy If we drink the water that’s from the polluted river, we will get sick or And the plants which is near this river will So, don’t sewage effluent into the river!


第一个Nowadays, the pollution of the Earth is more and more serious and becoming one of the most serious problems of the It is our duty to save our How can we prevent our earth from polluting? firstly, donnot threw garbages at the Because it will pollute the Secondly, donnot let the polluted water get into the Because it will kill We just have one Please save her!第二个Earth is our Without earth ,without It provides us with enough water,food,sunshine,mineral and so I can even say we can only live in the earth There may isn't any celestial body like earth that our human can live But there is only one earth in the world,so please protect it ,protect our "mother",we can do it from little things such as saving water,planting trees and so So please do it right now,for ourselfs,for our younger 地球是我们的母亲,没有她就没有生命。她给我们提供了水,食物,阳光和矿物质等。我们只能生活在地球上,可以说再没有哪个星球我们人类能居住了,但地球只有一个,说以我们要好好保护她-我们的母亲,我们可以从一些小事做起像节约水植树等。现在就开始做吧,为了我们自己,也为了我们下一代。 第三个 Although the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer and In order to protect them,something must be Save Water is the source of No water, no So it's very important for us to do Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of Save It is We can't imagine what the life will be like without Everyone should do his best to save Don't forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish Save They are useful Please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper Make our world a green one to live Recycle useful Plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper, bottles, and so We can save resources in this 拼凑一下。

Earth is our only home in If we don't protect it from now on,we will have nowhere to go when the environment being Look at what we have done to our We let out too much exhaust gas that our atmosphere is no longer clear and health for In many big cities,we can hardly see a bright blue We use as much resourse as we can find,then turn them into These rubbish is taken up more and more space in our We also pollute Fishes and other beings are suffering to our Some are died out,Some are dying out in All of us must do something to protect our Take a bus instead of private car;use goods that are made of recycle Many ways we can take in daily life should do good for our better 地球是我们唯一的家在宇宙如果我们不保护它从现在起,我们将无处可去,当环境被破坏看看我们所做的一切都给我们的祖国。 我们发出太多的废气,我们的空气不再清晰和健康喘不过气来在许多大城市里,我们很难看到明亮的蓝色的天空。 我们用多少我们有资源,然后把它们变成垃圾这些垃圾占用越来越多的空间,在我们的星球。 我们也使水污染。鱼和其他的存有们的痛苦,我们的错误有些是绝种,一些正在消失的未来。 我们所有人都必须做些什么来保护我们的地球。乘公共汽车,而不是私人汽车,使用商品材质的回收材料许多方面我们可以在日常生活中应该做有益于我们的美好未来。

The earth is our mother; the earth is our indispensable to human right; human earth is our cradle! After losing the earth, we will always save do not come Earth is our home, she was like a mother, for providing us with the resources and conditions of Our earth is the guest, we cannot turn from a guest into a host " "Free to exploitation of mineral resources; reckless abuse of chemicals; littering and causing serious environmental pollution; discharge of sewage, destruction of water resources and so The foolish man, don't forget, in the earth's true resource dried up when, we are doomed, because suitable for human living space only The earth is the common home of symbiotic creatures from the harmony of all

Earth is our home, she was like a mother, for providing us with the resources and conditions of Our earth is the guest, we cannot turn from a guest into a host " "


The earth is our mother; the earth is our indispensable to human right; human earth is our cradle! After losing the earth, we will always save do not come Earth is our home, she was like a mother, for providing us with the resources and conditions of Our earth is the guest, we cannot turn from a guest into a host " "Free to exploitation of mineral resources; reckless abuse of chemicals; littering and causing serious environmental pollution; discharge of sewage, destruction of water resources and so The foolish man, don't forget, in the earth's true resource dried up when, we are doomed, because suitable for human living space only The earth is the common home of symbiotic creatures from the harmony of all There is only one home, the earth cannot Protection of green water and blue sky, build a green home!地球是我们人类的母亲;地球是我们人类不可缺少的知音;地球是我们人类的摇篮!失去地球后,我们将永远挽救不回来。地球是我们人类赖以生存的家园,她就像母亲一样,为我们提供着生存的资源和条件。我们是地球的客人,我们不能“反客为主”。随意地开采矿物资源;不顾后果地滥用化学药品;乱扔垃

