

发布时间:2024-07-02 14:25:29


毕业论文thesis[英][ˈθi:sɪs][美][ˈθisɪs]n.论文,毕业论文; 论点,论题; 命题; 复数:theses易混淆单词:THESIS例句: completed his doctorate in 1999 with his thesis on the technical subject of structural design. 1999年,朱竞翔获得博士学位,博士论文写的是结构设计的技术问题。 is a beguilingly simple thesis, one particularly attractive to the western business executives who have joinedthe china gold rush. 但这是一个具有欺性的简单论点,对参与中国淘金浪潮的西方企业高管尤其有吸引力。 have a grand new thesis of the emerging markets. 我们现在得出了一套全新的新兴市场理论。 question now is whether the overstretch thesis was wrong or simply premature. 目前问题是,过度扩张说是错误命题还是只是言之过早。 thesis is that women still do so badly at work mainly because we are not ambitious enough. 书的主题是:女性的工作表现仍如此糟糕,主要是因为我们不够有雄心。同义词:dissertation[英][ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn][美][ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn]n.专题论文,学位论文; 学术演讲; essay[英][ˈeseɪ][美][ˈɛsˌe, ɛˈse]n.散文; 随笔,杂记文; 尝试,企图; 试验; vt.尝试; 试验; 经常说的:English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)

毕业论文用英语的翻译:毕业 论文 迅捷在线翻译:Graduation (毕业) thesis(论文)参考一下


毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs]   美 [ˈθisɪs]  。


1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.


2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?


3、He has finished his thesis.


4、She's finished writing her thesis.


5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.



英语专业的当然就要用英语了! 呵呵 不过不用担心,你现在还不是大四吧…… 只要好好写,一般都能过的。车到山前必有路呀…… 嘿嘿





This is a novel by the English author DanielDefoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in allliterature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who isshipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his ownfood, and becomes self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group ofcannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he and his“man”Friday become close friends, and when they arefinally rescued four years later, both return to England.

Robinson Crusoewas partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-centuryScottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. Thisnovel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man'sability when left alone in nature.

My favourite book


Do you know Harry Potter? It's one of my favourite sparetime readings and it's written by J. K. Rowling. She had the idea about Harry Potter when she was on train, “Harry just walked into my head.” She said later. She started writing the first edition of Harry Potter the next day.

Harry Potter is a magical school student who wears glasses and has no parents, now he is 16 years old. He is very brave and known by everyone because he is the only person who will not die by devil. At school, he has o good friends, they are Rone and Henry.

When read the book my first time, I feel very exciting and interesting. So I read it again and again, each time I have different feelings, sometimes I even feel as if I'm one of Potter's partners. Now there are five edition of Harry Potter published and they are very popular with young students. Books about Harry Potter have sold millions of copies all over the world. Do you like Harry Potter? If you haven't read the book yet, read it now and you'll find a wonderful world

A Review of Robinson Crusoe--《鲁宾逊漂流记》读后感

This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and bees self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he calls and his“man”Friday bee close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England.

Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature.



你可以仿造到这个写 雾都孤儿英文读后感 Learn to love and care Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I have just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the secular world for a long time. It is truly what I felt after reading Oliver Twist, written by the prominent British author Charles Dickens. the resonance beeen me and the book makes me feel not only the kindness and the wickedness of all the characters in the novel, but what this aloof society lacks, and what I lack deep inside. These supreme resources I'm talking about right now are somewhat different from minerals, oil that we usually mention. They're abstract like feelings, and some kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us desire anxiously from one another —— love and care. Those charitable figures whom Dickens created in the novel are really what we need in life. They showed love and care to others, just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth, which was carved into my heart deeply. Mr. Brownlow is one such person. the other day he had one of his elaborate watches stolen by o skilled teenage thieves, Artful Dodger and Charley Bates, and thought naturally it was Oliver, who was an orphan and forced to live with a gang of thieves, that had done it because he was the only one near by after the theft had taken place. Being wrathful, he caught Oliver, and sent him to the police station where the ill-tempered, unfair magistrates worked. Fortunately for him, Oliver was proved innocent by one onlooker afterwards. With sympathy, Mr. Brownlow took the injured, poor Oliver to his own home. There Oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he were Mr. Br……(。

Helping makes perfect!You should help people do anything they you may find the world a little dull,showing you love to others is quite you want to be somebody tomorrow ,you should be nobody your intelligence is also helpful.。

A MOLE, a creature blind from birth, once said to his Mother: "I am sure than I can see, Mother!" In the desire to prove to him his mistake, his Mother placed before him a few grains of frankincense, and asked, "What is it?' The young Mole said, "It is a pebble." His Mother exclaimed: "My son, I am afraid that you are not only blind, but that you have lost your sense of *** ell. 参考译文:小鼹鼠和妈妈 传说鼹鼠的眼睛是瞎的,可小鼹鼠却对妈妈说他能看得见。

