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《激励在现代企业管理中的重要作用》,杨勇 林会云 高庆国,煤炭技术,2008年4月2.《论激励理论在企业管理中的运用》,刁在亮,黑龙江科技信息,2008年24期3.《浅议企业管理中的激励机制》,任彩银,石家庄联合技术职业学院学术研究,2006年9月4.《论激励理论在企业管理中的应用》,刘燕,现代商贸工业,2008年第七期5.《浅谈企业管理中的激励原则和激励措施》,黄其坤,时代经贸,2008年7月


试论现代企业人力资源管理中激励机制的有效运用论文关键词:企业人力资源激励机制论文摘要:在知识经济时代,企业之间的竞争已经不是单纯的物质竞争。以人力资源为基础的竞争让人才成为企业发展的关键因素,而激励机制又是人力资源的重要内容。建立完善良好的激励机制,调动知识型员工的积极性,提高员工的工作效率,挖掘员工的个人潜力是企业首要问题。因此探讨构建激励机制,有效地运用激励机制对现代企业的人力资源管理具有重要意义。一、人力资源激励机制的内涵和特征(一)激励机制的内涵“激励”指的是持续激发人的动机的心理过程。激励机制,在企业内外部条件之内,通过各种激励措施与规章制度来制定一套理性化的制度, 激发员工不断为企业做出贡献。企业激励机制又可分为外在激励机制和内在激励机制。外在励因素主要包括薪金激励因素和职工福利激励因素两个方面,企业直接控制的激励资源,主要以物质激励为体现。内在激励是通过精神的满足来强化个人行为的,主要要有目标激励因素和情感激励因素,且方法多样。(二)激励机制的特征1、公平性。激励机制的最基本原则是坚持公平公正,企业的上下层,在企业利益面前都应是一视同仁的,公平的给予奖惩,激励机制才有效果。2、针对性。不管是物质激励还是精神激励,都要坚持实事求是的原则,针对性的对员工进行奖惩。3、及时性。激励要及时,企业要及时的对员工鼓励与鞭策。管理者必须及时地对员工的工作成就等进行反馈,进行绩效考核。4、一致性。企业的目标是一致的,激励是一种刺激,要明确目标,使员工知道自己该做什么,怎样做,做的意义,为企业的目标而奋斗。二、人力资源管理中激励机制存在的问题(一)激励机制不健全主要表现为人才引进机制不科学;培训激励机制不足;薪酬激励机制欠缺等。企业为站的先机,都渴求招收到高素质、高水平的复合型人才,但是在招聘过程中没有明确的招聘要求,后期的培训没有明确的目标,且无法利用薪酬激励来留住人才。(二)激励形式和手段单一多数企业对激励机制的理解十分片面。我国企业采用的激励形式多数以激励力度不够强的工资、奖金、年薪制等为主。而股票期权和管理者持股等有效激励方式并不常见。此外,我国目前只重视如年薪制等物质方面的奖 励,确忽视了精神奖励的作用。布恩那个从根本上调动员工的热情,员工缺乏忠诚度和荣誉感。(三)绩效考核制度不科学缺乏一套完善健全的员工业绩考核机制,绩效考核体系缺乏规范化、定量化,一指标模糊、考核指标没有针对性,缺乏可信性,缺乏可以量化的指标; 二是缺乏适用性,考核脱节现象严重,考核没有和员工的升职进行挂钩,严重地打击了员工工作的积极性。(四)缺少健全完善的企业文化目前我国企业文化建设意识还很淡薄,未把企业文化的建设作为协助人力资源管理的重要举措。无法吸引更多优秀人才加入带企业发展中来,也留不住优秀的人才。员工缺乏共同的价值观,主人翁意识不强,成为企业人力资源管理的一个瓶颈三、人力资源管理中激励机制的实际运用(一)健全一个系统性的激励机制首先应明确构建激励机制的目标,坚持以人为本的管理理念,建立规范化的招聘和培训体系,综合利用各种激励手段,,建立人性化,系统化,全方位的激励新机制,吸引和留住优秀的人才,实现企业的可持续发展。过程检查与及时纠偏相结合,在激励机制中,并不仅仅是为了激励而激励,而是用激励来更好地促进与保障企业总目标的实现。(二)创新激励形式和手段首先,物质与精神激励兼顾,实行全面激励,促使潜能的开发在进行物质奖励的同时,注重给予精神激励,片面采用加薪方式虽然能在一定程度上满足员工的基本需要,当物质需求得到满足后,人们的需求会向更高层次发展,即精神需求,单纯的物质激励或精神激励都难以调动员工的积极性, 只有二者相结合,即在物质激励的基础上;再次,创建适合企业特点的公平的激励机制,在加大惩罚力度的同时,要注意奖惩分明;最后,增强激励的针对性,提高员工素质和自我激励根据需求的层次理论,不同的人需求是不一样的,而是应根据员工的需求类型,对症下药,做到有的放矢,做到有差别的激励,从而提高员工的工作积极性。(三)完善薪酬、绩效考核体系员工的薪酬必须改变原有的一刀切的模式,应该根据发展的需要,将员工的薪酬分为基本和绩效考核奖励两部分,建立动态的激励薪酬机制,帮助员工提高工作的绩效,具体的来讲,员工薪酬激励应该包括固定薪酬和浮动薪酬两部分,在固定薪酬里面主要应该从附加薪酬、基本工资和岗位津贴等几个方面对各岗位进行均衡的考核;而对于浮动薪酬部分要根据个人的工作岗位的具体情况从个人成长基金和绩效。(四)营造有归属感的企业文化首先,要充分尊重员工。尊重也是一种基本的激励手段,听取不同岗位,不同阶层员工的意见与建议,其次,要加强团队协作。注意做好员工的思想工作,加强员工间的理解与沟通, 促进员工间的和谐与协调。再次,要采取措施,鼓励创新。应采取多种有效手段,不断激励员工, 开拓创新。在企业文化指导下进行员工职业生涯规划,促进员工 自身的发展成长,实现自我价值。现代企业人力资源管理中激励机制是一个复杂的过程,企业应通过完善和有效执行企业激励机制,增进员工的成长和发展,优化企业队伍,提高企业的竞争能力。为经济和社会全面协凋发展提供高质量的公共管理和公共服务。参考文献:[1]张进芳:浅析企业人力资源管理中激励机制的问题与对策 《 商场现代化》 [2]李元勋 黄法得:如何使物质奖励具有精神激励作用人才 《能源开发》,


频繁发生的矿难事件引发了我对中国行政责任制度问题的思考,本文以中国行政责任制度为研究内容,在反思中国行政责任制度的基础上,运用人民主权理论,委托—代理理论,社会契约理论和民主控权理论等现代政治民主理论,分析中国行政责任制度的缺失及成因,从公共管理视域提出重构中国行政责任制度的见解.行政责任制度是现代民主政治的产物,是国家政治制度的重要组成部分,是宪政制度的基础,是人民对政府管理进行民主监督的制度安排,是政府必须为自己行使公共权力的行为负责的法治要求和德治要求,是中国政治文明建设的重要内容.中国行政责任制度的重构对化解政府信用危机,树立新型行政价值观,塑造廉洁高效政府形象,建立政府与人民之间的良性互动关系,提高中国政治制度品质具有重要作用.行政责任制度的实现情况是社会文明的一个标志.本文分五个部分阐述中国行政责任制度缺失与重构的基本观点.第一部分,绪论.对重构中国行政责任制度的背景,依据,目的,意义进行分析,并综述了目前学术界对行政责任制度研究的情况.国内外对政府的行政责任制度有一些研究,主要研究视角有政治学,法学和公共行政管理三个不同领域,各个学科都从本学科基础理论出发对行政责任制度建设提出基本看法.政治学的研究偏重于制度的宏观层次,法学的研究偏重于制度的中观层次,公共管理的研究偏重于制度的微观层次,各个学科的研究各有特色,促进了行政责任制度研究的深化.第二部分,阐述行政责任制度的基本理论.任何一种制度的重构都需要基本理论作支撑,行政责任制度的重构也不例外.本章追述了行政责任的由来,指出行政责任是人类社会的历史现象.分析了行政责任的内涵,外延,内容和分类.对行政责任制度进行界定,探讨了行政责任制度的本质,功能和内容.提出人民主权理论,社会契约理论,委托—代理理论和民主控权理论是重构行政责任制度的理论基础.第三部分,分析中国行政责任制度的缺失与成因.中国行政责任制度的缺失主要体现在三个方面,即价值层面的行政责任观念缺失,制度设计层面的行政责任主体制度缺失和制度实现层面的行政责任制度运行机制缺失,并从主观方面和客观方面分析了行政责任制度缺失的主要原因.第四部分,提出中国行政责任制度重构的必要性与可能性,以及重构行政责任制度的重点内容.重构行政责任制度是完善中国政治制度,提升政府品质和提高政府执政能力的需要.而民治的要求,法治的要求,德治的要求是中国行政责任制度重构的动力因素.行政责任制度重构的重点内容是行政组织责任制度,行政法律责任制度,行政首长负责制度和行政岗位责任制度等.第五部分,提出重构行政责任制度的对策.即在行政价值原则上,树立现代行政理念,从领导至上转向法律至上,从权力治民转向人民至上,从权力无限转向权力有限,从行政失信转向诚信行政,建立责任政府和诚信政府.健全行政责任制度安排,建立公务员宣誓制度和引咎辞职制度.规范行政责任制度的实现机制,建立政府自我评价与追究,人民代表大会评价与追究和社会评价与追究的行政责任实现机制.