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In sports popularization physical knowledge Abstract: physics is an research material movement the general rules and basic structure of science, it is also the basic theory of sports one of the basic theory of various sports contains rich knowledge of physics. This article from the student's actual conditions, the physical knowledge for middle school sports issues and make this one specific compared with a comprehensive analysis of the concrete analysis based on the theory of the physics of sports programs. Let everybody realize: the physical knowledge and combine of sports science, not only can stimulate students' interest in study of physics, but also can improve the physical and mental health of the high school students and improve sports scores. Keywords: high school; The sports; Physical; Table tennis; football



体育是社会文明的标志。随着经济的全球化,体育已成为人类社会文化生活不可缺少的组成部分,愈来愈引起社会的广泛关注。从语场,语旨和语式的角度看,体育新闻已成为新闻语篇中一种特殊的体裁。然而语言学界对其并未给予足够的重视。以往的研究主要是从传统文体学角度展开。本文以系统功能语法理论为理论基础,从影响广泛的英文报纸《China Daily》中选取语料,运用韩礼德系统功能语法理论的三大元功能一经验功能,人际功能,语篇功能对十二篇体育新闻报道进行量化分析并得出统计数据。通过结合实例对这些数据从及物性,语态,语气,情态,主位结构和主位推进进行深入分析,从而得出英语报刊体育新闻的语言学特征。本文通过研究发现:在英语体育新闻中,及物系统主要由物质过程体现,关系过程和言语过程有一定量的使用,心理过程偶有出现。这说明英语体育新闻主要用来描述体育事件,提供相关信息和背景。英语体育新闻语气上大量使用陈述句、情态动词、情态附加语和褒贬词语,使英语体育新闻的风格倾向于非正式,从而增强与读者间的亲近感;在时态方面多使用过去时态来报道已发生的事件,有时使用现在时态来增加报道的及时性、新鲜感和真实感。将来时态很少出现。英语体育新闻主位系统上多使用简单主位,无标记性主位明显多于标记性主位。本文的发现表明,情景语境与语言表达方式之间存在着紧密的联系。对英语体育新闻报道的语言特征进行的分析有助于对英语体育新闻报道的语言选择及其所实现的功能进行有效的理解。希望本文的分析能对体育新闻报道的欣赏和写作有一定的帮助。

1、 浅谈体育解说员在解说时的心理状态 摘要体育解说是对重大体育比赛临场所作的介绍、解释和评价。中国的体育解说起源于50年代,经历了各个时期的很多阶段。文章通过对各个阶段中有影响的重要解说及有代表性的解说员的分析、比较,论述了中国体育解说的... 类别:毕业论文 大小:22 KB 日期:2009-03-01 2、 [体育教育]山西省翼城县城跆拳道健身俱乐部的运营模式研究 摘要:文章主要通过运用文献资料法、调查法、实地访问法,对翼城县城的四家跆拳道健身俱乐部的运营模式,包括管理模式、经营模式、教学模式进行了较为详细的调查和研究。对其发展现状进行了分析,重点探讨翼城县城跆... 类别:毕业论文 大小:18 KB 日期:2008-10-30 6、 [体育教育]体育专业学生英语水平现状的研究与对策 摘要:采用文献资料法[1],问卷调查法和数据统计法[2]等对我院体育专业学生113名学生进行问卷调查,并抽取非英语专业学生的英语成绩进行比较和分析。分析了体育专业学生学习英语的现状,学习需求,学习兴趣... 类别:毕业论文 大小:27 KB 日期:2008-10-21 10、 漳州市南靖县乡镇中学体育场地设施存在的问题研究 [摘要] 本文采用文献法、统计分析法、比较法及调查等法,通过对漳州市南靖县乡镇中学体育场地设施存在的问题进行比较全面、系统的调查,客观而深入地分析当前漳州市南靖县乡镇中学体育场地设施存在的问题。对漳州... 类别:毕业论文 大小:16 KB 日期:2008-07-27 11、 [体育教育]滑县各镇体育教师现状调查与研究 摘要随着安阳地经济的发展,势必将会促进滑县行业的发展。同时也给滑县的教育质量提出了新的要求,学校体育作为学校教育的重要组成部分,肩负重要的历史使命。体育教师作为体育知识的传播者,必将影响学校体育事业健... 类别:毕业论文 大小:660 KB 日期:2008-06-25 12、 [体育教育]湖北秭归县农村初高级中学体育教师现状调查与分析 摘要:随着安阳地区经济的发展,势必将会促进邻地区内黄县各行业的发展。同时也给内黄县的教育质量提出了新的要求,学校体育作为学校教育的重要组成部分,肩负重要的历史使命。体育教师作为体育知识的传播者,必将影... 类别:毕业论文 大小:22 KB 日期:2008-06-23