妈想试验他一下,便拿来一 小块香喷喷的食物,放在他面前,并问他是什么。他说是一颗小石头。

母亲说:“啊,不幸 的孩子,你不但眼睛看不见,连鼻子也没用了。” 这故事是说,那些爱吹牛说大话的人,常常夸海口能做大事,却在一些微不足道的事情 上暴露了本质。

Once upon a time the fox was talking to the wolf about the strength of man, how no animal could withstand him, and how all were obliged to employ cunning in order to protect themselves from him. The wolf answered, "If I could see a man just once, I would attack him noheless." "I can help you to do that," said the fox. "Come to me early tomorrow morning, and I will show you one." The wolf arrived on time, and the fox took him out to the path which the hunt *** an used every day. First an old discharged soldier came by. "Is that a man?" asked the wolf. 从前有只狐狸向狼谈起人的力量,说没有动物能抵挡得了,所以他认为所有动物都必须施展计谋才能保护自己。可狼回答说:“假如我有机会碰到一个人,我就扑上去让他无法抵挡。”


第二天,狼很早就来了,狐狸带它来到猎人每天的必经之路。 他们碰到的第一个人是个退役老兵,狼问:“那是个人吗?” Ji An lived at the time of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty (206 ). He was respected for being upright and just and for daring to speak the truth. He did not bother about *** all matters in personal behavior and in being an official. He was particular about actual effects and, although he did not cause a stir, he could keep the prefecture he governed in perfect order. Because of this, the imperial court transferred him to the central government from being the perfect of the Donghai Prefecture to being a mander in charge of the appointment and di *** issal of the local officials. Last week, Mrs Black went to London. She didn't know London very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly she saw a man near a bus stop. She went up to the man and said, “Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please?” The man *** iled. He didn't know English! He came from Germany. But then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out an English dictionary. He looked up some words. Then he said slowly, “I'm sorry I can't understand you.”上周,布莱克夫人去了一趟伦敦。





The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young." 【译文】 老猫 一位老妇有只猫,这只猫很老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。一天,老猫发现一只老鼠,它跳过去抓这只老鼠,然而,它咬不住这只老鼠。

因此,老鼠从它的嘴边溜掉了,因为老猫咬不了它。 于是,老妇很生气,因为老猫没有把老鼠咬死。


怎么写英语读后感?其实写英语文读后感的思路和中文读后感是一样的,相差的只是对语言的驾驭能力你应该先概况你读的内容的中心思想,然后从总体上把握你对文章的感想,写出你真实的感受,你也可以细写其中某一段给你难忘的感受.最重要的是真实的感受,不要怕没文采,只要是你最真的感受,就能敢动人.看一篇英语读后感范文:History will never fet History will never fet -----after reading Whenever somebody mention the history of the modern china,we will feel it's really hard for chinese people to that time,China was weak,and was invaded by imperiali *** countries .The Chinese peo处敞边缎装等膘劝博滑ple was suffering the poverty,hunger and trepidation brought by harm we most is not the pain of our bodies,but that our country is likely dying many imperialiam countries that invaded China then,Japan is the country which gave China the most terrible damage. When I was still a middle school student,I had known the history about the invasion by Japan .I felt so sad and I hatedJapanese that after reading the book called written by Yu jie,I have another feeling about history and the way we have to go in the future beeen the o countries,China and Japan. The writer gave us a lot of fact about that history,with many felt a pain in my heart when reading this people died ,many lost their home and suffering women were raped by the soldiers of Japan,their body was hurt and so did thire I saw a photo that a little boy sat on the ground cying ,because of losing his parents in an explosion at a train station,I felt as if losing my own family solders of Japan did a lot evildoing to chinese people,we will never fet the history of that. Today ,after many years we won the war beeen Japan,the o countries have many munions,including the trade and the culture and so if that ,the people of o country still have after the premier of Japan paid honour to the Jingguo shrine many times,and the Diaoyu island event,the people beeen the o countries even hate each other history of the war involving the emotion of why we still can't put the animosity down and to be friends after many years?To contact normally,is what people really want. However what the Japanese did these years made us hard to treat them by our heart,we even can *** ell the militari *** is ing really friendly neighborhood seems far away from my opinion ,it need the o countries people to work hard need to put down the animosity,Japanese need to be more friendly,we need trust beeen and Japan are both Asia countries,Chinese and Japanese are both the yellow race,it's better to be friends but not cause,the whole world people should be friends too. What I really want to say is ,we will never fet the history of that,but China need to be developed,and a better neighborhood is can remember the history with another way ,but not just with we should remember that the peace of the world is most important。

Helping makes perfect! You should help people do anything they need. Though you may find the world a little dull,showing you love to others is quite important. Remember, if you want to be somebody tomorrow ,you should be nobody your intelligence is also helpful.。

Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul(简爱)

Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, *** all in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:

We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.

We remember her pursuit of justice. It's like a panion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.

We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God's feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.

We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence…

When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.

Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.