关键词:中国;行政责任;行政责任制度;缺失与重构 公务员激励Frequent accident caused me to think about the issue of administrative responsibility institution, on the basis of the thought, by using the theory of the theory of modern political democracy, such as popular sovereignty, commissioned-acting theory, social contract theory and file theory etc. I try to analysis the deficiencies and causes of administrative responsibility institution, from angle of the public management domain to bring forward my responsibility institution is a product of modern democratic political system, is an important component of the national political system, is the foundation of civil government of the constitutional system, is the institution arrangement of democratic supervision management, is that the government must provide their own exercise of public authority responsible for the conduct of the rule of law and rule by virtue demands, is the key components of our political civilization building. It will play important role as follows, resolving the credit crisis, a new administrative values, shaping the image of a clean and efficient government, building positive interactions between government and citizens and improving the quality of our political system etc. The level of administrative responsibility institution achievement is a mark of civilized society. I will set forth the basic viewpoints from five I, introduction. I will analysis the background, rationale, objectives, significance of rebuilding Chinese institution of administrative responsibility, and provide a review of current academic research on administrative responsibility institution. And some studies are in progress, major research perspective include political science, law and public administration three different areas, various disciplines starting from the basic theoretical disciplines of building basic administrative accountability views. Political science studies focus on the macro-level system, law research on the middle level, public administration research on the micro level in the system, each with various research disciplines to promote administrative responsibility institution study in II, on the basic theory of administrative responsibility institution. Any restructuring will require basic theory as uphold, the administrative responsibility institution is no exception. In this chapter, we trace the origin of the administrative responsibility institutions, and point out the administrative responsibility is the phenomenon of the history of human society, and analysis of the content of administrative responsibility, outreach, content and classification. Define the administrative accountability and explore the essence of administrative accountability, functions and content. Raise sovereignty, commissioned-acting theory, social contract theory and file theory as theoretical Ⅲ, I analysis of the deficiencies and causes administrative responsibility institution. The deficiencies primarily incarnated three areas, namely, the deficiencies of value level of administrative responsibilities, the subject deficiencies from the institution design level and the circulate mechanisms deficiencies from the administrative system, and analysis the main reasons of deficiencies from subjective and objective IV, I bring forward the need and the possibility of reconstruct the administrative responsibility institution, and put forward the key contents. The need is that the improving the administrative system of modern political systems, enhancing the quality and increasing the power capacity. And the dynamics is that the civil requirements, the requirements of the rule of law, rule by virtue. The focus of modern administrative organization is that the administrative liability system, the Chief Executive and the administrative positions V, the measures of reconstruct the administrative responsibility institution. Which could be understand as the administrative value principle, a modern administrative philosophy, from the supremacy to law leading up to, from the primacy of civil authority and from the unlimited power to limited power, from breaking promise to keeping promise, to establish the responsibility of government and the integrity of government. Sound administrative responsibility institution arrangements, to create the civil service system and take the blame and resign and sworn system. Regulate administrative responsibility institution mechanisms to achieve the establishment of government self-evaluation, evaluation and accountability by the People's Congress and the community to assess administrative mechanisms the : China; administrative responsibilities; administrative responsibility institution; deficiencies and reconstruction ;mechanism of encouraging of civil service