Summary: I through the use of case studies, research and comparative literature, and other research methods, the current school sports injuries and problems in the state, school sports injuries of all kinds of disputes, school sports injuries attribution of liability issues and the social Analysis of research, and raised the relevant measures and a clear, rational analysis of school sports injuries to provide a theoretical foundation and legal analysis of the possible. Abstract】 With the people's living standards, the development of China's competitive sports, leisure sports increasingly on the agenda. China has the basic requirements for developing a number of conditions, but there are many in our country are still important issues. Therefore, this paper, the existing problems in China, the corresponding note, such as stepping up publicity efforts to increase financial input through various channels to raise funds to expand the project space, strengthening the building of the community, such as sports instructors.【Keywords】 leisure sports papers; sports population; attention; Sports Industry1 Introduction Leisure Sports is the basis of mass sports. Related to the development of leisure sports in our country to strengthen the nation's health, health improvement and quality of life improvement, leisure sports of civilization, science, an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Urbanization, modernization and the nature of the separation, the pressure brought about by fierce competition, substantial material after the cold and unfamiliar people, people of leisure and the pursuit of leisure sports growing strong, all kinds of fitness, and entertainment, novelty, and even risk-taking of the continuing integration of leisure sports people's lives. increase in people's level of consumption, according to statistics, China's urban residents in 1997, the Engel coefficient of consumption has dropped to . In accordance with international standards, has been close to a well-off level, the fundamentals for life and enjoyment of the development of consumer-oriented. End of the 20th century, Shanghai, Beijing and other large and medium-sized cities in per capita GDP has reached 3000 . dollars, to reach or approach the level of moderately developed countries. China's various types of fitness to participate in regular sports entertainment has reached more than 300 million numbers. 1994 to 1998, the city sports a 115 percent growth in consumption. National Sports in 1998 the total amount of spending about 140 billion yuan, of which the urban population per capita spending in the sport for more than 1040 yuan. Leisure Sports group of people living in old age has become an important part of this century, the proportion of China's elderly population will account for the total population of 1 / 4. As a result of physical and psychological reasons, older age groups the material needs of members desire to inadequate performance, and mental and health requirements are becoming increasingly important to become a major pursuit. Physical exercise can improve the psychological conditions of the elderly to improve life and reduce the social pressure, live longer. The increasing leisure time, sport has led to increasing population 195 years from the beginning of the implementation of a weekend system, so that weekend with the Spring Festival, National Day, "51" and the statutory nature of festivals, so that most people in the holidays year reached about 110 days, which the development of recreational sports provide a good social environment. Sports in China's population was increasing year by year trend, according to statistics, in 1996 China's sports over the age of 16 the total population ratio was . If the number of students in school, the armed forces such as population census, as of course, including sports, the sports population will account for percent of the total population. Survey, the population of China's sports was significantly higher than the average level of developing countries. 2 leisure entertainment and sporting events in the development of gaps pairs of inadequate understanding of leisure sports leisure sports in our country although residents of the preliminary understanding, but not deep enough understanding. The implementation of government departments at all levels of competitive sports, "future-oriented development" strategy, than to ignore the development of leisure sports and input. Described in the mass media entertainment and sports events of the radio, television, newspapers, magazines, book publishing and distribution is also relatively small. The masses of the mass media in promoting awareness of recreational and sports activities is not enough. And through various channels and the mass media, the expansion of leisure sports propaganda, is to promote sports development in an effective way. sports a small population, to participate in two groups of heat, cold intermediate sports in South Korea in 1991, the population had reached 46 percent of the total population, Switzerland in 1992 reached 52%. At the same time, according to surveys, participation in recreational sports often people focus on the pupils and students and the elderly over the age of 61, the young and middle-aged members of lower class. The lack of venues and facilities in 1995, according to statistics, as of 1995, there were all kinds of sports venues 616,000, with a total area of 780,000,000 square meters, square meters per capita. Sports venues per capita in developed countries has been more than two square meters area, the United States per capita area of about 14 square meters stadium. Moreover, in addition to the absolute amount is lower than other countries, in absolute terms based on China's sports facilities open to the community as a whole accounted for only , and some open only , of sports venues not open to the public, most of the time is idle. This led to shortage of resources even more. At the same time, a lot of substandard quality venues. Address space, equipment, lighting, ventilation is unlikely a reasonable installation. These are greatly influenced the training of those who should be the desired effect. First of all, service lags behind the number of social sports instructors are seriously inadequate. At the initial stage of the leisure sports, in the absence of adequate social instructors match, no doubt in even worse. Many participants carried out the blind tendency of sports entertainment, in violation of human anatomy and physiological characteristics, it can not make good, scientific, entertainment exercise reasonable results, but also lead to a variety of recreational training diseases, damage to human health ; followed by the lack of medical supervision aspects. Of participants can not carry out regular physical examinations, physical fitness assessment, fitness for groups to participate in recreational exercise data to provide a reasonable basis, which also affected the enthusiasm of participants. 3 Conclusion step up publicity at all levels of government should step up publicity on leisure sports, and the use of television, radio, newspapers, books, blackboards and other media publicity, so that leisure sports into a good public opinion environment. At all levels of government departments, enterprises and institutions should be set up on health activities, to develop realistic training standards, standards of recognition and reward individuals. To guide the masses of the whole society to enhance awareness of participation in leisure sports, and actively carry out physical exercise. Should be used as a recreational sport to promote sports and cultural practices. to carry out leisure sports, it is necessary to comply with the level of economic development in the region and the actual needs of the people should make full use of existing sports facilities and technical personnel. Increased government investment in the multi-channel fund-raising at the same time to increase capital investment. To encourage and promote the economic benefits of good business-to-sport to help the masses, we must also spend money to advocate a national concept of health to encourage the people to carry out the necessary investment in health. to carry out leisure sports, should be combined with traditional sports tradition in contemporary leisure sports are still a strong vitality and huge market potential. At the same time, many aspects of the project to expand the space of leisure sports. With the development of society, improve people's living standards development projects, such as in recent years, such as self-drive tourism. to carry out leisure sports, the need for adequate professional and technical guidance to staff the formation of a strong organizational skills, proficient in sports business, sports guiding force of society in order to effectively organize and guide the masses to carry out scientific fitness activities. Social sports instructor training is an important task.