Saving Our EarthIt is very important to deal with the rubbish in For one thing, rubbish may cause a lot of It may pollute the air, the water and the places we live For another, it may do harm to people's So in our city, rubbish is well dealt First, it is Then old newspapers and glass are The harmful wastes are buried and the waste water is cleaned before it goes into the The government has already made laws against pollution caused by But that's not We must all try best to prevent rubbish from polluting the environment so as save our city and our living place

Today there is more and more pollution and the environment is becoming worse and So we have to know how to protect the Here are some 今天有更多的污染和环境变得越来越糟所以我们必须知道如何保护环境这里有一些方法First, we can stop driving our personal We can go to school or work on foot or by Not only can it protect environment, but also it is good for our 首先,我们可以停止驾驶私家车我们可以去上学或上班步行或乘巴士不仅可以保护环境,而且它对我们的健康有好处Second, we are not supposed to drop litter anywhere, we should put them into the trash And it’s best to pick up the litter on the ground when we see 第二,我们不应该乱扔垃圾的地方,我们应该把它们扔到垃圾桶里最好在当我们看到他们地捡起垃圾Third, we should save the paper, the water, the food and so

朋友,当你过着快乐祥和的生活的时候,你可曾想到我们的生存环境正一步步的恶化?当你打扫自己的美丽的庭院的时候,你可曾想到我们的周围随处可见的白色垃圾?当你充分享受春日里和煦阳光的时候,可曾想到南极上空已经失去了臭氧层的庇护?曾几何时,天空是那么蓝,河水是那么清,森林是那么密,就在自然环境给予我们美的享受的同时,人类同样在向大自然索取并不应得的东西… …1998年,流经中国大地的长江、嫩江、松花江等大将大河,隐去往日温柔美丽的笑靥,露出了凶猛可怖的狰狞。肆虐的暴雨,横扫着中国的南方和北方,暴雨所到之处,江湖水涨,河沟漫溢。咆哮的江水卷起了一次又一次洪峰,吞噬了一个个村庄,一片片良田,一个个市县,一座座工厂,一所所学校。肆虐的洪水像一只只无情的魔爪,几千万亩良田被淹,几百万人痛失家园。浩浩荡荡的江水,每天都在制造大大小小的险情。暴戾的烘魔,酿造大大小小的险情。暴戾的烘魔,酿造大大小小的悲剧。给水以家园,给万物生灵以家园,人类才会有自己的家园,人类才会有自己的家园;给水以活路,给万物生灵以活路,人类才会能生存和发展。如果说古代科学尚未发达,大地子民们对生态的认识有一定局限,做出了只顾当前不顾长远的蠢事,那么现代人如何呢?自1950年到1980年30年间,全世界有一半以上的森林面积被毁,其中非洲的二分之一林地变成不毛之地。绿色植被是大自然赠于人类的“生命之被”。可是,世界进入20世纪50年之后,人和动物赖以生存的绿色环境遭到破坏,绿色植被正在衰退,全球土壤失量现以增加到每年254 亿吨,沙漠化土壤正以每年5-7万平方公里的速度迅速扩展。地球越来越拥挤,随之而来的是环境污染的日见变化,资源日见匮乏。人们在对幸福的追寻中好梦频惊,不得不回头省视人与自然的关系,与自然签下可持续发展的天人之约,人类的智慧创造了经济的奇迹,无知与贪婪却留下了可怕的恶果。所有的一切无不在提醒着我们:环境保护迫在眉睫!我们生活在同一片土地上,我们拥有着共同家原,保护我们的环境。大地期盼着绿色、河流期盼着绿色、,水鸟期盼着绿色、花儿期盼着绿色。滴水成川,积土成山,保护环境,从你我做起。唤醒“绿色之心”实施“绿色计划”。开展“绿色行动”,争做“绿色建设者,创建“绿色新世纪”!Earth is our only home in If we don't protect it from now on,we will have nowhere to go when the environment being Look at what we have done to our We let out too much exhaust gas that our atmosphere is no longer clear and health for In many big cities,we can hardly see a bright blue We use as much resourse as we can find,then turn them into These rubbish is taken up more and more space in our We also pollute Fishes and other beings are suffering to our Some are died out,Some are dying out in All of us must do something to protect our Take a bus instead of private car;use goods that are made of recycle Many ways we can take in daily life should do good for our better