Winter vacation this year, I read the well-known American writer Ernest Hemingway's novel "The Old Man and the Sea." Let me know how many of the moral life, I deeply appreciate, I am very experienced in the novel admire the will of the fishermen, he lets me know that a person must have an indomitable spirit, the only way to achieve success. Hemingway (1899 an 1961), the well-known American writer and Nobel literature prize winner. "Old Man and the Sea" is one of the most representative works. The novel was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature and the Pulitzer Prize. "Old Man and the Sea" This book stresses such a story: a nearly Lujun the Laoyufu Santiago for 84 days did not catch fish, the fisherman as other losers, but the fisherman did not give up , and his tireless, and finally caught a fishing boat several times more than their own big Marlins, in the knowledge that it is very difficult to win, but it is still not give up. Marlins will be his big boat in the sea three days dragged exhausted, was killed, tied to the boat's side, and later because the Marlins wound on the fish flavor attracted several groups of sharks抢Fresh, in the Fisherman's way home repeatedly attacked by sharks, he exhausted all efforts to counterattack. Back to Hong Kong when only the head and a fish tail of chiropractic, although fish are shark to bite, but the elderly is still not willing to give up on this, the final breakthrough will be a big fish back to the harbor, so that other fishermen admire不已. Although failure, but a statement Laoyufu not lose that spirit, he paid to the kind of courageous acts, it is that we should learn. Whether that is Laoyufu pared with the book, or in real life and the lives of those difficult when pared with our life has been very good, and we should love life, and the Institute of strong face all setbacks. We still have a long way in the future we will have more than encountered setbacks and failures, and so we must learn that Laoyufu believe that the firm and his love of life. We have to learn strong and learn to face their own difficulties! "A man can be destroyed but not defeated" I think: This is the "Old Man and the Sea" tells us the truth bar. 译: 今年寒假,我读了美国著名作家海明威的小说"老人与海" 。

让我懂得了许多做人的道德,让我体会很深,我非常佩服在小说资深渔民的意志,他让我明白,一个人一定要有不屈不挠的精神,只有这样才能取得成功。 海明威(1899一1961),美国著名作家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者。





我们要学会坚强,学会自己面对困难! 仅供参考,请勿照抄。

[英语读后感50字]英语读后感50字Snow WhiteI read Snow White last week, I to this book as well as the inside master public some views and the feeling, below am my some ideas. I thought that this book is very interesting, moreover is also exciting, story plot unconstrained fluctuation, confusing. A bright side won certainly finally. inside the story\'s leading character is also may encircle may select. Snow White, is chaste, lovable; Seven dwarves, is friendly, good. Stepmother, is also empress, is virulent, cruel-hearted .Inside this\'s each characters have filled the unique individuality, after enabling we looked, to the character to have the nearly pletely unified view. I thought I most like the character is seven dwarves, they are good, friendly, is willing to help other people, this is worth us studying, I most repugnant character is empress, she is virulent, is cruel-hearted, does not have a spot good performance, only wants to raise oneself, disparages others. the relation life, inside this\'s leading character many are worth us studying actually, certainly, also has some people not to be worth us studying. Generally speaking, this written unusual good. After this is I read this book the view and the Curie(居里夫人读后感)Madam Curie, a world famous woman scientist, was born into a techer\'s family in Poland in 1867 and died in 1934. She finished her middle school at the age of 16. Eight years later, when she was 24, she went to study at Paris University. All her lige was devoted to scientific research and her efforts were rewarded. She had won the Nobel Price , as a famous female, Madam Curie is sill remembered by the whole world. People will remember her forever for her courage, determination and her spirit of sharing knowledge with others.【扩展阅读篇】所谓“感”可以是从书中领悟出来的道理或精湛的思想,可以是受书中的内容启发而引起的思考与联想,可以是因读书而激发的决心和理想,也可以是因读书而引起的对社会上某些丑恶现象的抨击、讽刺,英语读后感50字.读后感的表达方式灵活多样,基本属于议论范畴,但写法不同于一般议论文,因为它必须是在读后的基础上发感想.要写好有体验、有见解、有感情、有新意的读后感,必须注意以下几点:首先,要读好原文“读后感[1]”的“感”是因“读”而引起的.“读”是“感”的基础.走马观花地读,可能连原作讲的什么都没有了解,哪能有“感”?读得肤浅,当然也感得不深.只有读得认真,才能有所感,并感得深刻.如果要读的是议论文,要弄清它的论点(见解和主张),或者批判了什么错误观点,想一想你受到哪些启发,还要弄清论据和结论是什么.如果是记叙文,就要弄清它的主要情节,有几个人物,他们之间是什么关系,以及故事发生在哪年哪月.作品涉及的社会背景,还要弄清楚作品通过记人叙事,揭示了人物什么样的精神品质,反映了什么样的社会现象,表达了作者什么思想感情,作品的哪些章节使人受感动,为什么这样感动等等.其次,排好感点只要认真读好原作,一篇文章可以写成读后感的方面很多.如对原文中心感受得深可以写成读后感,对原作其他内容感受得深也可以写成读后感,对个别句子有感受也可以写成读后感.总之,只要是原作品的内容,只要你对它有感受,都可能写成读后感,你需要把你所知道的都表示出来,这样才能写好读后感.第三、选准感点一篇文章,可以排出许多感点,但在一篇读后感里只能论述一个中心,切不可面面俱到,所以紧接着便是对这些众多的感点进行筛选比较,找出自己感受最深、角度最新,现实针对性最强、自己写来又觉得顺畅的一个感点,作为读后感的中心,然后加以论证成文.第四、叙述要简既然读后感是由读产生感,那么在文章里就要叙述引起“感”的那些事实,有时还要叙述自己联想到的一些事例.一句话,读后感中少不了“叙”.但是它不同于记叙文中“叙”的要求.记叙文中的“叙”讲究具体、形象、生动,而读后感中的“叙”却讲究简单扼要,它不要求“感人”,只要求能引出事理.初学写读后感引述原文,一般毛病是叙述不简要,实际上变成复述了.这主要是因为作者还不能把握所要引述部分的精神、要点,所以才简明不了.简明,不是文字越少越好,简还要明.第五,联想要注意形式联想的形式有相同联想(联想的事物之间具有相同性)、相反联想(联想的事物之间具有相反性)、相关联想(联想的事物之间具有相关性)、相承联想(联想的事物之间具有相承性)、相似联想(联想的事物之间具有相似性)等多种.写读后感尤其要注意相同联想与相似联想这两种联想形式的运用.编辑本段如何写读后感格式一、格式和写法读后感通常有三种写法:一种是缩写内容提纲,一种是写阅读后的体会感想,一种是摘录好的句子和段落.题目可以用《读后感》;还可以用自己的感受(一两个词语)做题目,下一行是——《读有感》,第一行是主标题,第二行是副标题.二、要选择自己感受最。