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休闲体育论文南宁市休闲养身体育业市场发展现状 休闲养身体育主要是指由人民群众在平时生活的节假日或者余暇时间中的休闲体育与养身消费行为而实现的商品价值总量。随着体育产业在我国国民经济中占的比重越来越大,人民生活水平的提高,余暇的增多,人们对体育文化的需要日益加大。 1.运动服装、装备、器械的销售情况 由于假日期间人们有了更多的时间进行运动健身和出行,引起对运动服装,装备的更多需求量,同时,许多体育商场在假日推出减价销售、换季销售、有奖销售等多种促销手段。据调查2008年10月份南宁百货大楼、百盛、梦之岛等商店的销售量均不少。在消费人群中,年轻人以买运动鞋者居多,中老年以健身器材为主。人们以耐克、彪马、阿迪达斯、kappa等知名品牌为首选品牌,其中以耐克、阿迪达斯销量最大。表明人们的消费水平在不断提高,更加注重产品的质量、信誉、品牌,同时表明国内品牌与国际品牌还有很大差距。 2.体育竞赛表演 羽毛球、健身操、游泳、网球、乒乓球等体育项目已成为南宁市民们周末或工作之余经常参与的活动。由于这些项目易学、易掌握,对场地、器材、服装要求不高,消费不必远行,符合了大多数市民的需求,在假日中便异常火爆。南宁市各大高校举办的各类体育竞赛,等,均在获得一定的经济利益的同时,又满足了人民群众在假日休闲中对体育的需求。 3.体育旅游和休闲养身 南宁市有利的地理环境及良好的气候特征,为体育旅游业的发展提供了得天独厚的有利条件。随着国民经济快速、稳定、健康地发展,人民生活水平日益提高,对体育旅游的需求也日益增长,国家旅游总局曾将1996年的主题定为“度假休闲年”,2001年又将主题定为“中国体育健身游”,并开展一系列全国及地方性的大型体育旅游活动,共推出60项具有地方特色的大型体育健身旅游活动11大类80个专项体育健身旅游产品和路线,以丰富多彩的体育旅游项目满足不同类型消费群体的需求,在一定程度上反映出体育旅游在我国已具备一定的市场规模。体育旅游作为一种新兴的旅游项目,在南宁市已展现出巨大的市场前景。许多户外项目像攀岩、徒步和漂流等项目因为市内较少,花费时间太长,均需等待假期。目前人们外出旅游更愿意参与更多的体育活动。据调查南宁市周边地区拥有体育游乐设施的旅游景点游客众多。南宁市A级景区内涉及运动项目如摩托艇、水球、射击、温泉等都吸引了来自国内外数量众多的游客。然而到城市周边郊区参与的体育旅游,仅仅是兼有体育项目的常规旅游,离真正的体育旅游还很远。真正意义上的体育旅游应该是那些路途较远、目标明确、过程艰苦,对体能和意志要求较高的活动,像登山、穿越、漂流、探险、自行车长途旅行等等。南宁市市民参与的人数比较少,这主要是目前人们对旅游的认识还停留在观光、购物、餐饮、休闲等层次上。翻译如下;Leisure sports paper industry in Nanning, leisure sports development of the market status of self-cultivation of self-cultivation sports leisure is mainly refers to people's lives in peacetime holiday or leisure time in recreational sports and consumer behavior of self-cultivation to achieve the total value of goods. As the sports industry in China's national economy accounted for an increasing proportion of people's living standards improved, the increase in leisure time, people of sports and cultural needs of growing. 1. Sportswear, equipment, equipment sales due to the holidays that people have more time for sports and fitness and mobility, causing pairs of sports apparel, equipment, more demand for the same time, many sports store sales in the holiday price cuts introduced , seasonal uniform sales, lottery sales and other promotions. According to a survey in October 2008, Nanning Department Store, Parkson, Dream Island, sales were a lot of stores. In the consumer population, the young, to buy sports shoes who are mostly middle-aged to the main fitness equipment. People to Nike, Puma, Adidas, kappa and other well-known brands as the preferred brands, including Nike, Adidas best-selling. Shows that people's consumption level has been improving pay more attention to product quality, reputation, brand, while domestic brands and international brands that there is a great gap. 2.'s Sports Competition Exhibition badminton, aerobics, swimming, tennis, table tennis and other sports, has become a weekend or spare time in Nanning citizens regularly participate in activities. As these projects to learn, easy to master, for space, equipment, clothing less demanding, consumer do not have to travel, in line with the needs of the majority of people in the holidays in it on fire. Nanning City, the major colleges and universities in our various sports competitions, etc., in access to certain economic interests, also meets the masses of the people in the right sport for recreation needs. 3. Sport tourism and leisure self-cultivation Nanning favorable geographical environment and climatic characteristics of a good for sports tourism development provides a unique advantage. With the rapid economic, stable and healthy development of people's living standards increasing, the demand for sports tourism is also growing, the National Tourism Administration who will be the theme of 1996, as the "holiday casual Year" in 2001, the theme in turn as the "China Sports Fitness Tour" and launched a series of national and local large-scale sports tourism activities, a total of 60 have launched a large-scale local features 11 sports, fitness, tourism activities categories 80 special sports, fitness, tourism products and routes to a variety of sports tourism project to meet the needs of different types of consumer groups, to a certain extent, reflects the sports tourism in our country already has a certain size of the market. Sport tourism as a new kind of tourism projects in Nanning City has demonstrated a huge market prospects. Many outdoor projects such as rock climbing, hiking and rafting and other projects because the city's less time-consuming too long, are required to wait for vacation. There is now more willing to travel to participate in more sports activities. According to a survey Nanning City Sports and Recreation facilities surrounding region has many tourists attractions. A-level scenic spots in Nanning involved in sports such as motor boats, water polo, shooting, hot springs and so attracted a large number of tourists from home and abroad. However, around the outskirts of the city involved in sport tourism, just both of conventional sports tourism, sports tourism are still far away from the real. The true sense of the sports tourism should be the distance between those goals were clear, the process difficult, and will physically demanding activities, like mountain climbing, crossing, rafting, adventure, cycling, etc. long-distance travel. Nanning City, the number of people involved in relatively few, mainly the current understanding of people's travel still in the sightseeing, shopping, dining, leisure and other levels.