OceanMost marine pollution is from domestic sewage and municipal When the pesticides went into the marine ecosystem, they quickly become absorbed into marine food Once in the food webs, these pesticides can cause mutations, as well as diseases, which can be harmful to humans as well as the entire food City�6�1About 60 percent of cities are polluted in C The rubbishes are And the air pollution is also very Exhaust fumes, household garbage and industrial refuse all can make our city So, don’t spitting ,don’t litter, don’t graffiti on the wall!ForestThe forests are being destroyed Acid rain, big fire and saws always break the forests unfeelingly, so, they are in danger The number of forests are becoming less and Let’s plant trees and protect the forests together!RiverThere are many things in the river, like newspaper , oil, chemicals and heavy If we drink the water that’s from the polluted river, we will get sick or And the plants which is near this river will So, don’t sewage effluent into the river!

The future of the earth a deep night,I go into the sweet dream,I dream of the future of the I dream of the summer of 2199,ultraviolet light passes through the thousand million holes in the ozone layer,shoot to earth,if people want to go out,get a special umbrella or wear special The earth's plants and animals have been extinct for tens of thousands of species,the rest are near In the hospital,the patient does not stop him,than simply have the Spring Festival also The cars on the highway are whining to spray the smell,the original air pollution add a Oil companies to drill,the earth drilling a hole,the Earth billions of years of savings to dig And - - - - - - I was dream wake up,I can not help thinking:why do humans broken earth?Why?I see light suddenly:does the human have not seen a systemic disease,ugly earth crying?The earth is too lovely,also too easily broken,human is the best doctor,we should save earth,save 未来的地球 一个夜深人静的夜晚,我进如了甜蜜的梦香,我梦见未来的地球我梦见2199年的夏天,紫外线穿过千疮万孔的臭氧层,射到地球上,如果人们要出门,得到特制的伞或穿特制的衣服地球上的动植物已经绝灭了好几万种,剩下的都临近死亡医院里,病人不停的送来,简直比过年还热闹公路上的汽车都呜呜地喷着臭气,把原来污染的空气再添加一分污染石油公司为了挖石油,把地球钻了一个又一个大洞,快把地球几十亿年的积蓄挖光了还有------ 我被梦中情景惊醒,我不由得思考:为什么人类要破地球?为什么?我恍然大悟:难道人类没有看到一个全身是病、丑陋不堪的地球在痛哭?我们这个地球太可爱了,同时又太容易破碎了,人类是最好的医生,我们应该拯救地球,拯救我们自己------


