

发布时间:2024-07-02 20:50:01



解剖学(构造)描述为了进行解剖学观察研究,菌株从表型不同的各组中选出。用电子扫描显微镜对每个菌株进行单独观察,发现它们的营养器官(菌丝体)和繁(生)殖器官(hymémium)是相似的。正如在处于生长期(过程)的菌丝体上观察到的众多欛所证实的(图1A),每个菌株都具有(展示出)一个双染色体特征的菌丝体。在成年(高龄)菇这里,组构成繁(生)殖器官的菌褶起先呈粉红色,接着过渡到伞菌目(家族)孢子特有的紫色。菌褶的纬线是规则的。在菌褶的脊部可以观察到两种不育体(统称Chéilocystides)。出现最频繁的(the most represented)不育体呈羊皮袋状,直径10mm并延伸为细尖(图1B)。其它不育细胞的末端为圆弧形(图1C)。有繁殖力的组成部分是大头棒形的担子,通常在每个(细胞)核的染色体减少后产出四个担子孢(图1D)。这些在不同菌株上观察到的孢子,大小基本相同(8×6mm)。在光学显微镜下观察,孢子表层显得光滑;在电子扫描显微镜下观察,表层略显绒毛状。它们(孢子)身上长有一个宽大的细孔(直径1mm)和一个与stérigmate(小梗?)作为衔接点的短小细尖。


意思是:解剖学描述的解剖学研究,株从每组选出表。对于每个 这些菌株,营养(菌丝体)和生殖(子实层)观察扫描电子显微镜被认为是相似的。每一株的菌丝体dicaryotique证明了这许多入口的丹格尔德观察菌丝生长。在真菌中世纪的缝形成I'hymenium ,首先rese ,采取紫色特点孢子在家庭Strophariaces 。织物带是经常。 I'arete带两个类型的不育因素可见, 代表也形,直径10毫米,并延长高峰(图75 ) 。 其他cystides无菌extrenite四舍五入。要素都是肥沃的担子claviforme 一般休眠后,减少色差 每个核心,四担孢子。这些 孢子,差不多大( 8毫米x6 ) chezles difftirentes株的研究,顺利的时候出现 观察在光学显微镜和出现 legPrement松软电子显微镜 扫描。他们有一个大孔( 1毫米dediametre )和apicule总之,点附件sterigmate IE浏览器。


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参考文献的引用应当实事求是、科学合理,不可以为了凑数随便引用。下面是我带来的关于 商务英语 论文的参考文献的内容,欢迎阅读参考!商务英语论文的参考文献(一) [1]张佐成。商务英语的理论与实践研究[M].北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2008. [2]魏晓锋,张敏珠,顾月琴。德国“双元制”职业 教育 模式的特点及启示[J].国家教育行政学院学报,2010,(01):92-95. [3]蒋莉。能力本位教育思潮[J].职教论坛,2004,(08):36-37. [4]刘颖,马春荣 ,王俊 .借鉴国外先进 经验 ,构建高职实践教学模式[J].辽宁高职学报,2009,(11): 55-57. [5]申厚坤,陶丽萍。高职商务英语专业“双证融通”[J].职业技术教育,2009,(11):30-31. [6]顾力平。高职院校实践教学体系构建研究[J].中国高教研究,2005,(11):67-68. [7]俞燕。以就业为导向商务英语专业实践教学体系的构建--以江苏城市职业学院为例[D].苏州:苏州大学,2011. [8]侯松,曾美芬。高职商务英语专业发展及其实践教学模式研究[J].河北师范大学学报,2008,(04):43-44. [9]王平安。职业教育实践教学概论[M].南京:南京大学出版社,2009. [10]刘春生,徐长发。职业教育学[M].北京:教育科学出版社,2002. [11]袁江。基于能力本位的教育观[J].中国职业技术教育,2005,(03):23-25. [12]王冰蔚。我们从能力本位职业教育吸取些什么[J].职教论坛,2002,(03):19-22. [13]高文。情境学习与情境认知[J].教育发展研究,2001,(8):30-35. [14] John Dewey. Experience and Education [M]..: Collier Books,1963. [15]乔伊斯,韦尔。当代教学模式[M].太原:山西教育出版社,2000. 商务英语论文的参考文献(二) 1. 王德春. 《语言学通论》. 南京:江苏教育出版社, 1990. 2. 王逢鑫. 《英汉比较语义学》. 北京:外文出版社, 2001. 3. 王还(主编). 《汉英对比论文集》. 北京:北京语言学院出版社. 1993. 4. 王季思. 《中国十大古典喜剧集》. 上海:上海文艺出版社, 1982. 5. 王克非. 《翻译 文化 史论》. 上海:上海外语教育出版社. 1997. 6. 王令坤(主编). 《英汉翻译技巧》. 上海:上海交通大学出版社. 1998. 7. 王希杰. 《汉语修辞学》. 北京:北京出版社, 1983. 8. 王希杰. 《修辞学导论》. 杭州:浙江教育出版社, 2000. 9. 王佐良、丁往道. 《英语文体学引论》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1990. 10. 王佐良. 《翻译:思考与试笔》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1989. 11. 魏志成. 《英汉语比较导论》. 上海:上海外语教育出版社. 2003. 12. 魏志成. 《英汉语比较导论》. 上海:上海外语教育出版社. 2003. 13. 翁显良. 《意态由来画不成?》 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1983. 商务英语论文的参考文献(三) [1]徐鲁亚。“商务英语”的学科定位与实践教学[J].民族教育研究,2005,(9):84-85. [2]李静艳。商务英语应用型人才为地方经济服务的探索与实践[J].长沙航空职业技术学院学报,2009,(5):22-25. [3]郭洪月。我国高等职业教育实践教学环节的研究[D].天津:天津大学,2007. [5]郭水兰。实践教学的内涵与外延[J].广西社会科学,2004,(10):186-187. [6]徐国庆。实践导向职业教育课程研究:技术学范式[M].上海:上海教育出版社,2004. [7]李国艳,田鸣。系统化实践教学体系--基于就业导向视角的研究[M].北京:经济管理出版社,2012. [8]马树超。做学合一与职业学校变革[J].教育与职业,2009,(05):40-42. [29]刘德恩。论高职课程特色[J].职业技术教育,2001,(6):3-6. [9]廖英,莫再树。国际商务英语语言与翻译研究[M].北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2007. [10]王媛。高职教育的实践教学体系研究[D].天津:河北工业大学,2008. [11]伍波。浅论高职实践教学存在的问题及对策[J].经济师,2008,(5):146. [12] 邓英剑 ,刘忠伟。高等职业教育实践教学存在的问题及其对策[J].中国电力教育。2008,(9):89-92. [13]吴雄彪,花有清,郑一平。高职实践教学体系的内涵与质量评价[J].金华职业技术学院学报,2004,(03):47-50. [14]叶澜。教育学原理[M].北京:人民教育出版社,2007. [15]林添湖。对国际商务英语教学的三点思变[J].国际商务研究,2004,(1):60-61. [16]王蔷。教学法教程[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2006. 猜你喜欢: 1. 英语论文的参考文献大全 2. 商务英语专业毕业论文范文 3. 浅谈商务英语论文范文 4. 商务英语专业论文范文 5. 商务英语毕业论文范本