Leisure sports paper industry in Nanning, leisure sports development of the market status of self-cultivation of self-cultivation sports leisure is mainly refers to people's lives in peacetime holiday or leisure time in recreational sports and consumer behavior of self-cultivation to achieve the total value of goods. As the sports industry in China's national economy accounted for an increasing proportion of people's living standards improved, the increase in leisure time, people of sports and cultural needs of growing. 1. Sportswear, equipment, equipment sales due to the holidays that people have more time for sports and fitness and mobility, causing pairs of sports apparel, equipment, more demand for the same time, many sports store sales in the holiday price cuts introduced , seasonal uniform sales, lottery sales and other promotions. According to a survey in October 2008, Nanning Department Store, Parkson, Dream Island, sales were a lot of stores. In the consumer population, the young, to buy sports shoes who are mostly middle-aged to the main fitness equipment. People to Nike, Puma, Adidas, kappa and other well-known brands as the preferred brands, including Nike, Adidas best-selling. Shows that people's consumption level has been improving pay more attention to product quality, reputation, brand, while domestic brands and international brands that there is a great gap. 2.'s Sports Competition Exhibition badminton, aerobics, swimming, tennis, table tennis and other sports, has become a weekend or spare time in Nanning citizens regularly participate in activities. As these projects to learn, easy to master, for space, equipment, clothing less demanding, consumer do not have to travel, in line with the needs of the majority of people in the holidays in it on fire. Nanning City, the major colleges and universities in our various sports competitions, etc., in access to certain economic interests, also meets the masses of the people in the right sport for recreation needs. 3. Sport tourism and leisure self-cultivation Nanning favorable geographical environment and climatic characteristics of a good for sports tourism development provides a unique advantage. With the rapid economic, stable and healthy development of people's living standards increasing, the demand for sports tourism is also growing, the National Tourism Administration who will be the theme of 1996, as the "holiday casual Year" in 2001, the theme in turn as the "China Sports Fitness Tour" and launched a series of national and local large-scale sports tourism activities, a total of 60 have launched a large-scale local features 11 sports, fitness, tourism activities categories 80 special sports, fitness, tourism products and routes to a variety of sports tourism project to meet the needs of different types of consumer groups, to a certain extent, reflects the sports tourism in our country already has a certain size of the market. Sport tourism as a new kind of tourism projects in Nanning City has demonstrated a huge market prospects. Many outdoor projects such as rock climbing, hiking and rafting and other projects because the city's less time-consuming too long, are required to wait for vacation. There is now more willing to travel to participate in more sports activities. According to a survey Nanning City Sports and Recreation facilities surrounding region has many tourists attractions. A-level scenic spots in Nanning involved in sports such as motor boats, water polo, shooting, hot springs and so attracted a large number of tourists from home and abroad. However, around the outskirts of the city involved in sport tourism, just both of conventional sports tourism, sports tourism are still far away from the real. The true sense of the sports tourism should be the distance between those goals were clear, the process difficult, and will physically demanding activities, like mountain climbing, crossing, rafting, adventure, cycling, etc. long-distance travel. Nanning City, the number of people involved in relatively few, mainly the current understanding of people's travel still in the sightseeing, shopping, dining, leisure and other levels.