The annual salary system based on the incentive mechanism on stock options Abstract: The Entrepreneurs of the incentive mechanisms that affect the development of the key factors. Based on the analysis of the current implementation of many of our enterprises on the basis of the annual salary system, studied and discussed more conducive to encourage entrepreneurs of the stock options of long-term incentive mechanism. The development of domestic and international business practice that: enterprise can do a good job, the key lies in people who have enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, the key is management, management can upswing, the key lies in the choice of entrepreneurs, incentive and restraint mechanisms And the incentive mechanism is the key to key. First, the theoretical basis for the annual salary system In recent years, the annual salary system gradually income entrepreneurs in China to promote, to follow the needs of enterprise reform, but also the value of human capital and entrepreneurs specific functions to be recognized and the results. (A) entrepreneurs have a special human capital Business entrepreneurs, though not the owner of physical capital, but they have excellent quality and management capacity, for the production and operation of enterprises to provide special human capital, human capital is such a modern enterprise survival and development of the most important and most dilute Lack of resources. Entrepreneurs, business development planning, internal management system, investment programmes and profit distribution plan and other major issues of policy makers and organizations perpetrators. In a sense, entrepreneurs hold the fate of enterprises, dominated the rise and fall of corporate survival. Entrepreneurs of the scarcity of human capital in its own survival period is longer, higher training costs, many business operators, but can really become entrepreneurs of the few. Entrepreneurs to provide the most important and special scarce human capital, making them in a modern enterprise system in general was different from the human resources of the powers, responsibilities and benefits. They have the corporate management decision-making power, charged with the responsibility of corporate capital appreciation, the benefits should also be its power, relative responsibility, not only in their remuneration is higher than that of the general staff and workers compensation, performance is more important to Entrepreneurs should be involved in business in the remainder of the profit-sharing. (B) of entrepreneurs with internal and external dual function Entrepreneurs is the internal function within the enterprise entrepreneurs to other production elements of organization and coordination, the overall configuration, to the maximum play to the role of various factors of production, specific performance in: entrepreneurs decided to internal organizational settings, Develop their internal management systems and to develop business profit distribution plan. This organization of the internal allocation of resources is a senior labor and complicated labor, entrepreneurs, according to the labor intensity and complexity of remuneration, this part of a general income distribution according to work areas. Entrepreneur's external feature is that entrepreneurs of foreign competition features, including innovation and risk management capabilities. Innovative features including the introduction of new products, the introduction of new technology, opening up new markets. The introduction of new production and management organizations. Risk management function is that entrepreneurs in their process of innovation should also be considered in their decision-making and analysis of market risks, social risks and natural risks, and actively pursuing hedge the risk of revenue at the same time. Foreign entrepreneurs function is determined by the innovative entrepreneurs take a risk and revenue income, income does not belong to this part of the general distribution according to work areas, we can call it "technical know distribution." And the innovative capacity of entrepreneurs and risk management capability can be attributed to their level of knowledge and level of knowledge and management as a special labor involved in the creation of corporate profits, and entrepreneurs have reason