关于非洲的!非洲位于东半球的西南部,东接印度洋,西临大西洋,北以地中海和直布罗陀海峡同欧洲相望,东北隔苏伊士运河、红海和曼德海峡与亚洲相邻。面积3029万平方公里,是世界第二大洲。 非洲的地理位置非洲是一个高原大陆,全洲平均海拔在600米以上。整个大陆的地形从东南 向西北稍有倾斜。东部和南部地势较高,分布有埃塞俄比亚高原、东非高原和南非高原;世界著名的东非大裂谷就在东非高原和埃塞俄比亚高原上。东非大裂谷全长6000多公里,被称为“地球上最大的伤疤”。 非洲中部和西北部地势较低,分布有刚果盆地和撒哈拉沙漠。撒哈拉沙漠面积达800多万平方公里,是世界上最大的沙漠。撒哈拉沙漠中广布着沙丘、砾石戈壁,只有少数地方由于地下水流出地表而形成绿洲,是沙漠中人烟比较稠密的地方。 非洲的水力资源丰富,蕴藏量占世界总量的20%以上。尼罗河、刚果河、尼日尔河和赞比西河是非洲的四条主要河流。尼罗河全长6600多公里,是世界流程最长的河流。在干燥的沙漠里,由于尼罗河的泛滥而形成了一条带状的“绿色走廊”。这里是农业生产条件最好的地区 。 非洲地跨南北两个半球,赤道横贯中部,气候带南北对称分布。通常气温高,降水少,干旱地区广,有热带大陆之称。动、植物资源非常丰富。在茂密的热带雨林和热带草原地区,生长着许多珍稀动物,如猩猩、狮子、羚羊、长颈鹿、斑马和大象等等。咖啡、枣椰、剑麻和丁香是非洲著名的经济作物。 非洲的地下资源也非常丰富,素有“世界原料宝库”之称。黄金和金刚石的产量一直占世界首位;石油、天然气及铜、锰、铀、铝土、钨、铬等矿产储量也很大,常被称为“富饶的大 陆”。 非洲是人类的发源地之一。在非洲发现的大约200万年以前的人类化石。是迄今所见的人类最早的化石,非洲现有55个国家和地区,全洲人口53亿(1985年),人种以黑种人为最多。 非洲经济呈现持续增长势头 近年来,非洲经济呈现持续增长的势头,增长的速度也高于全球经济平均水平。今年以来,许多国际机构对非洲整体经济的预测依然乐观,认为非洲经济的整体表现比以往任何时候都出色。非洲经济正以30年来最快的速度向前发展。自2003年以来,非洲经济摆脱了长期低迷的状态,开始进入稳步增长阶段。2003年非洲经济增长率为3%。据国际货币基金组织预计,2006年非洲经济增长率为4%,与去年的增速相同,但明年的增长速度可望提高到9%。 非洲经济快速发展主要得益于以下四个方面的因素。 第一,非洲国家近年来政治稳定,并实施了宏观经济改革和经济结构调整措施。这些改革措施客观上促进了非洲国家经济的稳定发展。大部分非洲国家的财政平衡得到改善,非洲平均财政情况已从赤字变为盈余。同时,通货膨胀也得到较好控制。 第二,非洲人口中劳动力数量在未来十几年里将会有较快增长,将促使国民收入增加和内需扩大。国际组织普遍认为,非洲国家对经济结构的不断调整,对投资环境的不断改善,加上经济的持续增长,必将加速创造新的就业岗位。 第三,全球经济强劲增长,为非洲经济增长提供了动力。中国、印度等国家经济的快速增长,对非洲经济增长产生了拉动效应,带动了非洲国家加工业和出口的增长。同时,初级产品商品价格的上涨,刺激了非洲国家的出口,改善了非洲国家的贸易状况。仅2005年一年,非洲的贸易顺差就翻了一番以上。 第四,援助和外国投资增加。仅2003年和2004年,援助就增加了100多亿美元。与此同时,外国直接投资也在逐年增长。近年来,流入非洲的外国直接投资以年均20%以上的速度增长。数据显示,在上述两年期间,经济增长速度较快的东非地区外国直接投资增加最快。 当然,非洲经济在加速发展的同时也还有一些困难有待克服。首先,面临全球高油价的挑战。如高油价持续下去,大多数非洲国家的通货膨胀将会上升,经济增长将会受到抑制。对石油靠进口的多数非洲国家来说,经济增长会受到影响。其次,面临美元贬值的威胁。如果美元进一步走低,致使美国进口减少,那么以美国为主要出口市场的非洲国家经济将受到严重影响。同时,美元贬值对非洲的石油出口国来说意味着收益的减少,因为大部分石油交易是以美元来结算的。另外,非洲农业始终面临着自然灾害的威胁。非洲农业的基础设施建设薄弱,基本上靠天吃饭,自然灾害随时可能给脆弱的非洲农业造成巨大损害,进而导致经济下滑。 世界经济已进入新的增长阶段,对非洲国家的经济振兴是一个良好的机会。人们有理由相信,非洲经济是大有希望的。