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□□正文times new roman 四号


key words:□×××××××××;×××××××××;×××××××××;

times new roman 四号,与中文关键词相对应

times new roman 四号加粗左对齐




□□空一行 黑体三号居中


□□×××××××××××××□…………………………… □2







空一行 写前言内容但不标"前言"二字

□□正文 宋体小四号 包括所有的正文内容

1□×××××× 数字与文字标题均用黑体三号(一级标题)





正文中引用参考文献的序号按先后顺序编码,并置于方括号([ ])中作为右上角码注出,如参考文献序号作为文句的组成部分,则不作为角码,如"方法见文献3".

表格中的英文,数字用times new roman定义.


表1□×××××× 黑体五号居中





××× 宋体五号,水平,垂直居中,







注:图,表的总宽度为㎝. 黑体五号居中




□□空一行 黑体三号居中

□□1□□作者姓名,××××××[m],出版社,出版年份:页码. 中文参考文献 宋体五号


原著者姓名 国别 翻译者姓名


作者姓名 书名 出版社 出版年份 宋体五号

英文参考文献 times new roman 五号





空一行 黑体三号居中

□内容 宋体小四号










1 女性体育视角下太原市健身排舞的开展现状之研究

2 羽毛球运动对女大学生抑郁情绪影响的实验研究

3 北京市海淀区部分农村小学大课间推行古诗韵律操的可行性研究

4 北京市西城区中学生休闲体育活动现状研究——以北京八中为例

5 高湿环境下联合预冷方式对自行车运动员运动能力影响的研究

6 北京国际山地徒步大会群众参与研究

7 首都高校大学生网球联赛发展现状研究

8 商丘市中学代表队课余训练现状调查及对策研究

9 学校体育隐蔽课程的实施现状与发展策略研究——基于烟台市中小学的实证调查

10 快乐体育教学模式的构建与实施策略

11 当代中学生人格现状与发展策略研究——学校体育对学生健康人格的培养

12 中国女排与主要对手得分手段对比研究

13 山东省高校体育教师引进现状与对策研究

14 新生代农民工体育健身保障体系研究——以烟台市为例

15 世界优秀女排二传队员传球习惯动作与分配球特点研究

16 烟台市农村社区体育服务体系构建研究

17 中国与日、韩、泰女排防反系统战术特征的对比分析

18 中国女排不同轮次区域进攻战术效果的定量分析

19 大学生课外体育活动开展现状与发展对策研究——以烟台市普通高校为例

20 烟台市老年人体育锻炼现状与发展对策研究

21 国家摔跤队(男自由)部分主力运动员力量素质研究

22 人体下肢前摆性鞭打动作的力—电关系研究

23 北京体育大学全日制体育专业硕士课程设置研究

24 PNF拉伸法对高校女生髋关节柔韧性的影响研究

25 吉林省中考体育加试面临的问题及对策研究

26 吉林省高校体育教育专业田径专项课程教学改革研究

27 鄂尔多斯市中学生排球队伍现状调查分析

28 山西省独立学院足球运动开展现状的研究

29 阳曲县农村中学体育教师失范行为研究

30 乒乓球正手拉高吊弧圈球与前冲弧圈球技术的运动学差异分析

31 第29、30届奥运会中国男篮进攻战术应用特征分析

32 青少年泡沫轴训练网络课件的开发与研制

33 运动功能性训练干预对幼儿体质发育状况的实验研究

34 北京市小学男子篮球队身体运动功能训练的实验研究——以和平里第一小学为例

35 山东省普通高中体育高考学训现状与对策研究

36 我国中学篮球联赛赛制研究

37 北京市怀柔区小学生体质现状与体育教学应对研究

38 洛阳市城乡中学体育师资现状比较分析及对策研究