and right to participate in the sharing of corporate profits. Second, entrepreneurs, the reality of the annual salary system For these entrepreneurs, the theoretical basis for income, in real economic life, entrepreneurs, the annual salary income from salary income and profit sharing composed of two parts, namely S = α + βπ, for distribution according to work-α in the annual fixed pay, π is Profit targets, β coefficient is shared. α as the income distribution according to work, its decision mechanism and the general staff remuneration for labor's decision mechanism is similar. However, due to labor management is a more advanced and complex work, so, α the identification more complicated. In addition to comply with the "minimum wage can maintain the survival and reproduction of labour" principle outside, α the size of the main decisions on the following factors: First, the entrepreneurs affected the market supply and demand situation, to a large extent depends on the marginal productivity of entrepreneurs Second, the entrepreneurs the opportunity cost (such as access to education and training expenses and spend a result of the loss of income opportunities) on the impact of the third, the complexity of the activities of management experience and risk degree of influence; fourth, Should take into account the "high-paying Yang Lian" needs. ∏ profit targets based on their own situation there are three main options: first, π means that the actual profit or that actual profits exceed the profits of the » Second, π means that the total profits or profits compared with last year's increase in the » Third, π can also be relatively few, that is, profitability, the profit margin is sales revenue or profit margins funds margin » Share β coefficient determined by the size of entrepreneurs on the marginal contribution to profits. β have identified the three options: first, by the business owners in accordance with the specific situation of enterprise decision; second, entrepreneurs from the same industry competition to decide, within the same industry in the implementation of a unified β; third, from all social enterprises Home competition to decide, when the average β is the social entrepreneurs to share coefficient, the management decided to entrepreneurs working on the social average profit contribution. From the reality of the annual salary system, we can see that the annual salary system more complete and objectively reflect the performance of the work of entrepreneurs, the wage relations, highlighted the importance of entrepreneurs, human capital, while making entrepreneurs and the economic efficiency of enterprises linked to income, Reflects the interests, responsibilities and risks of the principle of consistency. However, the annual salary system to consider only the company's annual revenue, in the case of asymmetric information, entrepreneurs will lead to acts of short-term, the pursuit of short-term high-income after Yizoulezhi. In addition, the annual salary system does not include long-term rewards, in the absence of dynamic IP cases, entrepreneurs may obtain income through other channels, such as through various channels, "rent-seeking", in-service consumer, eat or drink, and other public funds. To remedy this deficiency, we can learn from foreign enterprises to implement the stock options and other long-term incentive mechanism, so that the personal interests of entrepreneurs and business interests more closely together. Third, the connotation of incentive stock options and the feasibility of The so-called incentive stock options system, the intent is to give entrepreneurs the company within a certain period of time in accordance with the established price to buy a certain number of shares of the Company's rights, made by the entrepreneurs of the cost of equity capital markets and equity prices on the poor Formation of a reward for entrepreneurs to add. This article discussed the incentive stock options, has a special meaning is that entrepreneurs will be paid an annual salary in profit sharing in whole or in part into the form of stock options to achieve long-term incentive effect. Incentive stock options will be "incentive pay" and "ownership incentives" ingenious combination of, on the one hand to entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs make the long-term behavior and interests of solidarity with the interests of business owners and entrepreneurs make a business One of the owners, have some ownership of other enterprises, at least have the following benefits: First, open a corporate ownership structure, and stability can continue to attract outstanding management personnel; Second, the entrepreneurs of the stock options from income Provision of the securities market, enterprises can reduce the burden of paying cash reward, save a lot of working capital to enterprises in the non-payment of funds under the incentives to entrepreneurs; Third, can reduce the asymmetric information, reduce agency costs; four enterprises can be corrected Home of short-sighted mentality, so that entrepreneurs are not only concerned about the enterprise, more concerned about their future. In contemporary developed countries, business manager's remuneration structure of a larger change than ever before, to stock options as the main reward system has been replaced by a basic annual salary and bonus as the mainstay of the traditional pay system. According to statistics, the world's top 500 large industrial enterprises, 90 percent of the enterprises have their senior management adopted a stock option compensation system, of course, these enterprises are joint-stock listed companies. At the national level, corporate stock options incentive mechanisms in recent years in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Wuhan and other places in infancy. 1993, Shenzhen Vanke developed a strict standard "staff shares scheme rules" for implementation in three phases, but because the relevant laws and regulations did not keep up, making the first phase of the "stock options" in 1995 after the employee shares into Has not been listed, the second phase of abortion. In early 1999, Shanghai's industrial system initiated the "operators revolution," the pilot system of incentive stock options. In 1999, the Wuhan City in the form of stock options to honour the six companies the legal representative of the annual salary. His annual salary from the base salary income, income risk and special incentives, such as the annual salary component. One risk of revenue in net profit in accordance with the approved enterprises, 30 percent in cash honoured, and the remaining 70 percent into stock options. Although these experiments is not the strict sense and norms of stock options, but it is a useful and positive exploration, to a large extent inspired the operators. Fourth, stock option incentive mechanism design The above analysis shows that the current remuneration structure of the annual salary system in the implementation of joint-stock enterprises have yet there are still some applicability, but also for the implementation of joint-stock companies listed on the stock incentive period only laid the foundation. As the annual salary system of compensation contract extension, entrepreneurs, business owners can pay part of profit sharing in cash paid to entrepreneurs, will be transformed into the rest of the stock options. Such stock options is the intrinsic value of stock options expire at the present value of the transfer, in the efforts of entrepreneurs, if the company's operating condition and stock price rising, entrepreneurs can be higher than the annual salary of stock options System for the proceeds of the contrary, if the company to operate properly, the stock was up against or not, are not entrepreneurs, not only the current stock options, but the previous efforts (of the stock options have value) will also have been in vain . Based on the above ideas, we designed stock options incentive mechanism. First of all remuneration structure in the annual salary system S = α + βπ on the basis of the introduction of the relative performance comparison information - another corporate profit targets z. In this way, the entrepreneurs to improve the remuneration structure: Ε for which the income of entrepreneurs and other corporate profit targets z relations factor: If ε = 0, entrepreneurs of income and z, otherwise, the income of entrepreneurs and z clearance, that is, business owners in the development of expectations Profits when the standard