地球不但赋予了我们生命,而且还像一位慈祥的母亲敞开温暖胸怀保护着每一位生命。地球也被称为生命的摇篮。  地球送给了我们许多礼物:会报时怪石。神奇的;巨菜谷;,能治病的圣泉,行踪诡秘的幽灵岛,会喷冰的火山等等,这些也是我们还没有解开的谜团。除了这些我们还有一些资源。  好景不长,这颗美丽的星球现在身体变成了千疮百孔,那都是我们人类做的。我们不停的挖掘矿产资源,还不停的砍伐树木森林,这让我们的地球陷入了危机。  现在陆地的面积占全球的百分之二十九,而海水的面积达到了全球的百分之七十一,还有的陆地是人类没办法进入或破解的。现在经常的发生灾难,比如地震,是因为人类不断的开采造成的。空气的污染已经破坏了保护我们的臭氧层,  我们人类只有一个地球家园,为了保护家园,为了能让我们继续生存下去,为了不让地球资源枯竭,为了子孙后代,我们要尽量减少开采,要想让资源重生,还需要上百年,甚至上千年,有的资源是无法再生的,  听,地球在呼吁,我们要好好的保护地球。  如果增加一个人,世界就会增加一个人的用水量,地球上的人越来越多,可供我们食用的水就会从淡水总量的639亿立方米减少到0立方米,最后的一滴水将是我们的眼泪。如果不节约用水,这样的结果将会展现在我们的眼前!让我们节约用水吧,全中国13亿人,全世界63亿人,如果每人每天节约一升水,一人365天就能节约三百六十五升水,全世界一年就能节约2299500000000(2995兆)升水。真是不算不知道,一算吓一跳。  除了缺水,水土流失严重,这是因为人们乱砍滥伐造成的。如果没有了树木就会有洪水来袭:比如xx年淮河王家坝水位涨到了3米,不得不放开闸门;还有南京特大暴雨,都把火车的轮子淹没了;重庆的特大暴雨更凶猛,把一辆108路公共汽车都淹没了,还把一条路冲了一个大坑,损失了35亿人民币(rmb);再说济南18特大暴雨,天桥区的生产路水位达到5米以上,泉城广场的地下商城(银座商场)水位达到了门顶,许多在路上的小轿车淹过了车的门窗,整个济南损失近12亿人民币。多一个人,每天就会增加2吨的二氧化碳,而一平方千米的亚热带落叶阔叶林能释放出9吨的氧气,让我们都来植树造林吧,这样一来,不仅让地球增添了绿色,人们所需的氧气也有了保障。  人们不保护环境尤其是汽车排出的尾气和工业废气还导致臭氧层遭到了破坏,地球变暖。夏天,人们大多数都开空调,这样室内温度降低了许多,室外温度却升高了不少。地球变暖使南极和北极的冰川退化,一些极地动物面对的将是死亡。  让我们共同来保护家园,保护地球吧!  这个漫画十分逗,说的是一个木匠去砍树,他的头是细长的,好像一个木头一样,他砍树时,有一只啄木鸟,在他细长的头上啄着,说这段木头一定有虫!但只看它这个方面是无法对这篇漫画进行评说的。其实,它内在所包含的意思有很多:一是刚才很逗的的。二是人类为了自己,去破坏自然环境,使啄木鸟无家可归,便在他头上猛啄。三是,人类有一些自私自利的人,为了能快点砍完树回去拿钱,就不顾身体的疼痛,要钱不要命。  我并不想去抨击自己的同类,也不是去和他们对抗,只是,我对他们的暴行十分反感。有几个例子:地球可以重复再生的物体(如大气),是可以不断循环的,但是,由于人类的破坏(如空中原子弹试爆,等等)使它们不能再生。我们还使臭氧层破裂,导致人类最后的淡水资源储存地北极和南极两个地方的水遭到强烈的阳光暴晒,因而融化。  大家说,这几个暴行可否使一些人类进入监狱,判终身监禁呢?比如你是一个自私的人,只为自己的亲戚好。就算你是连亲戚都不理的话,亲人呢?你是否能为他们的明天保护今天的地球?