39 山西省太原市体育中考实施的现状及对策研究

40 功能训练视角下的沙滩排球运动员沙地移动能力训练方法与手段分析


41 “分组合作教学法”在乒乓球反手推挡教学中的实验研究

42 转型期北京市竞技篮球后备人才培养现状与对策研究

43 民营性健身教练培训机构发展模式研究——以武汉市清波健身学院为例

44 青少年身体运动功能训练动机分析及激发策略的研究——以北京市通州区部分小学初中为例

45 从中日体育文化差异看中国足球文化的本位回归

46 北京市竞技跆拳道可持续发展研究

47 轻器械体操、体操类游戏对7-8岁儿童平衡能力影响的实验研究

48 2005年至2014年拉丁舞比赛服饰的演变及发展趋势

49 我国优秀拉丁舞选手训练内容体系的探究

50 体育舞蹈中融入中国元素的研究

51 以情优教—情感因素溶入体育舞蹈教学的研究

52 篮球运动“运双球练习”多媒体CAI课件的'研制及应用研究

53 远程教育运用于羽毛球教学的方法研究

54 河南省濮阳市特岗体育教师队伍发展现状与对策研究

55 清华附中男子篮球队质量效益的研究

56 北京市中学试点校高尔夫课开展现状的研究

57 北京地区体育专业研究生自主性社会实践调查研究

58 首都体育学院学生职业延迟满足现状与对策研究

59 首都体育学院2013级全日制体育硕士专业学位研究生教学实习状况调查

60 我国男子竞技体操后备人才培养现状及分析

61 2014年度赛季中国女子沙滩排球队主力队员比赛技术运用效果分析

62 高校体育教育专业学生课余体育训练现状的调查与研究——以北京市三所学校为例

63 中国风健身舞的推广研究

64 北京市社区健身腰鼓现状的调查与研究——以白纸坊街道为例

65 北京市民科学健身管理机制的研究

66 河北省保定市业余体校运动员文化教育状况研究

67 北京市健美操锦标赛现状研究

68 国家女子铅球项目奥林匹克高水平后备人才基地训练状况研究

69 北京市体育运动学校青少年运动员文化教育现状的研究

70 河南省沁阳市农村体育开展现状研究

71 国内体育用品企业营销现状及问题研究——以安踏公司为例

72 健美操教学中运用街舞手段的效果研究

73 关于整体篮球个体化、个体篮球整体化的研究

74 健身公共空间营造与公民意识培育——“大妈广场舞”现象反思

75 抗阻组合训练方法手段多媒体网络课件的设计与制作

76 青少年体能锻炼多媒体网络课件的设计与制作——以垫上功能性组合训练为例

77 《国家学生体质健康标准》实施对北京市八里庄学区小学体育教学的影响研究

78 清华大学附属小学《我爱运动》健身操创编与实施的研究

79 北京市海淀区中学街舞运动开展情况调查研究

80 北京市丰台区普通初级中学体操类教学现状及对策研究


81 体育活动对中学生心理压力影响的实验性研究——以北京大学附属中学为例

82 沧州市高中学生体质健康研究

83 河南省焦作市中小学特岗体育教师的现状与研究

84 视频教学法介入对12-14岁学生射箭技术训练效果的研究

85 壁球运动在我国七座城市开展现状研究

86 北京市高校青年体育教师信息素养现状及对策研究

87 菏泽学院2010级体育教育专业学生体质健康的跟踪研究

88 沧州市高校体育安全现状的调查与分析

89 中国艺术体操后备人才培养现状调查与分析

90 中国足球超级联赛中不同组织的文化研究

91 羽毛球正手扣杀技术的三维运动学研究

92 湖北省普通高校田径高水平运动员培养状况研究

93 快速伸缩复合训练对跳跃能力和快速移动能力影响的实验研究

94 从比赛名次看中国男子篮球职业联赛的发展阶段与原因分析

95 阜新篮球学校篮球人才培养模式的研究

96 青少年手球运动员体能和技术训练内容体系及部分指标评价标准的研究

97 北京高校足球高水平运动队人力资源绩效分析