reference to the profits of enterprises related to other indicators. Comparing the relative performance of the introduction of information aimed at enhancing the strength of incentives to entrepreneurs objectivity. Of course, the entrepreneurs pay the profit-sharing programmes in the coefficient of standards and expectations of the determination of profits, ultimately a matter for the business owners and entrepreneurs to balance the results of Concorde, the owners and entrepreneurs can not be the initial desire to be fully met. Generally speaking, the desire to meet the level of the specific values of variables and the two sides in the negotiations depends on the status of the greater amount of information, the higher the position, the easier it is to satisfy the desire. Determine the matter reward entrepreneurs profits in cash to pay the proportion of i, cash income from entrepreneurs such as: Where p after the announcement of the corporate annual report one month's average price. In addition, the business owner provides entrepreneurs, before the expiration of stock options may not be listed in circulation, but entrepreneurs have stock options dividends, by配股rights. After the expiration of stock options, entrepreneurs have full ownership, he can be realised or stock to continue to hold. Their specific operating under the rules of the actual business case may be, for example, will reward entrepreneurs, profit sharing of 30 percent in cash honoured, and the remaining 70 percent into stock options, this part of the shares of the voting machine temporarily by the owner of the exercise, The second year of the return of last year, equivalent to 30 per cent of profit sharing paid shares, then the third year in the same form of the return of 30 percent, while the remaining 10 per cent of total retirement. Five of China's enterprises, stock options Thoughts Domestic and foreign enterprises reform of the system of remuneration Practice has proved that the stock options is to coordinate the interests of shareholders and entrepreneurs the most direct way is to implement long-term incentives to entrepreneurs an effective means of restraint. However, stock options the feasibility and effectiveness does not mean that each and every enterprise in China must be adopted, nor does it mean that all enterprises have access to immediate effect. Stock options in order to make the smooth and effective implementation, it will be dependent on the following aspects of the work of common development. (A) actively promote the stock option incentive mechanism pilot China's enterprises in the internal and external conditions are ripe circumstances, must not blind action, Yihongershang, select some good joint-stock operation, standardize operations in recent years, no significant adverse events listed companies, especially those who grow up with good development potential Large high-tech pilot listed companies, to be made and the experience of all aspects of the promotion after the conditions are ripe. (B) pay close attention to amend and improve laws and regulations governing securities States should step up the formulation of the relevant stock option incentive mechanism of policies and regulations, including the mandate of the main stock options, incentive target, source, proportion, volume and price, the stock option shortest retention period, the minimum retention and non-negotiable, and Entrepreneurs such as the middle of separation or retirement of the approach, and so on, so that the enterprise incentive stock option plan law, rule-based, standardized operation. (C) to speed up the establishment and improvement of professional entrepreneurs market China's entrepreneurs, the cultivation, selection and use of still lacks clear and effective channel and contract protection, therefore, it is necessary to fully tap and entrepreneurs to play the function of the market, improve the mechanism by an agent, to the entrepreneurs of the term of office, powers and responsibilities, such as the establishment of Lee Clear and strict provisions of the lease for the smooth implementation of stock options to provide organizational guarantee. (D) focus on cultivating effective stock market It is necessary to guide investors adjusted attitude, focus on