A Review of Robinson Crusoe--《鲁宾逊漂流记》读后感

This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and bees self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he calls and his“man”Friday bee close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England.

Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature.



(不加标题共)60个词 A Review of "If I have three days to a bright" "If I have three days to a bright", focuses on a deaf and blind Helen Keller troubled life, and her thoughts and feelings in the article gave me the biggest revelation is:First, to correctly deal with the difficulties, everyone's life will be , try to plete everything. Third, there must be a good optimistic attitude in any hard period 假如给我三天光明读后感《假如给我三天光明》主要讲述了又盲又聋的海伦·凯勒坎坷的一生,以及她的心路历程。

这篇文章给我最大的启示是: 一、要正确地对待困难,每个人一生中都会遇到困难。.二、尽力地完成每一件事。


A Review of Robinson Crusoe--《鲁宾逊漂流记》读后感

This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and bees self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he calls and his“man”Friday bee close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England.

Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature.



班长你怎么可以用百度呢我都自己写的.这是我写的.没好回答就把分给我吧^_^My favorite book is Stories of is something about ancient Greeks told stories to explain how things came to be .This story is about the fire .Prometheus,a cheerful giant,getting fire for was a great power and Zeus had said it must not leave was truly noble,and he brought the fire to the Zeus found out about this,he was so angry and tied Prometheus to a rock on the bird ate his heart every a great man!He is a hero,a great can cook a meal,heat the house and burn a *** oke with fire .Fire is course,it is a the behavior of Prometheus was worth should study his spirit.。






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6、有没有下载该杂志最新的投稿须知(Instructions for authors)?


8、是否接收网上投稿(Submission on line)(一般有网上投稿的杂志更为方便)?

9、是否收版面费(Page charges)?如果论文被接收,自己的经济能力能否支付该杂志的发表全部费用。







5、首页有什么特殊要求?比如是否写清了通讯作者(Corresponding author)和页眉标题(Running title),Running title是否符合字符数要求,一般50个字符以下。首页是否要求标明全文字符数(The number of characters must be listed on the title page)。首页是否要求提供关键词(Key words),现在很多杂志在正式出版的时候是看不到关键词的,他多数目的是为了编辑好选择审稿专家。


7、注意参考文献(References)一定要符合杂志的格式,参考文献的数目是否有限制。是否不能引用正在出版的(In press)文章或未公开的(Unpublished data)数据。



10、写完后最好先找一个在国外呆过几年的`中国人修改第1次(这样能纠正明显写作错误和表达,又明白你的写作意思),然后再找一个英语为母语的人修改(最好是学医的,这样能够纠正一些微小错误和表达习惯)。最终的目的是即使退稿也不是因为语言问题。人家修改完了注意在回信中致谢(Thank you very much for the excellent and professional revision of our manuscript. In future, I will send you my English manuscripts for proofreading! I will acknowledge your help in the footnote.)和在文章中致谢(We thank *** for critical reading of the manuscript.)。




14、该斜体的地方是否是斜体(in vitro,in vivo等)。



17、图表是否符合杂志的数目(Number)、大小(Size)和分辨率(Resolution)要求?有几副彩图(建议能设置为灰度的图就改成灰度的图,比如一些统计结果图。因为彩图收费(Color charges)是很贵的)。




21、全文的字号是否符合要求。(一般是12号字(12-point),双倍行距(Double space))。


1. 要写好科研论文,必须先养成读英文文章的习惯,争取每天30-60分钟。刚开始可以选择以读英文报纸、英文新闻为主,逐渐转为读专业杂志。我会在近期专门写一篇博客文章介绍一套行之有效的增强读专业杂志能力的办法。