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There is a saying that who you socialize with defines who you are.


I find it very inspiring.


Find a healthier socializing way.


Don't fall into the pit of gossip, especially not in the office.


The reason some people participate in workplace gossip in the first place is that they are afraid of being isolated.


If this is exactly your situation, then you are drinking poison to quench thirst.


One of the worst things of workplace gossip is that it does not have much logic. Participants simply hope that other people will recognize their opinions so that they themselves can get emotional satisfaction.


People who share the same opinions as them are friends, otherwise they are enemies.


Whether the gossip concerns the family life of a colleague or private life of a celebrity, it is essentially the same.


Such kind of socializing will not give you any chance of self-improvement. Instead, it may lead you to a moral abduction.


It would be better for you to take some courses and learn skills that interest you on your spare time.


Or you can join some hobby groups and meet like-minded people.


There goes an old saying: We would rather fight with a sensible person than argue with an idiot.



There are many kinds of panic.


And one of the most terrifying one of them all is moral panic.


Moral panic is defined as public anxiety or alarm in response to a perceived threat to the moral standard of the society.


The road to moral panic has several stops.


The first is concern.


This concern spreads from person to person, and is amplified by cultural forces until rational concern becomes irrational fear.


People come to believe something terrible is happening. Something they cannot see. Something they can't control.


It has come for others. It will come for them.


The result of this can be very dangerous because, whether or not the threat is real, the response certainly is.


And it is often excessive.


For example, you may know the disastrous witch-hunt in the Western history.


Too many innocent people died in it.


So ask yourself: What's more terrifying? Fear? Or the frightened?



Whenever I began to clean the house, my routine is to turn on my husband's PS3 and play my music folder (which contains a great variety of artists, might I add) but just a moment ago I grabbed a seat to take a little break and as I was sitting.


Chris Botti came on, the song, "Embraceable You" and it relaxed me and I had become so comfortable in my seat that my mind drifted away to a beautiful scene of a moment of mine back in time and right then I said to myself "This is what I love".


I love a peace of mind. I mean, you just can't buy that. I often find myself reveling in the many moments I'm blessed to receive that provides my environment to be at ease.


And right now, I'm alone, the house has a wonderful aroma in the air, the music is playing, the door is ajar , the fan is on, the windows are open and the sun is shining so bright that it gives my place the perfect light. Aah!!! I love this feeling!


No one is calling me, knocking at my door and there is no loud hustle and bustle outside.


Then I started thinking, Lord, what did I do to deserve this moment? Never mind, I just want to enjoy it. Thank you Lord for allowing me this peaceful feeling of freedom. I hope all that maybe reading this can soon indulge in a mental pleasure such as this. There is nothing like it.




坚持下去的理由Reason to Keep Going

Just because life has let you down, it doesn’t mean that you must let yourself down. Pick yourself up, quickly take a positive step, and know that you are closer to reaching your goal than you have ever been before.