rational investment, guard against blindly speculation, to reduce body speculation, the stock manipulation phenomena, to form an effective stock market, correctly reflect the operating results of enterprises so that the entrepreneurs of the stock options income and business performance Has a high correlation. (5) to improve corporate governance and oversight mechanisms Stake in the implementation of the enterprise must encourage the establishment and improvement of corporate governance and oversight mechanisms, and ensure the General Assembly and the Board of Directors by the shareholders determine compensation incentives to entrepreneurs of the specific programmes; entrepreneurs with the signing of a legally binding contract by the board of supervisors to exercise day-to-day Oversight functions.超过字数限制了..中文的发不了..汗..我用另一个号来发..如果你觉得这个可以的话就把分加到我这个号上.(312004342)

1、〈〈世界上最有效的管理——激励〉〉 王祖成编著,中国统计出版社,2002 年。2、《财务管理与实务》 孔宁宁编著,中国对外经济贸易出版社,2002 年。3、〈〈企业经营管理者与财务会计〉〉 胡逢才编著,冶金工业出版社,2000 年。4、〈〈激励型领导〉〉 (英)Jane Cranwell-Ward) 著,机械工业出版社,2003 年。6、小林健吾.企业预算管理[M].台北:台华工商图书出版公司,19987、潘爱香等.全面预算管理[M]..杭州:浙江人民出版社,20018、高丛.传统预算管理改革新思路[J].河南商业高等专科学校学报,2004,5:37一38至于文献格式自己弄一下吧!




组织行为学论文摘 要本论文是对中外企业应用激励理论来进行企业管理的比较研究。本论文首先对组织行为学中的激励理论的发展现状和意义做了阐述,随后针对GE公司和联想集团的激励体制进行了对比分析,表明企业应针对自身不同的性质制定不同的激励体制。关键字:效绩考评;双因素分析理论;团队精神;员工成就感;一、 激励机制概述: 激励机制原理:激励机制是为了激励员工而采取的一系列方针政策、规章制度、行为准则、道德规范、文化理念以及相应的组织机构、激励措施的总和。通过这一机制所形成的推动力和吸引力,使员工萌发实现组织目标的动机,产生实现目标的的动力,引起并维持实现组织目标的行为;并通过绩效评价,得到自豪感和响应的奖酬,强化自己的行为。 运用激励机制的意义国内外的实践证明,适当的运用激励机制并据此进一步研究改进生产环境,组织结构,管理方法,协调人际的关系,可以缓和劳资矛盾,形成“同舟共济”意识,齐心协力应付经济危机。从精神上、物质上引导员工充分发挥他们的劳动创造性和工作积极性,提高工作效率和工作效益,推进企业的可持续发展,有着极其重要的作用。二、 案例分析本论文通过对GE公司和联想集团各自的激励机制做一个分析,比较中外企业对于激励机制的不同运用。 GE公司的员工激励机制GE公司对员工有着一套相当完善的考评制度。公司CEO韦尔奇随身都会携带一本笔记本,上面画满了图表,每个部门都有相关的图表,反映每个员工的情况)这是一个动态的评估,每个人都知道自己所处的位置。第一类占10%,他们是顶尖人才;次一些的是第二类,占15%;第三类是中等水平的员工,占50%,他们的变动弹性最大;接下来是占15%的第四类,需要对他们敲响警钟,督促他们上进;第五类是最差的,占10%,我们只能辞退他们。根据业绩评估,每个员工都会知道他们处在哪一类,这样没有人会抱怨得不到赏识。第一类员工会得到股票期权,第二类中的大约90%和第三类中的50%会得到股票期权,第四类员工没有奖励。图表是最好的工具,哪些人应该得到奖励,哪些人应该打道回府,一目了然。奖赏对员工而言,不应是可望而不可及的,就象鼻子碰着玻璃而穿不过去那样,他们能得到他们应得的。精神鼓励和物质奖励都是必要的,两者缺一不可。对于高层管理人员,GE公司鼓励鼓励他们在工作上相互竞争,但不要有个人恩怨。韦尔奇的做法是将奖赏分为两个部分,一半奖励他在自己的业务部门的表现,另一半奖励他对整个公司发展的贡献。如果自己部门业绩很好,但对公司发展不利,则资金为零。韦尔奇一向鼓励员工勇敢地展示自己,谈出自己的看法,争取上司的赏识。“我希望员工能充分发挥潜能,提出他们的建议,而我会为他们提供各种资源。这样员工们给我的将是许多建议和计划,我可能会说:"我不喜欢这个想法,但那个主意非常好"。这样的交流更有创意。”在今天GE的各个部门,每当公司取得一些成绩,他们都会把生产线停下来,大家一起出去庆祝。GE公司每位员工都有一张"通用电气价值观"卡。卡中对领导干部的警戒有9点:痛恨官僚主义、开明、讲究速度、自信、高瞻远瞩、精力充沛、果敢地设定目标、视变化为机遇以及适应全球化。这些价值观都是GE公司进行培养的主题。也是决定公司职员晋升的最重要的评价标准。 联想集团:业绩为重联想是一个以业绩为导向型的公司,不惟学历重能力,不惟资历重业绩。联想现在许多高管人员其实在公司工作时间并不长,能从普遍员工升到最高管理层,原因不是跟谁有什么关系,而是全凭业绩。为什么外企一些有相当级别的管理人员愿意到联想工作,就是看重了这一点。不同层次的人员收入不同是很自然的,但联想的干部没有贵族化的倾向。联想的干部比例适中,中级以上管理人员有200多人,而公司全部员工有万多人(其中职员约5000人)。其实联想每一个事业部的规模,都相当于一个中型IT企业,这些管理者得到的收入高些也是理所应当的。当然从薪酬结构上看,固定工资部分,经理层跟员工层的差异并不十分巨大。联想员工的收入分为3块,固定工资、绩效浮动和年底分红,在一个以业绩为导向型的企业里,员工的收入是跟其贡献直接挂钩的。任何一个企业都是20%的人才创造80%的财富,对这20%员工的薪酬当然不能少了。现在市场竞争很激烈,人才争夺很激烈,争夺的焦点就是一些高级管理人才和高级技术人才,因为这些人才可以为公司做出重大贡献。在联想,普通员工并不是只有做管理人员一条升迁之路,不做经理可以走技术职称的道路。技术骨干的待遇与相应的管理者的收入没有差别。 今年年底之前,联想要完成能力评介体系,要让公司的各级管理层知道每个员工的能力如何,其社会竞争力处在什么水平,是否达到了人岗匹配,是不是把最适合的人放在最适合的位置。这项工作可以达到3个目的:公司清楚员工的能力水平、主管清楚手下人员的能力水平、员工清楚自己的能力水平,真正做到人尽其用,不造成人才浪费。为突出业绩导向效果,联想在业绩考核中实行末位淘汰制,如果员工在考核后进入最后一个层次,就进入了末位淘汰区。所以,不论哪一层次的人都有压力,中层管理人员压力也是很大的,如果考核时排在最后,就会成为不合格员工。联想还培养了后备干部,对于被淘汰的人所在的岗位,马上就有人可以顶上,这是一个合理的闭环。确实,在IT企业必须每个人都时刻要有危机意识,不进则退,跟不上形势就要被淘汰,企业如此,个人亦如此。三、 中外企业在建立激励制度上的联系与差异中外企业在建立激励制度上的共同点在GE公司和联想集团的激励机制中我们可以看到一个共同点,那就是员工的业绩考评制度。两家公司都是将物质奖励与精神奖励结合起来,将正激励与负激励结合起来,实行末位淘汰制度;所不同的是,GE公司更偏重于激发员工的竞争意识,使这种外部的推动力量转化成一种自我努力工作的动力,充分发挥人的潜能;而联想集团则是力争体现公平发展的原则,力争做到人尽其用,不造成人才浪费。 中外企业在建立激励机制上的不同点 概述由于企业的性质不同,两家公司在机制上也有不同的侧重。因为对于不同企业来说,影响工作积极性的因素所产生的排序也不同,详见下表:不同因素对不同类型的企业的影响力排序国外企业 国有企业 中外合资企业成就 公平与发展 成就与认可认可 认可 企业发展工作吸引力 工作条件 工作激励责任 报酬 人际关系发展 人际关系 基本需求责任 领导作风基本需求 自主福利报酬 外国企业激励机制的特点作为外资企业,GE公司就十分注重培养员工个人的成就感,以员工的满意度为工作重点,鼓励员工充分发挥创造性和自主性,提升员工的团队精神。公司的这一体制正是赫兹伯格双因素理论的具体体现。赫兹伯格认为使员工感到不满意的因素与使员工感到满意的因素是不同的,前者往往是由外界的工作环境所引起的(即保健因素),而后者通常是由工作本身所产生的(即激励因素)。员工在工作上的成就感,责任感,得到的认可和赞赏,都属于激励因素。对于一个公司来说,使员工意识到他们有潜力不断进步比制定目标更重要。因为只有当员工发挥了主动性,为公司出谋划策,才能使公司以最快的速度发展。因此,对于管理者来说,要让员工明白他们是受重视的,以及他们对于公司的重要性,GE公司良好的团队合作氛围,“GE价值观”卡就是这一理论很好的应用。每个人都希望自己能在一个民主,开明的公司工作,GE的这些制度使员工们感觉到他们是一个成功团队的一部分,同时自己也为着这个团队的成功献出的每一份贡献也都是可以预见的到回报的。激励因素的改善,往往能够给员工以很大的激励,产生工作的满意感,有助于充分、有效、持久地调动员工的积极性。 国有企业激励机制的特点作为国有年轻的IT企业,联想根据高科技企业的特点激励多条跑道,以效益为主导。同时,由于集团员工的年龄结构普遍较轻,年轻职员的自我意识通常都比较强;所以联想在组织结构上淡化领导层的贵族化倾向,强调每个员工的公平发展。例如不做经理可以走技术职称的道路,有突出业绩的业务人员和销售人员的工资和奖金比他们的上司还高许多。联想集团认为激励机制应该是一个永远开放的系统,要随着时代、环境、市场形式的变化而不断变化。正是建立了适合自身的激励机制,使得联想集团在国内IT行业中始终处于不败的地位。通过以上的研究,不难发现对于企业来说,正确运用激励机制有着深远的意义。但是因为企业的性质各不相同,管理者在运用激励机制的时候切不可生搬硬套,只有根据企业自身的特点量体裁衣,选择适合的体制,这样才能达到事半功倍的效果。四、参考文献:① 孙彤 《组织行为学》高等教育出版社 2000年②作者不详《GE公司的员工激励体制》 中企人力资源网③作者不详《联想靠文化解决:不同背景、不同收入员工》 中企人力资源网