2. 写科研论文,最重要的是逻辑。逻辑的形成来自对实验数据的总体分析。必须先讨论出一套清晰的思路,然后按照思路来做图(Figures),最后才能执笔。

3. 具体写作时,先按照思路(即Figures)写一个以subheading为主的框架,然后开始具体写作。第一稿,切忌追求每一句话的完美,更不要追求词语的华丽,而主要留心逻辑(logic flow),注意前后句的逻辑关系、相邻两段的逻辑关系。写作时,全力以赴,尽可能不受外界事情干扰(关闭手机、座机),争取在最短时间内拿出第一稿。还要注意:一句话不可太长。

4. 学会照葫芦画瓢。没有人天生会写优秀的科研论文,都是从别人那里学来的。学习别人的文章要注意专业领域的不同,有些领域(包括我所在的结构生物学)有它内在的写作规律。科研文章里的一些话是定式,比如 “To investigate the mechanism of …, we performed …”, “These results support the former, but not the latter, hypothesis …”, “Despite recent progress, how … remains to be elucidated …” 等等。用两次以后,就逐渐学会灵活运用了。在向别人学习时,切忌抄袭。在美国一些机构,连续7个英文单词在一起和别人的完全一样,原则上就被认为抄袭(plagiarism)。

5. 第一稿写完后,给自己不要超过一天的休息时间,开始修改第二稿。修改时,还是以逻辑为主,但对每一句话都要推敲一下,对abstract和正文中的关键语句要字斟句酌。学会用“Thesaurus”(同义词替换)以避免过多重复。第二稿的修改极为关键,再往后就不会大改了。

6. 第二稿以后的修改,主要注重具体的字句,不会改变整体逻辑了。投稿前,一定要整体读一遍,对个别词句略作改动。记住:学术期刊一般不会因为具体的语法错误拒绝一篇文章,但一定会因为逻辑混乱而拒绝一篇文章。

这套方法行之有效,我对所有的学生和博士后都会如此教导。我的第一个博士后是柴继杰,1999年加入我在普林斯顿大学的实验室。继杰当时的英文阅读和写作能力很差。我对他的第一个建议就是,“每天花半小时读英文报纸”。难能可贵的是:他坚持下来了!经过几年的努力,2004年继杰已经能写出不错的grant proposal,2006年他的第一篇独立科研论文发表在《Molecular Cell》上,随后相继在《自然》发表两篇、在其它一流学术期刊发表十多篇论文。写作能力开始成熟。






[序号] 学位论文作者.题名〔D〕.保存地点:保存单位,年份.

如:[3]张筑生. 微分半动力系统的不变集[D]. 北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所,1983.


[序号] 专著作者.书名[M].版次(第一版可略).出版地:出版社,出版年∶起止页码.

[序号] 论文集作者.题名〔C〕.编者.论文集名.出版地∶出版社,出版年∶起止页码.

对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点:①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, .,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & .;②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。

参考文献著录中的文献类别代码普通图书:M 会议录:C 汇编:G 报纸:N 期刊:J 学位论文:D 报告:R 标准:S 专利:P 数据库:DB 计算机程序:CP 电子公告:EB 参考文献表中,文献的作者不超过3位时,全部列出;超过3位时,只列前3位,后面加“等”字或相应的的外文;作者姓名之间不用“和”或“and”,而用“,”分开;中国人和外国人的姓名一律采用姓前名后著录法。西文作者的名字部分可缩写,并省略缩写点“.”。