98 北京市大众羽毛球教学现状研究

99 中国艺术体操少年组等级规定动作编排研究

100 首都体育学院足球课程设置研究——基于学生调查和学校间对比

小学体育教学改革之我见摘 要 学校教育改革给体育教学提出了新的目标要求,而现行体育教学很少考虑学生的年龄性别特点,体育课练习密度普遍偏低,不利于全面提高学生身心素质,也很难调动全体学生的学习热情,体育教学改革势在必行。本文根据个人多年体育教学实践体会,就初中体育教学目标、内容和方法提出了改革性建议。关键词 初中体育教学 目标 内容 方法 改革建议1 体育教学的目标学校体育主要由体育教学和课外体育活动组成。体育教学的任务与目标是进行健身知识技能的传授以及运动教学,课外活动目标是巩固课堂教学内容同时组织丰富多彩的活动来练身和活跃学生生活、协调人际关系。所以学校体育的目标宏观来讲应是促进学生体格体能的完善和发展,培养体育的情趣、坚强的意志和良好的社会情感,形成良好的人际关系。对每一个学生而言,是通过体育达到以下四个目标:①身体的发展。有很好的适应能力,包括适应不同环境不同气候不同岗位的身体和心理能力,对疾病的抵抗能力和康复能力,对疲劳的抵抗力;②获得良好的运动技能,提高工作劳动的效率,进而提高生活质量;③掌握科学的健身养生知识,提高智力素质;④培养正确的社会情感,形成民主、公平、竞争的意识,能不断自我发现、自我完善和自我实现。概括地说就是:全面锻炼身体增强体质,掌握体育卫生的基本知识基本技术和基本技能,进行思想品德教育形成良好个性。2 现行教学内容及方法的弊端中学体育包括理论与实践两大部分。理论课十分抽象、深奥,并且系统性不强,比如针对初一学生讲人体的ATP、CP、葡萄糖、脂肪氧化供能,似乎为时太早,太深奥。实践课包括队列队形、基本体操、跑、跳、投、技巧、支撑跳跃、单杠、双杠、民族传统体育、篮球及韵律体操和舞蹈等。体育课是身体活动课,而身体活动是以身体素质与思想素质作基础的。学生基础不同,要掌握相同的教学内容,这也成了体育教师的一大难点。另外限于条件,体育实践课受场地影响大,背越式跳高少不了海绵包,篮球教学要有很多的球与球场,遇大风、下雪、落雨、强日光,体育课变更的随意性则更大。教学内容完不成,学生身体得不到锻炼,结果体育课成了学校的“搭头课”。《中国教育改革和发展纲要》明确指出:中小学要由“应试教育”转向全面发展提高国民素质的轨道。党的十四届五中全会进一步指出“实施科教兴国战略是历史发展的必然选择”。劳动者的素质直接影响到科学技术应用的程度,而基础教育是提高劳动者素质的重要阶段。体育课必须改革,与之相适应。过去有的教师上课“放羊式”,因为目标太高无法实现,教师心中茫然学生亦然,场地器材条件差,加之天气等原因,体育课一盘散沙。过去考什么练什么,对于教材规定的十二项必修教材则抛在一边,吏无选修课与素质练习课,仅仅是为应付教学竞赛和教学检查才上几次考试项目之外的内容,学生学得少、练得也不多。因此体育教学改革势在必行。3 中学生生理心理特点初中学生正处生长发育的第二高峰期,即青春发育期。这个时期学生身体迅速成长,骨胳肌肉发育很快,心血管系统、神经系统都有较大发展,神经兴奋过程占优势,反应快易激动,但心脏发育稍滞后于运动系统与神经系统的发育,运动持续能力差,易疲劳。尤其是性机能的迅速发展,体态上出现了新的变化,男女生差别更为明显。男生声音变粗,喉结突出、出现胡须、体型纵向发展;女生月经出现,声音变高,乳腺发育,皮下脂肪增多,身体开始横向发展。生理方面的这些突变,引起心理、行为也发生相应变化:第一,由于体内新陈代谢旺盛、精力充沛,充满朝气,活泼好动,喜爱体育运动及竞赛以表现自己。第二,由于身体发育不均衡,加之中枢神经系统调节能力差,所以动作笨拙、别扭、不灵活,而且容易头晕和疲劳,干事情往往虎头蛇尾有始无终。第三,由于性机能开始成熟,性意识觉醒,开始注意异性,产生好奇心,并且爱表现自己来吸引异性。第四,成人感产生并逐渐对身体形态产生意识,开始评价别人和进行自我评价。