首先要明白激励理论: 期望理论认为如果个体感到在努力与绩效之间、绩效与奖赏之间、奖赏与个人目标的满足之间存在密切联系,那么他就会付出高度的努力;反过来,每一种联系又受到一定因素的影响。对于努力与绩效之间的关系来说,个人还必须具备必要的能力,对个体进行评估的绩效评估系统与必须公正、客观。对于绩效与奖赏之间的关系来说,如果个人感知到自己是因绩效因素而不是其他因素(如资历、个人爱好等)而受到奖励时,这种关系最为紧密。期望理论中最后一种联系是奖赏—目标之间的关系。在这一方面需要理论起着重要作用。当个人由于他的绩效而获得奖赏满足了与其目标一致的主导需要时,他的工作积极性会非常高。 高成就需要者不会因为组织对他的绩效评估以及组织奖赏而受到激励,对他们而言,努力与个体目标之间是一种直接关系。对于高成就需要者而言,只要他们所从事的工作能够使他们产生个体责任感、有信息反馈并提供了中等程度的风险,他们会产生内部的驱动力。这些人并不关心努力—绩效、绩效—奖赏以及奖赏—目标之间的关系。 强化理论认为,组织的奖励强化了个人的绩效。如果管理层次设计的奖励系统在员工看来是用于奖励卓越的工作绩效的,那么奖励将进一步强化和激励这种良好绩效。 最后,报酬也体现了公平理论的重要作用。个人经常会将自己的付出与所得比率同相关他人的比率进行对比,若感到二者之间不公平,将会影响到个体的努力程度。 激励下属的最基本的方法是:工作激励,成果激励和培训教育. 工作激励:通过设计合理的工作内容,分配适当的工作来激发员工内在的工作热情。 成果激励:在正确评估员工工作成果的基础上给予起合理的奖惩,以保证员工行为的良性循环。 培训教育:通过思想,文化教育和技术培训,提高员工的素质,从而增强员工的进取精神和工作能力。 具体的说: (一).合理设计,分配工作: 1. 工作内容要考虑到员工的爱好和特长。(首先,要事先对每一个员工的才能结构有一个比较清楚的认识,这是合理利用人力资源的前提,为此,管理者要注意观察各个人的工作情况,通过工作轮换,了解各个人的才能结构,其次,要从“这位员工能做什么”的角度来考虑问题,合理利用扬长避短) 2. 工作的目标应具有一定的挑战性。(要使工作的要求和目标具有挑战性,这样才能真正激发员工奋发向上的精神,根据“成就激励论----三种需要理论”人们的成就需要只有在完成了具有一定难度的任务时才会得到满足,如果把一项任务交给以为能力远远高于任务要求的员工做,他会对该工作越来越不感兴趣,越来越不满意,积极性下降;与之相反,则经过几次努力尚没有结果的话,员工会灰心丧气,正确的方法是把这项任务交给一个能力略低于工作要求的员工,让他可以通过思考努力,得到目标) (二).针对员工的需求,给予合理的报酬: 1. 奖品必须能在一定程度上满足员工的需求。(管理者要了解员工希望从工作中得到什么,一种方法是根据前人的或组织内部进行的研究结果,另一种方法是直接询问员工或者通过与员工一起工作生活体验员工的需求) 2. 奖励的多少应于员工的工作业绩相互挂钩。(管理者奖励员工的目的是为了使员工的行为有助于组织目标的实现,如果奖励不与员工的的工作绩效挂钩,那么奖励就失去了意义。可以通过按绩分配,效益分享,按劳分配,目标考核法等 (三).通过教育培训,增强员工自我激励的能力(一般而言,自身素质好的人,自信心和进取心就强比较注重高层次的追求,因此,相对来说比较容易自我激励,表现出高昂的士气和工作的热情): 1. 通过思想教育,树立崇高的理想和职业道德。(可以帮助员工正确地认识自身的价值,树立正确的职业道德观,形成崇高的理想和抱负,从而积极工作,勇于进取) 2. 通过专业技能培训,提高员工的工作能力。(进取心和个人业务素质相互促进,强烈的进取心会促使员工努力的掌握新的工作技能,而良好的工作素质使一个人有较多的成功机会,成功及由此而带来的心理满足的体验又会促使其在事业上攀登新的高峰。)

目标激励 目标激励,就是确定适当的目标,诱发人的动机和行为,达到调动人的积极性的目的。目标作为一种诱引,具有引发、导向和激励的作用。一个人只有不断启发对高目标的追求,也才能启发其奋而向上的内在动力。每个人实际上除了金钱目标外,还有如权力目标或成就目标等。管理者就是要将每个人内心深处的这种或隐或现的目标挖掘出来,并协助他们制定详细的实施步骤,在随后的工作中引导和帮助他们努力实现目标。当每个人的目标强烈和迫切地需要实现时,他们就对企业的发展产生热切的关注,对工作产生强大的责任感,平时不用别人监督就能自觉地把工作搞好。这种目标激励会产生强大的效果。 尊重激励 我们常听到“公司的成绩是全体员工努力的结果”之类的话,表面看起来管理者非常尊重员工,但当员工的利益以个体方式出现时,管理者会以企业全体员工整体利益加以拒绝,他们会说“我们不可以仅顾及你的利益”或者“你不想干就走,我们不愁找不到人”,这时员工就会觉得“重视员工的价值和地位”只是口号。显然,如果管理者不重视员工感受,不尊重员工,就会大大打击员工的积极性,使他们的工作仅仅为了获取报酬,激励从此大大削弱。这时,懒惰和不负责任等情况将随之发生。 尊重是加速员工自信力爆发的催化剂,尊重激励是一种基本激励方式。上下级之间的相互尊重是一种强大的精神力量,它有助于企业员工之间的和谐,有助于企业团队精神和凝聚力的形成。 参与激励 现代人力资源管理的实践经验和研究表明,现代的员工都有参与管理的要求和愿望,创造和提供一切机会让员工参与管理是调动他们积极性的有效方法。毫无疑问,很少有人参与商讨和自己有关的行为而不受激励的。因此,让职工恰当地参与管理,既能激励职工,又能为企业的成功获得有价值的知识。通过参与,形成职工对企业的归属感、认同感,可以进一步满足自尊和自我实现的需要。 工作激励 工作本身具有激励力量。为了更好地发挥员工工作积极性,管理者要考虑如何才能使工作本身更有内在意义和挑战性,给职工一种自我实现感。管理者要进行“工作设计”,使工作内容丰富化和扩大化,并创造良好的工作环境。还可通过员工与岗位的双向选择,使职工对自己的工作有一定的选择权。 培训和发展机会激励 随着知识经济的扑面而来,当今世界日趋信息化、数字化、网络化。知识更新速度的不断加快,使员工知识结构不合理和知识老化现象日益突出。他们虽然在实践中不断丰富和积累知识,但仍需要对他们采取等级证书学习、进高校深造、出国培训等激励措施,通过这种培训充实他们的知识,培养他们的能力,给他们提供进一步发展的机会,满足他们自我实现的需要。 荣誉和提升激励 荣誉是众人或组织对个体或群体的崇高评价,是满足人们自尊需要,激发人们奋力进取的重要手段。从人的动机看,人人都具有自我肯定、光荣、争取荣誉的需要。对于一些工作表现比较突出、具有代表性的先进员工,给予必要的荣誉奖励,是很好的精神激励方法。荣誉激励成本低廉,但效果很好。 当然我们在荣誉激励上,存在着评奖过滥过多的不正确现象。如评优中的“轮庄法”、“抓阉法”、“以官论级法”、“以钱划档法”、“老同志优先、体弱病残者优先”等的“优先法”等等,都使荣誉的“含金量”大大降低,使典型的榜样示范作用大打折扣,这是必须要大力加以纠正的。 另外,提升激励是对表现好、素质高的员工的一种肯定,应将其纳入“能上能下”的动态管理制度。 负激励 激励并不全是鼓励,它也包括许多负激励措施,如淘汰激励、罚款、降职和开除激励。 淘汰激励是一种惩罚性控制手段。按照激励中的强化理论,激励可采用处罚方式,即利用带有强制性、威胁性的控制技术,如批评、降级、罚款、降薪、淘汰等来创造一种令人不快或带有压力的条件,以否定某些不符合要求的行为。 现代管理理论和实践都指出,在员工激励中,正面的激励远大于负面的激励。越是素质较高的人员,淘汰激励对其产生的负面作用就越大。如果用双因素理论来说明这一问题可能更易让人理解。淘汰激励一般采用了单一考核指标,给员工造成工作不安定感,同时也很难让员工有总结经验教训的机会。同时还会使员工与上级主管之间的关系紧张,同事间关系复杂,员工很难有一个长期工作的打算。 就拿百度来说吧: 百度公司在创业期时,为了激励公司员工的更好的为公司的发展充分发挥自己的智慧和才干,针对业绩突出的优秀管理高层及优秀的中级管理层在公司任职期间,给予一定的公司期权千分比(也就像当于公司的年度纯利润的千份之几)作为激进奖金。从而让员工从意识上真正转变过来,把公司变成自己的公司一样去努力,去拓展;公司各部门之间的运作协调也更紧密,更高效。这样最终公司从上到下形成一种团结一心、目标一致,共同努力的新的高效企业氛围,从而把公司的发展带向一个更高更好的良性循环轨道。 这次百度在美国上市后,公司又进行新的调整,把原有的“期权”持有权改为“股票”持有权。哪知第一天股票上市一路飙升至原发行股的253%收盘,所以出现了媒体登出的《百度上市一夜之间创造数十名百万富翁》这样的新闻,这也是把公司的兴衰成败紧紧地同每个员工的切身利益挂在一起,一致能更好的激励每一名员工为公司的发展做出更高更好的贡献。 其实采用这种方式的欧美跨国大公司早在上个世纪就是年代已经实施,比如:美国微软,美国通用,日本丰田等企业。




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