问题一:英文论文引用和抄袭的区别 引用与抄袭同样都是一种写作手段,但其性质却迥然不同。前者属于著作权法规定的合理使用,后者则属于违法侵权行为。引用要符合法律规定的目的,这是引用的前提;引用必须坚持适当的原则;被引用的必须是他人已经发表的作品,他人还没有发表的作品则不宜引用;引用必须指明作者姓名和作品名称。现实中作品的类型千差万别,无论引用还是抄袭,都有种种错综复杂的情况,任何的普遍之中都有特殊,一般之中都有个别,绝不可一概而论。 问题二:文章翻译成英文论文算抄袭吗 这个问题,遇到过很多次,我是研究生。而且是英国的研究生,遇到过很多中文翻译成英文的问题,如果单单是翻译,严格意义上是抄袭。但是,由于翻译的水平不通。或者是语言的差异。就算是专业的测评软件也很难对比出相似度。因此,如果不是严格地纠察你的文章的出处,或者是太苛刻地话。一般来说是不至于被发现的。但是,个人认为,学术的角度来说,本科也应该认真地去研究一下。然后写一篇有自己心得的论文。 问题三:中文翻译成英文的论文算抄袭吗 如果是本科论文的话,翻译一下机器是不会查出来的。如果是硕士及以上请三思。因为这一类的论文有一定的学术意义了,以后被人家抄出来怪难看的 问题四:硕士论文查抄袭中,引用国外的英语论文能被查出来吗?检测出来吗? 检测系统对英文也是检测的,为以防万一最好先检测一下然后在修改。 知网检测,就是用一定的算法将你的论文和知网数据库中已收录的论文进行对比,从而得出你论文中哪些部分涉嫌抄袭。目前的对比库有: 中国学术期刊网络出版总库 中国博士学位论文全文数据库/中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库 中国重要会议论文全文数据库 中国重要报纸全文数据库 中国专利全文数据库 互联网资源 英文数据库(涵盖期刊、博硕、会议的英文数据以及德国Springer、英国Taylor&Francis期刊数据库等) 港澳台学术文献库 优先出版文献库 互联网文档资源 关于学校查重率、相似率、抄袭率: 各个学校不一样,全文重复率在30%一下(而有的学校,本科是20%)。每章重复率应该没有要求,这个每个学校会出细则的,并且学校也出给出他们查重复率的地方――基本都是中国知网。具体打电话问老师,每界每个学校要求都不一样 相关查重系统名词的具体作用: 查重率的具体概念就是抄袭率,引用率,要用专业软件来测试你的文章与别人论文的相似度,杜绝抄袭。基本就这意思。 一个是自写率就是自己写的 一个是复写率就是你抄袭的 还有一个引用率就是那些被画上引用符号的是合理的引用别人的资料 关于知网相关抽查规定: 有规定的,可以进行第一次修改,修改之后通过就可以答辩,如果第二次不通过就算结业,在之后4个月内还要交论文或者设计的。这个是在抄袭30%的基础上的。 如果抄袭50%以上的话,直接结业 在之后4个月内还要交论文或者设计的。1.被认定为抄袭的本科毕业设计(论文),包括与他人已有论文、著作重复总字数比例在30%至50%(含50%)之间的,需经本人修改。修改后经过再次检测合格后,方可参加学院答辩。再次检测后仍不合格的,按结业处理。须在3 个月后提交改写完成的毕业设计(论文),检测合格后再参加答辩。2.被认定为抄袭的本科毕业设计(论文),且与他人已有论文、著作重复总字数比例超过50%的,直接按结业处理。须在4 个月后提交改写的毕业设计(论文),检测合格后再参加答辩。 修改重复率或抄袭率论文的经验: CNKI是连续的字数相同不能超过13个字,万方是连续的字数相同不能超过15个字。否则就会标注出来,算进重复率。我们学校规定是CNKI检测重复率不能超过30%.两种数据库检测重复率会有结果上的误差,一般CNKI会更严格一点,先在用万方检测一下,然后对照重复段落,句子反复修改一下,最后用CNKI检测一下,就放心了。 现在是学生写作毕业论文的关键时期,许多学生在论文写作中要利用一些文献资料,这样就涉及到一个问题,如何应用别人的文献资料,如何形成一个良好的学术规范,避免抄袭。这在现在是一个非常迫切的问题,但是我们许多同学缺乏严格的训练,也不知道什么情况下是抄袭,什么情况下是引用别人的文章。在这里我想对这个问题作出一个简单的讨论。这仅仅只能算是个抛砖引玉而已,目的是想和大家一起讨论这个话题。什么是抄袭行为?简单地说就是使用了别人的文字或观点而不注明就是抄袭。“照抄别人的字句而没有注明出处且用引号表示是别人的话,都构成抄袭。美国现代语言联合会《论文作者手册》对剽窃(或抄袭)的定义是:‘剽窃是指在你的写作中使用他人的观点或表述而没有恰当地注明出处。……这包括逐字复述、复制他人的写作,或使用不属于你自己的观点而没有给出恰当的引用。’可见,对论文而言,剽窃有两种:一种是剽窃观点,用了他人的观点而不注明,让人误以为是你自己的观点;一种是剽窃文字,照抄别人的文字表述而没有注明出处且用引号,让......>> 问题五:在英文论文写作中,如何判断引用和抄袭?两者有哪些差别 10分 你好,,我可以的。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 问题六:在英文论文里能用好词好句算抄袭吗 哈佛关于“抄袭”的定义 抄袭是一种说谎、欺、偷窃的行为,指的是你将原始资料的信息、观点和句子直接用于你自己的文章当中而不做标注。 关于抄袭,《辞海》是这样定义的:“窃取别人的文章以为己作。”《现代汉语词典》也说:“把别人的作品或语句抄来当作自己的。” 所以只要你标明是否引用,和从哪里引用,就不算抄袭!而学语文的都知道,在文章中用好词好句那叫引用,如果说所有的好词好句用了都算抄袭的话,哈哈,文学家,作家早就饿死了,所以可以放心大胆的用 问题七:把汉语翻译成英语的论文算抄袭吗 抄袭算不上,但也违反学术规范。 问题八:把外文发表的论文翻译成中文算抄袭吗? 这个肯定算,先讲法律,根据著作权法,凡是发表过的作品都受到著作权法保护,任意篡改或使用都是侵权行为。再讲实际,你可以把这个论文中的一部分引申为材料,或者在后面加上自己的见解或意见,这样至少在里面要看出你思考过的痕迹,但是最好不要全部搬过来。 问题九:把中文文章翻译成英文论文算抄袭吗 Of couse it is plagiarizing as you just do translation work in whch copyright is nornally involved.