同时心理矛盾更为明显,如独立性与依赖性矛盾,自尊心与自卑感矛盾,反抗性与屈从性的矛盾,理想与挫折的矛盾,这些矛盾使他们表现出偏激或逆反心理,所以应以正面教育引导为主,不可打击其自尊挫伤其人格。4 游戏法教学是比较适合的方法游戏是一种遵循很简单的规则让人有很大自由活动余地的运动,可以随意支配动作的难易与数量,比如双人摇绳跳,只不允许踩死跳绳,而进出的方向、跳动的次数均不加限制;“网鱼”游戏规定在一定范围内运动,而跑直线还是折线、曲线,是急停急起还是跑跳结合均不加限制,只要跑动者不被围捕者逮住即可。游戏法特点之一是参加者全体在运动,这保证了练习的密度与强度;二是动作难度自己控制。比如“贴膏布”,速度快与追捕者离得远可以多绕几个圈,速度慢可就近处置;三是在练习中学习,不会作游戏的人,只要参加了一次练习,也就会作这个游戏了,学习效率比单纯的组织学生学要高很多。其基本过程是“练习一学习一练习”,实用性大,练习次数多,而不是学示范动作那样“学习一练习”;四是不同气候不同场地条件下均可作游戏,受外界的限制较小;五是游戏内容丰富形式多样,可以活跃气氛,提高练习效果;六是可简化教学内容提高学生兴趣。比如篮球投篮练习,将球篮降低到2.2至2.5米高度,学生易于投中,还可练习扣篮,既是游戏,又是教学内容,学生很愿意投入。体育课中使用游戏法,可以激起学生运动热情;但当学生很活泼时上体育课,又必须集中其注意力并稍抑制其激情,这时可用集中注意力游戏;素质练习很枯燥乏味,可用游戏法进行调节,如追逐跑练奔跑能力、听信号追逐跑练反应速度与动作速度,“跳深”与蛙跳的竞赛练跳跃能力,不同高度的橡皮筋可用来练障碍跑和跳高。结束部分用音乐伴奏跳迪斯科来放松肢体,或用听信号大声笑的游戏放松情绪。班级体育活动中亦可引入体育游戏,比如跳绳、登山、小群体的竞赛等均可协调学生关系,增强凝聚力。全校性的拔河比赛,球类比赛,擂台赛,可以促进学校学习气氛的转化,可以扭转后进生,使他们发现自己的优点和长处,提高学习兴趣;健美操、韵律操、体育舞蹈是女生们喜爱的内容,可以促进机体的发展,展示美好的姿势,培养自信心。业余运动队的选材和训练,也可以采用游戏的方法进行。训练是艰苦、枯燥的事情,如果手段不发生变化,极易造成学生伤痛发生和成绩下降,通过形式多样的游戏则既可提高身体素质和运动技术,又可以调节精神和情感,防止运动损伤。总之,实施素质教育应强调让每一个学生的每一个方面均有发展,具有个性特长,实施游戏法教学则能很好地吸引学生,使他们感到因为学校里有自己的游戏伙伴,有游戏场所和游戏组织者及参与者,在共同的活动中可以不断了解自己,评价自己,提高欣赏美、表现美、创造美的能力,能够在快乐中锻炼身体,培养良好的思想品德。所以,学校体育中应大力推广游戏法教学,尤其是义务教育中,在学生的世界观、人生观形成时期,在体质锻炼的黄金时期,用多种有效教学方法促进学生全面发展。参考文献1 体育学院通用教材.运动心理学.人民体育出版社,1996.42 雷志灶.中学体育教材教法.《湖南体育科学》编辑部编辑出版,1998.63 体育学院通用教材.学校体育学.高教出版社,1995.44 梁文忠,徐新启.素质教育必读,1997还有些其他的速度素质练习的方法、手段 试论排球发球技战术的变化及对策 浅析体育教学中的“启发式”教学模式 篮球运动员的篮板球意识及其培养 篮球运动员不良罚球心态及其矫正 跨栏步摆动腿动作的生物力学分析 竞赛中运动员的心理障碍与心理训练 初中体育教学改革之我见 体育教学中学生的兴趣激发之我见 体育节 我们的节日____关于我县高级中学举办“学生体育节”的构想及意义 企业赞助中学高水平运动队处探 关于我市居民体育生活现状的思考和研究 论200米跑运动员的生化特点和训练 在体育教学中如何培养学生的创新精神和实践能力 现代中小学体育特点分析 浅析体育教学中的“启发式”教学模式 在体育中渗透心理健康教育详细资料自己看吧