You have already been through some of the hard part and experienced some of the difficulty that you have to go through. So keep going, and make that experience count.


Change your approach if that is what is called for. Learn from where you have been, adapt and adjust your efforts to be even more effective.


Every day, every encounter1 and every outcome is a new opportunity to move yourself forward. Keep focusing on the goal you have chosen, and keep moving in the best way that you know.


Disappointments are just as much a part of the process as victories. Be truly thankful for it all, and in your gratitude you will find a way to put it all to positive use.


Whatever has happened is a perfect reason to keep going. Keep going, and create the life you have chosen to live.


给自己的礼物Gifts That You Give Yourself

Are you burdened by your conesquences, or is your life blessed by the consequences you create? That depends entirely on the choices you make.


It may seem at times that the consequences are there to punish you. Actually, they are there as a manifestation of your thoughts, your actions and your attitude.


You cannot change the consequences that flow from specific actions. However, you can indeed change the actions you choose to take, and, by so doing, you can decide what consequences you create.


Consequences are gifts that you give to yourself, created by the choices you make. If you don’t like the consequences you have been getting, that is a clear message that you are sending yourself.


Positive and meaningful thoughts and actions bring desirable conesquences. As reliably as day follows night, the way you live creates the life you experience.


Take control of your consequences by putting positive intention into your choices. Make use of the power you have, and you can go wherever you choose.



People often make resolutions at the beginning of the New Year. They work hard at them for a few weeks, maybe even a few months, and then forget about them. The next year, they make the same New Year’s resolutions. Why?


They may be making goals that are too unrealistic1. That is not to say that they are not worthy goals. They need to be broken into smaller, more specific, and more attainable pieces. You probably know the joke. How do you eat an elephant? One spoonful at a time. It is the same with goals. Make spoon-size goals and achieve them easily. When you’ve mastered this, get a bigger spoon!


You may have filled your timetable with so many things that there is little room for your goals to grow. careful about how you use your time and what you focus on. Success often comes when you know what to leave out, rather than what to include in your life. Notice, too, how much time you spend on small things. Have you ever just "had" to clean your office before you could begin your project? Then you know how this works!


Goal setting is like the pig and the chicken who went out for a walk in the town. The chicken became excited when she saw a sign that said "Pork & Eggs, $". She said to the pig, "We’ve got double billing again." The pig said, "For you, it’s all in a day’s work. For me, it’s total commitment2."Goal setting is all in a day’s work. Goal achievement is total commitment.




There is a saying that who you socialize with defines who you are.


I find it very inspiring.


Find a healthier socializing way.


Don't fall into the pit of gossip, especially not in the office.


The reason some people participate in workplace gossip in the first place is that they are afraid of being isolated.


If this is exactly your situation, then you are drinking poison to quench thirst.


One of the worst things of workplace gossip is that it does not have much logic. Participants simply hope that other people will recognize their opinions so that they themselves can get emotional satisfaction.


People who share the same opinions as them are friends, otherwise they are enemies.


Whether the gossip concerns the family life of a colleague or private life of a celebrity, it is essentially the same.


Such kind of socializing will not give you any chance of self-improvement. Instead, it may lead you to a moral abduction.


It would be better for you to take some courses and learn skills that interest you on your spare time.


Or you can join some hobby groups and meet like-minded people.


There goes an old saying: We would rather fight with a sensible person than argue with an idiot.



There are many kinds of panic.


And one of the most terrifying one of them all is moral panic.


Moral panic is defined as public anxiety or alarm in response to a perceived threat to the moral standard of the society.


The road to moral panic has several stops.


The first is concern.


This concern spreads from person to person, and is amplified by cultural forces until rational concern becomes irrational fear.


People come to believe something terrible is happening. Something they cannot see. Something they can't control.


It has come for others. It will come for them.


The result of this can be very dangerous because, whether or not the threat is real, the response certainly is.


And it is often excessive.


For example, you may know the disastrous witch-hunt in the Western history.


Too many innocent people died in it.


So ask yourself: What's more terrifying? Fear? Or the frightened?



Whenever I began to clean the house, my routine is to turn on my husband's PS3 and play my music folder (which contains a great variety of artists, might I add) but just a moment ago I grabbed a seat to take a little break and as I was sitting.


Chris Botti came on, the song, "Embraceable You" and it relaxed me and I had become so comfortable in my seat that my mind drifted away to a beautiful scene of a moment of mine back in time and right then I said to myself "This is what I love".


I love a peace of mind. I mean, you just can't buy that. I often find myself reveling in the many moments I'm blessed to receive that provides my environment to be at ease.


And right now, I'm alone, the house has a wonderful aroma in the air, the music is playing, the door is ajar , the fan is on, the windows are open and the sun is shining so bright that it gives my place the perfect light. Aah!!! I love this feeling!


No one is calling me, knocking at my door and there is no loud hustle and bustle outside.


Then I started thinking, Lord, what did I do to deserve this moment? Never mind, I just want to enjoy it. Thank you Lord for allowing me this peaceful feeling of freedom. I hope all that maybe reading this can soon indulge in a mental pleasure such as this. There is nothing like it.