把光标放在引用参考文献的地方,在菜单栏上选“插入|脚注和尾注”,弹出的对话框中选择“尾注”,点击“选项”按钮修改编号格式为阿拉伯数字,位置为“文档结尾”,确定后Word就在光标的地方插入了参考文献的编号,并自动跳到文档尾部相应编号处请你键入参考文献的说明,在这里按参考文献著录表的格式添加相应文献。参考文献标注要求用中括号把编号括起来,至今我也没找到让Word自动加中括号的方法,需要手动添加中括号。 在文档中需要多次引用同一文献时,在第一次引用此文献时需要制作尾注,再次引用此文献时点“插入|交叉引用”,“引用类型”选“尾注”,引用内容为“尾注编号(带格式)”,然后选择相应的文献,插入即可。不要以为已经搞定了,我们离成功还差一步。论文格式要求参考文献在正文之后,参考文献后还有发表论文情况说明、附录和致谢,而Word的尾注要么在文档的结尾,要么在“节”的结尾,这两种都不符合我们的要求。解决的方法似乎有点笨拙。首先删除尾注文本中所有的编号(我们不需要它,因为它的格式不对),然后选中所有尾注文本(参考文献说明文本),点“插入|书签”,命名为“参考文献文本”,添加到书签中。这样就把所有的参考文献文本做成了书签。在正文后新建一页,标题为“参考文献”,并设置好格式。光标移到标题下,选“插入|交叉引用”,“引用类型”为“书签”,点“参考文献文本”后插入,这样就把参考文献文本复制了一份。选中刚刚插入的文本,按格式要求修改字体字号等,并用项目编号进行自动编号。到这里,我们离完美还差一点点。打印文档时,尾注页同样会打印出来,而这几页是我们不需要的。当然,可以通过设置打印页码范围的方法不打印最后几页。这里有另外一种方法,如果你想多学一点东西,请接着往下看。选中所有的尾注文本,点“格式|字体”,改为“隐藏文字”,切换到普通视图,选择“视图|脚注”,此时所有的尾注出现在窗口的下端,在“尾注”下拉列表框中选择“尾注分割符”,将默认的横线删除。同样的方法删除“尾注延续分割符”和“尾注延续标记”。删除页眉和页脚(包括分隔线),选择“视图|页眉和页脚”,首先删除文字,然后点击页眉页脚工具栏的“页面设置”按钮,在弹出的对话框上点“边框”,在“页面边框”选项卡,边框设置为“无”,应用范围为“本节”;“边框”选项卡的边框设置为“无”,应用范围为“段落”。切换到“页脚”,删除页码。选择“工具|选项”,在“打印”选项卡里确认不打印隐藏文字(Word默认)。







作者.书名[M]. 版次.出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码.






其他: [R]、[P]、[A]、[C]、[Z]等。

文中引述 正确引用作品原文或专家、学者的论述是写好英语论文的重要环节;既要注意引述与论文的有机统一,即其逻辑性,又要注意引述格式(即英语论文参考文献)的规范性。



若引文不足三行,则可将引文有机地融合在论文中。如:The divorce of Arnold's personal desire from his inheritance results in “the familiar picture of Victorian man alone in an alien universe”。

被引述的文字如果超过三行,则应将引文与论文文字分开,如下例所示:Whitman has proved himself an eminent democratic representative and precursor, and his “Democratic Vistas”is an admirable and characteristic And if one is sorry that in it Whitman is unable to conceive the extreme crises of society, one is certain that no society would be tolerable whoses citizens could not find refreshment in its buoyant democratic ideali *** 。这里的格式有两点要加以注意。


如:Professor Chen Jia's A History of English Literature aimed to give Chinese readers“a historical survey of English literature from its earliest beginnings down to the 20thcentury”。圆括弧里的1为卷号,小写罗马数字i为页码,说明引文出自第1卷序言(引言、序言、导言等多使用小写的罗马数字标明页码)。

如果英语论文中引用了同一作者的两篇或两篇以上的作品,除注明引文作者及页码外,还要注明作品名。如:Bacon condemned Platoas“an obstacle to science”。

Farrington points out that Aristotle's father Niachus, a physician, probably trained his son in medicine。扩展资料 基本要求 Clear:思路清晰、概念清楚、层次清楚、表达清楚 Complete:内容完整、结构完整匀称,切忌虎头蛇尾,有始无终 Correct:科学内容正确(不出错)、资料数据正确(数据可靠、可信)、语言正确(无语法错) Concise:论述深刻、充分揭示其科学内涵、使用定量方法 只有克服心理障碍,建立自信心, 熟悉SCI文章的思维方式及语言风格,勇于尝试,才能取得成功!注意事项 撰写英语教学论文要有务实的精神。



理论与实践相结合是英语教学论文写作应遵循的一项基本原则。第六、英文毕业论文摘要各部分的写作 根据《EI》对英文摘要的写作要求,英文摘要的写作并没有一成不变的格式,但一般来说,英文摘要是对原始文献不加诠释或评论的准确而简短的概括并要求它能反映原始文献的主要信息。

第七、英语毕业论文——目的(What I want to do?) 目的。主要说明作者写作此文的目的,或本文主要解决的问题。


在这方面,《EI》提出了两点具体要求:) Eliminate or minimize background information(不谈或尽量少谈背景信息)。) Avoid repeating the title or part of the titlein the first sentence of the abstract(避免在摘要的第一句话重复使用题目或题目的一部分)。

第八、英语毕业论文——过程与方法(How I did it?) 过程及方法。主要说明作者主要工作过程及所用的方法。

在英文摘要中,过程与方法的阐述起着承前启后的作用。开头交待了要解决的问题(What I want to do)之后,接着要回答的自然就是如何解决问题(How I did it),而且,最后的结果和结论也往往与研究过程及方法是密切相关的。


第九、英语毕业论文——结果和结论(What results did I get and what conclusionscan I draw?)结果和结论部分代表着论文的主要成就和贡献,英语毕业论文有没有价值,值不值得读者阅读,主要取决于你所获得的结果和所得出的结论。因此,在写作结果和结论部分时,一般都要尽量。

英语毕业论文格式规范:A Contrastive Study beeen English and Chinese Idioms(题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文的字体均采用“Times New Roman”)(学院、专业、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名(小四号宋体字,加粗),依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中)【Abstract】 This paper centers on the different expressions of …… (英文摘要:上空二行;题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号;采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗;单倍行距。)

【Key Words】 idiom; parison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距。)1. Introduction (顶格,除了第一个单词及专有名词外,其他单词首字母都不要大写;标题最后不用任何标点符号,上空两行)In both English and Chinese, …. So, this essay is trying to focus on the differences beeen Chinese and English idoms in terms of their essential meaning, customary usage and typical expression (Chang Liang, 1993:44; Li Guangling, 1999). (段落第一行缩进4个英文字符;夹注的标注法:出现在夹注中的作者必须与文后的参考文献形成一一对应关系;注意一个或多个作者间的标点符号,时间、页码等的标注法;另外,汉语参考文献的作者要以拼音形式出现,不能出现汉语姓氏;夹注出现在标点符号之前)2. The similarities beeen English idioms and Chinese idioms In English, …. And it can be clearly seen in the below examples:(1) I don't know。

我不知道。 (2) I am not a poet. 我不是诗人。

(正文中的例子以(1),(2)…为序号排列,直至最后一个例子;而①, ②…则为脚注或尾注的上标序号)3. The differences beeen English idioms and Chinese The characteristics of English idioms(正文章节序号编制:章的编号:1. ,2., 3.,…;节的编号:…,…;小节的编号为:, …。小节以下层次,采用希腊数字加括号为序,如(i),(ii)…;之后再采用字母加括号,如(a), (b),…;每章题目左顶格,小四号字,加粗;每节(及小节以下)题目左顶格,小四号字,不加粗但要斜体;所有章节的题目都单独一行,最后不加任何标点符号)….In conclusion, …. The characteristics of Chinese idioms….Feng (1998) found some problems as shown in the following examples (注意此句中夹注的另一种写法):(9) We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.(10) People take no thought of the value of time until they lose it.…. The *** ysis of the differences beeen English and Chinese idioms… (i) ….….(ii) ….…. 4. Conclusion….Bibliography (References) (小四号,加粗,后面不加任何标点符号) Sanved, ed. The Oxford book of American literary anecdotes[C]. New York: OUP, 1981.常亮,“关于英语的偏离否定”[J] 。

《外国语文》,1993,4:44。 冯树健,“否定之否定新说”[J] 。

《英语辅导》,1998,6:11。 李光陵,“不完全否定浅析” [J] 。

《大学英语》,2000,30:30。 (论文最后的参考文献中所有文献的排列顺序:尾注:按照编号顺序。








格式为: [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码(可选)。 例如: [7]金显贺,王昌长,王忠东,等. 一种用于在线检测局部放电的数字滤波技术[J].清华大学学报(自然科学版),1993,33⑷:62-67. [4]冯西桥. 核反应堆压力管道和压力容器的LBB分析[R]. 北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院,1997. 扩展资料: 以毕业论文为例,论文正文版面格式: 1、正文部分与“关键词”行间空两行; 2、汉语正文文字采用小四号宋体;正文英语正文文字采用Times New Roman12号,标题汉语采用四号黑体,标题英语采用Times New Roman14号,每段首起空两格,倍行距; 3、段落间层次要分明,题号使用要规范。


[序号] 学位论文作者.题名〔D〕.保存地点:保存单位,年份.

如:[3]张筑生. 微分半动力系统的不变集[D]. 北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所,1983.


[序号] 专著作者.书名[M].版次(第一版可略).出版地:出版社,出版年∶起止页码.

[序号] 论文集作者.题名〔C〕.编者.论文集名.出版地∶出版社,出版年∶起止页码.

对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点:①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, .,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & .;②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。
